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Define “Cumdump”


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Cumdump must be one of the most common nouns used on this forum, yet I’m not sure there’s any real consensus on what it means. On a nauseatingly regular basis we get guys spouting off about criteria that have to be met if one is to be considered a “true” cumdump (as opposed to a false cumdump?), and get to hang some kind of nonexistent certificate on the bathhouse wall. It’s a pointless exercise meant for no purpose that for men to say “I feel slutty”.

But the word has to mean something. There has to be a point at which one fits the simple description or one does not, in a way that need not imply value or superlative. You have to bottom to be a cumdump, but you don’t have to be a cumdump to be a bottom, even a total bottom. What, therefore, does it essentially mean?

First, the term is applied almost exclusively to males who perform a receptive sexual role. Females who do essentially the same thing are not similarly labeled; they are simply termed sluts or whores, as their sexual receptivity is proscribed. It is only males who require a term to define the extent to which they assume a non-biological function.

If we take the word in its parts, it suggests simply a place where semen is deposited in a bulk repository. Dump need not imply waste, but simply centralized storage, as in a munitions dump, but the more common connotation of the word evokes a place where discarded matter is left. In both cases, however, the concept is that of a place where deposits are made from many sources to a single location. So, the definition seems to require a sense of semen sourced from multiple sources to a single depository.

Examining dump further, we realize that the definition means more than simply a ‘container of many’ or ‘vessel for many’, otherwise cumbucket would be more widespread in use, and carry the same caché, but while similar, it does not. So we must apply further meaning from dump. Principally, a dump carries a negative sense not only in that it suggests waste, but also in that a dump is a place used indiscriminately by everyone to deposit their waste, and is thus the place where everyone puts the unpleasant things they produce and no one wants to talk about.

This fits cumdump particularly well in that the release of semen into anything other than a sanctioned vagina carries with it a sort of stigma in the broader culture, even though it’s a natural and necessary function performed in vast quantities daily. (If only 100 million men in the entire world had a single ejaculation in a day, it would still produce roughly 132,000 gallons of semen; in five days it would fill an Olympic-size swimming pool.) The fact that it isn’t generally considered polite to speak of, and thus a practice of shame that “other people do” lends an air of the illicit to being the receiver of both the illicit substance from the illicit depositor.

Distilling that, it would seem that we can limit cumdump to those sexually receptive males who accept semen from multiple sources, in volume, and that this carries with it some degree of expected public shame or disrepute. It is less clear how applicable the sense of a lack of discrimination factors; while many professed cumdumps proclaim that they accept all loads without discrimination, how true this actual is is debatable, and some are openly selective while still being indiscriminate within their selected subset. So an accurate definition of cumdump likely would say tends not to discriminate.

The degree of shame is also a fluid value. Some cumdumps clearly incorporate a sense of shame and low self-esteem into their view if their own sexuality, while others are shameless and proud of their ability and service. A pervasive sense of disreputability hangs over the term, but this seems to be applied from outside rather than inside, and even that is not universal.

A cumdump, then, as a core definition, is simply a male who accepts volumes of semen with limited discrimination. Now, where is the line drawn between a cumdump and simply a promiscuous bottom? Is cumdump, in the end, simply an individual state of mind, a self-applied wantonness? And if so, how can there be a ‘true’ state if any such condition?


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3 hours ago, HoneyBuns1980 said:

Female cumdumps do exist in name, just as men do. 

Perhaps I should clarify: While women can be and sometimes are referred to as cumdumps, if you do a broad canvas of the term as an internet search, the balance of discussion seems to gravitate toward the term applied in a homosexual context, and in those places where it is applied to females, the source of the commentary is generally heterosexual in point-of-view. For purposes of our discussion here in the male-only areas of Breedingzone, the applicability of the term to women is only peripherally significant, unless one attaches importance to the ‘femaleness’ of the male cumdump’s role, which is a matter of debate. We are most interested here in how to define the term as it applies to us as we use it in these threads.

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6 hours ago, ErosWired said:

Cumdump must be one of the most common nouns used on this forum, yet I’m not sure there’s any real consensus on what it means. On a nauseatingly regular basis we get guys spouting off about criteria that have to be met if one is to be considered a “true” cumdump (as opposed to a false cumdump?), and get to hang some kind of nonexistent certificate on the bathhouse wall. It’s a pointless exercise meant for no purpose that for men to say “I feel slutty”.

But the word has to mean something. There has to be a point at which one fits the simple description or one does not, in a way that need not imply value or superlative. You have to bottom to be a cumdump, but you don’t have to be a cumdump to be a bottom, even a total bottom. What, therefore, does it essentially mean?

