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How much sexual frustration do you put up with before you give up even looking in a location?


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Things have been really slow here at the bathhouses and all of the other cruising venues I frequent since summer. Usually, at least for the bathhouses things pick up once fall arrives and is as good as it gets locally from December through February, but unfortunately this year we might as well still be in the middle of the normal summer sexual doldrums. Guys are at the baths and cruising, but just like is normal in the summer they mostly don't hookup, or when they do they don't fuck. In years past when I was traveling all the time for work I have completely given up on looking for sex locally, while I am traveling some again, I need to be able to find casual hookups more than 1 week a month.

Last night was completely ridiculous. I arrived 2 hours before "blackout" night started, I had trouble finding a parking space, so I knew there was going to be a large crowd, but it went down hill from there. The 1st guy I see in the locker room, is 1 of the underwear models changing his underwear/jockstrap before making his next circuit through the club, and before I finished undressing a 2nd underwear model came in to change. The 1st guy I see after leaving the locker room is a young guy who always wears his towel on his head while dancing completely naked through the hallways, but never does anything else. I check the group play spaces, both of them were completely deserted. I walked through the room area, tons of guys circling, but only a couple of doors open with guys just standing in their rooms not signalling anything. Even though hot tub was busy I decided to have a soak since nothing else is going on, anyway. After that I did meet up with a couple of regulars but neither one wanted go further than sucking last night. After about an hour of blue balling I lost my ability to get hard, at least until I see some inspiration. Blackout is about to start, so I get in line to get my position coded glow stick wristband, while I'm in line lots of the posers including towel on head boy and both underwear models checkout, so I think maybe things are looking up. I soon discover more than half the guys have opted for the purple, I don't have a sexual position wristband (maybe they ran out of orange for oral only, since I only see a handful of those, and that is normally what half the guys choose). I finally see 2 guys that I've fucked with before at one of the slings (both wearing green wristbands for verse) trying to fuck but the guy trying to top can't get hard enough and the guy in the sling is completely soft. After a couple more circuits I decide to give the sling a try, the guy I had seen trying to fuck before tries to fuck me, but still can't get hard, leaves to walk around and then comes back to try again but still no luck.

Sadly from here, things only got worse. I went up to the porn viewing room and find a couple eating each other's asses, a 3rd soon joins them eating ass, one of the original guys leaves and the other 2 continue for another15-20 minutes until the other half of the original ass eating couple leaves too.  The next thing that happens is I get cruised by one of the guys circling the hallways, who gets me to go back to his room with him, only to find out his idea of sex is limited to sucking each other's tits. I run into another older latin guy who sometimes fucks me, and asks me back to his room, he can't get hard either, but wants us to suck on each other's tits, WTF. At this point the crowd is almost gone, I find the guy who tried to fuck me but couldn't get hard trying to get fucked in the sling by a guy with the ultra rare blue for top wristband, but he can't get hard either. At this point it is only midnight, but the club is almost empty and it is fairly obvious that the vide has killed everyone's hard on, so I went home even more frustrated than when I arrived. The posers and the functionally lesbian guys clearly won the night, killing everyone else's sex drive.


Edited by NWUSHorny
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11 minutes ago, Muscledadbod said:

Sounds like lots of drugs going on there, most can't get hard.

That is definitely part of the problem, but there aren't better options here. The hookup apps are even worse. I do not party, and have no interest in partying, however an hour or more of watching the blue ball no mating dance can be very effective at killing my hard on. The difference is a little inspiration can cure mine. We also have a lot of interest in fetishes (like the underwear models), which translates to coming to the baths just to show off their gear.

As to the partiers, I think sex becomes almost pure fantasy for a lot of them. They may not even realize they aren't physically having sex, in many cases.

Edited by NWUSHorny
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Regarding the drugs:  While it's true that this burg (Ft. Lauderdale) is soaked in drugs, there are places where there are guys that are focused on raw sex, not just the drugs.  So I don't bother at all with the joints where I know I won't get what I want.  I know there are some guys flying high in my favorite fuckjoint, but there are enough that a) aren't, or b) can still stay focused on getting a lot of Cock rutting in their Holes to make it worth while. 

While I feel somewhat sorry for all the guys that sink into that pit, I don't go to the backrooms or fuckjoints to feel sorry for them - I go there to Breed them.  I don't go to those joints to interact in any intellectual / emotional way - I only want to Breed Holes.  In the event lightening strikes in the darkroom at Slammer, then so be it.  But I certainly don't expect it. 

By the way, I ran into Javier - that kid who's "daddy" would Breed him, and then take him out to the Ramrod, but disallowing him to take any loads while the "daddy" fucked whoever would take his dick.  Turns out he left that "daddy", is living over by the local Homo Depot* with two other guys.  Apparently two of the three have jobs, but there are always BreedCocks over there fucking whoever's there at the moment.  Javier was taking a load when I saw him, so he caught up with me after that. Bought him a beer, heard all about how things have changed for the better for him, and was gratified to hear him thank me for helping him get out of that repressive relationship.  And, of course - yes I did.  But I'll be moseying over there one of these days to see how he's doing.  That Hole is just my cup of cum ...... 😈

*this is not what anyone would call an affluent area ....

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13 hours ago, hntnhole said:

By the way, I ran into Javier - that kid who's "daddy" would Breed him, and then take him out to the Ramrod, but disallowing him to take any loads while the "daddy" fucked whoever would take his dick.  Turns out he left that "daddy", is living over by the local Homo Depot* with two other guys.  Apparently two of the three have jobs, but there are always BreedCocks over there fucking whoever's there at the moment.  Javier was taking a load when I saw him, so he caught up with me after that. Bought him a beer, heard all about how things have changed for the better for him, and was gratified to hear him thank me for helping him get out of that repressive relationship.  And, of course - yes I did.  But I'll be moseying over there one of these days to see how he's doing.  That Hole is just my cup of cum ...... 😈

*this is not what anyone would call an affluent area ....

Funny that you posted that, as I was wondering about it. Happy to hear he got out of that one way situation.  Let us know when you rut in his butt!

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I really think that the inhibitions that so many guys here seem to nurture are an even bigger obstical than the drugs, that and the number of guys that go to the baths to see and be seen. I haven't been to baths or sex clubs in many cities where the underwear model thing would go over.

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