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Posts posted by Heir2012

  1. Hey guys,

    I just wanted to post letting you know something has come up in my life that is going to consume time and energy. 

    I will be posting Part 45 on time, but I'll be disappearing right after for a bit of time. As soon as I can get back, I will. I'll continue writing, bringing this story to a close, but this event/issue demands and deserves my attention. 

    I know you'll understand, but I just wanted to give you a heads up. 


    - Heir2012 

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  2. On 3/6/2024 at 11:26 AM, aessen said:

    There is no reason why something this well crafted can’t result in a series/adaptation of sorts and cost next to nothing with today’s backed and developer access generative AI. I’m taking concepts that are stories first and adapting them into webcomics all the time with realistic 3D models. Now that ultra realistic text to video generation is here, I’m already toying around with local models that can generate high quality output of a similar nature.  

    It would be cool to see this as a comic/graphic novel. Or the characters made real with AI. Honestly, even though I've written this, I forget a lot of stuff, including what characters look like. If anyone wants to make an attempt, I'd love to see it. 

    If I had the artist skills of @JaygusherI'd create animated versions. I'm just not gifted that way. 

  3. 2 hours ago, norcalraw said:

    Separately, my next door neighbors pop up on Grindr. It’s awkward when it shows like 50 feet away. The couple, two dudes, would love nothing more than for me to fuck the cum out of them. I’m just not into them. Actually, think they’re assholes for neighbors-always complaining about something, like my dogs barking, fence issue, my xmas lights being left up in January…very annoying people. 

    Maybe you can fuck the shit out of them as a way of saying "Fuck you, you fucking pieces of shit!" Or, you know, something like that. 

    Or, get them addicted to you and use that as a manipulation tactic. Sometimes sexuality is a tool you can use to get what you want or punish those you hate. 


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  4. 19 minutes ago, LiamHudsonXXX said:

    I read your incredibly well written novel, the entire story, in two days. I went online earlier  and found another unmedicated poz guy to come over and flip fuck and recharge each other.  This story would make a great porn mini series.  A destination wedding, all the guys naked, plenty of pastors to officiate, where Wil and Dom fuck first, then all the guys join in. I hope that Wil and Jay can find the heart to forgive completely. I want to see Jay as Will's best man. 

    I've had a few guys tell me this could be a miniseries. I'm up for it, but I'm not funding it. Get Pornhub on the phone! 

    I never considered a destination wedding, but I'll consider it. It would be hard for Lewis and Ryan to attend. I'll think about it. 

    Will and Jay will forgive each other. If not in the story, on their own time. The end of 44 kinda shows a forgiveness at work. 

  5. I've been having trouble with Telegram. I don't want my number shown, and I think I've got it hidden, but who knows. Yeah, I'll post dick pics, but I also want privacy. 

    I'm also having a hard time finding people. I'm using their names, and nothing. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Heir2012 said:

    I'm working on Part 45 now. I'm setting up possible spinoffs just in case, using some of the suggestions you all sent me. I'm kinda creating a possible extended universe for these characters. We'll see what happens. 

    I'm doing my best to tie up loose ends. Not everything will have a complete resolution. I'm going to leave the story with an open ending. I'll let you know which part will act as the "conclusion" when we get there. 

    Till next Sunday... 

    Finished Part 45. Starting 46! 

  7. I'm working on Part 45 now. I'm setting up possible spinoffs just in case, using some of the suggestions you all sent me. I'm kinda creating a possible extended universe for these characters. We'll see what happens. 

    I'm doing my best to tie up loose ends. Not everything will have a complete resolution. I'm going to leave the story with an open ending. I'll let you know which part will act as the "conclusion" when we get there. 

    Till next Sunday... 

  8. Part 44: Will Goes Too Far and Dom Takes a Step

    (Will’s Perspective)

    “Maybe that’s not what he meant.”

    “Dom, that’s exactly what he meant.”

    I sat with Dom in his apartment, going over and over what Jay had said. Yes, we had been in the moment, me cumming deep inside our dad as our dad came deep inside Jay’s ass. We all say things we don’t mean. This, however, was not one of those things.

    “I saw the look on his face,” I told Dom. “I knew it. I just knew it. All this time, there was a part of me that never believed what he said.”

    “There was no way for you to know.”

    “He lied to me,” I said. “He lied to all of us for months. How could he do that?”

    “He knew you’d feel guilty,” Dom said. “Remember, you did feel guilty.”

    “No, I felt angry,” I challenged. “He sabotaged the condom. He… He… Oh my god. Did my brother… rape me?”

    “Stop,” Dom said, grabbing my head, his hands holding me steady, directing my eyes up to his. “Don’t go that direction. You’ll never come back from that.”

    “How am I to go anywhere with this?” I could feel myself spiraling. I’d already been in this place once before, believing I had been the one to poz my brother. He had told me it had been someone else, but this had been a lie. I was the one. I was the one who pozzed Jay. He had tricked me, sabotaged the condom, the condom I had trusted to keep him safe. Now, he was poz, acting as if there was nothing wrong with what he did.

    “Why are you so upset?” Dom asked me.

    “What the fuck do you mean why am I so upset?” I asked, my voice raised. “I just found out my brother has been lying to me.”

    “Your father lied to you,” he said. “You’ve been lying to your father. Peter lied to his wife. Pastor Kline and Ryan are lying. We’re all lying, Will. All of us.”

    “This is different,” I told him.

    “The way Jay went about it is shitty. I’ll give you that,” Dom said. “That doesn’t make the outcome different. Will, you know your brother. He’s like all the other men we’ve been fucking for months, unleashing the perverted animals beneath. If it hadn’t been you, it would have been someone else. You know that, right?”

    I stared at Dom, seeing the sincerity in his eyes. I nodded.

