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Posts posted by rawTOP

  1. Click here to see Adam's original blog post...

    Hope everyone had a good weekend!

    While getting you caught up on the old fucktales, I will also keep you posted on my newer adventures.

    The other night, I got dragged to an underwear party. Since I'm not yet over the insecurity that I developed when I put on weight while sick, you can imagine how this thrilled me. However, I met a cute little Middle Eastern guy who was introduced by another friend as being "in the club" (i.e., poz). He had a tight little body, light scruff, and big brown eyes. I was sold. I'll call him Amahl.

    We made out briefly at the party and then eventually the host needed everyone to leave. It was REALLY late, so Amahl asked if he could crash at my place, which was nearby. I said sure.

    We got back to my place, closed the bedroom door, and made out for a bit. He had a big, floppy uncut dick and a buzzed body. I sucked him for a bit but was kind of tired. Eventually he just put his back to me and we went to sleep.

    During the night at some point, I woke up, hard as a rock. I stroked his chest and let my hand wander down to his cock. He was hard too. I kissed his neck and generally let my hand wander across his skin, stroking him.

    He started to ease back onto my cock and I realized what he wanted. I let him do the work until I was inside him, and then I started thrusting.

    "Yes," he whispered in the dark.

    I'm not gonna lie, something about it kind of hurt - I think lube would have helped both of us. But he seemed to be pretty good at natural lubrication, and he was able to take all seven or so inches that I have as long as I went slow.

    Soon I got into it, the warm and tingly sensation of being completely engulfed by soft, wet flesh. I worked him a little harder, a little shallower. This might have been the first time I was topping confidently.

    Soon, I got close, so I told him.

    "Cum in me," he whispered.

    So, a few more thrusts and I started shooting. I'm still not used to the sensation of cumming in a bottom, so it made me tremble like a schoolboy. SUCH an amazing feeling, and almost a little too much for me to handle, especially trying not to wake up my room mate. I was reduced to making absurd gasping and grunting noises, and I didn't go soft after finishing.

    I realized he had finished too (all over my clean sheets, may I add), and he quickly pulled off and went back to sleep. This left me with a throbbing hardon that wouldn't go away, so I jerked off and massaged a second load up his ass with my fingers before going to sleep again.

    Overall, not a bad night!8674591630844895504-7775777095357787042?l=skinonskinnyc.blogspot.com


  2. Click here to see Adam's original blog post...

    In order to protect identities and important relationships, I've had to take a few more liberties than usual with certain details here in the first half of the events recreated in this entry. You'll probably notice. You can still get off on it, so enjoy!

    When we last left off our catch-up fucktales, I had just taken two loads from a drop-dead gorgeous, horse-hung Ivy Leaguer. It was a really active period - I was going out a lot, keeping really active, was in a downsizing company and probably was setting myself up pretty obvious health consequences that were going to follow. HIV+ guys have to take care of themselves, especially when not taking medicines, as I was not. But I thought I could live completely as before. It just wasn't true.

    But the Monday after the studly double-dumper, I sure didn't know that yet and I had one hell of an awesome time - after a rocky and irritating start.

    At that time, I was very casually seeing a guy (I'll call him "Austin") who lived in my neighborhood and worked as an actor in a Broadway show. We'd have coffee at Starbucks, go to his place or my place, suck each other off, and he'd go off to work and I'd go to the gym. I barely noticed we had become so regular, frankly, but it was becoming more than just friends with benefits or fuckbuddies.

    One Monday night there was a big fundraiser for an important cause at a Midtown hotel, and Austin asked me to be his date. We went. He is a bit shorter than me, a dancer and really good at everything but topping. He has sandy blond hair and rosy cheeks and a smaller-than-average penis (the better to fit into a unitard, I guess). As such, I didn't have much use for getting fucked by Austin, and since he was HIV- we tried to do a lot more with hands and mouths than with asses. But his ASS was amazing - it's really too bad I hadn't hit my stride as a fledgling versatile cause nowadays I'd be ready to practice my technique on that thing.

    I was a few glasses of open-bar wine into the evening and was secretly picturing Austin blowing me in one of the elevators when he introduced me to a friend of his. The friend was a finance type who worked in a nearby building and was quite attractive - he was probably in his late 30's, with salt-and-pepper hair and an obviously good build under his suit. He had thin cheeks, which made me wonder if he was poz (the older medicines cause the face to lose fat) or if he was just a runner. When I shook his hand, it was like rock.

    The conversation was odd, and I couldn't help but feel like "Vernon" was trying to seduce me away from Austin, which I found sort of sleazy. But he was still hot in a muscle-dad-meets-Anderson Cooper kind of way and I found myself repeatedly locked into his steady blue gaze.

    Eventually, Austin said he had something to show me (because that wasn't an obvious "let's find a place to hook up" line in a room full of gay guys - later I realized that was his way of making clear to Vernon that I was Austin's, not Vernon's) and he dragged me down a set of stairs into a linen closet where he proceeded to kneel and blow me until I was really close to spewing a two-day load down his throat. But then we heard whistling and decided to stop and head back upstairs to avoid getting caught and thrown out. A very friendly custodian instructed us to use the other stairs to find the restroom.

    The rest of the fundraiser was uneventful except for the fact that a bunch of gay people and their supporters got progressively more intoxicated. We weren't any better.

    Finally we headed out to Therapy to have one more drink to polish off the night. Austin ran off to pee and I immediately felt Vernon's strong hand on my thigh under the table.

    "You're super adorable," he said. My dick stirred, as did my guilt.

    "You're super drunk," I said, trying to move his hand away. He held tight and I let my hand stay there and my thumb started rubbing his hand. Oh shit, I'm flirting, I thought.

    "I'm not, actually. I can hold my liquor. Are you two exclusive?" the man's hand began to massage my thigh, higher and higher.

    "We're not, but you're his friend and I'm not a big enough asshole to hurt him by hooking up with you," I said, tugging at his hand again. My hand brushed against the hair on his forearm, where the sleeve of his dress shirt had pulled up.

    He grabbed my hand and pulled it onto his thigh. Oh fuck, I thought. This can't end well. And yet, despite my better judgment, my hand reflexively started to massage the rock-hard muscle this man had built in his legs.

    I noticed his blue eyes getting closer and realized he was coming in for a kiss. My heart was pounding in my chest in anticipation... Here was a square-jawed man's man from a major investment bank wanting to kiss me, with plump, perfectly-formed lips surrounded by the beginnings of the next day's beard.

    I didn't let him. I pulled my hand back and politely asked him to stop. We tried to move onto normal conversation but when Austin returned he immediately noticed the tension.

    "You hit on him, didn't you?" he sighed at Vernon with exasperation. He turned to me. "Just so you know, that doesn't mean you're anything special to him. He just gets off on ruining any chance I ever get with anyone."

    Which led to a minor argument and Austin storming off. I started to go after him but the bartender had my credit card... Shit!

    It should be said now that I hate hate hate hate hate unnecessary drama. I hate hurting people's feelings, I hate having my feelings hurt, I hate seeing other people's feelings hurt by other people - it's just unnecessary in almost all cases. Like this one.

    I called Austin to calm him down - oh, fuck the details, long story short ("Too late!"), I ended up annoyed at him and ready to go home.

    Vernon apologized after we left and we walked for a ways and talked. For some stupid reason I decided that the proper response was to make out with him there on 52nd and 8th. My dick started to stiffen in my pants as my hands groped his strong back.

    He broke off the kiss and said, "You're coming with me."

    He led me a couple blocks to a mid-rise office building right off Times Square. He walked through the door, waved a card, said hi to the night watchman, and warned me to be on good behavior in the elevator.

    His office had a solid wooden door and a spectacular view of the Hudson, and all the lights were off since the cleaning crew were done with his floor. It was breathtaking and I felt his lips on the back of my neck as I took it all in.

