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Ally bred at pride outing (1/x)

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Molly and I were 18 and moved to New York right after graduation from a small town in Louisiana in 2005. We never fit in but we kept each other sane. 


For some reason it was the slapping sound that brought him back to earth. He was completely naked, bent over on an armchair, knees on the cushion, head on his arms draped on the back.

He couldn't quite picture the guy fucking his ass. He'd been talking to this tall dude... Wait that was a while ago. It was the mid 30s black guy whose breathe smelled of whisky... I grabbed his dick... Yes I wanted to get fucked... I sniffed what learned were poppers... 

The pace of the slapping increased. My cock dripped precum. "Oh yeah baby. I'm gonna cum." He buried his cock in me. I reached back. It was big. I snapped to attention. I couldn't feel a condom. I pulled away, towards the chairback but he stayed inside, pressing his chest and stomach against my back. "I'm almost finished baby."

I couldn't believe what I'd done.


We showed up knowing nobody with a really sketchy sublet in Greenpoint for a month. The apartment sucked and was almost certainly illegal. But it was exciting. We were surrounded by characters and the city couldn't have been more exciting to us. Molly was super outgoing and within a week we had a circle of friends. Several of our new friends weren't straight. Of course that was fine but it was also genuinely novel. We actually hadn't known any (open) gay people. 

We ended up quickly getting close with a gay couple who also rented in our building. They were just nice guys and we quickly got into a joint cooking coop. Lol. Anyway, pride was coming up (it didn't used to be the whole month lol) and our friends invited us to a cool party the night before the parade. 

We were warned that it would be "pretty gay" but of course that was fine. Despite our background we were no homophobes.


He finally pulled out and gave my ass a pat. 

"Can I use your shower?"

"Sorry man it's not my place."

I looked around. "Yeah man let's find you some clothes."

"Are they not right here?" I asked and looked around.

"Not sure man, you were already naked when I met you."

Jesus. For now I just needed to put on clothes. My new friend gave me his sweatshirt and rooted around in some dude's bedroom until he found some basketball shorts that I could wear. I never got his name.


The party started at some 4th floor walkup in the LES. The full floor space appeared to be separated only by Chinese panels and curtains. 

Molly and I got "dressed up" in a way that fully betrayed our innocence. 

The party was like 9:1 guys and someone had hardcore gay porn playing on the side of a bedsheet in the middle of the living area.

Molly was buzzing. The place was crushed, the noise deafening. It was electric. She leaned back and yelled jokingly in my ear, "pretty good porn, huh?" Then grabbed my crotch... Where she found my rock hard cock. I couldn't believe how turned on I was. 

"Jeez," was all she said. I didn't know how to respond. "Chill out. It's just sexually charged." I rubbed against her ass. "You know it's all for you," I said lightly. She twisted away and melted into the thick crowd. 

What the fuck? I was genuinely caught off guard by her jealousy? Disgust? Whatever. No reason to let her ruin the night. 

I got a drink and circulated, having half heard conversations with some guys. "I'm straight." I yelled to a beautiful blonde. He also grabbed my crotch and I followed up with, "I'm pretty sure!" 

He put a pill in my hand and smiled. I swallowed it with some pbr. Fuck it.

I hadn't seen Molly in a while and I walked around looking for her. Finally I saw Phil, half of the couple who invited us. "Ted took her home. She was drunk and upset and we couldn't find you."

Fuck. This was going to be unpleasant eventually. Phil saw my face and said "look, she's gonna pass out and be alright in the morning. You should stay out and have fun." 

My head started swimming and I somehow decided to blurt out "I took a pill."

Phil laughed and danced into the party.



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