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This is my first try at erotica, and I know my grammar is shit. let me know what you think of this! 

I looked at the phone again, while pulling out a few clothing options. 

The message was simple - "I'm down with getting high, and hooking up - no discrimination here" from a profile of a furry, buff torso. I was intrigued. 

My experience with drugs was central to pot but meth and Molly were on the fringe. I had popped ecstasy once, snorted Molly, and meth wasn't something I was keen on. Yet. I always kept a bottle of poppers on me, and I certainly loved getting fucked while popperbating with my partner, but the side effects weren't great. 

A month prior to this text, I had a messy, embarrassing and odd experience with a guy near my house after trying to slam MDMA. I had ugly blotches on my skin, and my fear of needles was renewed; My skin couldn't take the slam, and without any kind of rush, the sex was uncomfortable fever dream. 


The first text was harmless, and in response to me showing interest in his profile on Grindr. 

"You look really cute, want to meet up and smoke up?"

His profile was brief. Dominant top, and the thumbs up emoji next to a leaf. Under that, was a rocket emoji.

The pics however, got me hard in seconds. His body was lean, but he had broad shoulders. His expansive, muscled chest was covered in a dense mat of grey and black fur,, which continued down to his underwear, which was stretched out entirely. I couldn't make out the size of his cock, but the bulge told me enough; he was hung, and hairy. I slipped a few fingers into my underwear and rubbed myself, working myself to lust over him.

Work had been hectic, so I pinged him back "sure" to which he replied back. 

"How comfortable are you with a three way?" in honesty, I wasn't comfortable with them, but he was furry, older and his bulge looked enticing, so I shrugged and texted him back. 

"I haven't really hooked up with a lot of people to try out a threesome, but I'm passive and I always allow someone dominant to take the lead" I was biting down on my lip, my foot tapping away. "Don't worry, we won't do anything you aren't comfortable with, and better yet, you can speak to the other guy if you have any worries" he sent over a number and a name, and waited for me to text him back. At this point, I wanted him, I wanted pot, and I wanted sex. 

"I'll ping him, alright. By the way, I'm not fit, like you. A bit husky, in fact. I could send a few pictures, but they're all nudes. let me know if you'd like to see them?" "Sure" 

While I waited for his consent, I texted the other guy who responded almost Immediately, asking for my nudes and pictures. He sent his, and he was beautiful. His body was smooth, but muscled and cut, skin dark and his cock was uncut and lightly veined. I wanted both of them in me. I sent the same couple of pics over to the furry daddy, and sat at the edge of my bed, waiting for their replies. I'm not built all buff and muscled, but I'm on the huskier side and in my early twenties. I have curves where one could have rock hard muscles, and my body was slightly voluptuous  when I undressed. Whenever I messaged men who looked like these two, I felt my insecurity build up, but I dismissed the thought. 

"You look amazing. Let me show you what daddy looks like naked, boy" I felt a shiver run down my spine, to the tip of my cock. It was massive; ten inches hard, with a veins all over, thick and surrounded by neat, dense pubic hair. I had to feel him in me. His balls were massive, draping the underneath of the his hard cock and at the base, he wore a thick stainless steel cock ring. I was completely hard now, and my pants were on the floor. My shirt was pulled up, my legs spread open and a finger rolling a nipple. Fuck, I needed him. "You really are hot! When can I come over to your place?" I wasn't ready to call him daddy yet, but it was on the tip of my tongue. 

"Freshen up, and come over in an hour, let me get ready as well. I'll keep the door unlocked for you" He dropped a pin a few other details of his hotel and told me to walk right in. the next few seconds were a blur. I picked up my poppers, a fresh pair of shorts, a shirt and bolted to the bathroom to prep myself. It took me a good hour to trim the short hairs on my body, leaving me smooth all over, and a few minutes in that to douche my hole. I slipped a few fingers in, and my hole relaxed. I grinned to myself; I was ready. I spritzed myself with some mild perfume and deodorant, slipped a few condoms, lube and a joint into my travel kit and paused at the front door. I slipped off my shorts, chucked my underwear into the laundry bin and slipped the shorts back on. NOW I was ready. 

I hailed a cab, and as I hopped on, sent him a text "On my way, see you soon!" To which he responded with a thumbs up. 

As I made my way there, I kept flipping back to the pictures, looking at his naked body. I was hard again, and my hole throbbed. The hotel wasn't hard to find, and after crossing the lobby, I leapfrogged up the stairs to his floor. My eyes wandered around the corridor, looking for his room number and I zeroed in on the last door. I took a deep breath, and knocked. A voice from inside yelled out to me enter. His voice was deep, and it cracked, indicating his age. I slipped in, my heart hammering in my ribcage. The room itself was alright - two beds, a couple of bags on the floor and by a study, mellow artwork on the walls. My eyes roved around the room searching for something more, some identifier of this man. Hi voice boomed out again "I'm just taking a quick shower, why don't you smoke some pot? I've left a joint near the TV for you. I'll be out in a minute."

I found the joint and lit it, sitting at on the edge of the twin bed, ash tray next to me. The pot was alright, but mine was better. I put it out an pulled mine out and lit it, taking a deep drag and exhaling a plume of smoke upwards. The bathroom door opened up, and he emerged in a haze of steam and pot vapour. his face was covered in a thick, large beard, and he had shaved his head. He was taller than me, and he looked a bit older, but nothing deceptive. His cock was soft, but it pushed his underwear to its limits, a few tufts of hair poking out form the sides. 

"Hi" he said, wiping himself down, smiling at me. I was in a daze, and I smiled back. "Hi" 

His hand stretched out and he patted my cheek and grinned. "You really are cute. Exactly like your pics" I blushed.

"I mean, you're hotter than the pics. I love older men, particularly hairy bald daddies like you"

I blushed harder, after calling him daddy. I never got used to it.

He laughed, deep and with timbre and pulled me up for a soft, quick kiss. "I'm so happy you're here. the other guy wasn't very keen, so he backed out. It's just you and me today, so we can take our time" he took the joint from me and took a long drag, exhaling the smoke past my opened lips, his tongue dabbing them and flicking back in.

I smiled, my eyes half lidded. "I preferred it if it were just us, either way." I kissed him back and placed a hand on his chest, feeling it rise. As he deepened the kiss, his large hand wrapped around the back of my head. The kiss was urgent, and I felt his beard brush over my face. I whimpered softly, my lust for him overriding my senses. He broke the kiss slowly, the tips of tongues tapping each other and he gently pushed me down on the bed. "Let me get dressed, and let's grab some dinner. Works for you?" I was mildly stoned by now and a smile erupted over my lips, and I nodded, dazed. 

He slipped on a T shirt, and pulled up a pair of shorts, but my eyes were on that bulge and how it pushed up as he slid into the shorts. "I know you want it, but be patient, we have the entire night and the day tomorrow." he was watching me, and behind the grin, his eyes were dark and filled with hunger. He wanted me as well. "I don't eat much when I bottom, but I don't mind grabbing a juice or something else" He nodded and picked up the hotel phone, ordering a few things while he kept his eyes on me and a hand on his bulge, rolling a thumb over it. 

Order completed, he placed the phone back and pulled the study chair to face me, plucking the joint from my hands and taking a drag. "What do you do?" 

I lit the other joint and looked back at him. "I'm an architect, but I've just begun working. What about you?" His eyebrow raised with appreciation. 

"That's pretty cool. I'm a life coach, but I run a small textile firm as well. I'm down in town for a small conference, where I have a talk." I nodded, and took a short drag, exhaling upwards. 

"So are you ready to get high today?" he asked, his eyes watching me closely, as he blew out a plume of smoke. I nodded, meekly. I was blushing like a virgin. His grin was back and his hand ran along my thigh as he leaned in. "I will fuck you so hard today, it will be worth it." I was hard as a rock now, biting down on my bottom lip and staring at him with desire in my eyes. He grabbed the joint from me and put them both out and stood up exhaling deeply. 

I watched him as he opened up his luggage and pulled out a few stoppered jars and a small plastic bottle of some homeopathic medication. "It's not medicine, if that's what you were thinking. When I fly, I just stuff a few chunks of meth in here so that nobody could figure it out, and it's worked so far." 

He proceeded to open the bottle and pull out a fluff of cotton and shook it, showing me what lay inside. "Have you tried meth? I keep at least five to six grams on me at all times, and the stuff I have is pure."

I shook my head. "I've just begun exploring MDMA, but after the last time I tried it, I've been avoiding it." His eyes glimmered with a fraction of disappointment, but he shook it away and smiled. "Well, I do have some ecstasy and MDMA. How about we try that?" I wasn't averse to it, so I told him it was fine. 

He pulled out a small kit from his bag and took out a few packets. One had crushed powder like shards, and the other was brown, and sticky looking. The third had a few bluish pills, and he took one of them out of the packet, placing it on a small mirror. He crushed the blue pill with a credit card and smushed it until four lines remained. "Care to do a few lines with me?" he had me kneel down before him, with his legs on either side. The heat was palpable here. At this point, my skin was hot and my throat dry. I leaned back into his open legs and looked up, and he passed a short straw into my hands. He had taken two hits already, and his cock was hard and pressing into my back. I gulped and bent over, snorting the two lines. It burned for a few seconds, but he assured me, that was the right reaction. 

