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Installment number Ten of what was probably the best real party weekend of my extensive "career" - back in 2006 in Provincetown. My hubby was in New Hampshire at a 4-day business convention and during those 4 days he was happy for me to do my partying in Ptown by myself, with him joining me after his convention for the much more vanilla style sex he prefers. Thursday night my buddy Jimmy hosted a hot orgy for me but Friday morning, emergencies hit him and Lou the local candy-man, leaving his assistant "Vice" a straight but hot Portuguese local guy to spend the day pnping with me – progressing to that night when a storm and blackout led to a bathhouse style house party at the guesthouse, with blond Boston frat boy type Kieran and his surprisingly chem friendly hubby Charlie; the Houseboys and the skinhead Manager Zar; an old friend – an Episcopal Priest no less – from Philly; some hot leather dudes; older daddies; a hot Saudi jock type, and of course Lou and Vice. Chapter 8 and 9 recount the str8 boi finally giving up his hole incredibly!  This amazing weekend took an entire notebook to cover (I've kept sex diaries since I was a teenager) and never before or since has ONE weekend taken up an entire book. So along with me - at the time a 43 year old jock muscle leather guy - Caucasian, blond/blue - we pick up the story on that soggy Saturday morning with the guesthouse doors soon to be opened and Vice, Lou and I relaxing and cooling down. Once again, apologies for the delay.


Vice was popping grapes and having a bit of Yogurt around 5:30AM when he looked at me, and with all sincerity asked, “So, Daddy J, is EVERY weekend like this for you?”

Lou couldn’t even control his laughter as I sputtered, “sadly no, Vice, even I cannot claim to have a weekend like THIS very often at all.” We laughed and I added “and hell, it’s still not even dawn on Saturday morning!!”

After a few more grapes and some more drinks for each of us we all fell into one of those comfortable “fugue” states that can happen when taking a break in a marathon party weekend. Vaguely still stroking cock, nips or holes and drifting in almost a hypnotic state, next thing we knew it was just after 8AM. A loud noise out in the hallway seemed to rouse us all, and we all began to stir ourselves and stretch out. The view out the window showed lots of puddles everywhere along with downed branches and other wrack from the storm the night before.

“Well, that sure was one stormy night,” I quipped. “You boys have as much fun as it seems you did?”

“Hell yeah,” replied Lou while Vice jiggled his eyebrows at both of us smirking “No regrets, J-daddy, NO regrets.”

Excellent, so THAT was out of the way, and all was not only well, all was awesome seeing the stud still so enthusiastic. “Anyone have any idea what Jimmy’s surprise is for this evening?” Vice did not, but then he’d only met Jimmy on Thursday afternoon, but Lou answered that he had a few clues but was due to hear more details later today himself. “What are your plans until then J-Man?” Lou asked.

“Eating sounds good,” I began. “And frankly, I’m going to come back here after breakfast and take half a sleeping pill and get some actual sleep before I start the chemical bacchanalia back up. Later this afternoon if the sun comes out, I’ll probably go out to the dunes and get some sun and fuck around out there a bit, it’s been years… oh, and I need to go to the leather store for a few things as well. How does Café Heaven sound to you boys?”

Café Heaven was by far the closest breakfast spot and one of my favorites.

“Won’t the line be hellacious?” asked Lou.

“Not if we find 2 more guys to eat with us,” I replied. “They have a table that fits five and only five people that they won’t give away to a group of a different size. If we shower and get over there by 9 we will likely be able to get that table. My treat by the way…”

We started to move with a bit more alacrity – a few pipe puffs admittedly helped – and checked with one of the houseboys (Noah) who was out in the hall cleaning and tidying after the orgy just hours before to see if we were still clear to use their group shower room. When told “yes of course” we bundled up our kits and headed down the back stairs with just towels around our waists. We were greeted with enthusiasm by Lorenzo and a moment or two later by Miles and Zar the manager who had just entered from the laundry area with a big load of towels and sheets.

Some good-natured ass-grabbing and cock-tugging ensued before we were released to shower, shave and all the rest, including each of us using the shower shots and was gratified that Vice was the first to insist we all use them to be “ready for anything”. As we were toweling off and drying our hair, we mentioned going for Breakfast, and we got our additional two guys – Zar and Miles – to join us. The other staff would finish the cleanup and other duties as these two would be taking most of the evening shift that night.

Telling the guys it was time for me to call my Hubby, I left them all joking and chatting, and getting back to my room, dialed my husband’s hotel and asked for his room (no, he didn’t have a cell phone – it was 2006, and he hated them, didn’t get one until 2017. Seriously.)