    His powerful arms encircled me and started unbuttoning my shirt. Soon I was naked and he hoisted me onto his desk, where my cock jutted up towards him. We made out like crazy as I shoved and pulled and yanked to help get his clothes off.

    When he was naked, he lay partly on top of me, pressing my back onto the cold desk. He kissed me violently and I gave it right back to him. A mounting wave of passion started to build, and I realized I was breathing almost like I was in the middle of a hard uphill run. The passion took on an angry edge too as it built - there was frustration as well as desire in the way he slapped my ass and the way I pulled his head back to lick his neck.

    I think this is my first anger-fuck! I remember thinking.

    I hadn't gotten a good look at his cock, but I felt it brushing around the outside of my pucker and I knew he was a top. Before I could even reach down to tug or stroke or anything, he spit on his hand, lubed it up and eased it in.

    "Oh, yeah," he groaned.

    It wasn't too thick, but it was long and he kept spitting and rubbing as he pressed most of the way in.

    But this wasn't going to be a methodical fuck. It was uncontrolled fuck-fury. He's marking his territory, I thought to myself. At first this thought combined with the partial discomfort to make my dick go soft but as he got into it - and finally asked if it hurt ("No," I lied) - I started to get hard again.

    He didn't plow deep, but he plowed hard. He jabbed, rammed, grunted and corkscrewed my ass and I found myself grinding back as hard as I could to get it in. Rage and cumlust pounded in my chest and my gut. I wanted that fucking load.

    "Fuck yeah, give it to me!" I grunted unevenly against the quick jabs of his cock.

    "You like that? You like it?" he whispered. "Try to keep it down, though, man."

    So for about 30 more seconds he fucked me with astounding violence and passion, when finally he pulled out and started emitting this high-pitched, annoying sound.

    You've got to be kidding me, I thought. He proceeded to spray his seed all over my balls, my cock and my abs, and not a drop near my ass. All the while making those woman-sounds.

    This made me instantly soft.

    "That was hot," he panted, coming down from the high.

    Um, until you wasted that load, I thought. I scooped some cum up and massaged it into my ass in an effort to get myself worked up again. I was starting to feel guilty, so I decided to just mop up the rest of the mess and go home.

    I began to feel like a real asshole as I walked the couple of blocks to my apartment. But I also realized that Austin overreacted and that he and Vernon had an unhealthy friendship if one of the two felt compelled and entitled to constantly cockblock and undermine.

    So I decided to forget about it. I got on the A train on 42nd St, took it to Chelsea, and walked to Gym Bar. That's when all of what led up to it became 100% fucking worth it!

    Check in soon for the rest of the night. And if I don't get around to it before Thursday - have a great holiday.8674591630844895504-6278070382046054628?l=skinonskinnyc.blogspot.com


  3. Click here to see Adam's original blog post...

    At Gym Bar, I ordered a drink and stood off to the side, cruising casually as hot guys passed by the narrow part of the room along the bar. I had already been frustrated twice tonight and I was determined to have sex or get bored trying.

    I noticed a group of fun people towards the back and decided I'd go chat with them. They were laughing a lot, seemed pretty easy-going, and were cute, cuter, and hot.

    The cute one was "Max," a bartender at a bar down the street. He was scruffy and trim, with blue eyes and light brown hair.

    The cuter one was "Jon," and he was also a bartender. He had dark hair, brown eyes, a smooth face with big kissable lips, and a kick-ass body that I wanted to see more of.

    The hot one was "Brian," a law student at a school in New Jersey, who was Italian, dimpled, scruffy and exactly what I was looking for that night.

    I'll spare you the getting-to-know-you details, but after about half an hour we were all having a blast together. The other three had planned on going back to Max's place nearby for one last drink, and they invited me to go with them as they left. I happily tagged along.

    Mind you, by this time, we were pretty happy from all the alcohol (and remember that open bar and that stop by Therapy?), so we were loud and obnoxious walking down 8th Avenue.

    Max's place was a cramped studio in one of those Chelsea walk-ups that have nasty, smelly hallways, creaky stairs, and dim lighting. There was a bed, a TV, a minifridge, a small sink, and a microwave, but he had managed to Ikea it into a semi-fashionable state.

    We sat on the bed and sipped a final drink when Max and Jon started kissing. I looked at Brian and he adjusted his cock while he watched the other two make out. I felt my own dick stiffening. I made my move and let my hand start to stroke his leg. He took the cue, turned to me, and kissed me.

    Soon we were practically chewing on each other's faces, and the other two were stroking themselves watching us. That's when Jon grabbed Brian and started kissing him, and Max started kissing me.

    Clothes came off, we switched off, arms and legs, cocks and asses brushed and stroked and teased as everyone got worked up into a frenzy of making out, cocksucking and stroking.

    After a good ten minutes of that, Max pulled out a condom and lubed up his dick. I happened to be on my back with my legs over my head at that moment, and he lubed up my hole and stuck his sheathed dick into me.

    Of all three, I wanted him least and certainly didn't want him wearing a condom. But I was horny and he was there, and he looked really good with his hairy chest flexed as he supported himself over me and thrust in and out of my ass.

    He pulled out and moved his attention back to Jon, who seemed not very interested in me. Jon put on a condom and mounted Max's hole and the two started fucking.

    Brian happened to be on his back with his legs in the air, but his dick was one of the most beautiful pieces I'd ever seen - about 8", cut, and perfectly shaped, I wanted it in me. Max had gotten me all lubed up, so I went for it.

    I pulled his legs down, knelt over him, kissed him, and started to ease down on it. He moaned.

    Max noticed this and looked alarmed. "Hey I have more condoms if you're going to do that," he said. Jon was watching too and became transfixed by the sight of Brian's beautiful dick sliding bareback into my hole.

    I ignored Max's offer and let the dick do its work. Soon Brian was thrusting up into me vigorously, kissing me frantically and moaning. Jon continued to fuck Max, who alternated between fascination and horror at the raw fucking going on next to him. Jon's eyes remained glued to my ass.

    Brian started to moan with a little more urgency and I whispered in his ear: "You can cum in me if you want."

    "Ok," he panted.

    A few more strokes and he started grunting, and I knew he was cumming inside me. My own dick swelled and I knew not to touch it if I wanted to avoid spraying Brian.

    While Brian grunted and painted my insides, Max almost yelled, "Dude, what the fuck?!"

    Jon had stopped fucking him, and watched with boned-up excitement what was happening beside him.

    As I eased off Brian's cock, Brian kissed me gently and reached for a tissue. I felt cum starting to dribble out my hole.

    I was surprised when Jon grabbed me, threw me on my back, and lined up at my hole. With a really loud, "SNAP!" he ripped his condom off, scooped up some of Brian's cum, and dived in.

    His body was absolutely amazing, and I let my hands wander over his muscles as he rammed the fucking shit out of me.

    Max's horror seemed to be melting away as he knelt to watch and started jerking off, having removed his own condom.

    "Fuck that's hot," he said.

    Jon smiled and kissed him.

    The fucking lasted just a few minutes. When Max asked, "Are you going to cum inside him?" Jon said, "Yes," and looked at me. He looked deep in my eyes and said, "You ready for it?"

    "Fuck yeah!" I urged.

    "Hot," said Max, reaching over to jerk my cock for me. Jon fucked harder for a few strokes, then threw back his head and started moaning really loudly. "Ohhh! Uhhhhhhh! AAAAAAAAAGH!"

    My cock, trembling and dripping precum, only needed a couple strokes from Max's hand to start shooting cream out in every direction.

    Finally Jon just laid on top of me, panting. He carefully pulled out, making sure not to let any cum drip out.