Hi voice was husky and low now and he took my hand and placed it over his expanding bulge. "Feel me, boy. I'm so hard for you right now." my hands felt the tightness of his his shorts as his cock throbbed in my hands, and in that moment, all I could feel was his need for me. He turned my head upwards to him and asked me a question in a softer tone, while he kept my hand on his bulge. "Fuck dinner. Have you slammed before?" 

"No. Not well, maybe." My mind was blank as he arose, while I lay kneeling and he unbuttoned his shorts. "Inhale me, boy". I tentatively held on to his thighs and pressed my lips into the arching bulge, inhaling the scent of the soap, mild sweat, and intoxicating precum. "Let me slam you, boy"

I pulled back. "Well, it's just that I have sensitive skin, so when anyone jabs me in the forearm my skin bruises easily." "I don't need to slam you there." 

He pulled me up and slid a hand into my shorts, worming his palm between my ass cheeks. I exhaled as his fingers found my hole and he rolled his index over it, all the while kissing my neck. The ecstasy was working, as I opened up my body to him and his index slipped inside my cunt. He exhaled, a light growl in his voice. "Trust me, boy. I won't harm you at all. Let me do this for you, just trust me." A moan escaped my lips as he pushed my hand into his underwear and pushed his turgid cock into my hand. "I want you, and you want me. Let's just let go and have nothing holding us back." He peppered urgent, hot kisses along my neck and arched his buttock upwards, sliding his ten inch cock, wet with precum, through my palm. 

I gasped softly as he pushed another finger into my cunt and biting my lip, eyes lidded, I nodded my assent. Growling, he pulled my face to his and kissed me, his fingers gently slipping out of my hole. We backed away from each other, faces flushed and in heat. I glanced to my side, where a full wall mirror reflected my sluttiness. My lips were moist, my hair disheveled, and my eyes were hungry. I could trust him. I think I really could.

"Sit." he commanded, pulling up a pillow and motioning before him.

I gave him my hand and sat down, and he pulled out a strap and two large syringes. Both were filled up. "You might be new to this, but your body can tolerate a higher dose. Don't worry, I've done this enough times to know." 

"How much?" I enquired as he tightened the strap around the base of the wrist and pulled up the syringe with a light brown, clear liquid. "Don't worry. I would typically start you out with eight units, but given we have today and tomorrow, I'm giving you twelve." he scrutinised the needle and tapped it, raising it to the light. "I need to make sure there are no bubbles, so you won't be harmed. Just remember, I won't do anything top harm you."  he smiled at me and caressed my face. "Clench your fist a few times for me, lightly"  I gave him a shaky smile in return and continued to observe him. He ran his long fingers along the ridges around my knuckles and after a few second, located a vein. "This area of the hand is tricky, given the nerves here. The effect is the same, though." He pulled out an alcohol swab and rubbed it along the area and looked up at me. "Alright now. This will pinch for a second, but do exactly as I say." I nodded again. He pushed the tip of syringe into my skin  along the enlarged vein, hands steady. 

A small puff of blood appeared at near the point within the liquid and he whispered, "Slowly, open the strap." breathing heavily, I did as he asked, the strap falling away on the pillow. He pulled the plunger a bit, and blood poured into the syringe. "Good work." and pushed it in, slowly. 

I felt no pain, just mild discomfort. it felt like cold water had been poured into my hand as he depressed the plunger to the base. He pulled another alcohol pad and placed it over the injection point and looked up at, pulling it out. "Hold down on this spot, gently, and raise your arm." The last time I tried this out, I felt nothing, and had no idea what was coming. A cough escaped my lips and I felt something warm, hot and different. My skin exploded into a million sensations as a cold and warm blanket surrounded my brain. My cock and cunt throbbed and I felt lust, and empathy, and as I locked eyes with him, complete hunger for this absolute daddy before me. 

"You alright?" he asked, predatory eyes locked in on my convulsions.

I gasped out a few words but I was otherwise incoherent. He smiled again and walked to the bathroom, switching off the bedroom light, bathing the room in a soft amber glow. "Get comfortable boy. I'm going to slam and join you." I moaned and nodded, getting on the bed and peeling off my clothes. I arched my back on the bed, running fingers along the length of my body tweaking and pulling at my cock, pinching down on a nipple. The moment the air touched my skin, I felt liquid explode out of my soft cock, sticky and clear. I had an orgasm, and another. My mind was exploding, and so was my body. In the light of the washroom, I watch him slide the needle into his forearm and plunge down the stopper, his head kicking back. This daddy, an example of raw, animal masculinity was going to fuck me. His head snapped back and he looked at me, lips open. In the background, light tantric music played, elevating our desire for each other. He took off his shirt and watching my eyes, slid off his shorts, letting his large, uncut cock slap against his torso, leaving a trail of clear sticky fluid. Naked, he was glorious. In a deep, thick voice he commanded me. "Lie backwards, and drop your head on the edge." I slid over to him and did as he asked, awaiting for our skin to connect. His cock up close was drooling precum and it smelled musky and sweaty. Without a need for words, he slid his massive cock into my mouth, pushing past my tongue, the tip searching for my gullet. 

"Relax you body, my boy" he growled, holding my hands and intertwining our fingers, as his cock reach the back of my throat and after mild resistance, pushed back into me entirely. This elicited a deep, rumbling moan from him as he exhaled slowly, arching his buttocks into my face, slowly, until the base of his cock ring clinked against my teeth. Saliva filled my mouth and smeared my lips, as he began deepthroating me, groaning as he enjoyed my throat. He massive balls slapped my face and his dense pubes chafed my lips, but I was in bliss, and I wanted more. He might have sensed my need because he slowly pulled out, relishing the heat and wetness of my mouth and looked down at me, pupils dilated and face flush with animal lust. "I need to fuck you, boy. I want us to be connected." He rolled me over and pulled my legs to the corner of the bed , pulling me up. I was in a world of my own, and the anticipation of his cock against my cunt was filling me up to the brim. He rummaged around and dabbed some lubricant on my cunt, his fingers dancing around the hole. Slowly, in a tight voice, "Open up you hole, boy. I'm going to fuck you now." I exhaled, a hot explosion of air from me as my palm pulled my cheeks open, leaving my pussy open. 

He was massive. But after the slam, I was relaxed. His thick cockhead eased past the lips of my hole open and his gasped as the tip of cock slowly slid in. "Now I need for you to trust me, baby. Open up to me entirely, and you will enjoy this more than you ever could."

My eyes had rolled back up, and my back was arched, with the bottom of his palm on the base of my back. Slowly, gently, he pushed in further, his bare, naked cock slipping past my hole and slowly pressing into the opening of my sigmoid. he leaned in, his furry chest and body drizzling a light amount of sweat on my back. 

"Open up, baby. Let me in."

I gasped and relaxed my muscles, and he slid in, he thick pubic hair brushing my hole. We were frozen there, connected as ours nerves ignited. We were linked on a deep, primal way. No protection. No qualms. Just a man and another man conjoined. He slid out a bit, and back, stretching me out, my hole moist and wide. "I can feel all of you, hot, wet and bare around me baby. My cock is so deep inside you, and I love it." he pulled out further and began moving faster, rubbing his swollen glans along a point in my hole. I was only a mess of moans and gasps, but now, I cried out, gasping in sharp, short breaths as he slid his slimy cockhead over my prostate. "How does feel, boy? my cock on your prostate?" he grasped my arms and locked them behind my back and began moving fasted, droplets of sweat peppering my back as he slid in an out of my pussy, filling the room with wet, squelching sounds as we fucked like animals. I felt droplets and then a stream of thick, viscous liquid splatter from my hardening cock as orgasm over orgasm rolled over me, my prostate sending me into a trance. 

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Got hard reading this!  Need more!!

1 hour ago, Thelemonchub said:

This is my first try at erotica, and I know my grammar is shit. let me know what you think of this! 

I looked at the phone again, while pulling out a few clothing options. 

The message was simple - "I'm down with getting high, and hooking up - no discrimination here" from a profile of a furry, buff torso. I was intrigued. 

My experience with drugs was central to pot but meth and Molly were on the fringe. I had popped ecstasy once, snorted Molly, and meth wasn't something I was keen on. Yet. I always kept a bottle of poppers on me, and I certainly loved getting fucked while popperbating with my partner, but the side effects weren't great. 

A month prior to this text, I had a messy, embarrassing and odd experience with a guy near my house after trying to slam MDMA. I had ugly blotches on my skin, and my fear of needles was renewed; My skin couldn't take the slam, and without any kind of rush, the sex was uncomfortable fever dream. 


The first text was harmless, and in response to me showing interest in his profile on Grindr. 

"You look really cute, want to meet up and smoke up?"

His profile was brief. Dominant top, and the thumbs up emoji next to a leaf. Under that, was a rocket emoji.

The pics however, got me hard in seconds. His body was lean, but he had broad shoulders. His expansive, muscled chest was covered in a dense mat of grey and black fur,, which continued down to his underwear, which was stretched out entirely. I couldn't make out the size of his cock, but the bulge told me enough; he was hung, and hairy. I slipped a few fingers into my underwear and rubbed myself, working myself to lust over him.

Work had been hectic, so I pinged him back "sure" to which he replied back. 

"How comfortable are you with a three way?" in honesty, I wasn't comfortable with them, but he was furry, older and his bulge looked enticing, so I shrugged and texted him back. 