First, the term is applied almost exclusively to males who perform a receptive sexual role. Females who do essentially the same thing are not similarly labeled; they are simply termed sluts or whores, as their sexual receptivity is proscribed. It is only males who require a term to define the extent to which they assume a non-biological function.

If we take the word in its parts, it suggests simply a place where semen is deposited in a bulk repository. Dump need not imply waste, but simply centralized storage, as in a munitions dump, but the more common connotation of the word evokes a place where discarded matter is left. In both cases, however, the concept is that of a place where deposits are made from many sources to a single location. So, the definition seems to require a sense of semen sourced from multiple sources to a single depository.

Examining dump further, we realize that the definition means more than simply a ‘container of many’ or ‘vessel for many’, otherwise cumbucket would be more widespread in use, and carry the same caché, but while similar, it does not. So we must apply further meaning from dump. Principally, a dump carries a negative sense not only in that it suggests waste, but also in that a dump is a place used indiscriminately by everyone to deposit their waste, and is thus the place where everyone puts the unpleasant things they produce and no one wants to talk about.

This fits cumdump particularly well in that the release of semen into anything other than a sanctioned vagina carries with it a sort of stigma in the broader culture, even though it’s a natural and necessary function performed in vast quantities daily. (If only 100 million men in the entire world had a single ejaculation in a day, it would still produce roughly 132,000 gallons of semen; in five days it would fill an Olympic-size swimming pool.) The fact that it isn’t generally considered polite to speak of, and thus a practice of shame that “other people do” lends an air of the illicit to being the receiver of both the illicit substance from the illicit depositor.

Distilling that, it would seem that we can limit cumdump to those sexually receptive males who accept semen from multiple sources, in volume, and that this carries with it some degree of expected public shame or disrepute. It is less clear how applicable the sense of a lack of discrimination factors; while many professed cumdumps proclaim that they accept all loads without discrimination, how true this actual is is debatable, and some are openly selective while still being indiscriminate within their selected subset. So an accurate definition of cumdump likely would say tends not to discriminate.

The degree of shame is also a fluid value. Some cumdumps clearly incorporate a sense of shame and low self-esteem into their view if their own sexuality, while others are shameless and proud of their ability and service. A pervasive sense of disreputability hangs over the term, but this seems to be applied from outside rather than inside, and even that is not universal.

A cumdump, then, as a core definition, is simply a male who accepts volumes of semen with limited discrimination. Now, where is the line drawn between a cumdump and simply a promiscuous bottom? Is cumdump, in the end, simply an individual state of mind, a self-applied wantonness? And if so, how can there be a ‘true’ state if any such condition?


All this talk about cum & cumdumps has me twitching haha.

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7 hours ago, ErosWired said:



lol... i think you did a fairly exhaustive job of directing this on your own ErosWired. You hit a lot of notes and thoughts i have about the term. i haven't used it as an identifier in some time, because, as you set forth, there are so many implications.  To me,  defining the term is sort of like being asked to define an apple. There's things in common, but no two alike. 

Depending on who we ask, i'm definitely a "cumdump," and others would say i am definitely not a "cumdump."  What has me steering away from the term as a self identifier is my personal perception of devaluing the connection between a Top and bottom. For me, narrowing that down to only "cum" and me as a "dump," doesn't fit. When i have sex with a Man, i'm not just wanting His seed, but Him, His desire, need, drive, penetration, pleasure, orgasm, energy, seed... and more.

"Dump" doesn't work for me either, even beyond what you have noted about "dumps."  To me, a condom cums closer to being a "cumdump." i do not perceive a "dump" as a person who values the Man/Top or His substance.  i (and other bottoms) have been known to scavenge that 'dump' (condoms) and 'eat' the contents.  Bottom dumpster diving? 

i was thinking about this the  other day. i was leaving Costco.  Costcos all seem to have  two entries and only one exit? Not unusual for several to pull into the exit lane at once when busy, and like a traffic circle, most seem to survive the mayhem. Three of us pulled into the lane simultaneously and the guy behind me took offense, pulled up beside me and hung his head out his SUV window and said: "you must be a special kind of retarded."  i was dumbfounded. i did the male version of being hurt (i got angry). It easily ate at me for an hour after.  In my mind i came up  with all sorts of retorts, but none assuaged my hurt. So i looked deeper and decided the best response for me, had i had the opportunity (it was a drive by insulting) would have been to apologize (even though i don't think i did anything wrong). i didn't find him particularly attractive, but i realized that had He instead looked at me and wanted me to bend over and receive His Cock instead of the insult, i would have done it in an instant. And that is true about me, so a lot of people would think of me as a "cumdump" doing that...  but to me, there is so much more than "cum" or "dumping" whenever i Man penetrates, fucks and seeds me. To me "cumdump" just doesn't fit, doesn't work.

