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I was going to comment "I love karma" on the previous chapter but never had the chance to read it because I was sick and not in any sex mood. Now having read this last one, congratulations @Scanbu. You have tied up all loose ends (except perhaps that little fact of 3 grandsons??), yes sad for Buster but everyone needs some love in their life and I am glad he got his ❤️. As for Martin becoming a totally and mentally devoted slave/wife of Buster and his horse cock, that was unexpected but perhaps, just perhaps, gave him some sort of redemption for his past deeds

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  On 6/18/2024 at 6:11 AM, negchaserlooking said:

I was going to comment "I love karma" on the previous chapter but never had the chance to read it because I was sick and not in any sex mood. Now having read this last one, congratulations @Scanbu. You have tied up all loose ends (except perhaps that little fact of 3 grandsons??), yes sad for Buster but everyone needs some love in their life and I am glad he got his ❤️. As for Martin becoming a totally and mentally devoted slave/wife of Buster and his horse cock, that was unexpected but perhaps, just perhaps, gave him some sort of redemption for his past deeds


The grandsons were surrogate chidden, one from each son that they made in part as gifts for their Dad. Martin and Buster had many years together and loved each other deeply. Love is always a redemption. Isn't it?

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I have had quite a few requests to expand on the three grandsons mentioned in the last chapter sphere we go 




Robert had a great childhood. His Dads were the best and then there was Grandpa Paul and his husband Carl. Robert and his brother/cousins called Paul “Papi” and Carl “Gramps” 


Robert’s real name was Bobby Jr. but he insisted on being called Robert. His hair was a dark auburn unlike his Dad’s lighter ginger hair. He had the darkest hair in the family except for Gramps, who was bald but who’s beard grew in coal black. He got his darker hair from the woman who gave birth to him. She had been a surrogate hired by Dad and Papi and had never been a part of his life after the birth. He didn’t even know her name nor did he want to. 


He had two brothers who were actually his cousins but they had been raised together. He knew his family was stranger than most. Lots of kids had two dads nowadays, but he didn't  know anyone else whose two dads were also brothers like him and his brother. Tony had been named for a man who had helped Papi rescue his dads and uncle Marc. Shae was Marc an Sean’s son and lived with them in one of the other houses 


They called their home “The Village” and it was a walled compound with five smaller houses surrounding the main house 


Carl had it built when they decided to sell the house his Dad’s had lived in with Martin 


Gramps and Papi lived in the main house, His dads and he lived in another and Marc, Sean and Shae lived in a third. The other three were well kepy up but empty 


“That’s where you boys will live once I claim you” Papi told them but wouldn’t say what that meant 


He spent a lot of time at Uncle Buster and Aunt Martin’s place, Their condo was just a short bike ride away. 


 “Aunt Martin” was what they called the strange, timid, reclusive man who lived with Uncle Buster. The two had gotten married in prison and had been released on the same day back when Robert was 11.


Uncle Buster was a lot of fun. When Robert and his brothers were small they used his broad shoulders as diving platforms in the pool and he could toss a boy from the shallow end to the deep end with ease. He taught the boys to play poker and a lot of words they were not supposed to know, though he was a little vague about what they actually meant 


Aunt Martin was not fun, he would retreat to the bedroom when the boys visited Uncle Buster. He was never rude he just didn’t want to be around anyone but Uncle Buster 


Robert knew the basics of the story though the adults involved omitted a great deal. It was hard to think of Aunt Martin as a threat to anyone, 


One day when he was 16. Almost 17 he dropped by for a visit, He had been growing to look more like his dad Bobby in the face, everyone told him that. Aunt Martin started to head for the bedroom when he got there but stopped and turned to look at him more closely 


A strange, sharper look came into his eyes and he muttered “Should have been mine” under his breath


The glare Uncle Buster shot Aunt Martin looked so out of place on Buster’s normally jovial face that it scared Robert a little and Aunt Martin flinched visibly 


“Robert, why don’t you head on home? I need to have a discussion with your Aunt” He said and he sounded pissed off 


Robert left quickly 


“It looks like someone needs to be reminded of their place” he heard Uncle Buster say as he closed the door 


A few days later as they all gathered for his 17th birthday party Aunt Martin seemed to limp a little and his eyes had returned to that normal slightly confused look. Robert never saw that sharpness in his eyes again


All the adults always told the boys that Papi “Owned” them all though they never explained exactly what that meant. Robert just knew that every important decision about their lives was made by Papi and no one ever questions those decisions. 


