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Got home from the daytime Pride parade to get some supper ... and I generally watch the news while I eat it.  Thus, there are some unconfirmed numbers in this post.  


It appears that there was more trouble in Israel, with 8 (that's eight) Israeli soldiers were ambushed and killed during some sort of raid in Southern Rafah.  Apparently, they were going after some Hamas fighters they had reason to believe were in the area.   

This after 4 (that's four) Israeli soldiers were killed recently, with a corresponding death-toll of around 250 (that's two hundred and fifty) Palestinian citizens were recently killed in the incident that took the 4 Israeli soldier's lives, again in an Israeli raid attempting to kill/capture some Hamas guerillas.  

The previous incident resulted in thousands of Israeli citizens demonstrating in the streets for new Israeli elections - the goal of which is to give the boot to Netanyahu as the Israeli Prime Minister.   Benny Gantz "postponed" his announced departure from the "War Cabinet", which operates within the greater Cabinet in Israel.  

Is it just me?  Does it sound to anyone else like the death of 4 Israeli soldiers, conducting an armed raid into civilian areas in the area, is commensurate with around 250 (some estimates are higher) Palestinian civilians killed? 

The death-toll of Palestinian civilians today is not yet in, according to the US major media sources, however it doesn't appear that the Israeli forces made much of a dent in their previous record.  

Worse, the little boy blunder in the HoR took it upon himself to invite Netanyahu to address a Joint Session of Congress in late July a few days ago.  That invitation, in and of itself, is not particularly out of the ordinary.  Joint Sessions are held in the chambers of the House of Representatives, with the Speaker presiding.  Wouldn't it be a shame if most of the D's just couldn't  manage to clear their busy calendars, and attend that Joint Session, initiated by little boy bullshit?  They're all busy campaigning these days - it would be completely understandable if all the chairs weren't filled.  Of course, I would imagine that all the R's would be in attendance, since it's likely to be quite a show.  

I'm also rather confident the President may find himself in a bit of a scheduling bind, but then - it wasn't him that initiated the invitation.  Chances are better that he'll be around though, since Joe Biden has forgotten more about caring for others more than himself than Nettie ever learned in the first place. 


I may head out a little later for the nighttime Pride parade, or I may not.  In any case though, tonight should be one helluva blast at the fuckjoints !!!

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We'll see how all this plays out.  I'm not predicting...  

Back in February when the IDF head was interviewed on TV he predicted an end in four weeks (eg: March).  My thinking when I listened to him was "I hope you're right because things are going to get uglier if it isn't ended by March.  Now it's June.  

When it came to finding Bin Laden the US didn't go bombing the fuck out of civilian targets.  And while it is true that Hamas Scum use civilians as shields, IMO IDF could start a more targeted campaign.  Less bombs and more infiltration and finding HAMAS within the civilians and taking the actual enemy out.  I don't know how much choice the civilians have about being used as shields.  I like to think they would be rebelling at that; but most likely they would be killed for their rebellion.  

Globally we really need to get our shit together.  By this I mean to expand beyond just Israel and Hamas to the strife in various forms going on all over the planet.  A very few power hungry assholes are making life miserable to most.  I think it may be time for the majority to prevail if we're to get back to a more peaceful coexistence.  

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1 hour ago, PozBearWI said:

...while it is true that Hamas Scum use civilians as shields, IMO IDF could start a more targeted campaign.  Less bombs and more infiltration and finding HAMAS within the civilians and taking the actual enemy out.

Wearing my cloak of blackest cynicism, I'd say: They could certainly do that. But Netanyahu would never live to see it completed, or enjoy the legacy of it. If one can enjoy one's legacy in whatever passes for a hereafter in his cosmology.

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3 hours ago, viking8x6 said:

blackest cynicism

While I don't think I'm generally all that cynical, I can't help but wonder what is going to happen ... harboring false hope is maybe the next-worst thing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This doesn't require any responses, since it'll all be over in a few hours:

I am so tired of all the carrying-on in the media about tonight's debate.  It's like nothing else is happening in the world.  We all know it's important, we all know the implications, and if anyone didn't before today, they surely do now.  And I'm a bit weary of the Woman in Black explaining things this way, rehashing it that way, ad infinitum.  At least CNN has an International version of their broadcasts.  

Enough already.  

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Oh lord indeed.  TV media especially has become a master of unnecessary overkill.  Who gives a crap what the polls say 12 months out?  In recent years they seem to be wrong more than they're right and thus what is the point?  And can we stop with the over emphasis on "breaking news" which more often than not are simply updates (and minor ones at that) for yesterday's news.  It was so much better when news was a service to the public rather than the advertising investment for big pharma.  And really, I am supposed to tell my doctor what to prescribe?  Ask your doctor about "doigivafuk"!  Cripes it has lead me to record ANY TV I watch so I can skip ahead over the 75% utter bullcrap they claim to be news.  

Newspapers not so much better which is disappointing as I rather like them over TV.  We've a pretty decent local paper here and yet the two hired reporters lack talent.  Thankfully the editor is quite good, but he can't do it all and run once of the few remaining local newspapers.  

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22 minutes ago, PozBearWI said:

And really, I am supposed to tell my doctor what to prescribe?  Ask your doctor about "doigivafuk"! 

Tell me more! I'm pretty sure I need some...


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31 minutes ago, viking8x6 said:

Tell me more! I'm pretty sure I need some...


With you studly friend, of course you need more, and I do from you as well.  That special medicine your prostate produces....  

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