    I half expected Max to take his place at my hole and use me, but instead he put another condom on and fucked Jon till his load filled the latex.

    It was almost 4 in the morning by that time, so after that I went home and grabbed a few hours sleep before work. But as I drifted off to sleep, I couldn't help but jerk off again picturing Jon and Brian's faces as they emptied their balls into my ass...8674591630844895504-1596555363979381466?l=skinonskinnyc.blogspot.com


  4. Click here to see Adam's original blog post...

    Anyone in the NYC area, I'm looking to get fucked tonight. I can come to you or you can come to me.

    The catch? You can't have any face pics, as I maintain anonymity on this blog. However, I will also make sure to respect your privacy as well.

    If you're interested, email your location, stats, pics, etc. to me at skinonskinnyc@gmail.com. I will reply to all inquiries, though only one or two will be invited to participate. I'm expecting to want to get together around 10:30 PM and will be online around 9:30 to confirm.

    Again - your pics, your name, your email, and your identifying information are all completely confidential.8674591630844895504-3844346313817316210?l=skinonskinnyc.blogspot.com


  5. Click here to see Average Joe's original blog post...

    Alright so I'm kinda pissed. I hooked up yesterday with a latin top who said he couldnt wait to unload in me ... excellent but when push came to shove he insisted on wearing a condom! On top of it all he kept jack hammering without giving me time to get used to it so I was pretty sore and I was getting more annoyed by the second so I told him to bear it.

    Before going to bed I check 411 when I see this black dude who is an amazing fuck. Hes a got a sold 9 incher which loves to bury itself in an ass and pump it full of jizz. Sadly hes about to hit the sack so its a no go with him. However I do get a msg on adam4adam by an old fuckbuddy of mine. We stopped fucking around when he went back to his boyfriend but now he was single apparantly and ready to slam dunk again.

    I cleaned up, drank a bear slipped the key under the mat outside, gott naked in my bed and dosed off. I wake up to his cock rubbing sloppily on my crack. mmm im liking where this is going. He pushes my legs together with his knees and his cockhead is running up and down my crack till he feels the slight dent of the hole. Jackpot, he pushes with full force and tells me to hold on.

    He thursts in all the way and begings to pump, its feeling damn good but burning up my hole, especially since after the morning. He's loving it and going full throttle so i bite down on the pillow. Hes already precumming he says and Im glad thats its going to end soon, even though i love it I couldnt take it for long.

    A few more strokes and he blasts his load inside which had a nice soothing feeling actually.

    He pulls out and wipes it on my crack and leaves. no words said. It would have been fucking hot and I would have came if not for the morning fuck. Now I want to get fucked today but I'm probably not, gonna take it easy and study today and later this week.35861944-28221419859849186?l=montrealerslife.blogspot.com


  6. Click here to see Average Joe's original blog post...

    Had a threesome with a mexican couple earlier tonight.

    was online on gay.com and start "chatting" with a mexican dude. when i say chatting i mostly mean exchanging a phrase here or there, he only spoke spanish. The gist of it was, one was 23 and the other 29 or 32, both mexican dudes who wanted to threesome. Turns out they loved poppers and didnt have condoms, this looked promising.

    I get to their place, its a small studio, they must have just gotten to montreal a little while back, the older one has a smaller build while the younger one is a bit beefy, from the brief hellos exchanged before they dimmed the light and turned on some club music you could tell the younger buck was in charge.

    on the couch, hands groping everywhere, clothes come off. Younger buck is agressive and is eating my neck while the other one sucks on my nipples, this is getting more promising. We all make out for a while until I get them standing kissing each other taking poppers while I take a few good hits and suck on their cocks. Younger buck grows a thick one, older one not bad, but by this time ive decided the younger one is fucking me , and hes gonna fuck me raw.

    After getting their dicks lubed up with spit I get on my back on the couch , legs raised up. The older one gets over my mouth and feeds me his cock pointing it down so it goes all the way in. Young buck spits on my hole and shoves in.

    fucking pain. but hes not taking it easier. I ask for lube he flat out says no and the other one shoves poppers into my nose. I take a hit, head spins, young buck continues to ram it in. He keeps fucking me harder and harder and I can tell he is getting off on the friction the dry fuck is causing. The older one blows a load in my mouth and gets off.

    Young buck has me all to himself. He gets me doggie style and keeps fucking me till he nuts inside my ass. Hes got a sheepish slutty expression on his face while I put my clothes on and head on home with his nut in me.

    now thats what I needed.35861944-7338307460066705523?l=montrealerslife.blogspot.com


  7. Click here to see Average Joe's original blog post...

    Alright folks sorry for not updating or commenting in the last week. I had an insane week at school and lets just say I didnt come home before 11 30 pm any day of the week, except last night where I basically knocked out at 9 pm and woke up 11 am. Oh yeah did I mentioned I functioned on basically 23 hours of sleep from Sunday night to Thursday night. Though like the true homosexual, I watches the lezzie show, I mean the oscars... my thoughts... yet another year of irreverence for actually good movies and giving awards to either people they snubbed before or felt "were important"... yes melissa etheridge and Departed im looking at you. Glad marty won, now they can stop ranting about "how he has never won".

    Alright thats not my real rant. My real rant is about guys who are on my msn who say "i see you must be busy with some other guy, ill talk to u later". Maybe im getting a glass of water, maybe im peeing, maybe im just writing and email or sending a msg to my friend. GET OVER YOUR SELF and your LACK OF SELF CONFIDENCE. jeez. it pisses me off. and ofcourse I never bed these guys. If they said "i guess you must be busy with something, catch you later?" i think they are a lil impatient but polite but saying I must be busy with another guy implies im a slut... (thats debatable... nah its true, but I wouldn't ditch a guy without telling him) and that I'm impolite.

    Anyways onto Gluttony. Last friday like a dead man's last meal I knew I was going to have a crazy week so I wanted to hook up. found another mexican chap (seem to be getting quite a few of them recently) and he was perfect. about 6" tall, thickly built like a football player and had a fat cock. best part, he was bi-curious. Douche my ass and try a new thing, I squirt some lube up before using my douche.

    When I get to his place he is fucking hot. Looks better than his pictures and soon enough we are making out on his bed even though I can tell kissing is something he isnt comfortable with. So I make better use of my mouth and move on down to his fat cock and start sucking on it. I can tell im driving him wild. To rip off J.Austen, its a universally known truth that a man in possession of a nice fat cock is my favourite thing to suck, and when I like a cock I'm sucking, its going to be one of the best blowjobs that man will ever get. (somewhere she recoils in her grave).

    So hes getting nice and wet and hard and hes leaking precum, its tasty. Put him on his back and climb on top and lower my hole onto his cock. its thick and its stretching my cheeks open. A hit of poppers, it goes in better. I slide down to the root of his cock. He tells me i have a tight pussy, that gets my cock rock hard and oozing precum onto his stomach. I flex my ass muscles to milk his cock as I move up and down his cock, he starts playing with my nipples, oh fuck this is getting me going. I threw my head back and went to down on his cock and felt his hands massaging my ass. Before I knew it I was getting close so took my hands off of my cock and focused on his nips but it was no good good, within a minute of his rubbing my prostrate I shot a load all over his chest. I climed off of his dick and he pushed me onto my back and jerked off right onto my lips. His cum was pretty thick, not a lot but very very viscious.

    A few hours later im online not looking to hook up when a guy I've spoken to a bit msgs me on msn. Says he is super horny and tells me he wants to come fuck me. I tell im him tired cos frankly I didnt know if I could take another dick. He asks me if the address I gave him a few months back was the same as now, I tell him yeah but im going to bed. He says okay but unlock your door. with that he signs off.

    Im pretty tired by my cock betrays me and gets hard right away so I figure, if the mountain is gonna come to moses...

