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I’m currently without medical coverage, so I’m looking for some advise on where to get Prep the easiest online and what will be required that won’t break the bank with out of pocket cost. 

  • drscorpio changed the title to How to Get Prep Online
  On 2/11/2021 at 7:52 PM, NJBiGuy said:

I’m currently without medical coverage, so I’m looking for some advise on where to get Prep the easiest online and what will be required that won’t break the bank with out of pocket cost. 


I would look for a medcaid plan, they were expanded under Obama Care when it was enacted.  In California, you are forced into a Medicaid (here medi-cal) if your not insured.  Under Medicaid, PreP is covered 100%

The simplest way is to contact a local LGBT medical service center they will guide you through getting covered and getting on PreP.

PreP is simple math or insurance companies, state and federal health organizations.  It is significantly cheaper for you to be on PreP than treating / managing some with HIV.  There are significant incentives to get people on PreP if that's what they want to do.  Looking for you local LGBT resource, that is your fastest path.  Truvada out of pocket shows as a 2k plus cost, but opens a different conversation about cash vs. insurance. etc.

Hope this helps a little.

  On 2/21/2021 at 10:07 PM, Navi38 said:

''PreP is covered 100%''

PreP is simple math or insurance companies, state and federal health organizations.  It is significantly cheaper for you to be on PreP than treating / managing some with HIV. 


That could be but in some county's like here in the Netherlands prep isn't covered at all by insurance companies. the couverment has made a compensation available for 5 years for generic prep, so its cheaper, but not for free. and besides that the only way to get prep with compensation is by the healtcare ''GGD'' and they have waiting lists for monts. full = full. couverment don't pay more than they give.

so it's too simple to say insurance companies cover it. weird thing actually, when u get HIV, they do cover it and not the generic version. no, the expensive Truvada 🙄


Before Prep became available for free on the NHS, I used to purchase it directly from an online pharmacy called unitedpharmacies-uk.md.  I think they’re based in Hong Kong, but the Prep itself is manufactured in India.  They were reliable and not too expensive (about $40-50 for 30 tablets), and the product they sent was not only tested and deemed ‘kosher’ by the sexual health centre I use here in London, but actually recommended by them at a time when Prep was not universally available here.  A prescription was not required.

I don’t know if US regulations prevent the importation of such medication for personal use, or if they make a prescription mandatory.  But the same online pharmacy does have a presence in the US, just a slightly different web address: unitedpharmacies.md

The product isn’t described as ‘Prep’: you have to search for ‘Tenvir-EM’

There are many other similar online pharmacies.

Ideally, though, if you’re planning to take Prep on a long-term basis, you should have a kidney function test beforehand to make sure your body can cope with it, and then further tests at regular intervals  to monitor any changes.

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