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Austin Wolf has been busted

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On 7/1/2024 at 12:53 PM, ellentonboy said:

Interesting how any video company that have  worked with him are trying quickly to erase any evidence of his past performances.

Men.com in particular putting out a statement saying they were horrified, yet less than a week prior he was attending a Men.com gathering which basically promotes the videos that he has appeared in.

I wonder how many studios tolerated his shitty behavior. He was manipulative towards many of the younger men in his self-published porn. I'd bet he was poorly behaved on professional sets too.

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1 hour ago, UKFFBBBtm said:

Let's also not forget the claim by the 20 yo air steward that he was secretly filmed having sex with Austin and got fired for it after Austin posted it online

To be honest... it takes two to tango and the air steward should've known better than to go into a bathroom to fuck when he should have been working. What if there was an accident mid flight? I do however recognize your point of filming someone without their permission. 

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2 hours ago, Tempusfuget said:

To be honest... it takes two to tango and the air steward should've known better than to go into a bathroom to fuck when he should have been working. What if there was an accident mid flight? I do however recognize your point of filming someone without their permission. 

He was off duty, but was fired as he was still in uniform.

However everyone has the right to expect not to be secretly filmed.

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The tragedy of this is that in the current political climate his actions will add fuel to the far right agenda of rolling back the progress made for gay and trans rights. This isn't in any way meant to diminish the charges he faces for his alleged criminality, but there's an overpill for evey one of us.

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11 hours ago, UKFFBBBtm said:

Let's also not forget the claim by the 20 yo air steward that he was secretly filmed having sex with Austin and got fired for it after Austin posted it online

That flight attendant knew he was being filmed.  I've watched the entire video the camera was clearly visible so he was not secretly filmed.

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10 hours ago, Tempusfuget said:

To be honest... it takes two to tango and the air steward should've known better than to go into a bathroom to fuck when he should have been working. What if there was an accident mid flight? I do however recognize your point of filming someone without their permission. 

7 hours ago, UKFFBBBtm said:

He was off duty, but was fired as he was still in uniform.

However everyone has the right to expect not to be secretly filmed.

There is often another side to an allegation/story and one should make up one's mind only after hearing both sides

Austin claims in an interview to the Instinct Magazine that the guy knew he was filming the act: It was the other guy's idea to have sex on flight, in the first place; and he had a large phone in his hand and openly recording their sexual encounter and thus had the guy's consent! Does this equal consent to post it online, I guess the jury is still out. 

[think before following links] https://instinctmagazine.com/exclusive-an-interview-with-austin-wolf/?utm_source=cocktailsandcocktalk.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=pubexchange

Consent in real life is a complicated topic which needs a different thread altogether; but I am still trying to find out Austin's side of the story, as well,  on the disturbing child porn allegations.

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On 7/2/2024 at 4:29 PM, BootmanLA said:


So there's a LOT of evidence beyond that one SD card. The reason they focus on it is that it proves POSSESSION of the CP (which he's charged with), in addition to the evidence that he SENT CP material (via Telegram) which they can show by the connection between the two Telegram accounts.

[think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/media/1358681/dl

Since Austin ran a Telegram channel linked on one of his websites with over 12,000 subscribers according to a yahoo report, it is quite premature to assume that any of the CP came from Austin and not from any of the 12,000 telegram followers of his or from that wonderful gentelmanboy TT User-1. 

[think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.yahoo.com/news/adult-film-star-austin-wolf-232316910.html

I personally find it hard to believe that such a successful gay porn star can suddenly fall to such depravity and become a pedophile overnight in 4 days - March 24 to 28th, as alleged in the complain. A number of scenarios could explain the situation. TT User1 could have told Austin he was a 18.5 yr old man and got his attention, only to send him CP in a bit to trap him. Another scenario, which is very much a possibility is a disgruntled employee/rival porn star of Austin's porn business could have hacked his Telegram channel and send out CP and exchanged messages with TT User 1/FBI Employee 1. 

