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Part One - Coming Out


I'm Steve, a fairly well built guy (even if I do say so myself) thanks to my rigorous exercise regime, strict diet and of course, fuck loads of party drugs and steroids. My chest sits at a cool 48", my biceps are 19" round when they're pumped and my waist is in proportion will legs like tree trunks. I was also very fortunate to have inherited from someone in my family a properly massive donkey dick - fat and about 9 inches. Real inches, not gay ones. For all this beauty, I'm also not a meathead - I'm actually Dr. Steve and I lecture in organic chemistry in our local university. I'm 48 years old and I'm married to a great guy, Tony. 

As you can imagine, with a sculpted body and a brain, I tend to attract the students like flies to shit. I never mind - it's always very flattering and I've been good at never seducing any of them, until they leave my charge and they're open season. The thing is, my hubby and I enjoy a good seduction and sharing a Twink between us is always a pleasure.

It was on the last day of term that I was approached by such a twink who went on to somewhat change my life.


It took a lot of courage to approach Dr. Steve. He's a massive man - looks more like he was constructed in a foundry than birthed by a person - and he has a habit of wearing relatively tight clothes which make his butt frame perfectly whenever he's at the board. It's very, very hard to concentrate in his class! But I had to talk to someone or I was gonna burst right open. I'm nothing special - just a 21 year old slender twinky like half the rest of class - but I have a secret. I'm gay.

Dr. Steve is gay too - he makes no secret of that fact - and I wanted to tell someone. So I approached him after class had ended and asked to speak to him in his office. We went upstairs and he sat on the edge of his desk, adjusting his monster cock (yeah I'd noticed - gay, remember?) as he sat. He asked me straight up "John, what can I do for you"


About fucking time. I thought this little cock tease was never gonna open up to me. I'd noticed him in class a lot - he's extremely good looking, toned up but not huge, and with a perfect butt you could tongue for a year and not come up for air. So I asked him what he wanted, and waited whilst he came out. Jesus, it took him forever, but I try to be patient as I remember what a huge deal it is. 

"John, it's a huge thing you've told me and I hope you're pleased to have a weight off your chest. I can't do anything for you now, but why not swing by my house later on and we can talk about it some more, go through the important things about being you openly and so on?"

"Yeah Dr. Steve, I'd like that"

He left with my address and the instruction to get there later on tonight. So I called Tony, my husband

"Tony, I've got another one we can seduce, and I think he might be a virgin to boot. Make sure you're pumped up, then come to the door naked when he knocks. You think he's me, so you answer with your giant boner" (he's 10 inches, but not as built as me) "hard as a rock as a 'surprise' for me. You act shocked, hide the pipe off the coffee table and yell my name, trying to cover yourself. We can play it by ear from there. Yeah, I'll see you later"


Don't you think Steve is very well trained. Yes, trained. Steve, for all his power, his manly physique and monster dick, for all the bravado and the brain, is my boy. He's also an addict and will do almost anything for cock, rock and roids. I have owned his sorry ass for nearly 20 years at this point, and whilst I won't compromise his professional duty not to fuck the students, day after term ends he's allowed to do what he wants with them. So I get a nice, steady stream of little bitches to screw. They're not usually just coming out - they've normally fucked most of the campus by the time I get them - but a pretty hole is a pretty hole after all. So, tomorrow I get a new one, and Dr. Steve gets his gram. 


Part Two - Seduction


It's time and I'm insanely nervous. I'm only meeting Dr. Steve and his husband for a chat, so why do I feel nervous? Their house is massive and in a really nice part of town, so I keep thinking like I should lower my voice, but I'm not actually saying anything. The time comes, so I walk up the drive and ring the door.

"Hey baby look what I've got for you"

Standing there was a remarkably beautiful, toned man. I assume this is Tony. What I notice most about Tony however is the complete lack of clothes he has on, and the - quite frankly unmissable - cock that's sticking out at me.

