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Posts posted by Ieatcumholes

  1. On 12/6/2020 at 3:53 AM, Pozguyinchi said:

    Over about the last 5 years when a man is breeding me I find myself acting like he is big and it’s uncomfortable for me. I also tell him that he is big.  My question is... Do you feel men want to hear that? Are they ok with knowing my pussy is made  for very large men?

    I'm a top who doesn't need my ego stroked in that way. My dick is as big as it is. For some bottoms it's large and for others it's average or even small.

    Regarding the thread title, for me what you've described in your opening post is a well-used or well-broken in cunt. For me sloppy is all about how much cum is inside of and/or leaking out of a cunt. (Well-used and sloppy don't necessarily have to go hand in hand either.)

  2. In the last 20 years, I've had the pleasure of fucking two guys whose holes self-lubricate - no lube, spit, pre-cum or cum was needed to be able to get inside of them. The first guy was almost 20 years ago. We met through a friend and had some really good sex for awhile and naturally just drifted apart. The second guy was last year, and we met through BBRT. He didn't mention anywhere in his profile that he self-lubricates. We hadn't had the lube or spit conversation before meeting up though. So we're naked making out on the bed with me on top of him. I had eaten him out a little (I'd gotten a taste, not enjoyed a meal), but not enough yet to even try to enter him. His legs went up in the air, he reached around and grabbed my dick, lined it up and pushed back against me. I slid halfway in without even trying! I was quite pleasantly surprised! During a break in the action when I asked him why he didn't mention that in his profile, he said that a lot of tops don't like that. I was 🤯! I let him know that I most definitely liked it! And I told him he was only the second guy I'd had sex with who self-lubricates.

    I'm wondering how prevalent self-lubricating bottoms are? I've had sex with lots of guys - compared to some people I'm a slut, and compared to others I've barely dipped my big toe into the sex pond.😉 So I don't know if self-lubricating male bottoms are all over the place and I've just not met many of them for whatever reason? Or if I've been super lucky to have found 2 of them! (In which case, I guess I should stop playing the lottery.)

    For the tops, how do you feel about a bottom who self-lubricates? Is that a positive, a negative or are you indifferent as long as you cum inside of that hole? The tight or loose thread made me remember that I wanted to post this thread. In the Goldilocks and the Three Bears world, his hole wasn't too loose or too tight. It was damned near perfect.

    I shot two loads into him and for the first (and second) times in his life, he came without either of us touching his dick. The only reason I haven't fucked him again is scheduling. But we both want to hook up again as soon as possible!

    It was long enough ago that I don't remember if this applies to the first guy, but the second one appears to have a condition(?) where his body overproduces some kind of liquid? Cause he also sweats a lot. I firmly believe that sex is dirty (and sticky and smelly and sweaty) only when it's done right, so no problem for me there.

    I look forward to hearing others thoughts and experiences.

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  3. 2 hours ago, hungry_hole said:

    I think the best is a hole that adapts to the top's needs, which may be at times loose or tight. In other words, a bottom must be in tune with the top.

    For me, loose just means easy to slide into. If the bottom has the ability to loosen his hole and then tighten it again at the right times, great! Loose doesn't necessarily mean sloppy though. (And there is nothing wrong with loose in my book!)

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  4. 1 minute ago, fskn said:

    Immortal words. 🙂

    Do I have your permission to put this quote in my Grindr profile? My purpose wouldn't be to avoid bottoms with tight holes, but to avoid bottoms who are tight with reciprocally sharing information (age, photos, distance, test date, etc.).

    Go for it! 😂🤣😆

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  5. 1 hour ago, fskn said:

    slipping smoothly into a loose hole with nothing but the last top's cum for lube is one of the reasons to be alive!

    MOST DEFINITELY THIS!!!!! 😍😍😍 To paraphrase what I said in another thread here, if getting my dick inside of you is too much like work? Next!

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  6. On 8/2/2017 at 7:21 PM, evilqueerpig said:

    I knew I was QUEER at 5, but wasn't until 17 that I had my first man.  It's always been my belief that being a pig is a genetic thing and nothing that can be taught!

    I also knew at 5 that I liked "outies" and not "innies". My first sexual memory is at 5 in the bathroom at nursery school (it had two toilets) with John-John. Our pants and underwear were around our ankles and we were grinding our crotches together.