    Get into my jockstrap (really getting into getting fucked in it) and climb into bed. 20 minutes later the buzzer goes off, I buzz him in, and he comes in and locks the door behind him. He strips off his clothes before he climbs into bed and starts making out with me. Lots of kissing soft making out, licking my nipples. im getting into this. Im on my back, my legs hooked with his elbows and hes rubbing his bare cock against my hole. Its driving him nuts feeling my hairy crack on his cock, each hair adding sensation onto his cock. He puts one of my legs over on his shoulder, spits a huge glob into his hand and rubs it into my hole. He continues to spit and work it into my hole and with the last one onto his cock. I reach for the poppers and take a hit as he places his cock agasint my hole. They start to work their magic and my head is spinning and my hole is hungry. and hes got some serious meat to feed it. He slowly pushes it in, all the while kissing me until he bottoms out in my ass.

    We fuck like that for ages, him pausing to spit on his cock to keep my hole lubed, lots of kissing, him licking my nipples. I'm loving it cos hes totally making love to me until he cant hold it back no more and shoots inside me. I didnt get hard or cum but fuck, it was such a sensory overload with his tongue and dick.

    Odd thing I realized about him, which happened once before too with another fuck of mine. no words were spoken the entire time.35861944-6587569416919059162?l=montrealerslife.blogspot.com


  8. Click here to see Average Joe's original blog post...

    All right sorry for pulling a huge MIA but I had a pretty crazy exam schedule which ended today so I'm going to try and catch up and tell you guys about what I've been upto.

    Two weekends ago I saw a guy online from my gym and I sent him a message. He was a hot arab bear and we got to talking and I ended up at his place with a bottle of wine and a bottle of poppers. After finishing the wine he had me stripped down in my joackstrap on his bed, face down. His tongue felt so good as it darted in and out of my hole, licking it, dribbling spit down it as he munched away at my hairy hole.

    I had told him earlier about doing vodka shots out of my ass and he seemed to have really liked the idea as I felt the the cool vodka leak into my crack and hole and his tongue slurping it up. I was fucking loving this. he continued to spit up my hole for a while longer until he decided he was ready for some fucking. Lubing up his cock, he positioned his raw cockhead onto my hole. one minute later BULLSEYE his fat cock was rooted in all the way with me screaming my lungs out as I felt him rip me in half.

    I was squirming but he didnt budge, interlocking his feet with my legs and pinning me down he told me to keep taking poppers and relax. and man did it start working. I was in heaven as he fucked me raw real nice and deep, pounding away at my ass, widening my hole. It had been a while since I got fucked so I was pretty tight down there but he had be nice lubed up and drippign for his cock to keep pistoning in and out of me. He came inside me twice that night and once the morning after. I had my jock on all the while I was at his place.35861944-7229223108646789387?l=montrealerslife.blogspot.com


  9. Click here to see Average Joe's original blog post...

    I thought I was going to be getting fucked by the Arab Stud again but that didnt happen, im sort of pissed off about that but I'm really hoping it happens soon cos im going to be out of town soon. He really hit home with his fat cock and whole making me his "pussy" play. Luckily I hooked up with a daddy in his early thirties with an amazing muscled bod and a flared mushroom cockhead.

    As soon as he got in we started making out intensely and I had him undressed in no time. I had trouble doing down on him because his cockhead was HUGE. I knew my hole was going to be sore for a couple of days [which it was ;-) ] after sucking his cock and swapping spit he flipped me over and got me on my stomach (i was in my jockstrap) and started slurping and munching down my hole. I was practically drooling and leaking cum into my jock because he was eating it so good. his tongue snaked its way in and out of my ass, spit dribbling down inside it, lightly licking my inside. We hadnt discussed bareback but he asked me about four times if I was safe and then he finally threw caution to the wind and reached for the elbow grease.

    I unscrewed the bottle of poppers and took a deep whiff and adjusted myself and got in a doggie style position. "getting your pussy up like a bitch daddyboy?" he asked --- oh hell yeah. I took a head hit of poppers as he worked his cockhead into me. Once in (there was an audible pop sound) he fucked me REALLY hard and had me on my back soon enough with his considerable sweat falling on me which I found hot. we fucked around, him slowing the pace sometimes to churn my insides in between his jackhammerings and deep plows. he was hell bent as he said "to turn my ass into a pussy". who was i to complain. Needless to say I ended up with a pretty decent load from him that night. and the next morning.35861944-2044475114065730108?l=montrealerslife.blogspot.com


  10. Click here to see Average Joe's original blog post...

    So I hooked up with the Arab guy again last weekend. He's been a bit pissy with me but whatever. Got there and we make small talk before he tells me to strip down and get on his bed. He liked watching me strip down my jockstrap, he loves fucking me with my jockstrap on and im beginning to really dig it with him. Once I'm done he gets naked himself and climbs between my legs. After planting a few kisses on my lips he goes down to play with my nipples; licking them really good while rubbing his fingers on my hole. He loves a nice furry hole turns out.

    He gets between my legs, pushes them onto his shoulders and starts licking my hole. He is incredibly good at rimming, thrusting his tongue in he starts to tongue fuck my hole. I'm already leaking precum at this stage (I was REALLY horny). After a few minutes he takes out the elbow greases and starts working it into my hole. My queue to start taking some poppers. After he has sufficiently worked in my hole he pushes my legs up onto his shoulders and slides in.


    It felt so fucking good to have him in my cunt. he starts out with slow deliberate thrusts and starts building it up when he flips me over onto my stomach and starts to pound the shit out of me. At this point I lose it and I'm cumming pretty hard into my jockstrap. He senses I'm cumming by how my hole is spasming around his cock and he keeps thrusting harder getting closer to his own orgasm. I'm drained at this point when I feel him pin me down one last hard thrust and unloads his own jizz into me.

    He smiles at me and says "and we didnt even get any jizz on my bed"... no we didnt. He fucked me again the next morning but this time with me riding his cock before he unloaded while doggie styling.

    While I was writing this post, I got pretty horny and I started jacking off writing it and watching the new machofucker video. I fucking came so much when I did, thick white ropes all over myself. damn it was hot. 35861944-8337605618597201618?l=montrealerslife.blogspot.com


  11. Click here to see Average Joe's original blog post...

    I wasn't expecting it but it happened.

    Yesterday afternoon I swapped message with a guy from Down Under, long story short, he was muscled, tanned, incredibly smooth and horny for some ass action. He comes over and is way hotter than his pics (and me but I guess I lucked out) and we start swapping kisses and before long we are naked on my bed making out, going down on each other (he as the wickedest delicious dick I've had in ages). It was a really intensely hot day in montreal and he was clearly sweating because every time i licked his skin it tasted salty. i loved it.

    he decided to switch it up a bit. He turned me over on my back, took some massage oils I had set up (we talked about him massaging me) and he went to work on my back. Before long I realized he was also massaging my ass crack with his firm hard cock, also oiled up. I liked how he thought. As he kept pressing into my shoulders, his cockhead kept pressing against my hole till that "pop". He was in and he was going to go to town.

    He began with long and slow strokes until he slowly built up to fast short ones and then slowed down again. Then he did it. He began to gyrate his hips which made my cock got nuts. I swear I could have come right there. He saw that and he pushed me forward and pinned me down. Wrapping his arms around my waist he began to deep dick me, it felt so amazing and good and the way he kept ramming it and my cock kept rubbing against my bed, i completely shot my load.

    He turned me around and I wrapped my legs around his waist and he lunged in."your arse is so fucking tight i love it". He kept pounding me hard taking his cock completely in and out of me, kissing my lips hungrily, I knew he was about to cum and I began to work my ass muscles. He let out a primal roar and began to squirt inside of me, yanked out his dick, shot a few ropes of cum on my face and chest and pushed it back in again to finish cumming.