"Erm... Hi, I'm John..." I manage to stutter

"Oh my God John, Steve told me you were coming tomorrow, God I am SO sorry. Fuck me, I'm embarrassed! Come in, I'll get some clothes on!"

I notice Tony lunge for a pipe and stick it under the coffee table - wtf? - and then lunge just as hard for a cushion to cover himself, which it sort of does but not really. It's a big cock to cover! All the time he's yelling for Steve.


Steve wasn't kidding, this kid is hot AF and he's definitely a pent up reservoir of desire wanting a cock in him at all costs. He was practically drooling! Pipe hidden - and seen - and now cock hidden - just - by a cushion. Steve's turn.


Dr. Steve comes bounding down the stairs at the sound of his husband's yelling. He's obviously been working out however - he's in tight gym shorts which leave NOTHING to the imagination and his cock is also slightly pumped up although not hard. It's hard to miss. What's really hard to miss though is that Steve has no shirt on at all and his massive chest and arms are fully pumped up and there is sweat glistening on his pecs and body and.... fuck I'm gonna spring a boner in front of my teacher if I'm not careful!

"Dr. Steve, erm, hi" I managed. 

"I see you've met Tony" he replied. "He's usually more clothed than this! What happened baby, did you get the dates mixed up?"

"Of course I bloody did, idiot!" snarled Tony. Really, quite aggressively nasty.

"Hey Tony, it's easily done" I began. 

"I was standing at the door with a massive boner FFS. I'd taken Viagra not so long ago to keep up swollen up! God I'm so embarrassed"


If I don't get an Oscar, I'm calling the academy. Whilst I'm getting nastier and nastier, the cushion keeps 'sliding' off my cock, so I keep 'adjusting' it back. I can see the tent beginning in young John's trousers. And it looks like quite a tent!


"Please baby I didn't mean it" I yelled, waiting for the blows I hoped were coming. I mean we need to move this on. I can see the pipe under the coffee table. I'm sober and this is not how I want to be. Fucking Sir is enjoying himself a little too much.

"John is gay Tony, he'll have seen a cock before"


I've seen a lot of cocks. It's the 21st century, even I've got fucking PornHub! Tony's is particulaly impressive though, so I say that.

"I think it's a very pretty dick Tony. I really like it, erm, I mean, er..." I trailed off

"You like my dick boy?" Tony said

"Yes" I mumbled

"Well, you can touch it if you want to"

"Erm... isn't that for Dr. Steve to do...."


Time to strike and reveal Steve's true nature to the boy. 

"Dr. Steve is not known by that name in this house young man. He's known as boy, bitch, or cunt".

"So you mean that Dr. Steve is like... owned?"

"Very good John. Yes, he is. Which means I do with my cock what I want and he has no say. And it'd be nice if you'd consent to touching it, but there is no pressure here. If you don't want to touch your first cock, then I'll go upstairs and get dressed"


Time to reveal more about me to the two idiots standing in front of me. So fucking cocksure that they're taking the twink for a ride. Poor little me, never seen a cock. What gratitude I'm supposed to have here I think. God only knows how often this game has worked for them in the past, but I'm turning the tables.

"I do want to touch your cock Tony, but I want something else first. I want Dr. Cunt to kneel in front of me and suck on mine first. And if that's Tina I've seen under there, which I know it is, I want a puff on that whilst he's doing it"


Well that was surprising. The boy appears to be dominant and not the natural sub I'd pegged him for. This could be a fun evening. 

"Bitch, you heard the young Master. Get on your fucking knees! Now!" I smacked him onto the floor.


Master Tony smacked me to the floor which usually means Tina Time, but I'm instead to get Master John's cock wet. It's amazing how quickly I wanted to submit to him. He'd become so dominant so fast. I felt Master John grabbing my hair and yanking me roughly to his crotch, and I put up my hands and let out his now erect cock. It's a nice package - a good 8" and one I can easily suck for hours.  