    “At least you know that the man who pozzed your brother is someone who cares about him. Right?”

    I smiled, nodding.

    “Then you need to forgive him,” Dom said. “Isn’t that something you preach about? Not to get all religious on you.”

    “Shut the fuck up,” I said, laughing. He was right, though. I knew that. I’d forgiven so many people in my life. I’d accepted so many lies. This one lie, while definitely a painful one, wasn’t the type of lie that should ruin what Jay and I now had.

    “Feel better?” Dom asked.

    I nodded.

    “Good,” Dom said. “So, other than that bombshell, how was it fucking your dad?”

    “It was incredible,” I told him.

    “I knew it would be,” he said. “Ryder men have great asses.” His hands slid down to my ass, squeezing. “Fuck, I love that ass.”

    “Yeah, you’ll get this ass tonight after I’ve spoken to Jay,” I told him. I took out my phone and texted Jay, telling him to meet me at my apartment.

    “While you’re taking care of Jay,” Dom said, “do you mind if I take a crack at your dad?”

    “You know most couples don’t like it when their partner asks to fuck a parent.”

    “We’re not like most couples,” Dom said.

    I rolled my eyes. “Fine. I’ll text him to come here. Don’t go crazy on him, alright. He’s still my dad, regardless of me having fucked him.”

    Dom closed his eyes and smiled. “Fuck, I love hearing you say that. It gets me so hard. Quick, remind me of how you pozzed your own brother.”

    “Goodbye,” I said, leaving.

    When I got to my apartment, I found Jay waiting outside my door. He looked rough. While Jay was never the type of guy who looked put together, I’d never seen him look like this. His eyes were red with circles beneath. He was wearing the same clothing I’d seen him wearing the night we fucked our dad, the same clothes I’d shoved into his arms when I had kicked him out.

    “Hey,” he said, looking down, avoiding eye contact.

    I walked past him and opened the door, motioning him inside.

    “Look, Will, I’m really—”

    “I speak,” I told him, locking the door. “You’re going to listen quietly until I say that you can speak. Understand?”

    Jay nodded.

    “Take a seat in the living room.”

    Jay did as he was told as I brought him and me two beers. I handed him one, testing to see if he’d say “thank you.” Instead, he nodded. Good, he was listening.

    “You know that what you did with the condom was wrong,” I told him.

    Jay looked at me and nodded.

    “You know that what you did makes me feel like you… like you raped me.”


    “You don’t speak!” I shouted.

    Jay sat back, pulling his beer close.

    “What you did made me feel violated,” I told him. “All of us, every man in our fucked up group has done things that are, let’s be honest, pretty fucked up, but they all chose what happened to them. Yes, when Dom fucked me, I didn’t know that he was poz. That’s something he and I have had to work through. What you did, Jay, was you taking away my choice of whether or not I was the one to poz you. Do you understand that?”

    He nodded.

    “I know that you would have become poz either way,” I admitted. “I know that. If you aren’t sleeping or eating you’re fucking. If it hadn’t been me, it would have been someone else. You made me believe it had been someone else. But I wasn’t someone else, Jay. It was me. It was me because you tricked me. While some guys might think that’s hot, I… I can’t think of it as anything but you stealing something from me without permission. Do you understand that?”

    He nodded.

    “There’s no way of taking back what happened,” I told him. “We all know that. And even though I wouldn’t have pozzed you when we first started fucking, things changed. I think, if you had waited, I would have wanted nothing more than to be the one who pozzed you. I think it would have brought us closer, just like it’s bringing us closer to dad.”

    Jay smiled, but I wasn’t.

    “I haven’t forgiven you,” I said. “I don’t know if I’ll ever forgive you. Not fully. I feel violated by what you did. You know that. I know that. I don’t know if this is something we’ll move past or if it’s something that will always be between us. I don’t know.”

    “I… know,” Jay said. He waited, trying to see if I’d say something. I didn’t. “Being poz has freed me. I know you feel the same. I’m not sorry for that, but I am sorry for how I went about it. I know I… violated you. I’m sorry. You’re right. I can’t take back what I did. I wish I could. I’m not sorry that you’re the one who pozzed me. I’m glad. I love having a part of you as a part of me. Forever…”

    Jay reached out and took my hand, holding it to his chest. I could feel his heart beating. I looked into his eyes, seeing my brother and a lover at the same time. I also saw someone who I had once trusted fully but now created distrust. I knew he wanted to know if I’d ever fully forgive him. I wasn’t sure.

    I placed my beer down and leaned forward, kissing Jay. I remembered the first time I kissed him, the first time we fucked, overstepping the line from brothers to lovers. I remembered the first time I came inside him. I remembered when he told me the condom had failed… because of him. I remembered every point of our time together, every time we fucked. Every orgasm. I felt love for him while also feeling an overwhelming anger. It all mixed together, becoming a strong emotion I had never felt before.

    My hand went down to Jay’s crotch where I could feel his erection. I grabbed tight, squeezing his balls, causing his body to squirm.

    “I’m going to fuck you,” I whispered into his ear, squeezing tighter. “I’m going to fuck you harder than anyone has fucked that cunt of yours before. Understand?”

    “Yes,” he moaned, voice strained. “Thank you.”

    I undid his pants, reaching inside where his cock was already leaking precum. I brought it to my lips and tasted him.

    “Strip down,” I said. “Now.”

    Jay pulled his pants down and removed his shirt, leaving him naked and vulnerable.

    “Use your spit to lube yourself,” I told him. “When I said I was going to fuck you hard, I meant it. Understand?”

    “Yes, sir,” he said, spitting into his hand and applying it to his ass. There was a hunger in his eyes, and I needed to end it.

    I grabbed his shoulder and turned him around, pushing him down to reveal his ass.