    On 8/5/2017 at 12:11 PM, GloriHoleLover said:

    So many folks find that so difficult to believe...that some of us honestly and truly live to please others, and not ourselves...and that pleasuring them gives us pleasure. 

    I don't know that top men will EVER completely understand us as pleasure-givers, but I DO know that, like you, when a man begins to express the intensity of the pleasure I'm giving him with my body...by his motions, his groans and the deliciously filthy things he's telling me and calling me...that I heat up even more and my hunger grows to give him even MORE! That's just how it works...feed the fire more fuel and it always burns hotter!

    I'm a top who gets at least as much (if not more) pleasure from giving it than from receiving it. Hearing the guy I'm fucking, licking, kissing, and/or touching moan just makes me redouble my efforts to keep him moaning like that.

    Was I ever molested? I don't think so, but I'm honestly not sure. My second and third sexual memories are from when I was 6 or 7 and involve a cousin who was probably 15 at the time. In my second memory, I'm in his bedroom at our grandparent's house. He and his best friend are sitting on his bed. The best friend was clothed, but my cousin had to have at least had his pants undone and likely pulled down a little cause I was face level with his cock. I don't have a memory of having been sucking it, but I do remember him cumming and me wondering why puss was coming out of his dick. The next memory is of him on top of me with both of us fully clothed and he's grinding against me. I don't have any negative associations with either memory, I wouldn't be surprised if I were a willing participant in both situations as I joke that I come from promiscuous genes.

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  7. On 9/24/2021 at 7:32 AM, BritishCumdump said:

    So I'm hitting that stage now where I'm wanting to get into a long term relationship and build something up rather than dodging love in favour of work and quick sex. 

    The issue is that I'd want it to be an open relationship with my partner actively whoring me out and us throwing breeding parties. Not really polyamory in the love sense, just us having sex with lots of outer people. 

    For those in the community that have these kind of relationships, are they rare? How do they work? Are there problems with jealousy or such? 

    I just wonder if it's better to try and meet someone and go into a relationship fully knowing what you want rather than being purely monogamous and opening up to the cumdump stuff later. I'd love to hear your takes on this. 

     ME!!!!!I I AM possessive in that what's mine is MINE! (I'm an Earth sign after all!) BUT I somehow don't have a problem sexually if what's mine is also shared by everyone else! I 😍 cumholes! And while I will felch my cum out of a hole, I much prefer to felch other men's cum out of it! So, obviously, my partner would need to get fucked by LOTS of other guys for that that to happen!

    On 9/29/2021 at 6:42 AM, Spunkinmyarse said:

    Truth is, I think there are a lot of bottoms who are looking for this kind of relationship (this one included), but far fewer tops…

     ME!!!!!!! I'm a top who would 😍 for my cumhole partner to take as many other men's loads as he can!

    On 9/29/2021 at 8:37 AM, DannyBoyCMH said:

    My husband and I have a relationship like this, for nearly 10 years now. I do believe it is very, very rare though.  We talked about it not long after we met, so we knew exactly what we were getting into right from the start. It's about sex with others, not love. If you can separate the two, great. We have run into couples like us before and it doesn't work out because of jealousy or falling in love with someone you just intended to have sex with. My advice is just to always be honest about what you want and what you're looking for. It may not happen, but at least you know you were honest and up front.

    It took me DECADES to understand that love and sex are not the same thing! Just because a guy had sex with me DOES NOT mean he loves me! And now that >> I << understand that, guys who have sex with me need to understand that! I could REALLY enjoy having sex with you! AND want to have sex with you REPEATEDLY. That DOES NOT mean that I love you! I LOVE having SEX with you. And that is something completely different!

    On 9/29/2021 at 11:58 AM, lycis said:

    We do this. It working juI'm a pretty monogamous person when it comes to love, but my cumdump boyfriend is very poly. I didn't think that mono+poly would work out but it turns out to work out just fine. The key difference is that I know that just because my bf is capable of feeling love + energy towards others, it doesn't mean the love + energy he feels towards me is anyway diminished. His love language truly is like a puppy dog, and his love operates more out of a "communal love" rather than a "you're the only one for me love". As such I never feel jealous when he's taking loads, hooking up, or even going off to hang out with one of his fuck buds or our mutual friends. Because the love he has for me is still unique & genuine, and doesn't ever get hurt by him connecting with our friends or fucking around. That "puppy-like" innocence permeates through every part of his being. The idea of him cheating, or doing anything to break trust is just fundamentally impossible for him. If I knew our relationship was faltering, I'd know about it far before jealousy over hooking up or time spent with people he feels a poly connection with would come into the picture.