Tony hands John the pipe and asks if he knows how to use it

"I don't. Bitch, show me how to use it"

Tina at last. I got the pipe, put it to my mouth, lit the flame and rolled it until there was smoke. I sucked it up greedily and then kept hold for another go.


Master John had kicked me in the balls and grabbed the pipe from my hand. 

"Suck. My. Dick. Cunt" he spat at me.

Well, I never need asking twice.


I actually had taken Viagra, and my cock was still enormous. So I said "I take it the seduction I had all planned out is not gong to go my way?"

John laughed at me, pointed to the pipe and to the the bitch hoovering his cock like it was the only meal he'd ever eaten and said "What do you think?"

I threw off the cushion and moved over to sit next to John. I was about to grab my junkie off his cock, when John said "Boy, two cocks to service."


OMG am I enjoying this. I'm feeling slightly horny off even one puff on Tina, and the teacher - bitch - on my cock is clearly a pro. I'm stuck however. I've only ever done this in my head (often during the Chemistry class) and I'm not sure how to keep the Master/slave dynamic going. I don't want to look weak, but I'm gonna need help.

"Master Tony, this is my first time being a Dom to a cunt. I'd like to be show the ropes. Is that something we could do, instead of your seduction plan"


Oh fuck yes it is. Two Masters, one horse hung and one 21 for my bitch, a packed bowl and more downstairs. This is shaping up to be quite a night!


Part Three - Tuition


I needed to take time with this interesting young Master to get to know what he wanted to try. It would be hard for him to break the limits of the bitch though, it's usually wiling to do almost anything to almost anyone for a rush. Still, better check.

"Bitch, fuck off to the dungeon, get into your usual position and wait for us. Me and Master John need to talk"

"Yes Sir"

With that, shorts gripping his now rock hard monster dick, Steve fucked off. 

"Right, with him out of the way we can plot. This evening has not turned out how I planned, but I think I can get off on it more. No more bullshit. What is it you actually want to get out of tonight?"


I'm in the dungeon now, under the house. It's really an old wine cellar that we converted into a proper sized play space. No more hiding everything away in boxes! It smells of old sex, with all my favourite things lining the walls and floors - dildos, toys, butt plugs, hoods, masks, leather, rubber, a St Andrews Cross and of course, the centrepiece a sling. I strip, which causes my rock hard cock to spring out of the my little shorts and bounce a bit, then get into position - on my knees, upright with my hands behind my head and looking at the floor.

My Master is a cunt. He's put three loaded rigs just in front of where I have to fix my gaze. Two small ones for the guys upstairs, and one massive one for me. They're already diluted so I don't know what he's put in them. Fuck it's agony - I'm suffering a craving deep inside me now, desperate for the Tina in my veins. I can't touch the rigs, he'll kill me. My dick starts to leak a river of precum and I can't touch it or the rigs. But I'm so tempted...


What do I want from tonight, other than to blow a load? That's actually a really good question. 

"I want to fuck and I want to get sucked. I want to breed his hole. I'm not poz and I don't really care if you are or not. I'd love to try Tina in a few different forms - it's supposed to be wild. And I think I want to see him humiliated, hurt and obedient."

"Sounds like a plan! Well, to start with, I've told him to go downstairs and get naked, with a few points ready to go in his line of vision. He'll get tempted to use one, but if he does he knows he'll get whipped to within an inch of his life. So a question arises - which would you prefer? The disobedience or the obedience?"

I don't actually know the answer. I quite like the idea of him being tempted and not being able to do anything, going slowly out of his mind, teasing with him, creating a headfuck. But I also like the idea of booting him in the balls and whipping him until he's in pain. I say this to Tony


"The nice thing John is we can have both. Lesson One. Masters are NEVER required to be fair. The object's role in life is to suffer to our whims. If they object, tough. It helps if they never question as they see you as the ultimate authority, and a way to produce that is to use clothing. Leather, rubber, boots. I've got a spare set upstairs and we're about the same size, why don't you try it on?"

