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Posts posted by Heir2012

  1. More is on the way, either this upcoming weekend or the next. 

    I'm considering bringing this story to a close soon (not sure how yet) either temporarily or with a final chapter. I don't want Will and Dom to overstay their welcome. We'll be coming up to 2 years in a few months. I honestly never thought I'd write what is a full-length novel. Thanks for reading.

    There may be a future for Peter stories or even stories of Doctor Wade fucking up lives somewhere. A traveling doctor leaving toxic men behind... Not sure. 

    If there is something you haven't seen yet that you want to see (beyond Ryan and Lewis converting) let me know. I'll see what I can do. No promises. 

    Until my next post, happy cumming! 

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  2. Having spoken to people I know who use "woke" everyday and often when referring to me, this is what I've gathered:

    Something woke is something the media/liberal party are trying to pass as acceptable or correct because it forces the left agenda. It's anything progressive. It's considered a threat to some because they see it as forcing ideals on them as if they are expected to accept them as truth. If it goes against the way they see the world or see as being right, it must be the world forcing everyone to "wake up" to a reality they don't like. 

    That's my best explanation right now. I'm liberal, but I do know some conservatives who have "explained" the concept loudly and with gusto. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. As long as you've got fucking skills, a slightly below average cock is great. Often, girth is better than length. 

    Keep fucking with what you've got. If they can't appreciate what you're giving them fuck them by not fucking them (if that makes sense). 

    • Like 4
  4. I worked as a server for a wedding once and the other waiters and myself noticed the dj kept looking over to where we stood. We all assumed he was watching the female waiters (which was the majority of us). Turns out he was watching me and wanted to buy me a drink, even as I worked. He then snuck over and tried to see if he could rent out a room for us after the wedding. 

    I'm sorry to say that nothing happened, though I'm sure it was for the best. 

  5. Short but biting. I think this covers every nightmare cheating married men have.

    ✔️Getting Caught

    ✔️Getting Drugged

    ✔️Getting Pozzed 

    We love to see it!

    • Like 2
  6. For myself, Covid actually played a big part in who I am today. When we went into lockdown, fucking was nearly impossible. Unable to meet/meat anyone, I turned to porn and my right hand. I jerked off more, but I grew bored of the vanilla porn I'd always watched. Barebacking was the first step. I loved watching men go in raw. Then breeding followed. Soon I discovered the concept of searching out STIs and HIV. I couldn't believe anyone could do such a thing, to do something so risky, so wrong, so... fucking HOT! Quickly, poz porn became my normal. I found BZ and created a profile. I started posting my own stories, finding that the twisted stories I had in my head were liked by men here. 

    Since then, I've continued down this depraved path, and I've loved every part of it. And I'm still discovering new aspects of myself that get me insanely HARD! 

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  7. 15 hours ago, Bokkierob said:

    My advice would be to avoid "fashion" styles. Stick to regulation jocks. You can't beat traditional white but I also think military green or yellow are fukkin hot. Also wear it for a few days before so it's well seasoned with your sweat and pheromones. Good luck hunting for cock buddy.  [think before following links] [think before following links] https://prompthero.com/ai-models/jockstrap-download

    Also, the classic "white" gets stained which many men, including me, find attractive. 

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  8. Religion is a complex thing. I know there are several churches who accept the LGBTQIA+ community. Some don't. There are just SO MANY types of beliefs under the umbrella of religion that it is a constantly evolving aspect of life. Sometimes people have beliefs but not a religion.

    Yes, unfortunately, many torment themselves as you described. I know some people personally who have done so. If you can be that shoulder to cry on and that ear to listen, you'll be a considerable help. Don't immediately jump to trying to sleep with him. That could actually cause a wall to be built or emotional damage to occur. It may take time. Then again, everyone is different. 

    • Like 2
  9. On 1/9/2024 at 12:08 PM, JimInWisc said:

    I've never experienced a long term result from pumping.  The BathMate is a nice pump as you start by filling it with warm water.  Makes for a more comfortable pump.  