    😍 the puppy dog analogy! You mention "love" and "energy." I would use the terms love and sex. The fact that my partner has sex with other men has no effect on the love that he has for me (or that I have for him). From my perspective, I would probably love him a little bit more because he's going out and having sex with other men. Even if that is to fulfill his needs as a cumwhore/cumdump/(insert your term of choice) instead of to fulfill my need to enjoy a cumhole+, >> I << would still be getting the benefit of his actions!

    On 9/29/2021 at 1:59 PM, MuscledHorse said:

     We are emotionally committed to each other 100% and we each know the other comes first. We view sex as a pleasure sport among males, part of our primal DNA programming. 

    THIS!!!!!! 1,000,000%!!!!!

    On 9/29/2021 at 3:00 PM, phukhole said:

    Be open about being open. Honest communication is what will make it work or allow it to fail. If you need rules, make them and follow them.  Communicate. He may be fine with you being a cum dump, but may not want to see it. Or he may get off on seeing you get used. Or he may not want t see it, but hear about it and eat your cummy hole after.  There really is no template for a good relationship,  It's what you both put into (and want out of) it.   As long as you're both satisfied with the love portion, getting ADDITIONAL sexual satisfaction shouldn't be an issue. 

    I resemble ALL of the above! I don't mind seeing my partner being used as a cum dump - I just don't need to participate in it. (Introvert here.) But I would most definitely enjoy his cummy hole afterwards!

    On 9/29/2021 at 3:16 PM, pssilverbear said:

    I have been in an open non-monogamous relationship for three years with my current partner.  It is the first open relationship I’ve ever had.  The experience has been the most loving, respectful, satisfying and joyous relationship I’ve ever had.  We have three major tenets that we follow: no jealousy, no judgements, and no secrets.  Open communication is truly  important to making it work.      

    👏 (and envy) your relationship! I've been part of open relationships that were truly open and part of open relationships that didn't feel all that open. ("I don't mind if you sleep with other guys. I just don't want to hear about it." 😒) I'm studying astrology and have discovered that Mercury (God of Communication!) is the strongest sign in my chart. And in the context of relationships, that's where I fall the most short. 😭 Note to self!

    On 10/2/2021 at 4:03 AM, Pozguyinchi said:

    I was in a relationship for 7 years in my late teens and twenty’s were my bf bred other boys and shared me with other men. In my experience it did not work out. He started sharing me more and having sex with me less. Then he found a younger guy that he wanted for his primary. He didn’t want to break i with me but just wanted me around to service his friends. He ended up leaving me shortly after. I have never been in a relationship since.

    Each to his own and not for me to judge! BUT, if that had been me, I probably would've been just the opposite - having MORE sex with you the more other guys bred you and having LESS sex with you if I was the ONLY one who was breeding you....

    On 10/6/2021 at 5:01 PM, Ozpig said:

    For 13 years I was lucky enough to be in a loving relatinship with a man who encouraged me to be a cumdump, who loved watching me get bred and loved organising tops to fuck me and allowed me to satisfy my need for cock and seed as I wished. Of course, I reciprocated by encouraging, sometimes procuring bottoms for him to breed and loved watching him fuck the arse off bottoms as well. It was not a one way street - and it worked very well for a very long time.

    You have described my IDEAL relationship! If my cumdump partner were regularly bringing me a cumhole to enjoy, I would pretty much be monogamous and happy to be so! But I WOULD leave the door open for me to fuck other guys. (That would only be fair!) Someone I knew before I partnered with my cumhole? Fair game! Someone with different characteristics that I love that my cumhole doesn't have? Fair game! One of the tops who regularly breeds my cumhole invites me to breed his cumhole? Fair game!

    On 10/9/2021 at 10:39 AM, Breedthisslut said:

    I can not be monogamous, so my next serious relationship will be with someone that can accept and/or encourage me being a  cumdump. I need variety and want to live a sissy slut cumdump lifestyle with someone. The top fuckbuds I have now are possessive and want to be the only one fucking my ass. Of course I tell them that they are, but they really are not. They are not boyfriend material for me. I keep hoping to find that guy that accepts my need for strange cock with or without me.

