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  On 2/28/2022 at 12:47 AM, Hairypiglet said:

Your writing is about as bad as it gets.

I'm laughing.

I'm crying.

I'm laughing through crying.

I hate you.

I need more.


Lol, did you really mean it’s bad?  Even if so, I’m glad you laughed and cried, and want more, that’s my goal!  

Guest WelshBBCigarFuck
  On 2/28/2022 at 9:45 PM, Hairypiglet said:

You write beautifully. 


I got the joke about it being bad, the fact he hits a lot of trigger points with his writing and the telling of the story, it does trigger an emotional reaction.

  On 2/28/2022 at 10:27 PM, WelshBBCigarFuck said:

I got the joke about it being bad, the fact he hits a lot of trigger points with his writing and the telling of the story, it does trigger an emotional reaction.


Ahhhhhhhhhhhh….. NOW I get it.  Thanks for explaining that, WelshBB!  I’m a little slow.  Lol





SIX MORE DAYS!  I really wanted to excuse myself to the bathroom so I could cry without Tom seeing.  I almost can’t handle the emotions I’m feeling.  I was barely keeping it together.  Tom isn’t shutting me out anymore, last night in his arms was everything I needed to heal the wounds of the last year.  Part of those were self inflicted because I kept telling myself I should have known better than to fall in love with my straight best friend.  But the sex had made that line too easy to cross.  Oh fuck that… it’s bullshit.  TOM made that line easy to cross, in fact it was impossible NOT to cross.  Why’d he have to be so fucking wonderful?  So sweet?  So secure and self assured?  So kind and loving?  Why did he have to care about me, and then show it in a million different ways?  Shit, I could keep the list going for an hour, and then spend another hour on a list of all his sexy physical attributes, how hot he was to me, down to the way he walked heel to toe like a demonstration of how humans were meant to walk.  I guess I didn’t think losing him would hurt so bad.  I guess I overestimated my ability to keep my feelings in check.  And when he hadn’t answered my letters… letters in which I’d been so careful to avoid any mention of US so that he’d see I was okay with not having him in my life so that I actually COULD have him in my life, on whatever terms he wanted I expected something, anything that would tell me he was okay with going back to the friend zone.  But not getting a single letter back, that gutted me.  Still, I couldn’t stop writing letters to him.  At least by writing him letters it felt like he was still there, just a little. And I guess doing that allowed me to keep my foolish hope alive.


I spent over a year knowing no one was ever going to stack up to Tom, and I was going to be alone because I couldn’t disappear him like he disappeared me.  And that was even worse, that kick in the stomach, that he could disappear me.  It seemed so easy for him to do.  But then this morning he said he hadn’t been able to, that it was too hard for him, and he hurt as much as me.


“Hey, I have to use the bathroom, be right back.” I said to them, not waiting for a response.  I nearly made it before the tears started.  I quickly closed the door and sat on the floor and let the storm take me.  See, a strange thing happens when your pain leaves you… your mind decides to say a personal goodbye to every wound, every kick, every single tear you’ve shed and you re-live the memories and a piece of the feelings.  Before the happiness can be real, your traitorous brain inflicts a twisted tragic play upon you that it won’t let you ignore.  I was happy, so happy…but I was sad for myself that I had endured such abject misery.  You cry because the ordeal, this labor of Hercules, is over.  But your mind also doesn’t want to let go of the pain it got used to, so it invents new pain, fictional deceptive pain, so it can just keep chugging along without having to do the adjustment work of changing its perception.  It says ‘but wait…are you SURE you’re free?  Are you absolutely confident you won’t still hurt?  Here’s where you might be wrong about the torture being over…’


I was so mad at him yesterday, so angry that I wanted to be there for him after the death of his dad and he wouldn’t fucking let me.  I was also filled with joy that we were in the same room together again and he was talking to me.  I knew what he was feeling, knew he was lost inside, knew he was frustrated with just wanting to lose himself but he couldn’t because he had to be the man.  I knew him as deeply as I knew myself.  And he had to keep me away from him.  Couldn’t let me love him for even just a moment.  Didn’t want me to show him that he needed me.  If I hadn’t wanted to kiss him so badly, I would have hit him.  Anger and joy… the two ingredients of a perfect emotional cyclone.  Today I was fine as long as I knew that what we had was just this one day after which we’d endure another separation that we could use to figure out how to make this work.  I still needed to finish college, he needed to get wherever he was going with the Army.  We could use the return to normalcy to make decisions with clear heads.  I already decided when I got my degree I’d just find a job where he got stationed and we’d do the ‘just a roommate’ thing, or if he wasn’t willing to take that risk we’d get separate apartments near each other.  We could figure it out, there were options.  That was one of the ‘I wish…’ fantasies I’d used to comfort myself over the last 16 months, entertaining all the different ways we could have gotten around the Army’s ban on gays.  But now we had a whole week with each other and figuring it out now was going to come up.  Fantasies were all well and good but when you had to face the practicalities everything got messy.  What if it couldn’t work?  What if it was too difficult and the only decision was we couldn’t be together?  And what if Tom changed his mind and decided to be with women again?  The possibilities for failure seemed like a dark cloud hanging over my happiness.  And I cried for the unwelcome thought that it might have been better if I’d let Tom have his way and left it alone.  At least I’d become used to the pain, as bad as it was, but now I had to face the possibility of going through it all again and it was bringing the fragile house of cards I’d built crashing to the ground.  My head was all over the place and I was caught between wanting to focus on the happy part but knowing I couldn’t ignore the sad part.


There was a knock on the door.  “Kev, you okay?”  It was Tom.


I replied too quickly and failed to hide the turmoil in my voice.  “Yeah babe, doing great.”  Seriously?  Doing great? Supposedly just using the bathroom?  No one in a stable state of mind answers ‘doing great’ if all they are doing is pissing in a toilet.


“Well that sounds like bullshit.”  Tom answered.  He didn’t wait, and I heard the lock pop just before the door opened.  He saw me sitting there and quickly shut the door.  He sat down beside me, shoulder touching shoulder and leaned his head on me.  “I know Kev.” He sighed.  “Me too.  But we’ll figure it out, we do this together, okay buddy?  You don’t have to go through this alone anymore.  It’s not going to be easy, but we WILL figure it out.  I’m sorry I put you through this.”  And he turned and buried his head in my hair.  And that was all it took to shut down the spinning gears in my head.  We sat like that, me in a state of calm that only Tom could give me, him breathing in the smell of my hair like it was scented candle.


“So, was last night your first time?” He uttered into my hair.




He chuckled.  “I like that we were each other’s first.”


That.  That right there was on the list of a million things I loved about him.  It was how he knew exactly what I was thinking and just said it.  Or maybe it was that we could feel exactly the same about something in the same moment.


“Was it okay? Did you like it?”  He asked, finally withdrawing his head to look at me.


I smiled.  “You want to stick your dick in me again, don’t you?”  I laughed and it echoed in the confines of the small bathroom.


He gave me a thoroughly pathetic sad puppy look.  It just wasn’t something he could pull off.  Tom was nowhere near a sad pathetic puppy.  No, that look on him made it seem like the panther was trying to fool its prey to become less wary just before pouncing to devour it.


“Oh come on!” I said with laughter.  “You look like an idiot.”  And then he stuck his tongue out in a ridiculous eager pant and I lost it completely.


I pushed him away.  “Yes, fine.  You know it was amazing.  Everything you do is amazing.  We can trade off fucking each other.”


He laughed.  “Nope.  I still want you to fuck me more, but every so often I want a piece of that.” He punctuated his words with a lustful look at my ass.


“Anything you want, Tom.” I said quietly.


“Anything you want, Kev.” He repeated.  He leaned his head on my shoulder again.  “Hey, how about we spend the week like we were in high school again?  We don’t ruin it with trying to figure out what comes next or thinking about having to go away next weekend?”


That sounded good to me.  I gave him a soft kiss.  “I missed you.”


“I know, Kev.  Me too.”


“Do you want to hang out with Carol tonight?  We can ask her if she wants to come over.”  He asked.


Just like high school.  “Yeah, that would be fun.  If she doesn’t, we can offer to drive her to the airport for her flight tomorrow.  I hung out with her the day of your dad’s funeral, but I know she’d love to spend time with you too.  You need to tell us what’s been going on with you and about the Army life.”  I responded.


“Do I have to?  It’s kinda boring, just training and learning, and tests and getting yelled at a lot.”  Tom explained.


“Hmmmm” I said, not believing that for a second.  “You left out shooting guns, blowing stuff up, group showers, naked soldiers.  We’ll get it out of you.”  I stood up and he followed me.  “Let’s go out there.  I’m sure your mom and Tim are wondering what we’re doing locked in here.”


He raised his eyebrows.  “Well since no one is screaming about getting fucked, I think they’ll assume we’re just talking.”


I was just as embarrassed as him, I just hid it better.  Or at least I thought I did.


We called Carol and she was just as excited as we were to hang out again.  Tom’s mom suggested we invite her for dinner.


“Hey, um….would it be alright if I got my stuff from home and just stayed here for the week?”  I asked Tom’s mom when we had a moment alone.


She smiled.  “I didn’t buy all this food for just the boys.  I had a feeling you’d be here more than just today. I’m glad you worked things out.  Tom hasn’t been the same for a long time.  His father and I..” she paused and a hurt look washed over her face.  “We were worried about him.  He hasn’t been happy.”


I hugged her and we just stood there for a few moments.  “It’s going to be hard, I know.  I liked him a lot, even though he never stopped telling me to cut my hair.  Or calling me a hippie.  So you both knew?”


“We couldn’t really hear you two, you know.  But we figured it out.  The way you two always cuddled on the couch, the sleepovers, the looks Tom always gave you and your absolute infatuation with him.  And Tim was coming to us with questions.  His father had a hard time with it at first but we talked about it and saw how happy he was with you and Carol.  We thought it was probably just a phase he was going through, but when he changed into a different person after enlisting, closed himself off we knew it was hurting him.”  She sighed.    “He had to make his own choices.  Kevin, thank you for coming back.  I know it would have been easier for you to stay away.  Tom’s never been the type to have a large circle of friends, he’s always picked just one or two to hold close.  You’re good for him.  I’m concerned though, about the Army.  Hopefully all this talk of gays in the military will change things, but you both need to be careful.”


“I know.  We know.”  I said.  “Maybe Bill Clinton will change the policy, he said he would during his campaign.  But who knows?  I’ve got college to finish, so at the least we won’t be able to see each other for a while.  We promised we wouldn’t talk about it this week.  We lost a whole year and a half and we want to just enjoy this week.”


“Well if your parents don’t mind, we’ll be happy to have you here.  It’s nice to have the house full.  Makes it a little easier.  I have to be a little selfish and say it feels right having three of you around.”


I hugged her again.  “Thanks Mrs. Brickmann.  I like it here too.”


“Are you taller?  I swear you’re taller.”  She commented swallowed in my arms.


“Yeah, I grew two inches.  Probably done now though, but I’m as tall as Tom.”  I answered.


Dinner was great.  Mrs. Brickmann was an awesome cook and you could just tell she loved taking care of everyone.  Tim couldn’t stop smiling at Tom and I.  Tom told us stories of his time in the Army which he tried to make sound boring but I think we could all tell he loved every minute.  He was the same Tom, mostly.  Yes, he was more serious but his underlying self confidence which was unshakable before had only grown.  To me, he seemed like he could fight a war all by himself.  He’d gained 20 pounds of muscle looking even more sexy, and the way he moved …. Fuck it made me hard just watching him lift his glass to take a drink.  Every movement was so measured and in control.  Smooth.  He’d always reminded me of a jungle cat, but this version of Tom was an apex predator.  I couldn’t wait to get him into bed tonight.  We weren’t going to get much sleep.  I just couldn’t decide whether I wanted him to fuck me more than I wanted to fuck him.  Before this morning I really had no desire to get fucked.  But when Tom had taken me half asleep the feeling of our connection made my heart sing.  I can’t describe it.  The closest I can come is that he wasn’t fucking my ass, he was filling my soul with love.


After dinner, we all did the dishes while Mrs. Brickmann sat at the breakfast bar drinking a glass of wine watching us have fun.  Carol sprayed Tom with the sink sprayer so he threw her over his shoulder and told Tim and I to spank her pretty little butt.  She squealed and it sounded like she was enjoying it more than hating it.


The three of us sat in the living room talking like old times, Tom sandwiched between Carol and I.  Mom and Tim had gone to bed so we could talk alone.


Carol wasn’t seeing any one guy seriously, but was enjoying herself with the unique type of Southern California ‘dude’ that she said littered the area.  She said her favorite kind was the dumb version of surfer she could talk into just about anything.  She said that she still hadn’t found anything as hot as having sex with us, but she wasn’t giving up.  She said she wanted to find a guy who wouldn’t be a weak little bitch.  She was fine with him being a little bitch, he just had to be a man about it.  We heard a couple of her favorite stories, one about a UCLA Bruins football player, a wide receiver who loved her to smack him around.  If she could get him past being a little boy he might do nicely.  Tom and I knew Carol’s particular flavor of dominance and understood only a certain type of personality would do.  They had to meet her level of intensity rather than shrink in total submission.  She didn’t want a servile toy.  She wanted a beast to tame.  She wanted a vicious feral animal that tested her control, kept her on her toes and forced her to stay alert and wary lest he turn on her.  When you controlled an animal like that you borrowed their power and strength as your own.  Tom told her that like any animal, you needed to train them and that she should be willing to put in the work if she wanted the reward.  Her Wide Receiver sounded perfect for her.  He was all testosterone and suppressed game day rage, a little bit of an arrogant dick to be honest, but she said when they were alone he went meek and soft, practically worshipping her.


“Train him.  Like any pet you have to let them know specifically what your expectations are.”  Tom said.


I had been mostly silent up until now, thinking like I do, crunching all the details she’d said and examining the gaps of what was missing.  “Tom’s right.” I said.  “He’s a momma’s boy, with an overbearing father I think.  He thinks treating women like soft, fragile creatures is what a man is supposed to do.  You have to get him off that leash.  He thinks his big dick will hurt you, thinks you’ll bruise and his 6’3” muscles will crush you.  What would his coach do if he played football like that?”


“Hmmmm.” She said, her eyes unfocusing as she thought.  “Yell at him, find some way to motivate him.  And I really want him to bruise me a little.”


I laughed at that last part.  “Exactly.  Give him a motivation.”  I agreed.  “Sounds like he wants to treat you like a princess.  He needs to understand that you don’t need that.  Remember how you tortured Tom by not giving him what he wanted?  Remember how you felt when you thought Tom was gay and you were going to show him what he was missing?  Nothing was off the table in your bag of tricks and it led to the hottest sex you’ve ever had.  And you did the same thing to me. You didn’t hold back.  Sounds like you put yourself on a leash too.  This guy sounds like he wants to play, he just doesn’t know how.  Teach the boy to be a man.  He’s got it in him, you see it when he’s on the field so you just have to show him he can be that guy in bed with you.”


“Okay.  That’s me.  What about you two?  Are you okay?”  She asked.


I looked at Tom and smiled.  “Yeah, very okay.”


“Good, you two need each other.”


Tom raised an eyebrow.  “You two want to relive some more old times?” He grinned.  I smiled wider.  I was kind of hoping we might end up here.


We both looked at Carol.  She smiled, but I could tell it would be a no.  “I’ve got something else in mind.  Besides, you two should use every minute of this week for yourselves.  I want to, but you both know it wouldn’t be the same.  And then all we’d think about was how it didn’t measure up to what we remembered, and the disappointment would ruin what we used to have.”


I knew she was right.  She was always right about these things.  “So what were you thinking of doing.”




I gawked.  We should have expected that, I suppose.  I looked at Tom.  He looked at me with surprise on his face, then Carol.


“He could do worse than you teaching him the ways of women.” Tom said.


“Hey!  I think you meant he couldn’t do better.  Didn’t you?” She threatened.


“I don’t know.” Tom played.  “I don’t want my baby brother to get broken by some she devil.”


Carol crossed her arms.  “If he’s anything like you it will take a lot to break him.  But don’t worry, I’ll keep my dial set to reasonable.”


I chuckled.  Carol’s ‘reasonable’ was a normal person’s level 8.


Tom shrugged.  “If you’re going to do it, better get up there before he finishes himself off.  He’s probably been jacking off since he went to his room.”


I laughed.  “He’s not.”  I argued.  “He’s waiting for us to have sex so he can listen through the wall.”


Carol laughed too at that.  “I just got a better idea.  Let’s all go to his room.”


Holy shit.  Was she thinking what I thought she was thinking?


“I’m not having sex with my little brother, you pervert.” Tom said to Carol.


“He’s not little.  He reminds me a lot of you back in school.  And that’s not what I was thinking.”  Carol replied.


Tom had a slightly worried look.  “Okayyyyy”


As if he knew we were talking about him, Tim came down the stairs.  “Just needed some water.”  He said, trying to sound too casual.


Tom chuckled.  “Liar.  You were hoping to spy on us fucking our brains out.”  Poor Tim turned red as a beet.


“No I wasn’t.”  He lied.


Carol laughed.  “Come here, Tim.” She ordered.  Tim didn’t even take a breath before he was in front of us.  She still had it, that ability to take control before you knew what hit you.  “We were just talking about you.” She said smoothly.  “Have you kissed a girl?”


Tim shrugged.  “Yeah, a couple.  Why?”


“You know we can tell when you’re lying.  You’re just like Tom, you get red here, and here.” She gestured to his face.  “A real kiss?  Or just a quick peck of the lips?”


Tim wouldn’t meet her eyes and got a little redder.


“Yeah, I thought so. Kevin, kiss Tom.”  She ordered calmly like she was asking me to pass her the mashed potatoes at dinner, not looking away from Tim.  I felt that old familiar thrill Carol could instill when she gave me direction of what to do to Tom.


I put my hand around the back of Tom’s neck and pulled him to me and I felt him melt and dive into my eyes.  Suddenly, we were alone in that beautiful place only he could take me and I loved how instantaneous and easy it was to get there when I touched him.  I stayed there with him, so relaxed but also excited, until I heard Carol’s voice.


“See?  That is a kiss.  They go somewhere and nothing else matters.  That’s what you want.”  She explained.


I let Tom go and couldn’t stop smiling.  Every time.  Every time was like this.  He made me love him because he did that to me every time I touched him, kissed him, or held him.  I was already halfway gone just being in the same room with him.  And the look on his face said he was there too.  My blood was pumping, and I saw the red flush creep up his neck.  He reached out and touched my lips, his fingers were shaking.


“Those lips.” He whispered.  Just like he did after our first Kiss.  I suddenly didn’t care about Carol, or Tim.  He had nothing in his world but me right then.  It made me feel heady and recklessly wanton.  Out of the corner of my eye I saw Carol kissing Tim but it hardly registered.  It was just another detail of the room, like the coffee table or the lamp beside the couch.


“Let’s go.” I said, reaching up to hook my fingers through his teeth to grab him by his lower jaw like I’d done that day in the hallway in front of English class, pulling him up off the couch.  He never took his eyes off me.    I picked him up in my arms, loving how solid he felt, just the right weight to let my strength recognize the substance of him.  He wasn’t too heavy for me and created a soothing balance in my arms.  I kissed him again as we climbed the stairs to his room.


Closing the door with my foot, I set him on his feet and almost ripped his clothes off him before throwing him naked on the bed.  His cock was hard and standing rigid away from his stomach its length reaching to his belly button.  He had the most amazing thick cock.


“Yes.” He breathed.  “I want you so bad.”


I started at his mouth, his big sexy mouth, invading him with my tongue.  I licked up the side of his face before finding my way to his ear, nibbling and driving my tongue around the whirls.  I sucked on his earlobe and licked that tender spot behind it. I just wanted to taste him, use my mouth to feel his entire body one inch at a time.  I bit his neck softly, just enough so I hear him grunt.  My hands gripped his rib cage and I pressed in before running up into his armpits so that I could pull his arms above his head and pin them there, leaving him vulnerable and exposed.  I used one hand across his wrists to hold him in place while my other hand danced across his military honed action ready body.  He felt different too, we’d both improved over the last eighteen months.  He was all hard and sculpted.


“Aren’t you going to get naked?”  He asked, breathing hard.