"I haven't really hooked up with a lot of people to try out a threesome, but I'm passive and I always allow someone dominant to take the lead" I was biting down on my lip, my foot tapping away. "Don't worry, we won't do anything you aren't comfortable with, and better yet, you can speak to the other guy if you have any worries" he sent over a number and a name, and waited for me to text him back. At this point, I wanted him, I wanted pot, and I wanted sex. 

"I'll ping him, alright. By the way, I'm not fit, like you. A bit husky, in fact. I could send a few pictures, but they're all nudes. let me know if you'd like to see them?" "Sure" 

While I waited for his consent, I texted the other guy who responded almost Immediately, asking for my nudes and pictures. He sent his, and he was beautiful. His body was smooth, but muscled and cut, skin dark and his cock was uncut and lightly veined. I wanted both of them in me. I sent the same couple of pics over to the furry daddy, and sat at the edge of my bed, waiting for their replies. I'm not built all buff and muscled, but I'm on the huskier side and in my early twenties. I have curves where one could have rock hard muscles, and my body was slightly voluptuous  when I undressed. Whenever I messaged men who looked like these two, I felt my insecurity build up, but I dismissed the thought. 

"You look amazing. Let me show you what daddy looks like naked, boy" I felt a shiver run down my spine, to the tip of my cock. It was massive; ten inches hard, with a veins all over, thick and surrounded by neat, dense pubic hair. I had to feel him in me. His balls were massive, draping the underneath of the his hard cock and at the base, he wore a thick stainless steel cock ring. I was completely hard now, and my pants were on the floor. My shirt was pulled up, my legs spread open and a finger rolling a nipple. Fuck, I needed him. "You really are hot! When can I come over to your place?" I wasn't ready to call him daddy yet, but it was on the tip of my tongue. 

"Freshen up, and come over in an hour, let me get ready as well. I'll keep the door unlocked for you" He dropped a pin a few other details of his hotel and told me to walk right in. the next few seconds were a blur. I picked up my poppers, a fresh pair of shorts, a shirt and bolted to the bathroom to prep myself. It took me a good hour to trim the short hairs on my body, leaving me smooth all over, and a few minutes in that to douche my hole. I slipped a few fingers in, and my hole relaxed. I grinned to myself; I was ready. I spritzed myself with some mild perfume and deodorant, slipped a few condoms, lube and a joint into my travel kit and paused at the front door. I slipped off my shorts, chucked my underwear into the laundry bin and slipped the shorts back on. NOW I was ready. 

I hailed a cab, and as I hopped on, sent him a text "On my way, see you soon!" To which he responded with a thumbs up. 

As I made my way there, I kept flipping back to the pictures, looking at his naked body. I was hard again, and my hole throbbed. The hotel wasn't hard to find, and after crossing the lobby, I leapfrogged up the stairs to his floor. My eyes wandered around the corridor, looking for his room number and I zeroed in on the last door. I took a deep breath, and knocked. A voice from inside yelled out to me enter. His voice was deep, and it cracked, indicating his age. I slipped in, my heart hammering in my ribcage. The room itself was alright - two beds, a couple of bags on the floor and by a study, mellow artwork on the walls. My eyes roved around the room searching for something more, some identifier of this man. Hi voice boomed out again "I'm just taking a quick shower, why don't you smoke some pot? I've left a joint near the TV for you. I'll be out in a minute."

I found the joint and lit it, sitting at on the edge of the twin bed, ash tray next to me. The pot was alright, but mine was better. I put it out an pulled mine out and lit it, taking a deep drag and exhaling a plume of smoke upwards. The bathroom door opened up, and he emerged in a haze of steam and pot vapour. his face was covered in a thick, large beard, and he had shaved his head. He was taller than me, and he looked a bit older, but nothing deceptive. His cock was soft, but it pushed his underwear to its limits, a few tufts of hair poking out form the sides. 

"Hi" he said, wiping himself down, smiling at me. I was in a daze, and I smiled back. "Hi" 

His hand stretched out and he patted my cheek and grinned. "You really are cute. Exactly like your pics" I blushed.

"I mean, you're hotter than the pics. I love older men, particularly hairy bald daddies like you"

I blushed harder, after calling him daddy. I never got used to it.

He laughed, deep and with timbre and pulled me up for a soft, quick kiss. "I'm so happy you're here. the other guy wasn't very keen, so he backed out. It's just you and me today, so we can take our time" he took the joint from me and took a long drag, exhaling the smoke past my opened lips, his tongue dabbing them and flicking back in.

I smiled, my eyes half lidded. "I preferred it if it were just us, either way." I kissed him back and placed a hand on his chest, feeling it rise. As he deepened the kiss, his large hand wrapped around the back of my head. The kiss was urgent, and I felt his beard brush over my face. I whimpered softly, my lust for him overriding my senses. He broke the kiss slowly, the tips of tongues tapping each other and he gently pushed me down on the bed. "Let me get dressed, and let's grab some dinner. Works for you?" I was mildly stoned by now and a smile erupted over my lips, and I nodded, dazed. 

He slipped on a T shirt, and pulled up a pair of shorts, but my eyes were on that bulge and how it pushed up as he slid into the shorts. "I know you want it, but be patient, we have the entire night and the day tomorrow." he was watching me, and behind the grin, his eyes were dark and filled with hunger. He wanted me as well. "I don't eat much when I bottom, but I don't mind grabbing a juice or something else" He nodded and picked up the hotel phone, ordering a few things while he kept his eyes on me and a hand on his bulge, rolling a thumb over it. 

Order completed, he placed the phone back and pulled the study chair to face me, plucking the joint from my hands and taking a drag. "What do you do?" 

I lit the other joint and looked back at him. "I'm an architect, but I've just begun working. What about you?" His eyebrow raised with appreciation. 

"That's pretty cool. I'm a life coach, but I run a small textile firm as well. I'm down in town for a small conference, where I have a talk." I nodded, and took a short drag, exhaling upwards. 

"So are you ready to get high today?" he asked, his eyes watching me closely, as he blew out a plume of smoke. I nodded, meekly. I was blushing like a virgin. His grin was back and his hand ran along my thigh as he leaned in. "I will fuck you so hard today, it will be worth it." I was hard as a rock now, biting down on my bottom lip and staring at him with desire in my eyes. He grabbed the joint from me and put them both out and stood up exhaling deeply. 

I watched him as he opened up his luggage and pulled out a few stoppered jars and a small plastic bottle of some homeopathic medication. "It's not medicine, if that's what you were thinking. When I fly, I just stuff a few chunks of meth in here so that nobody could figure it out, and it's worked so far." 

He proceeded to open the bottle and pull out a fluff of cotton and shook it, showing me what lay inside. "Have you tried meth? I keep at least five to six grams on me at all times, and the stuff I have is pure."

I shook my head. "I've just begun exploring MDMA, but after the last time I tried it, I've been avoiding it." His eyes glimmered with a fraction of disappointment, but he shook it away and smiled. "Well, I do have some ecstasy and MDMA. How about we try that?" I wasn't averse to it, so I told him it was fine. 

He pulled out a small kit from his bag and took out a few packets. One had crushed powder like shards, and the other was brown, and sticky looking. The third had a few bluish pills, and he took one of them out of the packet, placing it on a small mirror. He crushed the blue pill with a credit card and smushed it until four lines remained. "Care to do a few lines with me?" he had me kneel down before him, with his legs on either side. The heat was palpable here. At this point, my skin was hot and my throat dry. I leaned back into his open legs and looked up, and he passed a short straw into my hands. He had taken two hits already, and his cock was hard and pressing into my back. I gulped and bent over, snorting the two lines. It burned for a few seconds, but he assured me, that was the right reaction. 

Hi voice was husky and low now and he took my hand and placed it over his expanding bulge. "Feel me, boy. I'm so hard for you right now." my hands felt the tightness of his his shorts as his cock throbbed in my hands, and in that moment, all I could feel was his need for me. He turned my head upwards to him and asked me a question in a softer tone, while he kept my hand on his bulge. "Fuck dinner. Have you slammed before?" 

"No. Not well, maybe." My mind was blank as he arose, while I lay kneeling and he unbuttoned his shorts. "Inhale me, boy". I tentatively held on to his thighs and pressed my lips into the arching bulge, inhaling the scent of the soap, mild sweat, and intoxicating precum. "Let me slam you, boy"

I pulled back. "Well, it's just that I have sensitive skin, so when anyone jabs me in the forearm my skin bruises easily." "I don't need to slam you there." 

He pulled me up and slid a hand into my shorts, worming his palm between my ass cheeks. I exhaled as his fingers found my hole and he rolled his index over it, all the while kissing my neck. The ecstasy was working, as I opened up my body to him and his index slipped inside my cunt. He exhaled, a light growl in his voice. "Trust me, boy. I won't harm you at all. Let me do this for you, just trust me." A moan escaped my lips as he pushed my hand into his underwear and pushed his turgid cock into my hand. "I want you, and you want me. Let's just let go and have nothing holding us back." He peppered urgent, hot kisses along my neck and arched his buttock upwards, sliding his ten inch cock, wet with precum, through my palm. 

I gasped softly as he pushed another finger into my cunt and biting my lip, eyes lidded, I nodded my assent. Growling, he pulled my face to his and kissed me, his fingers gently slipping out of my hole. We backed away from each other, faces flushed and in heat. I glanced to my side, where a full wall mirror reflected my sluttiness. My lips were moist, my hair disheveled, and my eyes were hungry. I could trust him. I think I really could.