    You and I are both in the "can't be monogamous" camp @Breedthisslut! (And nice hairy crack BTW!) As I've said numerous times already, I 😍 eating and fucking a cumhole! I just prefer the cum I eat to be other men's cum! My "possessiveness" extends to giving my cumhole partner his first and last loads of the day (to remind him that other men can fuck his hole, but I own it). All the loads in between can come from as many guys as possible!

    On 10/9/2021 at 11:57 AM, Guest letsbreed said:

    I would be so happy in an emotionally monogamous but physically slutty relationship, both of us encouraging each other to fuck as many men as possible but coming home to loving cuddles and the stability of that kind of deep connection that is only made stronger by sharing our bodies with any men we desire

    😍 😍 😍 😍 😍

    On 3/7/2022 at 11:29 PM, BBVB said:


    But how to separate the two I.e. love from sex?  I’m brand new to the scene, recently met a guy who I had mind blowing sex with and then started developing an emotional attraction.  While we both met up through a hookup site and I knew he had had a lot of guys, what shocked me is learning how many guys he’d do in a single day or over a weekend.  I wasn’t prepared to handle and lost my shit.  He, undeservedly bore the brunt of my reaction and I buried my feelings for him and my sexual desire went the same way.  How do I successfully decouple and compartmentalize emotion vs. sex?  Be a sex-bot for meaningless hookups but come home to my partner and a warm loving relationship?  Seems like living two separate lives.  

    As I said above, that took me decades to reconcile! 😒 The insertion of dick into hole (or whatever you prefer to call it) is SEX. Sex can be (should be?) devoid of the emotional connection that is/can be love. My partner can get fucked by 100 guys in a day (sex!) and that not touch the affection he has for me (love!). (Look at my screen name and you should understand how that might INCREASE the affection I have for him! 😉) On the other side, I could fuck another bottom (sex) and that wouldn't touch my affection for my partner (love). Even if I gave that guy all the cum I had that day, my partner would still know I love him even if I couldn't cum inside of him until the next day.) 

    Since I'm not a person who reacts that way, I can only assume that those who have a negative reaction to their partner/significant other having sex with another man feels threatened in some way. The person who feels threatened needs to examine WHAT they are are actually feeling threatened by. Are you thinking the other person will have sex with your partner better than you do? If your partner can separate love and sex like I do? No biggee. Are you worried about someone else enjoying something you consider to be YOURS? S&M/B&D aside, you can't really own another person! You have to be secure enough in your relationship to TRUST your that partner is only having sex and not falling in love. (As others have mentioned, communication is KEY here!) If you're worried about the stigma associated with being involved with the town cumdump, get over yourself! If you see your partner as being less than because everyone in the town gets a go (especially if you love cumholes!), you're putting him into a lose/lose situation! As a general rule, try to remove your ego from the situation and then reevaluate. Do you feel the same way?

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  8. On 7/23/2019 at 12:23 AM, ErosWired said:

    I’ve only had this done to me once (and didn’t like it even remotely) but I see it every once in a while in porn, and keep coming across text references to it. I’m not talking about sharing a mouthful of cum, but just straight-up spitting directly into the other guy’s - usually the bottom’s - mouth. I guess I can understand a general pigginess about it, but really, what’s the appeal? What do you get out of it?

     I used to take cock from a Lakota guy who would spit on me when he hate-fucked me (I wasn’t wild about that either) but he never spat in me...

    SO not my thing! Swapping spit in a passionate kiss? 😍😍😍 Sharing fluids while snowballing?   😍😍😍 It NEVER occurs to me to spit into someone's mouth! I might spit onto a hole before inserting my dick (although I'd prefer to eat it out). I don't even spit on the sidewalk! If that's your thing, more power to you! But bottoms never have to worry about that experience with me. (Conversely, if they crave it, they won't get it with me....)

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  9. On 8/21/2021 at 3:13 AM, hardix said:

    I guess this question is more for the tops, than the bottoms.

    As a top do you prefer fucking and breeding young ass, with little or no experience or a mature ass that knows how to take it and treat the top right.

    I'm a mature cum dump with a very capable ass that can can take a good pounding, fist, toys etc. I'm nearly always complemented that I have a great ass and I have several regular tops that  can't wait to get inside me, but if I'm honest it's becoming more difficult to hook up with decent tops, by that I mean men who know how to use what they have and appreciate a good ass to work.

    So to you all you tops, what's your preference?   

    Youth is wasted on the young! Give me older, wiser and more experienced EVERY day of the week!