I covered his mouth with my own and kissed him deeply with languid movements of my lips and tongue.  “Shhhhhh” I said.  “Close your eyes.  You’re all mine.”  I felt him relax and go limp and knew I could let his wrists go.  He wouldn’t move.  He would let me move him where and how I wanted.  I kissed my way down his chin, his neck, to his chest.  I licked his tiny brown nipples gently, circling them with my tongue.  He wasn’t hairy like me.  “I missed the taste of you so much.” I breathed into his chest.  “I’d lay in bed trying to remember how you smelled, your sweat, that clean man smell that made me weak every time you hugged me.  I started to lose the memories after a year and I was so sad.”  I rubbed my face over his chest slowly then dragged my nose and forehead down his stomach until his dick rubbed against my neck.  Oh, it was so hot, radiating a heat that filled me with a sudden desire.  I grabbed it by the base and stood it up to gaze at it.  It was a proud dick, full and hard.  The tube that carried his fluids made a straight line down the underside, I licked it hard from base to head and was rewarded with a thick drip of his sweet precum.  Surrounding his thick head with my lips I sucked trying to pull more up his veined shaft.  I took my time.  It spasmed in my mouth.  But I got what I wanted with a gush.  I wanted more.   I spread his legs apart to suck on his heavy balls.  He groaned.


“Kev…babe…” he whined.


I knew what he was going to say.  I swooped back up and swallowed half his dick just before he shot.  I needed his seed, the elixir of his beautiful masculinity.


“Oh fuck!  Oh fuck!  Oh my God, I’m cumming so hard, don’t stop!”  He wasn’t quiet.  He was a good boy and stayed in place even though his hips thrust his solid cock in and out of my lips with his orgasm.  I swallowed most of it but it was a fight between wanting to savor the taste of him and needing this part of him inside me again.  I would never get tired of the way his cock spurted so heavy and thick when he came.  I almost lost my own load in my underwear when I remembered he’d shot one of these amazing loads inside my ass less than twenty four hours ago.  His seed in my ass.  He’d filled me from both ends with his hot Army soldier nut, and that drove me crazy.


I pulled his legs up to expose his hole, bending him in half so that his tight pucker faced the ceiling, and I dribbled the portion of his cum that I saved directly on it.  I stood up and leaned into him, pulling my dick out of my shorts and rubbing it through his sperm all over his crack.  I loved the way his ass hair was sparse, but dark when it was wet with our juices.  I was not going to last long the first time, but then I never did.  I pressed my huge head against his hole knowing he’d let me in.  The way his ass stretched around my thick cock turned me on, swallowing me with a lovers caress.


“You feel so good.” I moaned as I sunk into him.


“I love the way you fill me up.  No one but you, Kev.  That belongs to you.  I belong with you.” He breathed sincerity and love with every word and I felt us join in that special place as I filled him with eighteen months of needing him.  It felt like my orgasm would never end,  I just kept lazily stroking in his perfect ass while more and more cum poured out of me into him.  It was all so slow and drawn out I became comfortable in that process of delivering my love to him, relishing the ease of sending my little swimming soldiers to fill him.  I hoped they would make him stronger and that somehow I could permeate his cells with my DNA to give him my strength.  It sounds fantastical, but I wanted my cum to change him.  Not change who he was, I loved him just as he was.. but I wanted a piece of me to live in him so that I would always be there, with him, sitting in the deep recesses of his hot fucking handsome man’s body.  My balls felt like they were squeezing out every drop for him, or that he was suctioning the cum from them - it was unclear in which direction the force worked.  In Engineering, down is not down, and up is not up, direction of force is everything and multiple forces applied could have some intense effects.  My gear wheels spun to calculate the various forces at work while I hemorrhaged my juices through my dick.  Like his cumdozer in my mouth shoveling his cum back into my throat, I was both propelling  and pushing, he was both suctioning and pulling, our biological machines made to perfectly enhance this process.  So why shouldn’t there be a further process, like with women?  Why couldn’t my sperm wriggle inside his cells and leave behind my DNA?  I don’t know how long I was in that place but my head was thrown back when I regained myself and my taut muscles were cramping.  I looked down on his smiling face and his body.  He had shot another load while we were lost in each other.   


“That was incredible.” I panted.  “I think you emptied me.  I don’t think I was shooting as much as you were siphoning it out of me.  Holy shit.”  I could feel my dick softening as his hole clenched and unclenched around me. That had never happened with just one orgasm.  Just being inside him kept me hard and I always came at least three times.  I was always turned on around him, he affected me on a primitive level.  But this time was different.


“It was … I don’t know.  Deeper than ever before.  I could feel you cumming inside me.  God you’re so sexy when you cum.”  He said.  “Can you get naked now?  I want to hold my man.”


I stripped, trying to do it without pulling out but my softening dick didn’t stick with the plan.  Ah well, I just needed a little while to go again.  I scooted him up on his bed so I could lay down next to him then he made me turn on my side so he could spoon me.  I may be bigger than him, but when he held me like this I felt like a kid again in a warm happy place where I was loved and protected.


“You’re taller.” He said into my hair.  “I missed so much while I was being an idiot.  Don’t let me be an idiot ever again, Kev.  I don’t want to miss a single thing with you.”


“Tom?” I asked.  He grunted in answer, and the vibration it made against my back made my dick twitch.  And of course that brought me to thinking about him fucking me while holding me like this and grunting as he plowed me like a rapacious soldier and my dick shot to attention.  Oh yes we had to do that.  The cum he’d shot onto his stomach was slick on my back while he breathed and I wondered if it was too sick that I wanted to rub his cum all over me so I could smell him on my body.  I dismissed it as impractical.  Everyone would know and I wanted it to be a secret thing.  It was better if it was a secret between us.  I don’t know why, maybe it was just a matter of me having something of him that no one else could have or see.  I brought my hand up to stroke his arm around my chest.  He was playing with the hair on my pecs.  It felt good.  As usual, he waited patiently for my brain to stop clicking and my mouth to speak.  He was so good to me.  I never needed to worry Tom wouldn’t understand me.


“Have you been with anyone else?”  I asked, knowing I shouldn’t, but needing to know.  I don’t know why it mattered, we weren’t together when he left for the Army.  Aw fuck, I didn’t want to know, I suddenly realized.


“One guy.  My best friend in the Army, Addison.  No women.”  Tom answered before I could stop him.


I felt my heart sink.


He pulled me tight to him. “Kev, it was a situation of convenience, not love.  Not even lust.  He’s straight…or at least he was.  We sorta took care of each others’ needs.”


“What do you mean ‘was’?” I barely managed to utter.  “And how?”


“Kev, do you really want to hear this?  I’ll tell you everything, if you want.  But I don’t want it to hurt you.  It wasn’t anything big, and nowhere near what we have.  If you want to know I’ll tell you.”  He kissed my shoulder.


I had to think about it.  He waited.  He hadn’t stopped stroking my chest.  He wasn’t nervous or feeling guilty so that said it probably wasn’t too bad.


“Tell me the ‘was’ part first.” I said.  Had Tom’s amazing body, dick, and soul turned his best friend gay?  Was that even possible?  Oh… fuck.  That’s exactly what I’d done to Tom, my formerly straight best friend.  Now I had to know.


“Well, I think he’s got a boyfriend.  He doesn’t know it yet though.  But there’s no way he’s going to get away from this guy.  And I don’t think he wants to.”


And then he told me all about Sleeper, and then Zeus.


I had to admit, they both sounded really hot.  Who doesn’t like tall, confident, muscle bound hunks that look like male models?


“So you didn’t turn Sleeper gay?” I asked.


“Nah, but I probably showed him the way to get there.  And it’s kind of your fault anyway, you and Carol.”


I seriously doubted that.


Like he could read my mind, he said “No really.  You two taught me how good it feels to get my ass eaten.  I just passed that on to Sleeper.  And one Saturday I was not in a good headspace, and I fucked him.”


“Just once?” I asked.  Tom sighed.


“Twice.”  And then he told me the story of Zeus, Sleeper and him which was the last time he had sex before coming back home.   While I didn’t exactly feel GOOD about it, it wasn’t as bad as I thought.


“You guys must get really horny.” I observed.


I felt him shrug.  “Not really.  Most of the time you’re just too exhausted to even think about sex.  It’s like you WANT to, but it takes too much energy.”


“You’re the only guy I’ve been with.” I revealed.


“I know babe.  Had I known I would have you back in my life…in my heart, I wouldn’t have done those other things with Addison.”









Sarge and Bravo Rescue, which consisted of two of the Bravos other Sergeants arrived slightly before 1400 hrs.  Sleeper had put a watch outside, switching out every 45 minutes to keep an eye out for the team.  It was going to be difficult for Sarge to see the shelter with the piled snow and still steady snowfall.  He’d find the rock formation and probably figure out that the large slope of snow hid the lean-to, but not how to get in.  Besides, Sleeper didn’t want to hear Sarge’s lecture on setting camp watch when out in the field.


“Why were your men outside, Private?” Sarge laid into Sleeper first thing.  “You’re risking them getting frostbite.  What’s your rotation?”


Sleeper took a moment to calm himself.  Maybe he was thinking of Sarge the wrong way.  It was Sarge’s job to train them, to make sure their decisions were based on solid information and with careful and full thought.  He could just be checking to make sure Sleeper knew what he was doing.


“Rotation is 45 minutes, Sarge.  The worst of the storm seems to have passed an hour ago, they’re in their 7’s and by my calculations it would take an hour for frostbite to set in but that’s an estimate.  They were ordered to stay in the shelter of the rock so the full wind wouldn’t hit them full force.  We also needed to keep an eye out for your team.  Relax, Sarge.  Go warm up by the fire.  I’ll have someone heat you Sargeants a meal.”  I signaled Cellblock, Shark and Mini Hulk to bring over the hot coffee they’d brewed from whoever’s MREs.  Some of the guys didn’t drink coffee so it got passed around to whoever else wanted it.  It was just like middle school, trading out stuff from your lunch you didn’t want to get something you did.


“Thanks, Montelongo.” Sarge replied, taking his coffee and after letting the steam heat his face he took a long sip.  He told the other two Sergeants to check on their squads.  “Quite the shelter you made here.  Well done.”


WHAT?  We’d impressed Sarge?  Well, hell.  That was the first time I heard praise come from his lips in six months.  “Team effort, but it was Zeus, Alaska, Chunk,  Olympic and Bootlicker that designed and engineered the whole thing.  I think the German Forest Service is going to be a little mad.”


“Why would they be mad?  You’re going to UN-build it and erase any sign the Army was ever here, right?”  The bastard grinned.


I gave him a sarcastic smile.  “Absolutely, Sarge.”


“Let me radio in, then I think I’m going to take a little nap after I eat.”


The Sergeants didn’t assume command, or interfere in any way with what happened over the next 24 hours, just observing how we handled ourselves.  Whatever happened with Wanker was a non event for everyone, and there was no evidence of a breakdown in morale or any awkwardness in the Platoon.  That didn’t mean there was a repeat.  The Sergeants were here after all and no one was stupid enough to ignore how the camp was supposed to run.  I didn’t have to impress on anyone that we maintain discipline around the clock.  I had to smile when I realized somewhere in the last six months we became a team, a unified group in which everyone knew their role and trusted the others to know theirs.  The brothers stepped forward without being ordered to fulfill a task that fit their skills.  All I had to do was list the duties and tasks that had to be done, and the Platoon handled it without argument with the squad leaders taking over the details.  I wondered if that was unusual, and asked Sarge.


“That’s the way it’s supposed to work, Montelongo.”  He said.  “Doesn’t mean it always goes this smoothly.  Leadership is more than just giving orders.  Leaders manage personalities, identify tasks, and let their troops handle how to get it done.  The trust goes both ways.  They trust you to figure out what needs to be done, but they also want you to trust them to know how to do their jobs.  The more you trust them, the more they trust you and another thing happens when you do that - you’ll find your soldiers work harder to keep that trust.  When we get back you’ll have to do what Private Brickmann usually does, I want a report detailing everything, every decision, every action.  You’ll get a debrief with the Lieutenant, the Captain and the Major.  It might be all together or separate.  I’ll help you get the report eyes ready, but you’re going to do it by yourself until you think I’m ready to look at it.”


“Was this planned, Sarge?” I asked him.


Sarge laughed.  “No, this was a last minute operation to take advantage of the weather, but we didn’t know that depression was going to come barreling through and turn it into an emergency.  It blindsided us.  We weren’t even planning to send you boys out again, but it was decided this would be a good opportunity to let you run or walk on your own without the Sergeants looking over your shoulders.  It was supposed to be a literal 3 day walk in the park.  As usual, no plan - “


“Survives first contact with the enemy.” I finished for him.


He nodded. “Remember this situation.  If whatever situation you’re in doesn’t change, you’ve gotten very lucky.  You did well making quick decisions with the input of your men.  If you had delayed because of confusion or unwillingness to change the orders you were given, we might have been pulling bodies from the snow.  Wind chill took the temperature down to minus 20.  I know Brickmann wouldn’t have blinked to do whatever he needed to.  He doesn’t have a problem with making judgment calls if the situation calls for it and sometimes I think he’s just stubborn and thinks he knows best how to manage a situation.  I don’t know if he’s rubbed off on you, but I will say I’m impressed how smoothly you handled this.”


I shrugged.  “It was the brothers, Sarge.  It was actually easy because we had the right guys to get through this.”


He gripped my shoulder.  “You recognized you had that resource, and you listened.  Never forget that when you’re in command.  This all happened because YOU led them to this and let them do what they’re good at.  This happened because you were willing to risk adapting your orders with new information and you were smart enough to realize we hadn’t taken the worsening conditions into account and weigh that information against the risks of continuing the operation.”


It felt good to have him say that, but I knew without Zeus, Cellblock, Shark and Mini Hulk things would have gone very differently.  Plus, there was the expertise of Chunk, Alaska, Olympic, Bootlicker and Wanker who were the brains behind our safe haven.  And of course the brothers who worked so hard to build the shelter to design in just a few hours without complaint, most of them bringing a specific talent to the job.  Little Weeble scrambling like a mouse up the frame of the lean-to nimbly lashing logs and branches.  Weeble may be five foot two, but his heart and mind were ten feet tall.  No one made Weeble feel small.  He was a tough little fuck, with the kind of personality and attitude that made everyone smile and feel intensely protective.


“Are the other Platoons okay?  Did they find shelter?”  I ask.


“I’ve been a little busy looking for you, and Ops radio communication isn’t for having coffee and a chat with your buddies, Montelongo.  Especially not with superiors listening in.” He chastised me.  That was a dig at how I broke protocol earlier.  “And this is a good lesson too.  You worry about your men, that’s all.  If you let other concerns in, and lose your focus it WILL cause you to make mistakes.  You follow YOUR orders, take care of YOUR men, and trust the other commanders are doing the same.  If you need the information, your superiors will give it to you.  Otherwise, you wait until you get your men home safe to ask questions.  Ask all the questions you want. But understand the Army will rarely give you the answers you want.”


I thought about it, and he was right.  He wasn’t telling me not to worry, just that I had one job right now and I had to be 100% mentally dedicated to that or I risked fucking it up.  “Thanks, Sarge.  I understand.  Assmunch wouldn’t have asked you that.”


Sarge laughed.  “No, he wouldn’t, not in this situation.  I don’t think he would even have a thought in his head for the other Platoons right now, his head would be filled with planning how he was going to get you all back to base.”


I snorted.  “What plan?  We just wait it out and get picked up.”  It was that easy.


Sarge scowled at me.  “Just when I think you’re smart you go and say something so fucking stupid I want to shove my boot up your ass.  Lesson time over.”  And then the Good Buddy Sarge of the last ten minutes was gone to be replaced by Asshole Older Brother Sarge.  “I swear I’m a fucking glorified kindergarten teacher.” He muttered to himself, but I’m sure he meant me to hear

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Thanks Assmunch...love it, love it...Kevin and Tom, Sleeper, Sarge and the Bravo bros...keep up the amazing work...I log on and look for a new chapter each day...and when I find it...like this morning...heaven!!!😛

  • Like 1
  On 3/5/2022 at 4:59 PM, backpackguy said:

Thanks Assmunch...love it, love it...Kevin and Tom, Sleeper, Sarge and the Bravo bros...keep up the amazing work...I log on and look for a new chapter each day...and when I find it...like this morning...heaven!!!😛


Thanks man!  I’m writing at a rate of a chapter a week.  I start my chapter plan on Saturday, try to write as much as I can Sunday, then each morning before work I write a little more until Friday when I can add and edit before sending it in.  There’s a big change coming up for the Bravo Brotherhood, and a lot of them are going to have to grow up.  The Army has big plans for the brothers.

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I woke up snuggled against Kevin like usual with my morning wood crushed into his ass.  Would this fascination and peaceful satisfaction happen every time I woke up with him in my arms, I wondered?  I didn’t want to ever grow bored with this, with his big healthy body, with the smell of him, his heat that was better than any blanket.  I sighed in contentment.


Carol had come in during the night to wake us to say goodbye with a lingering kiss for each of us before she snuck out.  She said her flight was at nine out of Austin so we wouldn’t see her before she left.  My Army clock in my head told me it was a little after 0200.  We didn’t ask what she’d done with Tim but I’d make sure my little brother’s head was screwed on right about it all so he didn’t get attached.  Carol wasn’t for him but maybe I was underestimating him and not giving Carol enough credit for keeping him in the right lane.  I trusted her not to break my brother’s heart.  After all, she knew how to handle me to perfection when we were together.  Still, I needed to be sure.

It turns out I didn’t need to worry at all.  Tim was fine.  A bit cocky and acting like he was now a full grown man after losing his virginity to a college girl, but fine.

“She was incredible.”  He said to me when I asked.  “I can’t believe you aren’t still with her.  If she was my girlfriend I’d never let her go.”

“It’s not letting go when you both know it’s time to move on, bud.”  I explained to him.  “I still love her, of course.  She’ll always be my first, and I’ll always love how we taught each other to be unashamed to push ourselves to be the best we could be with each other.  And…”

“And what?” He asked impatiently before I could articulate after my pause.

“And she’s responsible for Kevin and me finding each other.  Not our friendship, but she brought Kevin and I together completely.  She’s the one who suggested I let Kevin get what he wanted so that maybe he could get over his crush on me and find a boyfriend of his own.”  I laughed a little.  “We couldn’t have been more wrong about how that worked out, but she’s pretty amazing.  She was actually happy and excited to pull Kevin into our relationship.  So tell me… did she eat your ass?”  I asked him.

“Oh fuck yes… that tongue of hers.  Are your balls supposed to hurt every time after sex?” He gushed.

I chuckled because I knew exactly what he was talking about.  “Only when you cum hard, and over and over again.  Wait until tomorrow when your whole body is sore from the workout she put you through.”

He reached down to his abdomen, then his thighs, then his ass.  “Tomorrow?  I’m fucking punished right now!”

“It’ll get worse, you haven’t even begun to feel the full effects.  Maybe if you’re not an asshole today, Kev and I will give you a rubdown before bed.”

He smiled.  Then scowled.  “Don’t get any ideas, I’m straight.  It’s confirmed now.”

I hugged him.  “Yeah, uh huh.  Me too.  Totally straight.”  I let him stew on that for a minute.  “Don’t worry bud, we don’t want to molest you.  But you’ll appreciate a massage by tonight when you have trouble climbing up the stairs.  I’ll let you call it though.”

He sheepishly came to my room after we all went to bed Sunday night and asked for that massage.  Kevin and I worked him over good while we got specific details about what happened with Carol.  We just ignored his throbbing boner as he relived his first full sexual experience.  Carol didn’t just fuck him, she took hours to teach him how to do it right.  He said she finally got him to be an ‘pretty good’ kisser.  He proudly told us she’d said he had a wonderful dick.

“Wow.” I said, after he told us she was okay with him shooting his load inside her.  “I never got to do that.” I admitted.

“She’s on the pill, she said.”  He explained.  “But she told me never to do that with just anyone.  You can never know when it might get a girl pregnant, and there are some girls who WANT to get pregnant by a guy so I have to be careful.  And she said there are diseases, even though I know all that.  But she did say a person doesn’t always know they’ve got it.”  He trailed off, and I knew he was thinking about something.

“Say it bud, go ahead and ask whatever it is you want to ask.”  I said.

“Are you…”  he stopped.  “Are you and Kevin… you know… worried about AIDS?  If you’re gay, you could get it, right?  You guys don’t use condoms.”

