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Everything posted by bluedragon

  1. "Can you bring some other tops with you" always gets firmly shut down.
  2. Grindr sometimes works, but you have to wade through so many fake pics, attention seekers, and timewasters. I don't think the design of the app is good, it also promotes just blocking people ASAP if they aren't 100% what you are looking for which is why I think it has been found to have such a bad effect on so many guys' mental health. Scruff I have had very limited interactions on, seems mostly dead round here. BBRT is the best site in my view for guys who are up for it (and who are into bareback obviously) but it only works in big cities. It's a paradise in London., but very slim pickings here in Dublin sadly....
  3. I didn't know about Ian Matos, a sad story, It's interesting because as I said my guy had retained a lean muscular build and stayed in shape, his legs in particular were solidly muscled. I assumed he must go to the gym and was talking to him about it but he claimed not to have gone in 15 years. He says he stayed that way because of muscle memory and because he had done so much training in the early part of his life. So there you go!
  4. Yes, I do know he won the Brazilian national championships in his sport.
  5. I guess after the long drought of the pandemic, and despite some worries about turning forty, my sex life is picking up a bit. Just a couple of days after writing my last post about coming in someone for the first time in ages, I took a load too which is a very rare occurrence for me. I had met this hot, very tall and athletic Brazilian guy a couple of weeks ago at a sex party (it's no coincidence that a lot of my stories and experiences involve Brazilians, they are a very hot people and there are huge numbers of them in Ireland right now). We had fucked each other at the party, but neither of us had come inside each other then. He was lateish forties but looked younger, had lots of tattoos and a lean muscular build. So a couple of days ago I texted him to offer him the chance to come round and umm share something I had in the house (and fuck, of course). He arrives and we get straight to it. He wants to top me., and as it happens I've been trying to train myself to be a better bottom recently: I want to broaden my range and not just top all the time. He fucks me on my sofa and on my bed in different positions, he has a big long and thick dick and slams it into me, while I bit my lip and wonder how long I can take it for....:). Fucking bareback makes it less painful, of course, and I've started to learn about how to move and position my ass, and how to focus on being less tense, so as to make bottoming much more fun and much less painful than it has been for me. After a while at this he suddenly says he's going to come, so I guess I should let him come in my ass, right? he does, and we take a five minute break before round 2. Later on we invite a fairly cute Lithuanian guy in his twenties to bottom for both of us, but no more loads were swapped that night. Not to kill the mood of the story, but it's the first time I've been bred without being on PreP. I am NOT a 'chaser' and don't want to be infected, but I ran out of pills some days ago, and appointments at the prep clinic here are difficult to get and are organised at times very inconvenient for my work. Irish customs also doesn't allow you to import the generic medication, like I used to do when I lived in the UK. This guy says he is on prep though and I believe him. That said, it wasn't necessarily smart or something I want to let happen again, so I'm going to order generic medication to be sent to a friend's house in London. Anyway, getting loaded is a very rare thing to happen to me: I guess partly because I don't bottom that much, and partly because I'm just not fixated on collecting loads as some guys are. It feels, at least psychologically, nice and a little bit transgressive to do, though. I didn't physically feel him come inside me. I think it's still fewer than 10 men who have actually come inside me, which given that I fuck a lot is a very low number. And here's the fun part of the story: he's a former Olympian! He competed at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics. I won't say in what discipline, but I know this is a true story as there's actually a video of him competing on youtube and it is recognisably him. He got through the first round of the contest but didn't manage to make the semi-finals. This makes him the first ex-Olympian I have had sex with, a rather nice achievement for me probably more impressive than the porn star I fucked a few years back.
  6. There is no point in trying to work out your risk of becoming infected based on anecdotes from this forum. The statistics like those posted above will tell you something, but the risk factors involved in something like the spread of HIV are very complex and involve a whole 'sexual ecology' (who is doing what with whom) which affects a given individual's risk level in lots of different ways. I'm not sure why you seem resistant to going on PreP. It gives you control over your own health, it's increasingly easy and cheap/free to get in many countries, most people don't have significant side effects and, if you are only rarely having sex, you can use the event-based dosing schedule rather than take a pill everyday. PreP changed my life - i would grab it with both hands if I were you.