    That's what I've heard. The water element makes it better.

    I first saw Alpha M on YouTube talking about it, and it got me interested. First off, he tells us how big his dick is, and I almost lost it. Fuck, he's a gorgeous man, and now I want to see his dick! 

    But, a lot of men talk about products and are lying. I don't want to buy something so expensive and find out it's a waste of money. 

  10. I've never tried sounding, but I'd love to. When I was a teen, I saw videos of sounding but didn't fully understand what I was seeing. I tried putting a qtip in my urethra and almost died. Clearly, I didn't know what I was doing. 

    Now, understanding what sounding is, I still want to try it. Now, growing up (14-24) I had a few UTI issues, and I'm concerned sounding will cause another infection. 

    Still, it looks fucking hot. I want to do it to myself and have a man do it to me, controlling the rod and me. 

    • Like 1
  11. Hello men,

    So, I have a question. For decades I've seen penis pumps in porn, creating large dicks that last for a little while but then shrink back down. Recently, I've been seeing a pump called the Bath Mate which is supposedly different. If you use the pump several times a week for a short period, it provides length and girth around an inch or more. If you stop using the pump, they say you still keep at least half of what you gained. 

    Personally, I've never used a pump and have never wanted to. Still, this has me interested.

    Has anyone tried the Bath Mate or another pump like it? What were your results? 

  12. I've not had a problem with a doctor or nurse when it comes to their gender... for the most part. My first urologist was a man, but I then had a woman years later. I've found it difficult at times to explain certain issues with her, knowing only another man could connect fully with what I'm saying. Sometimes things are hard to explain, and if the doctor/nurse doesn't also have those parts, the connection is weak. 

    Please don't view any of this as sexist. It isn't meant to be. I have had several doctors all over the gender spectrum, and I've loved them. Truly great. But, at times, it's good to discuss your cock and balls with someone who also has cock and balls. I'm sure it can be the same for women. At times, only another woman can understand. 

    It's complicated.

  13. Part 41: Ben Learns the Truth

    (Will’s Perspective)

    I stared at my father, my attention jumping from his shocked expression to his naked body and down to the load of cum he had just ejaculated all over the floor. It felt as if time stood still and rushed past at the same time. I felt my head spinning, the air in my lungs sucked out of me.

    “What the fuck?” I said, trying to take a step forward before I felt my body go limp and I fell into darkness.

    I don’t know how long I was out. Everything was still dark, the world a blur around me. I heard their voices first, whispering low.

    “Maybe we should change him.”

    “I don’t think that’s a top priority.”

    “He fell right into my cum, Mark. He’s covered in it. I don’t want my son waking up covered in his father’s cum.”

    “You may not want it, but he might like it.”

    “I think you both need to give him some room.”

    “Who are you?”

    “I’m Dominic Moore. I’m your son’s boyfriend.”

    “My son’s what?”

    “Now’s not the time.”

    “I don’t understand what’s happening.”

    “Shhh. He’s waking up.”

    My eyes opened and I saw Dom, Pastor Kline, and my father looking down at me. What I noticed first was that Pastor Kline appeared to still be naked while my father was wrapped in what looked to be a sheet.

    “What happened?” I moaned, trying to push myself up. I felt a give beneath me; I must be on the bed, I thought. The bed… the bed I just saw Pastor Kline and my father fucking on… My father had been fucking Pastor Kline… MY FATHER HAD BEEN FUCKING ANOTHER MAN!

    I jumped, scrambling on the bed, but three pairs of hands reached out and held me steady, keeping me locked on the bed.

    “Take it slow,” Dom said, his hand resting on my chest, lighting pressing over my biohazard tattoo. “You took a tumble.”

    “Maybe we should take him to the hospital,” my father said. “He could have a concussion.”

    “He didn’t hit his head,” Pastor Kline said. “He’ll be fine.”

    “I think he was just shocked,” Dom said, looking at them both. “I think we’re all a bit shocked.”

