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Posts posted by rawTOP

  1. Click here to see Pussy Boi's original blog post...

    It is bowl season. Turn the TV on over the next few weeks and you're likely to see a football game. Yesterday was the Las Vegas Bowl - OSU vs. BYU. Not a good day for the Beavers...got pummelled in the desert. You may recall that I have some friends that are bigtime OSU fans and love their football get togethers (see last post here). Well, since I am on break and many guys are off doing family/holiday stuff, I had no expectations of seeing them for this game. Frankly I forgot it was on. Well, on Tuesday morning I got a call from Kyle wondering what I was up to and if I wanted some. Duh. He said that a few of them were getting together at a bar and was seeing if I wanted to join. I asked who all was going and he said he wasn't sure, but it would be a surprise. OK...just say when and where. Sidenote: I am discovering that this is what sluts should do....don't ask too many questions, just be sure you're a sure thing, be reliable and go, say, do as you're told.

    So I rolled into the restuarant/bar place - won't say exactly where but sort of one of those upscale brewery type joints that charges too much for anything because of the 'atmosphere.' Whatever, the place was pretty busy, and found Kyle and Matt, plus one of their friends, Colton. Let me just say it now...Colton was the spitting image of Ryan Sheckler. Ridiculous hot face. Without boring maaco-bowl-las-vegas.jpgyou with the game details, the Beavers sucked it up, but we watched, hung out, drank, ate some wings, and all was cool. After the game, there were no plans. I forgot to mention that Matt and Colton had been having this side conversation going for much of the night, which I wasn't privy to (and still am not, but suspect it was something having to do with me). Well, Matt spoke up in his usual arrogant and assuming way and bluntly asked me in front of Kyle and Colton "How badly do you want our cocks right now?" I have to admit I was embarrassed for a split second and kindof a deer caught in the headlights, but I swung right back and said "Do you even need to ask?". He then said "That is what I thought." Then the conversation went on to be about how pissed he is right now and just needs to fuck something. I immediately spoke up and told him "I could easily handle that". Jeezus, I am getting really ballsy these days, but was just playing the part I suppose.

    So we got the check and bailed. They told me to just leave my car and we phello_my_name_is_cock_sucker_postcard-p239438397830194149qibm_400.jpgiled into Kyle's Xttera with Matt in the passenger seat and me sitting next to Colton in the back. With music roaring, Kyle leaned back to Colton and said "Dude, you gotta give his throat a try. It is really intense and he knows what he is doing." Colton just looked at me and I couldn't take my eyes off his lap, and made my move onto the backseat floor and my face in his crotch. He seemed bit stiff and unsure, but I licked his cock through his jeans, goit it hard, then unzipped him and yanked his cock out which was perfect - not sure on size, but great length , big cut head and good girth. And I went to work. Kyle and Matt I heard laughing up front, but continued to suck him off for maybe 10 minutes before he shot a load and swallowed every drop.

    We didn't have any place to go, so they parked a car in some business park back out of the way, and Kyle and Matt took turns in the backseat and fucked my throat and fed me a load each. Of course, my pussy was itching for cock at this point bigtime, so I asked all of them if anyone wanted to fuck me. Colton definitely was not into it (I suspect this may have been his first anything with a dude), Matt just blew, so was not up yet, but Kyle said sure. He was in the front passenger seat at this point, so I pulled my jeans off, climbed in front and sat on his cock facing him and rode it like a good fag. Hurt a little right at first since there was no lube, but once I got going, I could have gone all night. Matt dumped another mixture of baby juices in my pussy and then was spent as well. They let me dress, drove me back to my car, said good night and that was that. Just another day at the office! ;-)

    I love when the Beavers lose....

    Merry Christmas everyone.



  2. Click here to see Pussy Boi's original blog post...

    Hope everyone had a great Christmas - had a good one here...new iPod Nano, clothes, underwear...the usual. Has been a good week, have gotten loads each and every day I have been home. I got some random cock from online, Cameron has fucked me twice more since last weekend, Kyle introduced me to a guy he knows and got raped by him in Kyle's room while he and his parents were downstairs, and hit the porn store again Thursday afternoon and got 3 anonymous loads in my cunt. No complaints.

    This week I am around and planning for more usage. Have a New Years Eve party that is being organized amongst some close friends, so will very likely be celebrating with my legs in the air. Of course, I will be sure to report back on how things go here, but am planning on having my holes filled into 2010...question.jpg

    I was thinking about how this blog, so far, has turned into me just reporting back on times I get cock and loads. I realized that this is is fairly one dimensional, but am not quite sure what other sorts of information to write about. So, wanted to ask others....what would you like me to write about? I am an open book, so if there are specific things you want to know, learn, hear, then drop a comment or a note and I'll queue up some posts and try to add other sorts of content beyond my daily whorish moments. Hope to get some good ideas.



  3. Click here to see Pussy Boi's original blog post...

    Thanks for all the suggestions of what to write about here!!! I really appreciate it and still am blown away at the response I have gotten so far. I have had quite a few suggestions of what to write about (I plan to answer each and every one), but decided it made a ton of sense to start at the beginning.

    Q: How did you become a cumdump?

    I was 15 years old when I became a cumdumpster. I was going into my junior year in high school, it was summer time (August), and I was attending a soccer camp for one week (Sunday to Sunday). I planned to play soccer for school, I played in a "classics" league that was a year long program, and was at camp to brush up before try-outs. The camp was being held at a college campus and we even got to stay in dorm rooms for the week, which for a 15 year old was awesome. I had some friends at this particular casoccer.gifmp, but out of the ~150 guys there, I maybe knew 10. Camp was fairly straight forward - workouts in the AM and scrimmage before lunch, then after lunch a few more scrimmages, drills, and a long run to make you hate everything about soccer to end the day. It was a pretty intense camp with very little time off, except for during lunch and in the evenings when they'd set up nighttime games and alot of guys would just do their own thing with their group of clicky friends.

    On Wednesday after the AM scrimmages, I headed back to my dorm room to drop some things off and make a phone call before grabbing food. I was sharing the room with a friend of mine, Jason, but he wasn't around. Jason was ridiculous hot - about my height (6'), curly blonde hair, blue eyes, probably the most cut up body I knew that I had seen shirtless up close. I had jacked off about him before, so was welcoming the chance to see him up close and personal all week. I saw his underwear on the floor, so I picked it up and decided to jack off real quick before going to get some food. I sat on his bed, took my shorts and jock off, and whipped it out. I was imaging Jason with my eyes closed and his underwear in my face. I opened my eyes and Jason had walked in and gotten an eye full. Holy shit, so embarrassed! I tried to play it off, but he just laughed and asked WTF I was doing on his bed and with his underwear?! Called me a fucking freak and that was that. I kinda hoped it would never come up again.

    That night after a very long day, I was back in the room, and thinking about calling it a day. Jason was in his bed reading something and I decided to say good night. He said good night and both our lights were out in about 10 minutes. A few minutes later, I could hear Jason jacking off. I just knew that was what he was doing. I couldn't resist and said "Dude, what you imagining over there?" He laughed and said nothing. I said yea right. Then a few minutes later I heard him at it again and I decided to just shut up. Then he spoke up and said "You think you could help me out over here?" I don't think I could have jumped any faster, I got up, and sat on the edge of his bed, he pulled his sheet down and showed me this enormous fucking cock (for a 15yo = like 8.5x6.5c). He said "You like? Will you help me get off?" I said sure, so I touched a dude's cock for the very first time and gave him a hand job. He then pulled me into him and kissed me, I kissed back. I ended up under his sheets and we played with each other for a while. Then he got on top of me and dry fucked me and I could hardly believe this was even happening. He then asked if he could fuck me. I told him I didn't know if I could, but sounds hot. So he took his sweet time spit lubing me and he did eventually get inside me, although it hurt like fuck. He fucked me for like 15 minutes, real gentle at first but picked up rhythm and had my knees at my ears, his arms holding them back as he pounded my cunt. He ended up cumming on my abs and I jacked off onto myself as well. Was an incredible first time with an extra hot dude, but did not necessary equate to being a cumdump...

    The next day, I thought about the night before constantly and was wondering/hoping it would happen again the following night. Jason said nothing about it and the night ended uneventful. On Friday, the day went on and on, and that night, I was back in my room hanging out and Jason wasn't around. At about an hour before lights out, Jason and a friend of his (name was Nick) showed up. We made small talk and then Jason abruptly said "Dude, I gotta get in that pussy of yours again. I told Nick and he wants a piece too. You game?" I was pissed since I didn't want other people to know and was scared about who else he had told. I told him I guess so. He said good. He then had me strip naked for them and I sucked them both off and then they took turns finger fucking me and talking about it and then fucking me in Jason's bed. Was fucking awesome I admit, but I felt dirty afterwards. At lights out, Jason said "Hey, thanks again for tonight, can't believe you've never done this before." And that was that.