    “Still feel sore from dad’s cock?”

    “It’s like I can still feel him inside me.” He stuck a finger into his hole and pulled out a slick finger. “Looks like I still have some of him in me.”

    “You better hope our dad cums like Peter does. You’ll need all the lube you can get.” I lined up my cock and shoved myself deep inside.

    “FUCK!” Jay cried. This wasn’t just a cry of pleasure. This was also a cry of pain.

    “How’s that feel?” I asked, slamming hard. I could feel his muscles spasming, reacting to this aggressive intrusion. I didn’t stop. I fucked harder.

    “It hurts!” Jay cried, and I could tell there were tears.

    “Good. Real fucking should hurt. Your ass should be torn open every time. If I don’t see blood, I’m not fucking you hard enough.”

    “Fuck. Will, I’m sorry. Please, slow down!”

    “I’ll slow down when I’ve cum,” I told him.

    Jay moaned and cried, the muscles in his back contorting as he held tight onto the couch. I’d never fucked anyone like this before. I wasn’t concerned if Jay felt any pleasure. I didn’t even care if I came. I only wanted Jay to feel a fraction of the pain I felt. I wouldn’t go as far as he had, but I wouldn’t let Jay leave feeling the same. His ass would hurt once I was done. His ass wouldn’t be able to close, letting all the Ryder cum pour out of him.

    “Please, Will,” Jay moaned. “I’m sorry.”

    “I know you are,” I said. “But I still need to cum.” I slammed deep inside my brother’s hole and kept myself lodged deep as I started to blow my load deep into his guts. Though recently spent breeding my dad's hole, I still shot several shots of cum. The pleasure was intense, but I could also feel a painful ache in my balls. I pulled my cock out, seeing streaks of blood on my cock. Not just some streaks. There was a considerable amount.

    Jay looked back and saw my cock. “Feel better?”

    I fell back into a chair, my cock still standing tall. “I did,” I told him. “Now, not really.” I saw a small bead of blood leak out of Jay’s hole along with my cum. “I’m sorry. I went too far.”

    “We both have,” he said.

    I continued to stare at my cock, feeling ashamed for the first time. I never wanted to hurt anyone. Not even Jay. I thought I had wanted to, but now, seeing the blood, I knew I hadn’t done anything but hurt us both.

    I cleaned myself up, Jay doing the same. We stayed quiet all the while.

    “I think I’ll be heading home,” Jay said. “I hate leaving Alan without an ass like mine to fuck for too long.”

    “I just hope I didn’t hurt you too much.”

    “I’ll heal,” he said. “Believe it or not, that's not the hardest I've been fucked. How about you? Are we good?”

    “Eventually,” I said. “I’ll tell dad you said goodbye.”

    “Thanks,” he said. “And give him my new address. I think Alan would like to meet him sometime.”

    (Ben’s Perspective)

    “Fuck, you’ve got a great ass,” Dom said.

    I was lying on Dom’s bed, my legs pulled back to my chest, his hands holding my ankles, keeping my ass open. My body screamed as his giant cock tore me open. Not even Will’s cock had prepared me for the size of this incredible man.

    “How the fuck did my son do this?” I moaned, trying to catch my breath.

    “My cock tore his ass up,” Dom said, smiling. “That’s how I managed to poz him so quickly.”

    The thought of my son being fucked mercilessly by this man caused my cock to jump. I grabbed it and started jerking off, precum leaking out over my hand. My son had been fucked in this bed hundreds of times by this same man. Not only him but Jay and Pastor Kline too. Everything came back to this man. The virus in his veins now ran through two members of my family. With any luck, it would soon be inside me.

    “How’d it feel getting fucked by your own son?” Dom asked, pounding my ass, demolishing my prostate, milking me.

    “Better than I could ever imagine,” I said. I struggled to speak, the sensations coursing through my body causing my mind to split into every direction possible. I could feel every part of his cock, every vein rubbing inside my hole, threatening to split me open. I thought of my sons who fucked me, attempting to poz me, to infect my DNA forever. We crossed lines no father and son should ever cross, but my body cried out for them to violate me again and again. I thought of all the women I fucked, knowing I had treated them as nothing more than holes to use. I thought of all the lies I ever told my wife and the lies I’d have to tell once I became infected. I thought of myself and the man I would become now that I knew the type of man I wanted to be.

    “Are you ready for my toxic load?” Dom said, his pace quick, his cock filling my body with each thrust.

    “Fuck yeah. Fill me with that toxic load!”

    I stared at Dom’s tattoo, hypnotized by the symbol that would forever be a symbol of the men I and my sons would be. We were toxic men, dangerous, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I felt free.

    “Tear up my ass. Ruin me. Fuck me up just like you fucked my son!”

    “You’ve got it,” Dom growled, slamming as hard and as deep inside my ass as possible. I could feel his cock swell, pumping his toxic load deep inside my guts.

    Dom fell forward, his large frame covering me. His chest was heaving, his sweaty chest pressing against my own. I could feel his heart beating against me. The smell of his sweat filled my nose, and I breathed him in deep. Fuck, this man was incredible. I’d never seen anyone like him. He was like a force of nature, a storm which threatened to ruin us all, and we welcomed him to do so.

    “That was amazing,” I said, my legs wrapping around his waist, pulling him even deeper inside me. I groaned, feeling him fill me even more.

    “You’ve got a great ass,” he told me. “It feels just like your son’s.”

    “I’m proud of that,” I told him, squeezing my hole, milking more of his cock’s precious juice.

    “How did I feel compared to your son?”

    “You’re definitely bigger,” I said. “But there’s nothing like your own son fucking your ass.”

    “I can imagine,” he said. “Your son is an incredible man.”

    “He is.”

    “And you know I don’t just think of him as someone to just fuck.”