We chatted a bit, and I asked how the “Evening of Entertainment” was at his Convention the night before - “tragic” he responded with a chuckle, and he filled me in on a fascinating seminar the day before and which topics he was scheduled for later in the day. I was telling him about how wild the night before got with the blackout, and with Father Frank (swearing him to secrecy) and was just getting to Vice deciding to get fucked, when the boys returned. My description made Vice blush a bit, but I noticed the tent making itself known in Vice’s towel. Though most of the evening wasn’t my husband’s kind of scene, THAT portion was very hot to him he informed me. Again, promising him that I would both eat and sleep we said “I love you” to each other and ended our call. The guys were both shaking their heads.

“Vice my man,” Lou began, “just how often would that conversation happen with any CHICK whose guy just had sex with a ton of other people?” Vice laughed, responding “like NEVER… can you imagine the world of abuse you’d take for that?” “Nice to know there’s an alternative, yo, right?” Lou offered while Vice smirked and nodded.

Grabbing something from one of my drawers I addressed Vice. “Here” I said as he caught it easily, “put a little of this on your hole now and a couple of times today, it should keep you from getting sore.”

He looked at the tube while spreading some on his bud with a finger. “Anal Eeez? That’s wickie wild man, you guys think of everything – well sex-related everything, don’tcha?” We all got dressed, with Vice pocketing the tube, and although we packed up all their stuff, including Lou’s supply box, we locked it in the closet for them to retrieve after breakfast, and headed downstairs where we collected Miles and Zar and headed out to eat.

We arrived and saw a line already, but after a minute, the door opened and Deborah the owner (a former Broadway dancer with lots of friends in common) saw me, gave me a hug and kiss and asked me how many.

 “Five” I smirked.

“Come right this way gentlemen,” as she ushered us in ahead of lots of 2-tops and 4-tops who were waiting in line for the next table that size, and were shocked that our group was heading right in. “Brilliant,” Lou whispered to me, “I have to remember to only bring 5.”

It turned out to be a very fun breakfast – Lou and Zar catching up and telling stories from when they were in High School together; Vice excitedly – but quietly – telling how amazing everything the night before was especially getting fucked, while even Miles turned out to be a lot of fun. There was a wicked sense of humor on this farm-boy from Kentucky, and he just could not get over the fact that despite my being from a 4th generation New York City family, I actually loved Country Music and even sang some once on the stage of the Grand Ole Opry with Phil Campbell’s band...

He was also a baseball fan too – Cincinnati Reds – and boy did he freak when I let him know that I’d been to Opening Day at Riverfront Stadium three times due to my appearing at theatres in Cinci and Dayton in late winter and early spring three years in a row.

 Lou, Vice and I knew we’d still be pnplaying later and ate accordingly. Lots of Yogurt and Granola and Oatmeal and such, although I couldn’t resist a plate of Heaven’s famous fried potatoes, so peppery and so good. With everything else I’d had in the past 36 hours; I needed breakfast to be both digestive and party friendly - I hoped the one indulgence wouldn’t become an issue (it didn’t).

We were back at the guesthouse by 10am. Jimmy had texted that he would meet Lou, Vice and me at “After Tea” Tea Dance at 6:00 and he’d go to the leather store with us after that. After setting up meeting at 6, at the Crown & Anchor, Vice and Lou shlepped all their stuff out in the bags they brought last night and headed back to Lou’s to similarly crash and get some sleep. Zar helped them carry some stuff, leaving Miles in my room looking at me speculatively. “Yes…?” I drawled out in my lowest register.

“I ain’t gonna to be able to fall asleep ‘less I jizz one more wadd,” Miles told me, then gave me the big boo-boo eyes and asked “so do you wanna’ fuck around some while we tire out a bit more? I know you need to sleep, so just more of a quickie?”

I chuckled, nodded and we started stripping. I pulled out a pipe and torch and he began to talk again.

“Ya know, s’ really rad meeting a dude who likes the same music and sports and shit I do. Most gayboys don’t like ‘em… and you don’t even care whether you bottom or top more and are down with both…” I nodded as he continued, “That’s the way I wanna’ be too, I hate being stuffed into a box I don’t fit into…”

“In professional theater, we call that ‘Type Casting’ and it happens to me all the time, more when I was your age. And that goes for sex too – all the way up to the present day; looking like I do? Party guys think I’d never be into it…”

I paused to pull a big hit from my waterpipe, grabbed him by the neck, blew a shotgun into his mouth, and handed torch and bong over to him, then continued; “I’ll admit it sucks sometimes, but don’t let it get to you – just strike out and be yourself. Damn, kid, you are nice enough and hot enough that you’ll be able to stick to your own course if you want.”