    “That’s an understatement,” I said, sitting up. Once I was up, their hands left me, and I looked down, noticing the wet marks on my shirt. My father had been right. I must have landed right into his cum. Looking down, the smell of it hit my nose, and it pulled me into the reality of the situation. “What the fuck is going on?”

    “We can explain,” my father said, his hands pulling the sheets tighter around his naked body.

    “I think we all need to calm down,” Pastor Kline said. “It’s not a big deal.”

    “Says the man who has fucked his own son,” Dom said.

    My father’s eyes grew wide. “You what?”

    “Can everyone just stop,” I said. My mind raced over everything I’d seen, everything I heard, everything I knew and thought I knew. “First question: Dad, what are you doing here?”

    “Mark invited me,” my father said. “Not to do this.”


    “Why?” I asked.

    “It was meant to be a surprise,” my father said. “I was here to visit, to see you preach.”

    “And that somehow became you fucking him?”

    “Is there any way we can use a different word?” my father asked.

    “I think it’s fitting,” I told him. “Also, how do you know Pastor Kline? You two never met before.”

    “Actually,” Pastor Kline said, “we have met before. We went to college together.”

    “You did?”

    “We only overlapped for a year or two,” Pastor Kline said. “But it left an impression.”

    “Hold on,” I said, stopping him. “Did you know that he was my father? Did you know when you hired me?”

    “No,” Pastor Kline said. “Back then, he had a different last name. I didn’t realize until recently.”

    “He took grandma’s name,” I said, remembering the complicated history between my father and his parents.

    “I didn’t realize that there was any connection until Mark contacted me,” my father explained.

    “That’s a complicated web we can untangle later,” I said, my mind trying to understand the ties coming undone. “All I want to know now is why and how I came into this room and saw my father— my religious, straight-laced, no sex before marriage, pure father— fucking my boss.”

    Pastor Kline and my father exchanged looks. They explained their meeting at the restaurant. They explained their conversation. They explained how my father had run out and then arrived unexpectedly at the house. All the while, my mind tried to account for the two different men I now saw as my father. The man I had grown up looking to as a strict, no-nonsense, follow-the-rules, perfect example of a religious man had no connection to the man I saw shooting his load all over the floor. Who was this man?

    “I didn’t come to Mark’s home thinking this was going to happen,” my father explained.

    “And while I’ve always had a thing for your father,” Pastor Kline said, “I never thought this would happen.”

    “Wait,” I said, remembering back. “You said that there was a man who you fell for while you were in college. You said there was someone who first awakened that inside of you. Are you telling me that the man you were talking about is my father?”

    “A strange coincidence,” Pastor Kline said, looking at my father and smiling. “But, yes. Ben is the man who I first fell for.”

    “And we’re just meant to believe that you didn’t invite Will’s father here so you could make something happen?” Dom said. There was a protective side rising in Dom. While I knew there was a part of him extremely turned on by everything happening, I could see that my confusion and concern was his top priority. It was getting me hard.

    “I’ll admit that there was a part of me that wanted something to happen,” Pastor Kline said. “Yes. In my fantasy, I wanted him to throw me on the bed and fuck my brains out. But I never thought it would happen. I’m not that delusional, but, after everything else that’s happened, I guess there was a part of me that hoped it would.”

    “But how did you let this happen?” I asked my father.

    My father stared at me, opened his mouth to say something, but then hung his head.

    “How about we give them some time,” Dom said to Pastor Kline. Though somewhat reluctant, Pastor Kline started out of the room.

    “Go easy on him,” Dom whispered into my ear. “Imagine if the roles were reversed.” Dom kissed me and then left, leaving my father and myself alone.

    “Mind if I sit?” my father asked.

    I nodded.

    “I’m sorry for how this has unraveled,” he said, pulling the sheets tighter. “I never meant for you to find out. At least, not this way.”

    “I understand,” I said. “I never meant for you to find out that I had a boyfriend.”