I had to admit, that caught me off guard.  And it was something that did weigh heavily on me.  The military only ran an AIDS test on intake, and did a full screening for everything at our periodic mandatory physicals.  In fact, I should have one coming up before I reported to my next duty station.  But I was pretty safe and insulated in the military.  I was more worried about Kevin.  And I was caught off guard again with the spike of jealousy that seized my heart at the thought he might, in a moment of weakness when we were so far apart, have sex with another man.  I put that thought in the queue of things to discuss with Kevin when we had the chance.

“You know straight people can get AIDS too, right?”  I asked him.

“Yeah, from sharing needles, or like that kid Ryan White who had a blood transfusion.”  He answered.

“Dude!  Straight people get it from unprotected sex too.  You think Magic Johnson was a junkie?  Fuck this stupid ass backwoods Texas town and their fucking dumb ass School Board.  They should be teaching you this stuff in health class.  If they aren’t teaching you about it in Health, where are you getting this information?”  Even the Army told us the bare minimum about it when recruits got the ‘talk’ about STD’s.

He shrugged.  “My friends.  I mean, we don’t talk about it much but the news says it’s mostly gay dudes that get it.”

It was hard to blame him, I didn’t know a whole lot about it either.  It just wasn’t on my radar.  I had to admit I thought the same thing Tim did when I was in high school.  My friends and I would joke around about it because it wasn’t actually real to us.  It was something that happened to other people.  None of us knew anyone that had gotten AIDS.  This whole conversation was making me really uncomfortable.  In 1993, we were still calling it AIDS.

“Look Tim.  Kevin and I don’t get around, and we don’t plan to.”  I said, speaking for Kevin.  “I don’t think we have anything to worry about.  But until you’re with someone in a relationship you should always be careful.  And even then, don’t get her pregnant.  Cum in her mouth, or in her ass or shoot it all over her tits.”

“I will.” He said.  I wasn’t sure I believed him though.  I knew what teenage boy hormones did to a guy and how sometimes your head went crazy and stupid when you were so horny you couldn’t think of anything but sex.   I’d tried to explain it to Carol once, but she couldn’t understand how your brain couldn’t focus on anything rational when your body was in that state and how when you were so horny your dick wouldn’t stop bugging you and you got crazy ideas of all the things you just HAD to do with it.


Of course Tim went to school on Monday so he could strut around as a no longer virgin stud and tell all his buddies about his night with Carol.  I called the ROTC teacher, MSGT Rivas to see about coming to talk with the kids in the high school cadet program about the Army.  He thought it was a great idea.  I wish I’d brought my battle dress uniform, my BDU’s.  I loved my Class A Dress Uniform, and was really proud to wear it, but really wanted to look more tough for the other part of the plan that involved Tim’s bullies.  Class A’s were pretty, but I needed tough and battle ready.  I needed sleeves rolled, pants bloused in boots ready to kick ass.  I wished Carol was still here, she’d be up for a little PDA with Tim to bolster his reputation.


On Tuesday morning we got ready to head to the school.

“I hate you.”  Kevin said, looking at himself in the mirror.  Kevin was the other part of my plan.  He had a rockin’ body and I had to admit he was way sexier and more masculine looking than me.  Don’t get me wrong, I felt I had a strong He-Man game goin’ on and a serious deadly soldier persona I could project.  I was no Arnold or Van Damme but Kevin said the way I moved was like a stalking predator.  Still, Kevin’s mass and confidence were levels above me.  Like I said, he was Viking Tarzan and I needed him, no … Tim needed him to put on a good show to shut the bullies up.  I knew their type, hell my former best friend in high school was exactly that type.  So, Monday I took him shopping to get some clothes that would really play up how he was all man and I was impressed with the results.  He was not.

“Shirt’s too tight.” He mumbled.

“My ass looks too big in these jeans.” He muttered.

“Cowboy boots?” He murmured.

“My bulge is ridiculous” He grunted in disgust.  “I’m not wearing a fucking hat, I’m drawing the line.”

I smiled.  “Yes, yes, yes and yes.  Now do your hair in that warrior’s knot.  Remember this is for Tim.”

He glared at me.  Glared.  “That’s the only reason I’m doing it, and you’re going to pay for doing this to me.”

‘Fuck I hope so.’ I thought.  Yeah, this look wasn’t Kevin at all, but man he looked FINE!  Those Wrangler jeans were so tight I could see his thigh muscles flex when he walked.  His meaty ass stuck out proudly as the stretched fabric supported the weight of his large glutes, further enhanced by the heel of the Justin boots he wore.  Even his track honed calves pushed the boot cut jeans to their limits.  The western shirt I bought a size too small strained at every seam without a single loose thread.  Grey, like his intense, beautiful eyes.

“I’m not a Kicker” he complained.  Kicker was the term we used in Texas to describe a country redneck, those guys and girls who were in Future Farmers of America, who were all about farms and pickup trucks and two steppin’, huntin’, monster truck expo’s, tobacco dip in the lip, boots and Wranglers, oversized rodeo belt buckles and everything Country.  It was it’s own culture here in Texas and was revered above all things.

“No, and I don’t want you to be.  But you can pretend for one day.”  And maybe later during…other activities. I thought.  You know, as I thought about it, I realized Kevin was the type of guy who could wear anything and look good.  It must be his dark, brooding looks.

The plan went better than expected.  We got stares and whispers walking through the school.  Escorting Tim to a couple of his classes, eating the awful cafeteria food with him at his lunch table which I admitted was just slightly better than an MRE, and running into his group of bullies in the hall.  Kevin was in a suitable bad mood about ‘being dressed up like a clown’ so the pissed off look on his face played into the plan perfectly.  And so did Roger Kendall when he bounced off Kevin’s shoulder thinking he could muscle his way through the three of us without stepping aside.  I have no idea what he was thinking trying to shoulder Kevin like that but it backfired spectacularly.   Kevin looked like he hadn’t even felt it.

“Watch where you’re going, asshole.”  Kevin spat at him.  Roger’s friends seemed smarter than him and stepped back to avoid a confrontation with the Army soldier and the jacked up kicker.  Roger was not so smart.

“You fuckin’ watch it.” Roger sneered after he regained his balance from nearly falling.

Kevin snorted.  “Watch what?  Watch you nearly fall on your ass?  Let’s do that.” And Kevin took a step forward.

Roger back stepped and finally his moronic brain took an assessment of what he faced.  I could swear he looked ready to shit his pants.  I did my best Zeus impression to give him that look that said I could dismember him with hardly any effort at all because he was so far beneath me I almost felt sorry for him.  And if he hadn’t been such a pest to my little brother I probably would have felt sorry for him.  This was the type of guy who had one trick - small town football jock.  He wasn’t smart, had a shit personality, and was frankly less than average in the looks and body department.  I suddenly realized he’d be stuck in this town for the rest of his life.  His stupidity, arrogance and meanness would give him few options unless he changed.  Oh, he might try to leave home and dive into a bigger pool, but he’d soon find out being the big fish in a small pond got him jack shit out in the real world so he’d come limping back with his tail between his legs to relive his high school days of the local football star and for the rest of his life he would suck on the sour reminder that he wasn’t truly anyone special.  But fuck him.  Killeen, Texas was littered with dumb cow turds like him who never grew past their high school popularity and spent the rest of their lives stuck in the regret that high school was the time when they peaked.

“C’mon, Kevin.  This little high school boy isn’t worth your time.”  I said, stressing the word ‘boy’, hoping he felt as insignificant as I thought he was.

“You’re right, Tom.” Kevin answered.  “He’s just a dumb jock.  They aren’t bright enough to walk in anything but a straight line.”

Roger’s eyes got wide.  “You’re Kevin and Tom?  You’re the fa— uh.. the…uh..”

“The what? Who are you?” I knew exactly who he was, and knew the word he was about to use but couldn’t when faced with the reality that we weren’t the little fag bitches he thought we were, but I needed to send the message that he was a nobody to us.

“Uh… Roger.” He said.  God his speech was worse than the village idiot’s.

“Hmm.  Yeah, don’t give a shit.  Come on Tim, you have Mrs. Finlayson next, right?”

“Yeah.”  Tim answered.

And when Kevin went to put his arm around Tim’s shoulder and walk away, his now hard muscles ripped his too tight shirt under the arm.  It couldn’t have gone more perfectly.  He’d hardly moved and was busting out of his clothes.  Tim wasn’t going to have any more problems with Roger or his buddies.

“You know that guy?” I asked Tim, making my voice loud enough for Roger to hear.

Tim caught on quick.  “Yeah, I’ll tell you all about him when we get home.” He said just as loud.

“Uh, Hey Tim!” Roger called as we walked away.

Tim turned his head to look over Kevins big meaty arm.  “What?”

“Uh, be cool, man.  Let’s hang out sometime.”  I nearly laughed when I saw the desperate look in Roger’s eyes.  Yeah, Tim wasn’t going to have any more problems.


We left Tim after fifth period.  I’d had a great time today.  The ROTC kids were good kids, and Master Sergeant Rivas’ constant scowl kept them well behaved.  Do you think they teach that scowl in whatever Sergeant’s School they sent them to, or are all Sergeants just in a permanently pissed off mood?  I hadn’t met a single one yet that hadn’t mastered that look.  Hell, the man was retired and teaching now, but I guess the Army never leaves you.  Or he didn’t want to let it go, hard to tell which.


Kevin, however, was still grumbling as we drove home.  “Worse than a jock strap.” He muttered about the tight Wranglers I made him wear.  “My dick’s gotta be able to move.”  I smiled at him and that only darkened the storm clouds in his eyes.

“Babe, you look fucking fine as shit.”  I told him.  “I know you don’t like being dressed up like that, but holy fucking cow… I just want to stop at the grocery store to parade you around and watch all the women drop their panties.  I don’t even care that they wouldn’t spare a glance at me.  You have no idea how hot you look.”

“Don’t you fucking dare!  You’re taking me home and I’m getting out of this  garbage as fast as I can.  I think these fucking things are buried in my ass.  And these boots suck.  How do guys wear this shit?  And my pits are hanging out now that I’ve ripped both sleeves.  You couldn’t buy me a bigger shirt?”

I smiled again.  “Well, once you break ‘em in they’re super comfortable.  Both the boots and the Wranglers.  The shirt?  Nah, that was all for me.”

He hauled off and slugged me HARD in the arm.  Then he reached up and ripped his left sleeve off the rest of the way, then the right, sighing with relief as his arms were finally freed.  “Sorry about the shirt.” He said sarcastically.

I laughed.  “Don’t be sorry… that’s even hotter.”  Did I detect a patented Kevin smirk?  “But we do need to stop, sorry.”  I mean, we didn’t HAVE to stop but I figured why not?  I’d seen a commercial about KY lubricant, for HER, it said, and I was fascinated to try it with Kevin.  So far, we’d only ever used spit or hand lotion, which was fine but I thought something really slippery might be exciting.  As long as it wasn’t greasy like Vaseline… fuck… never again.  Not only did it smell, but you literally couldn’t wash that shit off you.  That one time I had to endure greasybutt all day at school after Kevin railed me was enough.  I wondered if gay guys had some secret stuff they used for fucking.  They had to.  I just had no way to find out, and wasn’t sure if I would be brave enough to go where ever they sold it.  My mind imagined all sorts of sordid and unsavory places.

So we did stop at the grocery store where they sold the KY FOR HER in the personal hygiene aisle near the condoms.  Kevin, usually oblivious to the people around him, finally whispered to me.  “What are they staring at?  I look stupid.  Fuck you, Tom, for doing this to me.”

I chuckled.  “They’re staring because you’re the best looking guy they’ve seen all week.  Dude, do you ever look at yourself in a mirror?”  I couldn’t believe he had no idea.  He looked like he walked out of a Chippendales Calendar, his ripped sleeveless cowboy shirt, those painted on jeans, all of it barely held in by cotton fabric that I knew everyone in here would have traded places with in a minute.  His shoulders protruded round and full from the jagged holes in his shirt, his biceps and triceps in a war of which were bigger, which wasn’t helped by his obvious tension that forced them to flex unconsciously.  His big meaty pecs and wide chest pulled the button holes sideways on the buttons that I swear were going to pop off any minute, I actually couldn’t believe they had lasted this long.  His chest hair showed through the V of the undone top two buttons.  And his bulge was ridiculous, I agreed.  That was an unintended side effect.  God help everyone if he got hard in those jeans, just soft and crushed it was too noticeable.   Even the guys were lingering a bit too long with their looks.  I caught two gawking at Kevin’s ass bouncing as he strutted down the aisle.  That’s the thing about cowboy boots.  If you had a naturally long stride, like Kevin, they made your ass move.  And somehow joining the track team at MIT gave him that same walk every fit jock possessed.  It was a sauntering ride on a precisely measured pace.  Short steps were on the balls of the foot.  Long steps heel to toe.  His ass bounced regardless.  Our checkout girl flirted with him shamelessly, smiling brightly at our purchase of the lubricant, probably thinking there was some lucky girl who was going to ride this cowboy and I saw her wink at him. I knew that signal.  It screamed ‘I put out, come find out’.  All of this amused me to no end, but the best part was how oblivious he was and still in his own little gear turning world in his head thinking just the opposite.

When we got home I didn’t even have the door closed before Kevin threw me up against the wall.

“If I didn’t love you I’d kick your ass!”  He grunted.

I grinned.

“Oh good, you boys are home.  How’d it go at school?”  Mom asked from the kitchen around the corner.

“We’re not done, mommy saved you for now.” He whispered the threat.  “Fine Mrs. Brickmann.  It was good to see my old teachers, and hanging out with Tim was great.”  He called to her in a perfectly normal, happy voice.  He released me physically, but held me with his storm cloud filled eyes.  I felt my dick swell.  God, the things he did to me.  I was a trained soldier, commanded a Platoon of some of the toughest guys I’d ever met, was willing to rush into battle and kill for my country, but Kevin made me feel like a soft little puppy.

“That’s good.  I’m glad you’re back, I need to run to the grocery store, I forgot the beans.”  Kevin allowed me to slide past him, turning his glare to follow me as I went to the kitchen to give mom and hug and a kiss.  “We were just there, I wish I’d known.  But we can go back.”  I heard Kevin growl behind me.

“No sweetheart, you’ve been out all day.  Relax, go change.”  She said, turning around from the counter and smiling.  “You look so much like your father in his uniform, Tom.” Her eyes glistened a bit.  “Kevin, what happened to your shirt?”  She asked.

“It ripped.  Tom didn’t buy the right size.”  He muttered.

Mom looked at me and I grinned.  Mom wasn’t stupid.  “You look very rugged and handsome.” She said. “I’ll be back.  I’ll probably be gone an hour, but if Tim gets home before I do make sure he gets his homework done before any TV.”

“I will Mom.”  She walked out through the garage and as soon as she left Kevin punched me in the chest.  And not lightly.  I staggered back on one foot.

“Oh, is the little soldier hurt?” He mocked me.

“No.  If that’s all you got I don’t have to worry about getting hurt.”  I goaded him.  I think I only got to the word ‘worry’ before he slung me over his shoulder and ran up the stairs carrying me to my room.

“You want to play games?”  He said roughly.  He threw me on the bed and in the same motion grabbed my ankles, tore off my dress shoes, smearing their shine with his greasy paws, but I didn’t care.  Then he flipped me on my stomach, grabbed me by the belt and pulled me so I was hanging off the bed, bent over.  Then he laid into me with a huge whack of his hand and my ass stung like fire.

“Oh shit!  Fuck that hurt!”  I yelled at him.

“I thought the little soldier boy wasn’t worried about getting hurt?  Shut the fuck up and take your punishment.”  I swear he whacked me harder the second time.  “Stay there, don’t you fucking move an inch.” He commanded in a throaty growl.  I didn’t move while I heard him run downstairs then back up.  He returned with my cover that I’d removed from my head after entering and put on the breakfast bar.   He threw it at me.  “Put it on.”  He ordered in a commanding voice that sent thrills running through my entire body, centering on my ass.

I wasn’t going to argue with him about wearing your cover indoors, I just did as he told me.

He flipped me back over onto my back and snatched at my belt, undoing it and unbuttoning my trousers.  Then he violently flipped me back onto my stomach and yanked them and my underwear down my ass.  He didn’t care that my now hard dick was twisted painfully before it sprung free.  He gave me two more hard swats which made me break into a sudden sweat and scream.  Except for jumping when his hand made contact, I still hadn’t moved.

“Have you learned your lesson?” He grunted.

I hesitated.  I was caught between not wanting another smack and wanting him to tear loose on my ass.

“That’s a no.” And he hit me again.  You’d think it would go numb, but it hurt worse with every smack.

Then I felt something cold on the crack of my ass just before his fingers roughly slid in between my cheeks to rub my asshole.  I thought he would put a finger or two inside me but then his hand disappeared and then a couple moments later I felt his huge thick cock forcing itself into me.

“Oh fuck…shit!” I cried as I felt the familiar burn of being torn open all at once.

“Yeah, you fucking love that dick don’t you soldier?”  He hadn’t even paused for me to get used to the girth.

“I fucking love it.”  And I did.  The pain was incredible, and I was so turned on.

He smacked me on my head, knocking my cover off.  “Put your hat back on, Private.”

Oh shit, I loved this Kevin.  I scrambled to re-cover while he thrust into me hard and deep.  I wasn’t going to tell him it wasn’t called a hat.

“That’s one.”  He said, not breaking stride but letting out a groaning grunt.  And I knew he’d shot his first load.  He picked up steam and started really laying into me, then unexpectedly he fucked me up onto the bed using long lifting strokes, his cock and hips doing all the work to move my entire body a few inches at a time.  I swear to God he was stretching my hole in ways I’d never felt before.

“Fuck yes, make it hurt, babe.  Fuck my cunt.”  For that, I got another smack, knocking my cover off AGAIN.  “Put your fucking hat back on!”  He growled.  “Walking around all day like that with everyone drooling over your fine ass.  You think I didn’t see how they were loving looking at you in your tight uniform that shows you off?   The way that girl at the grocery store looked at you with stars in her eyes?  You fucking tease!  That’s two.”  And he filled me up again, forcing more of his cum deep up my ass.

He pulled out briefly to flip me on my back before shoving in to the balls in one plunge.

I grunted.  “You, they were staring at you like that, Kev.  Even the girl.”

“Bullshit.  They all wanted you, the hot American soldier in his hot uniform and a look on his face that said he could kill them with his bare hands.  The way you walk, like you’re stalking prey, all smooth and deadly, just oozing sex.”  He punctuated his words with hard thrusts, changing the angle repeatedly and intended to hit me everywhere inside.  I felt the cum boil up from my balls and knew I was going to shoot all over my Class A’s.  I couldn’t care, I didn’t want him to stop.  He hadn’t undressed and seeing him plowing into me with that sleeveless cowboy  shirt, the angry look in his eyes that still couldn’t hide his love for me, his muscles flexing with his exertion, his beautiful hair swaying with every thrust.  “You strutted around like the King of Killeen and they all worshipped you.  But you’re mine, you hear that?”  And he smacked me again.  “PUT YOUR FUCKING HAT BACK ON!”  He yelled.  This time I just held onto it, pinning it into my head.  Being manhandled by him was the biggest turn on.  His authority and control sent me over the edge and I sprayed cum up between us.  “Fuck me, don’t stop!”  I grunted in the throes of ecstasy.

“I don’t stop until I’m done, soldier.  That’s three.”

I couldn’t believe he could shoot without any outward show, but the evidence was running down my ass with every thrust.  He just continued to fuck into me, and I came twice more.  He’d come five times and we were a mess.  I lost count of how many times I got a smack on the face and my left ear was ringing.  I was a mess of all the cum I shot, which he’d smeared on my face.   I don’t know how many times I screamed at him to fill me with his hot nut, hoping he’d just pump it all deeper and deeper as he added more.  He was an absolute animal and I loved it.  I missed this Kevin.  And he knew the more violently he fucked me the more it sent me into the stratosphere.  And now, he was trying for a sixth, that hard to reach last ejaculation.  He began really punishing my hole with hard jabs and extra deep thrusts while I lay there limp and receptive to anything he wanted to do.  He was grunting with every plunge of his fat dick.  We were both sweating and I made sure to keep one hand on my cover while the other grasped the back of his neck during his domination of my mouth with his tongue.