He nodded as he inhaled the glass cock then pulled my neck to him and shot-gunned me as aggressively as I had just done to him. I winked at him as I exhaled and said “I’ve got a prediction here – I guarantee you after last night’s performance, NO ONE around here is going to typecast you as a twink bottom…” He grinned hugely at that. “Getting typecast as a redneck TOP, now that might happen from now on…”

“Oh yeah? Well, then…” at that the little ginger hottie pushed me onto the bed on my back and pulled up my legs, his hard cock ready for entrance.

“Hey country-boy! Some lube? Yeah, I’m pretty open but currently dry down there…” He smirked and dropped to his knees alongside the bed and dove face first into my hairy hole. Unfortunately, it was too good to last. Not two minutes after we started there was a commotion out in the hallway and we heard someone knocking on the door of the room next to mine (Father Frank’s) and then my door, with Zar voice calling “Seth? Miles? I need you both, emergency.”

“Damnation, what horseshit do they need from me right this minute?” Miles stood, and with the both of us fully naked, and hard, pulled open my door in annoyance and drawled, “you have the worst goddamn timing Zar…” Without blinking an eye at our condition, Zar bumped into the room and replied, “sorry guys, this really IS an emergency, one of the guests…” he was cut off by Seth busting in behind him whining “Now, what?”

The disheveled and confused blond twink was trailed by a rumpled Father Frank looking utterly pleased with himself, Seth wearing a very skimpy purple bikini brief and Frank looking kind of studly in an old Bike jock strap. Zar closed the door behind them, then spying my bong and torch grabbed them, sparked the torch and once the vapor began to churn, took a large hit then sighed as he blew a major cloud into the room. “Sorry for not asking Daddy J, but I really needed that… thanks.” I put my hands up indicating it was no problem then indicated to him to pass it around once he started talking again. Everyone took a hit or two.

“So last night, during the blackout one of the guests stumbled on the stairs once the emergency lighting started fading. It hurt, but not really badly, he thought, so he continued playing for a bit, then went to bed after popping a couple of PM painkillers. When he woke up a little bit ago he was in agony, his ankle swollen to the size of a cantaloupe and angry red, black, blue and purple… and he can’t walk, AND he’s a single, no one with him.”

“Provincetown Ambulance, or Outer Cape Health?” I queried.

“Called ‘em both,” Zar replied. “The Ambulance Corp is swamped because of the storm last night, apparently there were lots of similar and worse injuries around town, and Outer Cape is understaffed today – the doctor can’t get in, and the tech for x-rays and stuff is one of the injuries from last night… so our guest Earl needs to get to Hyannis Hospital because I’ll be damned if that ankle isn’t broken.”

“Shit, that sucks,” Miles muttered. Zar continued, “It does. Now Karl and I are going to drive him down to Hyannis, so I need you two on duty right now.” Looking at the condition the four of us were in he said, “I know I’m cutting into off-time for two of you and fun time for Daddy J and Father Frank, and I promise I’ll make it up to all of you somehow, but it’s Saturday morning, our busiest time for check-ins and outs for the entire week and Miles, you’re the only one who can take over the front desk for me, and Sethie, I need your magic down in the laundry to get all the sheets and towels we used up last night ready for the guests, especially the check-ins. I’m sorry, really.”

“It’s totally understandable, man” I told him; “and it’s the right thing to do on your part, both as a human being AND as the on-site manager of this business. I’m sure these two young studs will find time for us ol’ geezers later in the weekend.” Father Frank nodded and mumbled his agreement. I started the bong going around again saying “why don’t you guys all take a hit or two to get your energy back up before you all run downstairs and have to get busy…” Zar whispered “Thanks, I owe you one…” in my ear, after he blew his cloud, the boys took their hits, nodded to each other and shot-gunned me and Frank. With a “bye daddies, why don’t you two take care of each other” indicating our hard cocks, the three of them slipped out my door and closed it behind them.

Looking at my old buddy, whom I’d known for fifteen years but had only played with sexually for the first time only a few hours ago, I enjoyed the view of the compact little Episcopal Priest who looked like a Kirk Douglas clone and was sporting wood in that classic jock of his. I was still fully naked except for a leather snap cock ring around my dick and was just as hard as he was. “It’s not a bad suggestion, you know” I smirked at him, “we did say we’d continue this later.”