    I get online after my session with him and I have another guy interested in me. Hot muscled hairy bear daddy. He got me hard just by his pics. He wanted to do some G and I was down for it.

    He comes over about 9pm, hes wearing a tank top and gym shorts so I ask him if he just got back from the gym, "no soccer". I get a boner. His arms were turning me on, big, hard with lots of definition. we start swapping kisses and strip each other naked. His 8.5 uncut is cumming to life. or as one of my fav studs puts it, its chubbing up. We go into the kitchen, crack open a merlot and down the G. Now we are getting horny.

    The rest of the night is a blur of pretty hot images in my head. Lots of poppers, drinking, fucking, rimming, his long dick ripping my ass in two as he pounded me mercilessly missionary style. he worked my ass over so well I wasnt even sure if I came but he sure did, huge globs of cum ran down my legs this morning.35861944-4922243822903008286?l=montrealerslife.blogspot.com


  12. Click here to see Average Joe's original blog post...

    I havent gotten laid in a couple of weeks now and I was damn randy. Lately I have been having a hankering for one of my fuckbuddies, one of my first fucks actually. He is this gorgeous black god of a man, 6'3 muscled, constantly hard 9 incher, generous lips and incredibly strong physique. This man is a the alpha male, the athletic muscled protype of what a black top is. He practically fucks every night and has since fucked almost every ass in Montreal top or bottom. Oh yeah and he is one of the best fucks bar none. he is one of those guys with whom i always cum while getting fucked before he cums. always.

    I had been craving him so badly. for him to lie down on top of me, spread my legs with his strong ones, wrap his muscled arms around my torso as his knees pushed my legs apart and up. his powerful dick sliding into me as he kissed and caressed me. what i love about him also is that he can controt, manipulate, put me into any position he likes (hes strong) and is always comfortable.

    So while im craving some chocolate i end up having sex with a Aryan German :-)

    He was in town for business and he hadnt gotten laid all week. he got pretty excited by the idea of fucking me because he likes really hairy asses, go figure i lucked out. I go ofter to his hotel room and he is a bit shy, not in a not confident way but in a "i dont know how far i can push this boy way". He was a pig and he thought i was an innocent sort of guy. For some reason that turned me on and i decided to play dumb.

    We made out some and he poured me some whiskey (not the biggest fan but whatever). After swapping spit for a while he pushed me onto my knees to go for his cock. Boy i did, lovely 7 inch pink hot veiny cock. He seemed to be enjoying it by the moans and precum in my mouth. He pulled me off and sat down on a comfy chair and let me go to town on him. Knowing he was close I kept sucking him harder and faster and before long i ended up with his load in my mouth. He slid his semi hard dick out and I thought it was going to be over.

    He told me to lie down on bed , face down and then went down to lick my hole. It felt really good as he tongue fucked my hole, i figured it was his payback for the head i gave. i love tops who love to rim instead of suck dick. He then hesitently asked me if i knew what poppers were. if you read my blog you know i love them but playing dumb i said "no". He got off and rummaged through his toilet bag and came back with some. score. he explained me what they do and how to do them and he prolly just figured i was a quick study cos i was snorting them down. taking his cue he went back to rimming me.

    It was probably a good 15 min later when he stopped and climbed on top, his cock hard again and between my cheeks. he must have been eating like a mad man cos my crack was filled with spit so his cock lubed up on it. He asked me if I would let him fuck me. I answered in the affirmative. I asked if he had a condom, he said no, he was safe. I said I dont know how I feel about this and he said as he pressed his cockhead against my hole, prying it apart and pushing half of his cockhead in "please baby boy".

    I took a deep hit of poppers and nodded my head.

    Nothing could have prepared me for the next part. Instead of taking it easy he shoved the whole motherfuckign thing inside. I yelped and he bit my neck hard. Pain seared through my ass to the back of my head, eyes tearing I felt him tear me up from inside. He began to pump hard, rocking back and forth and let friction do its magic. My cock pressed flat against my stomach started to shoot embaressingly soon but luckily the dry fuck was too much for him as well and he shot his load in me only a couple of moments later. Wincing as he took it out his cum spurted out of my hole, (surprisingly cos he shot a load what 20 minutes earlier?)

    He kept thanking me profusely for it (why I havent a clue, he took care of an itch I really needed scratched). He gave me real email address and told me if i ever was in berlin to come stay with him. Enamoured much? but heck if i ever end up in germany im visiting this dude. except with some lube.35861944-3320569000733076023?l=montrealerslife.blogspot.com


  13. Click here to see Average Joe's original blog post...

    I realize I havent posted in a while, so I figured I better update soon. What have I been up to? well not a lot BUT I've been having two guys up me quite frequently and regularly. First has been the Arab Daddy who is as high maintainance as ever but it all gets forgiven when he sticks his tongue up my hole. he is a master class rimmer and it drives me absolutely fucking nuts. He rims me quite often and without any of the squeamishness that you get from lesser tops. He eats me out, fucks me, drops his load, eats it out and licks me clean so he can fuck me again. I've never had sex with a guy who was as focused on pleasing the hole as much... i have a feeling he had a girl before whose pussy he was crazy about and likes to compensate. I'm not complaining its driving me wild. We've gotten to the stage in our fuck-ship that I cum without touching myself.

    The other fellow is a french guy. nice hot dick. hes a bit more romantic, a lil easy going, but when it comes to fucking he is no nonsense about it. I slept over at his place this weekend and he fucked me about 4 times during the night. his 8in uncut dick has me reaching for the poppers so frequently im starting to wonder if my ass has tightened up or something. shouldnt it be the other way around?



  14. Click here to see Average Joe's original blog post...

    Alright so I'm not taken per say but its been continious non stop fucking with the frenchman and the attitude I'm getting by the other i've been fucking with I'm leaning towards only going with the frenchman. Had another amazing fuck session this weekend. First of all this guy is built fucking amazingly. hard big pecs biceps, legs and ass, just makes me melt. totally takes control when we are in bed, got a delicious 7.5 inch cock which loves my ass. There arnt many details about it because we often fuck 4-5 times everytime we meet, he goes in hard, dominates me, calls me his pussyboy and after he dumps a load cuddles me for 2-4 hours before waking up again and pushing a bottle of poppers under my nose. I dig this guy but he isnt in town long SO I will have to kiss him goodbye soon enough even though I dont want to. to be honest id date this guy if he was in montreal for good.

    but i am meeting a hot daddy tonight:-) . I genuinely missed him.35861944-6012380427983162926?l=montrealerslife.blogspot.com


  15. Click here to see Average Joe's original blog post...

    It's been a month since my last blog entry and I feel kind of bad about not updating whats been happening since. Things have cooled down with the Parisian dude. We broke up because of certain "artistic differences" so to say, on his part. So whats a boy to do when hes been wronged bad? get plowed by an out of town guy who is in an open relationship? yes. Im turning into Alain minus the model body (thought i started hitting the gym again, oh my aching body!)

    so after a week of feeling blue I log onto my usual hookup websites. This furry muscledaddy from toronto messages me and tells me he loves my furry butt (yup i put it online, im one of "those" guys. We swap some mutual admiration messages and he tells me he is going to be in town this weekend because he has work on monday. he says something about letting him have the pleasure of munching on my cunt.



    hell yea!

    Sunday night im sprayed on his hotel bed in a jockstrap and hes eating out my hole. tongue digging in deep, not just licking the entrance, hes fucking me with his tongue. After a good while he goes up for air and asks "Did you bring the poppers?"


    "Good, cos you'll need them."

    He switched positions so that im sucking on his dick and hes rimming my hole. He tells me to slurp good because hes going in without lube!!! My tongue goes into overdrive which works his crank cos hes going to town eating my ass. Once he was satisfied he pushed me onto a pillow and told me to open up as his velvety raw cockhead pressed against my slicked hole, waiting.