    “He seems nice.”

    “He is,” I said. “But we’re not talking about that. I want to know how the fuck all this happened. How is it that the man who raised me, the man who shouted from the podium all those rules and laws about sex and purity and everything else ends up fucking another man?”

    “How did you?” he countered. “I understand that you’re upset, but imagine my surprise. Not just with you, but with your brother.”

    “What are you talking about?”

    “I spoke to Jay,” he said.

    “What did he tell you?”

    “Everything,” my father said.

    “Then how are you surprised?” I asked. “How are you surprised that I have a boyfriend after everything Jay and I did?”

    My father stared at me, a look of confusion causing my stomach to twist as I realized my mistake.

    “He never told you about that,” I said, my fingers running through my hair, trying to calm the headache starting to form.

    “Jay told me that he’s gay,” my father explained. “What exactly happened between you two?”

    “We…” I started, looking at my father, unable to complete the statement.

    His eyes grew wide. “Oh… oh… oh no…”

    “It’s a mess,” I told him. “It’s a mess for a different time.”

    “You’re telling me that two of my sons have been having sex with each other?”

    I nodded.


    “It started when we were back home for your retirement.”

    “I don’t believe this,” he said.

    “It was an accident.”

    “How? How could it be an accident?”

    “I… sucked him off without realizing it was him.” I explained to my father what happened, how I had gone to the adult video store and gave Jay a blowjob without realizing. I explained how Jay had known, that he had tricked me into the whole situation. I explained everything I could, trying to lessen the impact I knew it was having on my father. I told him everything without mentioning anything about either of us being poz.

    “And is that why he’s gay now?” my father asked.

    “I think Jay is just an insanely sexual being,” I told him. “I don’t know if he has a label or wants one. I think he just wants to be having sex all the time.”

    “I know how he feels,” my father said.

    “You do?”

    “Of course,” my father said. “I’m a man, too. I understand how the head we have on our shoulders isn’t always the head we’re thinking with.”

    “So, is that why…”

    “When I spoke to Mark,” my father said, “I realized that I’d been hiding something deep inside me. When Jay told me everything he had done, well, almost everything, I found myself jealous of him. I wanted to be free like him. I wanted to let myself go to explore all the things I’d been resisting all my life.”

    “What about mom?”

    My father was silent for several moments. “There are complications in every relationship, Will. Your mother and I have complications. Even before I met your mother, I had slept with several women. I created a persona that I wore for decades, presenting myself to be the righteous man everyone wanted me to be. I tried to be that man. I really did, but that inner voice, that depraved little… demon, I suppose, that I kept hidden for so long finally clawed its way back to the surface.”

    “I understand,” I told him, thinking about the dreams which had taken hold of me before Dom had claimed me. “So, who knows about this?”

    “Only the men who were in this room,” he said. “How about you?”

    “The men in this room,” I told him. “Plus, Jay, Doctor Wade, Pastor Kline’s son Ryan and Ryan’s friend Lewis. Also Peter Flanagan.”

    “Oh, I heard about that,” my father said. “Well, it sounds like I’ve walked into a tangled web.”

    “You sure have,” I told him.

    “I can’t imagine how this could get any more complicated,” my father said, laughing.

    “Well,” I said, the weight of the biggest secret pressing down on me.

    “What is it?”

    I stood up from the bed and pulled my shirt off, revealing my chest. My father looked me over, a change in his expression. I felt as if he was not just looking at his son but was now looking at a fellow man who also relished the pleasures of the flesh. His eyes took me in, a smile on his face until he caught sight of my tattoo.

    “What is that?”

    “It’s my biohazard tattoo,” I told him. “Dom gave it to me. Almost everyone who knows what’s been going on has one. Even Jay has one.”

    “What does it mean?”

    “It means that we’re poz, Dad,” I told him. “It means that we’re HIV positive.”

    My father stared at me, stunned.

    “We’re all poz. Dom, Pastor Kline, Jay.”