All discipline also came from Papi. When Robert misbehaved as a child it was Papi who decided his punishment, which was usually time restricted to his room with only books for company. As he got older it was also time restricted from using his phone. 


Everyone learned to obey Papi without question and things went smoothly most of the time 


Robert was a bit of a nerd and seemed a bit uptight. He always wore a well fitted, ironed and starched,  button up shirt that showed off his swimmer's build, sleek body well


The day after his 18th birthday his Dads, Bobby and Mike asked him to get dressed in the new clothes Papi had bought him, they looked like what he normally wore but were a bit snugger 


They took him to the main house and into the room on the top floor none of the boys were allowed to go into. There was a lot of strange furniture in there and Papi  sat against the far wall, in a throne like chair


Papi was 65 now and with today’s expanded life expectancies that was barely considered middle aged. Most likely he was still in the first half of his life, He looked about the same age, Robert’s dads who appeared to be 30ish and he wore an outfit made all of tight black leather. 


He sat casually with his legs a little open and  Robert noticed  that his crotch was covered by a codpiece that bulged out quite a bit and was held on by snaps 


Gramps looked about 40 and was wearing only a leather jockstrap. He was kneeling next to the throne with his hands behind his back. Robert’s dads stripped down to similar jocks and went to kneel beside him in the same position 


“Have a seat” Papi told hun indicating a plain chair facing the throne and he sat as comfortably as he could. He had some vague idea of what happened in here between his dads and Papi. He would have to be really dense not to. If brothers could be lovers why not fathers and sons?


“First of all, what you learn in here is not for your brother’s ears. These are adult matters and they will learn when they are adults” Papi started 


Papi told him the full story of his problems with Martin and he finally understood why Uncle Buster had been so mad that day. 


“Martin had not given your dad’s a choice. He forced them into slavery but they chose me over him. Marc had made that decision by the time he was 14. I want to own you and train you as my sexual slave like your dads are but I will not force you. You can say no and everyone will accept it.” Papi said 


“If you do say no you can continue to live here until you finish college and get on your feet. You will be welcome to visit any time you want after that and will always be welcome but any adult male who wants to live here permanently must be my slave and surrender control of their lives to me” Papi went on 


“If you say yes it’s a decision you can’t unmake, You will be my property for as long as we both live and if I pass you will become the property of your Uncle Marc. He’s the most like me and my chosen heie” he said 


“If you chose to become my slave you give up the right to make your own life decisions, I will choose who and if you marry, I will chose where you go to college and what you study or even if you go at all. I will control your cosmetic appearance with no restrictions, tattoos, piercings, and other modifications” he indicated the enlarged nipples on both his dad's chests. Robert had seen them many times before naturally bot they took on new meaning now 


“You will also serve me sexually in any way I see fit, I will place you in bondage and teach you to endure pain for me. Most importantly you have to accept that I will infect you with HIV. I am poz and very toxic and so are all the other adult males in the family so you would ger infected eventually anyway. We never use condoms or pull out. Those are your choices Robert, You can say no now and come back to submit at any time so I am not rushing you"  Papi finished 


“Before I decide, can I ask questions and make a request?” Robert asked 


“Of course” Papi said 


“If I accept do I have to fuck other men? I know I will get fucked but do I have to fuck them?”


“No, I don’t force anyone to top but why wouldn’t you want to?” Papi asked 


“I have seen you all by the pool in your swim suits and to be honest I don’t measure up” Robert said in his nerdy clinical voice that he used when he was explaining things to the olde members of the family, like how to use the TV remote. It was almost 2060 and those things were still confusing as hell to most people 


He showed no sign of embarrassment when he stood up, unzipped his pants and pulled out a proportionally thick 5 inch cock, It was what nature had given him, why should he be embarrassed?