    I was really angry at Jason the next day, but just went on with my day and kindof tried to forget about it. In reality, I had fantasized about what had happened over the last few days, so I shouldn't be pissed. After the run that night, Jason found me and asked what I was doing tonight. I told him I had planned to go chill with some friends in their room later. He said 'You gotta skip that, I need that pussy dude and I know a few others that do too." I was like WHAT!!! You got to be fucking kidding me, why are you telling others?! This is not for general knowledge...I have a girlfriend for christ sake! He said to chill out, that it wasn't general knowledge, but he knew some dudes who were into fuckin guys and chicks and he told them he knew a guy here who was a good fuck. I asked who they were, he avoided the question, and said, "Skip out on your plans and be back in the room around 7pm."

    So, I strongly considered not being there, but I couldn't resist. Something inside me wanted/needed to be there and I couldn't stop thinking about getting fucked. It felt so incredibly good, 3812162998_7b44d9a724_o.jpgalmost immediately. I had read horror stories of how badly it hurt, but for me it felt natural from the get go. So, I was in the room by 7 and Jason showed up, but this time with 5 guys. I recognized all of them and was embarrassed as fuck since I knew they knew I was a fuckhole for cock now and didn't really want that reputation (that has changed entirely since then), I was scared shitless - how the fuck am I supposed to handle this, and I was fucking hard as a rock. Jason made formal introductions of everyone and then formally introduced me as "This is the cumdump I was telling you about." My name and calling was now official. He then intructed me to get down on my knees and they all circled around me and passed me around from cock to cock as I sucked them off and tried to keep up. At one point, someone was sitting on one of the beds and I was sucking them off and I felt someone come behind me, take my pants off, off and began to prod my ass. I was very tight and we didn't have any lube, but once they got started, my pussy went to work. And this time, they all came in my pussy. Each and every one of them left their baby juice inside me. I was scared to death that I was going to get HIV or some disease but absolutely LOVED the feeling of warm loads spraying inside me. It was my first gangbang, my first bareback session, and my indoctrination into being a cumdump.

    Since that point, I have been a cumdump. I realized how much I loved it and how good I was at it and started actively seeking more. Some of the guys went to my high school and Jason obviously did, so they continued to use me as their cumdump and my reputation grew from there.



  4. Click here to see Pussy Boi's original blog post...

    avatar_poster.jpgI went to see the movie Avatar in 3-D today with a couple friends. Good movie and worth seeing in the theater. The theater was packed wall to wall, so we were down in front close to the screen. I saw one guy there with two chicks who I thought was hot - very tall (like 6'4 maybe), had a flat brim hat, thin but could tell had some muscules and tone from his arms (had a short sleeve tshirt on), cute face. We caught eyes a couple of different time. The previews had begun and I decided to run out to the bathroom before things started. I got in there and was standing at the urinal. The guy I had noticed then stepped up to the urinal next to me. He then said "Dude, do I know you?" I said, mid-stream, "I don't know, do you?" He said "Yeah, I'm pretty sure I do. Seen some pictures of you from a friend. Know what I'm talking about?" I was shakin the piss out at this point and said "Well maybe, what kinda pictures and from who?" and he said "Pictures that only certain people know about and Matt XXX (leaving last name off to protect). Yes, I knew exactly what he was talking about. I turned around and went to go wash my hands and didn't answer him. He stepped up to the sink next to me and said "Don't worry dude, its all good. What's your number? I'll give you a call sometime and see what's up." I hesitated, but gave him my number, and then went back into the theater and watched the movie. I didn't see him after the movie, but am hoping he calls. And WRT the pictures he referenced, my bud Matt has some pics of me taken with his cell phone of me with his cock in my mouth and cum on my face. He said it was for his personal usage and to make sure I keep cumming back. I told him a picture isn't necessary, but he insisted. And like a good slut, I do as I'm told for dick and loads.156662280615658129-7673938522567984930?l=pussyboicumdump.blogspot.com


  5. Click here to see Pussy Boi's original blog post...

    Got an email from a old fuckbud I knew when I was in high school this morning. Here is what he wrote:


    Hey dude,

    Long time no talk - you still around? Not sure if you are home for Christmas, but visiting my parents until New Year's Eve. Would be hot to fuck some ass while at home. Do you remember me? We fucked a few times at my apartment. I'm a dom alpha top into submissive guys who like to get fucked hard. Just looking for some fun with another guy who wants to be a sub bitch boy. I would love to use and abuse you. I am 6'2, 177# and work out. I am a masc and cocky jock with a twisted and dom side. I am really turned on by a sub jock who likes rough fun. I would love to use you like a pussy boy. Let me know if you want to meet up.

    [Here are the pics he sent as well to remind me]


    114.jpga6.jpg beach.jpg 111.jpg 112.jpg a4.jpg

    Of course I remembered him, but I hadn't seen any of these pics of him before and he has filled out nicely. And the fact that he is a dom type just turns my knobs for sure. So, I responded back immediately and said:


    Hey man,

    Yeah, of course I remember you. Always loved having you fuck me. I am definitely down and around for the week. Keep me posted. Would love to be your bitch boy for your use.


    I got an email back like a hour later and he wrote:

    Nice dude. I live in New York now, and been exploring my more dominant personality since graduating. Looking for a submissive jock who lets me push his boundaries. You want to give it a go? I'm free till 4pm.


    Ch-ching. Absolutely. I emailed him back and I was at his house within 45 minutes. I showed up in a red AE sweatshirt, jeans and a my white vans. It was his parents house, but had the place to himself. I rang the doorbell, he answered in his underwear, and invited me in. We made some small talk for a minute and then he asked if I was ready to do as I was told. I said "Yes Sir". He had me strip down to my underwear and then he wanted to wrestle me in the family room. He told me he wanted me to try and win, but that I wouldn't and winner takes all. Uhhh...ok...whatever (not really into the whole wrestling thing, haven't done it other than in 7th grade gym class). So, we wrestled for a few minutes and it took him no time at all to have my face smashed into the carpet, my arms pinned behind my back in some weird pretzel-like way and told me to say uncle. I called him 'a stupid gym rat' and that really pissed him off. He kept me pinned and grabbed my nuts through my underwear and squeezed until I was literally screaming like a little girl. I eventually said uncle because I seriously couldn't handle the pain (that is another thing...I am not all that much into pain and shit). He then proceeded to lick the tears off my face and called me a pathetic faggot and spit on my face.

    He then let me out of his death grip, and ordered me out of my underwear. I was hard as a fucking rock. He then sat back on the couch and ordered me to give him a tongue bath. He made me lick clean his feet, pits, abs, pecs, and then had me take his underwear off and clean his asshole, balls and finally cock. He kept spitting on my face while I did it too and calling me names and telling me what to do. Really got into being verbal and humiliating me. Laughed his ass off a few different times...he thought he was pretty awesome. He finally let me nurse his fat cock and made me get it really wet and sloppy and hard. When it was ready, he had me turn around, get on my hands and knees and he pounded the fuck outta my cunt doggie style. He kept asking "You like that bitch?" I kept saying "Yes Sir". That made him fuck harder. He eventually filled my pussy with his 'jock babies' as he called them.

    He didn't want me to cum, said he could give a flying fuck less. Though, he left his mark by grabbing a sharpie pen from a desk in the kitchen and literally putting his John Hancock on my right ass cheek so that others would know he filled me. SO FUCKING HOT. I have a total fetish/fantasy about having guys mark me up with ba sharpie pen so I am reminded constantly what a cumdump bitch I am.

    I was so horny still that I went to the porn store and had some random cock breed me again. I don't think he had any clue he was load #2 and he didn't say anything about the signature on my ass (disappointed). It was a quickie and the place was pretty dead so I headed out.

    Just another day at the office. ;-) And it is only Monday. I love being a slut!!!



  6. Click here to see Pussy Boi's original blog post...

    I can't take credit for naming him this (one of you did), but it works. And I actually have no clue still what his name is, so MovieTheaterDude works. Refer to this post if you need background. Long story short...he texted me today and we met. It was with very little bullshit and fanfare, which was nice. Here is how it went:

    MovieTheaterDude (10:07am) - Hey, its the dude from the theater the other day. Sup?

    Me (10:19am) - yeah, i remember. just hanging out. sup w/ u?

    MovieTheaterDude (10:55am) - I need some discrete head. you game? got the place to myself.

    Me (10:58am) - sounds good. i need it bad. just say when and where.

    MovieTheaterDude (11:06am) - XXXX NW 165th Terrace. When can you be here?

    Me (11:10am) - let me shower and can be there in 30 minutes. cool?

    MovieTheaterDude (11:12am) - cool. grey house on left, silver acura in driveway. come get it fag.