John disappears upstairs and I head downstairs, naked, to see my boy and stop him shooting up. Just in time.


I can't resist this any longer. I need the drugs in me and Master John's antics are delaying things, and I fucking need them now. I know I'll be in trouble, but I'll also be flying so who the fuck cares? I've had one, paltry puff, enough to not even touch the sides. I reach forwards, my mind made up to be disobedient. 

WHAM. My head snaps sideways as my Master, who has crept in behind me slaps my across the face, then proceeds to grab my balls and pull hard.

"You weren't possibly thinking of slamming yourself, were you boy? You know this is forbidden. You wouldn't possibly be so fucking stupid would you boy?"

He squeezed my nuts hard and a tear escapes my eye. Fuck that hurts. 

"No Sir"

WHAM. Another slap, another squeeze.

"Do not lie to me boy"

"I mean, Yes Sir. Sorry Sir"

"Good boy. We will await our guest before we slam. You now may not be allowed to slam at all thanks to what I've just seen"

What?? I debase myself in front of my Master and begin blubbering like a child "No Sir, please Sir, I didn't mean to Sir, I'm a worm and I need the drugs"

There's a really cold laughter behind me.


I found the gear Tony had left out, presumably for him but a nice fit for me. Leather harness, jockstrap, leather chaps and a pair of 30 hole boots. I get the gear on, loving the smell of the used leather, and then head downstairs. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Fuck I look like a God. 

Downstairs in the cellar, following where Steve went earlier, I hear Tony chastising the boy. I quietly step inside and just in time to see him begin to whine and sob like a child, desperate for his fix. It's fucking hilarious to see him crawling like a maggot junky, this stallion of a man. I can't help but laugh.

"What a worm. Master Tony, may I teach it a lesson?"

"By all means Master John. The whips and canes are on that bench there, and the clamps are in the boxes."

"I can think of something easier. Look at me boy"


I turn around on my knees, and I behold a God. Fuck me he was pretty in clothing, but he's a stallion in leather. Not a lot of definition of course, but enough to be toned and suggest abs and some definition. His bulge is enormous, the boy is clearly hard as a fucking rock in that jock. I let out an involuntary whimper.

"I'm glad you like what you see boy. And I can see you are sorry for your infraction. Master Tony, please hold his legs apart"

Oh fuck I know what's coming. Those boots are steel capped as well. 

SLAM. First kick to the balls sends me reeling, and a second follows. I let out a gasp and then he steps forward, pulls them to the floor and stands on them, lightly at first with ever increasing pressure.

"Apologise to me as well as Master Tony, cunt. Now."

"Sorry Sir, I'm really sorry Sir, please don't hurt me"


I let off the pressure. 

"You're in luck I'm feeling kind bitch. I want to try the chems as much as you do I think, so I'm going to start the process. I want to see how it affects Master John, and then as I don't know how, you will slam me"

I sit in the throne-like chair in the middle of the room. 


Mechanics taking over, but fuck me, this kid is at this like a duck to water. First, I tie off the arm my arm and I explain to John what's going to happen - scratch, flash, push, remove the pin, cough like fuck, take over of brain by dick. I've got a relatively light point tonight, only a 0.3 as I need to think. I inject it to my arm, the flash happens, which always makes my pulse begin to rush, even before the drugs, then I depress the plunger and remove the pin. 

My boy licks my arm as the plunger is removed. Fuck me he's in a cunt mood tonight and he's not even high yet. I let off the tourniquet and then boom. I let out a massive cough, and begin to go "fuck me, fuck, fuck, of fuck, I'm gonna hurt you boy, I'm gonna make you regret you were fucking born" and other such white noise. My cock shoots out a cum load and my pig boy goes eagerly to lick it from the floor. He's so well trained.

Master John looks slightly shocked but I think he's also turned on. At least, that bulge is definitely bigger.


