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Biden Out


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And all I have to say is thank fucking God. Not a minute too soon, and I hope to hell not too late to undo the damage the last few weeks have done. 

This has nothing to do with ageism. I don't care if Biden is 40, or 80, or 180. I care about the fact that he's very obviously been in decline for years now, and I think the last few weeks his handlers lost the plot in continuing to spin and hide this from the American people. It was on display in a way that they couldn't shrug it off anymore. 

I think he stayed in the race to solidify his legacy as the guy that stopped Trump twice. It was ego and hubris. And like I said, I hope there's time to undo the damage and get everybody behind the new ticket.

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34 minutes ago, BarebackedBear said:

I think he stayed in the race to solidify his legacy as the guy that stopped Trump twice. It was ego and hubris. And like I said, I hope there's time to undo the damage and get everybody behind the new ticket.

What's crazy is Trump is an excuse for this kind of foolishness (not targeting you specifically). All that for Trump to be in the lead for 2024 when he could have let Democrats have an actual primary last year. Maybe folks should stop denying what is right in front of their face until it becomes a radioactive (heh) situation.

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16 minutes ago, nanana said:

why is it that the republicans and independents knew this would happen before the democrats did?  happy to see the democrats move beyond denial finally.  

Now, if only the Republicans were capable of moving beyond denial. The convicted felon is not that much younger than Biden and the rapist’s mental deterioration has been as flagrantly on display as Biden’s. And his inherent evil makes him far more unfit for office. 

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17 hours ago, BarebackedBear said:

I think he stayed in the race to solidify his legacy as the guy that stopped Trump twice. It was ego and hubris. And like I said, I hope there's time to undo the damage and get everybody behind the new ticket.

if anyone should be accused of ego and hubris, it's Trump. honestly.....

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There is, finally, a real opportunity.

It used to be that the candidates were not set UNTIL their respective party conventions.  Not a year before any elections.

For a lot of good reasons, Harris as President makes sense.  And while I thought I would have liked Biden to endorse both a P and VP candidate when he stepped out (which I have always thought would happen), truly having the Convention actually argue this; and come of it with a VP pick is getting us BACK to democratic election process.  There are a lot of great choices.  And this passes the torch to the next generation, as we should....

I was glad the R's waited until (pretty much) the convention to pick a VP; the party didn't pick the VP, Trump did and the party just said (essentially) "yes master lord and savior".  

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18 hours ago, BarebackedBear said:

It was ego and hubris. 

ok. maybe. look, if Harris wins i will absolutely be leading the celebratory conga line thru the streets. our first female president, and a woman of color to boot. however, i live in the usa and absolutely nothing in recent years shows us to a non-sexist, non-racist nation over run with white supremicist men. i always assumed he was trying to win so he could hand the job to Harris after he gets past the kkk roadblock of the voting booth. now she's got to get past voter suppression, gerrymandering, too scared to say out loud how sexist/racist they really are liberal white voters etc Looking forward to this country pleasantly surprising me. 

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14 hours ago, nanana said:

why is it that the republicans and independents knew this would happen before the democrats did?  happy to see the democrats move beyond denial finally.  




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10 hours ago, BlackDude said:

Unless they have some surprise Hillary/Harris ticket planned, looks like Dems are cutting their losses and going to start planning for 2028. Just my opinion, going to be interesting 


That might be the plan and the only ticket that would beat Trump/Vance.

Plan B: is another successful assassination attempt after the election. Install globalist VP - Haley. Impeach Vance.


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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, norefusal said:

ok. maybe. look, if Harris wins i will absolutely be leading the celebratory conga line thru the streets. our first female president, and a woman of color to boot. however, i live in the usa and absolutely nothing in recent years shows us to a non-sexist, non-racist nation over run with white supremicist men. i always assumed he was trying to win so he could hand the job to Harris after he gets past the kkk roadblock of the voting booth. now she's got to get past voter suppression, gerrymandering, too scared to say out loud how sexist/racist they really are liberal white voters etc Looking forward to this country pleasantly surprising me. 


I'm not sure if you're old enough to remember but this great racist nation elected a black* man as president - twice in fact.

Now as far as sexist, you are 100% correct.


Edited by topblkmale
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37 minutes ago, topblkmale said:


I'm not sure if you're old enough to remember but this great racist nation elected a black* man as president - twice in fact.

Now as far as sexist, you are 100% correct.


vivid memories in fact of the time we overwhelmingly chose the seemingly inexperienced black MAN over the white FEMALE senator. i dubbed it the triumph of sexism over racism. 

i also remember the 8 years they somehow managed to never once blow a fart in public knowing the blow back would be 1oz what it would be if they were white. people lost their shit over a tan suit and a dirty look at a funeral. 

then we elected (not by popular vote) a white supremacist because there are fine people on both sides 😜

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