"Sit." he commanded, pulling up a pillow and motioning before him.

I gave him my hand and sat down, and he pulled out a strap and two large syringes. Both were filled up. "You might be new to this, but your body can tolerate a higher dose. Don't worry, I've done this enough times to know." 

"How much?" I enquired as he tightened the strap around the base of the wrist and pulled up the syringe with a light brown, clear liquid. "Don't worry. I would typically start you out with eight units, but given we have today and tomorrow, I'm giving you twelve." he scrutinised the needle and tapped it, raising it to the light. "I need to make sure there are no bubbles, so you won't be harmed. Just remember, I won't do anything top harm you."  he smiled at me and caressed my face. "Clench your fist a few times for me, lightly"  I gave him a shaky smile in return and continued to observe him. He ran his long fingers along the ridges around my knuckles and after a few second, located a vein. "This area of the hand is tricky, given the nerves here. The effect is the same, though." He pulled out an alcohol swab and rubbed it along the area and looked up at me. "Alright now. This will pinch for a second, but do exactly as I say." I nodded again. He pushed the tip of syringe into my skin  along the enlarged vein, hands steady. 

A small puff of blood appeared at near the point within the liquid and he whispered, "Slowly, open the strap." breathing heavily, I did as he asked, the strap falling away on the pillow. He pulled the plunger a bit, and blood poured into the syringe. "Good work." and pushed it in, slowly. 

I felt no pain, just mild discomfort. it felt like cold water had been poured into my hand as he depressed the plunger to the base. He pulled another alcohol pad and placed it over the injection point and looked up at, pulling it out. "Hold down on this spot, gently, and raise your arm." The last time I tried this out, I felt nothing, and had no idea what was coming. A cough escaped my lips and I felt something warm, hot and different. My skin exploded into a million sensations as a cold and warm blanket surrounded my brain. My cock and cunt throbbed and I felt lust, and empathy, and as I locked eyes with him, complete hunger for this absolute daddy before me. 

"You alright?" he asked, predatory eyes locked in on my convulsions.

I gasped out a few words but I was otherwise incoherent. He smiled again and walked to the bathroom, switching off the bedroom light, bathing the room in a soft amber glow. "Get comfortable boy. I'm going to slam and join you." I moaned and nodded, getting on the bed and peeling off my clothes. I arched my back on the bed, running fingers along the length of my body tweaking and pulling at my cock, pinching down on a nipple. The moment the air touched my skin, I felt liquid explode out of my soft cock, sticky and clear. I had an orgasm, and another. My mind was exploding, and so was my body. In the light of the washroom, I watch him slide the needle into his forearm and plunge down the stopper, his head kicking back. This daddy, an example of raw, animal masculinity was going to fuck me. His head snapped back and he looked at me, lips open. In the background, light tantric music played, elevating our desire for each other. He took off his shirt and watching my eyes, slid off his shorts, letting his large, uncut cock slap against his torso, leaving a trail of clear sticky fluid. Naked, he was glorious. In a deep, thick voice he commanded me. "Lie backwards, and drop your head on the edge." I slid over to him and did as he asked, awaiting for our skin to connect. His cock up close was drooling precum and it smelled musky and sweaty. Without a need for words, he slid his massive cock into my mouth, pushing past my tongue, the tip searching for my gullet. 

"Relax you body, my boy" he growled, holding my hands and intertwining our fingers, as his cock reach the back of my throat and after mild resistance, pushed back into me entirely. This elicited a deep, rumbling moan from him as he exhaled slowly, arching his buttocks into my face, slowly, until the base of his cock ring clinked against my teeth. Saliva filled my mouth and smeared my lips, as he began deepthroating me, groaning as he enjoyed my throat. He massive balls slapped my face and his dense pubes chafed my lips, but I was in bliss, and I wanted more. He might have sensed my need because he slowly pulled out, relishing the heat and wetness of my mouth and looked down at me, pupils dilated and face flush with animal lust. "I need to fuck you, boy. I want us to be connected." He rolled me over and pulled my legs to the corner of the bed , pulling me up. I was in a world of my own, and the anticipation of his cock against my cunt was filling me up to the brim. He rummaged around and dabbed some lubricant on my cunt, his fingers dancing around the hole. Slowly, in a tight voice, "Open up you hole, boy. I'm going to fuck you now." I exhaled, a hot explosion of air from me as my palm pulled my cheeks open, leaving my pussy open. 

He was massive. But after the slam, I was relaxed. His thick cockhead eased past the lips of my hole open and his gasped as the tip of cock slowly slid in. "Now I need for you to trust me, baby. Open up to me entirely, and you will enjoy this more than you ever could."

My eyes had rolled back up, and my back was arched, with the bottom of his palm on the base of my back. Slowly, gently, he pushed in further, his bare, naked cock slipping past my hole and slowly pressing into the opening of my sigmoid. he leaned in, his furry chest and body drizzling a light amount of sweat on my back. 

"Open up, baby. Let me in."

I gasped and relaxed my muscles, and he slid in, he thick pubic hair brushing my hole. We were frozen there, connected as ours nerves ignited. We were linked on a deep, primal way. No protection. No qualms. Just a man and another man conjoined. He slid out a bit, and back, stretching me out, my hole moist and wide. "I can feel all of you, hot, wet and bare around me baby. My cock is so deep inside you, and I love it." he pulled out further and began moving faster, rubbing his swollen glans along a point in my hole. I was only a mess of moans and gasps, but now, I cried out, gasping in sharp, short breaths as he slid his slimy cockhead over my prostate. "How does feel, boy? my cock on your prostate?" he grasped my arms and locked them behind my back and began moving fasted, droplets of sweat peppering my back as he slid in an out of my pussy, filling the room with wet, squelching sounds as we fucked like animals. I felt droplets and then a stream of thick, viscous liquid splatter from my hardening cock as orgasm over orgasm rolled over me, my prostate sending me into a trance. 


  • Piggy 2

What shit grammar are you talking about?  This is well written, sexy erotica!  Great storyline, and excellent imagery.  Can't wait to read more.


I usually struggle with creating conversations, tbh. Plus, this story is based on the first time I slammed. Thank you for the positive responses! part 2 will be out tomorrow. 

  • Like 2
On 2/18/2025 at 8:58 AM, Thelemonchub said:

This is my first try at erotica, and I know my grammar is shit. let me know what you think of this! 

I looked at the phone again, while pulling out a few clothing options. 

The message was simple - "I'm down with getting high, and hooking up - no discrimination here" from a profile of a furry, buff torso. I was intrigued. 

My experience with drugs was central to pot but meth and Molly were on the fringe. I had popped ecstasy once, snorted Molly, and meth wasn't something I was keen on. Yet. I always kept a bottle of poppers on me, and I certainly loved getting fucked while popperbating with my partner, but the side effects weren't great. 

A month prior to this text, I had a messy, embarrassing and odd experience with a guy near my house after trying to slam MDMA. I had ugly blotches on my skin, and my fear of needles was renewed; My skin couldn't take the slam, and without any kind of rush, the sex was uncomfortable fever dream. 


The first text was harmless, and in response to me showing interest in his profile on Grindr. 

"You look really cute, want to meet up and smoke up?"

His profile was brief. Dominant top, and the thumbs up emoji next to a leaf. Under that, was a rocket emoji.

The pics however, got me hard in seconds. His body was lean, but he had broad shoulders. His expansive, muscled chest was covered in a dense mat of grey and black fur,, which continued down to his underwear, which was stretched out entirely. I couldn't make out the size of his cock, but the bulge told me enough; he was hung, and hairy. I slipped a few fingers into my underwear and rubbed myself, working myself to lust over him.

Work had been hectic, so I pinged him back "sure" to which he replied back. 

"How comfortable are you with a three way?" in honesty, I wasn't comfortable with them, but he was furry, older and his bulge looked enticing, so I shrugged and texted him back. 

"I haven't really hooked up with a lot of people to try out a threesome, but I'm passive and I always allow someone dominant to take the lead" I was biting down on my lip, my foot tapping away. "Don't worry, we won't do anything you aren't comfortable with, and better yet, you can speak to the other guy if you have any worries" he sent over a number and a name, and waited for me to text him back. At this point, I wanted him, I wanted pot, and I wanted sex. 

"I'll ping him, alright. By the way, I'm not fit, like you. A bit husky, in fact. I could send a few pictures, but they're all nudes. let me know if you'd like to see them?" "Sure" 

While I waited for his consent, I texted the other guy who responded almost Immediately, asking for my nudes and pictures. He sent his, and he was beautiful. His body was smooth, but muscled and cut, skin dark and his cock was uncut and lightly veined. I wanted both of them in me. I sent the same couple of pics over to the furry daddy, and sat at the edge of my bed, waiting for their replies. I'm not built all buff and muscled, but I'm on the huskier side and in my early twenties. I have curves where one could have rock hard muscles, and my body was slightly voluptuous  when I undressed. Whenever I messaged men who looked like these two, I felt my insecurity build up, but I dismissed the thought. 