    So, I think I put skid marks in the carpet on my way to brush my teeth and shower. I put on some new AF jeans, red hoodie and a flat brimed Quicksilver gold hat on and went on over. It was easy to find and was there with a few minutes to spare. I knocked on the front door and a minute later emerged MovieTheaterDude. He was actually a hell of a lot cuter than even I remembered - definitely tall, brown hair, great blue eyes, an easy smile, was masculine, kinda goofy, but sexy as fuck. He let me in and then I followed him into a room to the right that was kinda a den with a couch and a desk and stuff. He then said "I can't fucking believe it is you. I knew it was you when I saw you at the movies, but never did I think I'd meet you." I responded "Yeah, kinda trippy. I asked Matt to not show those pics, but I guess it is good he did cause now I'm here." He said "Yeah, good shit. I could really use a fucking amazing blowjob." I said "Hell yea bro." I then took my hat off and then my sweatshirt (I like to be naked when I do things for guys, makes me feel more like a slut), put my hat back on, but then took my jeans off (no underwear as usual) and he just watched and smiled. He said "damn dude, nice body." I said thanks. I then got on my knees, opened my mouth as wide as I could and he stepped close to me and I sucked his dick through his jeans and felt it get hard. He held the back of my head and was just talking under his breath. I then unzipped his pants and continued to suck his cock through his boxers. It seemed to be nicely proportioned, good thickness, but was plenty hard. I finally let it loose and out popped a great cock, nice trimmed bush, and pointing straight at the sky with a big muchroom head. I grabbed it with my hand and began jacking him off with the head in my mouth. I then took him to the base and then began to slobber all over it without using my hands. Then I added my hand in to give him the full effect of a handjob/blowjob all at once. Once I started this, he started moaning and then eventually said "I'm gonna blow." I told him "Fuck yea dude, feed me and slam it down my throat please". That obviously got him going and he started really fucking my face real good and then I felt his boy juice release and hit the back of my throat and flood my mouth. I continued to suck and swallowed every drop. I released his cock and then went back to be sure I didn't leave any yummy cum. I then let him go (this all probably lasted maybe 15-20 minutes max) and got up off my knees and started to get dressed. He just had a great look on his face and said 'thanks' a couple different times. Once I was dressed, I sort of just started walking back towards the door to let myself out. He followed. I opened the door, told him 'thanks again' and to let me know if he ever needs it or any of his friends need it (another rule of a slut...when meeting a guy for the first time, be sure to offer your services again afterwards and always encourage him to mention it to his friends too. Word of mouth is a powerful tool). He said 'definitely' and then said "I'm sure glad Matt told me about you, that is exactly what I needed. Take it easy." And with that, I left.

    I will be out of pocket for the next few days busy with things. But I am pleased to tease you all in that I have consecutive gangbangs tomorrow night and also on New Years Eve. Hell yes. And there is a good possibility I will be the game whore for the Rose Bowl game on Friday as well. Gonna be a busy rest of the week before heading back to school.

    Happy New Years!156662280615658129-5324899734276810976?l=pussyboicumdump.blogspot.com


  7. Click here to see Pussy Boi's original blog post...


    Thanks for all the awesome notes, messages and comments. I'm sorry I've been off my blog schedule...back to school and really busy. I also have new roommates, so have been spending a little too much time partying and not enough time online. Anyways, wanted to drop a note and say thanks to everyone - I have now over 100 followers and 3,000 views. Amazing. Thanks again!

    3422602780_1cca0d4cf4_o.jpgHere is a pic for your pleasure to say thank you!!!

    And yes, I continue my slutty ways here. I need to begin tracking better my shenanigans, but I estimate I am ~30 loads in so far in the first 13 days of the year.... not bad. Will try and commit some time very soon to update everyone on my New Years (keep getting asked about that), plus I have a stable of questions you guys threw at me that I am also wanting to answer and get to. Definitely will do that too.

    Hope all is well and having a kick ass 2010 so far.156662280615658129-3183469767280289047?l=pussyboicumdump.blogspot.com


  8. To see Runner To Be Bred's original blog post click here

    Hey guys,

    Sorry for the slight delay in updates the last few weeks since me getting back to California. So the last week has definitely been interesting. I have had 2 different guys load me up real good on separate occasions.

    The first is a porn star that happens to be friends with one of my roommates here in NC. The roommate flew him out here so they can drive cross country together this week to help him move out to Vegas for awhile. This porn star is quite a Foxxx if you know what I mean :)

    Anyways, he gets here this past Saturday and we do the normal intros. Well my roommate decides he wants to go take a nap which leaves me and the Foxxx as the only ones in the house. So I take him in my room where we start talking and all. Earlier in the day we had exchanged several dirty text messages back and forth where it was discussed how much I love to be fucked and how good of a top he is, etc. So within a few minutes of being in my room, we start to kiss and slowly undress.

    Foxxx isn't really the type of guy for a lot of romance which didn't bother me at all. I start sucking his cock getting it rock hard for my tight ass. It had been just under a week when I was last fucked (see post about LA) so I was definitely wanting some big cock in my ass. He puts me on all fours and starts eating my hole out, getting it nice and wet. When it comes time to get to the fucking, he asks me to get my supplies out. I grab the bottle of lube and poppers but don't grab any condoms. He asks me if I had a condom and I said something to the effect of "yea but I want your cock in me raw if thats ok?" He doesn't even pause and says "sure."

    He's pretty cute, nice cock but not too huge but honestly, wasn't that great of a lay. He mostly wanted me to ride him, which is fine but I definitely prefer taking it from behind. I think I can take more of the dick that way and get fucked as hard as the top wants to pound my hole. So he unloads in me just as I'm cumming from jacking myself off as I ride his cock. I shoot a nice load on his chest to match the load that is now swimming inside of me.

    We get up, take a shower but then our dicks get rock hard again so we decide for a repeat. He ends up breeding me again but this time I don't cum. That night we went to a party and got home kind of late so we didn't end up fucking that night. Sunday however we ended up fucking when we got home from going out to see one of his friends perform in Drag. I got load #3 from him on Sunday night but the sex itself wasn't all that.

    So all in all, I got 3 loads from a porn star although the sex was pretty average actually. I had kind of expected more from him but oh well. The mind-blowing sex was to come later in the week apparently. :) I'll share that in my next post.5915034415707810694-8634925264543745480?l=runner2bebred.blogspot.com


  9. To see SFVersCumBoy's original blog post click here

    One of my favorite hook up sites is for bareback studs.

    In the past I had the pleasure of meeting up with a hot young guy and we had a successful blow job scene in the bathroom and we planned to meet again.

    Well, this time it happened to be while my husband was out of town so instead of trying for the tearoom we opted to meet at my place.

    Since I was going to be hosting, we agreed that fucking should be on the menu.

    I got home, got myself ready and prepped the sling room.

    When he showed up we got as far as the door way and started some heavy kissing.

    In his profile he mentions that he likes kissing and last time we were trying to be quiet - it was in a public bathroom, after all.

    Not knowing how long we were standing there sharing tongues gropes, I did finally get his pants undone, and underwear down.

    There was not a set agenda and with a nice thick cock in front of me I went down on it for some oral action.

    More minutes passed as I sucked his cock, stood up and continued with our kissing.

    About 20 minutes later, our kissing finally progressed to him turning me around and bending me over for some rimming.

    Nothing gets me going better than a hot warm tongue licking my hole and he was as ready for it as I was.

    I reached down to the floor and he spread my ass wide and started licking and sticking his tongue and fingers in. I could see a large drop of pre cum sitting at the end of his cock and had to reach over and stroke him.

    Then I stood up and with just a bit of our pre cum mixed with all that spit on my hole he slid into my ass.

    Now, I have been told by my husband and some others that my ass is always nice and tight - with this studs huge cock it was full and I had to grab the bottle of poppers. And then the fucking started!

    Leaning up against the doorjamb and the dresser I was set for him to pound my ass as fierce as he wanted.

    We got into a rythym of slow long thrusts and some real deep shoves. Nothing better than feeling the mushroom head shoving against your prostate to get the juices flowing.

    During his forward thrusts I would look back and lean in for another round of kissing and he would keep fucking and pounding.

    Standing there getting fucked hard and deep, stroking my cock and kissing was hot as hell but after 15 minutes it was time to move onto the sling.

    I hated to let his cock slide out but I jumped into the sling as quick as possible and he grabbed the bottle of lube.

    The whole time we were standing at the door and he was giving my ass a full pounding it was all spit and pre cum. Now that we were ready for him to go full force it was time for a bit more grease. I could see that his cock was getting a work out and I wanted him to be able to pound mercilessly into my hole.

    I told him we could lower the harness and he walked up and said it was good...then he pushed that slicked up mushroom head into my hole in one fell swoop.

    Ah yes! Now he can penetrate my ass to the hilt.

    There is nothing hotter than being able to lean back and see the guy fucking you with a huge smile on his face and feel every inch as it goes in and out, in and out, in and out....

    While he was pummeling my ass, he looked down and said it was a hot sight. Then he started to fuck me harder and I was stroking my cock.

    He leaned down and we were kissing again, and I played with his nipples some more.

    I had to take my hand off my cock and just lean back to feel his cock sliding in and savor the sensation.

    With his thrusting and my stroking it was leading up to a huge finish.