    On 8/21/2021 at 8:19 PM, Bearhunter55 said:

    I prefer older men - and if the ass is hairy HELL YES. 

    Naturally smooth is fine, but there is no such thing as too hairy in my book! 😍👅😍

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  10. As a top, I can say that "good pussy" can be unexpectedly good. I've hooked up with this guy who in some ways is most definitely my "type" (as if I only have one) but in other ways definitely isn't. Yet his pussy is some of the best I've ever had the pleasure of sliding into, fucking and breeding! I would've expected his pussy to be average at best. And I have to admit (although not to him) that his pussy is some of the best I've ever had.

    For me, bad pussy falls into the following categories:

    • the guy is off to my fucking rhythm, thereby throwing me off my fucking game
    • I understand that the pussy isn't the natural role for that part of the body, so I don't trip if "accidents happen"...., but someone who obviously hasn't taken the time to prepare for getting fucked is bad pussy
    • if fucking you seems like "work," then you're bad pussy
    • If I don't cum from/when fucking you, then you're bad pussy

    Average pussy means I got off, but had to work a little harder at it than I might've liked (like thinking about fucking another guy while I was fucking you). Average pussy is kept around for those times when good pussy isn't available.

    Good pussy is a pleasure to slide into, fuck and breed. And I want to do it repeatedly (as in on multiple occasions)! So, from my perspective, you should be happy/proud to have been called "good pussy" by 2 or 3 tops!

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  11. Sorry everyone. I didn't realize that I didn't automatically follow a thread a I started....

    On 2/22/2022 at 10:13 AM, Breedthisslut said:

    PM sent

    We've been in contact.

    On 2/24/2022 at 11:27 AM, cumdump831 said:

    I’ll take your load 

    I never know what to make of a bottom who shows his dick. But you're a a versa-bottom. Sorry, from what I can see, I can't tell if I'm interested or not.

    On 2/25/2022 at 11:23 AM, Chubbottomall4s said:

    Would love to be your cumdump. Let me know when I may serve.

    Thanks. We're not a match though. Good luck to you!

    5 hours ago, hotpussyboy said:

    I'm a cumdump and would enjoy taking your loads. Why haven't you responded to my other messages?

    I believe I have replied to you in every thread in which you have pinged me. Neither of us can send direct messages to the other (yet), and I don't want to derail any threads/make public our private conversations. You'll likely be able to DM me before I can DM you. I look forward to the time when we can converse directly with each other!

  12. 6 hours ago, hotpussyboy said:

    I would love to chat with you. You probably already know that I'm a submissive bottom and love to feel the guy's cock sliding ever so deep in my hungry pussy. I'm turned on by your earlier comment about using your tongue to prepare your bottom for breeding. That excites me to be on the receiving end of your expert tongue action before sliding your cock in my pussy. I'm still  not able to send messages but will do so when I'm allowed. Meanwhile, I would like to hear back from you with your comments - how about it????

    I can't send you a direct message and I don't want to derail this thread. Would be happy to chat though when that's possible. Right now I can only reply to messages that others have sent me.

  13. Decades ago when I was a bottom, one guy disabused me from being fingered. I swear it felt like he was doing a goosestep in my hole with his two fingers. Hated it! But the sex was pretty good. As a top I don't finger cause my nails aren't always trimmed. (Plus I'd rather use my tongue to get the bottom ready.)

    When I was a bottom, if the top tried to ram it all the way in at once, my hole would clench shut and he'd have a helluva time trying to get in after that. As a top I prefer to work my way in slowly, at a pace the bottom is good with. I'm all about mutual pleasure, and I get as much pleasure from giving pleasure as I do from being pleasured.

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  14. I have never had sex with a woman and have no desire to. That said, the term pussy for a man's asshole turns me on. I know that some men don't like the term, so will confirm before using it. Manpussy doesn't do the same thing for me that pussy does. And I just have a denotative association with cunt. I'm much more likely to call someone (male or female) a cunt than I am to call them a pussy. So calling a source of great pleasure a cunt doesn't resonate with me.

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  15. On 2/22/2022 at 3:09 AM, Lejoliederriere said:

    Very frustrating situation to be in. A guy responds to my postings and I'm turned on. He says he wishes that I would be where he wants me to be so that I can have his cock in my mouth and in my pussy. We exchange comments that fires my imagination and I'm restless all day fantasising about feeling his cock slipping into my hot pussy and holding his cock deep inside me as he explodes a huge load. I keep looking for more of his comments but he has somehow vanished. Nothing further "cums" from him, so to speak...lol What does a submissive bottom like me do?

