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Gay For Pay, Gifted For Free

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5 hours ago, BergenGuy said:

This is a well-written series, as are other stories by the same author.  But, I agree with you.  I'd rather not see images in stories (any stories, not just this series).  A well-written story provides enough detail that I build an picture in my mind based on what I think is hot, and the images never match my imagination.

This genre of writing isn't my thing. In general, I think images that are discordant or conflict with what I imagine from reading a piece of writing ruin the experience for me. Since everyone's imagination is different, using images just invites readers to get hung up on how the images don't match what you see from reading the story.

Layer on top of that the inauthentic and clearly unreal images from Generative AI and it's even more jarring for me. When I see a story or a post with these kinds of AI images I actively avoid reading them for those reasons. 

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Great stories.  WRT images, honestly whatever the author decides I am good with.  My thought though is that when reading, the images I build in my head often differ.  

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I sighed and put my iPad down on the coffee table in front of me.

“Babe” I called out, “come take a break before you make yourself crazy.”

A few moments later Stone slouched into the room, looking thoroughly pissed.

“I don’t get it” he said. “Can’t people just hit the Back button and move on to something they do like? It’s not like I’m getting paid to do any of this, or trying to get famous from it. I mean, my stuff is out there for people to enjoy for free, so why the need to be negative if they would prefer something else?”

“I know” I replied, “but I did warn you about reading the comments.”

“Yeah” he grumbled, as he sat down next to me and I put my hand on his leg. “But I want to see what people who do actually like my sort of stuff have to say in case it gives me some more ideas or helps me to make the songs better. I spend time doing this stuff in a way I enjoy myself, and I like talking to other people who have similar tastes.”

Stone had recently decided to start posting music he had been making, which was a mix of his own songs and covers of others, delivered in a very different way to the originals. His videos were of him performing live, but he obscured most of his face and applied a black-and-white filter to avoid getting recognised. He had no plans to try to make something out of it, and was just doing it in his spare time for his own enjoyment and to hopefully entertain a few others. He was, however, leaning the hard way about what the internet was really like.

“Listen” I said, “how about we have a bit of fun to work off your frustrations, and see if maybe that stirs up some more positive thoughts for you?”

“Oh yeah?” he asked, turning to me with a smirk. “Would this ‘fun’ involve me pounding you into next week by any chance?”

“I’d definitely be up for that” I chuckled, “but I was thinking more of following up on a lead I’ve had.”

“A lead?” he asked, looking quizzically at me.

“Jason” I said. “Found out a bit more about what happened, and where we might find him.”

“Well, that does sound promising” Stone said. “But unless we’re gonna find him waiting outside right this minute, I think we might have to go with my idea first.”

I laughed out loud, but also knew he wasn’t joking so duly got off the couch and started to pull down my shorts. Mere moments later I was bent over the dining table with the man I loved working out the frustrations of his evening in my hole.

Once we’d recovered from the rather frenetic fuck, we got cleaned up and then headed out. Having been kicked out of the apartment he had shared with his now ex-girlfriend, Jason was temporarily staying with a mutual friend who had got curious about his nighttime absences and had thus followed him out one evening. Unbeknownst to Jason, this mutual friend was quite into what Stone and I had been doing, so had let me know what he had found out and promised to message me when his new housemate went out. Such a message had arrived just as Stone was erupting inside of me, and we were now en route to the park he had told us about.

After parking nearby we split up to look around, keeping our phones to hand to quickly message each other. There were a few guys hanging around who seemed like they might be cruising, but others who I thought were probably seeking or selling drugs, making it far more likely the police would be nearby.

   ME: Keep an eye out and be ready to run. Drugs.


Fortunately it was just a minute after sending that message that I caught sight of Jason, standing by a tree looking at his phone. He seemed to hear me approach as he put it away, stuck his hands in his pockets and looked up to see what was going on, his expression changing the instant I came into a pool of light from on of the few dim lamps around the place.


“Greg” he muttered. “What the fuck man?”

“Hey Jason” I said. “Been a while.”

“Get out of here” he growled.

“No fucking way” I replied. “Not without getting you out of here too.”