“Oh fuck, here it comes.  I’m going to shoot my load in your hot straight man Army ass, Private.  You want my load?”  He growled

“Fuck yes, fuck it into me deep, Sir!  Please cum in me again!”  I begged.  Somewhere along the way he’d removed one leg from my trousers and I was spread  wide open for him like a Thanksgiving turkey,  I’m sure at this point my ass looked like the open cavity ready to get filled with stuffing.

“That’s right, Private.  This hole is for MY dick, MY cum.  You can fuck your friend Addison or Zeus with your dick, but this belongs to ME, you got that?  No one touches this except me.  No tongue, no finger, no dick gets near this perfect, hot Army ass.”

“It’s yours, Sir.”  I gasped.  He was so deep in me, I was so sore but it felt amazing.  That was a promise I easily made.  No one could do to me what Kevin did in his various moods.  I had it all with him.

He began a series of long, low grunts.  “Ah fuck!  Oh fuck!  Take it!” And I knew he finally reached his sixth.  He kissed me roughly.  “I love you, I don’t want to share you.” He moaned while he spewed out whatever nutjuice was left into my destroyed hole.  He finally stopped moving and lay on top of me, panting.  “Fuck, you’re amazing.”  He said into my ear.  “You just don’t care what I do to you, do you?  You’ll take anything I do to you.”

I kissed his neck.  “Anything, babe.  You know you won’t break me.  I love it all, but only when you’re the one doing it.  It wasn’t just sex talk in the heat of the moment.  You’re the only one I want in my ass.”

He took a deep breath.  “Mmmmmm, I like that.  I love knowing my dick’s the only one that does it for you.  You make me feel like a man, babe.  Like a big, strong, real man.”

I chuckled.  There it was again, one of the things I loved about him, that he didn’t see himself the way everyone else did.  “You ARE a big, strong, real man, Kev.”

“Sorry about your uniform.  Do you really think I look good like this?”  He asked.

“Yeah, bud.  You look really good, people couldn’t stop staring at you.  Don’t worry about the uniform, I’ll wash and iron it tonight.”  I answered.

He nuzzled my neck.  “I don’t care what anyone else thinks, Tom.  I only care what you think.”  He licked my cheek.  “Oh wow, you taste like your cum.  That’s so hot.”  He bathed my face with his tongue, trying to lick off all the now dried jizz he’d smeared on me during his brutal pounding fuck. His warm wet tongue felt incredible.

“Wow, you guys didn’t even get undressed.”  We heard Tim’s voice from across my room.

“Bro, you have to start knocking!”  I told him.

“I did.  You were too busy getting the stuffing fucked out of you and begging for another load.  You guys are animals, you know that?”  Tim observed.

Kevin rolled off me, pulling out.  I was surprised that his dick was still mostly hard.  I felt some of his cum dribble out of me because it was difficult to pull my asshole closed right away.

I pulled my trousers off my other leg and unbuttoned my coat.  At some point one of the pins had come off my ribbon rack.  I’d have to find it, it was probably in my coat somewhere or in the bed now.

“You try fitting that big cock up your ass.”  I told my little brother.  “You either embrace the pain and go wild, or you cry your eyes out.”

“No thanks.”  Tim said.  “I think it would kill me.”

I shook my head.  “Was there something you actually needed or were you just here to watch us fuck?”

Tim smiled.  “Mom said dinner would be ready in a half hour.  But then I wanted to watch.  You should see the way his dick stretches out your hole, man.  I can’t believe you take it like that.”

I sighed.  It wasn’t really something I wanted my little brother to see, but there was no going back now.  Kevin just lay there with his smirk.

“Don’t look at me, I didn’t know he was there either.”  He said.  “Come on, we need to get cleaned up.  He stripped off the shirt and threw it on the floor, standing there with a bare muscled chest, his Wranglers unbuttoned but his dick and balls stuffed back into his underwear that sacked out the open zipper obscenely.

“And I wanted to say thank you.”  Tim continued.  I noticed his eyes roaming over Kevin’s body.  “Roger was actually nice to me after you left.  You guys were the talk of the school.”

“Good.”  I said.  “That was the goal.  If Carol was still here we’d have brought her too and she would have given them more to talk about by hanging all over you.”

“Let’s go shower, babe.”  Kevin said.  “I’m hungry, and whatever your mom’s cooking smells really good.”  He stretched and I couldn’t help but stare at his incredible body.  Yeah, he was the only one for me.  I pulled everything off my uniform so I could get it in the sink with cold water and some detergent.  My cum was smeared all over.  As long as it hadn’t dried I could get the evidence out.


The rest of the week went by too fast and before we knew it Thursday night came.  I was torn between not wanting to leave Kevin and wanting to see my Bravo brothers again. But there was no guarantee my brothers and I would get the same duty station.   


“Kev, they might put me on a flight tomorrow.  I get my orders.”  I told him in a soft voice with my head on his chest laying in my bed.


He took a deep breath.  “Really?”


“Yeah.”  I said.  He didn’t speak.  I knew he was crunching thoughts in his head.  We lay like that for a few minutes.  I loved listening to him breathe, watching his chest and stomach rise and fall.

“I guess we have to get back to real life, huh?  It was nice to have this week though.”  He seemed a little distant.


I tried to be optimistic.  “I get leave.  We can figure out how to see each other.  Hey, you need to give me a way to reach you by phone at MIT.  I don’t know where I’ll be, but as soon as I get there I’ll leave you a way to reach me.  When I get my orders tomorrow I have to let my mom and Tim know where I’m going.  I should be able to call you too.  Are you going to stay here, or go spend your last couple days with your family?”


“I kind of want to stay here, but my flight leaves Saturday anyway.  I don’t know Tom.”  He sighed.  “I’ve got too much going on in my head.  It’s hard to decide.”


“You know mom would love it if you were here.  It will make it easier on her if both of us weren’t gone at the same time.”  I pointed out.  I didn’t have to make any decisions like Kevin, that was how the Army worked.  You went where they told you, when they told you to be there.


“Mmmm”. He hummed.  He was still trying to decide.


“Kev, look… we should talk about how this is going to work, okay?”  I moved up off his chest and sat with my back against my headboard.  This was the hard part, and I felt a preemptive twinge in my heart with what I had to say.  “I’m going to be busy with getting up to speed in whatever new job they put me in.  It might be six months or more before I can get away.  We won’t see each other much the next year.  You’re going to be busy with school, but let’s try to talk every week even if it’s just a few minutes, okay?”


His eyes refused to look at me.  “Okay.”  The reality was settling in.

I continued.  “Kev, you’re beautiful.”  I started.  “I know you don’t see it, but you are, inside and out.  You’re going to get a lot of attention and…”


“Tom—“ he interrupted


“No, Kev, let me finish, please.”  I took a deep breath.  “It’s okay if you need to… you know… “. I didn’t want him to, but it would be unfair of me to expect him to be completely faithful to a man he almost never saw and it would be a couple years before we could even live in the same city.  Add to that the fact we were men who sometimes thought with our dicks more than our other head.  Just because I had no desire or need to have anyone but him didn’t mean he would feel the same way.  It was not going to be too hard for me to keep it in my pants.  There wasn’t going to be anywhere near the opportunities for me to fuck around as he would have.  During training was one thing, but general fraternization was frowned upon if it wasn’t outright prohibited.  And after Carol, and Kevin, I already knew sex with any other woman or man would be a disappointment.  But Kevin could have just about anyone he wanted, and after what I saw at the grocery store I knew there would be plenty of men and women throwing themselves at him. His entire gay experience was limited to me, and there was a big wide gay world out there that he would want to jump into.  If he hadn’t already, he was going to meet other gay people.   All it would take was for Kevin to be caught in a lonely moment, or horny, or frustrated with being separated from me, or just tired of waiting and being good.  There was also the possibility there would be someone he found he couldn’t resist.  Kevin being gay meant he would find at least a few other men attractive and desirable.  I didn’t have that problem.  No one I looked at flipped my dick switch anymore.


“That’s bullshit, Tom.  You’re the only one I want.  And you better not be saying you want to fuck around with your Army buddies.”  He growled in barely controlled anger.  He still wouldn’t look at me, and his eyes were darting left and right.

“No Kev.  I can promise you now that won’t happen.  I know you don’t get how it is for me, but nothing except the connection I have with you does anything for me.  Even with Sleeper I was just doing it for him, and now that he has Zeus I don’t need to do that anymore.  Plus, we’re together again and just the thought of having sex with someone else doesn’t make me feel good.”  I tried to explain.  “Let’s just be honest with each other.  Don’t hide it from me if it happens.  I won’t get mad, okay?”


“Whatever.  Fine.  But nothing is going to happen.”  He said.  “I don’t want to talk about this.  It sucks bad enough you have to leave.”  He crossed his arms and his eyes turned dark and stormy.  I saw tears start in them.  “You’re doing it again.  You’re letting me go and you promised you wouldn’t.”


“Babe, I’m not letting you go.  I never want to let you go again.”  I moved back down and pulled him tight to me.  “You’re so hot and you don’t understand now.  But I know you will.”  Maybe I wasn’t being fair to him and maybe I saw too many hurdles we had to leap over.  Fuck, I didn’t know anymore what I was doing.  This was what I hoped to avoid when I left for the Army but was it the right thing to do?  He wasn’t wrong.  I switched my mind over to how I felt five nights ago when he snuck into my room.  Fuck!  I was being an idiot again, and I swore to myself I wouldn’t.  Why did the thought of being apart from him make me start putting up walls?  Why was that my knee jerk reaction and why was it so sneaky and automatic that I didn’t know I was doing it?

“Kev, I’m sorry.  You’re right.  I was doing it again and I don’t know why.  I don’t want to hurt you again.  I don’t want to hurt me, or us again.  You’re right, it’s bullshit.  It means I don’t trust you to love me as much as I love you and you haven’t given me any reason to think that.”  I sighed.  “I don’t know why I do that.  I’m scared, Kev.  I’m scared you’ll find someone better, or even maybe something easier to deal with than my difficult life.  We’ll have to hide who we are and what we do.  I’m scared that you’ll decide you’ll be happier being open and out as a proud gay guy.”


“Maybe I’m scared too.  Did you think of that?  I’ve got another two and a half years of boring school before I even think of starting my life while you’ll be out there doing exciting Army stuff, meeting tons of hot sexy soldiers like Addison and Zeus.  You’re going to change, I just know it.  You may not even want me in two years.  You might decide that it’s just too much trouble to be with your gay boyfriend when you aren’t even gay and don’t have to be.  You can find a girlfriend or a wife anytime you smile your handsome face at them.”  And now he was crying.  “I don’t need to be open and out, I don’t even want that.  I don’t really even want people to know I’m gay.  I didn’t want to be the gay poster boy in high school.  Everyone at university thinks I’m straight and that’s the way I like it.  So fuck you, Tom, you don’t get to decide for me just because you can’t handle this.  You don’t get to be in charge.  I’m not in your Platoon.”  He got up out of bed.

“Where are you going?”  I asked, startled.

“Home.  Maybe we’ve got a lot more to think about than I thought.”  He said, pulling on his underwear calmly.  And that’s what frightened me.  He wasn’t angry, he was calm, like he’d made a decision and had accepted something I didn’t know about.

“Kev, don’t, please?”

He grabbed his backpack and slung it over his shoulder, then came over to me, bent down, and gave me a real kiss that took me to that place, his eyes still wet but no more tears fell.  “I love you Tom.  Figure your shit out.  I’ll be waiting.  I’m willing to go the distance.  You’re worth it.  I hope you think I am too.”





Graduation from training was anti climatic.  Ordinarily (like with Basic and the original AIT) they’d feel like they’d crossed a finish line and were ready to embark on their new career as an Army soldier.  Usually, the Army loved their ceremony, their rites of passage and made a big deal out of the entire process.  This graduation was quiet with a closed group, just the Company and their direct superiors.  Plus, they hadn’t yet been told what their next move would be.  Almost every one of them had received awards and COA’s


They’d made it back to base Wednesday.  Since then, until graduation today, their duty had been busy work.  As holdovers they helped all over the base with everything from maintenance to mess duty.  The restrictions they had under training were still in effect, wake up at 4:30, PT, breakfast, duty during the day, barracks free time starting at 1800, then lights out and bed check at 2130. None of them could figure out what they were waiting for, and Sleeper checked with Lamont of the Charlies but they hadn’t gotten any word either.  The Alphas and the Deltas hadn’t returned from graduation.  Sleeper wasn’t authorized to call Assmunch to find out if he knew anything, but he probably hadn’t.  He was reporting to Ft. Hood today to get his orders.

“Platoon, fall in!” Sarge called before he’d even made it through the door.  Troll yelled down the hallway to notify the others who weren’t in the bay.  No one kept Sarge waiting this time, and they were all formed up in 20 seconds.


“At 0800 tomorrow you’ll all report to the Lieutenant for your formal orders and paperwork, but I’ve been authorized to tell you that Bravo Platoon will undergo Airborne training at Ft. Benning, Ga.  Pack out, you’ll be leaving tomorrow as soon as you get your orders.  If you haven’t returned your issued gear to the Quartermaster, do so today before 1700 hours.  Questions?”


Sleeper jumped in before anyone else.  “Will Private Brickmann join us there, Sarge?”


“Did I stutter, Private?  I am very sure I said Bravo Platoon.”  Sarge irritably replied.  “Private Gunnerson and yourself are tasked with transport of Private Brickmann’s gear and personal effects to your new duty station.”  That was no big deal.  Everything they had fit into a single large duffel and a backpack.


“Sarge, are we ever going to know why we were chosen for this training?”  Bootlicker asked.


“Need to know, Private.  And I don’t need to know, which means you don’t need to know.  Be glad the Army saw fit to provide you with additional training.  I think it’s because you’re all a bunch of maggot fuck ups the Army didn’t trust to let loose on the world.  And apparently you’re all STILL fuck ups because they are sending you for MORE training.  If you embarrass me and boot out of Airborne, I will personally hunt your sorry ass down and chop off your balls.  If there aren’t any more stupid questions, get to it grunts.  And you had better erase any sign of your presence from my barracks before you go.  ANY AND ALL.”  He stressed.  “It’s tradition to leave your Sergeants with a parting gift.  I’m sure you will think of something laying around that might be suitable.  Something you’ve stashed away for a rainy day, perhaps.  Dismissed.”  With that, he turned and exited the barracks.


They all scrambled to gather what had to be returned to the Quartermaster, talking excitedly about Airborne training with relief at being able to go through it together.  It was definitely strange though.  But Sleeper was convinced the Army intended them to become Army Rangers as a unit.


Just before bed check, Sleeper and Bootlicker brought a bin filled all the leftover alcohol stash to the Duty Sergeant’s desk.


“Sergeant, while cleaning the barracks we found this contraband in the storage room behind some crates.”  Sleeper said, putting the bin next to the desk.


“Well, I wonder who left it there so carelessly, Private.”


“I can take a guess, Sergeant, but it’s not my place to speculate.” Sleeper chose a half truth being unwilling to directly lie to the Sergeant.  “We just thought you might know of a good way to dispose of it.  We’d take it to the dumpster ourselves but it’s too close to bed check.  Unless you’d like us to?”  Sleeper said.


“No, I’ll take care of it.  Can’t have you breaking the rules, can we?”


“No Sergeant, we wouldn’t want to miss bed check.”



“Do we know anything for sure?”  Major Apone asked.

“No Sir.  None of the soldiers have reported any incidents or concerns.”  First Sergeant Barrow replied.  Barrow worked directly for the 172nd Infantry Brigade and did not report to Major Apone, but his duties meant any administrative issues like behavioral problems went to his desk.  Except for a few instances that were normal run of the mill young soldier problems, none of the four Platoons had any issues.

Major Apone looked at Sergeants Horvath and Walters.  “So Platoon Bravo and Platoon Charlie, in six months, have had no instances of homosexual conduct despite complete restriction from liberty and being quartered together?  I find that hard to believe.  The background checks the Army conducted before selecting these troops indicated there would be at least some difficulties.  Each of those Platoons has five homosexuals or potential homosexual soldiers.  And I’m supposed to believe no one got their dick wet?”

Horvath shrugged.  “I don’t know what to tell you Sir.  Even without a Duty Sergeant present there was nothing but the normal behavior of a 19 year old.  We allowed them to have alcohol as directed, and parties every Saturday.  Nothing got out of hand, it was all just your basic juvenile games.  I’ve seen worse at some of the get togethers I’ve been to over the years. These boys seem intent on becoming good soldiers.”

“Well, phase one is over.  I’m no longer driving the bus. The Army wants them to mix with the other troops now.  Maybe they’ll fuck up.”  Apone said.  “Sergeant Walters, Sergeant Horvath, you’re both on standby for temporary duty if these Platoons complete Airborne training successfully.  You’ll be joining them at Ranger School.  I fully expect a few failures.”

“Sir, what’s the purpose here?”  Sergeant Walters asked.  “What are we supposed to be looking for?”

Major Apone sighed.  “A breakdown in command, morale, unit cohesion, any problems caused by homosexual troops.  Squads and Platoons are tight knit units and the test study wanted to limit potential damage during phase one.  This comes straight from the top, from the Pentagon.  All this talk of homosexuals serving in the military makes us all nervous.  There’s similar test cases being run for women in combat roles.  The Gulf War showed it’s impossible to keep women away from combat danger even if they don’t participate in combat roles.  Off the record, we’re having more problems integrating women than we seem to be having with homosexuals.  And that’s purely for two reasons: One - the men don’t think the women can do the heavy lifting and pull their weight like a man, and Two - fraternization among the troops.”

“Sir, there’s never been a duty performance issue with those troops, women or homosexuals.  It’s been known since WWII that homosexuals and women have served honorably, sometimes with distinction.”  Sergeant Horvath pointed out.  He’d already reasoned out why the training Sergeants hadn’t been informed of the purpose for having the four Platoons here at Grafenwohr.  The Army didn’t want their test group tainted by either favoritism or hardship.  But he and Walters wouldn’t have any authority past this point.  “Does the Army intend to keep these troops together?”

“For now.  The Airborne and Ranger courses are individual training, not unit training.  They’ll go through the training at the same time, but will be on their own for performance evaluation.”  Major Apone stated.  “And as far as Airborne and Ranger School are concerned, Bravo and Charlie Platoons are troops specially chosen for the honor of undergoing Ranger training.  They will be tested exactly the same as all the other soldiers.  But you will be watching for any breakdowns.  They will know you’re there, and you will be who they’ll want to come to first with any problems, or guidance.  Only Col. Ulrich of the Airborne and Ranger Training Brigade  will have any knowledge of this test group.  He is under orders to keep the special nature of these troops quiet.  As will you.  Not even the Black Hats will know.  None of the Instructors will know.  You will report to him directly and only to him.”

“Understood, Sir.”  Sergeant Walters acknowledged.  Alpha and Delta Platoons had probably been selected for a different path.  Walters was suddenly glad he and Horvath hadn’t taken it easy on their boys.  They were more than ready to excel.

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“Mom!  We have to go.  I can’t show up late!”  I yelled.  She emerged from her bedroom walking like there was no emergency.

“Settle down, sweetheart.  It takes 15 minutes.  You’re so much like your father.”

“Bye bro!”  Tim flew down the stairs to fling himself into my arms.  “Thanks for everything.  You better tell us where they’re sending you.”

“Don’t wrinkle my uniform!”  I didn’t put much force into it though.  “Even if I forget, do you think Mom would give Dad’s Commander a moment’s peace until he tracked me down?  He probably already knows where they’re sending me anyway.  I love you, Tim.  Be good for Mom, okay?”  I hugged him back tightly..

He let me go.  “Where’s Kevin?  Is he out front?”

I sighed.  “He thought it would be too hard to say goodbye today.”  I lied.  “He went home last night.”

“That sucks!  I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye.”  He scowled.

Me either, little brother, I thought to myself.  But it was okay.  It wasn’t goodbye anyway, not in my heart.  Instead, I told him “He’ll be back this summer probably.  Maybe he’ll hang out with you.  You should work out with him.  It’s good to cross train, even if you aren’t in track.  He’s going for the decathalon.  He’s a beast.  Indoor nationals are in March and I wish I could watch him compete but who knows where I’ll be.”

