Most BB Porn, including a lot of vids given good reviews on this site totally suck! Why you ask? I'm so freakin' tired of seeing these supposedly 'top' guys fucking a bottom and never shooting in the guys ass. You can even see a lot of soft dick and fake grunting! Usually, there's about 15 miniutes of fucking, then there's a cut away to the guy's face or something, and then back to the guy's dick and all of a sudden he's making noise and jacking off his cock on a guy's ass. Yeah right! Did they go on lunch break between those takes? In a lot of STR8 porn you see these guys pounding away at ass, there's no cut aways, and the guy just pours his cum into the girls ass. BB porn is so fucking fake! How about some REAL animal sex with guys pumping their seed into some asses?
I would prefer to watch some REAL BB sex vids...but unfortunately have to get off seeing some hot big dicked str8 men pound some nasty girl ass!