    Soon enough he said that he was getting close. I told him to let it go when he wanted and then he did!

    With a very loud moan and one last shove I felt it start to fill my ass.

    You know the cum load has some volume when the orgasm lasts that long and I dared not touch my cock until he was fully spent...but then again, I was ready to blow so I grabbed onto my cock before he opened his eyes and started cumming as he finished.

    My first shot went up towards my nipple and the rest was shooting onto my chest.

    Feeling his cock still buried up my hole and knowing two loads were shot was a perfect sling ending.3474577974612100795-835704538413238021?l=sfverscumboy.blogspot.com


  10. To see BB Cunt's original blog post click here

    Ok, this is just to keep the load count 2010 accurate...

    I was not very busy since I returned from Washington.... But I took a couple more loads. Nothing really exciting or kinky... So I will keep this short...

    Load 75: Hot sexy salt n pepper hair (my favourite!) fucker from france with a beautifl cock and a HUGE dick: it was a very nice fuck, he is such a hot guy, great kisser!!!

    Load 76 - 84: Sex party at Paddles in New York City. Was rather busy. But unfortunately the first 2 guys wanted to use a condom. I turned away immediately ;-) Then there was that fuckbench and I thought maybe me bending over it and just presenting my cunt would make the guys hot to breed me. So I did, and it worked. I love when guys at sex parties like this cum really quick at a certain time in the morning, It was about 3am and a lot of guys seemd to just want to cum up an ass real quick and go to bed. So, bending over, I took 6 loads. Don't know who fucked me, but it was definitely hot. I got one more load from some sexy skin guy with a HUGE dick and while he was fucking me I fucked that bb cunt's cummy ass and gave him my load... On my way home I decided to check out the Blue Store on 8th ave to see if there is another cock waiting to breed. Luckily, there was - not the sexiest guy, but he fucked me for 2 minutes through the glory hole and gave me his cum.

    Load 85 - 89: Sex Party "Gallery party" in New York city. It was not very busy - guess because of the shitty wheather. So, I switched to "total cumdump" mode. Everybody was fucking in the small darkroom area. I did not care and bend over right in the pretty well lit "lounge area". Soon the guys were lining up to fuck my ass which I loved! I took some "mercy fuck" cock. Not very attractive or athletic guys, but I did not care, just wanted their loads up my ass. So, the 5 loads I took in only 45 minutes were not bad.

    SO, the 2010 load count is 89 so far. I 'll have to think of a special scene to take number 100 already - any ideas, guys????768888045280187337-4879237354575477680?l=confessionsofabbcunt.blogspot.com


  11. To see BB Cunt's original blog post click here

    So, there I was - just took a nap, had 39 loads up my slutty ass and someone knocking on my door. I was awake immediately and opened the door: There was this middle eastern looking, buzzed, butch fucker in a leather vest waiting outside the door. He came in the room and I saw a couple of small ensigns on his leather vest. And on his slightly hairy chest there was a big round golden medal. He wore a full leather outfit - nice tight leather chaps, cap etc. Than I realized: That is the guy I 've been chatting with for some days. The gold medal made perfect sense - he was the Mr. Mid Atlantic Leather of the year 2009, apparently just back from being a judge at the Leather Contest. That fact that he came in his full Mr. Leather outfit drove me wild, I started sucking on his cock immediately and bend over to take his cock. Of course I told him about the amount of cum up my ass. MAN , THAT is a sure way to make the fuckers hot as hell. As I learned from Vince, talking dirty shit is a great way to get the cumloads up my ass quick... So, thats what I did - and it did not took long and Mr. Leather gave me Load number 40. Here is a picture:


    After that I decided to check out the After party of the contest, which was not necessarily the best idea. I thaught they'll have some dort of backroom with some action.. BUT nothing! After 30 minutes I returned to the hotel. The lobby was pretty busy so I decided to have a beer and see if I can find some hot fucker...A couple of guys came over to talk to me, but I thaught this is just too exhausting - I want cum up my ass no endless chatting and maybe even talking to a guy who wants to use a rubber. So I returned to my room and choose the outfit for my cumhunt: Black rubber gladiator skirt, black leather harness, black rubber boots - easy access to my cunt for everyone. From now on, again, my memory is a bit faded. To keep track with the load count I managed to go back to my room after every load and count it on a little sheet of paper...I remember two hot scenes though. On the 8th floor I was walking down the hallway and saw a guy standing outside his room naked with one of those cock pumping machines. He was mid 40ies, muscular built and I saw immediately : he is a pig. I entered his room and saw that there was a sling in the middle of the room. He closed the door and forced me to lie down on the sling. He sucked my cock, but I directed his raw cock up my ass. When he realised I wanted to get fucked raw he said something like: 'I knew you are a slut' and shoved his pumped dick up my cunt. He fucked me for a couple of minutes, than I said "Open the door". I wanted other guys to come inside the room and take turns on my ass. He happily opened the door and it did not take long and 5 or 6 guys gathered around the sling. He handed me over to a bear. He fucked me very hard and dumped his load. I could feel the cum dripping out of my ass as he pulled out. The next guy was ready with a hard dick and fucked me right after the bear. 'Man, that ass feels so good - how many loads u got up there?" he asked. I said as proud and loud as I could: "41 fucking loads up my slutty ass. And I want MORE!" He dumped his loads soon after that. The 3 other guys did not seem very interested in fucking me, so I did not see a point in staying. I said "Thank you" to the two cum donors and left. I visited a couple of rooms with some parties and took 5 more loads from god knows who over the next 2 hours. Than I felt like the whole scene in the hotel was slowing down, it was almost 3am. I decided I 'll have to find one last fucker to breed me and give me a change to shoot MY load (remember - I did not cum for the whole weekend...). And - lucky me - it did not take long and I met this sexy looking, skinhead on the hallway who seemed bvery interested. He was bold, maybe 40yo., black goatee, skinhead outfit, boots. You cold see he is positive. I passed by and kept on walking towards the elevetors staring at him. He came after me and opened the door that said "Ice machine and beverages". I followed him and there he was with his dick out waiting for me in the bright light next to the ice cube machine. And what a dick it was! HUGE, BEAUTIFUL! I dropped to my knees, sucked his cock and after a couple minutes I shoved his dick up my bare cunt. As I knew before, he did not hesitate (actually, thinking back - I did not meet a single guy who hesitated before fucking me bareback throughoit the whole weekend!) and fucked me right there. After some minutes I said he should follow me and I guided him to the elevator. I wanted to take that hot fucker back to my room for the last fuck of MAL. We waited fot the elevator and in the elevator, I shoved his cock up my ass again. When the elevator opened on the 7th floor, there was a group of guys waiting outside who could see us fucking. MAN, how i love being watched! We entered my room and I left the door open. He fucked me and I could feel he has a lot of fun doing it. Soon a guy who fucked me last night came inside the room. He is a HUGE muscular daddy type, I also took his load on a trip to Chicago once. So he knew I am a total slut. The two fuckers took turns fucking my ass and the daddy type guy bred my ass soon. I guess he was also ready to go to bed and finish the MAL weekend. Skinguy stayed and kept fucking me for some time. Usually I am not at all into getting fucked for that long. but I knew it ll be the last fuck of MAL 2009 and he was pretty good in what he is doing, so it was ok. I stroked my dick and said: "Man, u wanna give me the last load this weekend? u wanna give me number 49??? u wanna breed that ass?" I stoked my cock and I finally came with his huge ass up my cunt. When I did, he moaning load and finally shot his load too..... Perfect timing!!! I thanked him for the donation and he left. So, 49 loads - I was so proud of myself!

    I started preparing for the departure on the next morning and I looked through the MAL promotional material. I found a little bussines card with a photo: It was the skin who just bred my ass!!!!! It said: Mr. Maryland leather 2009 "Sir Hooker". DAMN, the second Mr. Leather in just one day! SO HOT!

    So, next morning Vince wrote an text message asking "Load count, faggot?" I wrote that I took 49 loads, and I tried to get 50 but I did not make it. Than he wrote back: "Actaully, you got 50, I dumped a load and did not tell you..." FUCK YEAH! I made it, my first actual 50 LOAD WEEKEND! Man, I am still so PROUD of myself!

    So, this is the last report of MAL 2010. Leave your comments guys!!!768888045280187337-1024537391712474870?l=confessionsofabbcunt.blogspot.com


  12. To see Billy Twee's original blog post click here

    This documentary is not a review of Mack, but rather what transpired during my visit there last Saturday. First off, Mack is well-managed with the best music I ever heard in a sex club and a campy, generous front desk staff...I got a discount for being a veteran. The last time I was there was before the remodel...my fuck buddy Craig and I needed a place to fist...he had already fucked my ass in his room at the Holiday Inn and I wanted to return the favor by fisting his hot hole (we had met at one of Tom Fister's parties in the Castro) and we both preferred a sling rather than a bed or the floor. I bare fisted Craig's big hole at the Mack that night and there wasn't much else going on at the time (I've forgotten what night of the week it was) and we drew a curious crowd, such as it was. I thought that Mack was OK and a place with some potential if one bottom wanted to get his butt plowed, and the atmosphere was bareback-friendly.