Mom had her purse and keys.  “Let’s go, Mr. Impatient.”  I grabbed my backpack from in front of the door and held the door open for her.  Tim was now driving my old Trans Am to school but the old girl was not doing well and he shot out the door right after Mom.  Maybe my old classic would keep going for him until the end of the school year.  I made sure the front door was locked then walked out to the driveway and heard a cheer from Tim.  Maybe Mom said he could go to school late and he got to ride with us to Ft. Hood.

I reached the corner of the garage and stopped.  There was Kevin standing next to Mom’s Toyota Celica talking to her.  My heart beat faster and I felt my face flush.  He looked at me and I saw that big smile.   The relief that hit me caught me unprepared and it was really fucking hard to smile when I almost burst out in tears.  He looked so good, like I hadn’t just seen him 12 hours ago and he was wearing the Wranglers.   

“What?”  He called out.  “You didn’t want to see me today?  Okay, I’ll go.”  He joked, turning around.  Maybe he did that to flash his gorgeous jeans-encased ass.

“Don’t move, you pain in the ass.”  I yelled back.  I grabbed him in a hug and whispered in his ear “I love you, there’s nothing for me to figure out.  Got it?”

“Yes, SIR!”  He stepped back and tried to execute the absolute worst salute, I half thought it was on purpose it was so bad.  Kevin’s dad wasn’t in the Army, he was a civilian contractor that worked in maintenance.  I think he was a GS-7… he might actually be a 9 now, who knows?  Kevin didn’t talk about his family much.

“Don’t call me Sir, and don’t salute me, dumbass.  I work for a living.  You live in a fucking Army town for Christ’s sake, you should know that.”

“Language, Tom!”  Mom corrected.

“Agh!  Sorry Mom.  It slipped.”  I apologized.

“Your hat looks good on you.”  Kevin said with a smirk.  Now he was just fucking with me throwing out that reminder of Tuesday afternoon.  I’d put it on as a matter of habit even though I was just walking to the car and we weren’t on post.  Everything Army was just automatic for me at this point.

“You should see me with my patrol cap.  They’re called caps, or cover, not ‘hats’.  Are you coming with us?”  I asked him, hoping he’d say yes.

“Yeah, if you want.  Your mom said it was okay.”  He raised his eyebrows.

“I want.”  I replied.  “Say goodbye to Tim, we’ve got to get going.”

Kevin gave Tim a body swallowing hug.  “See ya brat!”

“Can I have your shirt?”  Tim asked.

“What shirt?”  Kevin asked.

“That cowboy shirt with the ripped sleeves.  You left it in Tom’s room.”  Tim explained.

“Uh, sure.  It doesn’t fit me anyway.”  Kevin smirked at me.

I shrugged.  “It served it’s purpose.”

“YES!”  Tim shouted.  He immediately threw his backpack down and stripped off his sweatshirt.  He was wearing the shirt.  It was big on him, but he’d fill it out soon.

“Tim, dude, you need to wash it first.”  I said, a little stunned.  I was pretty sure there was at least a little of my dried cum on it.

Tim grinned and shook his head.  “Nope.  Smells like Kevin.  It’s perfect.   Later, bators!”  He climbed in the Trans Am and tore off down the street.

“What’s a ‘bator’?”  Mom asked.

I rolled my eyes.  “You don’t want to know, Mom.”  Kevin never lost his smirk.  I was beginning to think Tim loved Kevin more than he loved me and that made me feel really good.  How’d I get so lucky to have this great family?  Even if my kid brother was a peeping Tom pervert who liked watching and listening to us fuck, then loved wearing a cum stained shirt to school.


We climbed in the Celica, Kevin riding bitch in back behind Mom because of the additional leg room.  I was both excited and reluctant to report in.  I was so happy Kevin decided to come see me off.  Last night was cold in my bed without him even though I understood why he had to leave.  It was just easier for him to keep himself in check if we were apart and he needed to get himself right in the head also so that he could deal with being apart from me for who knows how many months.


15 minutes later we were waved through the gate by the MP who executed a disciplined open hand gesture with his elbow at a precise 90 degree angle.  He must be either new or dedicated.  The sticker on the windshield identified us as military with my dad’s rank and I wondered if the guard got bored of making the same movement for the hundreds of cars that passed through at this time.  Cars with an officer’s sticker received a salute which broke up the monotony, I supposed.


I had no time for long goodbyes and I was thankful for that.  Of course Mom was used to that as well as the no-hug, no lipstick kiss rule for full dress.  But I gave her both anyway.  Kevin gave me a folded up piece of paper and a handshake, but his eyes gave me the kiss and hug we couldn’t have here on base.  Sure, we could try for a casual ‘just bros’ hug but I knew we wouldn’t be able to stop ourselves there and it may turn into the kind of hug you wouldn’t want the Army to see.


“Call me when you know where you’re going, okay?  And if you aren’t on a flight today, I’ll come pick you up.”  Mom said.


“There’s a few phone numbers on that paper, as well as my Spring class schedule.  But you should always be able to get a message to me through the Engineering department.  Just make sure you leave a number where I can call you back.”  Kevin added.


“Okay.  Wish me luck.  Mom…”. I didn’t know the words to say.


“I’ll be okay, sweetheart.  It hurts, it does. Nights and waking up are the hardest part right now. We thought we’d have more time. Don’t wait to do what makes you happy.”  She said with glistening eyes, shifting her eyes to Kevin for a brief moment.  “Life is shorter than you think.”  Her eyes grew distant.  “Whatever you have to do, sweetheart, if Kevin is the one.”


“I’m trying.”  I told her, then looked at Kevin with a smile.  “I’m happy right now.  We’re trying to be smart about this.”  Mom and I had a really good talk Wednesday night after dinner about what was ahead, about Kevin, life, and relationships in general. I knew if Dad was still alive he would have given me his advice too.  I had to go.  I waved at them one more time just before I walked through the door to my future.




I was on a commercial flight to Atlanta and it was packed because it was Friday and they’d had to shift over so many passengers from cancelled flights from the storm in the Northeast earlier in the week.  I didn’t mind.  Being in uniform after the Gulf War meant there were perq’s.  I was upgraded to first class.  Well, it may not have been the uniform, but it certainly didn’t hurt.  The gate agent took it upon herself to come bring me to the desk to switch my seat with a smile and an appreciative look.  Yeah, Kevin was probably right.  I got my share of attention just like he did.  I didn’t mind his jealousy, he had nothing to worry about.  The flight was unremarkable, and in just a few hours I was checking in with the USO office at the Atlanta Airport.


“We’ve got a ride for you that will take you to MEPS downtown.  They’ll get you to Ft. Benning.”  The volunteer told me, consulting a stapled group of papers he’d found in a pile.  I wasn’t the only soldier in the office.  It was mid afternoon, eastern time.  “Sorry, but they are waiting on you.  If you haven’t eaten, grab a donut or a cookie over there.  You probably won’t get to eat until you get to your post.”


“I had a sandwich on the flight, so I’m good.”  I replied.  I took the forms he handed me along with my military I.D. I’d given him when I checked in.


“Go out door 2 from Baggage Claim.  Your transportation is waiting there.  Safe journey, Private.”




I didn’t see much of Atlanta on the drive, it only took 15 minutes to get from the airport to the Military Entrance Processing Station downtown, where they in-processed new enlistees before shipping them off to Basic or Boot Camp.  It was so similar to a hundred other government buildings I’d been in that it felt like home.  Flags (we love our flags here in the United States) lined the lobby: one from every military branch, of course the Stars and Stripes, the the 10th Battalion Training Command Flag, the flag of Georgia, and two others I couldn’t identify.  The floor was that basic flecked white linoleum floor that hid dirt and was waxed every single day by maintenance, acoustic drop ceiling tiles that probably should have been in a dumpster five years ago stained with years of cigarette smoke and a couple water marks near the AC vents,  bulletin boards with photos of the Commander and his minions and notices of change in procedure and emergency instructions, plus a special place for Outstanding Soldier Staff Sergeant Wilcox who apparently still believed in smiling which bucked the trend of scowling Sergeants.  It made me think Staff Sergeant Wilcox probably had an easy job funneling new enlistees through their oaths.  Staff Sergeant Wilcox was Outstanding Soldier for the month of November 1992, three months ago.  Maybe no one had challenged him for the title since then.  They put me in a chair off the lobby to wait for an hour, bored with my cap in my lap and my backpack by my feet.  Obviously it wasn’t intake season because the place was empty and it looked like the minimal staff here matched my bored mood.  Hurry up and wait.  I hated that I’d been wearing my dress uniform all day and now it was showing evidence of travel.  It felt extremely uncomfortable to be in a uniform that wasn’t inspection ready.  When duty forced your BDUs into disarray that was one thing, but Class A’s should never appear this abused.  Sure, it was only a few wrinkles… well, more than a few, but it felt disrespectful.  I tried to let my discomfort go while I chastised myself for being unprepared.  I should have planned ahead instead of thinking I could just wear my civvies back and forth.   I could probably change because there was no expectation I would show up at Ft. Benning like this.  Hell, I wasn’t reporting for duty, actually just checking in not even formally reporting, but even so not showing up for a parade.  I was debating whether to ask for a place to change into my civilian clothes when a Corporal came into the lobby.


“Private Brickmann, come with me.”  He ordered.


I grabbed my backpack and followed him, eager to finally get to my post.


I was prepared for the two hour ride to Ft. Benning.  I was not prepared for Friday afternoon rush hour traffic out of downtown Atlanta.  Growing up in Texas, our towns and cities were on basic grid systems.  Atlanta was not.  If you wanted to go south, you had to go east first, then only slightly south before heading west, navigating one way streets between towering hotels, government and office buildings, working your way through a maze that I could swear put us back just a block over from the parking lot we pulled out of 20 minutes before.  Somehow, this took you to the Interstate which finally pointed you south.  Straight line travel in Atlanta was impossible.  Bootlicker could probably tell me why.  After we got through the traffic lights, the 15 turns, and finally got on I-85 South the day of travel hit me and I was passed out in the passenger seat, probably drooling on my already trashed uniform.  But I dreamed of Kevin running across the school lawn towards me while I waited for him holding the door.  The moment my heart stopped being mine.





I’m not going to lie, it felt good to be back in my BDUs, and even better to be back with my brothers.  Fuck, I missed these crazy assholes.  I even missed Puta a little bit.  But most of all, it felt right to be back where I had a goal, a target, orders, and an established structure of where to be, how to act, and what to do every minute of my day.  Over the last week I’d been getting more and more antsy, finding it difficult to just relax and do nothing.  It seemed pointless, empty, wasteful.  The absence of purpose lingered just behind my conscious thought so that there was no peace I could enjoy.  I had a gut wrenching moment in which I suddenly understood my Dad’s constant insistence that Tim and I had what seemed to be a never ending list of chores and tasks while growing up.  If we were sitting idle, Dad found something for us to do.  We got used to it, but it didn’t mean we liked it.  I now knew why my Dad couldn’t allow us to sit around, why play and leisure wasn’t an option until you finished your list or took care of some necessary task.  Those who weren’t raised in a military family would never understand.  No, we weren’t raised as some kind of junior military unit, Dad left that stuff on post.  But discipline and efficiency, cleanliness and respect… those we learned from a very young age.  I’m sure everyone undergoes those flashes of insight when they see their parents’ decisions and actions in clearer focus, but this one hit me hard because I’d always thought of my father as a hard ass that was too serious.  I was appreciative of how I’d been raised, don’t get me wrong.  But only now did I understand why Dad couldn’t raise us any other way because HE couldn’t live any other way and I almost lost control of my emotions when the gratefulness and love for understanding my Dad hit me.  I wanted to call him and say thank you.  I loved the time with Kevin and my family but I needed my Army.  I belonged here, I felt it in my bones.


“Thank you, Dad.”  I whispered. “You were the best.  You did good.”  I let the warm feeling of ultimate acceptance dry the threatening tears before turning my mind back to the present.  Somehow being in the Army helped me feel that Dad was still with me a little, that we still had a connection because I was serving just like him.  Fuck, I missed him though.  Way back when he was drafted for the Vietnam War (which he always thought was a good thing for him) the Army was a different beast.  And although he shared much of his military experience with me, he never talked about the war much.  The friendships he’d made back then still lasted to this day, and he told me the bond between brothers became stronger with every shared hardship.  Up until this last six months in Germany his words were simply esoteric, sort of like the words ‘freedom isn’t free’ felt before I joined the Army.  Now… I understood completely how these men and I felt something more for each other than simple co-workers.  I’d take a bullet for any one of them.  We shared a strength that surpassed individual limits and with them beside me or behind me I felt I could achieve a greatness I could never reach on my own.


I looked at my brothers with pride.  I still couldn’t believe we were doing this together.  It was Sunday and we’d just gotten back from the PX to get the items on the required list they’d given us.  It wasn’t much, but we were responsible for our own towels and washcloths, and most of us wanted new socks.  After six months at Graf, we were kids in a candy store at a PX that had EVERYTHING.  Those who weren’t in the military would never understand the feeling of exploring the AAFES Post Exchange as a young soldier.  We looked, but didn’t buy. About half the brothers were on the verge of getting the new walkman, but Bootlicker pointed out no one had any cassette tapes and they’d have to buy those too.  There was no point, this wasn’t our permanent posting and we had no where to put anything.  Once again, we were billeted in an open bay barracks.  The Bravos were quartered with 20 other random soldiers and it immediately drew a dividing line between the groups that I thought would cause problems, so I called the squad leaders over, as well as Zeus.

“Look guys, we aren’t technically a unit anymore.  We can’t keep to ourselves.  We got too used to that at Graf.  Tell the guys to loosen up, talk a little.  We should meet the others.”  I told them.


“Just feels weird, Assmunch.”   Shark pointed out.  “I mean, look at them.  Most of them look like they don’t know what to do, or how to act, like this is some adventure or game. Or a vacation.  It looks to me like too many of them like the idea of Jump School, and want the jump wings to make their uniform look good.  There’s only a few over there that look like they’re here to get shit done and fly.  The rest… I don’t think it would be in our best interest to get too close to them. ”


I noticed the portion of the bay we’d left to the randoms appeared to be chaotic.  Shark had a point.  The Bravos had already put away all their gear and uniforms in the lockers we were provided, our bunks were made, inspection ready in every detail.  The randoms were taking their time, behaving as if they didn’t remember basic or how to live in a barracks.  For most, it appeared, it had been a while.  I saw drinks and snacks, unmade bunks with half dressed soldiers napping, pieces of uniforms hung on open locker doors or thrown over foot rails, boots and socks tossed haphazardly.  Shark wasn’t wrong.


“They know what to do, they just don’t think they have to do it.”  I answered.  “Well we aren’t them.  Get your squads ready for inspection.  Cellblock, do you want to do the honors?”



Cellblock smiled.  “Oh, I’m going to love this.  You want full on Sarge, or should I take it a little less serious?”


“Set the bar, brother.”  I smiled back.


“BRAVOS!”  He yelled.


“HUP!” my brothers and I grunted loudly back, all standing and immediately stopping whatever they were in the middle of. The randoms got suddenly quiet, and I knew they’d also stopped what they were doing to stare.


“INSPECTION!”  Cellblock stepped into the middle of the bay, facing us.  We all leapt to the end of our bunks.


Cellblock took his time going down the row.  He had a scowl that would make Sarge proud.  He found problems that didn’t exist, a blanket corner slightly off, a boot that wasn’t lined up, a piece of paper that was no bigger than a fingernail peeking out from under a locker.

“Idiots.”  We heard one guy say to some of the others.  “We aren’t in basic, dumbasses.”  He received some laughs.  Yeah, this might be a bit over the top, but it was what we spent the last 6 months doing, we were used to it, and we did it for ourselves.


None of the Bravos moved or responded to the dig.  Cellblock continued with his examination of the brothers’ themselves.


“Trim those ears, Bootlicker.”  Cellblock commented.  Our hair had grown out since the total shave, and a few of the guys had put off seeing the barber.


He stopped in front of Zeus.  He raised an eyebrow.


“You gotta do it, Zeus.  We’re not going to get privacy here.”  He said.  “Sleeper, go with Zeus to shave.”


“Yes, Private!”  Sleeper called out and stepped forward before coming to Zeus.  Zeus went to his locker and got his toiletries, then followed Sleeper to the latrines.


“Look at the big dumb one.  Needs a keeper.”  Someone said.


Zeus stopped immediately.  All of a sudden he seemed to grow in presence.  I didn’t see him change his posture but he seemed larger, more deadly and serious.  You could feel a threat hanging in the air.  He was displeased, and it was impossible to ignore.  He raked his cold gaze over the randoms, looking for whoever said that.  Sleeper just waited, as if bored.


“Who said that?”  Zeus’ calm, clear deep voice carried through the entire bay and all movement, all the uncomfortable fidgeting came to a halt.  His head never stopped moving, he was drilling into every set of eyes that dared to look at him.  And not many dared.


“Jesus, he’s going to kill you, Teglovic.”  Someone said in a low voice.


“Did you hear that Sleeper?  I’m a big dumb one and you’re my keeper.”  Zeus said.


“Yep, Zeus.  Are you going to rip his head off?” Sleeper replied as if discussing a menu.


“I’m too tired to rip anyone’s head off today, Sleeper.”


“Do you want me to rip his head off?”


“You can’t do it Sleeper, you have to go with me to shave.  Let’s just wait until he’s asleep and beat him with our boots in the dark.”


“if that’s what you want, boss man.”  Sleeper drawled.  “Couple socks in his mouth, no one will hear a thing.”


“That’s what I want, Sleeper.  Let’s go.”  Zeus and Sleeper didn’t rush, and actually took longer than necessary to reach the door at the end of the bay to go to the latrines.  No one said a word or moved the entire time.


Well fuck me, this was a different Zeus.  What the hell happened when I was gone?  I’m not sure how well my plan to mix and mingle was going to go over, not after that.  I think I needed to know everything I missed.  We all waited patiently for Cellblock to complete inspection, then set to correcting the things he’d pointed out, except for the haircuts which would have to wait.


Zeus came back freshly shaved, with Sleeper casually behind him walking in step.   I walked over to them.

“I guess a few things changed while I was gone?”  I opened.

Zeus smiled, and of course I just melted.  Damn him, he could make you feel so good when he smiled at you like that, it made you want to smile back.  So I did.  Zeus leaned in to whisper very quietly in my ear.

“Sleeper’s my boyfriend now.”  His breath on the hairs of my neck sent a shiver down my back and goosebumps popped up.  With him came the scent of … something knee weakening that I couldn’t identify.  It was the familiar smell of a fresh laundered uniform, a clean shave, an earthy musk.  It spoke of healthy strength.  It suggested power, control, and thrilling danger.  It pulled at me spinning my head in a whirlpool that almost brought me to touch him, lay my face against his shoulder and surrender.  Fuck it was almost better than what Kevin did to me.  He pulled back and smiled even bigger, so of course I smiled bigger.  It wasn’t for any particular reason, just because Zeus was so happy that he was making me happy.  Hell, I wasn’t in control of anything happening to my body right now.  Apparently I’d lost some of my immunity to Zeus’ effect, but I found that odd.  It didn’t feel like I’d lost it… more like he was throwing out more of whatever it was.  It was actually a bit disconcerting to be this close to him, like I was being sucked in…and fuck I wanted to be.  I wanted to hug him really bad I was so happy for him.  And I think I wanted him to hug me back… really bad.  Fuck….Me….Backwards.   And then a small thought intruded… Sleeper.  Was Sleeper an active participant in this boyfriend fantasy?  Ten full seconds had passed while I basked in Zeus’ happiness, without a single thought for my best friend.

Sleeper put a hand on Zeus’ shoulder.  “Pull it back a little bro… he can’t think.  You know what it does when you let it out like that.”  Sleeper was smiling too.

And suddenly it was gone.  Well, most of it.  I still felt incredibly happy.

“I’m just really happy, Addison.”  Zeus said with a grin.  “I couldn’t wait to tell him.”

“Why don’t we three go get something to eat, it’s just about chow time anyway, and catch Assmunch up on everything that happened while he was gone?”  Sleeper suggested.

“Let’s do that.”  I said.  “Cellblock, we’re going to go grab something to eat.  Anyone else?”

Wanker stepped forward and started to walk towards us, and stopped with a look from Cellblock.

“Nah, Assmunch.  You three go ahead.  We’ll be behind you in a bit.”  God I loved Cellblock.  He could read a situation without even trying, and knew exactly the right way to handle it.  He was super smart.  I’m not sure how I became Platoon leader instead of him.  He was way smarter than me.