“Who sent you?” he asked, glowering at me.

“No-one” I half-lied, “but I heard what went down and we want to help you.”

“We?” he said, pulling his hands out his pockets and balling his fists.

“I’m here with Stone” I said.

“What the fuck” he whispered.

“Why don’t you come with us and we’ll talk about it?” I said. “Before the police get here again.”

He glared at me, but eventually nodded as he pushed himself off the tree he had been leaning against. I started walking back in the general direction of the car, typing out a quick message to Stone so he’d meet us there.  None of us said a thing as we got to the car, Jason climbing in the back while we got in the front. After watching a darkened patrol car glide past us towards the park we had just left, I quickly pulled out and set off, doing some cursory checks to make sure we weren’t being followed, particularly as I didn’t know if Jason had anything on him that could be a problem if we were pulled over. Once I could see we were clear, I decided not to freak him out too much by taking him to ours and instead headed to a bar we knew that afforded its patrons with high-sided booths and plenty of privacy. Jason said nothing as we entered, so I got him the same rum and coke I remembered him drinking on set back in the day, while opting for plain cokes for me and Stone.

“What happened man?” I asked Jason, once we’d been sat in a booth in silence for a bit.

“Nothing happened” he quietly replied, staring at his drink. “I wasn’t doing nothing, had all my clothes on, had no drugs, no cash, so they had to drop the charges.”

“You got lucky” Stone said.

“Fuck off” he snapped, before letting out a deep breath and continuing in a softer tone. “Sorry man. Yeah, I know I got lucky.”

“So what were you doing there?” I asked.

Jason said nothing for a while, but we gave him time to gather his thoughts. Then, with a lot of initial hesitation, he started to tell us the story. His girlfriend, a performer herself, had wanted to spice things up a bit and had arranged for another of her female co-stars to join them for a threesome. Then after that it was a different female co-star, and then a third. But one night it was another man she had brought to their bed, who Jason knew worked on hetero, bi and gay films. The sex had all been about her, but then she had invited the same man back again and started taking things in a different direction. Jason was of course well used to fucking men on-camera so had not had any real issues at first, but it was once his girlfriend was asleep and the rum had continued flowing that the ante was upped. His girlfriend woke up to find him on his hands and knees losing his anal virginity.

Thereafter it had solely been other men she had brought to their bed, and Jason had to get used to her expectations to see him bottoming. However, she had suddenly lost interest in all this and had stopped inviting anyone else into their sex life, cutting him off from something he had really started to get into even if he wasn’t ready to admit that out loud.

The trips to the park had started initially when he was drunk and his inhibitions lowered, but he eventually began seeking out that release even when sober. He dressed it up as a new exercise regime that involved an intense nighttime run before bed, and seemed to get away with it at first. However, he had not known that his girlfriend was starting to suspect what he was up to, not least because he was no longer performing as well in the bedroom with her, so when he was arrested in a sting and had needed her to bail him out, the writing was on the wall for their relationship. He was out on the street the next day.

“You know” I said, “you don’t need to go looking for it in such a risky way, particularly when there’s other illegal things going down that attract the cops.”

“Yeah” Jason mumbled.

“We could help if you want” said Stone. “Give you somewhere to explore that side of yourself, where you don’t have to worry about it getting out.”

“Plus, you know, we’ve both been on the same journey” I offered.

Jason looked up at me, and fixed me with a stare for a while before speaking.

“Do you think I’m gay?” he asked.

“Doesn’t matter what I think” I said, “nor does it matter if you are or not. You just know now that it feels good, and you should be able to do something about that in private.”

He carried on staring at me, before nodding and looking back down at his drink.

“OK” he said.

He swirled his finger round his glass, before picking it up and gulping down the contents. He slammed the glass back on the table, and then fixed Stone with a look.

“Show me” he said, before sliding along the bench and out of the booth.

Stone and I left our drinks on the table, and followed Jason out of the bar. He had some jumpy energy about him, so I pulled my cigarettes out of my pocket and offered him one. Once we had all lit up, I delicately probed a little further just to see what Jason would be most comfortable with, including whether or not it was actually us he wanted to explore with or if he just wanted our help. By the time we were stubbing out the cigarettes we had settled on him coming back to ours, so we got back into the car and drove home in silence.

