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Has Monkeypox eradicated the need to talk about sexual risks and protection ourselves?

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Wen I got the first one, the nurse told me it would become fully effective in 2 weeks.  In another 2 weeks, the booster is given, which requires yet another 2 weeks to reach full efficacy, which boils down to about a month and a half for both shots to become fully effective.  I'm not sure all these people dishing out the shots are on the same page, but it's a helluva lot better than nothing.  

  On 9/2/2022 at 7:57 AM, BareLover666 said:

My apologies if what I said came across as anti-vax or as disinformation. 

Just saying that there's hardly ever such thing as a 100 % guarantee for being safe, nor can we control everything and every risk in life and I feel this is at the root of anti-vax and conspiracy theorists.
Having said that:
A vaccine even if it doesn't protect you individually for that 100 % percent, it still works for our population as a whole in slowing or stopping an outbreak. Vaccines - like with Covid-19 - can lesten the effects of infection (you don't get as sick as one would being unvaccinated) and prevent fatal outcomes, even if one does get sick.


I know two people who had monkeypox, both guys having smallpox shots as kids and one getting Invamune. Each experienced lesions, but one had three and the other had only one that he mistook for an ingrown hair. They got away with very mild cases of the disease.

This sort of thing is common. Remember the first smallpox vaccines, which transmitted cowpox. The cowpox did cause disease, but the manifestations were much milder than those of smallpox, hence preferable.

  On 9/2/2022 at 4:13 PM, ErosWired said:

Given that the fatality rate of smallpox was around 30%, I should think decidedly preferable.


Quite. But then, people always think that they are lucky, or worse, that the treatment is worse than the alternative.

  On 9/2/2022 at 7:57 AM, BareLover666 said:

My apologies if what I said came across as anti-vax or as disinformation. 

Just saying that there's hardly ever such thing as a 100 % guarantee for being safe, nor can we control everything and every risk in life and I feel this is at the root of anti-vax and conspiracy theorists.
Having said that:
A vaccine even if it doesn't protect you individually for that 100 % percent, it still works for our population as a whole in slowing or stopping an outbreak. Vaccines - like with Covid-19 - can lesten the effects of infection (you don't get as sick as one would being unvaccinated) and prevent fatal outcomes, even if one does get sick.


I don’t think you came across as anti-vax. If anything you came across as Pro-vax as I am pro-vax if they actually work. I am not a fan of politics in either direction right or left. However you did respond inaccurately to my post. You may not have seen it in the news there but our current president is on record on video having said publicly MULTIPLE times that if would get the Covid vaccine you will NOT get Covid at all. That is a fact. He said it. He also shamed people by saying Covid is a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” these are facts. He shamed people that could not take it because of health reasons or people that made that very personal choice, which last I checked is a choice everyone has with their body. Just like we all make our own personal sex decisions, life decisions etc. these are facts that he said and we know that he was not truthful with what he said. That is where many that I know in our community have an issue. Why on earth are the longterm effects of what is an experimental vaccine being sealed, the records that is for over 50 years? Something to think about.

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Posted (edited)
  On 9/8/2022 at 5:43 AM, Want my 1st cock said:

I don’t think you came across as anti-vax. If anything you came across as Pro-vax as I am pro-vax if they actually work. I am not a fan of politics in either direction right or left. However you did respond inaccurately to my post. You may not have seen it in the news there but our current president is on record on video having said publicly MULTIPLE times that if would get the Covid vaccine you will NOT get Covid at all. That is a fact. He said it. He also shamed people by saying Covid is a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” these are facts. He shamed people that could not take it because of health reasons or people that made that very personal choice, which last I checked is a choice everyone has with their body. Just like we all make our own personal sex decisions, life decisions etc. these are facts that he said and we know that he was not truthful with what he said. That is where many that I know in our community have an issue. Why on earth are the longterm effects of what is an experimental vaccine being sealed, the records that is for over 50 years? Something to think about.


Dear sir,

What post? I wasn't responding to your post mister, but to @topblkmale's.

It's your President, not our President. I don't have a President as I'm from The Netherlands and the Dutch have a King and Queen (the latter is currently visiting California and Texas, and quite fabulous imo).

You fail to link to objective outside sources, that POTUS said what you said he did. Furthermore I would advise anyone reading this to not take your word for it, because elections in the US are coming and there's all sort of miss- and diss-information circling on the net which I suspect will get worse in the coming months. People repeating troll-originated discourses are part of this problem.

IF your US President said COVID-19 is a "pandemic of the unvaccinated" I think he was actually correct because anti-COVID-19-vaccines work, as the chances to be infected are much lower, and if one does get sick with COVID-19 the sickness is on average MUCH less severe.
This also helped in preventing hospitals being overrun with COVID-19-patients, which would have lead to (more) deaths due to not enough healthcare being available. Because of vaccinations less people had to be admitted to hospital and more who did, where discharged earlier than they would have been if there where no vaccinations.