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IMO, a person that takes loads from practically anyone.

I dont think a cute guy taking loads selectively from other cute guys qualifies as a cum dump.

A cum dump, to me, implies a sleazy pig.

Of course there are limits to the people we all have sex with, but some people are so extra and way too picky but still call themselves a "cum dump" and it makes me sort of laugh on the inside.

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3 hours ago, ErosWired said:

Perhaps I should clarify: While women can be and sometimes are referred to as cumdumps, if you do a broad canvas of the term as an internet search, the balance of discussion seems to gravitate toward the term applied in a homosexual context, and in those places where it is applied to females, the source of the commentary is generally heterosexual in point-of-view. For purposes of our discussion here in the male-only areas of Breedingzone, the applicability of the term to women is only peripherally significant, unless one attaches importance to the ‘femaleness’ of the male cumdump’s role, which is a matter of debate. We are most interested here in how to define the term as it applies to us as we use it in these threads.

Cum dump definitely has homosexual undertones, but I have friends that are women who are just as much of a slut as I am lol and I love them for that.

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Cumdump has different meaning to the individual. I consider myself a cumdump, as I don't refuse any man that wants to breed or feed me there cum. I am usually being used by more than 1 guy at a time. I love the smell, the taste and how cum feels in me and on me. That is what I consider a being a cumdump.

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"Cumdump" is a mentality, IMHO.  Are high volume high quantity bottoms cumdumps?  Sure, but I don't think this is the only qualifier.  These things matter as evidence, but the reality is not everyone has access to the amount of dick they might like (because gays are strangely hard to hook up with, or they live a certain type of place, whatever), but still are cumdumps.

The mentality is - am i obsessed with getting fucked and taking loads, from anyone, anywhere, at anytime no matter what?  If you find yourself saying yes to the bold and don't qualify or restrict it with "but" statements or requirements, then you're more a cumdump than not.  If your instinctually throw up roadblocks and/or if it doesn't really occupy a space in your thoughts, you're probably less so.

Maybe it's not a yes or no, but rather a "on the scale of 1 to 100" type thing.

Do you have to be no-loads-refused?  This is definitely a cumdump trait but I don't think absolutely required.  But if you have a list of "things" that are required to fuck (age, body, race, position, appearance, whatever) you're probably less a cumdump.  I really go nuts when chasers, as an example,say they are total sluts and want to be poz and can't wait to be complete cumdumps, and then go on and on about exactly who they will and will not have sex with and where and when they will or will not have sex.  One guy once told me he'd only have sex with someone he had a drink with first.  Not a cumdump.

While you're at it, though, can we add some additional terms that have unclear definitions:

  • TOXIC - is this just HIV positive or does it mean HIV positive with HVL so likely to convert?
  • WHORE/WHORING - I learned recently to some that this means something with direct monetary value must be exchanged for sex; others define simply as giving out sex with no restriction.

I have thoughts - but will reserve for now.

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3 hours ago, ErosWired said:

We are most interested here in how to define the term as it applies to us as we use it in these threads.

“We”? I think it might be you, primarily. And, I don’t know that it’s really that big of an issue to begin with. 

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1 hour ago, 120DaysofSodom said:

IMO, a person that takes loads from practically anyone.

I dont think a cute guy taking loads selectively from other cute guys qualifies as a cum dump.

A cum dump, to me, implies a sleazy pig.

Of course there are limits to the people we all have sex with, but some people are so extra and way too picky but still call themselves a "cum dump" and it makes me sort of laugh on the inside.

 I agree to be a cum dump you can never refuse a load, I have been doing that for a few years if I meet or a guy asks to breed me, that answer is always yes, he can be fat, ugly, old, homeless on drugs, athletic, nerdy, hot, all loads taken.

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2 hours ago, HoneyBuns1980 said:

“We”? I think it might be you, primarily. And, I don’t know that it’s really that big of an issue to begin with. 

It’s the philosophical we (a rhetorical device) and if you aren’t interested in the question, why bother commenting on the thread?

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3 hours ago, cumslut4play said:

While you're at it, though, can we add some additional terms that have unclear definitions:

  • TOXIC - is this just HIV positive or does it mean HIV positive with HVL so likely to convert?
  • WHORE/WHORING - I learned recently to some that this means something with direct monetary value must be exchanged for sex; others define simply as giving out sex with no restriction.