“With all you monsters around who would want this in them?” he asked 


Grams spoke up “Robert, what  you have there we call a prostate pounder in the fucking business. It’s the perfect length for prostate stimulation. I actually think you will be a very popular top around here. Big looks nice and it feels great in different ways but getting pounded by that would be pure heaven. Try it before you give up the idea” 


Robert did blush at that but his cock got hard at the thought of fucking his Gramps' furry muscle ass 


“Ok. if you think I can make people feel good” he said a little flustered then he went on 


“You know that reproductive technology has taken leaps and bounds over the last couple decades, Men can have babies together now and men can even carry babies now, their own or as a surrogate” he said


Robert always kept up on this kind of thing. He waned to study genetics and biometrics and join the team making all those advancements someday 


“Where are you going with this Robert?” Papi asked 


“I have been spending a lot of time with Uncle Buster, He has some health issues now and so does Aunt Martin, Papi, he wants to have a baby with Aunt Martin and they can’t, both for the health reasons and because he doesn’t know how Aunt Martin would react to being pregnant. He’s not to stable as it is. For the same reasons he knows they could not raise a baby with him but he wants to leave a part of Aunt Martin and he in the world when they are gone someday” Robert said 


“Papi, I want to surrogate for them and raise the baby here. If I like carrying a baby or even just don’t mind it I can become the family surrogate. When we use female surrogates and IVF we take a chance of producing female children, I can keep it all in the family!” He rushed on 


Paul stared at Robert open mouthed, what had he done to deserve such a wonderful, selfless grandson? 


He glanced at Bobby and Mike and saw tears of pride running don their faces 


“You know, any children yu have will be given the same choice you were when they turn 18” he asked 


Robert nodded 



A brief explanation of male “pregnancy” 


A man did not carry a baby inside his body like a woman though it looked like he did 


A man wore something called a “synth skin” which was like a bodysuit that covered him from his toes to his fingers and cut off at the neck. When he put it on it looked very much like nylon stocking material but quickly took on the appearance of the man’s own skin and settled just below the body hair except where the baby would be carried, where it cleverly grew matching body hair and it appeared seamless. Once it was settled you could not tell a man had it on, There were hole for the anus and tip of the penis naturally 


The synth skins of this era came with a gel like substance that contained the fertilized egg, held in status till the process was complete. The synth skin tapped directly into the tiny blood vessels that fed the skin to provide nourishment for the baby and to build a "womb". It also rearranged the body fat to provide a cushion around the baby to prevent chafing for the surrogate and protect the baby. It was the one drawback to this. A week after you started you looked about halfway along, you were definitely “showing” 


The baby was technically carried outside a man’s body against his abdomen, When the baby was full term a simple, mild bath of some chemicals dissolved the synth skin and left over fat and there was your baby.


It should be noted that many women said with disgust “Men always get it easier” when they learned the delivery method but when asked if they wanted a similar method developed for women declined,, preferring the old way. Women are strange 


One benefit was that any scarring on the body, no matter how sever was gone when the synth skin dissolved. You emerged from your surrogacy with perfect, unblemished skin and no stretch marks. The women bitched about that too 




“I will have to talk to Buster and Martin but I have no problem with that if they agree. Are their any more questions?” Paul asked 


“No Papi, I accept, I have wanted this for a long time, I had it pretty much figured out by the time I was 16” Robert said “What do I do” 


“Go ahead and finish taking off your pants then come kneel before me” Papi ordered 


Robert did so then looked up at his slightly feminine looking Papi 


Paul leaned forward and rubbed the boy’s nipple through that tight button up shirt, pinching it and getting a gas from his grandson’s lips


“He is going to look so hot in these shirts once we pump his nipples out isn’t he Mike?” Paul asked 


Mike smiled and nodded, his own nipples still stuck out nearly an inch and  he took pride in them now 


“Are you going to make the as big as Daddy Mike’s” Robert asked sounding excited 


“Would you like that?” Paul asked 


Robert swallowed then nodded looking up into his grandfather’s eyes 


“I'm going to make you wear tight shirts like this all the time. Even in public. You won’t be able to hide it” Paul said 


“I think they will notice the belly first” Robert said with a mischievous gleam in his eyes “I want my second baby to be my Uncle too. I want a baby with you Grandpa”


“If we can do it safely for the baby” Paul told him


Robert knew they could. The rigorous screening of the sperm of two genetically related men who wanted a baby together removed all possibility of genetic birth defects, Moreover, preliminary studies of these children, the first of which were young adults now, showed that they were usually highly intelligent and physically fit. They were no better or worse looking  than other children though. The genetic screening was for possible health issues. It didn't preclude your baby from getting great grandpa Harvey’s huge nose if that’s what the genetic dice rolled. Luckily they had a really good looking family 