“We did, didn’t we…” he mused, then added, “It still feels a little weird with you – old friend and my own age and all – but a few more clouds of this stuff and any hesitation will be gone.” I smiled as I held both torch and waterpipe for him to take a hit and was a bit surprised that he indicated a shotgun so I leaned down to him and touched lips as he shot the cloud into my mouth. Pleased, I set the computer to play porn again, added a few more rocks to the pipe and melted them. We proceeded to take a number of hits and shot-gunned each of them, with our lip contact getting more intense with each hit. Finally, I said it needed to cool down a bit, and taking one last huge lungful from the bong, I set both it and the lighter down and turned to Frank to share it. He pulled my head down to him and pressed his mouth much more intensely on mine this time. The shotgun turned into a pretty serious French Kiss, and that clergyman sure knew how to make out! After about 5 minutes of us sucking face, falling back on the bed, groping each others’ cocks, tweaking each other’s nips, squeezing each other’s butts and fingering each other’s holes, we pulled back for a breath, and all Frank said was “You’re right. Friends SHOULD fuck around. I think it’s your turn, right?”

I smirked, and said “hell yes… oops, sorry HEAVENLY yes.” He snickered while I took a second to pull poppers and Max Impact back out, and then lit the torch while Frank laid back on the pillows. I took a rip, handed him the set, and knelt between his legs. Taking his hard cock in my mouth I let the cloud billow all over his cock and balls, while he did a pretty good job getting himself a good hit without burning my stuff! As he blew that cloud down toward my mouth, I took a few minutes to orally appreciate his nice hard cut tool – almost a twin for my own in size, cut and girth, and he was much shorter than me – his nice sack of balls and a quick couple of licks to his taint, before I pulled two pillows, one for behind my head and one for under my ass, and spread my legs for him, showing my hole. “Ready!” I stated.

Frank got up on his knees and took one last long draw from the bong, put it down, and then copying me to a degree dove his face into my butt sticking his tongue in my hole and blowing that smoke slowly onto and into me. He then rimmed me spectacularly for a minute or two, and lubing my hole and his dick, slowly but steadily pushed into me. I moaned as he bottomed out and palmed the bottle of poppers to me, indicating both our noses. I really didn’t need them at the moment, but figured I’d go with his flow while he was topping – I took a small hit, then held them for him as he did big hits in both nostrils – this really set him going, and he started a nice hard grinding fuck with lots of hip action, and a good amount of nasty talk on his part. He might have been inexperienced as a bottom, but he was well-versed in topping. I responded to his excellent fuck with my own nasty responses to his sex chatter and worked my ass muscles on him for all I was worth.

“Holy Toledo!” he growled, “whatever you are doing with your ass, it feels amazing.”

“Just like what you’re doing with your cock man – see, age and experience can be a good thing…”

He nodded then indicated the bong, I took a quick hit and then held it for him while he took a long, long drag. He leaned down after I put the pipe down and rammed his mouth onto mine, exhaling the hit and then attacking my tongue with his. While continuing to play tonsil-hockey he really pounded me with a rapid bunny fuck that had both of us moaning into the other, tearing at each other’s nips and sweating like pigs… After a nice long pounding, he ground to a stop, still fully inserted. We both took deep breaths, and he slowly withdrew, both of us falling backwards laughing and gasping for air. “Nice work, Padre, that was one for the ages,” I complimented.

“Sure was… yowza, you can do wonders with that hole of yours,” “Not bad for a mostly Top, eh?” I asked.

“Now, Let’s see if I learned anything from that – I can’t believe I am saying this, but I need you to fuck ME again,” replied a chagrined Father Frank. “Well, your prayers are about to be answered Frank” I shot back.

I quickly got a small booty bump ready for him and shot it into his hole to work on releasing any inhibitions as we drank some Gatorade, changed the porn, wiped up a little bit with paper towels and took a few more hits on the bong. To distract him from the minor burn, I sat him on the edge of the bed as I frequently do with my bottoms, knelt on the floor on a pillow and proceeded to worship his hot hairy ass cheeks and manhole. I feasted on that sweet, clean, inexperienced butt going from kissing and sucking to deep tongue fucking and nipping until my old pal was groaning and grunting and finally begging me to “fuck me already!”

Standing up at the side of the bed, he grabbed my hard cock with lube in his hand and slicked me up while I took the lube from him and made sure his almost virginal hole was good and wet and slippery. He took a hit of poppers in each nostril, then nodded, whispering “Slow, please”. Nodding back, I slowly pushed the head of my cock into him, pausing if he flinched until I was finally balls-deep in him. “There it is man, those are my balls bouncing on your cheeks,” I growled. “I can’t believe how good this feels… wish I had done this before.” “Dude, I’ve wanted to do this since the first time I saw you in your cassock at your church. Always thought you were a hottie.”