Jason didn’t seem to want to delay things with another drink, so we ushered him down to the playroom where he quickly stripped down to his jock. However, the big surprise came as Stone and I were getting naked, when Jason reached behind himself and delicately pulled a lubed plug out of his hole. Knowing this meant we could just get down to business, we urged him to get down on the bench so he could be comfortable, before Stone took up position and starting gently rubbing Jason’s hole with his cock.

“Do it” Jason growled, ever so slightly pushing back.

Stone looked up at me and winked, then focused on the inviting hole in front of him. He started pushing his girthy dry cock into Jason, content that no condom had been offered or requested, and assuming that there was already enough lubrication in there based on how wet the plug had been.

Jason softly moaned as Stone slowly but firmly pushed into him in one go. My boyfriend held in position for a moment, and then began his thrusts which gradually got faster and deeper. Even with his head down on the bench, it was clear that Jason was loving it, arching his back like a seasoned bottom and letting Stone take full control of the pounding. It was so hot to watch, Jason’s toned body and tight buns seeming to just scream “bottom” now that I was seeing him in this position rather than hammering away as a vigorous top.

I guess that our earlier rut had taken the edge off for Stone a bit, as he was showing incredible stamina while he pounded away. I decided to mix things up a bit while I waited my turn, so went over to stand next to Jason’s head to just see what happened. It took him a while to realise I was there, but when he did he propped himself up a bit and stared at the hard cock right in front of him while his body rocked back and forth. I stepped forward just a bit more to put it in range, and he stretched out a little and took the tip into his mouth. I let him have just that for a couple of minutes, before shuffling forward a little more to effectively force my cock deeper into his mouth towards his throat. He gagged a little, but didn’t pull off so I just went the whole hog and pushed until he’d swallowed it all. He was audibly snorting as he got used to what I suspected was his first spit-roast, but credit where it’s due, he never gave off any vibe of wanting either of us to pull out of him.

Stone eventually started to reach orgasm, speeding up his pounding to a frantic pace until he slammed into Jason and held position while he unloaded. His breathing was ragged, and it took him quite some time to calm down and pull out. He staggered back and slumped down on a chair at the side of the room, giving me my cue that it was time to take over. I pulled my cock out of Jason’s throat, and quickly repositioned myself behind him and slid into his cummy hole. I was already pretty heated, so picked up where Stone had left off with a rapid and energetic fucking, Jason responding by moaning and panting his desire for me to keep going. I didn’t last long though, and soon was spurting another load into our former co-star.

I collapsed on the floor next to Stone, and we sat breathing heavily as we watched Jason just remain in position on all fours with cum leaking out of his gaping hole. After a couple of minutes he lifted himself up onto his knees, and reached behind to lightly finger and explore his hole. He then brought his fingers to his mouth, taking a taste of some of the deposits we’d left back there. I could only see a bit of the side of his face, but I thought I detected what could be a small smile breaking out on his face for a brief moment, before he then slid himself back and got off the bench. He went over to his clothes and started to get dressed, only turning to face us once he was fully clothed again.

“Thanks” he said.

“No problem” I replied. “You’re always welcome if you need more.”

He nodded at me, and then in a flash was gone up the stairs and out of the house. Stone and I remained sitting for a bit, before hauling ourselves up and off to the shower.

“He’s probably on prep” Stone said, as I climbed into bed next to him a while later.

“I know” I said, “and honestly I’m happy just to help him get comfortable with being versatile if that’s all this turns out to be.”

“Me too” said Stone, smiling. “He is hot as fuck, and clearly meant to bottom.”

“Amen to that” I replied, sliding down and putting my arm across Stone’s chest. “It’ll be fun to watch him realise that for himself.”

With that, we both gradually drifted off to sleep, safe and comfortable in each other’s arms…

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Jason did return quite regularly after that, and seemed to come out of his shell a bit more with us as he got more used to feeling like what he was doing was OK. It was maybe the fourth or fifth visit to ours that he actually decided to stick around for a bit to have a drink and talk after we’d fucked, and the eighth visit was when we first managed to get him to undress again for a second round before staying the night in one of the guest bedrooms.