  7. You were where? At the sauna in Dublin?
  8. It's fairly common for me not to come, depending on my mood and on if anything has been consumed, and I often outlast my bottoms anyway. Last weekend I went to the sauna in Dublin for the first time in a long while. Some interesting guys there, got a blow job from a cute early 20s guy but that ended up being just the appetiser. Eventually I saw this build, lean muscled mixed race guy. He walked past me a couple times and turn and looked back and I got the little thrill you get from knowing he's interested. He's wearing a baseball cap. Into the cabin and I was pretty hopeful I could fuck him raw, condoms are increasingly rarely used there. He sucks me for a bit and we kiss, then he grabs some lube and starts to put it in his hole and I know I am in. I fuck him bent over the mattress/rest area, then we get up on our knees on it and I'm half lying on top of him and fucking downwards. To my surprise, fairly soon after that I start feeling like I'm going to come. I decide to just go for it because I want to load a guy as it's been a long while, but being the gentleman I am ask him if he wants the load first. Of course he answers enthusiastically and I fill him up. We chat for a bit. He says he is Italian: his mother is, but his father is Brazilian and he seems a little ashamed of that fact. There are Brazilians everywhere in Dublin so maybe he encountered some hostility from some local. We fuck again, and this time he comes as he is riding me. We wander around for a bit and agree to swap numbers. Later that night I give him his first fuck in a sling. At first he was shy getting fucked in front of other guys, but later he is asking me to open the door so others can come and watch us. A fun night! You never know how these nights are going to go.
  9. Good question. My mix of active and retired stars would be: Sean Duran Pheonix Fellington Bamm Bamm ( from Breed it Raw) Saxon West Kurtis Wolfe Stas Landon Luca Bondi Dylan Saunders Reign Raul Korso. But this isn't a gang bang, it's an orgy, and everyone has to take and give.
  10. I'm keen to go but perhaps in a minority of one on this site because I want to go as a stallion! I think they are starting back up again in April or May, anyone planning to go as a stallion to the Berlin or Amsterdam ones?
  11. Hey man Dublin-based lad here, if you're still in the city let me know if you want bred sometime.

  12. 34 or 35. I didn't do it till Prep came along. The first load was from a poz undetectable guy, funny enough (I am not a chaser). I remember thinking I had moved very quickly to taking poz loads very soon after after going on prep. I'm more of a top, though trying to even it up a bit, so I haven't taken that many loads since, but it's a nice, slightly [banned word] surprise when it happens.
  13. OK, think i found you on BBRT, hope we get to meet while you're here 😉
  14. Do you have a BBRT profile mate?
  15. When someone is eventually allowed to send private messages, do they get a notification telling them so? Or do I have to keep trying to send a message to someone to check whether I am allowed to?
  16. Vers top lad here but curious to know if we have a local version of those networks of details of on-demand cumdumps like in the London area/the States.
  17. My age range used to be around 18-35, then I moved it up to 18-45 where it has stayed for years. I have quite a lot of different types and like most ethnicities, it's hard for me to describe exactly what I am and am not into. I don't like guys who are seriously overweight, depending on weight distribution. I have gotten more comfortable with fem guys, that used to be a turnoff. I've never been someone who will say yes to absolutely anyone though. The main thing is that when I'm at a party my standards definitely get looser than if i'm just cruising on my own. It makes sense for everyone to be a bit more open at a party, to make the event go better. If I have sex with two guys that are ok but who I'm not really into, I might then get 2 other guys who I am really into. Final result: I've had sex four times and everyone is happy! Win: win: win: win.
  18. London, nowhere in the world is better for gay men.
  19. Dublin lad here
  20. I remember reading a quote from a female porn star, i forget her name, who was big on Only Fans. One time she decided to mix things up and record a scene with a guy with a smaller dick, but she got flooded with complaints. All from straight men.
  21. Story time! I fucked a straight-identified guy once, and I had a very interesting conversation with him.. There I was in the sauna on the lookout when a guy comes up to me, youngish and quite nice looking, and asks me if I want to go and get a cabin, adding "I'm a sub". Well, ok, a little more direct than I'm used to in those kind of places but sounds like fun, I'm in. So I get to the cabin and the guy assumes the position facing down, and I don a condom (sorry, but trying to be as honest as I can in this story, and this was some years before I started barebacking). I try to penetrate him but it's too painful for him and I have to stop. I wonder if this is actually going to happen and if I'm going to stay hard through several failed attempts. But next time I make it inside him successfully and start to fuck. I'm not a fan of bottoms trying to 'top from the bottom' by any means, but you've got to show some response, and this guy had nothing. He lay there as I fucked him, not really responding or making much noise, uninterested in me kissing the side of his head. hmmmm, I guess he's not really into this. I was expecting an underwhelming experience to wind down, but then he asked me if I was going to come, and if I could come while still inside (he didn't think I was bare). Well, I'm quite accommodating, I'll give it a shot - and to my surprise, I found I could probably come, so picked up the pace. This guy went wild - moaning super load, shouting out "OH YES OH YES COME ON" making everyone else in the place jealous of us. So, I came, and pulled out, and we cooled off for a bit. The thought came into my head 'this guy is straight'. Partly due to his unusual cruising behaviour, partly due to the rather strange disjointed sex we had just had. So i asked him, and he confirmed he was. We talked for a bit and he tried to explain it. He said that when he saw a beautiful woman walking down the street he got this punch in the gut feeling of desire, and he didn't get that with a man. His thing was being fucked - I guess it was in some way psychological? Every now and then he felt that he had to get fucked, would go to a place like we were in and find someone to do it, i think it didn't matter much who. He was thinking about leaving but knew that he wouldn't be able to stop thinking about getting fucked if he didn't do it. So i don't know what to call that guy, not entirely straight obviously but more with an attraction to the idea of being penetrated or dominated than to the man doing it? For what it's worth I've read posts by guys like that on reddit: attracted to the dick only, not the rest of the guy. So, make of that what you will.