I gradually began thrusting into him and accelerating until I had us moving at a good fuck-speed. “Holy Cow that’s amazing,” he grunted. I must admit, I always found his use of non-obscene cusswords and expressions amusing but found them even more so in a sexual environment.

Wanting to give him his money’s worth, I started varying my thrust speed and angle. It was easy enough for me to do, considering the discrepancy between our sizes and weights. I shortly had him taking it on his side, on his knees doggie style, then flat on his belly as I got up on the bed. Maneuvering us a bit, I popped out only for a minute while I got onto my back and had him ride me cowboy style. He seemed to like that a lot (many top guys learning to enjoy bottoming do, it gives you a sense of being more in control even if you are receiving…) and while he rode me he was able to grab the pipe and torch and had us exchange a few clouds more.

After letting the hot priest ride me for a few more minutes, it was time. Telling him to hang on, I rolled the two of us, returning me to top position in a Missionary position fuck, and began a steady bunny fuck while twisting and tweaking his nips. His rock-hard cock was pulsing all by itself, and suddenly he started to shake a bit and shoot his load.

“Holy Fuck!” he blasphemed, both of us a bit shocked by his outburst and both of us turned on by his hands-free orgasm. I started a breathless joyful laugh at that point and after a moment he joined in with chuckles of his own.

“You aren’t going to shoot?” he asked as he finally caught his breath. “No,” I huffed, “seems I need a bit more time to recharge and frankly some sleep – hint, hint.” I made sure that I gave him a big grin, so he wasn’t too put off by my needing a break to sleep, and fortunately he took that in good graces. “Thanks for opening my eyes among other things,” he quipped as he grabbed his stuff and headed for the door. “I may need some further tutoring in the future…”

“Any time…” I gasped. “Hey Frank? Need a sleeping pill?” he shook his head in the negative as he closed the door behind him. Setting an alarm for the late afternoon, I took one of my already halved sleep-aids and gulped it back with a full glass of water. Laying back on the bed, I closed my eyes, and with the night’s hot experiences replaying on my eyelids, after a few minutes I dropped off.


I woke briefly around 4 and noticed it was raining outside again, so no dune action for me today! Grabbing my alarm, I reset it for 5:15 and barely got that done before I returned to dreamland for another 45 minutes. Hearing the alarm, I was glad I had done so since that meant I had given my body a good six hours of sleep. Turning the claxon off, I stretched some and tumbled out of bed, heading to my cooler for some yogurt and fruit. As I munched, I checked my flip-phone for messages (remember this was 2006) and seeing none, assembled my kit for a shower and clean-out. Grabbing a towel and pulling on shorts, I made my way down to the desk, still manned by Miles, to see if I could still use the houseboys’ facilities downstairs. Assured that it was still okay, I asked how Earl was and was told that he did have a broken ankle and that Zar and Karl were on their way back with him even as we spoke.

Grateful for the continued use of the much larger and easier to use facilities, I headed down the back “Employees Only” stairs to the houseboy’s dorm. Giving a quick “Hello?” and getting no response, I headed to the showers and utilized the shower-shot before shaving and brushing my teeth and then a full shower, getting all the funk of the day off. It wasn’t until I was drying off that anyone came into the bunkroom at all. With a quick “hey daddy” Lorenzo was in and out without questioning anything, so I wrapped the towel, taking shorts and kit in hand and headed back up to my room.

I arrived at After-Tea right at 6pm and looked around the dance floor at the Pied Piper. I spied Lou and Vice right off and headed their way. Just as I got to them, I felt a tug on the sleeve and there was Jimmy with a big grin on his face. “Hey guys,” he began, “I want you to meet my niece and her boyfriend, Cassie and Doug.” He indicated two college types trailing him, his niece being a diminutive white goth-type with black fishnets under a black mini, gauzy black blouse, red bandanna and lipstick and black lined eyes and brows. Her boyfriend on the other hand, was pretty preppy, quite the contrast. Taller than me, he must have been 6’2”, a bit hefty but with a nice bubble butt, dressed in a polo, cargo shorts, socks and slides - very white, cute face and big black rimmed glasses, with short dark hair combed to one side.

Jimmy introduced us, and the niece looked like she was having a blast while the boyfriend looked a bit stunned at everything. Saying “let’s dance” Cassie pulled us all onto the dance floor, where there was so much of a crowd most of us could only sway (though as a professional dancer at the time, I got in some hot moves). After a bit, I dropped out of the group and leaned against the wall watching. Shortly thereafter, Doug joined me. “Wow, man” he said. “This town is really wild. Have you been here before?”

