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Taking something home? wut is dis 1990's mindset? Why not just pharmaceutically reinforce yourself so that you can just give in and be depraved already and stop fearing sex? Here's the detailed rundown because I don't think some cumdumps are in the know as of yet. Ok, so a full STD panel that your doc would have you go get checked for includes: 

1) HIV   2) Chlamydia   3) Gonorrhea   4) Syphilis   5) Hepatitis C   6) Herpes   7) Trichomoniasis

1) Daily PreP (Truvada, Descovy or generics; 1 pill a day), after a 1 week ramp period, gives you a 99 point something % chance of not getting HIV. On-demand PreP (2(a day before)-1 (before)-1 (after) pill routine) affords an 86% chance of protection. Taken as Post exposure prophylaxis immediately after, it's 78% chance of protection. All free in Canada. 

2,3,4) Doxycycline is a broad spectrum antibiotic prescribed for acne at a dosage of 100mg per day ($10 for 3 months in Canada) and conveniently, has been shown in randomized clinical trials to treat 100% infection by chlamydia ([think before following links] [think before following links] https://academic.oup.com/cid/article/59/2/193/2895398), gonorrhea and early syphilis ([think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0399077X11003192)  It is commonly known as DoxyPEP - ([think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.cdc.gov/std/treatment-guidelines/clinical-primary.htm#CautionsForDoxyPEP) and recommended by the CDC at 200mg/day for 7 days for complete treatment. Studies have also been done when its prophylactically at 100mg/day and show a significant reduction in incidence and treatment time when used concommitantly with PEP. So, 1 pill (100)mg/day propylactically and if u get bred, do 2 pills (200mg) per day for 3 days post exposure, as recommended here ([think before following links] [think before following links] https://journals.lww.com/stdjournal/Fulltext/2021/09000/Interest,_Concerns,_and_Attitudes_Among_Men_Who.1.aspx?context=LatestArticles). 

5) Hep C - mainly transmitted via blood. Very low chance normally but say you had rough sex and there was bleeding or you slammed or something, there's a post exposure prophylaxis that they used to give med staff that accidentally jabbed themselves - some antivirals called Sofosbuvir/Velpatasvir daily after exposure for 2 weeks; or in conjunction with ezetimibe prophylactically, it's 1 week for complete treatment. ([think before following links] [think before following links] https://journals.lww.com/transplantjournal/Fulltext/2022/04000/Ultrashort_Duration_Prophylaxis_for_Hepatitis_C.35.aspx)

6) Herpes - almost everyone has herpes. It's so easily passed by contact and doesn't have to be by sexual contact. But say you want to be sure, take acyclovir 200mg every 4 hrs for 5 days post exposure for complete treatment ([think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7730702/)

7) Trich - men show no symptoms but women get smelly. very contagious but easily cleared up. 2-g oral dose of Tindamax once daily for two days. ([think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.aafp.org/pubs/afp/issues/2009/0115/p102.html)

Additionally, not on the panel but still relevant - You can get vaccinated for HPV with Gardasil, and for Hepatitis A and B with TwinRix. Subsidized depending on Province if you're in Canada.

So, there you go, a way for you to occasionally go off on a 'business trip' and be as much of a cumwhore and cockhound as you want to be and you just need a week's worth of time and some pharmaceutical preparation to clear a full sti panel afterwards haha.

not a med doctor btw. I personally only take prep and doxy regularly


Edited by rock-cock-jock
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On 10/20/2022 at 3:07 PM, Ccmmss said:


So had a curiouse thought. Are most cumdumps on here single or married?

If married, are you concerned about taking something home?

I'm married now, we just married in June. My wife knows I love having sex with men, in fact, she's turned on by it. I don't typically take men home, because we have one teen left living at home, but when he's gone, we both have brought men home for sex. In fact, she's gone with me to gay bars and watched me get fucked and or fuck. 

      As far as STDs, I have HIV and HeP B from men, she has HPV. We've both had a few others that were treatable. all a part of enjoying bareback sex

Edited by LuvRawNkc
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i was married (to a woman) for half my life... my story is all over BZ, so the short of it is i was religious and trying to straighten myself out. Didn't work of course, but to me forever to accept myself as i am. i knew i was gay from puberty and can trace my attraction to males back to age 7. All my childhood crushes were on boys, but was programed to think myself "sick and sinful." i even stood up in church at age 19 and "confessed" my attraction to males... in a sense, that was my first coming out. But none of us (including my future wife to be, as well as myself) realized what that meant.

Meanwhile, while married, about 5 years into marriage, i gave in and had my first sex with a Man. Of course, the proverbial cat was out of the bag and there was no getting 'it ' back in.  i realized after divorcing many years later that sex with men became my only true source of recognition and affirmation of my gay bottom nature. i seriously could not help myself or stop, which the religious culture was all over telling me i was a "sexual addict." fuck that, those sanctimonious people are all about justifying their controlling beliefs, they could not care less about things like "love" that they talk about incessantly, but twist into yet another demented form of control (sorry, i'm going off lol).

i 'cheated' and lied to cover, hid like a scared rat, and felt horrible for it, my whole married life. i was petrified i'd infect my former wife with something, but felt powerless to stop (these were the days before PReP). i even watched my gay brother die of AID's during the 80's, but nothing stopped my need for a Man.

i infected my wife with Chlamydia twice, that was early on when i was still getting sucked, and somehow lied my way out of that. 

Then my wife got sick and i was convinced i'd given her AID's (by that time i was getting fucked bare and often... usually daily). i went to our church pastor and "confessed" and he told me i had to tell her. i did, and that was a hell i cannot describe. Doubled my guilt and shame, but i thought now that i'd 'come clean' i'd be able to get over being gay. Lol, i was a very slow learner, but really, i was a sincere believer in all the religious stuff i'd been conditioned by, and also had fed and nurtured myself on as an adult.

It took me so long to process and try changing till i finally realized and accepted: i'm gay and i NEED a Man.  Basic stuff, but i had a deep pit to dig out of. But i did. i did not rebel against religion or my conditioning, i saw through it. As torturous as that process was, it was the making of me. i regret the lying and cheating i did, not justification for that, but i also understand and can forgive myself for it, i was in an untenable mind fuck (not the good kind) prison. 

Getting divorced cost me everything i had (literally), but i gained honesty, integrity and my self in return. It was well worth the price. i am a happy, peaceful guy now, and free to love a Man without fear, guilt, shame or remorse. 

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