    I checked in around midnight and there wasn't much happening, although attendance built up steadily through the evening. The next thing: I was about the hottest man there, and that's not a boast, but should you give you an idea of what the other guys looked like (check out my profile, pics on barebackrt, I am not a little twink despite identifying as a boi), and being the hottest man in the room doesn't necessarily mean you're gonna get a rush...a lot of guys tend to get intimidated by you and then they fear rejection. That's too bad, because I would have gladly hosted any dick that wanted in. But...on that night, I don't think there were many guys there to fuck...they were there to watch. Some guys didn't even bother to strip...they trolled around in street clothes...not much interest in fetish wear...one guy actually wore a business suit (!), stalking around like a bored Episcopal priest. Not a few guys could have used a cane or even a walker. Yes, men...in this esteemed sex club, there were guys teetering around, about to keel over at any moment, or to skid down one of the ladders that led to and from the cages and bunks built on the tower platforms. How sexy is all of this?

    If there was the slightest hint of action, these doddering trolls would rush..as best as they could...to gather around and get a good view.

    I staked out a place on top of one of the towers, slipped off my jock and stuck my butt up and out, obviously looking to get fucked. Nothing happened...but I was patiently waiting for the bars to close and for the storming of a herd of hot men from the Powerhouse and Chaps. It didn't happen...there was no flood of fresh hot blood. Just a few more trolls...by 3 a.m., the place was fairly crowded but with very little action...just looky-loos trolling around...and of course the computers were all in use. I had the platform pretty much to myself until an unremarkable couple climbed up and settled into an extenuated, boring suckathon. Then a very young latino with absolutely no muscular definition tried to mount an ugly troll wearing glasses...the troll, not the kid. That animal act went on for about five minutes...and that was it for a while. 4 a.m., 5 a.m....finally the kid returned and tried to fuck me. He started to stick his fingers up my hole, but in a crude way that told me he didn't know what he was doing...this was just something he saw in a video. But, he's just a kid, and it's my job to teach him something. His cock was not particularly big, but like with all young kids, it was rock hard. I'm on my belly and he's messing around back there...I didn't what in the hell was doing, so I finally reached back and guided that hard little rod into my twitching, eager hole...ah shit, he's wearing a condom...well, he's the top and it's his call and he's right to take care of himself...the fuck wasn't the best, figure he's still figuring it out (maybe he's straight?! who knows or cares?), and I guess it was better than nothing, but let's hope he figures it out before too long.

    Check out for me was 6 a.m. and it was time to give it up. Gathering my shit, I realized that the kid had taken my old bottle of Fist by mistake and left me with his new bottle of Jungle Juice Premium. The kid was long gone by then so I took the Jungle Juice home...Mack had not been a complete waste of time, then...and better than staying home.

    Mack could be so hot, and maybe on a different night, it would have been better...but for now, I think I've gotten Mack out of my system.3922053678647687689-5552883198441481513?l=billytwee.blogspot.com


  13. To see SFVersCumBoy's original blog post click here

    Our laptop at home finally died and I have not had time at work to update for you all..so I will post a few items today from last week.

    As most of you know, there are a few videos on Xtube of me getting fed loads of cum.

    Well, I have had the pleasure of finding a couple more guys either visiting or living here that want to feed me.

    Last week I met up with one of them - he has no pictures but did send me some via email.

    Hairy chest, lean build, average sized cock in his own words and a huge cum shot. He did not want to be sucked, merely to jack off all over me and let me have the cum load.

    Okay, I said.

    After all, I am a cum pig and if I get it from sucking, fucking or jacking - it all works so long as we both get what we want.

    He and I met at my nearby bathroom stall. He dropped his pants, took a hit of poppers and started stroking.

    I was on my knees and enjoying his nipples while watching him get thicker and harder with each stroke.

    After a couple of popper hits he warned me that he was about to shoot.

    Now, I have been told that guys are huge load shooters and never doubt it. In this case he almost under stated it!

    Shots were hitting my face, my eyes, going over my head. Then the next volley of shots came out.

    All over my face for the second round and when all was said and done I was indeed coated with cum.

    This guy may have seen my videos but he was camera shy and I respected that - so you will just have to take my word that it was a world class cum load.

    On to the next story....

    During the week I was at the gym a bit earlier than usual. I had not been there long when I saw an older tall blond man head into the steam room.

    Being a member of a mixed gym in the financial district means that not everyone is gay or that the steam room is the equivalent of a bath house.

    On this day, I went in and sat down near him.

    Some guys wear a towel the entire time but I figure that since it is only men a towel is optional....so I always let mine fall open and sit down.

    While sitting I may try to make some eye contact and gauge the level of interest.

    This guy was hot in my opinion - beefier and more of a football player build, somewhat receding hairline and just a light coating of chest hair.

    He had his towel wrapped around his waist but since mine was open, he was able to see my cock hanging down.

    I was not stroking or even close to holding my cock...just sitting there enjoying the steam. However, when I caught him looking, I looked back and right at his crotch.

    Since it was only us in the steam room, I stood up to add some cold water and get some more steam to fill the room (helps coat the door too, less visibility). I was semi firm and left my towel on the bench. He got an eye full when I sat back down.

    He got the message as my cock started to get thicker with his eyes looking directly down.

    Once he saw me get hard, he reached down and started to stroke his cock.

    Once he pulled his cock from under the towel my mouth hit the floor.

    It was massive, thick and about the size of a beer can. YUM!!

    Well, I was not about to let that cock go to waste - I immediately leaned over and had to attempt to swallow it all.

    I indeed took every inch of that jaw stretcher and got down to his balls.

    My cock was immediately leaking pre cum.

    He somehow got even harder and thicker as I started to deep throat him and stroke it.

    Neither one of us wanted him to leave with his nuts full, so I went to town as quick as possible and he kept an eye on the door.

    Soon he told me he was getting ready to cum and I just shook my head.

    Knowing that I was ready to swallow it all, he let out a slight moan and started flooding my mouth.

    With his thick shaft buried in my throat, I felt each spasm of cum and let it all pool in my mouth before swallowing.

    Once he was spent, I came up off his cock and just had to sit back.

    Still no one came in and he leaned back and said "Thanks!"...well, you know that at that point I had to say "oh no, thank you!!!" and as we sat there I added that he could use my mouth anytime he needed in the gym.

    He smiled and we both left to take a shower and clean up.3474577974612100795-1203837436819926742?l=sfverscumboy.blogspot.com


  14. To see Bike Guy's original blog post click here

    So I'm on the road in a town in the south. Yeah - that's as specific as I feel like getting.

    I arrived early morning with nothing to do, work-wise, until afternoon. So, I got into my room and immediately logged onto ManHunt. I will say this about this town: they are big into the IM function of MH. Neither here nor there - it just is.

    So, I got an IM from a 42 6'0" man. Claimed to be muscular and his pic seemed to stand by that assertion. 44c, 32w. He also claimed to have 8". Don't they all?

    He said 15 minutes he'd be at my hotel and for me to leave the door open and naked on the bed. All he wanted was head. He was married and wanted to be safe. Ok. That's fine.

    I did all he requested and sure enough he showed, albeit about 10 minutes late. He seemed to be what he said he was, except maybe for age. He had to be 10 years older or had just had a harder life or spent too much time in the sun. I've never seen a 42 yo with those kind of facial lines. He also had the bluest eyes I've ever seen. Contacts, maybe?

    His cock wasn't 8" either. A really solid (and I do mean SOLID) 7" with a really really really nice head on it. Helmet head.

    The guy stripped down and came over to the side of the bed and fed me. Or I fed on him, to be more accurate. I love getting reactions out of a married father. It's been a long time since a guy's cock has been THIS hard and I do believe it wasn't from any enhancing drugs.

    After the appropriate amount of time to let me do my thing, he began to pump my mouth. He liked doing that.

    A slight time after that, he actually climbed up on the bed and laid upon me. He said he wanted to rub dick to dick, but I know deep down he wanted more. His cock got under my nuts and I tempted him a bit with my hole. I don't think he was bold enough to actually go through with it, but if I were a regular in town, he'd eventually go for it.

    He rolled over and laid back for me to get between his legs and suck some more. And I did - for about 20 minutes. He could pulse his dick to feed me pre-cum. GREAT tasting pre-cum. I loved his pre-cum control. But that's not how I wanted to get fed the main course.

    I talked him into squatting in front of my face while I laid back in the bed and bracing himself with his hands on the wall, he fed my face. The cock was harder than ever and he mentioned it and how full the head was getting - and it was.

    With no other warning he unloaded a big splash of seed.....then another one and another one. And it kept coming and cumming.

    He kept it on my mouth and I wasn't looking to take it out. I had promised him I'd take every drop and I thought I did. But when iI extracted it, I squeezed the shaft and a huge drop came from the hole in the head.