    He inched in slowly which is something i love about guys with big dicks that stay hard because they can actually do that easily. I took a hit of poppers and my ass was hungrily trying to swallow his entire cock into my ass. Once he was all in he began to rock back and forth, opening me up, turning my hole into a pussy to be fucked real good. He kept kissing my neck as he slowly worked up a tempo in his fucking. Suddenly he stopped and said to me;

    "I'm gonna breed u like a real bitch tonight."35861944-2100345732532991351?l=montrealerslife.blogspot.com


  16. Click here to see Average Joe's original blog post...

    Last night I get a message from a guy asking me if I'm free to fuck this morning. I shot him back asking why not meet up last night but he gave some lame excuse and his dick pictures managed to get my phone and address out of me. This morning my phone wakes me up and its guy letting me know he's driving over and I should be ready for him in 15 minutes. Holy shit. In a mild dash I brush my teeth, unlock the doors, get into a jock, fish my poppers out and lube and make sure im clean as a whistle. By the time I dive back into bed he's opening my apartment door. What happens next is pretty hot, I hear his slow footsteps to my room, the buckle of his belt hitting the floor and then the weight of my mattress shifting.

    "good pussyboy" I hear him say as he slides on top of me buck naked. I can feel his stubble on my neck and his tongue trails from the base of my neck to the jaw to my earlobe. I'm moaning in appreciation as hes caressing me and then gripping my thighs with his strong hands. He whispers into my ear thats he's going to eat me before and I whimper out my approval.

    His tongue is slow and deliberate. Slowly running up and down my crack, getting it wet with spit till its leaking over my hole, I wink to get his tongue or spit in but I fail. His hands are pressing my wrists into the bed and then finally with a single thrust he pushes his tongue in. oh yeah baby. letting go of my wrists he uses his wife hands to spread my asscheeks and devour my hole. Wow he is really enjoying it and totally doing it for his own pleasure. This is the best way to wake up in the morning:-)

    "Damn I cant wait it anymore. I'm going to fuck you so good now"

    "Stick it in me please"

    "Baby dont worry"

    with that he greased his cock up and pressed the cockhead into my hole, slowly pushing it in till he met resistence. On que I spin open the bottle of poppers and take a huge hit. Heaven. As I relax he thrusts forward till hes in all the way. I can feel his cockhead rub against my insides so perfectly as he begins to kiss my neck again and snake his arms around my body. I'm totally submitting myself for his pleasure as he works up slow strokes that go in and out. his hips must be in amazing shape;-)

    either because of my tightness or that he hasnt been fucking a lot of guys it doesnt take him long to spill a load just from the long strokes hes doing. Pulling out almost all the way he pushes it back, pumping squirt after squirt as his cock burrows deeper.

    Spent but his dick still in me he lies on top and continues to kiss me and little do i know but hes hard again after 5 min. The second round is even shorter for after two minute hes cumming again.

    as he pulls out he calls me a hungry nasty slut for making him cum twice. I call myself a professional.35861944-2669130844585485025?l=montrealerslife.blogspot.com


  17. Click here to see Average Joe's original blog post...

    Alright so I feel guilty about not updating more but lately I've been going on quite a few dates, which oddly enough means no sex. (clearly a sufferer of the Madonna/Whore complex) So anyways a week ago I had an itch that my 8 inch jelly dong just could not scratch and I had come back from a pretty hot date and I was horny as hell. That was my queue to get on gay411.

    25 minutes later I was douched and knocking on a guys door in the plateau wearing a jock underneath my jeans with a bottle of poppers in my pocket.

    The guy I met him, lets call him Jacque, was a 37 year old, 6'1 beefy (u could tell he used to work out a lot a couple of months ago, but i love the softness) quebecois guy, who when I started to french him in his hallway, tented like mad in his sweats. I love a man in sweats and hoodie. The clothes flew off and I was on his bed, legs wrapped around his waist, his hands massaging my ass and kissing like 16 year olds underneath the bleachers.

    Then without warning he went to town on my ass. OH MY GOD! HOT! he rimmed it like it was his last meal, licking the outer rim, slowly moving it in, darting his tongue in and out, curling it to tease me more, blowing air on it and then pushing my cheeks apart and spitting on it and letting it dribble in. In no time I was a quivering mess.

    He grabbed some lube (no condoms, this was a good sign) lubed up and started to tease my hole.

    "I'm just going to play with it, I'm not going in" I nodded and took a hit of poppers. Before I knew it he was in all the way... "I wont cum but this is so good, please let me stay in". I nodded deliriously. He fucked me missionary for a while, turned me over and pounded my ass deep face down and without warning started to jizz pretty hard. "Oh Fuck im sorry! im sorry! I can't pull out!" My raging hard cock was rubbing on his sheets and the feeling of his spunk made me shoot a pretty big load all over his bed.

    He pulled out and started to profusely apologize and I told him if he was really sorry he should clean me up. Instead of going down to clean my cum off of my dick he went straight to the hole and sucked on his juices.

    in 20 min he gave me his second load, and then a third a few hours later and a fourth in the morning. I went home the next morning so sore.35861944-983940287189897107?l=montrealerslife.blogspot.com


  18. Click here to see Average Joe's original blog post...

    Alright so sorry about the long absence from online posting. I was seeing a guy (surprise!!!!). It was the guy I mentioned in the last post. We started out fucking pretty much every other day or so and then began to properly date. The sex was amazing, for instance for new years we had a foursome with his best friend and his boyfriend (they traded and bred each other's bottoms)... good times all around.

    But after a while you realize, great sex and pleasant companionship isn't what its all about. In the two and half months that we were together our feelings never deepened and we basically were semi-good friends who fucked furiously. So with a slightly looser hole and some maturity we called it quits. (not the sex part quite, we're trying not to have sex but we slipped once and fucked like coyotes).

    This weekend I was feeling particularly randy and the ex was busy with family obligations pretty much the entire weekend so I went on the hunt again. A couple of hours later I was at the door of a 40 something daddy who promised me 100$ if he couldnt make me cum without me touching my dick. I figured worse comes to worse I would end up the accidental hooker.

    The door opens and its a pretty sexy daddy musclebear. About 6 feet, thick beard, furry strong hands, huge shoulders and arms and a slight belly. I was getting a boner in my jockstrap. He guides me to his bedroom where he has a sling set up and offers me some beer and starts to kiss my neck as I take a swig of the bottle. Soon we are both naked save our jocks and I'm done with my beer so I whip around and start licking his hardening cock through the black fabric of his jock. Grabbing my hair he yanked down the jock and impaled my mouth onto his hard uncut 7.5 in meat. It tasted so good, I must have slobbered on it for a good 20 minutes, edging him and getting him real horny till I could taste his precum.

    Pulling me off of his dick he propped me into his sling. He opened a bottle of poppers and doused his sweaty jockstrap with them and fit it over my mouth like a mask. Then grabbing some elbow grease he lubed up his cock which was thick as a beer can at this point and my hairy cunt. Wedging his cockhead into the lips of my cunt, he told me to take a deep breath of the poppers soaked jock; and as soon as I did he was buried to the hilt with my ass on fire.

    Luckily the elbow grease soothed my burning hole but his perfectly straight 7.5 inches was working wonders on me and I had to bite my lips and press my hands into my thighs to not lose it and cum. That would be bad! Sensing my nearness he stepped up his pumping, pulled down my jockstrap and told me to just shoot when I could cos he was going to bust a nut in my cunt. As soon as he finished saying the last word I shot a shower of cum all over myself which he scooped up, smeared on his pulverizing daddy dick and then proceeded to use my chute as a cum rag for his dick. I sense his orgasm building and squeezing his nipples he pumped even deeper till he couldnt ride me no more without shooting his daddyseed in my boipussy.