“Many times,” I replied. “I even lived here for five summers a while back.”

“And you were cool with all of this?” he asked. “You don’t seem like…”

“Hold it,” I broke in, “if you mean all this homosexuality, you’d best know that I’m gay before you go on…” I kept smiling however, since he was still young.

“Well, no, I mean, yeah, but…”

I stopped him again. “So, all of this is new and a bit unexpected for you, I’m guessing?” I asked. He nodded, “Cassie just said she wanted me to meet her uncle and that this place was wild and a lot of fun.”

“And that it is, and don’t worry you don’t have to be gay to have a wild and fun time here… I’m told the straight scene here can be lots of fun too.” “Oh, that’s good, I was getting worried,” he responded. “Cassie said coming here would ‘broaden our horizons’, still not sure what she meant by that.”  Seeing the group on the dance floor heading for the back deck of the club, I indicated we should follow.

Catching up to them outside, Lou had handed Cassie a vape pen and drawing a hit murmured “oh that’s good! Here, Douglas, give this a try.” She put the pen to his lips and activated it, gesturing to him to inhale and obviously giving him no choice in the matter. She had him take another few hits, then did a few more herself before returning the vape pen to Lou with a “thanks!” as she did so.

The group of us chatted somewhat pointlessly for a few more minutes, before Jimmy said “oops, it’s 6:30, we have to be going… have fun kids, we’ll see you later at the party at the Crown!”. They waved goodbye as Cassie pulled Doug back into the crowd and the four of us used the back beach gate to head to the alley and out onto Commercial Street.

“Can I ask what that was all about?” I said to Jimmy. “Sorry, didn’t mean to blindside you but you seem to have done exactly what I needed you to.” I indicated for him to go on.

“My niece wants to spice up their somewhat boring sex life and get Doug in touch with his wilder side – she thinks he has some bi tendencies, and she’s always wanted to be gang-banged, and wanted me to set up both, while getting them both high to do so. So that was the set-up, while the scene itself starts at the Crown Party tonight. We just gave them a preview of Miss Tina, and whether you knew it or not, you just gave him the first inkling that gay men aren’t just sissies and the like…”

“Devious” I responded, not sure whether I meant that as a compliment or not.

We headed over to one of the town’s leather stores that had a good variety of fetish wear. The clerk and I recognized each other vaguely from my days living in P’town a decade prior remembering a leather jock I bought from him back then. I picked up some more analeeze for myself (having given the stuff I had to Vice) then got another bottle of poppers, and a new chained set of nipple clamps, plus a pair of nipple suction cups.

When I was done with my own purchases, Lou asked me to advise on some leather wear for Vice, which he’d be paying for. Vice looked a bit taken aback and said “Yo, you sure man?” to which Lou replied “You gunna’ be my right-hand man, you gotta look the part…”

So the first thing I picked out, Jimmy seconded me on – a leather vest with no buttons or closures, but with leather fringe down the side seams. Sounds a bit like something Ike Turner would have worn, I know, but once we got his shirt off, it looked awesome on Vice. “Oh yes” said the salesman. “you’ll have them drooling wearing this.”

The second necessity from my point of view was a harness for Vice. I chose one that had leather shoulder straps, but big link metal chains around the sides and heading down the front to a cockring. Next was a pair of lederhosen style chaps with a snap-on snap-off front and back panel and big chrome rivets running down the side seam.

“Would you come with me to the fitting room, young sir?” the salesman asked with a vulpine smile on his face. “Go ahead, enjoy the fitting,” I said as Lou nodded for Vice to go on.

While they were gone, Jimmy and Lou and I cruised the store looking at more things for sale. The absent two made a brief return for Vice to show off his new regalia both with the flaps on, and then with a slight blush as the salesman pulled them aside, with the flaps off. There was no denying his cock had a semi, and that it was wet. They returned to the dressing room while we chuckled and shopped some more.

By the time they returned, the clerk with a smile and Vice with a smirk, I had gotten some toy cleaner; Jimmy had gotten lube and a new paddle; and Lou had picked up a jock, some Max Impact and four leather armbands, two of which were intended for Vice. Lou picked up all of Vice’s items plus his own and wanted to pay for the stuff Jimmy and I had, but we thanked him and refused, paying our own on these minor purchases. The clerk widened his eyes when Lou paid for all his purchases in cash. He told us he hoped all of us would return soon, with a wink and a smile.