    I've had guys from halfway around the world (on this and other sites) hit me up. Since transporters are still an invention of Sci Fi, there's not a whole lot two people can do for each other from that far apart. While it's nice that someone lets me know they want what I have to offer, there's not a whole lot I can do.... Don't know if the guys you're talking about fall into that category or not. But if you and I were in the same city, there would be some fucking going on. Just saying....

    On 2/22/2022 at 5:02 PM, TheSRQDude said:

    I for one am damned glad you said it. There are far too many out there who just want to capitalize on guys by charging them for a half-hearted fuck or blow-job, followed by repeated swiping of an American Express card. I even get approached by those younger who want to call me daddy, but are clearly not in a position to eve understand what they really want.

    It's something of a trope, but it's also TRUE! Youth is wasted on the young. I can look back and see where I was, "young, dumb and full of cum" but didn't have "sense enough to pour piss in a boot with the directions on the bottle!" (in the words of the inimitable Richard Pryor) I didn't even THINK I was the shit in my 20's. I KNEW it! With 20/20 hindsight, I didn't really come into my own until my 40s. So part of me can't fault them. But part of me thinks, "Let's see what you have to say in 20 years!" That's a large part of the reason why I'm not all that inclined to play with those more than 20 years my junior - nice to look at, but not really worth the hassle.

    On 2/22/2022 at 5:10 PM, bjaustin said:

    I mean I'd date you.

    Why, thanks! 😊

    On 2/23/2022 at 1:34 PM, TxBBTop said:

    I love dating insatiable cumdump bottoms. There is nothing better then dating someone who has all the kinky slutty qualifications I look for and comes home to daddy with a cumsloppy hole. 

    For some of the guys I've dated, I've encouraged them to get remote cameras installed so I can watch them be cumdump whores while I'm working. There is nothing hotter then watching my BF getting fucked raw by a group of men knowing that after work I get to slide into that cumsloppy whore pussy. GRRRRR Just thinking of it makes me worked up.

    We share the same sentiments/outlook. The bottom can get fucked by the whole town as long as he brings that used sloppy cumhole home to me to enjoy! I don't necessarily need to see the breeding though. But I will definitely enjoy the end result!

    On 2/24/2022 at 5:43 AM, Ozpig said:

    That is the way my ex loved it for 13.5 years. But not a lot of tops love sluts as their partners. 

    Lucky you! 🤚 I would enjoy a slut as a partner!

    On 2/24/2022 at 5:53 AM, hntnhole said:

    Can we be more specific about the meaning of that term?  What, exactly, is the definition of "date", "dating", as used today within our subculture?

    I would offer that "a date" implies an exploratory get-together, with the intent to discover mutual qualities about the other.  It may or may not lead to more "dates", with the objective of figuring out what kind of partner the other guy might be.  For men like us, obviously somebody would Breed somebody, but that's merely the sexual quotient (which, for some reason we tend to satisfy first) ....😈

    Does a "date" today mean what "trick" used to mean a couple of decades ago?  Does it still imply the possibility of something "more"? 

    I don't believe this was directed at me, but I'll answer anyway. For me, "date" is synonymous with sex. If we don't have sex on a date, there won't be a second meeting! "Meet and greet" is what I would equate with "date" as you described it - there is no expectation of sex. I also don't assume that other people interpret terms the same way I do, so date vs  meet and greet would have to be clarified before we met to avoid any confusion. 

    On 2/24/2022 at 5:57 AM, Ozpig said:

    Having a partner that is a cum dump can be very hard. Sure, countless tops want to use them. For me and my ex for 13.5 years it worked well - because he not only understood my need for getting fucked and bred, but encouraged it and got off on it too. He actually helped me on the journey to be the cum dump I have ended up being. He organised gang bangs, took me to dark rooms, loved watching men fuck and breed me, loved fucking me when I had taken loads. It made things so much easier. There was no guilt. He knew I needed to get fucked constantly, accepted that I not only had one offs but regulars. He loved taking pics and vids of me gettng fucked. But it worked both ways, I accpeted his need for fucking other bottoms. 