OK, that was intense. His eyes - oh my God his eyes went from being a pleasant yet slightly sadistic Top to utterly evil. I could almost see the guys limits and morals fly out of the window with the rush. He's talking drivel and moving up and down, yanking on a set of waders and a rubber top, which look hot as fuck. His dick appears to have remained hard, which I suppose must be the Viagra and he's grabbed the boy and started face fucking him. 

"I need mine Master Tony. He's going to do it"

"Sorry Master John, but this is a good batch of shit. Fuck me, take him. Yours is the same strength as mine"

I'm nervous now. My arm is tied off and a cool alcoholic swab goes over the crook of my arm. The pin is placed almost reverently by the bitch, and he pulls back. I see the blood in the chamber, and he pushes it in. He again licks my injection site once the pin is out, then removes the band.

Nothing happens! FFS, after all people have told me and I don't think.... hang on... what the.... I let out the most amazing cough I've ever had, feeling as if I'd never breathe again and then the world changes.

"Oh holy fuck. HOLY FUCK. Oh my God I want a hole to screw. I need to get my load in a boy, now, fuck me, turn around pig, fucking give me your hole, right now cunt". I'm actually screaming at the boy and I'm raising a boot to go at him hammer and tongs, when Master Tony stops me. 

"I know where you are fucker" we snog like teenagers " but he needs his and he's been a good boy tonight"


I need mine!!! I've got two seriously rushing Masters to service and I can see that they're about to psych each other up to go at me harder and harder and harder. I desperately want that and I can do that sober, but I waaaaaay prefer it high. Fortunately, Master Tony is going to let me.

"I've made yours a heavy slam tonight bitch. It's 0.7".

I grin at that. I love being in the seven club and he doesn't let me go that high that often. I grab my rig say "Thank you Sirs" whilst I wrap off my arm and stab it in. I'm a pro at slamming myself so two seconds later it's in and I release the tourniquet and the cough explodes out of me. Fuck he wasn't kidding, this is really good shit.

"Please Sirs, thank you Sirs, I'm just a hole for you to use and I want to make you happy, I'll do anything for you both"

My nice fat cock dies a death, as it always does on T. I begin to piss myself which I also often do when I slam and I love the smell so I rub my face in the piss and wiggle my butt provocatively at Master John.


I need fifty holes to fuck. Now. At the same time. The rank bitch in front of me is wriggling his butt whilst he's rubbing his face in his own piss, so I spit on his hole and slam in my cock. No lube and to the hilt. The boy yowls slightly, so I begin to fuck him. It soon turns to a happy pig grunting noise. Master Tony comes around with his waders and says he needs to piss too. I open my mouth.

WTF? I'm dom here, why am I drinking piss from the tap??


Meth has taken him, I can see that in his face, so I get my hard cock, go to his face, and piss. He can't quite believe it but he's guzzling it up, and then spitting it onto the squirming worm on the floor. This is hot as fuck. I grab John and begin to thrust my cock into his mouth. He's sucking well for a newbie but it's making the bitch growl in jealousy, so I grab his hair and fuck his face as well.

Then the doorbell rings.


This story is insanely hoT and twisTed. Telling the story from the perspective of each character really works. Don’t leave us wondering who’s at the door… more parTy friends? The friendly neighborhood dealer?

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Part Four - We Hope You Enjoy Your Flight


Of all the bloody things to happen at this second, the door! I'm wondering who will answer, as Tony is clearly rushing (as am I) but Steve is rushing much more, evidenced as he's now trying to shove his arm up his own arse without lube, not to mention coated in his own piss and the piss I spat at him from Tony's cock. 

"Bitch, go and answer the door"

What did Tony say? Looking like that, we'll all be arrested in two minutes! I open my mouth to say something to Tony, but he rams his cock in and starts to face fuck me. No, I'm not having this, so I stand up and say "We gonna fight over who's the fucking Alpha here?"

Tony replies "No, but you did appears to like my cock, and there's no shame in that"

Well, he has a point, but I want to rule this roost.