We were just out the door when a Black Hat Sergeant came up the sidewalk.

“Back inside, Privates.”  He didn’t yell at us, or growl.  He spoke to us like we were humans.

“Yes Sergeant.”  And we turned around and went back inside.  That’s how it worked.  He followed us in as we went to stand by our bunks.

I noticed a couple of the randoms had come over to our part of the bay and were talking with a few of the guys.  My brothers stopped talking and immediately went and stood by their bunks, watching the Sergeant look around.  We weren’t sure what was expected here, how relaxed the rules were, so we made sure we followed the Army manual in everything.  We all stared straight ahead.  The randoms… I felt embarrassed.  From the corner of my eye I saw various action and inaction… as in they just carried on with whatever activity they were engaged in like the Sergeant wasn’t even here.  There was no need for this kind of disrespect.

Look, every single one of the Bravos had received a permanent duty station after basic and AIT.  We’d all been in the general ranks where when you were outside duty hours you weren’t expected to be so rigid.  You NEVER forgot address, but other than that when you were off duty you just had to show respect.  Some unfortunates even had to learn that the hard way.  But we were at Airborne School, in training, and we hadn’t yet been given the run-down on how we were expected to behave but we did know one thing - we were in a barracks and you kept your barracks clean and tidy and if a Superior showed up you paid attention. And we weren’t going to start off by doing anything but our best.  Sarge would have our balls if we hadn’t learned at least that in the previous 6 months.  Hell, Sleeper hadn’t even gotten naked, so that should tell you how seriously we were taking this.

“Listen up!”  The Black Hat yelled.  The randoms quieted down. “If you are here because your MOS requires this training, fall in on the right.”  About eight of the randoms lined up.  There were two who went over to the other side and stood.  “That’s MY right!  It’s always MY right!”  The two scrambled over to the others.

“If you are here for ANY OTHER REASON, fall in to the left.”

The Brotherhood lined up on the Sergeant’s left followed by the leftover randoms.

“You will eat only at mealtimes, and you will be escorted by a training instructor to every meal.  You will remain together until you are returned to your barracks.  Once you exit the barracks, form double file ranks and you will march double file to the dining facility.  You must have the meal card issued upon your intake, you must show your meal card in the meal line. You will have 25 minutes to get your food and eat.  You are not the only class in the Basic Airborne Course and you will clear the way for other groups as soon as you get your food.  You will return your empty trays before forming up outside the dining facility at the location which I will point out to you when we arrive.   All students are required to eat at the dining facility.  In case you forgot you are in the United States Military YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL, and will receive no special treatment with the exception of serious food allergies of which you will inform the mess crew when you are served your food.  And I don’t know where you think you’re staying, but this is NOT a Holiday Inn and you WILL maintain barracks cleanliness AT ALL TIMES.  If we find food or drink in the bay again you will receive disciplinary action.  If we find your personal area in disarray you will receive disciplinary action.  While I would love to find these barracks in the condition you see here -“ he gestured to the Bravos. “We do not expect you to match this, but you will make your bunks properly, all personal effects will be stowed unless in use, and all uniforms that are not on your person will be properly stored. You will do this even during non-duty hours.  We are here to train you, not babysit.  You will babysit yourselves or you will be processed out to recycle.  You are soldiers, not civilians.  Act like it.”

I felt ashamed for the randoms, that they had to be lectured like that when they all knew better.  And like all Sergeants, I knew this one had taken note of the slackers and the exceptions.  I would later learn it didn’t make a difference.  Jump School was an assembly line for a single purpose: teach troops how to parachute out of an airplane and hit the ground.

“Form up outside.  This group goes first today.”  He gestured to the Brotherhood.  So our discipline got us into the chow line first, which meant we had more time to eat.  Let me tell you it sucks rocks to be at the back of the line when you only have 25 minutes total.  We immediately took off in step to form a double column outside.  My talk with Zeus and Sleeper would have to wait until after we returned.

The next morning at 0330 (Yeah, an HOUR earlier than usual for us on top of the time difference from Germany) another instructor, a Lieutenant this time, came to escort us to our first day -  beginning with the physical fitness assessment.  We were in our PT sweats, with our knit caps.  It was dark and cold outside.  As a group we performed our pushups and our sit-ups in a large well lit gravel pit that also held all the other groups starting their Ground Week today.  I looked around and saw the Charlies two groups over.  Holy fucking hell.  I wondered if the Alphas and Deltas were here too.  Lamont was looking around at the same time and our eyes met.  I smiled and lifted my chin.  He did the same. We weren’t permitted to leave our group, but I’d try to signal him to meet after duty tonight.  I flashed him a quick succession of hand signals:  meet, 8, barracks 7.  He signaled received.

None of the brothers had any problems and easily accomplished more than 70 pushups and sit-ups in the two minutes, and of course Wanker put us all to shame, hitting 83 pushups.  We knew he could have done more except for the required slight pause at the top that ate up time.  Holler was king of the sit-ups, probably because the skinny fuck hardly had anything in his middle to interfere with curling his abdomen and having almost no weight to his upper body that he had to drag up off the ground.  I’m sure he could suck his own dick if he tried. I put a mental note to ask him when and if we got an opportunity to have a little fun here.  A few of the randoms had problems, either not maintaining form or being unable to complete their two minutes.  There were two Marines and one Navy Corpsman from the randoms who kept up with us.  They were three of the ones who had taken their bunk area seriously.   I think the Bravos were the youngest in our group.  There were many groups of soldiers like us spread around the field conducting their physical fitness assessment under the watchful eye of the Black Hats.

After our two mile run (Bootlicker once again way out front, but I couldn’t help thinking Kevin could probably run him into the ground) we were led to another area with a pull up bar.

“You must execute a flex hang.  Your arms must be fully extended at the bottom of the exercise, and your chin must be above the bar at the top of the exercise.  You will begin by hanging from the bar for ten seconds.  When ten seconds have elapsed, you will be given the command to begin your pull up.  At the top you will hold your chin above the bar for 20 seconds.   If you cannot reach the bar a step will be provided for you.  This simulates the strength and endurance you will need to control your parachute upon descent.”

One thing became very clear - although our instructors were serious and efficient, they were not Drill Instructors.  We did not get screamed at, belittled, insulted or treated like children.  Jump School was a lot like our classroom and field training at Graf, where the instructors made sure we were absorbing their instruction not just blindly following orders.  We were taught.  We learned body position, we learned every strap, hook, latch, buckle and connection on our jump harness.  We learned every part and piece of a parachute, including the different types of canopy.  We got into and out of our harnesses many times.  We learned how to control our parachutes and navigate using the slips which were the straps that connected your parachute to your harness.  We ran everywhere in a ground eating jog.  We jumped out of a mock door wearing our harnesses first to get used to keeping our chin to our chests, our arms in, our hands gripping our reserve chute located on our stomachs.  We learned the specific order to don the harness with a buddy’s help, what safety checks to perform, where to tighten, how to tighten, and how to release.  I can sum up Ground Week real easy for you:  Pain. Hurry up and wait, fall, and do it again until you’re numb from the pain.  Tuck your chin.  Knees together, feet together.  Fall.  Roll.  Get up.  Wait.  Tuck your chin.  Knees together, feet together.  Fall.  Roll.  Get up.  Wait.  Repeat.  I think the shorter you were, the easier you had it, but everyone felt the pain at the end of every day.  Your knees hurt, your hips hurt, your neck hurt, your ankles hurt, your thighs and ass hurt, your shoulders hurt.  Did I mention the harness?  Yeah, your crotch hurt from repeatedly jumping from the platform to hang off the line with your harness yanking up every single time.  And then you were given the gracious opportunity to PLF again while hanging from a lateral drift line.  That’s the Parachute Landing Fall we’d practiced about fifty thousand times every day.  But the repetition worked as intended to ingrain the proper landing fall so that you avoided injury.  Knees to the left, roll to the right, five points of contact.  My body hurt constantly and I felt like I was going to die which was such a comfortable feeling for me I felt stupidly good about it.  We eat pain for breakfast.  And boy, breakfast at Jump School filled our stomachs.  We ran up the steps on the 34 foot tower.  It was rigorous and the repeated unfamiliar movements beat your joints and muscles in a completely different way than working out at the gym or PT.  Airborne was not for the weak.

We relaxed our barracks discipline slightly as that first week continued, finally understanding no superior was going to throw a fit about anything minor and that except for no food in the bay and keeping it generally tidy, we didn’t have to worry about Inspection level standards.  That didn’t mean the brothers got lazy.  It didn’t matter whether anyone was checking up on us, we kept a standard because of pride.  I didn’t even have to tell them, we all just made sure nothing was out of place every single morning before our Instructor came to get us.  And look, I’ve got nothing against the Air Force, honestly… but five of those fuckers just refused to try to keep their area up to standard.  I don’t think they cared.  I mean, they weren’t sloppy, and they made SOME effort but everyone else got their shit together after Sunday night’s Sergeant visit and the bay looked good.  Except for those five bunk areas.

I made sure to write to Kevin and Mom and Tim every night about what I did that day, so that I could send the letter on Saturday.  I couldn’t wait for Sunday when I could call using the long distance card Mom had given me.  Thank God it was no longer an overseas call.  Those were ridiculously expensive, and there was that two second transmission delay that made it difficult to have a smooth conversation.  One ten minute International long distance call could double your regular phone bill, made even worse by my having to call collect.  Supposedly the telecoms were shifting over to fiber optic technology which was like tiny glass threads that allowed data to flow so much faster but they had yet to lay the last transatlantic cable and get the new system fully operational.  We’d learned all about fiber optics as well as the new satellites that were going up every year in the two weeks of communications we’d gone through at Graf.  Fiber optics sent data using light pulses, which I thought was cool as shit.  Wanker could bore you to tears with how modern day communications worked and could probably make a radio out of a cookie sheet, a few wires and a circuit board he ripped out of a battery operated robot toy.

After evening chow, we were free to do as we pleased which was a new feeling for us.  The randoms had no issues enjoying the free time.  The two Marines and the Corpsman started hanging around with us after day one and we all got to know each other but they gravitated towards Sleeper and Zeus more than the rest of us.  That didn’t surprise me, but a few of the brothers felt a little put out because they saw Zeus as belonging to us.  No one said anything, but I could see the disgruntled looks when the three outsiders got Zeus to smile or relax.  Zeus was OUR God and we were unexpectedly possessive of him.  To see him interact with outsiders instead of us in such an enthusiastic way caused reactions of jealousy and proprietary selfishness.  No one was going to say anything though, Zeus could do as he pleased.  That didn’t mean we didn’t want him to bestow his attention on us exclusively.

On the second night a rare event took place regarding Zeus.  The Marines, Private First Class Battles and Lance Corporal Potter were massaging Zeus’ sore muscles, nothing different than what was happening with the brotherhood.  When I said we hurt and were sore, I wasn’t kidding.  We’d paired off to work out the worst of the pain from each others’ bodies.  The Navy Medical Corpsman Haggert was working on Sleeper, who was laying on his stomach, naked of course with his amazing ass on display.  Zeus had his Army sweatpants and tan undershirt on.

“Zeus, just strip down, it’ll be easier.”  Potter said, working Zeus’ massive upper back while Battles tackled his thick legs.

“Zeus doesn’t get undressed in front of people.”  Sleeper mumbled, obviously enjoying what the Corpsman was doing.

“Why not?”  Battles asked.

“Don’t know.  He doesn’t want to.”  Sleeper replied.

“It’s okay, Sleeper.  I should get used to it.”  Zeus said.  It turned out it wasn’t him who needed to get used to him being undressed.

“Good, let’s get this off.”  Potter grabbed the hem of Zeus’ undershirt.

“No, I’ll do it.”  Zeus’ voice shot out as he rolled off his bunk and stood up, and the tension in his voice put every Bravo on sudden alert, including me and all activity stopped as all eyes of the Brotherhood focused on Zeus.  If he needed us, we were ready.

Potter and Battles stepped away quickly.  “Okay, brother.” was all Potter said.  If Zeus was tense, we were all tense.

Chunk had stopped kneading my muscles, his hands remained stationary on my ass and I felt his fingers tighten in a grip.

“Everyone just breathe… Zeus is fine.”  I said, trying to relax the room.

Zeus sighed loudly.  “Sorry guys.  I’ll relax.”  And he did, which meant we did right after.

“Fuuuuuuuuccckkkk”. Potter groaned.

Sleeper laughed.  “You’ll get used to it.  You like Zeus, right?”

“Yeah, he’s great.”  Battles answered.  “I mean, look at him.  I wish I looked like that.”

“We all do.  But see, the reason you like Zeus isn’t really up to you, it’s up to him.  He likes you.  Which means you don’t have a choice.  That’s Zeus.  All of us are extremely grateful we’ve never seen Zeus angry.  I don’t know whether we’d collapse in fear, get angry too, or want to kill whatever made him angry but I guarantee none of us would like it at all.  He’s a God.  We just keep him happy.  We absolutely DO NOT like it when Zeus is not happy.  Mostly he’s just quiet and does his thing.  And he does his thing better than any of us.”

“Addison… don’t say that.”  Zeus shook his head.

“And he doesn’t like being called a God.  Sorry bro.”  Sleeper apologized.

Zeus pulled off his sweat pants, then paused before lifting his undershirt off his huge upper body.

The gasps from Potter and Battles caused me to turn to look.  I fully admit I popped an instant boner and it wasn’t voluntary.  Fuck, Sleeper looked like dog shit compared to Zeus.  I couldn’t wrap my head around what I was looking at, or the fact that something this impossible could be so effectively hidden by clothes.  We all knew Zeus was built and big, but shit… seeing the exact size and shape of his body parts stunned to confusion.  I didn’t even know a man’s thighs could look like that.  How were his shoulders so round, his traps that far up his neck or that big and thick above his collarbone?  His fucking rib cage was enormous, expanded further by his triangle shaped lats, and his pecs so mounded they seemed partially horizontal.  The valley between them half of the width of my hand, at least and I could swear they went around the side under his arms.  I made the mistake of looking at his nipples and found my mouth watering at the thought of nursing on them.  His abdomen was divided up into eleven very distinct sections:  the eight abdominals, the adonis belt created by his two prominent obliques, and whatever the fuck that was just above his crotch, some muscle I’d never seen anyone have before.  I’d seen his biceps and arms, but had never seen how they met his big round delts.   Zeus was at that body fat level where you couldn’t see his actual muscle fibers, but you could see every cut between the different muscles, and see them clearly.  Thank fucking God he wore loose boxers.  I’m not sure we could have survived seeing him naked or even in tight briefs.  We were all moths and he was a bright flaming beacon.  I knew if he asked I would have to leave Kevin for him.  It would break me into pieces but I wouldn’t be able to refuse, not for lust but to worship.  Maybe Zeus would take both of us, I’m sure Kevin wouldn’t mind.  Zeus wasn’t bodybuilding huge, not puffed out where every muscle appeared to swallow the guy wearing them.  It’s hard to explain, but he CONTAINED his muscles, they grew on his frame perfectly to the exact proportion required to make the adjacent muscle and body part look even better, appear even bigger, formed just that much more perfectly.  For God’s sake, his goddamn ankles made me want to kneel and pray for just the slightest chance I might be permitted to touch them with the tip of my little finger.  Every single eye in the bay was spellbound.  None of the brothers had any idea we had been allowed to live with this God for 6 months and I know I for one was so incredibly grateful.  With a jolt, I suddenly came to know the true meaning of adoration.  That feeling of rapture when you gaze upon a deity and the joy of being given the opportunity to touch him with your eyes can make you weep.  Magnificence was a word inferior to Gabriel Gunnerson.  He was Awe.  He was Brilliance.  He was Expansive and Magnetic.  Glorious.  Gabriel, like his namesake the Archangel, Strength of God.  You could not look upon him and believe he was a man.  It saddened me that I would have to ask him not to get undressed in front of us again.  If he did, it would eventually destroy us.

Our God stood there with his head lowered, still holding onto his undershirt bunched up in his fists.  The bulging muscles of his larger than life body were criss-crossed with long white scars.  I could only see his front, but the back had to look the same or worse.

“Assmunch,” Chunk whispered.  “You see that?”

“Yeah, buddy.”  I answered.  “Don’t stare, it’s obvious he is uncomfortable letting anyone see that.”  Like we could do anything except stare.

“What happened to you, Zeus?”  Potter asked.  I cringed a little, but was impressed that the Marine had the fortitude to speak directly to his revealed God.  If Zeus didn’t want anyone looking, he most certainly wouldn’t want anyone asking.

“I was bad.”  Were the only words Zeus gave in explanation as he lay back down on his bunk to allow Potter and Battles to continue to work his sore muscles.  It took them a half a minute to pull themselves together and reach out to touch him, but their hands were shaking, I saw.  I also didn’t miss the erections they both had in their underwear, but honestly I think every one of us had a boner for Zeus.  It wasn’t their fault.  I can’t imagine what it felt like to touch him like they were doing.

I didn’t believe for a second that Zeus had been bad.  A man that perfect couldn’t be bad, ever.  I wondered who did that to him and how they could manage to bring themselves to harm a beautiful God.  He’d never said much in general, much less tell us about his life before the Army so none of us had any clue where the scars had come from.  I glanced over at Sleeper to see that my best friend was watching Zeus closely with concern and worry.  All of us, the Brothers that is, understood if Zeus wanted us to know how he got the scars he would tell us when he was ready.  Until then, we should pretend they didn’t exist.  I made a mental note to let everyone know Sleeper would handle it which should let them ignore it sufficiently that it wouldn’t change how they treated Zeus.  Besides, we weren’t really in any position to do anything to help him except for doing everything we could to demonstrate he was still the same Zeus for us.

“My turn.”  Chunk said, having finished with my muscles.  I was still sore, but knew I’d be functional tomorrow.

I stood up.  “Switch up Bravos”. I called to the brothers, some of whom grumbled because they wanted their turns to continue.  I noticed more than a few jealous looks coming from the randoms so I addressed them.  “If any of you want the kinks worked out, I’ll get volunteers to help you out after we’re done with each other.”

“I want that Zeus guy!”  One Air Force guy called out.

I looked over at him.  “First, his name is Gabriel, or you can call him Gunnerson.” I said calmly.  “You get to call him Zeus when he says you can call him Zeus.  Second, he’s spoken for.”  I already knew the only reason it wasn’t Sleeper giving Zeus his massage was because the giant really liked the two tough and built Marines.  Potter had an ass and legs that almost rivaled Sleeper’s, as well as a clear serious face that was unnervingly handsome.  Like, can’t-stop-staring-at-him, how the fuck were his eyes that blue handsome.  Never mind that straight, wide nose, the square forehead that perfectly matched his heavy square jaw, eyes that were angles rather than curved or round, and dark hair cut and shaved in a high and tight that looked like it was created just to accentuate his male model good looks.  Still, for all his attractiveness, he fell in a distant second to Sleeper who was just better proportioned, taller, and seductively beautiful with his pale skin, deep pink lips and smoky dark eyes.    

Battles was damn near Potter’s opposite.  Tall and lean, but still muscular, Private Battles had light blonde hair the color of sunshine cut in a similar high and tight.  His face was long and thin with a matching nose, wide thin lips and a cleft chin.  His green eyes had that washed out quality that begged you to identify their exact color.  You know the kind: where you questioned whether you saw green, blue, gray, or some blend.  The Marine couldn’t have had more than 4% body fat, and it looked like his skin was just a flesh colored cloth covering his exposed musculature.  Zeus could probably wrap his massive hands around Battles’ waist.  Somehow, for being tall and thin, he didn’t look small or weak.  His chest wasn’t thick or deep, but it was wide, as were his squared off shoulders.  And in spite of his lack of mass, his butt still curved out and filled his underwear.

I grinned when I concluded Zeus must be an ass man.  He definitely seemed to have a type.

I made sure to hit Chunk’s soft muscle meat in all the right spots that had been punished repeatedly yesterday and today.  He moaned beneath me in relief.  I didn’t neglect his feet driving my thumbs up from the heel across his arch to the pads, flexing his ankles, squeezing each foot with twists and pressure.

“Ahhh, fuck Assmunch, you can do that for an hour.”  Chunk mumbled.  Across the bay various groans of pleasure came from the brothers, and I chuckled at the thought we sounded like a whorehouse.