"You look amazing. Let me show you what daddy looks like naked, boy" I felt a shiver run down my spine, to the tip of my cock. It was massive; ten inches hard, with a veins all over, thick and surrounded by neat, dense pubic hair. I had to feel him in me. His balls were massive, draping the underneath of the his hard cock and at the base, he wore a thick stainless steel cock ring. I was completely hard now, and my pants were on the floor. My shirt was pulled up, my legs spread open and a finger rolling a nipple. Fuck, I needed him. "You really are hot! When can I come over to your place?" I wasn't ready to call him daddy yet, but it was on the tip of my tongue. 

"Freshen up, and come over in an hour, let me get ready as well. I'll keep the door unlocked for you" He dropped a pin a few other details of his hotel and told me to walk right in. the next few seconds were a blur. I picked up my poppers, a fresh pair of shorts, a shirt and bolted to the bathroom to prep myself. It took me a good hour to trim the short hairs on my body, leaving me smooth all over, and a few minutes in that to douche my hole. I slipped a few fingers in, and my hole relaxed. I grinned to myself; I was ready. I spritzed myself with some mild perfume and deodorant, slipped a few condoms, lube and a joint into my travel kit and paused at the front door. I slipped off my shorts, chucked my underwear into the laundry bin and slipped the shorts back on. NOW I was ready. 

I hailed a cab, and as I hopped on, sent him a text "On my way, see you soon!" To which he responded with a thumbs up. 

As I made my way there, I kept flipping back to the pictures, looking at his naked body. I was hard again, and my hole throbbed. The hotel wasn't hard to find, and after crossing the lobby, I leapfrogged up the stairs to his floor. My eyes wandered around the corridor, looking for his room number and I zeroed in on the last door. I took a deep breath, and knocked. A voice from inside yelled out to me enter. His voice was deep, and it cracked, indicating his age. I slipped in, my heart hammering in my ribcage. The room itself was alright - two beds, a couple of bags on the floor and by a study, mellow artwork on the walls. My eyes roved around the room searching for something more, some identifier of this man. Hi voice boomed out again "I'm just taking a quick shower, why don't you smoke some pot? I've left a joint near the TV for you. I'll be out in a minute."

I found the joint and lit it, sitting at on the edge of the twin bed, ash tray next to me. The pot was alright, but mine was better. I put it out an pulled mine out and lit it, taking a deep drag and exhaling a plume of smoke upwards. The bathroom door opened up, and he emerged in a haze of steam and pot vapour. his face was covered in a thick, large beard, and he had shaved his head. He was taller than me, and he looked a bit older, but nothing deceptive. His cock was soft, but it pushed his underwear to its limits, a few tufts of hair poking out form the sides. 

"Hi" he said, wiping himself down, smiling at me. I was in a daze, and I smiled back. "Hi" 

His hand stretched out and he patted my cheek and grinned. "You really are cute. Exactly like your pics" I blushed.

"I mean, you're hotter than the pics. I love older men, particularly hairy bald daddies like you"

I blushed harder, after calling him daddy. I never got used to it.

He laughed, deep and with timbre and pulled me up for a soft, quick kiss. "I'm so happy you're here. the other guy wasn't very keen, so he backed out. It's just you and me today, so we can take our time" he took the joint from me and took a long drag, exhaling the smoke past my opened lips, his tongue dabbing them and flicking back in.

I smiled, my eyes half lidded. "I preferred it if it were just us, either way." I kissed him back and placed a hand on his chest, feeling it rise. As he deepened the kiss, his large hand wrapped around the back of my head. The kiss was urgent, and I felt his beard brush over my face. I whimpered softly, my lust for him overriding my senses. He broke the kiss slowly, the tips of tongues tapping each other and he gently pushed me down on the bed. "Let me get dressed, and let's grab some dinner. Works for you?" I was mildly stoned by now and a smile erupted over my lips, and I nodded, dazed. 

He slipped on a T shirt, and pulled up a pair of shorts, but my eyes were on that bulge and how it pushed up as he slid into the shorts. "I know you want it, but be patient, we have the entire night and the day tomorrow." he was watching me, and behind the grin, his eyes were dark and filled with hunger. He wanted me as well. "I don't eat much when I bottom, but I don't mind grabbing a juice or something else" He nodded and picked up the hotel phone, ordering a few things while he kept his eyes on me and a hand on his bulge, rolling a thumb over it. 

Order completed, he placed the phone back and pulled the study chair to face me, plucking the joint from my hands and taking a drag. "What do you do?" 

I lit the other joint and looked back at him. "I'm an architect, but I've just begun working. What about you?" His eyebrow raised with appreciation. 

"That's pretty cool. I'm a life coach, but I run a small textile firm as well. I'm down in town for a small conference, where I have a talk." I nodded, and took a short drag, exhaling upwards. 

"So are you ready to get high today?" he asked, his eyes watching me closely, as he blew out a plume of smoke. I nodded, meekly. I was blushing like a virgin. His grin was back and his hand ran along my thigh as he leaned in. "I will fuck you so hard today, it will be worth it." I was hard as a rock now, biting down on my bottom lip and staring at him with desire in my eyes. He grabbed the joint from me and put them both out and stood up exhaling deeply. 

I watched him as he opened up his luggage and pulled out a few stoppered jars and a small plastic bottle of some homeopathic medication. "It's not medicine, if that's what you were thinking. When I fly, I just stuff a few chunks of meth in here so that nobody could figure it out, and it's worked so far." 

He proceeded to open the bottle and pull out a fluff of cotton and shook it, showing me what lay inside. "Have you tried meth? I keep at least five to six grams on me at all times, and the stuff I have is pure."

I shook my head. "I've just begun exploring MDMA, but after the last time I tried it, I've been avoiding it." His eyes glimmered with a fraction of disappointment, but he shook it away and smiled. "Well, I do have some ecstasy and MDMA. How about we try that?" I wasn't averse to it, so I told him it was fine. 

He pulled out a small kit from his bag and took out a few packets. One had crushed powder like shards, and the other was brown, and sticky looking. The third had a few bluish pills, and he took one of them out of the packet, placing it on a small mirror. He crushed the blue pill with a credit card and smushed it until four lines remained. "Care to do a few lines with me?" he had me kneel down before him, with his legs on either side. The heat was palpable here. At this point, my skin was hot and my throat dry. I leaned back into his open legs and looked up, and he passed a short straw into my hands. He had taken two hits already, and his cock was hard and pressing into my back. I gulped and bent over, snorting the two lines. It burned for a few seconds, but he assured me, that was the right reaction. 

Hi voice was husky and low now and he took my hand and placed it over his expanding bulge. "Feel me, boy. I'm so hard for you right now." my hands felt the tightness of his his shorts as his cock throbbed in my hands, and in that moment, all I could feel was his need for me. He turned my head upwards to him and asked me a question in a softer tone, while he kept my hand on his bulge. "Fuck dinner. Have you slammed before?" 

"No. Not well, maybe." My mind was blank as he arose, while I lay kneeling and he unbuttoned his shorts. "Inhale me, boy". I tentatively held on to his thighs and pressed my lips into the arching bulge, inhaling the scent of the soap, mild sweat, and intoxicating precum. "Let me slam you, boy"

I pulled back. "Well, it's just that I have sensitive skin, so when anyone jabs me in the forearm my skin bruises easily." "I don't need to slam you there." 

He pulled me up and slid a hand into my shorts, worming his palm between my ass cheeks. I exhaled as his fingers found my hole and he rolled his index over it, all the while kissing my neck. The ecstasy was working, as I opened up my body to him and his index slipped inside my cunt. He exhaled, a light growl in his voice. "Trust me, boy. I won't harm you at all. Let me do this for you, just trust me." A moan escaped my lips as he pushed my hand into his underwear and pushed his turgid cock into my hand. "I want you, and you want me. Let's just let go and have nothing holding us back." He peppered urgent, hot kisses along my neck and arched his buttock upwards, sliding his ten inch cock, wet with precum, through my palm. 

I gasped softly as he pushed another finger into my cunt and biting my lip, eyes lidded, I nodded my assent. Growling, he pulled my face to his and kissed me, his fingers gently slipping out of my hole. We backed away from each other, faces flushed and in heat. I glanced to my side, where a full wall mirror reflected my sluttiness. My lips were moist, my hair disheveled, and my eyes were hungry. I could trust him. I think I really could.

"Sit." he commanded, pulling up a pillow and motioning before him.

I gave him my hand and sat down, and he pulled out a strap and two large syringes. Both were filled up. "You might be new to this, but your body can tolerate a higher dose. Don't worry, I've done this enough times to know." 

"How much?" I enquired as he tightened the strap around the base of the wrist and pulled up the syringe with a light brown, clear liquid. "Don't worry. I would typically start you out with eight units, but given we have today and tomorrow, I'm giving you twelve." he scrutinised the needle and tapped it, raising it to the light. "I need to make sure there are no bubbles, so you won't be harmed. Just remember, I won't do anything top harm you."  he smiled at me and caressed my face. "Clench your fist a few times for me, lightly"  I gave him a shaky smile in return and continued to observe him. He ran his long fingers along the ridges around my knuckles and after a few second, located a vein. "This area of the hand is tricky, given the nerves here. The effect is the same, though." He pulled out an alcohol swab and rubbed it along the area and looked up at me. "Alright now. This will pinch for a second, but do exactly as I say." I nodded again. He pushed the tip of syringe into my skin  along the enlarged vein, hands steady. 