I would applaud him for shaming people who for no good reasons and based on CLEARLY unsubstantiated 'facts' chose and still choose not to get the jabs. 

There are very limited health-reasons to not get vaccinated, based on if one has been proven to have severe allergic reactions to some components of the vaccines used. Please read: [think before following links] [think before following links] https://yalehealth.yale.edu/yale-covid-19-vaccine-program/information-special-populations-and-covid-19-vaccine
* If you or someone else in the past experienced this, please consult with your own health-care provider before you chose to get vaccinated or not. But PLEASE don't repeat here on BZ or elsewhere on the Internet - or real life for that matter - that there are are/might be other serious health reasons not got get the jabs.

Yes, it is your body and your basic human right to refuse any vaccination or medical treatment if you so wish.

It is my right to think that this decision in nearly all cases is unwise and even stupid. I also think the choice is selfish and cowardly. 
It is also within my basic human rights to say so in public, with all due respect to yourself as a person.

It's not my intention to be disrespectful to anyone, but that does not include your decision, your post, your words, ideas and the misleading questions you post in public fora. 

I would ask you, to not compare the choice not to get vaccinated against COVID-19 with anyone's personal sexual preferences. Barebacking is something consenting adults may do and only concerns those adults.
COVID-19 is an airborne virus other people who have no choice in the matter, can get infected with by you or me. Contrary to HIV where both condoms and PrEP have a near 100 % protection ratio; anti-COVID-19-vaccines do not, which you've just admitted yourself. Other people don't have a choice, if you or someone else doesn't get vaccinated.

You also fail to link to any objective outside sources about your closing statements about long-term effects of the vaccines being sealed. Again: I'd advise anyone reading this to not take your word for it that this inflammatory statement is truthful.
Besides, how can there be known long-term effects of vaccines if they've only existed for a short period? How could there be any long-term effects to seal for 50 years or any length of time...? It only has been a SHORT time, mister.

To me this proves you are consciously lying here on BZ.

I would get if you or anyone feels anxious or scared about getting the jabs. I don't like being sticked with needles either and these are now kinds of vaccines after all. I felt scared but still got both my jabs and the booster when it was my turn.
But like me, just please say so. That doesn't make you a coward, it makes you human. Giving into (baseless) fear on the other hand...
Doesn't sound very brave, does it?

Someone else who wasn't in favour of either face masks or vaccines is the former US-president, Donald J. Trump.
He did get infected with COVID-19 and - being both a billionaire and the POTUS of that time, had every medical resource at his disposal money could buy. Even being airlifted to Walter Reed... [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_House_COVID-19_outbreak

I don't think those medical options are at your, mine or the general public's disposal.

If it was only the life of someone not choosing to get vaccinated at stake, I wouldn't care one bit but see it as Darwinism in action.
But as this choice involves other people who are put at risk just by being around unvaccinated people I do.


Sincerely pissed-off,







Edited by Guest

Could we now go back on topic, and talk about access to PrEP and STD screening and if this has been negatively effected like here in my country?

Before I was so rudely interrupted by someone repeating misleading statements and questions, I started this thread to voice my concern about rising HIV and AIDS numbers.


☑️But I'm just so brainwashed by mainstream media that I need to turn every forum post discussion into politics and repeat talking points I heard on my favorite Youtube Channel, Podcast, Cable TV Show or The View (I love Joy) /r. 😀☑️

  • Haha 1
  On 9/8/2022 at 8:25 AM, BareLover666 said:

Dear sir,

What post? I wasn't responding to your post mister, but to @topblkmale's.

It's your President, not our President. I don't have a President as I'm from The Netherlands and the Dutch have a King and Queen (the latter is currently visiting California and Texas, and quite fabulous imo).

You fail to link to objective outside sources, that POTUS said what you said he did. Furthermore I would advise anyone reading this to not take your word for it, because elections in the US are coming and there's all sort of miss- and diss-information circling on the net which I suspect will get worse in the coming months. People repeating troll-originated discourses are part of this problem.

IF your US President said COVID-19 is a "pandemic of the unvaccinated" I think he was actually correct because anti-COVID-19-vaccines work, as the chances to be infected are much lower, and if one does get sick with COVID-19 the sickness is on average MUCH less severe.
This also helped in preventing hospitals being overrun with COVID-19-patients, which would have lead to (more) deaths due to not enough healthcare being available. Because of vaccinations less people had to be admitted to hospital and more who did, where discharged earlier than they would have been if there where no vaccinations.