“Roll over, time for your front buddy.”  I gave him a weak slap on his big ass.  Chunk grunted as he repositioned to his back.

“Awww, little Chunk’s happy.”  I said, grabbing his noticeably erect cock through his underwear.

“Careful, he’s cocked and loaded, brother.” He replied but remained fully relaxed.  “ We wouldn’t want an accidental discharge and it’s been so long it won’t take much.”  Chunk chuckled.  “I wouldn’t say no to a handjob, but we have the randoms watching.”

I laughed.  “You wish I would give you a handjob, brother.”  I teased him with one last rub along his frenulum at the head of his leaking dick.

“Fuck dude, stop…”  he whispered.  “I’m about to bust, seriously.”

“Why didn’t you have Wanker take care of it?”  I asked.  I’d finally gotten a chance to have that talk with Sleeper and Zeus and received an in depth report of everything that happened that last week when I was gone.  I felt a bit disappointed that I didn’t share that experience with them.  Not the Wanker part, but handling the shelter and that last operation.  Like everything we went through together, it made the Brotherhood stronger and brought us all closer.  I would have liked to have been a part of that.  I admired how Sleeper had handled the Wanker issue, and how my brothers had responded.

“Nah man, I don’t need all that.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m so horny it was tempting and I might take him for a test drive at some point, but I’m not comfortable enough with it yet.  It’s still a dude, you know?”

“I know bud.  I wouldn’t have either, for different reasons.  But it’s cool he’s good with handling that for the brothers, and that everyone seems cool with it too.”  I focused on Chunk’s delts while I talked, keeping my voice down.  “Still, you guys are awesome for not making a big deal about it.”

“Well, Wanker and Puta are still our brothers.  Who cares what they want to do with other dudes?  They pull their weight.”  He said.  That pretty much summed up how it was for us.  It didn’t matter what you had going on, if you did your part and helped us be better and succeed, other shit didn’t matter.  Weeble was our smallest brother, and sometimes struggled with doing some stuff, but he worked twice as hard as anyone else and never quit.  His determination spurred the rest of us to do better, and he couldn’t wait to volunteer for the things he could tackle with ease.  If he needed a hand with anything, we didn’t make a big deal of it and just helped him out.  The most frequent thing out of Weeble’s mouth was ‘I’ll do it.’

After a good thirty minutes, I called an end to our massages and asked the guys to go take care of the randoms who wanted or needed it.  I let them know it wouldn’t be a nightly thing and maybe they could pair up amongst themselves to help each other out.  I could suggest, but it was up to them to figure it out.  The Brotherhood didn’t have an issue with putting our hands on each other, but those other soldiers really didn’t know each other and it would be difficult for them to get beyond the reluctance to allow another man to touch you so intimately.  Of course Zeus and Sleeper just stuck with each other, letting the Marines and the Corpsman get their turn by Troll, Puta and Cellblock.  Zeus did Sleeper first and really had Sleeper groaning and drooling.  Zeus wore a pleased grin the entire time.  I needed to have a talk with Sleeper about what he thought about Zeus going forward.  If this was Sleeper just having a little fun he needed to know Zeus was all-in and it wouldn’t be right not to be honest with him.  Sleeper wasn’t usually careless with someone’s feelings, but I wanted to be sure mostly because this was brand new territory for them both and maybe Sleeper didn’t realize Zeus had fallen for him hard.  I could see it in every look the giant gave my best friend.  And damn, I was just a little jealous that they got to share what we did with each other.  I would have given anything to have Kevin here doing Jump School with me.

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  • 2 weeks later...



He was eleven the first time Ezekiel punished him.  After his father died it fell to his oldest brother Ezekiel to dole out any punishment required and he seemed to enjoy doing so finding the smallest excuse to give Gabriel a strapping. At eleven, Gabriel was considered ‘almost a man’ according to his brother. Gradually over the next year, he learned not to cry.  The year after that he learned not to beg for mercy or make what Ezekiel call ‘empty promises to be good’.  When he was sixteen he finally learned it enraged his brother further if he showed any indication he was being strapped and that he was the cause of his own punishment.  He didn’t complete his chores fast enough.  He didn’t do them well enough.  He didn’t rush home after school.  His grades weren’t high enough.  He was too sullen, or too happy, too talkative, too noticeable, not helpful, disrespectful, lazy, reluctant, clumsy, inconvenient.  He was strapped if he got blood on his clothes when the cuts caused by the leather rein broke open when he did his chores.  Even his skin was bad for it refused to stay together and bled, his sweat stinging his wounds causing a continuous torturous reminder of his failure as a man.  Ezekiel didn’t care that Gabriel wasn’t yet full grown, he was still expected to do everything his older, bigger brothers did on the farm.

At 18 he joined the Army and didn’t tell his family.  He waited for the day they would take him off to be sworn in.  Gabriel knew that was a bad thing for him to do, abandon them without telling them.  The others in his family would have to work harder to make up for his absence.  Ezekiel was right:  he had badness all the way through him.  With other things he truly didn’t want to be bad but his desire to leave was something he actually wanted so strongly he thought of nothing else until the day they would put him on a bus to Milwaukee.  He could not ignore that he wanted to do this bad thing.  Ezekiel was right.  He wanted to be bad.

Gabriel didn’t make friends.  He had no time for friends, it wasn’t permitted.  His childhood friend George stopped coming to the farm and asking for him before he turned 12.  It made Gabriel sad to see him in school because he loved George but Ezekiel would surely strap him if he allowed his attention to wander from lessons and schoolwork.  George had grown up into a beautiful young man and Gabriel would often stare at his former friend longingly, remembering their closeness, the laughter they shared, his sparkling eyes and boundless energy.  He often wished he could just go up to George and hug him like they were friends again, but that was bad.  He was bad for just thinking it.  He watched George get picked on for being small but he could do nothing for his former friend.  In spite of it, George never lost his smile or his optimism. By 17, Gabriel was already quite big and could have helped George many times, protecting him.  But getting into an altercation would surely earn him another strapping.

Soon after the strappings started, he learned it did no good to go to his mother, or his other brothers and sisters for help.  Involving them meant Ezekiel strapped him harder for trying to have them interfere.  A man did not depend upon others to intercede.  A man did not ask his family to save him from the consequences of his own bad actions.

It wasn’t until he finished Basic and went to AIT that he discovered he would not be given tasks to complete after duty hours.  Which left him time to notice the soldiers around him.  And he felt intense shame when he understood he only watched the men.  He was bad.  But the men he saw were so beautiful.  They had a happiness that made them shine larger than their fragile perfect bodies.  They possessed an intensity of youth, eagerness, they were so bold and confident he fell quietly in love with what they were, what they had, their potential was limitless if they only knew how to apply themselves.  But he did not speak to them.  He did not trust himself to get close to them, neither physically nor emotionally.  He had to resist his bad nature.  He must refuse to entertain his deficiency.

That was what he thought until the Army sent him to Germany and he became a Bravo.  At first it was just another posting, another task to complete.  He didn’t know why he was sent there and he didn’t care.  He would do everything they asked without question.  That was how you were good.  He saw how the Platoon grew closer and became a brotherhood over the course of the first four months.  They helped each other become better and stronger until they seemed to know exactly how to tackle any obstacle they were given.  He began to relax when he realized that even though he didn’t participate in their games, their fun, their conversations or their planning, they still took him into consideration and watched out for him.  When they understood he wouldn’t shower with them, they silently left him alone to shower by himself without interruption.  They took turns offering to put his laundry in with theirs.  They spoke to him as if he were one of them without expecting him to speak back.  They made him feel as if he belonged as one of them and that he wasn’t alone like he’d been since he was 11.

It wasn’t until Andrew drew him into that conversation in the barracks that Gabriel thought maybe they wanted him to be their friend and that maybe he could be their friend at least a little.

He’d been watching Andrew and noticed how he treated everyone.  Andrew was good, a good man.  He cared about his men, doing things right, completing tasks, and cared about the Army.  Gabriel knew soon after meeting him that no one else in the Platoon would have been as perfect for Platoon Leader as Andrew.  Andrew found the best in people, he tried to understand them and lifted them up in the ways they needed to be their best.  He let others shine in the areas they excelled, stepping back to allow them to take the lead depending on the situation.  He corrected and guided rather than punished.   That Saturday night in the bay alone with Andrew was a turning point for him and Andrew had worked his special magic making Gabriel feel safe enough to open up just a little.  Andrew just knew the right things to say.  He’d even almost told Andrew about his feelings for Sleeper but he was able to stop himself before revealing too much.

At that point he wasn’t even sure what exactly he felt about Addison Montelongo he only knew Addison was the most beautiful man he’d ever seen and he couldn’t stop thinking about him or staring at his always near naked body when they were in the barracks.  He noticed that the other Bravos weren’t shy about letting their eyes roam over Addison’s well muscled tall body and that Addison didn’t mind in the least that he was looked at which allowed Gabriel to feel it wasn’t bad to appreciate what he was seeing.  Addison’s confidence without vanity, his kindness, competence, playful basic nature and easy smile did something inside Gabriel that both frightened him and inflamed him.  Addison didn’t speak to him very much, but when he did it was with respect, kindness, and a desire to make him feel at ease.  It was as if Addison supplicated to him.  Gabriel often thought it should be the other way around.  He wanted Addison to be his friend but he couldn’t bring himself to broach the subject and open up too much.  To do so felt dangerous and willful.  That couldn’t be allowed and sometimes that made him sad.

“Hey Zeus,”. Addison called from his bunk, interrupting Gabriel’s thoughts.  “Want to take a walk?  I want to get out of here, get some air.”

That’s what Sleeper did, he asked.  He could have told Gabriel to go with him and Gabriel would do it, but instead he requested it like it was up to Gabriel whether they would go or not.  He was more comfortable being told but the guys always asked him.  He liked it when Addison asked, it made him feel like he was important, that what he wanted was important.

“Okay.”  He answered.  If it meant spending time alone with his boyfriend, he would do anything.  Well, anything except breaking the rules.  They didn’t have to be asleep in their bunks for another hour.

Addison smiled.  It felt like it was a smile just for him and he flushed with warmth.  “C’mon buddy.”  Gabriel fell in behind Sleeper and they went outside.

They walked for a bit, not saying anything for a few minutes.  Then Addison spoke up.  “Zeus, you looked lost in thought in there.  What were you thinking about?”

“You.  The Bravos.  My brother a little bit.”  Gabriel answered truthfully.  He didn’t have to hide anything from Addison.

Sleeper didn’t say anything right away.  “You have a brother?” He finally said.

Gabriel shrugged.  “I have seven brothers and four sisters.”

“That’s a lot.  Wow.”  Addison exclaimed.  “Are you the oldest?”

He grinned.  “We had the biggest family in town.  And I’m the youngest boy, I have just one sister who is younger.  She should be graduating high school this year.”

“That must have been cool, having all those brothers and sisters to hang out with growing up.  My parents didn’t have any other kids, I’m the only one.”

Gabriel shrugged again.  “We didn’t have a lot of time to do anything except chores and work on the farm.  Especially after my father died.  We went to school, came home, did our work, ate dinner, did our homework then went to bed.”

“Sounds like no fun.”  Addison observed.  “What else did you do?  What did you do when you weren’t doing all that?”

“What do you mean?  There was nothing else.”

“Nothing?  Ever?”  Addison seemed surprised.

“No.”  There was no bitterness in the statement.  He knew other kids had fun, played in the woods, did things like sports and going to the one public swimming pool in town.  He knew most of the boys at school, and some of the girls, went hunting during season.  Gabriel’s brothers never took him hunting.  But for him it was more important to do the never ending work having a farm required.  And he had no money anyway to do anything that needed to be paid for.  You did not shirk your work.  Hard work made you a man.  Doing it without complaint made you a better man.  Doing it well and perfectly made you a good man.  And Gabriel really wanted to be a good man even though he wasn’t.  Even though he did all those things, he was still bad, still lazy, still clumsy and neglectful.  He would just have to do better.

“Fuck, bro.  Your childhood must have sucked.”  Addison whistled in shock.

He didn’t know how to respond to that. He’d stopped wishing for his life to be different a long time ago.  Besides, his true childhood, when he wasn’t a man before he turned 11, was pretty good.  He got to play and he and George had fun.  But as Ezekiel had told him he was no longer a child at 11 and would not do what he had done before.  It was time to grow up and be a man.

“Come on, over here.”  Addison said, pulling Gabriel’s arm and leading him to the side of a building they had been walking past.  Built off the back was a roofless brick enclosure that held the large heating and cooling units for the building.  Addison made quick work of the padlock on the gate which any of the Bravos could have done without a thought.  Padlocks were easy, you didn’t even have to pick the tumblers.  Just insert something thin down the round shaft of the post to push the internal spring catch away from the notched end of the post.  He led Gabriel inside.

“What are we doing here, Addison?”  He was confused.  The equipment was almost roaring.  The enclosure was maybe twelve by twelve, and a foot and a half perimeter surrounded the eight foot tall heating and cooling unit.

“This.”  Addison said, before reaching for Gabriel’s head and pulling him in for a kiss.  “I couldn’t wait anymore.”  He said between deep tonguing motions of his mouth.

“MMMMMMMM”. Gabriel found himself moaning into his boyfriend’s lips.  He was glad Addison decided it was okay to kiss because he loved kissing him.  Gabriel grabbed his beautiful boyfriend and crushed him in his arms.  Addison didn’t complain that Gabriel was hurting him, or he was too strong.  Addison was tough, he could take everything Gabriel did.

“Oh fuck, you feel so good, buddy.”  Addison panted.  “I can’t believe you do this to me.”

Gabriel thought it was the other way around.  Addison could make him do unwise things.  They shouldn’t be doing this, shouldn’t have broken in to a secure area but he couldn’t say no to Addison, and found himself wanting whatever his boyfriend wanted.

Addison broke off the kiss.  “I want to try something.”  He said, fumbling with the slip catch on Gabriel’s woven belt.

“What Addison?”  he asked, puzzled.  The night was cold, but not too cold for Gabriel.  He’d grown up in Wisconsin.  If Addison wanted to undress him, he wasn’t sure why.

“Shhhh, just let me do this.”


And Addison squatted down in front of him and pulled his erect penis out from his pants.  He watched Addison look at his large member and stick out his tongue to take a fast swipe as if he wanted to taste it.

“Gabriel, I’ve never done this.  It probably won’t be any good, but I’m going to try.”

Gabriel took a surprised breath.  “Are you going to put my penis in your mouth, Addison?”

“Yeah, buddy, I am.  Hold on to your socks.  Here goes.”  And Addison took a deep breath, then opened his sexy lips to take the head of his penis inside.

Oh good gracious, his mouth was warm.  Addison stopped moving, waited very still for a few seconds while Gabriel looked down at him.  His penis seemed really big in comparison to Addison’s face.  He seemed to be hesitating, or waiting for something.  That was okay, this felt really good and if Addison wanted to stay just like this it was fine with him.  He’d never had anyone put his penis in their mouth.  He’d done it to Addison because Andrew asked him if he wanted to, but before he was asked he had never thought of putting his penis in anyone’s mouth.  He knew other people did it, the guys talked about it a lot.  But when Andrew asked him if he wanted to do it to Addison back in November, he suddenly knew he wanted Addison’s penis in his mouth, and it was the most wonderful thing he had every experienced.  He hoped Addison thought it was wonderful too.





The reality was so much different than the thought he’d had when he decided he wanted to do this for Gabriel.  Sleeper had more than his fair share of blowjobs from the girls he had sex with and they were fucking amazing.  There really was only a couple things better in life than someone sucking on your dick, feeling their lips pressing against your hard shaft, your head pressing into the back of their mouth, hearing the slurping sounds, how the pressure changed from moment to moment, that tongue moving all around.  If you were lucky, the chick played with your balls, that was guaranteed to start the cum flowing.

So of course he wanted to show the same pleasure to Gabriel, but never in his life had he ever been remotely interested in having another dude’s dick anywhere near his face.  It was just fucking gross.  He absolutely had to get past that.  This was Gabriel, and he deserved his best effort.  This would be Zeus’s first blowjob, and he knew he was probably going to fuck it up royally.  Shit, he should have gotten Wanker to do this, but fuck if he was going to let anyone else suck Gabriel’s dick the first time.  Maybe he should have asked Wanker to give him a lesson. How the fuck did girls do this?  He couldn’t even think about getting more in his mouth than the head right now.  His mouth had filled with saliva immediately, that gush that signaled a puke coming on, and he absolutely could not do that.  He had to get past this.  It was a dude’s fucking dick touching the inside of his mouth… he was fighting the revulsion.

That wasn’t the only issue.  Zeus’s cock was at least 9 inches, and he had a foreskin, and he was dripping pre-cum.  it almost seemed too thick for his mouth, both the dick and the pre-cum.  How was he going to do this?  He had to move.  Zeus was patient, he just stood there looking down at Sleeper holding his dickhead in his lips.  ‘Don’t think about it’ he told himself.  ‘Pussy, just think about eating pussy, it’s just skin, like licking Zeus’s forearm, or his chest.’  That wasn’t so bad.  The air he had been holding in his lungs came out through his nose, and he closed his eyes before trying to take a little more of his cock.  He had to stop once again when a stomach spasm threatened to send his dinner back up.  He came off Zeus’s dick with his eyes watering.

“Sorry buddy, I’m trying.”  He said, breathing hard.

Zeus smiled down at him.  “It feels really good, Addison.”  Thank fucking God Zeus had never had a real blowjob.  He had nothing to compare this pathetic attempt with.

Sleeper grabbed Zeus’s thick heavy pole and peeled the foreskin back and down the shaft, exposing the head.  He wasn’t sure if that was better because now he could see all the features that made a dick a dick.. the head, the piss slit…it seemed so alive up close like this.  He stroked the cock in his hand slowly, staring at it.  That was actually kind of hot, watching Zeus’s throbbing dick as he stroked it, seeing the foreskin slide up and back.  Zeus did have an amazing dick.  Then, on every fifth stroke Sleeper darted in and wrapped his mouth around just the first couple inches then pulled off.  Soon he was stroking and following his hand with his mouth for multiple strokes.  That’s it, just a little mouth action he didn’t need to do more, just enough to vary the sensation, keep his mind off what he was actually doing.  Before he knew it, he was staying on Zeus’s dick while his hand moved and it wasn’t bothering him, it wasn’t gross.  He started to get into it and began going lower with every plunge.  He discovered if he pressed his mouth to his hand while he was stroking the shaft, it seemed easier.

Zeus was making pleased noises, so he must be doing something right.  And right then his brain clicked over and he suddenly understood how it worked because Zeus was getting into it and that drove him to try harder.  He felt his own dick start to get hard with every moan that Zeus made.  He was past the taste, past the thought of this being a man’s dick sliding over his tongue.  Now it was the key to making Zeus feel good and that’s the only thing that mattered.  He took more until half of the shaft went in, his jaw opened wide but he kept his lips covering his teeth.   He tried for more but gagged when it hit the back of his throat and he knew that he wasn’t going to be able to take any more.  But he wasn’t having any more problems diving down on his buddy’s beautiful dick.  ‘Beautiful?  Where the fuck had that come from?’  But he couldn’t deny it, Zeus’s cock was beautiful, just like the rest of him.  A real man’s dick, thick and long, heavy and warm, and now that he wasn’t focused on suppressing all thoughts of what he was doing, he began to notice other details.  Zeus’s soft blonde pubes that surrounded the base.  His big heavy balls pushed out by his thick meaty thighs, suspended by the waistband of his briefs.  The scent of healthy musk like a locker room but also Zeus’s specific smell which was fresh, clean, and soothing like the outdoors in summer.  He found he wanted to breathe it in because it was making his pulse race and sending warm waves of pleasure throughout his body.  It felt like a drug, if Sleeper had ever done any drugs, which he hadn’t.  But it seemed like what a couple of his high school buddies had described.  Your mind got lighter, your body relaxed, you felt really good and easy.  The heat from Zeus’s legs felt good in the cold air as it radiated against his face, arms, and chest.  He moaned.  Fuck!  He was sucking cock and liking it.  Damn, he had to get more in his mouth.  Now, the spit his saliva glands released was the salivation of enjoyment.  He knew he was drooling the excess and didn’t care.  He moved his head eagerly and left his right hand motionless to squeeze the base while he slurped up and down what was left, fully six inches of thick hard throbbing God meat.  He pulled Zeus’s foreskin with his lips and played with the loose skin.  The taste of the fluid leaking from the slit was amazing.  There was no longer a single thing about it that wasn’t driving him into ever increasing gratification.  And he recognized that his brain had clicked over again.  This all began with doing something he found repulsive, having to force himself.  Then it switched to focusing on how much it was pleasing his buddy which made him feel good.  Now, he knew he was doing it because it was something he wanted…no he NEEDED to get this beautiful cock in his mouth.  He didn’t even care if he made Zeus bust his nut, he could just suck on his hard cock for hours, breathe in his incredible scent, taste his juices, absorb the heat coming off his body.  He forced the solid cockhead all the way to the back of his throat and choked himself on it.  Fuck yes.  ‘I’m gonna choke myself on this dick.  I fuckin’ want it.’ He thought.  Yeah, he wanted it now, wanted all of it.