John stands up, grabs me by the collar and shoves me into his groin. I can smell the musk of the cock in the jockstrap and the bit off piss that fell off his chin and landed on him. It's a heady combo, so I pull the jock to one side, and I'm delighted to find out that the Tina has not worked here - a nice fat 8" dick bounces out to meet me. Well, it would be rude not to suck on such a lovely cock when offered, so I open my mouth. 

I choke. The kid has grabbed my head, shoved two fingers into either side of my mouth and then proceeded to being to ram his cock in and out, face fucking me with an intensity I've not had in years. I push a hand up to slow the rushing Master down.

"Sir, I can't take it that hard, I'm actually a top remember?"

He laughed at me.

"Look how quickly you've become my bitch! Taste of a big young dick and a face fuck and you've become a slave!"

Like fucking hell have I. Let him think that. I have a surprise up my sleeve.


Need to fuck my cunt. Fucking arm won't go in without lube, but I need to fuck me cunt. And hurt my tits. I could try to do both. Fuck that doesn't work. What? Answer the door? Sure why not.

Walking up the stairs is really hard as I can't really see straight, plus I need to fuck my cunt a bit so I stop, do that, then keep going. I have to crawl up the stairs, and I like the feeling, so I crawl to the door. I'm naked, covered in piss and I'm actually hoping this will turn on a delivery driver enough to bend me over and do me on the porch.

I open the door and see Ricky. Ricky is a very good looking hispanic guy with a proper bad boy attitude and who we've known for a while. He's was in my class at the beginning of the year - same class as John actually - but he's a bit of a waster, so dropped out of Uni and went his own way. He ended up working for Tony. 

"Lol, wotcha Dr. Steve. I take it the guys are downstairs?"

He's a cocky little shit, same as ever. 

"Yeah they are. Want to get your cock sucked, I'm horny, really horny, I mean, I just fucking love Tina..."

He comes in, kicks the door closed behind him and begins to strip his street clothes off. Ricky is also a bitch like me. I think one of the reasons he dropped out was because he got owned by someone who told him to do so. Plus he didn't like Chemistry. 

His clothes are off now, and he's wearing a lot underneath them! Full rubber body suit, with the arse covered by a zip. He's pulled on waders and a pair of rubber gloves, and then he gets out a rubber hood. He bends down and snogs me deeply, slurping the piss off my face. 

"So bitch, how is Master Tony gonna cope with three boys?"

"About that..." I begin. Ah fuck it, he'll see for himself.

He puts the hood on and follows me downstairs.


I don't know who the fuck this rubber drone is who just walked through the door, but I'm guessing they're here for my 'seduction'. I can see decent curves on the body through all the tight and shiny rubber and I instantly want him. It's probably a combination of Tina horny and the sheer nastiness of screwing someone who is completely anonymous. You can almost do what you want to a drone. They're inviting it!

"Master John, this is one of my stable of pushers"

Did he say pushers? As in, drug pushers?

"I own them all. They're required to get a certain level sold in a week, and then if they do, they're allowed access to the uncut stuff as well as to pleasure from my dick"

"You mean you..."

"I am a dealer John. I push product out and flood the streets with nasty substances which make everyone happy for a little while whilst simultaneously wreaking havoc on society. How else did you think we afford this mansion? The bitch's salary is from public education"

Well that comes as a surprise.


Hah, try to out nasty me? I was born sadistic and you've got some catching up to do boy. I walk over to the rubber drone Ricky and ask for the tithe. 

"So did you met quota this week?"

He nods.

"Hand over the cash."

I count it, and the boy's done very well this week. Nearly 20% over. It's because it's graduation week.

"Good boy, well done. Point, bump or smoke?"

The drone is not allowed to talk, so he holds up two fingers. This is our prearranged code for a booty bump, so I walk to the side and pick up an empty rig, load it with about 0.7 and turn back to him. The boys never get a choice as to how high I want them. They all seem to prefer it this way, useless cunts.