    He pushed it back to me and said, "you said you'd take it all." Like a good cocksucker and greedy pig, I cleaned it up like a pro.

    We're both hoping he can come back daily while I'm here. IF he can get away from the wife.14796943-1657378985124606896?l=bikeguy13.blogspot.com


  15. To see BB Cunt's original blog post click here

    So, I got up sunday morning (well, actually it was noon) with 28 loads up my ass. I had a protein shake, because of course I was starving. But I decided not to eat so my ass would stay clean to get fucked the whole day. I immediately turned on my computer and and checked my barebackrt & manhunt profiles. It was kind of quite, I guess all the pigs were still asleep. Then I got a txt message. It was Vince: "Whats the load count, bitch?". When I replyed I took 28 loads all in all on saturday, he said "Not enough, you cunt, I 'll be over in one hour. Try to get one or two fresh loads until then." Being a good slut, thats what I did: I could not just open the door to my room and let guys come in because the maids were hoovering the hallway and cleaning rooms. So, I decided to put on another "taking loads" ad on bbrt. Thank god, within 15 minuts I had the first pig knowcking on my door. He said he fucked my ass on the party last night and did not cum, so he wanted to finally dump his load. Honestly, I could not remember this guy fucking me, but whatever... I bend over taking his cock. And, I learned from Vince. I told that guy that he is "fucking a porn star ass" and that I was 23 years old. That guy was dumped hi sload after about 20 minutes and kin dof wanted to stay and cuddle (WHAT?) . But I said I am busy and that he should leave, because I have to get one more load before my pimp is showing up. Unfortunately I failed in getting that second load of the day. VInce showed up and was not happy about it: "Man, I thaught you were a real bareback bitch... You know I am not done with you in a ling time right? You 'll take so mmuch more loads for me today..." But first, he wanted me to suck his cock and take his load. I was on my back, me legs spread in the air. He was fucking me hard and fast. While he was fucking me, he asked me if I like ex-inmates. I said I never had one and asked him if he is one. He did not answer my question but said something like "Man, I don't need those legs, they are in my way to fuck that cunt, I ll just gonna cut them off...." I was not sure if I understood him right, but for some strange reason that was turning me on... He was close to dump his load up my ass and just before he did - he slapped me in my face twice. I mean that was not a slight slap in the face, this was serious, my cheeks were all red and I kind of felt a little frightened of that guy. But at the same guy I was so turned on.... So I was up to 30 loads. After he was ready, we started were we finished yesterday afternoon. He would stand outside my room inviting random guys to come inside and dump their load. It was just light yesterday, the guys came, dumped their load real quick and left. One dick was especially nice - here he is:


    Vince came up with a new "story" to make the guys hot and dump their load quick: He told them I was a european high fashion model and that I am in the US at the moment being casted for New York Fashion week shows...Here a a couple of quotes from different guys (I really don't remember what they looked like):

    "That will be burnt into my memory forever"

    "Man, you two are the perfect match. Every cunt should have a daddy like you" (referring to Vince)

    "A couple years ago I fucked Dawson here. Man, THIS was so much better..."

    "I wanna cum again and give him a second load in about one hour"

    So, I took 9 more loads like that. Around 5pm I was ready for a nap and Vince left. I slept for two hours and got up hornier than ever. 39 loads up my ass, I was ready for number 40. And lucky me, there was somebody knocking on my door....768888045280187337-6534405661897616802?l=confessionsofabbcunt.blogspot.com


  16. To see AIDSFukka's original blog post click here

    Q: Have you ever been stealthed, before knowing you were poz?

    A: 1. YES!:) 2. No. That is:

    I've always barebacked, since my beginning in the late 70ies. And I've never made any inquiries about a guy's sero-status - not even in the first AIDS-panic years: so, hard to imagine I could ever been "technically" stealthed.

    The funny thing, though, is that I did happen to be stealthed, just a few years ago, during a naked party.

    He was a hot guy, soffucking hot. He stood in front of me, while he started to wear his condom: hey, did I mention he was HOT? Fuck, I said, I want that cock - wrapped or not. Not being a BB party, I supposed he was just doing that way because he used so - or maybe because of my biohazard tat.. whatever.

    He fucked me quite good, quite long, and in multiple positions: and of course I was not paying attention at what was happening to his damn rubber when he was pulling out his cock and then shoving it back up my ass.

    Ok, at last he shot his load: much to my disappointment, though, he really ran away and disappeared as soon he'd finished his job.

    Shit, shame.. I was hoping to rescue his condom, at least.. I just was fancying his juices flowing down my throat. Amen.

    But much to my surprise, few minutes later I began to feel something wet and sticky dripping off my asshole.. LOL! THE SONOFABITCH HAD STELTHED ... "ME"!!!

    POZitively one of the best shags I've had: ok, but absolutely the one ended in the most hilarious way, at all!!

    Still wonder if he was poz-and-poz-aware, or if maybe he was just one of those "smart" guys who think they're "NEG", and like to lure their fuck-buddies showing their condom, just to get rid of it "later", and have their share of (obviously) "healthy" fun...

    I like the second hypothesis: at that time my VL was rocketing sky-high.. and at least, today that lovely sonofabitch is likely to have something more private to think upon, than trying to mess with older cats...




  17. To see Bike Guy's original blog post click here

    I was working off-site today and on the way back to the office, I swung by a bookstore/adult video arcade. As it happened, it turned out to be 12:30p - so I was hoping for some kind of lunch crowd. The parking lot seemed promising - a nice mix of things like pick-up trucks and BMWs. I wasn't sure what to expect.

    I don't know why I think outside the box, they are always the same kind of guys. Hell, I'm one of those kind of guys. Middle aged, horny, desperate.

    I roam the halls and stalls looking - always looking.

    I peeked in one stall to see this hot guy (for there) getting blown. I could never see the guy blowing him as he was face down in the guy's crotch. However, the feeder just stared at me and pretty much ignored his eater. But I moved on.

    I took a booth and waited. It didn't take long. Some guy came in, that in theory was all wrong. Thinning hair on top, but long in the back. His cock was almost 7" but I was hungry and went down on it.

    The guy had the perfect mouth. Telling me what I was, what I was to do to him. How he wanted to fuck me. Raw.

    He fucked my face and my throat and I took it. With no doors on the booths, many were coming and going, looking in for a spell. When the guy did blast off, it was a HUGE HUGE load. And it tasted great. I immediately regretted not having him stand me up, turn me around and fuck me right there for all to see.

    I moved around a bit after that. What I didn't realize is that one of the guys who was watching me was the first feeder. The guy was mid-40s and a rough looking sort. The kind of guy who knows what he wants and how to get it - no questions. He wasn't great at taking hints.

    He had me on my knees making me blow him. "Making" is all relative, I suppose. He hissed at me that he didn't give the other guy his load because he knew he'd be feeding it to me. HOT.

    I sucked him for a long time. I got face fucked by him too. More guys in the doorway. He told me he couldn't cum until he saw my pretty little ass. I dropped my suit pants and let him see it.

    He pushed me against a wall and rubbed it up and down my crack. This is where his hint taking would have been good. He said he wanted to fuck me. I said nothing. It's not that I didn't want it, it's that I wanted him to just TAKE me regardless of my desires. I wanted or needed him to be in control this way. He didn't do it.

    He did put my back on my knees and unloaded my second load of the day. Another biggie. Possibly bigger than the first.

    #3 was at the door watching, but oblivious that #2 had shot and I had swallowed.

    He was ok too. Late 20s, black hair and lots of potential. A medium dick but thick. He didn't take long at all. Must have been worked up by the show. He shot a small load and it was awfully bitter. Way bitter.

    But it was a good day. It was pushing me to 10 loads for the month. At this rate, I will hit my 100 loads for a year.14796943-4282383014823423081?l=bikeguy13.blogspot.com


  18. So the point of this whole forum thing is to let you guys start your own discussions and talk back and forth between each other. Basically there are forums for fiction and others for the whole bug chasing / gift giving thing (since that could turn some guys off it's kept separate).

    So start a thread and try it out, or respond to someone elsee's thread...

    And yes, I still have some work to do. The most obvious thing is the design - haven't worked that out yet. And I need to work on how it handles image (among other things)...

  19. To see SDsk8rBoi's original blog post click here

    I get a message on dn from this "safe only" buff bottom from a flat midwestern state, so I try to find out what's he done or would like to do. Here's the exchange that followed:

    BuffFarmBoy: love ur thick hairy bush, love smellin a dudes bush with his cock down my throat.

    sdsk8rboi: thanks. and after u take my cock in your mouth, do u want it in your ass?

    BuffFarmBoy: hell yes, would like to straddle you and sit ur cock and lick those hot pits of yours.


    sdsk8rboi: so u wanna wrap your ass around my bare cock while u lick my pits?