    Of course this is only hypothetical on my part cause I haven't been in a relationship with a cumdump, but although I would keep my options open to fuck other bottoms since my partner was regularly getting fucked by other tops, I likely would only use that option on rare occasions. My loads would be reserved for my bottom as a thank you/reward for bringing me cumholes to enjoy. I firmly believe that "variety is the spice of life,", but the cumhole that my partner would be bringing me would be different each time, giving me that variety that I crave.

    11 hours ago, HairyJake said:

    The thing is a person who disappears , or takes off for months and months - is the wrong person . It doesn’t matter what they want to do sexually.

    I believe there is no  “one way” to do anything  least of all a relationship .  

    Please don’t give up it’s obviously something that’s in your heart that you want but manage your expectations and I say that not that you should compromise for something mediocre but that you have to be honest with yourself about who you’re looking at  for relationships and you have to dig deep and make some changes - Compromise is not a bad word it actually shows strength determination self-restraint and character.

    There are people who have wild open marriages and who live each other and are in love with each other - a unified front always - and their other half always the priority - always.

    Talk to a sex positive therapist maybe? 

    Thanks HairyJake! The first guy I can fault. The second one I can't. The third one I alternate back and forth between he's a flake and he's a catfish. I do believe that things happen for a reason. And in all three of those cases, the reason could be because they weren't the right man for me. History has shown me that compromise doesn't really get me what I want. And being an Earth sign, compromise isn't a strong trait of mine anyway....

    4 hours ago, Ozpig said:

    Me too

    Thank you too! 😍

    3 hours ago, FunCheerSlut said:

    In this case, I think you could make it work. You seem like an idea partner for a cumdump. It's always about finding the right "fit" with any relationship. Good luck!!

    Sites like this have shown me that there are a lot more cumdumps around than I might've thought. The optimist in me wants to believe that means I'm more likely to find one who wants the kind of relationship I want.

    • Haha 1
  16. I'm extremely happy for you @ohmalewhore!

    @hntnhole my feelings about drug use come from a hypothetical place. Yours come from a place of experience. If I were in a relationship with someone who was going down the spiral of drug use and my best efforts weren't enough to help him, I probably would have to distance myself from him. And that experience would certainly color my experiences after that. But I haven't been there, done that yet, so I can't make a blanket statement about it.

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  17. I 😍😍😍 cumsluts and wish I had more of them in my life! You do you and don't worry about what other people think! As the old saying goes, "Those who can, do. Those who can't, criticize!" Haters are always going to hate. But don't let them make you feel bad about something you appear to be good at that brings you pleasure.

    I'm the type whose validation is internally derived instead of externally derived. At the end of the day, if I'm happy with myself, I could care less (if I cared) about what anyone else thinks of me. You are the only one who can live your life. Don't let other people live your life for you!

    • Upvote 4
  18. Been a busy few days. Thanks to everyone who has replied so far!

    @rock-cock-jock and @MuscledHorse it took quite a long time, but I finally got to the point where I can separate love and sex - just because I have sex with a man doesn't mean that either of us is or will become in love with the other. That reason, coupled with the fact that I crave variety in all areas of my life, is why the thought of a monogamous relationship holds zero interest for me. My partner would have to understand that me having sex with another man is just that (sex) and not a threat to our relationship.

    @blackrobe the above said, while I think I could be satisfied with the variety presented by a cumhole partner, I would still leave the door open for me to have sex with other men.  If my partner can sleep with multiple men in a day (with my blessing and encouragement no less!), then I should be able to sleep with another man whenever the urge strikes.

    @blackrobe I would love to find a local cumdump and see what we could build together in terms of a relationship. But so far all the ones I've found who are interested in the kind of relationship I described have not been local. 😞 

    @hntnhole Yes, you and I are cut from the same damned cloth except for the fact that you've experienced the kind of relationship I have only longed for to this point. I do appreciate where you're coming from with "no drugs tolerated" especially since I don't do (non-prescription) drugs. But I think such a caveat would unnecessarily open the door to secrets and lies. If the person I'm playing with uses drugs, fine. A guy I used to play with semi-regularly who was an Engineer by day would use non-prescription drugs when he played. Not my thing, but it helped him to be ready, willing and able for a long session. (This was before I realized how attracted I am to cumdumps.)  So, win-win in my book. Since I haven't been in the situation yet with someone whose need for such substances turned into an addiction, I'm not 100% sure how I'd handle it. I did have an experience with someone on another site who consumed while getting ready to meet up with me to the point where he couldn't even take an Uber to get here. That told me everything I needed to know. So, maybe I do know how I'd handle such a situation within the context of a relationship.