A small puff of blood appeared at near the point within the liquid and he whispered, "Slowly, open the strap." breathing heavily, I did as he asked, the strap falling away on the pillow. He pulled the plunger a bit, and blood poured into the syringe. "Good work." and pushed it in, slowly. 

I felt no pain, just mild discomfort. it felt like cold water had been poured into my hand as he depressed the plunger to the base. He pulled another alcohol pad and placed it over the injection point and looked up at, pulling it out. "Hold down on this spot, gently, and raise your arm." The last time I tried this out, I felt nothing, and had no idea what was coming. A cough escaped my lips and I felt something warm, hot and different. My skin exploded into a million sensations as a cold and warm blanket surrounded my brain. My cock and cunt throbbed and I felt lust, and empathy, and as I locked eyes with him, complete hunger for this absolute daddy before me. 

"You alright?" he asked, predatory eyes locked in on my convulsions.

I gasped out a few words but I was otherwise incoherent. He smiled again and walked to the bathroom, switching off the bedroom light, bathing the room in a soft amber glow. "Get comfortable boy. I'm going to slam and join you." I moaned and nodded, getting on the bed and peeling off my clothes. I arched my back on the bed, running fingers along the length of my body tweaking and pulling at my cock, pinching down on a nipple. The moment the air touched my skin, I felt liquid explode out of my soft cock, sticky and clear. I had an orgasm, and another. My mind was exploding, and so was my body. In the light of the washroom, I watch him slide the needle into his forearm and plunge down the stopper, his head kicking back. This daddy, an example of raw, animal masculinity was going to fuck me. His head snapped back and he looked at me, lips open. In the background, light tantric music played, elevating our desire for each other. He took off his shirt and watching my eyes, slid off his shorts, letting his large, uncut cock slap against his torso, leaving a trail of clear sticky fluid. Naked, he was glorious. In a deep, thick voice he commanded me. "Lie backwards, and drop your head on the edge." I slid over to him and did as he asked, awaiting for our skin to connect. His cock up close was drooling precum and it smelled musky and sweaty. Without a need for words, he slid his massive cock into my mouth, pushing past my tongue, the tip searching for my gullet. 

"Relax you body, my boy" he growled, holding my hands and intertwining our fingers, as his cock reach the back of my throat and after mild resistance, pushed back into me entirely. This elicited a deep, rumbling moan from him as he exhaled slowly, arching his buttocks into my face, slowly, until the base of his cock ring clinked against my teeth. Saliva filled my mouth and smeared my lips, as he began deepthroating me, groaning as he enjoyed my throat. He massive balls slapped my face and his dense pubes chafed my lips, but I was in bliss, and I wanted more. He might have sensed my need because he slowly pulled out, relishing the heat and wetness of my mouth and looked down at me, pupils dilated and face flush with animal lust. "I need to fuck you, boy. I want us to be connected." He rolled me over and pulled my legs to the corner of the bed , pulling me up. I was in a world of my own, and the anticipation of his cock against my cunt was filling me up to the brim. He rummaged around and dabbed some lubricant on my cunt, his fingers dancing around the hole. Slowly, in a tight voice, "Open up you hole, boy. I'm going to fuck you now." I exhaled, a hot explosion of air from me as my palm pulled my cheeks open, leaving my pussy open. 

He was massive. But after the slam, I was relaxed. His thick cockhead eased past the lips of my hole open and his gasped as the tip of cock slowly slid in. "Now I need for you to trust me, baby. Open up to me entirely, and you will enjoy this more than you ever could."

My eyes had rolled back up, and my back was arched, with the bottom of his palm on the base of my back. Slowly, gently, he pushed in further, his bare, naked cock slipping past my hole and slowly pressing into the opening of my sigmoid. he leaned in, his furry chest and body drizzling a light amount of sweat on my back. 

"Open up, baby. Let me in."

I gasped and relaxed my muscles, and he slid in, he thick pubic hair brushing my hole. We were frozen there, connected as ours nerves ignited. We were linked on a deep, primal way. No protection. No qualms. Just a man and another man conjoined. He slid out a bit, and back, stretching me out, my hole moist and wide. "I can feel all of you, hot, wet and bare around me baby. My cock is so deep inside you, and I love it." he pulled out further and began moving faster, rubbing his swollen glans along a point in my hole. I was only a mess of moans and gasps, but now, I cried out, gasping in sharp, short breaths as he slid his slimy cockhead over my prostate. "How does feel, boy? my cock on your prostate?" he grasped my arms and locked them behind my back and began moving fasted, droplets of sweat peppering my back as he slid in an out of my pussy, filling the room with wet, squelching sounds as we fucked like animals. I felt droplets and then a stream of thick, viscous liquid splatter from my hardening cock as orgasm over orgasm rolled over me, my prostate sending me into a trance. 

Damn this is pretty accurate to the feeling. I certainly miss it. Haven't done it in a long time.

On 2/19/2025 at 12:58 AM, Thelemonchub said:

This is my first try at erotica, and I know my grammar is shit. let me know what you think of this! 

I looked at the phone again, while pulling out a few clothing options. 

The message was simple - "I'm down with getting high, and hooking up - no discrimination here" from a profile of a furry, buff torso. I was intrigued. 

My experience with drugs was central to pot but meth and Molly were on the fringe. I had popped ecstasy once, snorted Molly, and meth wasn't something I was keen on. Yet. I always kept a bottle of poppers on me, and I certainly loved getting fucked while popperbating with my partner, but the side effects weren't great. 

A month prior to this text, I had a messy, embarrassing and odd experience with a guy near my house after trying to slam MDMA. I had ugly blotches on my skin, and my fear of needles was renewed; My skin couldn't take the slam, and without any kind of rush, the sex was uncomfortable fever dream. 


The first text was harmless, and in response to me showing interest in his profile on Grindr. 

"You look really cute, want to meet up and smoke up?"

His profile was brief. Dominant top, and the thumbs up emoji next to a leaf. Under that, was a rocket emoji.

The pics however, got me hard in seconds. His body was lean, but he had broad shoulders. His expansive, muscled chest was covered in a dense mat of grey and black fur,, which continued down to his underwear, which was stretched out entirely. I couldn't make out the size of his cock, but the bulge told me enough; he was hung, and hairy. I slipped a few fingers into my underwear and rubbed myself, working myself to lust over him.

Work had been hectic, so I pinged him back "sure" to which he replied back. 

"How comfortable are you with a three way?" in honesty, I wasn't comfortable with them, but he was furry, older and his bulge looked enticing, so I shrugged and texted him back. 

"I haven't really hooked up with a lot of people to try out a threesome, but I'm passive and I always allow someone dominant to take the lead" I was biting down on my lip, my foot tapping away. "Don't worry, we won't do anything you aren't comfortable with, and better yet, you can speak to the other guy if you have any worries" he sent over a number and a name, and waited for me to text him back. At this point, I wanted him, I wanted pot, and I wanted sex. 

"I'll ping him, alright. By the way, I'm not fit, like you. A bit husky, in fact. I could send a few pictures, but they're all nudes. let me know if you'd like to see them?" "Sure" 

While I waited for his consent, I texted the other guy who responded almost Immediately, asking for my nudes and pictures. He sent his, and he was beautiful. His body was smooth, but muscled and cut, skin dark and his cock was uncut and lightly veined. I wanted both of them in me. I sent the same couple of pics over to the furry daddy, and sat at the edge of my bed, waiting for their replies. I'm not built all buff and muscled, but I'm on the huskier side and in my early twenties. I have curves where one could have rock hard muscles, and my body was slightly voluptuous  when I undressed. Whenever I messaged men who looked like these two, I felt my insecurity build up, but I dismissed the thought. 

"You look amazing. Let me show you what daddy looks like naked, boy" I felt a shiver run down my spine, to the tip of my cock. It was massive; ten inches hard, with a veins all over, thick and surrounded by neat, dense pubic hair. I had to feel him in me. His balls were massive, draping the underneath of the his hard cock and at the base, he wore a thick stainless steel cock ring. I was completely hard now, and my pants were on the floor. My shirt was pulled up, my legs spread open and a finger rolling a nipple. Fuck, I needed him. "You really are hot! When can I come over to your place?" I wasn't ready to call him daddy yet, but it was on the tip of my tongue. 

"Freshen up, and come over in an hour, let me get ready as well. I'll keep the door unlocked for you" He dropped a pin a few other details of his hotel and told me to walk right in. the next few seconds were a blur. I picked up my poppers, a fresh pair of shorts, a shirt and bolted to the bathroom to prep myself. It took me a good hour to trim the short hairs on my body, leaving me smooth all over, and a few minutes in that to douche my hole. I slipped a few fingers in, and my hole relaxed. I grinned to myself; I was ready. I spritzed myself with some mild perfume and deodorant, slipped a few condoms, lube and a joint into my travel kit and paused at the front door. I slipped off my shorts, chucked my underwear into the laundry bin and slipped the shorts back on. NOW I was ready. 

I hailed a cab, and as I hopped on, sent him a text "On my way, see you soon!" To which he responded with a thumbs up. 