  22. Look at what's happening to porn. The big studios who were marketing themselves on their 'straight', occasionally 'curious' stars (Sean Cody, Corbyn Fisher) are now claiming much less often that their stars are straight, while other stars of those studios are now allowed to be openly gay. Porn performers who would have been straight 20 years ago are now labelling themselves pansexual or bisexual. Meanwhile, attitude surveys confirm Generation Z is the gayest generation in history., and the most liberal about sexuality. In other words, the straight guy fetish - which @rock-cock-jock probably correctly identifies as the result of growing up in a homophobic environment - is losing popularity as those environments become less homophobic. As someone who doesn't particularly have a straight guy fetish, i've still been propositioned by various straight-identified men, including friends of mine, like most gay men have. There's no doubt there's an appeal in 'conquering new territory' so to speak. I always put extra special effort into blow jobs, because it is so easy to tell that none of the women in their lives have ever had a clue how to suck them properly before.
  23. Some years ago I finished a PhD. I don't normally go for commercial arrangements, but I thought about paying for a porn star's time as a reward for myself. I was indecisive and didn't make a firm choice for a while though, and in the end I ended up fucking a porn star for free! He was Dolf Dietrich, performed in a live sex show at Hard On in London and afterwards had me (and most of the rest of the club) upstairs in the club. He had a great ass (shot two loads in it, which is unusual for me) and is actually really seriously tall - about 6 foot 5 or thereabouts. I didn't get to fuck the other performer though, Yoshi Kawasaki. Still thinking about giving myself that much delayed reward, lead candidate right now is James Castle.
  24. I have actually tried to keep an exact count. This is the one slightly autistic thing I've done through my adulthood - keeping the cumulative total in my head and adding one to it each time. When I started having sex almost twenty years ago now, I got very excited and happy that I was finally getting some, and tried to remember some of the details about the guys (age, nationality, whether I topped or bottomed, etc) and made up little lists for myself. I stopped doing the lists after I got past twenty guys or so, and never went so far as to keep a spreadsheet, but I've always tried to remember the figure. I only count someone if we've had penetrative sex (not just oral), and if I have sex with them twice, I don't count them twice - it's a list of the number of people I've had, not the number of times I've had sex. It gets complicated though, particularly when I have sex at sex clubs or similar, because I'll fuck someone and think they look a bit familiar and wonder if I've had them before. Then I have to stop and have a quick, anxious internal debate before deciding on whether to add him to the total or not. I've actually called after guys to ask them if we've met before, purely to help me make the decision. Obviously this means that the figure I have is my best estimate and is probably not exactly accurate Weird eh? Anyway the figure as of today is exactly 1,230 people - 1,229 men and 1 woman. I'm quite pleased and proud of myself to have made it over the 1,000, rock star figures in the heterosexual world, especially since i don't fuck absolutely everyone who wants me and frequently turn down guys I'm not attracted to. I've also topped much more than I've bottomed, so I haven't had the chance to really rack up the numbers as a gangbang bottom or similar (and I'm not sure I even physically could, massive respect to the guys who have the stamina and nerves of steel!). Keeping count like this has probably made me a little compulsive about sex though and about adding to my total figure. I get annoyed that Prep took so long to come out and thus so many of those had to involve a condom (probably only about 300 have been bareback). I also get mad at how the pandemic meant I only had a few guys over the course of a year. Hence I'm hatching a plan to spend the summer months in London, and to be brutally honest about 90% of the reason is to rack up a larger number of guys in a relatively short time, and make up for the sexual desert of the pandemic while I'm still young enough to do it! London is like my sexual paradise, the first year I lived there I had over 200 guys, my best year ever. Anyway, a lot of info I've never really told anyone in person! But I'm sure this forum will understand 🙂
  25. Hi all! Vers top guy currently based in Dublin but frequently in London or Glasgow. Prep changed my life 🙂 I went from using condoms pretty much all the time, to using them almost never. I've been barebacking for more than five years now and hope to use this site to find some good mates for long, sleazy, hot fuck sessions.
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