    “I’m starting to see that,” I told him, feeling Dom’s cock slip out of my hole. He crawled onto the bed next to me, catching his breath. “Though, I must admit it’s odd since you also just fucked me.”

    Dom smiled. “Yeah, your son mentioned how that’s not exactly normal.”

    “It isn’t,” I said. “Though, nothing about any of this is normal.”

    “Normal is overrated.”

    “That’s true,” I said. “Nothing about you seems normal.”

    “No. It isn’t. But, if I’m being honest, after years of fucking hundreds of asses and converting so many men,” Dom lifted his arm and ran a hand along his tally mark tattoo, “I think there is a part of me that wants a bit of normalcy.”

    “Like what?” I asked.

    Dom looked at me, his expression serious. “I know this is a bit weird since I just fucked you, but I’d like to ask for your permission to ask your son to marry me.”


    Hope I didn't have Will go too far. 

    Lewis and Ryan will return in the next part. 

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  9. Your appearance is nothing but a benefit. Your insanely hot, but I've always been drawn to bald men. 

    Being honest, you might find some guys acting hesitant because of you having been in prison. As said before, you've served your time. Now, you're journeying out as a new man. Some men may not consider that. They're probably not the kinda guys worth fucking. 

    Use the apps. Prepare for occasional disappointment. That much is what we're already dealing with. I'm sure you'll be a hit at certain bars. 

    But seriously, you're fucking hot, man. 

  10. So, as someone who doesn't have this fetish or is not drawn to this life change (I'm trying to use the proper words respectfully), what about being incontinent draws you? Is it a loss of control? Is it the desire to need someone else, presumably to change diapers? Is it connected to some draw to infancy? I'm genuinely curious as I've see this before, but have never fully understood. 

    • Like 1
  11. Part 43: The Ryder Men

    (Ben’s Perspective)

    I followed my sons back to Will’s bedroom, watching their asses as they walked. Fuck, how did I manage to father two incredibly sexy men like them? They were both so different. Jay had a stronger build, looking more like a weightlifter. The biohazard tattoo on his lower back was beautiful. Will, while slim, showed his own muscles, though most of his definition was hidden by his body hair. Though I was past my prime, I was still a good looking man. Combine my sons, add a few pounds, and you had me. Not to brag, but there wasn’t any confusion how I had always managed to turn heads, to get women wet when I wanted. Now, it was time to see how I’d manage to get my sons off.

    “Where do we start?” Jay asked. “Without Dom, it feels a bit… unruly.”

    “You and Will managed back at the house,” I said.

    “Let’s not talk about that,” Will said. Both Will and Jay looked uncomfortable. Will had told me what had happened, and while I knew what Jay had done had been shitty, I also knew I would have done the same thing. I’d never tell Will that, but I admired Jay’s ability to make the situation turn out like he wanted.

    “Well, even though I’ve been fucking longer than you two have been alive,” I told them, “I’ll need you to tell me what to do. I’m kinda… new at fucking men… especially when the two men are my own sons.”

    “Well, I’m a bottom,” Jay said, smacking his ass. “All I know is that I’ll be getting some Ryder cum shot deep inside my guts.”

    “And Jay did say he wanted you to fuck him,” Will said to me. “You fuck Jay, and I’ll fuck you.”

    “Do you think he can take it?” Jay asked, reaching out and grabbing Will’s cock, giving it a good squeeze, causing beads of precum to drip out. “That’s a lot of meat.”

    “Dom’s made sure he’s ready,” Will said, slipping from Jay’s grasp and coming around to my back. I felt a disturbance deep inside me and a painful pull as Will pulled the butt plug out of my hole. With a powerful suction sound, it was dislodged from my ass and held up to Jay as if it was a trophy. “See.”

    Jay took the butt plug and admired it. “Dad, you’re a bigger slut than I knew.”

    “Well, I am my sons’ father,” I said.

    “So, Dad will fuck Jay,” Will said, “And I’ll fuck Dad.”

    “You need to hurry,” I told him. “I think my hole is starting to close up.”

    Will came to my side, his hand running down my back and into my ass, fingers slipping down into my hole. My breath caught in my throat and I shuddered. His fingers slipped inside my body, circling.

    “I think you’ve got some time,” Will said. “But I also know we’re all horny as fuck right now.”

    “I sure fucking am,” Jay said. He stuck his tongue out and licked the plug, stopping at the tip and kissing it. “What do you say, Dad? Ready to get fucked by your sons?”

    “Sure am,” I said, stepping forward and pushing Jay onto the bed. “Do you need something to open you up?”

    Jay laughed. “Dad, I’m always open for a cock to slip inside.” Jay moved back onto the bed, lifting his legs in the air, revealing his hole. “I’ve already lubed myself up. Come on, Dad. Get that daddy dick inside your baby boy.”

    I looked at Will and smiled. “Your brother really is a…”

    “Slut?” Will said.

    “Whore,” Jay said. He slipped fingers down to his hole, playing with the loose pucker.

    I moved onto the bed, crawling closer to my son’s open ass. I could almost see inside of his body, his hole so used and abused.

    “Have you ever tasted ass?” Jay asked.

    “Actually,” I said, smiling. “I have.”


    “Like I said, I have a past,” I reminded him. “You’re looking at a man who has not only eaten ass but used to be a pro at eating pussy.”

    “Fuck,” Jay said. “Will, I don’t think I’ll ever get used to hearing Dad talk like this.”

    “You will,” I told him, leaning down and kissing his hole which quivered against my lips.

    “Holy fucking shit,” Jay gasped, his body shaking as I kissed his hole, tasting him. “Will… Will… Holy shit. Holy fuck.”

    “Save some of that for me, Dad,” Will said, also climbing onto the bed. He got behind me and opened my cheeks, revealing my hole. As I focused on Jay’s ass, Will started in on mine.