    BuffFarmBoy: hell yes, love to have you feed me ur cock so I can get it hard so I can sit on it and feel you fill my ass, then lick ur pits and tweek ur nips so I can feel ur cock swell up in my hole and watch your eyes to see how good it would make you feel.

    sdsk8rboi: when you're riding my cock, squeeze hard on my nips when i'm ready to cum and i'll deposit a bigger load of my seed deeper inside you.

    BuffFarmBoy: sounds like ur nips are definitely wired to your cock, so are mine and love em worked over while riding ur cock. also makes my hole grab on tight to your cock and suck ur seed from you. like to kiss while my ass is getting pounded to and feel ur bod pressed up against mine.

    sdsk8rboi: oh yeah, squeeze hard with your ass around my cock, suck out more of that seed. then flip you over, hold you from behind and nibble on your ears while i pound another load into you.

    BuffFarmBoy: yeah, love to get flipped over by you feel you drill in deeper from behind me, feel the weight of you bod pressed against mine and work up another load of ur seed from your balls as they slap against my ass, love the sound of my ass getting pounded and feel the sweat from your bod drip from you onto me. can hear the sound of your cock sliding in n out of me going in n out using ur load of cum as lube.

    sdsk8rboi: and once i deposit the second load in your cummy hole, i'll lay on top of you with my arms wrapped under yours, feel the hair in your pits, and leave my cock inside you to hold in the cum. when i get hard again, i'll pump more seed into your spermy hole.

    BuffFarmBoy: damn love to feel you laying on top of my playin with my pits my hard cock pressed against the bed, keeping me plugged up holding ur seed in me. how long to work up a third load and get ur cock hard for the third round, bet ur cum would start dripping from my hole as you drip it a third time, you shoot big loads? will my hole be just drippin and hear ur seed squish between my hole n ur cock?

    sdsk8rboi: i usually shoot big loads, especially if i haven't cum in a few days or longer. i'll leave your hole squishy with cum, even better if some of it's dripping out. how long do u wanna hold all by seed inside you?

    BuffFarmBoy: as long as you want to keep me plugged with ur cock, wouldn't mind tasting one of ur huge loads as well let me suck the sperm from your balls as you deposit it into my mouth.

    sdsk8rboi: i'll be pretty much spent once i fill your hole. but you can clean off my cock once i pull out. maybe finger my hole to get me hard again. where do you like to shoot the seed from your tasty cock?

    BuffFarmBoy: i like to drop my seed wherever the dude that i'm with wants it, gets him the most turned on, get him working on his next load. ever snowball? drop a load in my mouth then kiss me and get some of ur load back?

    sdsk8rboi: in my ass, on my ass, or in my mouth if you want some of it back that way. maybe slide my cock back into your wet hole while we're snowballing. ever do a gang bang or want to? get your ass seeded by multiple guys?

    BuffFarmBoy: damn would love to be tastin ur or my seed and feel you slide back in my hole, hear it, taste it smell it while feeling you open me up for more. never done a gang bang but have always wanted to, always thought it would be hot to be in a sling n have dudes lined up ready to plow my ass. have you ever had multiple loads dumped in you?

    sdsk8rboi: that be hot being one of the tops for you at a gang bang, with you in a sling. slide into your wet hole, with cum already dripping out, and shoot my load deep in your hole. maybe have one of the other tops seed mine as i seed yours. i've never taken multiple loads, but would love to do that sometime. i'm more of a top, though. i'm not sure if my hole could take that many cocks that quickly. maybe pass out and wake up with my hole sore and dripping with cum.

    BuffFarmBoy: definitely have you topping me then, have you ever fucked a guy in a sling? have always wanted to but never have. I have been blindfolded, my nips clamped, my balls bound and tied to a bed with my legs pulled open while getting fucked, was fucking hot. but never been fucked and have the dude fucking me getting fucked at the same time. actually never even had a three way but always wanted to have my ass filled and have a cock down my throat at the same time.

    sdsk8rboi: i've never fucked or been fucked in a sling, but want to do that. i wish i was there when you were tied down to the bed, ass up. i'd shoot so much and so deep. is your hole smooth, rimmed,or furry? i've done three ways, but not recently. l shoot more when i've got a cock in my ass. wait til i feel the warm cum start to fill my hole, then explode inside you.

    BuffFarmBoy: yes that definitely would be fun to do. yeah you would like a turn with my ass in the air not able to move and you could take total control. yeah does the cum slippin in ur hole push you over the edge?

    sdsk8rboi: actually the cock being in my ass could do it, but i'd rather hold out for the cum. when getting fucked, i can often cum without being touched, but i usually try to hold out because i'd rather deposit my seed inside a tight ass. this all works out nicely if i'm the middle in a three way.



  20. To see SDsk8rBoi's original blog post click here

    One of the guys I've topped locally was at the recent leather weekend in DC and sent me this account. It's too hot not to post.

    If you’re interested, I want to give you a rundown on the leather weekend in DC. On Friday night, I cruised the halls of the host hotel (I was staying at a different hotel). This guy and I hooked up, but he was a visitor like me without a room. No problem, we ducked into a stairwell and started playing. Before long, his bare cock was riding my hole and we started attracting an audience. We switched places, and I started to fuck him. One of the onlookers got behind me and slid his cock into my hole. I love being in the middle! A few other guys fucked me and my newfound buddy as we kept switching places. After about 30 minutes, we went in different directions and I had a load in me.

    I wandered the halls some more and looked into some of the open rooms. The hotel was like a 9 story bath house, with guys cruising and playing everywhere. I got fucked a few more times and got one more load. Before calling it a night, I unloaded my balls in a bottom in one of the rooms.


    On Saturday, I attended a BB party in one of the guest rooms back at the host hotel. The room had 2 beds, and there were guys fucking on the beds and also standing and sucking/fucking. The room was packed. There were probably 25 guys there at any one time. I fucked some of the bottom boys who were on their hands and knees on the beds. One of them finally got up, and I took his place, with my head down and ass in the air. It wasn’t long before I felt a guy fingering my lubed hole and then sliding in his cock. After a while he pulled out and within 15 seconds another cock was in my hole. I did this for about a half hour and took I’d say about 15 cocks in that time, and I think 3 loads. Not many guys wanted to cum, at least not until later.

    For the most part, I have no idea who fucked me. I kept my head down and it was anon, although one or two of the tops flipped me on my back and then I could see the guy. At one point, I heard 2 guys behind me talking about me. One asked the other “How long has he been here? How many cocks has he had? How many loads do you think he has taken tonight?” It was hot hearing them talk about me like I was a piece of meat and loved the way they considered me to be a slutty cumdump.

    After taking a break and walking the halls for awhile, I went back to the BB party and got back on one of the beds. My cunt was really opened up and cummy and I took some more cocks. There was a cute bottom next to me getting fucked as well and we kissed and made out with each other while our respective asses were being used. It was really hot. I was getting tired, so when he and I were both free I got up and started fucking him. This came to the surprise of some of the tops watching as I guess they thought I was an exclusive bottom. Anyhow, the cute bottom I was fucking had a great body and a very juicy cumhole. When I was ready I blew my load up his chute.

    All in all, a very fun time.



  21. To see Billy Twee's original blog post click here

    Men, I finally made it to Hellhole, the monthly fisting party on the edge of SOMA...in a warehouse/office bldg. next door to Mr. S. Leather. Hellhole is very well organized, as are most fisting events, for reasons I will get to later. A cheerful guy greets you as you enter the bldg. and shows you the way...there are signs along the way, leading up stairways and down hallways. Now it costs something, probably to keep out the guys who aren't serious, because as we know, fisting is serious, maybe the most serious of all male-to-male sex encounters. Last night it cost $25 with some of the proceeds going to charity...yeah, that sounds expensive, but you never get the feeling that it is a ripoff

    The space isn't all that big: the main room has about 10 or 12 slings, one upholstered platform, and a St. Andrew's cross...there are 2 other separate spaces, with more slings and another fuck platform...I didn't like the lighting there...it was too bright, so I stuck to the main space. The fisting brotherhood may appear to be clique-ish but that's because there's an element of trust that's required in a fisting relationship. You wouldn't let just any crowbar stick his arm up your ass, now would you? But...this can pose a problem if you hit these parties stag...most of the participants are partners or have known one another for a long time.

    I found another single who admitted he was still learning the 'art' of fisting...and I believe him, as his hole was the tightest I've ever handled. With some patience and determination, we eventually got my whole fist up there where I discovered the landscape of his love tract...there were ridges and nubbins in there, and I massaged them all with my fingertips, nothing else moving except those select digits. The man was in total bliss. All this time, we played in silence, our eyes locked, and the concentration, the sex was intense. But most notably, his tight hole gripped my hands like a vise, to the point where I felt an relentless pressure bearing down on the fist...this was a 'first' for me..most holes I've fisted were big, greasy, sloppy holes allowing for a lot of movement deep inside. This guy wore me out, and I was grateful when he called for a break. He requested that I use gloves, and of course, I did. After all, we'd just met.