 Austin could very well be the first target of Project 2025.

I want to start a poll to find out how many people think Austin is guilty. The options that I propose are. 

1. Austin is innocent until proven guilty. I am not convinced of the charges based on the evidence, yet.

2. things look pretty bad for Austin. Given the facts, I am convinced Austin is guilty of exchanging child porn. 

3. I want to hear Austin's side of the story.

4. Other 


Please let me know if you want any other options .  

Edited by brnbk
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14 hours ago, brnbk said:

Since Austin ran a Telegram channel linked on one of his websites with over 12,000 subscribers according to a yahoo report, it is quite premature to assume that any of the CP came from Austin and not from any of the 12,000 telegram followers of his or from that wonderful gentelmanboy TT User-1. 

[think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.yahoo.com/news/adult-film-star-austin-wolf-232316910.html

I personally find it hard to believe that such a successful gay porn star can suddenly fall to such depravity and become a pedophile overnight in 4 days - March 24 to 28th, as alleged in the complain. A number of scenarios could explain the situation. TT User1 could have told Austin he was a 18.5 yr old man and got his attention, only to send him CP in a bit to trap him. Another scenario, which is very much a possibility is a disgruntled employee/rival porn star of Austin's porn business could have hacked his Telegram channel and send out CP and exchanged messages with TT User 1/FBI Employee 1. 

 Austin could very well be the first target of Project 2025.

I want to start a poll to find out how many people think Austin is guilty. The options that I propose are. 

1. Austin is innocent until proven guilty. I am not convinced of the charges based on the evidence, yet.

2. things look pretty bad for Austin. Given the facts, I am convinced Austin is guilty of exchanging child porn. 

3. I want to hear Austin's side of the story.

4. Other 


Please let me know if you want any other options .  

Dude: according to the agent who sought the arrest warrant, the Telegram account shows files sent FROM Austin's Telegram TO the cooperating witness's Telegram. Not part of a group, not something that some rando shared with thousands of others - a direct, one-to-one transfer of files.

There's no allegation that this was a "sudden fall" - just that these PARTICULAR violations of the law occurred, during this period. That's not an affirmative statement that they found no other such transfers; that's just not how an indictment works.

When an indictment is issued, it has to allege specific facts [X person did Y action on or about Z date], and the job of the prosecutor is to prove those specific things as true. They do NOT want to "dump" lots of other allegations of similar behavior that may or may not be as readily provable, because that muddies the water for a jury. If the indictment said that Wolf had, say, sent 300 files to various people, then each of those would be a separate "count", and each one would have to be proved beyond a reasonable doubt in order to convict on that count. That would mean a trial lasting weeks, or months, and for what purpose? The mandatory minimums and the sentencing guidelines are already very harsh for even a single incident of CSA material.

As for the poll: go ahead, if you want, but it's meaningless. None of us, unless we're chosen for the jury (assuming he doesn't make a plea deal) then what we think is irrelevant.

As for the hacking option: Sure, that's theoretically possible. But since they found the transmission records *on Wolf's physical phone*, based on what I know of Telegram (particularly its encrypted chat), that means the sending/receiving took place ON THAT DEVICE, not just using his account from another machine. "Elaborate frame job" just doesn't seem that likely, at least to me.

Especially since Wolf was, by all official accounts, not the original target. TTU1 was - for whatever reason - and it was only on arresting him and reviewing HIS devices that they happened on to his communications with Wolf. It's certainly not impossible for this to be an elaborate frame job, but it seems really, really overcomplicated for that to be the case.

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In a way, I feel sorry for Austin Wolf. I think it is a curse for him and any other pedophiles for harbouring this kind of sexual attraction towards minors. He wouldn’t be arrested if he has a normal sexual attraction like most of us. Is this a sickness? Can it even be cured? I suspect that there are a lot more guys who harbours this kind of devious sexual attraction than we thought but majority of these people are able to control their sexual urges, hide these dark thoughts in the back of their minds and never act on their fantasies. 

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