The same screening was now being done for all male/make babies, It just made sense now that the method had been perfected 


Paul unsnapped his codpiece and let his straining poz cock free then he took a handful of his grandson’s auburn hair and guided him to it. The boy opened his mouth and sucked like a first time cock sucker, he would learn in time to do better. Paul pushed into his throat and the boy only had a minimal gag reflex which was good 


"I'm going to piss in your mouth Robert and I want you to swallow it all" he told the surprised boy, then let loose


Robert got most of it though some dribbled down his chin onto his shirt. He found he didn't mind the taste that much and started sucking harder when Papi was done 





The normal procedure was to immobilize a boy for his first fuck but Paul was so moved by his grandson’s selflessness that he made an exception, He stripped off Robert’s shirt and took the boy to the bed against the far wall 


He had Robert lay on his back and hold his legs up as he slid on top of him and gently worked the head of his huge cock inside.


Robert bit his lip as it popped in groaning in pain but looking excited 


Paul paused then slowly began rocking forward just a bit and little by little entered this special boy who had just committed to him his life and devotion 


Robert was soon gasping in pleasure as his Papi slid almost 10 inches of rock hard HIV positive cock into his virgin neg ass “Ohhh God! Fuck me Grandpa! Knock me up like you knocked up my Dad!” he groaned 


Paul picked up the pace and his balls slapped that ass and lower back as he pushed Robert’ hips further off the bed, really plowing the boy 


“Here comes Grandpa’s poz load!  I’m going to infect you and claim you forever! You are MINE!” Paul groaned as he shot his toxic viral load into his son’s son, filling his hole with family seed 


Robert stroked a couple times and shot all over his stomach and chest then scooped it up and licked his fingers 


Grandpa kissed him sharing his cum and the pulled out. Daddy Bobby took his place 


“I Have wanted to be in you on this day as long as I can remember Son. It's been 18 years in the coming but it was worth the wait” he said as he slid his cuck in to Robert’s charged cum lubed hole and kisses him hard 


“I want it too Dad. I love you, fuck you feel so good in me!” Robert said pulling his father down for a another kiss


Bobby quickly added his poz  load to Paul’s then Daddy Mike took his place between his nephews legs 


“Do you know how long I have wanted to do his?” Robert said as he played with and pulled on Mike’s nipples while he was getting fucked by him


Daddy Mike grinned “I will help you with yours, We will get them nice and pumped soon” He said, then he added a third poz load to Roberts cum filled ass 


Finally Gramps, who had the biggest cock there slid in “Don’t cum while I am fucking you” He grinned down at Robert, He shot his pox load in just a couple minutes then rolled onto his back, raising his own legs 


“Show me what you can do! Really pound me! You aren’t going to hurt me and I need a good prostate pounding”  he said 


Robert took him at his word and rammed his 5 incher all the way in. Gramps sucked n a hissing breath through his teeth “Fuck your cock is perfect! You hit it on the first thrust!” he groaned 


Robert fucked him as hard as he could and got that same hiss with every thrust! Gramps' cock rose all on it’s own and as Robert bred his first ass ever it erupted, spewing cum everywhere without Gramps touching it at al 


Back outside the dungeon Robert’s  brothers pestered him for details and he loved their looks of disgust and frustration when he told  them it was “Adult stuff” and they would just have to wait until they were adults. He smiled as they stalked off angrily 


Paul went by to see Buster and Martin the next day 


“I need to talk to you both” he said as Martin started to rise to go in the bedroom 


“Stay where you are” Buster told his wife and he sank back into his chair, the look he gave Paul was not so friendly 


“Glad to see you are actually with us today Martin” Paul said as Martin looked away 


“Robert tells me you two want to have a baby” he said 


“I don’t see what business of yours that is” Martin muttered 


“He’s really with it today, He almost sounds like the Martin I married” Paul said to Buster 


“It comes and goes. I need to fuck him, he calms down after that. And yes I would love to have a son with Martin I truly love him, but you can see why we can’t and even if we did I could never leave him alone with the baby. I don’t think he would harm it but neglect is a real possibility” Buster said sadly 


“Robert has volunteered to surrogate for you and raise the baby at The Village where you could be a part of it’s life” Paul told them 


Buster got all misty eyed but Martin just muttered “You just want MY son. You want revenge!” 