    “Did you infect your brother?”

    “No,” I said. Though Jay had insisted that it hadn’t been me to poz him, there was suddenly a crack in the foundation of this idea. Had Jay told me the truth?

    “And that man, your boyfriend, did he do this to you?”

    I nodded.


    “Because, it freed me,” I told him. “It binds us together. He’s a part of me. We don’t have to worry about condoms or anything else. It’s the ultimate sign of trust.”

    My father was silent. I could tell that he was trying to wrap his mind around everything I had told him, everything he had told me. So much had happened within such a short period. I wasn’t even sure if we’d all been able to fully digest the gravity of our situation and the ramifications it would have on us moving forward.

    “Will,” he finally said, standing up from the bed. “I need you to do something for me.”

    “What’s that?”

    “I need you to call Jay and have him meet us at your apartment.”

    “Why?” I asked.

    “Because,” my father said, releasing the sheet which fell to the floor, revealing my father’s hard cock which was leaking a steady flow of precum. “I think it’s time for us to have a proper father and sons bonding night. One that will truly bind us together.”

    I reached out and grabbed my father's face, pulling him to me, kissing him. It was a deep kiss, a strange sensation within the passion. I knew I was kissing my father. I knew that the man whose tongue was in my mouth was the same man who had raised me. Similar with Jay, I felt the heat of knowing that what I was doing was wrong. I knew it couldn't be understood by everyone. Only the men who already knew the truth would be able to understand.

    We broke our kiss, my father looking into my eyes. He smiled.

    "I love you, Will."

    "I love you, Dad."

    He kissed me again, his body against mine, his cock pressing against my growing bulge. My hands reached down and undid my pants, pushing them down along with my underwear. My father broke the kiss and looked down.

    "Holy shit," he said. "You're huge."

    "Dom is bigger," I told him.

    "You're a lucky man," my father said, kissing me again.

    As we kissed, our cocks rubbed against each other, precum leaking down our shafts and coating our bodies in our familial juices. The room, already pungent in the smell of sex from Pastor Kline and my father now intensified as our bodies were coated in sweat. 

    I broke from the kiss, my father's lips reaching out, searching for me. He opened his eyes, looking at me. "What?"

    I slowly lowered myself down to my knees, his hard cock sticking out, aiming right for my mouth. 

    "Are you sure?" he asked.

    I nodded, opening my mouth and swallowing my father's cock down my throat.

    "Oh, fuck!" he moaned, his head thrown back, his hands reaching forward and grabbing the back of my head. His hips started thrusting forward, his cock gliding along my tongue, reaching my throat, dripping his neg precum into my stomach.

    "Whatever your boyfriend's been teaching you," my father said, his breathing labored, "he's been doing one hell of a job."

    I reached around and grabbed his ass, pulling him even deeper into my mouth. Not only could I taste my father, but I could also smell him, my nose burrowed into his pubes, his sweaty body creating a high. 

    "Oh, fuck!"

    Memories of seeing Pastor Kline with Ryan flooded my mind, the image of a father and son locked together in a passionate heat. Now, here on my knees, I found myself with my father's cock in my throat.

    "I'm gonna cum," he moaned, his pace quickening. "I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna CUM!"

    I gripped his ass hard, just as he gripped my head steady. I felt his cock swelling in my mouth, kicking, shooting rope after rope of his hot cum into my throat and mouth. I glanced up, seeing his head thrown back, mouth open, a strained moan escaping his lips as he unloaded his baby batter, the same baby batter that had created me, deep into my throat. 

    "Fuck," came a voice from the bedroom door.

    My father and I turned our attention to Dom who was watching us from the doorway. 

    "I fucking love this family," he said, smiling at us both.

    I smiled and swallowed down my father's cum. 

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  14. I love facials. It's proof of all the cum the man is capable of blowing. It also looks like the man with the facial has been marked by the top.  

    A facial involving cum on a beard is the best! I love the feeling of cum in my beard. 

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