    “You better get me ready, son,” I called back to Will as he slipped fingers inside me, helping keep my hole open.

    “Don’t worry, Dad,” he said. “You’ll be ready for my cock.” Will moved down to my ass, kissing my hole. I felt a shudder throughout my body, not only from the feeling but also the knowledge that my son was making out with my asshole.

    The room was filled with the passion-filled moans of three Ryder men. Will tasted me as I tasted Jay.

    Jay started laughing.

    “What’s up?” Will asked, he and I stopping.

    “I was just thinking about the last time I spoke to you,” Jay said, looking down at me. “After I hung up, I shouted that you could kiss my ass.”

    Will and I joined in his laughter.

    “Alright, Dad,” Jay said, pulling his legs further back to his chest. “Get that dick inside my ass. I need you to ruin my guts.”

    “He means it,” Will said, moving from my ass. “Sure, you’ll get my cum, but if you want to really get the bug, you’ll need help from Jay’s ass, too.”

    “I just wish it was all the same strain,” I said, moving up the bed, positioning myself over Jay’s body. I looked down and saw once again a concerned look on his face. He looked up at me and then down to Will who was working to pull my jockstrap down, revealing my hard cock.

    In one instance, my cock sprung out from the jockstrap’s hold and hit against Jay’s hole. At the same moment, a thought crossed my mind, pulling together the look he had given in the living room. Could it be… is it possible that Will is actually…

    “Are you ready?” Will whispered into my ear, his hot, hairy body pressed against my back. I could feel his large cock pressing into my ass cheeks, searching for somewhere to dock.

    I looked down at Jay who was once again looking up at me with a lust I never thought I’d see.

    “Go for it, Daddy,” Jay said, licking his lips. “Plunge that daddy dick deep.”

    It felt as if something took over my body. I reached down and grabbed Jay’s legs, lined my dick up with his gaping hole, and slammed myself deep inside my son’s body.

    “FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!” Jay cried, eyes closed tight, his hole, with whatever strength that remained, grabbing hold of my cock and pulling me further in.

    “How’s that feel?” Will whispered again into my ear, kissing my neck.

    “Feels fucking great,” I said, realizing that the warmth swaddling my cock was my son’s hole. I started pumping, keeping as much of my cock inside, loving the feeling. If I wasn’t careful, I’d cum too soon.

    “Ready for me?” Will asked, his hands holding my hips.

    “Go for it,” I said. “Milk the cum out of me.”

    “Yes, sir.” Will angled his cock to my hole and slowly pressed forward.

    If it hadn’t been for the dildos and butt plugs Dom had given me, Will’s cock would have killed me, and I would have run away without any chance of returning. Even so, I had never felt anything as splitting as my son’s cock pushing into my hole.

    “Fuck. Fuck.” My body shook, one of Will’s arms reaching around and holding my chest. “Shit. Ugh, it’s so big.”

    “He’s a big boy,” Jay said, his pelvis thrusting against my cock, fucking himself as I battled my son’s intrusion.

    I’d never felt anything like it. The dildos I had used had been under my control, but now, Will was in control. His grip around my chest tightened, his hot breath running down my back.

    “Fuck, Dad,” he moaned. “You’re still tight.”

    “I’m trying,” I told him, trying to concentrate on my hole, to relax. “How much more?”

    “A few more inches.”

    “Just fuck it in,” I growled.

    “If you’re sure,” he said.

    A deep pain pierced my body, shooting up my back and coursing through every limb. My hands released Jay’s legs, Will’s momentum pushing me deeper into Jay’s hole.

    “FUCK!” all three of us shouted.

    It felt as if it took forever for me to calm my body. As I collected myself, my breathing slowing, the pain in my ass transformed. Yes, it still hurt, but the pain was different now. It was… it was… it was delicious.

    “Oh, fuck me,” I moaned. “Fuck me, Will.”

    “You’ve got it, Dad.” Will started thrusting in my hole, causing my cock to jerk in Jay’s hole. A pleasure surged with every thrust, Will’s cock hitting my prostate.

    “Oh, yeah,” Jay moaned, his hand reaching down and pulling his cock out of his jockstrap. “Will, whatever you’re doing to Dad’s ass makes his cock feel fucking fantastic.”

    “How’s it feel, Dad?” Will asked, his hips hitting against my cheeks.

    “I feel so full,” I said. I felt as if I was being used, but in the best way. Will was fucking me hard, but, by doing so, he was fucking me into his brother.

    “You’re hitting it,” Jay moaned, his hand pumping his cock. “Fuck, your cock is hitting right into it.”

    I didn’t need to ask him what he meant. I knew as his brother was doing the same for me. The room was filled with the smell of sweaty bodies and the moans of men on the verge of orgasmic release.

    “Fuck me harder,” I cried.

    Will wrapped his hand around the back of my neck and pushed me forward, my body now over Jay. Jay wrapped his legs around my body, pulling me down and against his muscled chest and abs.

    “You say you want to be like me,” Jay said. “Fuck me hard. Prove it. Make this ass yours.”

    I looked into my son’s eyes and saw the determination deep within him. He meant it. He wanted me to prove myself. I grounded myself over his body, my hands holding his arms down, his muscles flexing within my grasp. I quickened my pace, slamming into Jay’s hole and Will’s pelvis.

    “Fuck, Dad,” Will said, pushing me further on top of Jay. “Keep it up. Keep going. Oh, fuck.”

    “Is that what you want?” I growled, the pain and intense pleasure in my ass and cock causing my breathing to be labored. “Is this what my boys want?”

    “Oh yeah,” they said.

    “I can’t hear you,” I told them, watching Jay’s eyes rolling into the back of his head. “Is this what my sons want from their daddy? Do they want their daddy’s cock and hole?”