    Spent he fell on top of me and said "told you."35861944-7850232816107356403?l=montrealerslife.blogspot.com


  19. Click here to see Average Joe's original blog post...

    Sorry for not updating as much but school has been keeping me busy. I finished my semester yesterday and decided to treat myself with meeting an old fuckbuddy of mine. Emphasis on old;-) The guy is a mid 40s to early 50s, overgymmed daddy sort, the kind of guy whose body is fucking gorgeous, has a sinister dick but face wise he shows his age. Anyway, I call him the juicer because he loves fucking what he calls a juicy boipussy and loves to juice it up even more with his jizz.

    I get to his place where he greats me at his door in just jeans with his hot pecs out for show:-) I'm already hard as I remember how good his rock solid body feels when he fucks me. We make small talk, he offers me some wine and pot, both of which I accept. He strips me down to my jockstrap and begins to lick my hole, prodding it with his tongue and swirling it around in circles to make me open up wider, while I get progressively drunker/higher on his couch. His tongue feels so good darting in and out its one of those saliva machines so I have spit seeping down in deep and I feel like I'm getting wet and I can tell its turning him on more. This guy loves to munch a boy's hole and he goes to town on it. By the time I'm done with 4/5 of the wine bottle, his cockhead is slick from his stroking and precum flowing out. He takes some crisco and rubs it on his knob and presses into me and he shoves a bottle of poppers under my nose. I take a couple of hits, my head falling back slack and he begins the assault with his 8 in uncut penis.

    Now, I've never asked this guy if he puts any drugs in the wine (its always opened) but I am always FLYING when he is fucking me and im not a lightweight when it comes to alcohol or maybe its the pot and wine mix, I dont know, but I pass in and out of consciouness while he fucks me and for some reason I really dig it with him. I black out for a few minutes and next time my eyes open hes heavimg on top and I know he's dumped his load in me.

    He sticks his tongue out and shoots me a wicked grin. This is always the first fuck. I know he's going to felch his cum out and fuck me again as he always does.35861944-563539390970896463?l=montrealerslife.blogspot.com


  20. Click here to see Average Joe's original blog post...

    So first of all I feel a little guilty about not updating more often. I guess it comes down to me being lazy. When I sat down to the computer to write up what I've been up to, I generally ended up reading some other blogs and jerked off, which took away my mood to write the stories (cos on a flaccid, cum drained dick these tales are boring as a tails-only gangbang.... the kind where everyone is a bottom... okay I feel I already lost a bunch of you).

    So lately I was craving a good erotic massage. Now why the hell would anyone want to pay for that you might ask. Well unless you have a boyfriend or trick willing to spend 45 minutes rubbing baby oil onto you and releasing the tension in your body with his hands without reciprocation of any sort you gotta hire a guy. So I got a North African Arab dude (you all know my fetish by this point) and we decided to meet up and just have him give me a massage. We never discussed sex and though I didn't expect it (he claimed to be straight... sure) I knew he was going to atleast tease, its the name of the game right?

    So im over at his place, hes hotter than his pics, 5'10 tanned muscled, with a 8.5 thick donkey dick. I go lie down on his bed only in a jockstrap, ass propped up nice and good. He climbs on top naked and presses his legs on mine. He has strong legs and I can feel the power in them as he spreads my legs apart, propping my ass up further. He starts to massage me with baby oil and I can feel the heat being given off. As he kneads his hands into my flesh he runs his hardening cock against my hairy crack, pressing his chest into mine as he releases the tension in my shoulders. For the next half an hour he teases me like this, his hard cock pressing on my ass, my legs, my thighs, grazing my hole. His oiled up hands go everywhere and at one point he beings to finger me as he is massaging my lower back. He then rubbed his oily cock on my ass and began to slowly push in as he licked my ear. Now this is the kind of massage which I love. For a bit hes only teasing my hole with his cock until he asks if I have a condom.

    no, i didnt think i would need them.

    mmmm you have a nice pussy my charmouta.

    thanks. you can have it if you like

    but you dont have condoms

    I know but its okay

    By this time I'm on my back coaxings this probably bi arab stud to breed me. He responded my grabbing my oiled up waist and turning me over and telling me to take some poppers that he tossed at me from the bedside table. Positioning himself on top, his cock lined with my hole, he pressed down on me, stretching open my ass lips with his bare, dark dick, as I took copious hits of poppers. My head spinning in a sexually delirious high, I let him fuck me hard for the next 10 15 minutes in different positions until he grabbed me tight and impregnated me with his babybatter.

    at the end he didnt charge for my cummy hole.



  21. Click here to see Average Joe's original blog post...

    This was a pretty stressful, long weekend so Sunday I went to the baths to unwind and relax. I figured at the very worst I'd get into a hot tub and relax. Now, if I really wished to relax Oasis is a nice one to go to with its large hot tub and great steam rooms but i havent seen good action there since i was 19 so I figured Id hit up either Centreville or GI Joe. So far the best time I had at Centreville was with a brazillian I met at Oasis originally, who was a muscled chub chaser with a penchant for baby oil and creating a real cummy mess in hairy holes.

    In the end I settled for GI Joe mostly because they have a sling and their terrace on rare occasions has seen some great action. Also the crowd is a lot piggier and daddier if there was such a term (the daddy whose in their ads has fucked me, mercilessly, bare, in a fashion that made my puss sore for 3 days).

    Now when I hit the baths usually I just walk around in my flip flops and jockstrap, my towels left for towelling off water ;-) I ease myself into the hot tub and relax for a while since its pretty quiet. I see this huge black guy walking around the corridors and he's incredibly attractive, with beautiful features and nice muscles. More Nubian fuck-king than Blake Underwood. In the meantime a very bearish Daddy comes along into the hot tub, im guessing hes mediteranean, hairy everywhere, kinda portly and not entirely handsome but had a chubby dick and that "straight-down-low" look to him. Gleaming beneath his forest of fur which extended all the way to his shoulders, was a gold cross.I dont know why, but I thought he was sexy. He kind of looked like an extra from an Armenian Mob movie. I saddled up next to him and started to rub his nipples as his stubbing fingers began to roam my body. His lips were fat and he kissed me tenderly but with definite aim. Turning me over he had me float up till he saw my mounds of hairy flesh between which my hole lay. He spread the cheeks and began to lick my hole, running his tongue up and down my crack.

    After hes done eating me and repeatedly brought me down and rubbed his cock against my hole, he asks me if i want to go to my room. I ask in return if he is willing to do something more adventureous and his curiousity is piqued. I suggest we go outside to dry off and maybe sweat a little. It was nice and sunny sunday and I thought I better get a tan while getting my cunt plowed. He snorted in affirmative and with my jockstrap back on we strutted up to the terrace.

    Turns out we weren't the only ones with the same idea. There was a teenager, looked like a barely legal twink on one of those cobra videos porn sites who was impaled on a nice girthy 8.5" french canadian dick. The guy fucking him could have been anywhere from 40 to 50, I couldnt tell, with sinuy muscles and looked a great deal like Jay Taylor. The kid was on the ground, his legs wrapped around his top as he took the large cock's assult without so much of a wince. He seemed to be in a daze, probably a bit high, though not with the bottle of jungle juice that he had next to him alone. Next to the kid was baby oil and that really turned me on to see him take probably a stranger daddy's dick. He might even have lived with family and so came here to get fucked by the older guy he met online. I wasnt sure. I didnt have time to think too much about it before my own daddy, who was like a little pitt bull, muscled but short, pushed me down on all fours quite close to the other daddy/son couple and began eating my hole out again.

