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On 12/9/2023 at 9:54 AM, TwinkChaserSlut said:

Sounds hot! How do that young pussy taste? Are they preloaded? Any pics or vid?

I don't put our pics up on boards but if you want shoot me a private message, I'll send you a couple of pics of us


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On 12/7/2023 at 10:02 AM, ktopper said:

Cheating can be complicated. Sometimes physical needs over ride moral convictions

Maybe, but no more than any other issue, at least as I see it.  Financial arrangements, real estate issues, all kinds of issues can be complicated.  That's certainly no reason to avoid a relationship if that's what the pair desire.  Those kinds of issues bind the two guys legally, as does getting married, and there's no guilt associated with any of that, assuming the relationship begins on an honest basis.  

The rot starts with the dishonesty, if and when it occurs.  If the "moral convictions" become less important than the sexual Lusts, the convictions weren't all that secure in the first place, not deserving of that word.  Convictions are answers to issues we consider seriously, sometimes honing their value for years, and either accept or reject.  "Convictions" have little connection to "physical needs", and separate issues.  

I'm ALL FOR each partner in a relationship getting every ounce of what he needs, regardless of what that is, provided it's openly and honestly agreed upon upfront.  If tons of outside sex is crucial for one guy, and a problem for the other guy, they should get that aired out honestly before the relationship gets too heavily vested.  The issue will surface at some point anyway - it always does - so lay the cards on the table before the emotional injuries start piling up.

Dishonesty is destructive by it's very definition, and it's so easy to avoid.  Everyone has issues - it's part of being human - but why not get a relationship started on a firm foundation in the first place?  It'll only make the "outside" sex all the hotter. 

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Some guys are turned on by being cucked or cucking their boyfriend. Some of these arrangements are 100% agreed upon in advance & some are just tolerated. But ultimately the top & bottom in the relationship get turned on & get something out of it despite any jealousy that often accompanies it. 

6 hours ago, TwinkChaserSlut said:

Some guys are turned on by being cucked or cucking their boyfriend

I understand your point, and it's well taken.  

The difference, as I see it, is that the extra, "outside" action - whether on the part of one or both - would be that each guy knows in advance that it will happen, finds it sexually exciting, and there's not one iota of dishonesty in that.  Merely the details of each outside encounter (when, where, how, etc) are missing, and by tacit agreement of both guys.  Whether those details are eventually revealed or not, both guys are aware, and get a thrill out of knowing the other is having outside sex.  

Example:  My life-partner and & had that kind of agreement from the day we met, let alone became a "couple".  We had an office at home, but often one or both of us had to deal with business downtown.  I knew perfectly well how long those larger staff meetings could take, and when he was later getting back home then it should have been, I knew perfectly well that he'd stopped at some glory-hole joint on the way home.  And, it turned my Cock into granite.  When I was downtown, and took longer to get back home than usual, he was naked, waiting on the bed, watching porn.  

Point:  no lying, no (actual) cheating, no harm done at all.  Just two men who loved each other, in all it's thrilling variations.  

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I think open relationships are much hotter.  My ex knows me sexually and has brought some amazing dick home for  me. I love getting loaded up while he watches or while he is doing somebody. Wr still have the arrangement.  A few weeks ago, he watched as two friends of ours DP'd me and one blew a huge load up my hole. There was no deceit, no lies, no guilt, just two very fat dicks stuffed up me, stretching and flooding me. To me, that's hot.

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On 12/10/2023 at 9:40 AM, hntnhole said:

Maybe, but no more than any other issue, at least as I see it.  Financial arrangements, real estate issues, all kinds of issues can be complicated.  That's certainly no reason to avoid a relationship if that's what the pair desire.  Those kinds of issues bind the two guys legally, as does getting married, and there's no guilt associated with any of that, assuming the relationship begins on an honest basis.  

