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Posts posted by Heir2012

  1. A hairy man, especially his chest, pits, lower back, and forearms. 

    A beard. A thick beard is INCREDIBLE! 

    Veiny hands. I love seeing the veins, usually paired with more hair.

    A white jockstrap. Think classic locker room.

    Yes, a man's natural scent is hot, but a woodsy cologne gets me hot.

    A cock with a big head!

    Eye contact. Nothing creepy, but when he looks into your eyes, whether when having sex or just in general, it makes me melt. Windows to the soul. 

    A smile. Not a huge smile. A Harrison Ford type smile. 

    A deep, manly voice, something that sounds powerful. 

    If a man holds me and kisses my neck, my legs go weak and I'm his. 

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  2. I am not a trucker, but I have a friend who is, and he told me the company has STRICT rules concerning NOT picking up people. They're monitoring their drivers, and that sometimes includes cameras and speed tracking, checking their routes. 

    I'm sure the type of trucker sex you're talking about once existed (and may exist for truckers who don't work for specific companies), but I think most companies have squashed the dream of trucker sex. 

    Again, just from what I've been told. I hope you find someone who can let you ride in their truck and then ride their cock! 

    • Like 2
  3. While the sluttier side will say "give up your hole to whatever man wants it," the real answer is that it's your fucking body. When you're done, you're done. You don't owe anyone anything, only yourself. If you're enjoying it, keep going. If you feel that you're done or a guy creeps you out, leave. 

    You decide. 

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  4. 10 hours ago, sleazyskank said:

    First time that happened to me, I was well poppered up, my host had fucked and bred me well, then began fisting my hole while sucking my cock. He hit a spot, and I just started to cum uncontrollably, soon followed by massive amounts of piss, simultaneously. This lasted at least five minutes, then after the waves of orgasm lasted another five. I lay there, completely wet, covered in my cum, piss, and sweat, panting hard, and enjoying the sensations. Never experienced that before, so I apologized profusely to my host for the mess. He said it was normal, and enjoyed giving it to me, and watching my reaction. When I finally got up, my body was pleasantly sore, my legs weak, and struggled to walk to the shower. When I left, I wished i could get another one!!

    The fact that this guy said what you experienced is "normal" makes me want to hunt him down and present my ass without question! Wow! 

    • Like 2
  5. I've never had this happen, but I think it's hot.

    If it happens and feels like you described, I say welcome the piss! I guess it sometimes comes down to you and the top's feelings toward piss. If you have no issue with piss or are turned on by it, and so is your partner, then it's perfect! It can heighten the energy between you.

    But, if you or the top don't like piss, I can see it ruining the moment. 

    If it was me, as the top or bottom, I'd find it incredibly hot! 

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  6. Possibly gay for pay.

    When he has two guys together, they'll do stuff, but they seem reluctant. 

    Then again, maybe they start off as real, maybe offering real checkups for those who can't afford healthcare. Then, they offer money to the men who they like, bringing them back. 

    I just can't find any of the "patients" in any other porn. I've looked. 

  7. I love watching gay doctor porn. 

    Now, let me clarify, I don't love the type that is clearly fake, meaning acted out. Think of the SNL skit they did with Adam Driver. It just doesn't work for me. 

    But, I do love watching the Jock Physical videos. 

    Does anyone know if these videos are real?

    I feel like the answer is "No," because there are some points where the doctor is supposedly gone while they guy jerks off, but a few times the guy is clearly looking at someone or the doctor just happens to return at the exact moment the guy cums. 

    Still, the guys talk about themselves and their medical history in a way that feels real. 

    I just don't know. Maybe they start real, telling the guys they're recording for learning purposes. If so, they could get sued, right? Then, maybe, they bring them back, letting them know it's porn related. 

    Do you know?

    Do you have videos like this you'd recommend? Please leave a link. 

    JP 2.jpg

    JP 3.jpg

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  8. The Poz stories brought me here first. It was the first time I saw stories and testimonials about men seeking out "the gift" to fulfill an aspect of their sexuality. I never knew it was possible. The stories got me off immediately because they were dark and twisted. They opened up inside me a nature I had kept closed off for most of my life. 

    I then started writing on BZ because I wanted to share ideas and fantasies of my own. 

    Overall, I keep coming back for the hot fuckers I've met on BZ. I love experiencing your lives with you. I love witnessing you all unleash yourselves, letting your true, manly nature's take over. 

    I dare you to find a group of hotter, more depraved men. 

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