Zeus was really moaning now, and Sleeper was grateful for the roaring of the equipment behind him.

“Addison…”. Zeus groaned.  Sleeper felt Zeus’s hands grab his head, and that turned him on even more.  Up until now, the big man had been passive.  He felt pressure on his head as his buddy forced him further down until the head pushed past the back of his throat just slightly.  He choked again, but not as violently as the first time.

Now, Zeus was actively pulling him off, then pulling him back, fucking Sleeper’s head back and forth on his stationary dick.  Sleeper moved his hand from the base of Zeus’s cock and reached under to grab his large nutsack.  Holy fuck, he wanted to be face fucked by this raging beast.  The more forceful Zeus became, the higher Sleeper’s pleasure soared.  He quickly fumbled with his belt and pants.  He had to get his dick out before he came in his pants.  Thank God he had the presence of mind to do that, he could blast at any moment, all it was going to take was for Zeus to lose all control and start doing the fucking himself.  The thought of being used like this put him right on the edge.  Zeus did not disappoint him.  His hips began thrusting as he also pulled Sleeper’s head towards him.  Sleeper felt his throat get punished, and every few strokes resulted in this big cock slipping past the resistance there and forcing its way further in.  Oh fuck, that was going to make him cum.  He felt his balls pull up and he reached down to help his orgasm along wanting to pull the cum from his balls with his hand. He still gagged every few strokes and that only added to his excitement.

“Oh!  Oh fudge!”  Zeus called out.  Sleeper lost it, felt his hot cum shooting out of his dick in thick spurts as Zeus tensed up and pulled his mouth all the way down to the base of his dick as he let out a deep grunt.  Sleeper couldn’t think about anything but being lost in his own orgasm and feeling his balls literally spilling every drop of cum he had in him.  He knew on some level he was choking.  It was painful, and pleasurable at the same time, it was a hard cum, the kind that seizes your entire body.  He didn’t care what Zeus was doing to his mouth, he only cared about this feeling and making it last as long as possible, drowning himself in waves of ecstasy.  He felt six heavy spurts fly up and out of his dick, a second apart.  He felt the hot load slide down his fist as more and more pumped out.  He was spasming as the end neared, jolts of tension jerking his body as it tried to pump out smaller and smaller amounts of cum.  He was literally pushing his forehead into Zeus’s stomach and he suddenly realized he had almost swallowed Zeus’s entire cock and how much his jaw was hurting.  And that he couldn’t breathe.  He jerked back off and felt his buddy’s dick slide past his tongue and lips.  It flopped out, covered with saliva.  He saw the head release a few slow dribbles of cum that stretched out before falling to the ground between his knees.  His chin had Zeus’s cum that he’d choked up dripping off of it.  He darted forward and lapped up the next glob that formed on his piss slit.  Zeus’s cum…most of which now swam around in his stomach he was sure.  He hadn’t been paying attention to whether Zeus had cum or not, but seeing the remnants oozing out his piss slit he knew he’d been inseminated and just the thought of Zeus fucking his load into his throat forced a groan from his throat.

“Fuck.  Holy Shit.  Fuck.  That was…”. Sleeper couldn’t find the right words.  Zeus’s chest was heaving with gasping breaths.

“Addison..”. The giant panted.  “I have never felt anything like that.  That was amazing.  You are the best at blowjobs.  Is blowjob a bad word?  I don’t think it’s a bad word.  I think it’s okay to say blowjob.”  Zeus gasped between almost every word.  “I want more blowjobs.”

Sleeper had to laugh, looking up at Zeus’s beautiful face.  “Yeah buddy, we all do.  I’m glad you liked it.  I was worried I wasn’t going to do a good job.  It definitely took some getting used to, but I get it now.  I think I know why some chicks and gay dudes love to do it.  It’s fucking intense.”  Sleeper swiped the mixture of cum and spit off his chin.

Zeus reached down and pulled Sleeper to his feet.  Then he pulled him into a hug and leaned in to kiss him.  Fuck, just a couple months ago Sleeper would have never touched another dude’s dick, or let another dude slide his tongue in his mouth.  Somehow though, Zeus made him want to forget all that.  Then Sleeper realized anything Zeus wanted, he would do for him.  Everything had changed.  He knew Zeus referred to him as his boyfriend, which was fine with Sleeper, he didn’t mind because it wasn’t like everyone knew.  But until now, he himself hadn’t thought of Zeus that way.  They were having fun, Sleeper could separate what he did for Zeus as making Zeus happy.  Sure, he got a little something out of it too, but mostly it was for Zeus.  It felt good to see a smile on his massive buddy’s face.  Zeus didn’t smile enough, he seemed far too serious and withdrawn most of the time.  Sleeper knew he and Andrew were the whole reason Zeus had started coming out of his shell.  Andrew said they could help Zeus be an absolute beast, and they had to bring who he was meant to be out of him slowly and gently.  Andrew thought the real Zeus was hiding, that he was never meant to be a silent, gentle giant, and that he was protecting himself from something.  Maybe it was that he was gay, but Andrew didn’t think that was all of it.

“Addison…”. Zeus said while he held Sleeper in a very comfortable hug.  Sleeper could fall asleep like this, being held by this big man.  Zeus made him feel safe, and loved.  Women had loved him, sure.  Friends had loved him.  That felt good, knowing he had their attention, that they wanted to make him happy.  This felt different.  He felt that Zeus loved him just to love him, just because Zeus wanted to.  It was a warm love.  And it’s different when you know the person loving you could protect you and was even more capable, competent, and proficient than you were.  Sleeper had always been the best.  His parents demanded it.  They also provided everything he needed to reach his potential.  He graduated private high school 3rd in his class, no small feat.  He was state wrestling champ in his weight class.  He could sing, and play piano, really well if his teachers weren’t lying.  He’d never tell the brothers that though.  His parents wanted him to accept one of the several scholarships he’d been offered to go to universities, but Sleeper had to figure out what he wanted for himself out of life first.  The scholarships weren’t important, his family had plenty of money for when he decided to go to college.  And they weren’t happy he’d joined the Army, it was seen as beneath them to be an enlisted soldier.  They would much rather he went in as an officer if he wanted a military career.

He’d always excelled which meant everyone else he met or was friends with looked up to HIM, expected him to take the lead, make the decisions, be the first to make a move or start something.  Zeus… he could trust Zeus to do all that.  Zeus was strong.  His stoicism was awe inspiring while at the same time his innocence was endearing.  It didn’t hurt that Zeus was so big.  Sleeper hadn’t encountered many guys that were bigger than himself, most of the ones he did had some kind of attitude or chip on their shoulder.  They were easy to dismiss.  They relied on their physical size to determine their personality as if they had nothing else to offer.  He found that type boring and frankly a little disgusting.  Challenge them in any way and they puffed up like a gorilla and Sleeper couldn’t help but believe that described their mental capabilities as well.  Zeus was completely different.  It was as if Zeus didn’t see himself as bigger than everyone else.  In fact, he seemed to think he was smaller, less than average.  He never used his size to gain advantage, or intimidate, not that he needed to.  All he had to do was let that serious look come over his face and stand just so, and you had no doubt he could kill you before your realized your head was flying from your neck.  With Zeus he didn’t have to be Addison Christoper Augurius Montelongo.  Yes, THAT Saint Augurius, Spanish martyr burned alive by the Romans in 259.  Sleeper thought his parents chose that one because he was from Tarragona, Spain, as were Sleeper’s distant ancestors.  He didn’t have to be that Addison with any of the Brotherhood.   Zeus didn’t ask him for anything while at the same time was always there for anything Sleeper needed.  It felt good to have someone who liked you who didn’t expect anything from you, and even better if that someone could take care of themselves.  And when you added that it was Zeus who had the ability to make you feel wonderful, or turn you on your head Sleeper was finding himself in a very uncomfortable situation.  He was sure he wasn’t gay, so why did he want to have sex and do things like this with Zeus?  It had something to do with the kind of guy Zeus was and that he was just better than just about everyone else.  It was easy to feel a little hero worship.

The truth was Sleeper had grown tired of being a leader.  Until he met Assmunch.  And then Zeus.

“Addison, I need to tell you something.”  Zeus’s voice rumbled as Sleeper relaxed his head against Zeus’s chest.

Sleeper looked up.  “What, buddy?”

“I love you.  I didn’t want to, but I do.”  Zeus continued.  “And I don’t know what to do.”

Sleeper sighed.  He just snuggled back against his friend.  “I figured that out, Gabriel.  I think I love you too.  Fuck, it feels weird saying that.  You know we are in the wrong job for this, right?”

He felt Zeus’s arms tighten around him.  It felt so good.  So safe and protected.  Then Zeus shrugged.  “I know.  We aren’t supposed to.  I don’t want to be bad, Addison.”

Zeus sounded sad.  Sleeper was already a little sad thinking about it, about the impossibility of it all, of even entertaining a relationship with a guy never mind the Army added in on top of it all.  His parents would never have it, never allow it.

And then there was the heartbreak they were inviting.  The odds were that he and Gabriel would be stationed far apart and never see each other.  Maybe that would be for the best, allow both of them to retain their honor.  This sneaking around doing something forbidden made Sleeper feel a bit queasy.  And he wasn’t stupid, it would happen again.  Where Zeus was concerned he couldn’t control what he felt.  Plus, he already recognized a pattern.  First, getting off with Andrew.  That was just getting off… a little dirty fun with his best friend eating his asshole like a pussy.  The depravity of the act added to the thrill.  He had a guy tonguing his shitter.  How twisted was that?  Fuck, the loads he pumped out because of that, he’d never cum that hard before in his life.  But then, he’d been unexpectedly penetrated by Andrew’s dick.  He didn’t know what Andrew had been thinking but it was probably pretty close to what he was thinking himself - how fucking dirty, twisted, and gay it was to get off with your best friend playing with your asshole like you were a nasty whore.  And when Andrew just jammed his cock in while Sleeper was just beginning to cum, it was like an explosion went off in his nuts.  The excruciating pain threatened to stop his ejaculation and he was so hell bent on shooting by that point he had to commit to pumping his seed out in spite of being speared.  He first thought he had to choose:  Pain or pleasure.  But on Andrew’s second thrust it became apparent there was no choosing, it was both, at the same time and holy fuck!  He thought he had cum hard before from getting his asshole chewed on… this had to be twice the feeling.  Being completely helpless as your nut was fucked out of you from the inside was an orgasm in a category so many levels above fucking one out into a chick.  It was hard to wrap his head around how he’d previously believed cumming inside a chick’s wet pussy, just fucking filling her up with hot jizz while she moaned beneath you was the best sex a guy could have.  He’d been so wrong.

Then he’d agreed to let Zeus fuck him.  Some of it was wanting that feeling again, but most of it was to see if it had been a fluke, a product of the circumstances or the surprise of it happening.  He’d already been fucked, there was no going back so taking another dick wouldn’t be anything special if it was Zeus’s dick and he HAD to know if that incredible feeling happened every time.

And it fucking had.  So far.  To be fair, he’d only been fucked five times total, but each time was the same, he couldn’t stop himself from spewing cum everywhere when Zeus’s dick was jammed up his hole.  It didn’t matter if it was a slow fuck, a hard fuck, a steady fuck, whether it was quick or passionate, rough or gentle, once that dick forced its way up inside him his balls started churning and the only thing that kept him from shooting almost immediately was that he had to make the feeling last as long as he could.

And tonight, he crossed another line: he sucked dick.  Not only did he suck that dick, he started to love it.  But it was because it was Zeus’s dick.  That’s where his head was right now.  He wasn’t an idiot though.  That was how he felt when Andrew and he first began fucking around.  It felt good to get his asshole eaten out because it was Andrew doing the deed.  That changed with Zeus, and Sleeper knew yeah, whose dick or tongue it was did made a difference, but not a whole lot.  It was just going to feel good regardless.  So, while right now the very thought of putting anyone else’s dick in his mouth truly disgusted him, he knew that disgust would eventually go away and grow smaller each time he sucked Zeus.  Hell, he was already halfway wondering if Andrew’s dick would be the same.  Fucking Hell, as Andrew would say.  It was a pattern that led to one conclusion - being Zeus’s boyfriend… his gay fucking boyfriend.  And that he’d live the rest of his life knowing he liked dick.  That didn’t mean he didn’t like chicks, and pussy anymore.  He just knew dick gave him something a little better…and that was something that was going to be with him for the rest of his life.

“We need to talk to Andrew, Gabriel.”  He said.  “Let’s go, we need to get back.”  He reluctantly extricated himself from Zeus’s arms.





“What do you think they’re doing in there?”  Battles asked him.

Potter chuckled.  “Maybe they’re doing what we were going to do.”  It hadn’t been that long since they’d seen Zeus and Sleeper enter the brick enclosure.  “Doesn’t take a genius to figure out, Battles.  Hidden spot, privacy, two guys.”  And Potter knew you couldn’t judge who was fucking around by how they looked.  Neither Zeus nor Sleeper gave off any sign they were into dudes but that wasn’t any indication.  You didn’t have to be gay to shoot a load off with a buddy.  Both he and Potter had girls back home but TDY and deployment held a different set of rules.  Besides, they’d gotten used to their arrangement in Iraq and they both liked the availability of getting some easy no-strings strange every now and then.

They’d seen Sleeper and Zeus leave the barracks and figured they’d see where they were heading before finding a secluded spot themselves to fuck out some tension on each other.  When they’d deployed to Iraq for the Gulf War in ‘91 it hadn’t taken long for the need to overcome their better sense.  All sorts of things happened on deployment and when you found a battle buddy nature took its course.  It wasn’t something normally done, but it did happen.  He and Battles started trading fucks a month in.  It wasn’t complicated, hell they never even undressed, just unzipped and pounded one out on the other’s ass, always fast and concealed.  It was quick and efficient.  Bending over for your buddy wasn’t a big deal.  It wasn’t love, even if you did love your brother in another way.  It was better to eliminate the distraction of being horny than chance not being 100% focused in a fight, but also there was the sheer exhaustion when the adrenaline left and resulted in boredom when coming back from patrol or operation.  You were tired, exhausted, but being able to relax didn’t come easy.  Add to that the mixed feelings of a high from racking up a kill while mentally dancing away from the fact you’d splattered some human body into a lifeless chunk of meat and what you got was a reckless fuck-it-all state of mind.  It was both a celebration and a need to empty yourself of feeling.  Emotionlessly fucking out a load into an equally emotionless buddy helped.  Well, there was SOME aggression there, a need to get something back.  That was why another Marine was the key.  You knew your buddy was going to take a fuck from you without having it be anything more than pounding out some relief from the stupidity of it all.  There were few women to go around and competition was stiff, no pun intended.  No one expected an entire war would only last 6 months.  The Marines were ready for a real fight, and instead they got a completely unprepared enemy who seemed like cowardly toy soldiers.  It had hardly been an effort to get the Iraqi’s to completely surrender.  The clean-up took longer than the actual fighting.  The worst part, other than losing a brother, (which thankfully their Regiment hadn’t lost a single man, but 24 Marines were KIA in the Gulf War) the worst part of the the entire thing was the sand, and the oily smoke from the burning oil fields everywhere.  It was a fucking pit filled with suck, the whole fucking country.  Potter could still smell it.  Hell, firing up a diesel transport immediately threw him back there in his head - that black cloud and the smell.  But the sand… it got everywhere, in everything.  It really didn’t matter how tightly you thought you’d sealed something up.  And God help you if the wind was blowing or a sandstorm blew in.  Have you ever heard that gritty crunch inside your skull when your teeth bit down on grains of sand while you were just fucking trying to eat a goddamn sandwich, just trying to enjoy some small comfort of a hot meal?  If you haven’t, you don’t want to.  You learn not to chew very hard and just swallow smaller bites.  Took a couple months after getting back before you trusted your teeth again.  There was one smell though that he’d always feel comfortable about - the smell you could never get out of your Kevlar helmet, your eye protection goggles, and any equipment or gear you couldn’t wash that got soaked with your sweat.  Take a gym locker room and multiply that by a hundred.  That was the smell of men giving it everything they had.  It was the smell of your brothers in the fight.  It was victory, adrenaline, exhaustion, survival, and brotherhood.  It pervaded your TEMPER because you and your gear and everyone else’s were stripped off and piled up beside your cot so you could collapse.  And there wasn’t a single smell on the face of the earth that was better than that, or that meant more to him than that smell.  To this day he could pull his helmet down over his eyes and nose and immediately fall into a deep, relaxing sleep.

The gate was opening, and the really big guy and the other big guy came out.  Sleeper reset the padlock, neat trick whatever it was.  Marines were trained to just break the lock or bust the door off its hinges with force or small explosives.  Potter checked his watch, it was close to lock down so he and Battles needed to get back soon too.  There was more than one way to gain entry.

“Come on, let’s bust one out real fast.  Over the wall.”

They ran up and Potter threw his back against the brick and cupped his hands, Battle hadn’t even paused they’d done this so many times for real and in training.  Boot up, shoulder step, grab the top, pull up, get a leg over, reach down, your buddy jumped, grabbed, and climbed over you.  In less than 10 seconds they were in.

They wasted no time, Battles yanked his sweat pants down his ass and bent over, hands against the wall.  Potter had his dick out and spat in his hand, swiped up Battles crack and stuck a finger in.  No time to be gentle about it, and it didn’t matter anyway.  Another glob of spit greased his dick, and he shoved it in.  Battles grunted, but otherwise gave no indication.  Potter tore off in rapid fire right away, starting by holding Battles by the hips and punching into him.  After about 30 seconds, he felt his nut begin to boil and he hunched over Battles’ back, grabbed his shoulders and pressed his forehead between his buddy’s shoulder blades.

“Fuck yeah.  Fire in the hole, Marine!”  Potter grunted as he felt his jizz shoot out into his buddy’s hot hole.

“Hoo - rah!”  Battles grunted out.

After a couple more spasms, Potter pulled out as fast as he went in, and traded spots with Battles.  “Get you sum, buddy.” He said, pushing his ass out.

“More than ready, Potter.”  Battles said, performing the same lube up procedure.  His dick was bigger than Potter’s, nothing huge, but he couldn’t just bury it like Potter did.  There’s a huge difference between a solid 6 inch cock of less than average thickness like Potter’s and his own seven and half inches of decently fat sausage.  He didn’t need Potter walking funny tonight or tomorrow.  So he eased it in.  He preferred the slow grip of Potter’s hole anyway, that first slide in always felt so fucking good.  But once he got in and took a couple slow strokes, he let loose and bucked up into his buddy with everything he had.  Potter couldn’t keep quiet like he’d been, and grunted out with every thrust.  He hammered away, thinking about that Sergeant with the nice tits in the chow line.  He’d love to titty fuck that bitch and spray his cum all over her face.  He buried his shooting cock balls deep and let his cum flood his buddy’s guts as he came.  He let the pulses stop, and pulled out.

They put themselves together and repeated their motions to exit.

Potter glanced at his watch when they were back over the wall.  Nice.  Less than five minutes.  “Fuck, I needed that.  Feel better already.”

“Me too, wish there was some real pussy here though.”  Battles replied.

“You’re telling me.  Never gonna happen here until we complete the course.  We may get liberty here, but we aren’t free to do as we please.  Better not to risk it.  It’s straight, clear fraternization as students in a course.  No wiggle room there.  Let’s get back.”  Fucking out a load with your buddy wasn’t exactly SOP either, but your buddy wasn’t going to report you and neither would anyone else if you were careful about it.  They ran back at a jog.  Nothing but two Marines out for some evening PT before rack time.


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