The rot starts with the dishonesty, if and when it occurs.  If the "moral convictions" become less important than the sexual Lusts, the convictions weren't all that secure in the first place, not deserving of that word.  Convictions are answers to issues we consider seriously, sometimes honing their value for years, and either accept or reject.  "Convictions" have little connection to "physical needs", and separate issues.  

I'm ALL FOR each partner in a relationship getting every ounce of what he needs, regardless of what that is, provided it's openly and honestly agreed upon upfront.  If tons of outside sex is crucial for one guy, and a problem for the other guy, they should get that aired out honestly before the relationship gets too heavily vested.  The issue will surface at some point anyway - it always does - so lay the cards on the table before the emotional injuries start piling up.

Dishonesty is destructive by it's very definition, and it's so easy to avoid.  Everyone has issues - it's part of being human - but why not get a relationship started on a firm foundation in the first place?  It'll only make the "outside" sex all the hotter. 

I don't disagree with anything in your post. However I do at least attempt to do the right thing, especially regarding the opposite sex. Any guy looking for dick, well he is probably going to get it, the "morality" is between him and his partner.

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On 12/12/2023 at 10:12 AM, BBBxCumDumpster said:

I think open relationships are much hotter.  My ex knows me sexually and has brought some amazing dick home for  me. I love getting loaded up while he watches or while he is doing somebody. Wr still have the arrangement.  A few weeks ago, he watched as two friends of ours DP'd me and one blew a huge load up my hole. There was no deceit, no lies, no guilt, just two very fat dicks stuffed up me, stretching and flooding me. To me, that's hot.

I have never been in a gay relationship and have no intentions of ever getting into one. But I have hooked up with gay couples and it is damned hot.

On 12/12/2023 at 1:12 PM, BBBxCumDumpster said:

and has brought some amazing dick home for  me. I love getting loaded up while he watches or while he is doing somebody

Perfectly said; thanks BBBxCumDumpster.  

One time, my other half brought home a beautiful young man, and the kid loved getting sucked off at the same time he was getting fucked. That kid stayed for almost a week, until - wait for it - his mother kept calling him to find out where he was !!!   I don't like the idea of fucking jailbait, and we told him he had to go home, which he did.  However, he left his jacket behind, so he'd have an excuse (for his mother) to come back to get it. 

It always always, always just drove me into Pig Heaven watching him suck off Cocks/taking loads ... 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Open relationships especially if the top is out slinging dick to young guys to make sure they can take take raw cock.


I don't know whether its a relationship really, but I have a friend who I meet on a regular basis. Because of a medical condition, he can't fuck. When we are together, he invites guys to come and use me, while he watches. 

  • 1 year later...
On 6/26/2023 at 2:56 AM, BootmanLA said:

This says pretty much all of it.

I get that monogamy isn't easy (and moreover, doesn't even appeal to a lot of guys). That's fine. Acknowledge that, and figure out how you're going to make things work, to whatever degree of openness, and go have fun.

And that openness can be anything from "we share a third partner together" to "we each have whatever fun we want on our own"; it can be "we don't talk about who we fuck outside the relationship" or "we tell each other everything and enjoy hearing each others' exploits" - or anything in between, such as acknowledging an outside partner if it comes up, but not mentioning him otherwise. Open can take a plethora of forms, and only the couple in question can decide what form is right for them.

What makes no sense to me is either or both parties pretending to be monogamous but not actually doing so - and lying about it. I just can't wrap my head around a relationship which has that level of dishonesty so close to the core. It's not the fact of the other partners - sexual exclusivity isn't necessary in a relationship, in my view. But honesty is. For the guys on here who've gushed about how "hot" cheating is: I suspect you wouldn't say that if you were the one cheated on.

And I suspect you wouldn't feel that way if the "cheating" were something other than sexual. Like, for instance, let's say you found out your partner was skimming $200 a week out of your joint finances to give to a boyfriend on the side. Or to pay off a gambling debt. Or whatever - would you still think it's "hot" that your partner is violating the terms of your relationship? 