We tested his boundaries a little more with each visit, and discovered that he seemed to respond well to a bit of domination. We took things slowly on that front, starting with strapping him onto the bench, then into the sling, and eventually into a set of stocks that Stone ordered to add to the playroom equipment (which of course we had ‘christened’ with me being put into them first before Stone invited the whole neighbourhood round to join in). However, we also got him to start practicing as a versatile performer, mixing up what we did to him with the occasional topping role, usually with me as the bottom but also a couple of times with Stone. He was certainly a very eager student.

We weren’t really sure what was happening with him outside of his visits to our place, but one day he decided to talk about it with us over some post-fucking drinks and cigarettes. Evidently the studio had not responded well to his arrest, so despite the charges being dropped they had let quietly him go from his contract. However, one of the execs had put him onto a friend of his, and Jason had started working with him. These were all-black orgy films shot with a single camera around the guy’s house, and Jason always wore a hood as he took up position on his front or back to get fucked and bred by the various tops and versatile performers also on set. He showed us one of the films that had been released onto that studio’s website, and what surprised us the most was that it was so obviously him, given he wore no top so his distinctive tattoos were on full view, and he hadn’t even taken off his trademark gold Cubans. We decided not to say anything about this though, and once he was gone we had looked through all of the videos he had done with this new outfit.

Despite him clearly getting other action now, he carried on visiting us on a pretty regular basis. On one occasion we decided to take things up a notch or two by ‘forgetting’ that we had invited Frank and Bram over to play, and when they entered the playroom through the side door Jason looked a bit like a deer in headlights. Credit to him though, because after only a brief moment of looking like he was about to freak out, he relaxed and went with the flow. Loads were taken by all that night, though Jason’s hole was obviously the main focus. Thereafter we brought Frank, Bram and some other friends in on the play every now and then.

Jason did eventually get sick, and Stone and I took it in turns to be at his place looking after him while he converted. He seemed to understand what had happened, and didn’t react too badly when we took him to a clinic and the result was confirmed. He eventually told us that his prep supply had indeed ended when his contract was terminated, but by then he wasn’t able to turn off his need to be bred despite no longer being protected. He had not been actively chasing, but nor did he do anything to reduce the risk of infection and had kind of known it was inevitable. He told us he knew we must be poz because of working with Scorpex, and that he knew he could also maybe just start seeking what he needed from neg or undetectable guys, but somehow had just wanted to keep coming to our playroom. He genuinely seemed OK with it, although we suspected he might need a bit of support as the reality dawned on him so we kept an eye out.

In the meantime we decided to introduce him to Scorpex, and it turned out they had been enamoured with the hooded blinged-up bottom appearing in the orgy films but had somehow failed to make the connection. Jason was soon signed up for a contract as a versatile performer, giving him access to healthcare insurance so he could go on meds and, in time, get some support when he did start to freak out a bit about his new status. He has become a popular performer with Scorpex, and Stone and I got to appear with him when the execs wanted him to be dominated for a shoot and he had said he would only do that with us.

Interestingly, Jason has settled into a sort of middle ground in life, having started out as a straight man performing only as a top, becoming a needy hungry bottom with us, but now happily able to talk about his bisexuality. He actually has a girlfriend, a poz dancer he met through a support group, but she is relaxed about his work and also the need to satisfy other urges to keep him happy. As such, while no longer as frequent as it was for a while, he still comes over every now and then to play.

Seeing Jason find a bit of peace and happiness with himself has spurred me on too. Stone and I are about to go away to a cabin in Colorado for a little break, and I have decided to take the plunge. He and I are perfect together, and when I find the right place and time up in the mountains, I shall be getting down on one knee. Wish me luck!


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I love your inventive storytelling and appreciate the accompanying artwork. The guys are really hot. I’m a nasty fucker though like all the other guys on here and wouldn’t mind the artwork being ramped up to satisfy my filthy mind a little more but just a suggestion and not a complaint. Thanks for your time dude and can’t wait for more of your great work. 

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