I would applaud him for shaming people who for no good reasons and based on CLEARLY unsubstantiated 'facts' chose and still choose not to get the jabs. 

There are very limited health-reasons to not get vaccinated, based on if one has been proven to have severe allergic reactions to some components of the vaccines used. Please read: [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] https://yalehealth.yale.edu/yale-covid-19-vaccine-program/information-special-populations-and-covid-19-vaccine
* If you or someone else in the past experienced this, please consult with your own health-care provider before you chose to get vaccinated or not. But PLEASE don't repeat here on BZ or elsewhere on the Internet - or real life for that matter - that there are are/might be other serious health reasons not got get the jabs.

Yes, it is your body and your basic human right to refuse any vaccination or medical treatment if you so wish.

It is my right to think that this decision in nearly all cases is unwise and even stupid. I also think the choice is selfish and cowardly. 
It is also within my basic human rights to say so in public, with all due respect to yourself as a person.

It's not my intention to be disrespectful to anyone, but that does not include your decision, your post, your words, ideas and the misleading questions you post in public fora. 

I would ask you, to not compare the choice not to get vaccinated against COVID-19 with anyone's personal sexual preferences. Barebacking is something consenting adults may do and only concerns those adults.
COVID-19 is an airborne virus other people who have no choice in the matter, can get infected with by you or me. Contrary to HIV where both condoms and PrEP have a near 100 % protection ratio; anti-COVID-19-vaccines do not, which you've just admitted yourself. Other people don't have a choice, if you or someone else doesn't get vaccinated.

You also fail to link to any objective outside sources about your closing statements about long-term effects of the vaccines being sealed. Again: I'd advise anyone reading this to not take your word for it that this inflammatory statement is truthful.
Besides, how can there be known long-term effects of vaccines if they've only existed for a short period? How could there be any long-term effects to seal for 50 years or any length of time...? It only has been a SHORT time, mister.

To me this proves you are consciously lying here on BZ.

I would get if you or anyone feels anxious or scared about getting the jabs. I don't like being sticked with needles either and these are now kinds of vaccines after all. I felt scared but still got both my jabs and the booster when it was my turn.
But like me, just please say so. That doesn't make you a coward, it makes you human. Giving into (baseless) fear on the other hand...
Doesn't sound very brave, does it?

Someone else who wasn't in favour of either face masks or vaccines is the former US-president, Donald J. Trump.
He did get infected with COVID-19 and - being both a billionaire and the POTUS of that time, had every medical resource at his disposal money could buy. Even being airlifted to Walter Reed... [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_House_COVID-19_outbreak

I don't think those medical options are at your, mine or the general public's disposal.

If it was only the life of someone not choosing to get vaccinated at stake, I wouldn't care one bit but see it as Darwinism in action.
But as this choice involves other people who are put at risk just by being around unvaccinated people I do.


Sincerely pissed-off,








Thank you for the 🤣😂

  On 8/15/2022 at 2:18 PM, BareLover666 said:

Just like during the Covid-19 outbreak, our local health clinics (GGD's) in The Netherlands have stopped or strictly decreased screening for HIV and STD's.
I also noticed that the last posts made in the 'HIV Risk & Risk Reduction' sub-forum was on July 31; On August 8 in the 'PrEP Discussion' sub-forum, respectively. 

Why is that, or has this finally stopped all of us to having sex altogether? 
Has the risk of HIV and STD's mysteriously gone away?

I am concerned about a rise of STD's and HIV-infections that will go on untreated for too long.



I can't speak to a drop in regular STI testing as my physician runs mine every 2 to 3 months, more often if I have a series of  sex events (like Fist Fest and Palm Springs leather Pride) in close proximity. Sex here in the south eastern USA has not stopped, though the number of guys attending bother the summer Fist Fest in July and the Dog Days pup even in August was a little less than normal. We still had a solid turn out at both and no one had MP as it was requested by the event organizers not to come if you'd been to another event (including group sex party or bathhouse) within the previous three weeks. Fist Fest coming up in early October will actually require proof of at least one MP vaccine dose in order to attend. I received my monkey pox vaccine in early August and the second in early September, though I had to travel outside Atlanta to do it as our public health system spread all the doses evenly across the state's several health districts, even though there is far less demand for it in the rural areas compared to the more populous cities.

If the health departments are devoting staff exclusively to giving the MP vaccines, it's not unreasonable to find they have less appointments available for regular STI testing and treatments. The MP roll out in the USA, like the entire Covid disaster has been mishandled by the politicians of both parties here.  

  • Upvote 1

I found myself in a fantastic monogamous relationship at the start of August, so I have not been engaging. My sense is that the number of sex parties has been dropping in Toronto, though I have no idea what sez is actually going on.

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