You stated what I was thinking so well. I have always said to any guy when it looks like it may become something: I can handle almost anything except lying. If we are honest with each other ( really honest) about who we are and what we want and need then everything will work out the way it shoud.  If we both want all of the same things A-fucking-men we just won the relationship lottery. If there are some things we disagree on and we are being honest we can discuss and negotiate and see if we can compromise and find a solution that we can both live with (and since this stuff isn’t carved into stone tablets and handed down from the mountain top, we can always re-visit the topic and adapt our approach). Basically relationship adulting. Or as we share honestly with each other we realize that we want different things in a relationship and there are just some fundamental things we can’t compromise on. Unless one of us is insane we should both come to the same conclusion: we are not the right partner for each other in this situation.

But if either of us lies about this stuff thinking :’what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him ‘or ‘I can’t tell him I need to do THAT because that would be a deal breaker’, we’re fucked from the jump.

 My ex seemed to specialize in fucking married men (sometimes both of them behind their backs). After multiple times of interacting  in group settings where everyone in the room knows he’s cheating on you except you I said to my ex, “please don’t ever do that to me. You know I don’t care how many guys you fuck…I actually find it really hot,  just don’t lie to me about who you’re fucking (especially if we know them). It’s so disrespectful and  kind of cruel. If you fuck someone you think might upset me and decide to hide it from me because you thinkI won’t ever find out, Please  do not do that. You are not a good enough liar to pull that off. I alway know when you are trying to hide something or starting to lie. The fucking at the most is a discussion about why him, although I can’t think of an example, but the lie will end us. If I can’t trust you I can’t be with you ultimately. I have no interest in being in a relationship based on lies.

spoiler alert: as implied by referring to him as ‘my ex’ he just couldn’t be honest with me about almost anything. He was either dumb as a box of rocks, a high functioning sociopath who enjoyed gaslighting, or constantly confused about what he was doing because of a lack of blood getting to his brain because it was all used up keeping his donkey dick hard. Take your pick, but I will admit my nickname for him was Dick For Brains. 


On 12/14/2023 at 3:00 PM, ktopper said:

I don't disagree with anything in your post. However I do at least attempt to do the right thing, especially regarding the opposite sex. Any guy looking for dick, well he is probably going to get it, the "morality" is between him and his partner.

I'd argue much as others do that the other party's relationship is their issue, not mine. Whether they're open or cheating really doesn't make any difference to me as much as it might their partner. I'd rather have an open relationship. If the inclination is that I'd want some spice and variety besides my partner, perhaps even threesome play. 

Being with someone you know is cheating as a bit of a [banned word] element to it that makes the sexual tension all the hotter.

And I've cheated before, but it was largely because I found the other person to be a cute diversion and we knew it was hot and sexual, and those were things I wasn't getting from my relationship at that time. There was so much pressure on taking things into a marriage while glossing over the obvious problems that were there, and ultimately I just ended things rather than banging my head against a wall to make my partner understand that we weren't in tune with each other. And by that point, I was leaving that relationship regardless of whether there was another relationship (including the person I cheated with), and that was the right decision. We had chemistry when things were on the DL that no longer existed when we weren't.

As hot as the cheating sex was, it wasn't a foundation for anything more. 

"Casual sex is an empty experience, but as far as empty experiences go, it's one of the better ones." - paraphrasing Woody Allen.

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Would rather have an open relationship. I would never get jealous of my Partner fucking another man. Partner and I have had one for 20ys. We did a lot of 3ways or orgies when we were younger. There is a 15yr age difference between us, now he's gotten where he doesn't want to fuck around with others that much but is still cool if I do.  I'm more of the slut in our relationship anyway which I made him fully aware of when we got involved. The only real rule we have is no emotional involvement with someone else. Just sex only..


I'm in an open relationship, but I have absolutely no problem with getting fucked by guys in monogamous relationships, whether with a man or woman, on the downlow. I do it all the time. I admit I get a thrill out of it when a guy is cheating with me, even though another more sensible part of me thinks that I am participating in his unethical actions. But all too often I can't resist.

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