Martin was sitting in a chair with his feet up on an ottoman. Paul shoved his feet to the side and sat facing him but Martin turned his face away


“Look at me Martin!” he said gently then turned the man’s chin and looked him in the eyes 


“It’s been over 30 damn years since this all started. Will you fucking get over it? Will I try to make your son serve me? Damn right I will! But I won’t FORCE him like you did my boys. I will give him a choice and support him either way it goes. My grandson is offering his own body to help you and Buster out. Can’t you just accept that? iI not for your sake, for Busters?” 


Martin yanked his face away and his eyes fell on Buster who looked hopeful and hurt at the same time and his eyes softened 


“I want you to know this while you know it’s the real me talking Buster, I love you, Me, Martin, the real person in this body. I love you. I know why you keep me so controlled. The Darkness in my mind tells me to do terrible things when you don’t. If you want a baby with me then I will be happy to do my part” Martin said “For you, not for him” He said looking at Paul 


“I promise to make sure he is raised well and to give him a choice, Martin and you will probably be there to see it all” Paul said in a soft voice 


Of course they didn’t know Buster and Martin only had about 5 years left at that time 


They named the baby Buster Jr and he was the only person besides his husband Martin cared for in the world, He would sit and hold Jr. as he slept like the baby was his anchor to sanity, 


Jr was four when his real dad’s passed but everyone made sure he never forgot them and no one ever said an ill word to him about Martin as he grew up 


Let me know what you think




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  • Piggy 1
  On 6/20/2024 at 2:46 AM, negchaserlooking said:

Like the new tangent - male pregnancy in the traditional sense, interesting concept.


I've been trying to work out how it would work for a while now. It's an important part id another story I am working on 

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Since the genetic material from both fathers as well as the surrogate man are all poz, would the baby be poz with the angel strain from birth?


Anyway, it's hot seeing Paul and the others keeping it in the family.

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Posted (edited)
  On 6/21/2024 at 1:37 PM, Tetra said:

Since the genetic material from both fathers as well as the surrogate man are all poz, would the baby be poz with the angel strain from birth?


Anyway, it's hot seeing Paul and the others keeping it in the family.


I'm just counting on the new advanced biometric technology to prevent that 🙂 I don't want poz babies, I want neg  boys who need to be pozzed by someone 😈 Thank you for your comment 

Edited by Scanbu
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  On 6/21/2024 at 1:37 PM, Tetra said:

Since the genetic material from both fathers as well as the surrogate man are all poz, would the baby be poz with the angel strain from birth?



  On 6/21/2024 at 4:57 PM, Scanbu said:

I'm just counting on the new advanced biometric technology to prevent that 🙂 I don't want poz babies, I want neg  boys who need to be pozzed by someone 😈


Actually probably not. Women with undetectable HIV give birth to neg babies about 90% of the time.

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  On 6/21/2024 at 5:01 PM, viking8x6 said:


Actually probably not. Women with undetectable HIV give birth to neg babies about 90% of the time.


I was thinking that was true but hadn't actually looked it up.  I think they would make PReP part of the surrogate process, probably automatically in these early "synth skins" 🙂 Thank you for helping me clarify the point 


You wanna know what I think?  I think you must be an incredibly kind, loving, intelligent and sexy as FUCK man to imagine and write these thoughtful and entertaining stories! Thank you for sharing  them all.

  On 6/24/2024 at 1:03 PM, SlampaBay said:

You wanna know what I think?  I think you must be an incredibly kind, loving, intelligent and sexy as FUCK man to imagine and write these thoughtful and entertaining stories! Thank you for sharing  them all.


Thank you for your kind words. I wish I still lived in the Tampa Bay area, I grew up there but I moved to Canada when I got married. Maybe we could have hung out if I did 

  On 6/24/2024 at 10:56 PM, Janus78 said:

Wow great story, I can’t wait to see what you come up with next 


I'm working on several stories on here 🙂 I think you can find them in my profile.. Thank you for the kind comment 

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  • 1 month later...

This was truely and amazing story! Very talented writing. Carl was probably my favorite, I just wanna bottom for that man. 

I like what happened with Martin in the end. The fact that he got care and compassion in the end really tied the story up well 

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