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Chapter 1

I hadn’t been home in years, ever since my mom remarried. It’s not that I didn’t like her new husband, he treated her great. It’s just that we never really clicked. I was already older when they got married so I really didn’t have a relationship with them. Mom had been trying for years to get me to come home and I’d managed to avoid it until this year. It was my grandpa's 80th birthday and mom wouldn't take no for an answer. 

Unfortunately, the train ride went much faster than I would’ve liked and before I knew it we were pulling into the station. I could see mom on the platform, excitedly waving trying to grab my attention. I inwardly groaned, grabbed my bag and got off the train. It was really hard not to get caught up in her excitement. Maybe a part of me was glad I’d come home.

On the drive back to the house I could tell she was anxious about something. 

“Mom, what’s going on? You seem really nervous.“

“Umm, well you see there’s been a little bit of a change since we last spoke.“ Now I was starting to get nervous. “Your aunt and uncle and cousin decided to come out at the last minute, so this means we have a little bit of a tight squeeze at the house.“

“Mom, not a problem I’ll get a hotel room.“

“Like hell you will. You will absolutely be staying at the house,“ then she rapidly said “ you’re just gonna have to share a room with Max. 

“Yeah no Mom, I love you, but that’s not gonna happen.“

“Chad, don’t start with me. This is going to be a great weekend and I don’t want any of your shit. You are sharing a room with Max and will be a good sport. End of discussion. Besides, it will be good for both of you to finally get to know each other. He told me he’s tried to reach out to you a couple times but can never seem to get a hold of you.“

Fuck this is gonna be a miserable week.

Okay let me back up a second. Max is my stepbrother.  I've spent about a total of 5 hours around him since the first time when our parents got married and that was it. I really don't know much about him except for what my mom occasionally shares. I do know he's 10 years older than me, divorced and actually lives in the same city as me but we never hang out. He has tried to get to know me, but I'm like what's the point. To be honest with you I'm not even sure if I'd recognize him if we passed each other on the street.

"Sorry mom, why is Max even here? It's not even his grandpa."

Mom turned and gave me a disgusted look. "Chad, I raised you better than this. He's family and...well, he's been struggling a bit since his divorce, so he's been staying with us for the past week."

Okay I'm an ass, I admit it. "Sorry mom, I didn't know. I'll behave."

We arrived at the house and I grabbed my bag, took a deep breath and followed mom into the house. My stepdad was in the kitchen and gave me a big hug. As we were making small talk, I noticed someone standing in the kitchen doorway.  I think my eyes just about bugged out of my head. Standing there was Max and damn did he look good! Okay the last few years had been really good to him.  Last time I saw him he was really skinny and kind of nerdy looking. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. I just wasn’t expecting such a change. 

If I had to guess, I’d say he was over 6’ to my 5’5” and had about 50 pounds of muscle on me. He had his red hair cut really short and his beard tightly trimmed. He was wearing a white T-shirt that had to be at least one size too small. I swear I could see one of his nipples was pierced, and it looked like there were tattoos on his upper arms I made the mistake of looking down and saw his shorts, which also appeared to be a size too small but damn, they looked good on him.

“Chad, honey are you OK?“ Mom asked

“I’m, I’m, I’m sorry,  what mom?“

“I asked if you’re OK honey Robert asked you a question.“

“Oh I’m sorry, I must be more tired than I thought.“

“Oh it’s nothing, I was just asking if you remembered Max.“

Max had a big grin on his face, like he knew I’d been checking him out.  He took that as his queue and came over and gave me a big hug. Fuck he smelled good. Shit, I can feel myself starting to chub up so I try to end the hug, but before I could get him to let go, he squeezed my ass. He grinned and winked at me and grabbed my bag from me.

“Looks like we’re gonna be roomies for a few days. Can’t wait to get to know you better“ he said as he starts walking off towards the bedroom. I give my mom a stepdad a smile and follow after him. Once I enter the room, I’m in for another shock. There’s only one bed.

“Your mom was worried about us sharing a bed, but I assured her we’re both grown men and we’d be more than fine. In fact, I think this is going to be a very positive experience for you." He leaned down and whispered in my ear, “isn’t that right chaser boy.“

Oh, fuck, I was screwed! 

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Aww, fuck yeah, bro. Firstly, your own mom is pimping you to your hot step-bro, then your step dad hasn't said anything. This "reunion" will be the most consequential of his fuckkin life! Prove me wrong!!! Gimme the next chapter NOW!

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