    “Fuck, yeah!” they shouted.

    “That’s more like it!”

    I felt like a new man. Not even in my younger years had I fucked anyone with the same vigor and passion as I did with my sons. I could feel my orgasm nearing, my balls rising into my body.

    “Oh, fuck. I’m gonna cum. I’m almost there.”

    “Me too,” Will said.

    “Oh, fuck,” Jay cried, his eyes closed tight, his hand a blur as he jerked his cock which was leaking precum all over his and my stomachs.

    I listened to the sound of our naked flesh slapping against each other. I breathed deep the smell of sex, the potent aroma that only men can create with other men. I looked down and admired the passion-filled body of my son as he neared his own orgasm. Everything was beautiful, and I knew I was finally becoming the man I had always wanted to be.

    “I’m cumming!” I shouted.

    Like father like sons, I guess. As I started shooting my load deep into Jay’s guts, Will’s cock swelled in my ass, his poz cum shooting deep within me. The force of our breeding kicked into Jay who shot several ropes of his own poz cum over my chest, sticking in my chest hair.

    There was a moment in which all we could do was collect ourselves, our orgasms shaking our bodies. As we started to come down, my arms gave out and I fell further onto Jay, our sweaty and cum-covered bodies pressed tight. Once again, I could feel his heart, and it’s racing pace matched my own.

    “I love you, Dad,” Jay whispered in my ear.

    “I love you too, son,” I said, kissing him.

    “Get a room,” Will joked, pulling his cock out of my ass. I suddenly felt empty, but it didn’t last long as another intrusion in my hole pulled my attention. Will was inserting the butt plug back into my hole.

    “We’ve got to keep my cum inside,” he said. “That’s the only way you’ll convert.”

    “That or from Jay’s hole,” I said. “I guess it’ll be a contest.”

    “I don’t stand a chance,” Jay laughed.

    “Poz bottoms can poz tops,” Will said.

    “See, Jay, you’ve got a chance,” I told him.

    “Yeah, but Will’s cum is pretty toxic,” Jay said. “Trust me, I know.”

    The room went silent.

    “What does that mean?” Will asked.

    I could feel Jay’s heartbeat starting to race again. He looked at me, a fear in his eyes. I guess I was right, I thought. Will was the one who pozzed Jay.

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  12. Part 42: Jay Discovers His Father's Secret

    (Ben’s Perspective)

    “You alright?” Will asked me.

    I looked up at my son and smiled. He was standing in his apartment, completely naked, his long, flaccid cock acting like a pendulum between his legs. Even though I’d now seen my son’s huge member before, it still was a shock as we acted like there was nothing wrong about it. Here he was, my own son, walking around completely naked with no sign of shame. Men do it all the time at the gym, I thought. Yes, but the men in my family never did. The values I had falsely established for my sons, that of decency and appearing appropriate at all times, were out the window… and I was fucking happy about it.

    “I’m fine,” I told him.

    “You look a little… dazed.”

    “That’s because I’m hypnotized by your swinging dick,” I told him. “I can’t look away from it.”

    Will smiled, reaching down and taking his dick in his hand, pumping it up. “You think you can take it?”

    “I’ve been practicing,” I told him.

    Since we started planning out tonight, I had been working on opening my hole more, knowing I’d need to manage my son’s 8-inch cock. I’d never had anything up my ass before, and I was somewhat worried about what would happen. Yes, Will helped me prepare myself, flushing out everything that didn’t belong, but I was still concerned. Dom, Will’s boyfriend, had given me several dildos and butt plugs to try out, helping stretch out my hole.

    “This one’s particularly nice,” Dom said, handing me a plug.

    “Why’s that?”

    “It hits the prostate just right,” Dom said. “At least, Will says it hits his just right.”

    “Hopefully I can take it,” I said, eyeing the device I’d have to manage stuffing inside myself.

    “You’ll manage,” he said. “Your son managed to take me.” Dom reached down and cupped his crotch, squeezing the bulge starting to form.

    “I can’t imagine how he did,” I said, staring down at the large mound.

    “Don’t worry. You’ll open yourself right up for you son’s cock,” Dom said, smiling. “And then, after he’s done, I’ll have a crack at you.”

    I felt myself getting hard. Dom was an attractive man. His appearance made him look dangerous, and the way he spoke was gentle but commanding. I saw the tattoos over his body, paying special attention to the tally marks on his arm. I saw the one that represented my son, and got instantly hard. It didn’t just stand for this man pozzing him. It stood for him taking my son’s virginity. It stood for him becoming the main focus, the main man in my son’s life. With this in mind, I saw Dom in a new light. I understood why Will had fallen for him and started down this path. If Dom had gotten to me first, I think I would have done the same thing.

    “I’d like that,” I told him. “Just don’t hurt me too bad.”

    “I can’t promise that,” Dom said. “There’s always pain, but that’s what makes fucking worth doing.”

    “Then don’t ruin me before I get to fuck a few more men.”

    Dom laughed. “You know, with all the men I’ve fucked, never in my wildest imagination did I think I’d manage to fuck three pastors. Or, that I’d fuck a man and his two sons.”

    “You’re just lucky, I guess.”

    The truth was, I was lucky. Here I was, sitting in Will’s apartment, a butt plug up my ass, attempting to keep me open enough for my son’s cock. All the while, we were waiting for my other son to arrive in the hopes of me shoving my cock up his ass.

    “And you’re sure he doesn’t know?” I asked.

    Will shook his head. “All I told him is that he needed to come over prepared for a night of fucking,” he said. “I think he’s expecting Dom or Peter or Doctor Wade. Maybe someone else from church.”

    “From the sound of it, you’ve got men kicking down the doors to get into bed,” I said.