I can't see anything in the hood and I can only just hear, but I know the magic phrase asking me which method of admin I want. I've won the good drugs this week, so I ask for a bump using the handsign. There's a cool sensation as the zip is lowered over my arse and the bump flushes into me. 

It's an odd feeling. I know it's there, I can feel that it's going to work, but I can't actually see and I can hardly hear. The sensory deprivation that I have seems to make the rush take an age to build up. It's also an odd feeling and always a bit of a gamble trying to work out what the sadistic fuck is actually going to give me. I notice the fire beginning to take me over. 

It's very strong. Of fuck it's really, really strong. I fall to my knees with the overwhelming urge to get a dick in my face and begin to crawl to where I think the guys are


I just think this this hilarious. The drone is now crawling blind on its knees and trying to find a cock. I can tell it's rushing as it's shaking and so I decide that it's time to assert some more dominance. I quietly sneak up behind it, and grab it by the collar around its neck, pull its zip down and whack in my cock. All fours fucking him on the floor. Master Tony laughs uproariously at this, and comes over to help me out by pushing its face into the floor with his boot and then bending Dr. Steve the Bitch over and fucking him over the drone.

Globs of lube are flying out of bitch's hole and landing on the hood of the rubber drone, who clearly doesn't know they are there, but it's still somehow sleazy as fuck. I'm getting close to cumming now, so I slow down, it's too early. 

I pull out, and shove bitch's tongue into that very, very pretty hole on a very, very muscular arse. Fuck that, I wanna taste, so I kick bitch out of the way - which makes Tony laugh again - and shove my tongue in to the musk. Slightly weird tasting and slightly chemical, but also cock. Very masculine. 

Jump in Time - a few hours


We'd been going at this point now for three hours. I'd fucked drone, fucked boy, didn't get to fuck John although I tried. I've whipped both of the boys, we've fucked them and swapped them, Bitch is getting fisted by John with wild bloody abandon and a huge array of grunting noises. It is time for another lesson and another surprise for the young Master.

"I believe we should stop and rehydrate. Remove the worst of the lube and come up to the lounge"

Everyone groans but towels off. Steve heads upstairs, still trying to fist his cunt, and the rubber drone follows him.

"So are you enjoying yourself Master John"

"This is immense. Tony I am very grateful you allowed me to derail your plans and we played anyway"

We head upstairs to find Steve in his puppy cage in the corner - he's so well trained - and the rubber drone sitting on the sofa, without the hood on. I sneak a look at the shock on John's face


It's fucking RICKY. RICKY the guy we basically ALL had a crush on. The bad boy drop out who I would have let do anything at all to me at one point. JESUS. I'm in equal parts horrified, turned on, and then a rush of hatred comes up in me

"You set this up"

"You were supposed to be a bitch with him on the floor Master John, but yes, I did"


"Partly, it's fun. Partly this kid has one of the best holes in the city. But I also now think a lesson could be taught to you. You cannot beat me at my own game, boy, I've been doing it longer than you"

I stare into his eyes. I feel a rush of affection which is not drug related, and grab Tony's head. I pull him to me and we kiss, passionately.

"Thank you, Tony. He's a nice lesson to have to endure. I'm never going to be your slave, but I do want to learn your tricks. Will you teach them to me?"


A little twist in the narrative to make me pay attention. And when I asked if the person at the door was "the friendly neighborhood dealer," it was a throwaway question. 

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  • 1 year later...

This could have been very horny, but it lost its edge because the story isn't being told from one perspective throughout. By all means, present a tale from the viewpoint of different characters, but keep each narrative separate from another. The constant changes here, are sadly confusing and inhibit the 'flow' of the action.


Each to their own, but I completely disagree with the previous poster. I loved the switching perspectives in quick succession. A refreshingly original approach. An incredibly horny story - I’ve shot several loads to it. Well done and thank you to the author. I’d love to read more. 

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