    I wish it were a little darker in Hellhole...some darkness would add to the mystique, and the marginal quality of this fetish and all its taboos. For all of the fisting going on, Hellhole didn't seem quite nasty enough for me, although that's my own little take on things. It may be the best place for regular fisting, but it's still a bit small...you may have to wait a while before a sling becomes available. Everyone is friendly and considerate, which shouldn't be surprising since fisting has its own etiquette and most of the guys into it are educated, literate and professinal types, much more so that the gay population at large. At Hellhole there wasn't a chance that I would get fucked, and I didn't relish standing around, so I bailed around midnight, although the action goes on until 2. I can certainly recommend Hellhole, and anyone interested can start at their website HellholeSF.com.

    So in search of dick, I made tracks for Mack, which is only 2 blocks away, and more about Mack in my next post.3922053678647687689-4316427802103000142?l=billytwee.blogspot.com


  22. To see The Slut's original blog post click here

    Wow! Did Friday night actually happen? It's all such a blur, but I'll do my best...

    As I POSTED BEFORE, I had arranged a cumdump party for a hot 22yo Asian kid. We had chatted for a while about it and it actually fell through once before (not his fault or my fault though), but this time everything fell into place. I worked all week to recruit guys and had 29 very hot tops confirm they were coming.

    We planned for Danny to come over around 10pm. He started partying at home after work and actually had two hot and hung Latin guys come over to fuck him before he came to my place. He needed some hung guys to get him ready for all that amazing cock coming his way. He asked if I wanted to watch on webcam and of course I jumped at the chance. The first guy showed up at his place around 7pm. They fucked pretty hard for a while before the second guy showed up. Danny sucked the second guy's dick while the first guy fucked him from behind.* The two of them tag teamed Danny's ass pretty hard, but unfortunately neither of them came in him. So, he got loosened up, but wasn't going to show up at my place already juicy, much to my disappointment.

    After telling his boyfriend he was going to bed, Danny headed to my place. He arrived right on time at 10pm. He looked EXACTLY like his pics and was just my type... slim, smooth and Asian with an amazing fuckable ass. And, what a sweetheart he is! Very down to earth and loved my dog (which is a really important indicator of a person in my book)!

    We chilled for a bit but it wasn't long before the doorbell rang. The first two guys to show up were my buddy Cory who writes HOTPIGG and Tim, who I originally met at the New York HOTEL PARTY I had back in February. After the pleasantries were over, Cody and Tim wasted no time dragging Danny to the bedroom and getting him out of his clothes and servicing their cocks.

    I stayed online rounding up more guys, but popped in the bedroom to see what was going on from time to time. Cody asked Tim if he wanted to go first, but Tim wanted sloppy seconds. So, Cody was up first and was dicking Danny pretty good when I walked in. He had Danny bent over doggie style and Danny was moaning and begging for more. Pretty soon, Cody asked the slut if he wanted a load and squirted the first jizz of the night in Danny's cumhole. Tim pushed Danny down on his stomach and slid right in to fuck his ass slowly at first and sped up as he went along. He pumped Danny's hot ass and soon added his sperm to the mix. I could tell this was gonna be a fun night. Cody eventually came out to the living room where I was rounding up more guys. He had told me earlier that he didn't feel great and wasn't sure how long he could stay. But, after experiencing how hot this whore was he assured me he was definitely gonna hang around. :-)

    The next time I went to the bedroom, Cody and Tim were arranging themselves to double penetrate Danny. Cody laid on his back and had Danny sit on his dick while Tim slid his bare cock in Danny's ass from behind. Danny took both cocks like a champ and loved it. He had never been DP'd before. Soon Tim was squirting load #3 in his ass and Cody added #4.

    A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door and Dan from MATT AND DAN'S SEXUAL ADVENTURES arrived with two blond tops. Dan and I got caught up with each other while the two blond guys went to the bedroom. By the time I peeked in on them, they had Danny spitfired on their cocks while Cody and Tim watched. Both presumably dumped loads in the cumwhore, but didn't announce it.

    My buddy Noah showed up, who I met when he came over to take some loads after I first moved here back in April. He is such an adorable boy. And he had two really fun surprises. First, he showed up with pornstar KEVIN SLATER. And, what a nice guy Kevin is! He's really chill and fun. His website claims his cock is 9.5" but having seen it in person, I'd swear it has to be at least 10". Danny took it without even a flinch and begged for more. The second surprise Noah had was a small bottle he pulled out of his pocket and pressed into the palm of my hand. Noah is a horny boy and jerks off A LOT. So, he had been saving up his cum in the freezer for an appropriate occasion. The bottle he handed me had 16 loads of his milky white (defrosted) cum in it. Our plan was to implant all those loads into our bottom boy. But, first, Dan and I went to my kitchen to sample it for ourselves. We both took a small sip and it was absolutely delicious. I think both of us would consider ourselves to be cum connoisseurs and Noah's sperm was a delicacy. Dan called it "fresh tasting"... I found it to be "clean with just the right amount of tang"! LOL

    I was really happy to see Noah. He and I had a little spat last time I saw him, so this was our chance to patch things up. We're back on good terms now and he's here for the summer, so hopefully we'll get a chance to hang out some more. Noah has an amazing cock and ass and has recently turned his attention to mostly topping. He and Kevin plowed the cumwhore several times along with the other hot tops. Noah had to leave at one point, and put a load in the bottom boy before he had to go. But, luckily, he came back for more later in the night and ended up putting two more loads in him.

    More tops came and none seemed to be leaving, which is a good thing. Things continued to get blurry. Poppers were wafting through the air. Liquor was flowing. Those who party were zooming. It was a good scene. I like when my bedroom is nice and dark and packed full of hot tops filling a twink full of sperm.

    With all that was going on and my increasingly impaired state of mind, there's no way I can recount the events chronologically. So, I'll just offer some random memories:

    • Every time I left my computer and went to the bedroom, Danny was somehow contorted on the bed trying his best to take care of everyone's cock. The poor little cumdump was being ABUSED. As soon as one guy pulled out of his hole, another cock would take its place. No one seemed to really care if he was tired or wanted another cock, they just used him like a cumdump... and I suspect he was loving it! The guys tag teamed him pretty well for quite a while.*

    • We did try to unload Noah's 16 loads into Danny's cumhole. The bottle sort of hurt his hole a bit and I found myself unprepared with no turkey baster in the kitchen! We did manage to get some cum in him, but not as much as we wanted. So, Dan and I took a couple more chugs and I searched for a better way to get it in him as the other tops continued to pound away at his juicy hole. We adjourned to the living room and I found a different bottle to try. We put the cumdump on his back with his ass and legs in the air with that gorgeous hole aimed straight up. Again, we got some of it in him, but not all of it.

    • Danny got double penetrated at least one other time. He's now addicted, I think!

    • A friend of Noah's showed up at one point who he didn't want to see. So, Noah went and hid in my closet while the guy fucked Danny. It was a really quick pump and dump and apparently as soon as the guy was done, several spectators jumped in and plowed Danny's hole some more. For some unknown reason I decided to join Noah in the closet (it seemed like a good idea at the time and turned out to be lots of fun). After a few minutes he had his monster cock down my throat. When I heard the other guys asking where we were, I asked if we should go back out. His reply: "Just keep sucking!"

    • I ate Danny's ass several times and each time was sloppier than before. This kid is a world champion cumdump. He never complained of soreness and never seemed to get tired. His only request after about 4 hours on non-stop fucking was whether it would be ok if he took a 10 minute break! After that, he immediately had cock back in his hole taking load after load.

    • After things died down a bit and the last top had unloaded and left, Danny and I went to ENCORE to see if we could get even more loads in his ass. Damn, this kid has an insatiable hole. Unfortunately, Encore was pretty dead and we were soon back at my place looking for more tops online.

    We pretty much lost count of how many loads we put in the boy. But, a quick poll around the room of tops at one point about half-way through the night indicated 15-17 loads were in him. My estimate is that he ended up with somewhere around 24 loads, not counting the ones Noah brought with him. I think Cody and Tim win the prize for most loads, having each put 4 in Danny's ass (at least I think that's correct).

    The only downside of the whole night was that I never actually ended up cumming in Danny. Doh! Most people who know me are aware that I prefer to go last at a cumdump party. When all the other tops are gone, I usually fuck the bottom boy's sloppy hole and add my sperm to that hot oozing hole. Maybe it was my fault, but after we returned from Encore, there seemed to be a strange vibe and I was pretty spent. He clearly wanted to get fucked some more, and I made a few overtures, but he was also pretty focused on rounding up guys online. So, realizing that everyone has different tastes and just in case he wasn't really into me, I didn't press the point. I brought it up to Danny the next day and he apologized profusely for being too focused and forgetting to take care of the host. No big deal... I'm glad Danny and everyone else had a good time. I had a great time, but putting that very last load in the slut would have been the perfect ending for me. C'est la vie!

    At around 6:30am, 8.5 hours after arriving, the whore headed home. He has already agreed to do another party. Not sure when it will be, but if you're in New York and you missed this one, you will NOT want to miss the next one!




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