    On 2/18/2022 at 11:35 AM, hntnhole said:

    While some may think of me as a Daddy, there is no prefix spelled s-u-g-a-r available. 

    I hope it's ok to say I 😍 you for this! I'm at the age where "daddy" is inevitable, but sugar is not even in the picture!

    On 2/18/2022 at 11:50 AM, rock-cock-jock said:

    I think it's also possible for your brain to do unintended albeit unfortunate things like falling into a sexual mental pattern you might have used with previous casual partners, such as after having sex a few times then lose interest because of the lack of novelty.

    This is definitely why monogamy is not my thing. And, yeah, that's probably true about me and casual partners too.

    On 2/18/2022 at 7:53 PM, leatherpunk16 said:

    Imagine my heartbreak when he told me he's not interested in having a relationship with me! I asked him just before Christmas if he would consider the possibility. He said no. He'd rather be a cumdump. I explained that I wouldn't take that from him, it's part of who he is, and I accepted it when we met. Didn't matter. He's not interested. 

    Sorry to hear that. One thing I've come to realize is that I can't live anyone else's life for them. While you can see that nothing would be different for him in terms of being a cumdump, he apparently doesn't see that. And nothing you can say or do will convince him otherwise. And that could just as easily be about him and not about you. He could have the mindset that he can only be a cumdump when single and when in a relationship he has to be monogamous. And he could have no idea where that belief even comes from inside of him. (Reference @rock-cock-jock's first post.)

    @rock-cock-jock, as with my response to hntnhole, I'm not all that inclined to impose rules on a relationship in general. I know myself well enough that if I'm told I can't do something, that just makes me want to do it all the more. So I wouldn't be surprised at the same behavior/desire by my partner. I was in an open relationship with a guy who told me I could sleep with other men but he just didn't want to know about it. And I didn't sleep with anyone else while we were together. But I could have if I wanted to. If I'm in a relationship with a cumdump and either one of us finds someone else they want to be with more, our relationship has run the course it was meant to run. If it were my partner who moved on, I'm not going to pine over what is gone. To flip an old adage, "The best way to get over one man is to get on top of another one!"

    • Upvote 1
  19. I realized more than a few years ago that I'm not really "Relationship Material".... That hasn't stopped me from trying, but every time a relationship ends that little voice inside me says, "But you already KNEW that!"

    So, I've come to the conclusion that the perfect relationship for me would be with a Cumdump. (Note my screen name.) Not only would he be allowed to sleep with as many other men as possible, he would be encouraged to do so on a regular basis in order to bring me a cumhole to enjoy! I only have two rules for such a relationship:

    1. Your cumhole is always available to me
    2. When you get a cumhole, you bring it home for me to enjoy

    I don't think either one of those is too onerous. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

    Over the last 6 years, I have had serious talks with three different guys about entering into such a relationship. And in all three cases, the guys disappeared for weeks or months only to resurface after I had already moved on. The first guy lived on the East Coast of the US (and I'm on the West Coast). We had gotten to the point where I was ready to fly across country, rent a U-Haul and drive him and his stuff back to California. Then he dropped off the face of the earth. Turns out he had reconciled with an ex and was exclusive to the point that he couldn't even contact me to let me know what was going on. 

    By the time he realized they were exes for a reason and the ex hadn't changed his spots, I was talking to guy #2. He lived in the southern part of the state. We had gotten to the point where I was ready to fly down and visit him and if everything was as good in reality as it appeared to be through conversations, I would've relocated to his area. He disappeared. Turns out he had gotten really sick, was hospitalized and almost died. By the time he resurfaced, I was in a (non-cumdump) relationship.

    Last December I talked to another guy from the southern part of the state. He has family in this area and was coming up for the holidays anyway, so he was going to spend that first night with me with an option for spending the whole weekend together if we hit it off. Didn't show, and no contact for 3 weeks afterward. (I actually think he's a catfish if he's even male-identified. But that's another story for another thread.)

    My general rule of thumb (applied to many different situations, not just sex) is that once is a fluke, twice is a problem and three times is the Universe sending me a message.

    Is a relationship with a cumdump just a pipedream that I should give up? Has anyone had such a relationship that was successful? Would self-identified cumdumps be interested in such a relationship? Or should I listen to the Universe's message that I shouldn't be in such a relationship?

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