Two other nebulous terms indeed. I have difficulty taking toxic seriously in any of these HIV contexts, as the primary inference of the term relates to poisons, not pathogens. HIV does not render a person’s fluids toxic. Medically hazardous, possibly; toxic, no. But the way it’s used in this context isn’t about anything real to start with, as much as it is intended to promote the fetish concept of a hazardous “biotoxin” being carried in the body and the thrill of courting the risk that that “biotoxin” will be conveyed. So in this sense, whether it’s just HIV or HIV HVL really doesn’t make much difference; they’re both kind of silly.

To whore/whoring originates in middle- and old English forms meaning ‘prostitute’, though these in turn derive from older roots denoting adultery and fornication. So over time, the specific meaning has come to relate to those who perform sex for compensation. In modern vernacular usage, however, we see a broadening of the term to mean a person who is simply promiscuous, to the point that the Urban Dictionary offers up “A girl or guy who sleeps with multiple people”, which I would calk the Puritan’s definition, as it would make whores of a sizable chunk of the sexually active population (it goes on to specify that ‘Multiple means more than one, so essentially anyone who isn’t a monogamist is a whore).

I think a more useful way to consider the word is not in terms of prostitution, but of trafficking, i.e., the use of force or coercion to compel labor or services, often sexual in nature. While the kind of ‘whoring’ most often referenced here does not actually involve compulsion or involuntary performance, the term broadly invokes a fetish or fantasy scenario simulating behavior in which one person trafficks another, whether or not any exchange of value is implicated. If the term is used in the context of prostitution, the question of an exchange of value is inherent.

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I was trained by my uncle to be a “pussyboy cumdumpster”. what he taught me was that as a pussyboy cumdumpster it was my duty to take ALL loads, anytime, anywhere, from any number of males, regardless of age, race, height, weight, body type, sexuality, status, looks, or social class, no questions asked. as a cumdumpster I have absolutely no say in who fucks me bareback and cums inside my body and I am to never get fucked with a condom by anyone. it doesn’t matter if its any random stranger taking a turn on me in the bathhouse sling, or they are a group of horny perverts my uncle whored me out to for the night, or if its some random guy on the street taking me down an alleyway to breed me behind a dumpster. ANYONE with a hard cock can breed me. that is why guys have always blindfolded me in the bathhouse sling. to show guys that I will take anyones load. not only am I not to ask anyone to pull out, but I have to beg everyone who fucks me to cum inside me and thank them afterwards unless the tells me to shut the fuck up.

so I was trained that my purpose as a cumdumpster is to get fucked raw and bred by a lot of guys, as many as possible. but I was also told its more than that. its more than just being some trashy fucktoy that gets bred by thousands of men. its about literally being a cum receptical. just a human fleshlight for public use. getting whored out and passed around is fun but as a cumdumpster my main purpose is taking loads. I think I really learned that when I started taking loads in the porn theatres, specially through gloryholes. that meant the guys didnt give a fuck that I was hot they just wanted to cum down someones throat or in their guts. these men didnt give a fuck about me, they just came in to get off so they use my mouth or my pussy to jerk themselves off. I would kneel there sucking out load after load from stranger after stranger without knowing anything about them. sometimes even stick my mouth or fuckhole up against the hole so I cant even see what colour it is. to them I’m just a cum receptacle. in the open porn theatres guys got to see what I look like, naked sucking cocks, getting fucked, taking loads, cum on my face, getting pissed on and spit on, and some of them are really into using me and watching other guys use me, but to most men I am just a dirty cumdumpster for them to get off into. so they come in, use my mouth or my hole, blow their load and leave. when I am laying in the porn theatre blindfolded in the public sling or on the darkroom fuckbench, guys dont treat me like a person. they treat me like a subhuman fucktoy. they are rough, abusive, degrading and half the time it feels like I’m getting gangraped. sure some guys think I’m beautiful or whatever but most men just fuck me like a worthless whore. most of the men who fuck me dont even bother speaking to me. they just use me to get off. so when I’m laying there taking load after load from anonymous stranger after stranger thats when I know I am fulfilling my purpose as a cumdumpster. specially when it gets late and guys are just looking for a whore to dump their loads in before they leave or go to sleep. it was the same in the porntheatres in the morning (horny men on their way to work or school) and in the late afternoon (horny guys on the way home) I started out as a boy cumdumpster and now I’m  a girl cumdumpster but my purpose is clear; taking loads. I have spent a lot of time in bathhouses, porntheatres, the club backroom in Pattaya, guys apts and houses, and the special bachelors apt my uncle set up for me taking load after load from guy after guy for several hours at a time to where I literally feel like a dumpster for mens cum.slingcumdump.jpg.a2fc2264daa0e4c81bd6132980ea9a2e.jpgIMG_9962.thumb.png.665235e4704eba8caf487a275084e7a3.png

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