    “Almost,” Will said. “There’s no way he’s expecting you, though.”

    “That’s what worries me,” I said.

    Will walked over and sat next to me. “Why?”

    “The way I treated him,” I started, my nerves shifting from the fear of my son’s cock up my ass to my other son’s emotional tension with me, “I’m just worried that he hates me.”

    “He doesn’t hate you,” Will said. “There’s some misunderstanding. I felt that. We talked it through. We’re better now.”

    “We are?”

    Will gave me a look. “Dad, I’m about to shove my cock up your ass and breed you with a poz load. What do you think?”

    I laughed. “You’re right. I just hope he listens before making any snap judgments.”

    “It’ll be fine,” Will said.

    There was a knocking at the door, pulling our attention.

    “Here we go,” Will said.

    I watched as he left to answer the door, recognizing Jay’s voice immediately.

    “Is he hot?” Jay’s voice asked in the distance.

    “I’ll let you judge,” Will said, entering the room again.

    I saw Jay’s face, first filled with enthusiasm and then confusion once he saw me sitting in Will’s living room, wearing nothing but a jockstrap. Once the image became clear, he looked horrified and outraged.

    “What the fuck, Will!” Jay shouted, backing away, looking at the both of us with wide, angry eyes.

    “Jay, I know this is a lot to take in,” Will started to say.

    “A lot to take in? You’re fucking naked and Dad is sitting in nothing but a jockstrap. What the actual fuck is going on?”

    “Just let us explain,” I tried to say, Jay cutting me off.

    “I don’t want to hear from you.” He looked at Will. “You explain.”

    Will looked at me, shrugging. I nodded.

    “I caught Dad fucking Pastor Kline,” Will told him.

    Jay stared at Will, his angry expression fading to a blank stare. “You what?”

    “Dad fucked Pastor Kline,” Will said. “Then, I gave Dad a blowjob.”

    The silence Jay created was palpable. Hearing what Will said made me feel both ashamed and horny. He was right. I had fucked Pastor Kline, though I hadn’t been able to breed his hole. I had been sucked off by my own son, and hearing that same son talk about it made me hard. My cock started to grow, my jockstrap’s pouch tenting.

    Will explained what he had seen, trying to fill gaps as they came up. It was a chaotic explanation as Jay tried to listen.

    “Is this a joke?” Jay asked. He looked from Will to me, looking for an explosion from me, hoping I’d burst out saying it wasn’t true. At least, that’s what his face was saying. The bulge in his pants was telling a different story.

    “It’s not a joke,” I told him. I waited for Jay to silence me, but he instead listened. “I never intended to fuck Pastor Kline.”

    “But you did?”

    I nodded.


    “Because of you,” I told him.

    “Because of me?” Jay said. “How the fuck am I to blame for you—”

    “I’m not blaming you,” I told him. “I spoke to you on the phone. I heard you tell me that you were fucking men. I heard the excitement in your voice. I was… jealous.”

    “Jealous? You ridiculed me, Dad!”

    “I’m sorry,” I said, still sitting, trying to hide the erection which was growing. The butt plug wasn’t helping as it pressed into my prostate, causing precum to leak out. “I was hiding behind what I said. I heard what you told me, and I wished it was me. I wished it was me fucking all the people I want. I wanted it to be me who was living like that. I went to Pastor Kline, feeling broken, feeling the pain I knew I caused you, and I… I… let myself have what you have. I fucked Pastor Kline’s ass, and I loved it.”

    “And you saw them?” Jay asked, looking to Will again.

    “Dom and I walked in as Dad came all over the floor,” Will said. “Then, I fainted into his cum.”

    “You could have left that part out,” I said, recoiling at Jay’s directed stare.

    “Dad and I talked it all through,” Will said. “He really is sorry, Jay. He’s more like us than you know.”

    “Clearly,” Jay said, waving to our nakedness.

    “He wants to live like we live,” Will told him.

    “Like we live?” Jay asked. “Really?” Jay reached out and pushed against Will’s chest, hitting his tattoo. “Does he know about that?”

    “I do,” I cut in. “And while it does… scare me a bit, I can’t deny that it also excites me.”

    “Just like it excited you,” Will said. “Jay, Dad isn’t the man we thought he was.”

    “It’s true,” I told him. “I fucked women before I met your mother. I fucked women after. I’ve always been controlled by my cock, but I’ve managed to push it all down. I don’t want to push it down anymore. Jay, I want to join you and your brother. I want to become a part of this brotherhood you’ve found. Please.”

    Jay considered me, looking me over. He then considered Will. “You really gave Dad a blowjob?”

    Will nodded.

    “How’d it taste?”

    “It tasted sweet,” Will said. “Especially since it’s the same cum that we came from.”

    Hearing Will say that, commenting on my cum, on the taste, sent a wave of pleasure throughout my body. Never had I thought my son would taste my cum, let alone stand here naked before me. I could feel my cock getting hard at the memory, and, unless my eyes deceived me, I was pretty sure Will’s cock also throbbed at the memory.

    “I understand your trepidation,” I said. “Trust me, I know there are issues from the past that we need to work through, and we will. I promise that. Aren’t there things from your past that you aren’t happy with? Aren’t there things you’ve been hiding that you wish you could fix… to come clean about?”

    Jay’s expression became stern, looking to Will who did not notice. What’s that about, I wondered.

    “I see,” Jay finally said.

    Will and I exchanged looks, both of us unsure what would happen next.

    “Zack isn’t hiding somewhere, is he?” Jay asked.

    “Just because I’m here almost naked doesn’t mean the world’s flipped that much on its head,” I said. I thought of Zack, imagining him standing here with me and my other sons. The idea was too much to consider, and I wasn’t going to get my hopes up. Being here with two of my sons, hoping beyond hope that we were about to have a three-way, was more than enough… more than I could have ever dreamed. We’d be fucked if anyone ever found out.