As we exited the store, Lou asked Vice, “So did he give you all the service you needed?” Jimmy and I snickered a bit. “Yo, guys, that dude got me back there and once I had my pants down he had my dick in his mouth in about half-a-second,” Vice told us. “I would have bumped him off, but it felt so good, I just let him go to town for a bit. He pulled off and said that he needed me hard to test the fit of the pouch and the cockring. After we came out to show you how I looked, he gave me a bit more head before he stopped and looked at me – I told him yo man, have a party to go to later if you catch it. He did and let me get dressed after that.” We all chuckled some more. “He did give me his card with his number, yo…” he finished, joining us in our laughter.

It was only a block or two to Jimmy’s place and once inside he pulled out his big glass bong and loaded it up while putting some porn up on his big screens. We all blew some nice clouds while Lou took the time to give Vice the two leather armbands, which looked awesome on his pumped biceps.

Jimmy said that he and Lou had to go and make more preparations for the group scene later this evening and needed us to hang until he called us around 11. It seems he wanted us to meet him and Lou and the niece and her boytoy at the Crown, and then as things progressed, join them in the kids’ room. Once things started going, I was supposed to bring Doug back here to Jimmy’s where a few tops would meet us, and Jimmy and Lou and Vice would stay in the room with some others coming to fulfill Cassie’s end of her fantasy. And no, Jimmy was NOT going to fuck his niece, he was hanging to assure her safety. They would then head down to Jimmy’s later to reunite the two kids.

“In the meantime,” Jimmy asked. “Could you two do me a favor? Normally on a Saturday I would have one or both of my gloryholes open from now until I went out at 10:30 or 11. It’s one of the busiest times and I’m afraid some of my regulars would be ticked off if there’s no one manning them tonight. Would you guys consider doing that for me?” Again, Lou nodded in Vice’s direction, and so he nodded yes as I replied, “sounds like fun to me!”

Jimmy made sure we had his big bong handy with a bag of shards from Lou. There were lubes, poppers, Max Impact and bottles of water at hand, plus he activated the screen in the gloryhole alcove (see Part 1 and Part 2) and put some gloryhole porn on it. Reminding me of how the exterior lights and camera worked and how to turn them on once we were ready, Lou and Jimmy told us to have fun and left by the ground level entrance to Jimmy’s house.

Left to ourselves, I noticed Vice was already stripping, so I joined him in getting naked. From Jimmy’s collection on the wall of the playroom, I pulled two stretchy cock-rings and some paper towel rolls.

“Are you okay with this?” I asked Vice. “Hell yeah, this’ll be wickie hot,” he replied, “like a vending machine of dicks!” Then I followed asking the enthusiastic newbie, “These holes are set up so that you can get fucked too. Are you ready for that if you feel like doing so?” “Sure am, used that shooter in Lou’s shower,” he responded, grabbing the bong and melting the congealed puddle on the bottom of the bowl.

As I watched him take a huge rip, I thought how this kid was supposedly straight as an arrow just over 48 hours ago, and now he was enthusiastic to work a gloryhole? Astonishing. There had to be something more to this in the background that I was unaware of, but my musing was derailed as he took another big hit and shot-gunned it to me. Fuck the mystery, it was time to play!

We each took a few more hits from the bong, and I suggested booty-bumps to get us in the mood for anything. Each getting a similar sized shard from the baggie we got down into a rimming 69, and after good tongue work on each other’s hole we pressed the shard as deep as we could into each other. I winced a bit at the burn, and Vice grunted “glad this part don’t last too long…”.

As the burn faded, I walked over to the gloryhole alcove which Jimmy had pulled the curtain on earlier. This was a bump-out on the side of the house near the rear corner that the Realtor in me suspected had been a coal chute in bygone days. As it was, it had two side-by-side “stations” facing the outer wall where the holes were. The holes were at average waist height on the outside of the house, but the alcove’s floor was a bit lower than that (hence my feeling it was a coal receptacle in the past) with what looked for all the world like the kneelers from church on the floor of each station – there was an extra pad to put in the closest station for Jimmy who was shorter than the average guy he’d have join him there. The full to the floor stations were built narrowly so that the walls of each chute left room along the sides for padded shelves for a guy’s shins, allowing him to face the other way and have his ass even with the hole. Between the two was a holder for poppers and such, a swing door with shelf to outside and a really primitive b/w security screen to see the visitors. Guys in the know knew that a single green light out by the fence both front and along the lane meant one cocksucker was available, two lights meant two were. Arriving in the roofed over alcove on the side of the house, there was a bell to ring if the cocksucker was away from the holes for a moment. Quite a system, actually.