    Now, usually im not a moocher but I reached over for the bottle of baby oil lying next to the kid and handed it to my daddy who smiled at me as i turned around to hand it to him and squirted his fat uncut dick with it. His dick was barely 6 long I suspect but it was thick as a red bull can for sure. He leaned over me and pressed me down to the ground, my dick straining my jockstrap which i was trying to lube up with some oil too. The kid stared blankly into my eyes as he got fucked even deeper and gave me a little smirk and moaned a little as his daddy doubled the assualt. I reached for his poppers and when i was given the nod I took a deep snort and felt my daddy stretch my hole with his formidable cockhead.

    Daddybear went slowly at first, trying to get it in all the way. My hole was smarting quite early on but I was in heat, quite literally and figureatively and I was going for gold and kept relaxing my hole mentally did he was in all the way. We began to fuck slowly, him making inroads deeper into my ass, slapping it a bit and grunting into my ear as his chest began to sweat heavily on my back. I was getting really turned on. next to me the other daddy was hammering away at the kids hole and it didnt take long for him to howl loudly and shoot his load into the boy. After a few minutes of staying inside the boy he pulled out slowly and collapsed on top of the chaise while the kid remain in his position, just fingering his roughened up red smooth rosebud.

    Daddybear flipped me around on my back and began to punishingly fuck my cunt, legs spread wide; you could see the hair of my hole matted with oil on his fat dick when he pulled out and his bush rubbed against my hole when he thrust in. He leaned forward with his belly pressing against my cock, rubbing it and exciting me even more through the fabric of my jock and he opened the bottle of poppers and gave us both a serious dizzying shot.

    In my haze I heard a wince and I saw the kid being lifted up and put on the lounge chair and being mounted by the black man from before. My daddy pulled out of me and put me on the lounger next to me and fucked me as he did before on my back, passing the poppers to the boy who would be needing it as the nubian sex-king greased his purple dick and slid into the brutalized hole. This was all getting too much for me and my daddy too as after a few deep stabs he howled and began to cum inside of me, thick juicy daddy seed. He remained hard and continued to fuck me till I shot my load all over my chest and then pulled out and walked away, with my legs dangling down from the chair, as the lecharous daddy who had just bred the boy gazed on.

    Next to me the little white twinkie boi was getting his hole rammed by the tall muscular black man but you could tell the bottom was having serious trouble taking it. It must have been because his other daddy plowed through his hole really hard. Soon he was begging the guy to pull out and after 5 minutes of not listening and continued fucking in which he has pinned the boy down so he couldnt move, he relented and pulled off. His cock still hard I seized the opportunity and raised my legs up and spread them wide. I might not have ordinarily gotten this guy but i was going to be damned if i didnt atleast give it a shot, and my luck it did. The black admonis hooked my legs around his torso and rode in deep. grimming my ass with his strong hands and massaing my cheeks as he panted into ear and worked me over non stop till he unloaded in me.

    Whislting and smiling he pulled out of me and said 'thanks kid, i needed that." I could tell he was american and he play slapped my ass and wrapped his towel around his waist and walked off. The kid had disappeared to, leaving on me and lecharous dude. He came up to me and without asking or trying to initiate someting just slid his rehardened dick into me. The sensation of two men's cum on his senstive dick worked wonders as within a minute or two his eyes began to roll to the back of his head, open his mouth and just start cumming.

    He pulled out and left me on the chair. I looked down and saw my hole really used, red and mat with oil, sweat and leaking cum. Leaning back I took a nap and decided it was a good time as any to tan.

    p.s. 2 hours later I woke up to the sensation of having my ass slurped as a hairy 20 something pig was felching me. I returned the favour by letting him fuck my cunt so he could go for a second serving of cream pie.



  22. Click here to see Average Joe's original blog post...

    I was feeling really horny this week and so I went to Centreville sauna to get some action. Getting there I slipped into my jockstrap, flip flops and cruised around until I saw a hot daddy sitting stroking his dick on one of the chairs looking at the porn. I went up to him, dropped to my knees and began to suck on his cock gently, slowly picking up the pace until he was close to face fucking my lips. After a few minutes he got up, turned me around and ate my hole for a few minutes. I took a bottle of poppers from my jock, and began to sniff, which he took as the right hint and he pressed his wet cockhead against my hole. Grabbing onto my waist he thrust in with one swift move and i squealed out loud as i got impaled on his cock and my cunt burned. He bit down hard on my shoulder and gave it a couple of thrusts until he began to unload inside of me. Having shot his load, he pulled out, thanked me and left me to collapse onto the chair he had previously occupied, sore and wincing.

    As I sat there a black guy came up and offered me some pot so we went back to his room and smoked a joint, which ended with him eating out the jizz from my hole. Grabbing some baby oil he lubed up his fat 8 " and eased it into me with poppers. He was a strong rugby looking guy with huge shoulders and arms and a nice belly. We fucked missionary for a while until I shot my load on my stomach followed by his in my pussy.35861944-6371077055584942750?l=montrealerslife.blogspot.com


  23. Click here to see Average Joe's original blog post...

    This weekend, afters weeks of a dry spell I went to the baths. Armed with a bottle of baby oil, a deeply douched hole and my favourite jockstrap I decided I was going to kick back and enjoy this weekend. Soon after I got in and stripped down to my jockstrap a muscled asian dude walked into my room with an amazing tanned boy and a nice 7" hard cock that he hadnt bothered to wrap his towel against, so instead i wrapped my lips around it and started to suck it nice and deep, getting it slicked up with saliva.

    "you look like my boyfriend you know that" I wasnt sure how to take that, I hoped it wouldnt send him on a guilt trip leading him to pull out and go home, "I love fucking his hairy cunt, i bet yours feels just as good" he continued as he spat on his fingers and rubbed the saliva into my hole. "Turn around, I wanna see it", obeying I got on my knees on the bed with my palms on the wall and jutted out my hole. "Got Lube?" I nodded, cocking my head to the bottle of baby oil. He grabbed the bottle, unscrewed it and squirted it all over my back until it went down my crack and rubbed his hard muscled chest into my slicked up back and lubed his cock.

    "I love you" he said as he slowly pressed his precuming dick into my barely lubed hole. He would push in a bit and pull out and push in further, each time with my drops of baby oil dripping onto his cock. He reached around and wrapped his arms around me, squeezing my hairy chest as I moaned with the pleasure of having my cunt stretched.

    We fucked like this till he bottomed out in my ass and then he turns me over putting me on my back, kissing me passionately, one leg reaching for the sky the other around his firm tight waist as he continued to fuck me like his pussyboi. I pinched his nipples and he punished my hole harder until he began to howl and i could feel him unloading in me. He stayed in me for a while until he got hard again and he fucked me longer this time, on my stomach first and then on my back again until we both came in unison. When he finally pulled out he felched his cum out and snowballed it with me until he was hard again and used it as lube for a third and final fuck. That one was short cos his dick had gotten sensative.

    Later, since we both left at the same time by accident he showed me a pic of his bf on his iphone, it was funny but we did look alike.35861944-3208371114443902177?l=montrealerslife.blogspot.com


  24. Click here to see Average Joe's original blog post...

    Met a south american last night. He came over and we cuddled a bit until his cock was rock hard and my ass was grinding up against his crotch. He had a tight muscular body with great pecs and a nice 6.5-7 incher. He grabbed some lube and lubed up his cock and let me finger some into my hairy hole and then in slowly he buried himself into me. The thing about absolutely straight cocks is that they hurt the least. He kept pumping me and within two minutes I was about to shoot (and actually drizzled it a bit till I told him to give me 30 seconds) after which he pounded me for another 3 till he shook with a violent orgasm, filling me with jizz and me spraying it all over my furry chest and stomach. quick, fun, and satisfying.35861944-8700772345090435821?l=montrealerslife.blogspot.com


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