    “So, what do you think?” Will asked.

    “About us pozzing our dad?” Jay asked.

    “Yes,” I said. “Please, Jay. I want this. I really do. I don’t want to do this without you. It’s only because of you that I’ve been able to really be myself.”

    Jay looked at us both before turning and walking away.

    I looked to Will who was standing stunned. We thought he’d either run away outraged or scramble to the bedroom, clothes flying off. This slow retreat was unexpected.

    A clicking was heard, followed by Jay who was now shirtless, his hands unbuttoning his pants.

    “Well,” Jay said, dropping his pants, revealing his own jockstrap, stained a deep gold, “if Will gets to taste your cum, then you’ve got to at least breed my hole.”

    I smiled, feeling the weight lift off my shoulders. “I’d be happy to,” I said, standing up, my cock jutting out in the jockstrap.

    “I can see that,” Jay said. He stepped toward me, his height slightly shorter than me, but I couldn’t miss the muscles which made my son look like a Greek god. Tattoos covered his body, more than I’d seen before. My hands started to reach out, but I stopped myself. Jay smiled. “Go ahead,” he said. “Touch my body… Dad.”

    His words hit me hard. I stepped closer, the bulges of our jockstraps pressing against each other. I wasn’t wearing my own jockstrap. Dom had given me one of his, and while I wasn’t able to fill it out as much as Will’s boyfriend, I was managing. The contrast between colors proved Jay had been busy with his, stains covering every inch of the fabric. While the idea of a dirty jockstrap would have made me gag before, the knowledge that it was my son’s dirty jockstrap intensified my need to see him naked, to feel his body.

    I reached out and ran my hands along his arms, feeling his muscles. If I couldn’t feel the warmth radiating from him, I would think I was standing in front of a statue made of stone.

    “Like what you see?” Jay asked.

    I nodded, my hands moving to his chest where I stopped, feeling his heartbeat beneath. In that moment I was taken back to the doctor’s office where I first heard Jay’s heartbeat playing over the ultrasound’s speakers. It was a strong heart. It was the heart of a powerful man.

    “Are you alright?” Will asked.

    I looked to him, feeling tears in my eyes. “Yes,” I said, turning back to Jay who was staring into my eyes. The anger I had seen only minutes before was gone. Now, I saw compassion mixed with lust. He wasn’t just my son. He was a grown man. A strong man. I was in awe of him. I reached up, held his face steady, and kissed him.

    The world spun. Just as with Will, I found myself transforming in the hold of my son. Our bodies pressed against each other, our cocks rubbing against each other within the fabric. His strong body pressed against my own, his arms moving to wrap around me, holding me close. I felt barriers breaking, and the breath I had been holding for too long was finally released. Never had I kissed anyone as passionately as I had just done with my son.

    Jay broke the kiss, looking dazed. “Fuck me,” he said, laughing. He looked into my eyes, smiling. “No. Really. I want you to fuck me, Dad.”

    “And I want to fuck you, son,” I said.

    “Then let’s move to the bedroom,” Will said.

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  13. 7 hours ago, PozTalkAuthor said:

    Ideas? Here I am! 

    - Lewis and Ryan -the youngest characters- should convert. You no longer mentioned them!

    It could be that one of the two boys tests neg (maybe Lewis?) and is disappoints. Yes, Lewis, it can be like this: Lewis, testing neg, goes to Peter hoping he can convert him. But Peter and Ryan's father, just say "no, this is Ryan's duty to convert you".

    Adults watch a teen converting the other...


    Ben, Will and Jay: the two brothers (Will and Jay) convert Ben -their father-. But first, Jay comes out with the real identity of his gifter (Will).


    Dominic and Will, get married and have a big celebration party where Dominic reveals he has finished his gifting career as he was diagnosed full blown AIDS. So, he's going on meds very soon. And leaves the responsibility to Peter, the heavy cummer.

    And of course the wedding is the coincidence with Lewis's conversion.


    Oh, I'll be using some of your suggestions. I know everyone NEEDS an update on Lewis and Ryan. That won't be in Part 42 or 43, but it will be coming. 

    I've considered a marriage, though I also questioned it. I know men want sex and raunch and poz fucking. Do they want a marriage as well? Is that too mushy? Still, I keep coming back to the idea. I like that you thought of it too. That makes me feel like it is something someone wants to see or sees as a possibility. Hmmmmm. 

    As for the other suggestions, I feel as if you've been inside my mind as you've guessed some of the plans I had set up. 

  14. Part 42 tonight, 2-24-24

    I'm still trying to figure out what to do with this series. I think I might leave it with an open ending, allowing me to return, but it would allow me to expend this "universe" to other characters, allowing other characters to come and go. I might settle on a story of Peter, Doctor Wade, or both. I might create random stories in which I can explore whoever I want for that time. Again, I'm not sure yet.

    Honestly, if you have ideas, let me know. Some of you have reached out to me with ideas, and I think you for them. Until tonight. 

    • Like 3
  15. My attraction to older men started when I was a kid. I was six or seven and was obsessed with a high school senior on the local school's basketball team. I thought he was so cute and used to think of him when I fell asleep. 

    In middle school I was attracted to one or two girls my age, but none of the guys. Instead, I was attracted to my teachers or other mature men in my life. These men ranged from 30-50. I was obsessed with their masculinity, their beards, their hairy chests which would show popping out of shirt collars. When I learned to masturbate, it was to them. 

    In my late teens and early twenties, my age range shifted to 40-60. Now, I'm from 45ish to whatever! I've just always been attracted to older men, even as a kid. If only I could remember that basketball players name. I'd look him up. 

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