I hit the switches for both holes, pulled the cork and wood plugs from both and watching the porn on the little screen at the back, while we sat cross legged across from each other stroking, smoking and laughing until the first “customer” arrived not 5 minutes later. The dude stepped up to the hole on the left, the one Vice had chosen, so he got on his knees and took in what looked like a decent sized dick. Only a minute or two later, the security cam showed another guy heading for the right hole and I got on my knees beside Vice and began servicing a fatter but shorter uncut dick. Using hand signals we decided to race to see who could get his guy off first. I won, but only by a couple of seconds.

After that there was a fairly regular stream, never more than a five-minute break with neither hole used. Sometimes just one of us was busy, sometimes the other, sometimes both. When it was just one, the other of us would rim, suck, or rub our hard cocks against the sucker’s ass. We had just taken a water break about an hour into the session when the security cam showed 2 guys showing up together. Vice immediately perked up and whispered “oh fuck this is hot! I know them, old friends… left, go left… YES” Though I didn’t know the whole story, what little I got made me very horny and I went to town on the other old friend while Vice slipped the longest cock so far between his lips.

Both dicks were beautiful, big and full, but Vice’s pal got a bit thicker than he could handle so we switched places briefly so I could deep-throat his pal. While stroking his other pal, Vice hissed through the swing door. “you guys want some ass? Wanna fuck?”. The guys indicated they did and asked for a bottle of poppers while Vice returned to his station and we both lubed our butts some and got on our shins and presented our holes to the wall.  Vice took a huff of poppers, passed them to me, and tapped on the wall to let them know to start.

Meanwhile, I torched up the pipe and we each took a hit as our holes got breached. Vice’s guy apparently made his entrance slowly, while mine was a bit more rushed. Once we had blown out our first hit, I whispered “so what’s the deal”. Vice replied likewise with a whisper that his guy was his best friend in elementary school and played on his hockey team in high school, and the other guy was his pal’s older brother. “I can’t believe I sucked on my buddy’s dick and now he’s got it fucking me… can’t wait for the next time I see him on the street or something and he doesn’t know that I know what his hard dick looks like and tastes like and that he fucked his old hockey buddy up the ass. So wickie hot!!”

We made out like teenagers before taking more bong hits as the straight boys outside banged our butts. At one point from outside we heard “Change up?” and the cocks pulled out briefly before we each felt a slightly different tool slip up our holes. “Damn, Jimmy,” came the voice from outside, “whoever you got workin’ the holes tonight, let us know the next time they are here… so good…” Vice and I smiled at each other as the guys withdrew again and returned to their original places to finish off. Sure enough, only a minute or two passed before my guy started to squirt with his brother starting right after. Once they both pulled out, we both sat back to breathe.

“Fuckin’ A, that was so hot,” Vice began. “Who’d a thought someday I would suck off my man Matteo, and get him to bang my ass. Damn he’s got an amazing dick!”

“His brother wasn’t bad either,” I smirked. “You knowing them made that a lot hotter too. And he has no idea who just got him off so well!”

“Shit, now that I know what his dick looks like and what a good fuck he is, I wonder if there’s any way I could get him tweaked up on T, and have him get naked and fuck around together… maybe get a piece of his ass too…” he mused.

“I like the way you think son,” I responded.

After that we only had one or two more who wanted to fuck, and neither were at the same time. In fact, both holes were only active at the same time once more before we closed down, but when one of us was sucking, the other was rimming him, or sucking him, or fucking him from behind. We kept each other quite happy as we finished off the 8 or so more guys who stopped by before 10:30 when we shut down, turning off the lights and closing up the alcove, putting the plugs back, closing all the lubes and poppers and turning the security cam off. Pulling the heavy curtain down over the alcove, we headed to the group shower Jimmy had on that level, did quick touchups and packed ourselves up (including Vice’s new leather attire and the baggie Lou left us).

Right on time at 11:00, Jimmy messaged us to “start heading down” and gave directions on how to properly lock his place up with the keys he gave me before he left. He knew I needed to stop at my guest house to change into fetish/club wear for the party and get Vice changed into his. Jimmy naturally worked this time into his schedule for the evening. I messaged back we’d be there before 11:30.

Swinging out onto Commercial Street together, I looked at Vice and said “Looks like you’ll be getting some real pussy tonight, that must make you happy…” He shrugged and said, “Not really sure pussy will be as much fun, and besides, Jimmy’s niece looks kinda skanky, don’t she…?” “I thought she was kind of a manipulative little minx,” I replied. “Already got one of those, who needs more?” Vice quipped. I laughed and slapped him on the back as we headed through the fog to my guesthouse.




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