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  • Gender
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    Ottawa Ontario
  • Interests
    For some reason.. your poz cum..
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
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    Sorry I don't know what to say here without angering members. Sorry I was a bad person. To barelover666. I didn't mean to anger you. I wish I could defend to you but restrictions. I set my profile to be deleted OK. I'm sorry I made you mad. Good bye.
  • Porn Experience
    There's homemade somewhere out there from my 20s.
  • Looking For
    Just fantasy right now wickr bigingerchaser

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  1. I'm so excited right now. I appreciate the answers and I can't believe this but I'm excited to be on a chaser path for poz cum.. now it's off to the sex forums for tips how to meet and take toxic cocks
  2. I wouldn't blame anyone. It's asking for me. And sorry I said encounter. I feel bad. Incident with needle was the event. Sorry guys. Please don't think I want anyone in trouble. I don't.
  3. Sorry.. The encounter I should've said incident with a drug needle in Montreal. Went to the hospital. Got drugs they told me might help but that in needed to be tested again in 6 months.. I never went back.. I figured I was fine. Turns out I was.. so I was hoping to use this incident as to how I got pozzed. Sorry I didn't say more.
  4. I've been looking and I can't find anything on here about this. Does that mean it wouldn't be possible to say blame a current hiv infection on a say 5 or 10 years ago encounter? Sorry for the stupid question.
  5. Merivale mall might be possible too for you to fuck a load into me.
  6. I live near the slack road cruising spot. Love to just meet and you dump in me. Night time and early mornings work best for me.
  7. Hard and about to jerk off to poz videos on Twitter. 



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