As I made my way there, I kept flipping back to the pictures, looking at his naked body. I was hard again, and my hole throbbed. The hotel wasn't hard to find, and after crossing the lobby, I leapfrogged up the stairs to his floor. My eyes wandered around the corridor, looking for his room number and I zeroed in on the last door. I took a deep breath, and knocked. A voice from inside yelled out to me enter. His voice was deep, and it cracked, indicating his age. I slipped in, my heart hammering in my ribcage. The room itself was alright - two beds, a couple of bags on the floor and by a study, mellow artwork on the walls. My eyes roved around the room searching for something more, some identifier of this man. Hi voice boomed out again "I'm just taking a quick shower, why don't you smoke some pot? I've left a joint near the TV for you. I'll be out in a minute."

I found the joint and lit it, sitting at on the edge of the twin bed, ash tray next to me. The pot was alright, but mine was better. I put it out an pulled mine out and lit it, taking a deep drag and exhaling a plume of smoke upwards. The bathroom door opened up, and he emerged in a haze of steam and pot vapour. his face was covered in a thick, large beard, and he had shaved his head. He was taller than me, and he looked a bit older, but nothing deceptive. His cock was soft, but it pushed his underwear to its limits, a few tufts of hair poking out form the sides. 

"Hi" he said, wiping himself down, smiling at me. I was in a daze, and I smiled back. "Hi" 

His hand stretched out and he patted my cheek and grinned. "You really are cute. Exactly like your pics" I blushed.

"I mean, you're hotter than the pics. I love older men, particularly hairy bald daddies like you"

I blushed harder, after calling him daddy. I never got used to it.

He laughed, deep and with timbre and pulled me up for a soft, quick kiss. "I'm so happy you're here. the other guy wasn't very keen, so he backed out. It's just you and me today, so we can take our time" he took the joint from me and took a long drag, exhaling the smoke past my opened lips, his tongue dabbing them and flicking back in.

I smiled, my eyes half lidded. "I preferred it if it were just us, either way." I kissed him back and placed a hand on his chest, feeling it rise. As he deepened the kiss, his large hand wrapped around the back of my head. The kiss was urgent, and I felt his beard brush over my face. I whimpered softly, my lust for him overriding my senses. He broke the kiss slowly, the tips of tongues tapping each other and he gently pushed me down on the bed. "Let me get dressed, and let's grab some dinner. Works for you?" I was mildly stoned by now and a smile erupted over my lips, and I nodded, dazed. 

He slipped on a T shirt, and pulled up a pair of shorts, but my eyes were on that bulge and how it pushed up as he slid into the shorts. "I know you want it, but be patient, we have the entire night and the day tomorrow." he was watching me, and behind the grin, his eyes were dark and filled with hunger. He wanted me as well. "I don't eat much when I bottom, but I don't mind grabbing a juice or something else" He nodded and picked up the hotel phone, ordering a few things while he kept his eyes on me and a hand on his bulge, rolling a thumb over it. 

Order completed, he placed the phone back and pulled the study chair to face me, plucking the joint from my hands and taking a drag. "What do you do?" 

I lit the other joint and looked back at him. "I'm an architect, but I've just begun working. What about you?" His eyebrow raised with appreciation. 

"That's pretty cool. I'm a life coach, but I run a small textile firm as well. I'm down in town for a small conference, where I have a talk." I nodded, and took a short drag, exhaling upwards. 

"So are you ready to get high today?" he asked, his eyes watching me closely, as he blew out a plume of smoke. I nodded, meekly. I was blushing like a virgin. His grin was back and his hand ran along my thigh as he leaned in. "I will fuck you so hard today, it will be worth it." I was hard as a rock now, biting down on my bottom lip and staring at him with desire in my eyes. He grabbed the joint from me and put them both out and stood up exhaling deeply. 

I watched him as he opened up his luggage and pulled out a few stoppered jars and a small plastic bottle of some homeopathic medication. "It's not medicine, if that's what you were thinking. When I fly, I just stuff a few chunks of meth in here so that nobody could figure it out, and it's worked so far." 

He proceeded to open the bottle and pull out a fluff of cotton and shook it, showing me what lay inside. "Have you tried meth? I keep at least five to six grams on me at all times, and the stuff I have is pure."

I shook my head. "I've just begun exploring MDMA, but after the last time I tried it, I've been avoiding it." His eyes glimmered with a fraction of disappointment, but he shook it away and smiled. "Well, I do have some ecstasy and MDMA. How about we try that?" I wasn't averse to it, so I told him it was fine. 

He pulled out a small kit from his bag and took out a few packets. One had crushed powder like shards, and the other was brown, and sticky looking. The third had a few bluish pills, and he took one of them out of the packet, placing it on a small mirror. He crushed the blue pill with a credit card and smushed it until four lines remained. "Care to do a few lines with me?" he had me kneel down before him, with his legs on either side. The heat was palpable here. At this point, my skin was hot and my throat dry. I leaned back into his open legs and looked up, and he passed a short straw into my hands. He had taken two hits already, and his cock was hard and pressing into my back. I gulped and bent over, snorting the two lines. It burned for a few seconds, but he assured me, that was the right reaction. 

Hi voice was husky and low now and he took my hand and placed it over his expanding bulge. "Feel me, boy. I'm so hard for you right now." my hands felt the tightness of his his shorts as his cock throbbed in my hands, and in that moment, all I could feel was his need for me. He turned my head upwards to him and asked me a question in a softer tone, while he kept my hand on his bulge. "Fuck dinner. Have you slammed before?" 

"No. Not well, maybe." My mind was blank as he arose, while I lay kneeling and he unbuttoned his shorts. "Inhale me, boy". I tentatively held on to his thighs and pressed my lips into the arching bulge, inhaling the scent of the soap, mild sweat, and intoxicating precum. "Let me slam you, boy"

I pulled back. "Well, it's just that I have sensitive skin, so when anyone jabs me in the forearm my skin bruises easily." "I don't need to slam you there." 

He pulled me up and slid a hand into my shorts, worming his palm between my ass cheeks. I exhaled as his fingers found my hole and he rolled his index over it, all the while kissing my neck. The ecstasy was working, as I opened up my body to him and his index slipped inside my cunt. He exhaled, a light growl in his voice. "Trust me, boy. I won't harm you at all. Let me do this for you, just trust me." A moan escaped my lips as he pushed my hand into his underwear and pushed his turgid cock into my hand. "I want you, and you want me. Let's just let go and have nothing holding us back." He peppered urgent, hot kisses along my neck and arched his buttock upwards, sliding his ten inch cock, wet with precum, through my palm. 

I gasped softly as he pushed another finger into my cunt and biting my lip, eyes lidded, I nodded my assent. Growling, he pulled my face to his and kissed me, his fingers gently slipping out of my hole. We backed away from each other, faces flushed and in heat. I glanced to my side, where a full wall mirror reflected my sluttiness. My lips were moist, my hair disheveled, and my eyes were hungry. I could trust him. I think I really could.

"Sit." he commanded, pulling up a pillow and motioning before him.

I gave him my hand and sat down, and he pulled out a strap and two large syringes. Both were filled up. "You might be new to this, but your body can tolerate a higher dose. Don't worry, I've done this enough times to know." 

"How much?" I enquired as he tightened the strap around the base of the wrist and pulled up the syringe with a light brown, clear liquid. "Don't worry. I would typically start you out with eight units, but given we have today and tomorrow, I'm giving you twelve." he scrutinised the needle and tapped it, raising it to the light. "I need to make sure there are no bubbles, so you won't be harmed. Just remember, I won't do anything top harm you."  he smiled at me and caressed my face. "Clench your fist a few times for me, lightly"  I gave him a shaky smile in return and continued to observe him. He ran his long fingers along the ridges around my knuckles and after a few second, located a vein. "This area of the hand is tricky, given the nerves here. The effect is the same, though." He pulled out an alcohol swab and rubbed it along the area and looked up at me. "Alright now. This will pinch for a second, but do exactly as I say." I nodded again. He pushed the tip of syringe into my skin  along the enlarged vein, hands steady. 

A small puff of blood appeared at near the point within the liquid and he whispered, "Slowly, open the strap." breathing heavily, I did as he asked, the strap falling away on the pillow. He pulled the plunger a bit, and blood poured into the syringe. "Good work." and pushed it in, slowly. 

I felt no pain, just mild discomfort. it felt like cold water had been poured into my hand as he depressed the plunger to the base. He pulled another alcohol pad and placed it over the injection point and looked up at, pulling it out. "Hold down on this spot, gently, and raise your arm." The last time I tried this out, I felt nothing, and had no idea what was coming. A cough escaped my lips and I felt something warm, hot and different. My skin exploded into a million sensations as a cold and warm blanket surrounded my brain. My cock and cunt throbbed and I felt lust, and empathy, and as I locked eyes with him, complete hunger for this absolute daddy before me. 

"You alright?" he asked, predatory eyes locked in on my convulsions.

I gasped out a few words but I was otherwise incoherent. He smiled again and walked to the bathroom, switching off the bedroom light, bathing the room in a soft amber glow. "Get comfortable boy. I'm going to slam and join you." I moaned and nodded, getting on the bed and peeling off my clothes. I arched my back on the bed, running fingers along the length of my body tweaking and pulling at my cock, pinching down on a nipple. The moment the air touched my skin, I felt liquid explode out of my soft cock, sticky and clear. I had an orgasm, and another. My mind was exploding, and so was my body. In the light of the washroom, I watch him slide the needle into his forearm and plunge down the stopper, his head kicking back. This daddy, an example of raw, animal masculinity was going to fuck me. His head snapped back and he looked at me, lips open. In the background, light tantric music played, elevating our desire for each other. He took off his shirt and watching my eyes, slid off his shorts, letting his large, uncut cock slap against his torso, leaving a trail of clear sticky fluid. Naked, he was glorious. In a deep, thick voice he commanded me. "Lie backwards, and drop your head on the edge." I slid over to him and did as he asked, awaiting for our skin to connect. His cock up close was drooling precum and it smelled musky and sweaty. Without a need for words, he slid his massive cock into my mouth, pushing past my tongue, the tip searching for my gullet. 

"Relax you body, my boy" he growled, holding my hands and intertwining our fingers, as his cock reach the back of my throat and after mild resistance, pushed back into me entirely. This elicited a deep, rumbling moan from him as he exhaled slowly, arching his buttocks into my face, slowly, until the base of his cock ring clinked against my teeth. Saliva filled my mouth and smeared my lips, as he began deepthroating me, groaning as he enjoyed my throat. He massive balls slapped my face and his dense pubes chafed my lips, but I was in bliss, and I wanted more. He might have sensed my need because he slowly pulled out, relishing the heat and wetness of my mouth and looked down at me, pupils dilated and face flush with animal lust. "I need to fuck you, boy. I want us to be connected." He rolled me over and pulled my legs to the corner of the bed , pulling me up. I was in a world of my own, and the anticipation of his cock against my cunt was filling me up to the brim. He rummaged around and dabbed some lubricant on my cunt, his fingers dancing around the hole. Slowly, in a tight voice, "Open up you hole, boy. I'm going to fuck you now." I exhaled, a hot explosion of air from me as my palm pulled my cheeks open, leaving my pussy open. 

He was massive. But after the slam, I was relaxed. His thick cockhead eased past the lips of my hole open and his gasped as the tip of cock slowly slid in. "Now I need for you to trust me, baby. Open up to me entirely, and you will enjoy this more than you ever could."

My eyes had rolled back up, and my back was arched, with the bottom of his palm on the base of my back. Slowly, gently, he pushed in further, his bare, naked cock slipping past my hole and slowly pressing into the opening of my sigmoid. he leaned in, his furry chest and body drizzling a light amount of sweat on my back. 

"Open up, baby. Let me in."

I gasped and relaxed my muscles, and he slid in, he thick pubic hair brushing my hole. We were frozen there, connected as ours nerves ignited. We were linked on a deep, primal way. No protection. No qualms. Just a man and another man conjoined. He slid out a bit, and back, stretching me out, my hole moist and wide. "I can feel all of you, hot, wet and bare around me baby. My cock is so deep inside you, and I love it." he pulled out further and began moving faster, rubbing his swollen glans along a point in my hole. I was only a mess of moans and gasps, but now, I cried out, gasping in sharp, short breaths as he slid his slimy cockhead over my prostate. "How does feel, boy? my cock on your prostate?" he grasped my arms and locked them behind my back and began moving fasted, droplets of sweat peppering my back as he slid in an out of my pussy, filling the room with wet, squelching sounds as we fucked like animals. I felt droplets and then a stream of thick, viscous liquid splatter from my hardening cock as orgasm over orgasm rolled over me, my prostate sending me into a trance. 

Absolutely wonderful. Writing is good & we need more of these two. PLEASE keep the story going & tell us about the great adventures these men will encounter. 


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Chapter 2 

My mind was in a warm, horny mess. 

The furry, muscled daddy kept barebacking me, groaning and grinding as my wet slippery hole spasmed around him. The slam had me euphoric and begging for his cock, even as I felt it stretch open my cunt, and over the sounds of our sloppy fucking, his deep uncontrolled grunts as he owned his masculinity by barebacking me. Slowly, he began pushing me forward, his staccato-esque pounding increasing in fervour, and soon, he had a leg up on the bed. This allowed his plunges into my cunt to reach depths that had me scream out, forcing him to push my face down and growl "Not that loud, slut. Bite down into the pillow, and scream out." I whimpered, shakily and nodded, lost in a euphoric trance. 

He began to slow down and I relaxed with him, my moans going from shrill to soft sighs. His hands slid over my back and casually slid over my neck, and quickly, he lifted his other leg onto the bed. "Relax for me, baby. This next fuck will be intense." I felt his weight on my large ass cheeks, his hairy, sweaty groin spreading them open, our bodies linking up electrically. He leaned into me further, his thick, soaked chest hair cooling me. "Spread your legs, baby. open wide. Daddy's going to fill you up good." The anticipation of his cum had me more turned on than I could express. Spurts of clear, watery cum kept pouring out of my soft cock, and with his instruction, I spread my legs, feeling him push in deeper. He pressed my face into the bed, and slowly pulled out, releasing wet pops from my hole. 

His fingers tightened around my neck, and without warning he plunged in hard, and again, and again. 

A croak escaped my mouth as he battered my hole, his cock pistoning in and out of me and a rumble emerging from him. My fingers wrapped into tight balls as I clutched the bedcover, both loving and agonising over his fucking. Sweat and slime draped my raw-dogged cunt, his pubic hair burning the lips of my cunt as he pounded me out. His hands kept tightening around my neck, as he fucked me and from the corner of my eye, I watched the large mirror beside us. 

There we were, on the white sheets of the bed. Me, legs akimbo, face down and a blurred, body rippling, and him, a man mad with primal lust. his head was upturned, mouth open, back arched and legs crossed as he fucked my hole deeper with every second. His muscles were taut and from here, I could see that he was covered with glitters of sweat emerging from his copious fur, clinging to his beautiful musculature, a vision to behold. A guttural howl escaped his lips and each slap into me was hard, and angry, showering me in all the sweat that clung to his body, while spots began to appear in my vision. 

"I'm going to cum." He whispered, tight with control. 

I didn't know what to feel other than bliss, and non-existence. At that moment, I was his hole, and I would do anything to make sure that his cum would slather my insides.

"I'M CUMMING YOU FUCKING SLUT!" He bellowed, followed by a rising scream.

His final lunges were echoes with deep roars from him, and as the last bits of air began to escape from me, his body jerked over me, and I felt it. Each convulsion was followed by angry, intense groans, and he finished with "Take my poz cum, slut." I didn't react negatively to this, but it spurred me on, opening myself up to him in every possible way. I always wanted to have a poz man breed me. That was the true lack of inhibition. The joy of toxic cum branding my sore, puffy cunt. 

A thick, explosive burst of rich cum spurted deep inside me, and as his clasp over my neck relaxed, I could smell his orgasm. There was something about the smell of cum, musky, and strong that had me burst out, releasing gushes of liquid out of my slowly hardening cock. He laughed, his voice huskier, weaker. "That was beautiful, baby."

He pulled out gently, pulling me up, and releasing his cock from the confines of my cum filled man cunt. 

His fingers traced the edges of my swollen hole and slid in, making me gasp and they slid out, doused in thick, whitish liquid. He moved my face towards and slipped his fingers in my mouth, making me taste him, my hole and looked into my eyes with an intensity I couldn't describe. It was animalistic like he had claimed me. I shuddered at the thought of being his. He turned me slowly and in a raspy voice whispered into my ear "Clean me, slut." 

My legs slid onto the floor and the blood rushed up to my head, making me totter around for a second. He held me, despite my skin being slippery and rose to a kneeling position on the bed. He then leaned back his throbbing manhood rising above the thicket of his wet fur like a tower of male dominance over me, like it was symbolic in some religious way. His cock rose In the amber light was still hard, now wet and sticky with our combined fluid. I didn't hesitate. I took him in entirely, down to the root, lips clasped over my teeth. I wanted to show him what I was good at. I went down slow, relishing the taste of us on his thick, can-sized cock and watching his head pitch back, moaning. The meth/molly had a second burst in me as my blood rushed to my head, and with it, awareness of every vein, even muscle, and the scent of his rich cum, sending me in a non-stop motion of suctioned sucking, my tongue lapping over his blood filled member. 

"Yesssss," he whispered into the ceiling arching his buttocks forward and feeding this thickening cock into my gullet. Saliva escaped with his emerging cock, and with it, any thought in my head for air. He held me still and slipped his tumescent cock out of my hot, steaming mouth and looked at me, his eyes dark again. He wanted to fuck me, once more. Maybe he saw the thought form in my head and his dominant side awakened; he clasped my head in both hands and began to face fuck me ignoring my gags as he hissed. I made it a habit, high or not, to always cover my teeth when a cock touched my lips, and he was loving it. I patted his thigh with urgency, begging him to release me as I couldn't breathe but he didn't seem to care. His body smelled breathtaking in a rich, thick pheromone-like haze, and as I looked at him, he looked at me, and snarled, his canines glinting in the light.  He was in bliss. Eyes rolling up, with whatever strength I had left, I pushed his groin off my face, gasping hard as his saliva-covered cock slapped into my face. As I breathed in, another rush of blood brought the slam back up, and in a second, we were at it again. This is what he meant by letting go. The intensity, the strength of the slam had me in awe. At this point, anything he wanted, I would do. Just to feel that rush. 


Hey Guys! The week has been a bit hectic with work, and I'm a bit ill. I hope this will suffice for now, I'll resume the chapter in a few more days. Thank you for the positive responses! He kindly looked like this, sans the tattoos. Well, except one. And hairier. 


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Thank you! Chapter 2 was hot!!  
writing takes time and imagination and both come at a premium 😀

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