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Posts posted by Heir2012

  1. Part 49: The Real Will Ryder

    (Dom’s Perspective)

    I sat in my car outside of the church, debating if I was going to go inside. Several days had passed since Will and I had fought, me walking out and seemingly ending the relationship. At least, that's how I saw it. I hadn't been in a relationship like this before, so I couldn't tell if things were officially ended for we were just struggling through.

    This is why you never let yourself fall in love before, I told myself.

    Will had tried to call me, but I had ignored every call and deleted every message. I was too angry.

    I understood where Will was coming from. All his life he had been brought up within a certain life, a certain boxed-in existence. He was the perfect son, the perfect pastor, the perfect man in the eyes over everyone around him. But, so much of it was now a lie. That's what bothered me the most. I hated seeing Will living a lie. I could see it eating away at him. Even with his brother and father now aware of our secret, and now becoming a part of it, the weight of his silence was crushing not only him but me as well.

    While it hadn’t been easy for me growing up and coming out, I did know that Will was facing something serious. By loving me, by deciding to be with me, he would have to lose a considerable amount of his life. There was going to be a major change for him. Now, he had to decide if it was a change too great to face. 

    A part of me felt guilty. I hadn’t given Will much of a choice when I had pozzed him. No, I hadn’t lied to him or stealthed him. I thought he understood what my biohazard tattoo meant. Hadn’t I? I had tracked Will down after having first seen him at the gym, but I hadn’t done it with the purpose of pozzing an unwilling and ignorant man. Right?

    These questions had haunted me since our fight. I couldn’t help but question if I had trapped Will on purpose. I had never expected to fall in love with him, but I couldn’t help but wonder if maybe I had forced him into the world of poz fucking. Maybe he wouldn’t have ever fucked a man if I hadn’t come along. Mostly every man in our group said I was the one to push them over the edge, to bring out their inner toxic truth. Had I brought that out in Will, or had I put it there, almost forcing it on him? Had I, as odd as it sounded, willed my will on Will? Had I, a dom, created in him a person that didn’t really exist?

    I left my car and entered the church, moving around the people until I found Pastor Kline.

    “I’m glad you’re here,” Pastor Kline said.

    “I don’t want to be,” I told him. “You know Will and I aren’t—”

    “I know,” he said. “But it’s important for you to be here. Trust me.”

    Though reluctant, I nodded and entered the sanctuary, taking a seat in the back. The service started, but I didn’t listen. I never did, but I showed up for Will. That’s the only reason I ever showed up. I was there for him. A part of me felt bad that I hadn’t been there for him as he struggled with the fear that haunted him. I wished everything had gone down differently, but I also knew I couldn’t continue living my life with a man who was ashamed of who he was. Because, even with all my confusion and second-guessing, I knew deep down that Will had to truly be the man I had fallen in love with.

    Before I knew it, the service was coming to a close. Will stood up and crossed to the podium.

    “Hello, everyone,” he said, looking out over the crowd. I saw his eyes scan the room, stopping once he saw me. “Thank you for being here.”

    I couldn’t be positive, but something told me that he wasn’t talking to everyone when he said that.

    “The reason I’m closing the service today,” Will started, “is because I need to speak to you all. There is something I need to get off my chest, and I need to do it today.”

    What the fuck is he doing?

    “I’m up here to let you know that I will be stepping down from my position,” he said.

    Murmurs filled the room, everyone clearly shocked by the news.

    “The reason I’m leaving is why I’m up here. I couldn’t continue living my life without finally making it known. You see, a few months ago, though it’s felt almost as if it’s been nearly two years, I met someone who changed my life. I won’t say just how much I’ve changed, because it isn’t really your business.”

    I could tell that some in the room were uneasy, Will creating tension.

    “What you need to know is that I met someone who changed my life. It was scary at first, but it then became the best thing to ever happen to me. My eyes were opened, and I discovered who I really am. At first, I was scared to say anything, to acknowledge this, but I’ve decided I can’t keep living a lie. So, not only am I leaving, but I’m also announcing that I’m engaged.”

    The room was filled with whispers, voices overlapping and making a chaotic storm. I saw the women who had pushed their daughters on Will nearly jump out of their seats. 

    “Yes, I am engaged,” Will said. “And yes, I’m engaged to someone in this room. I’m proud to announce that William Ryder is engaged to be married to Dominic Moore.”

    The whispers ended. The room was silent. There was an electric charge in the air. Everyone, including me, held their breaths.

    “That’s right,” Will said. “I’m engaged to a man because I am gay. I didn’t know this, or, at least, I didn’t acknowledge this, until I met Dom. Since then, I’ve kept this piece of my life a secret. And while I’m sure many if not all of you will try to tell me otherwise, I do love him, and I’m making the choice to proudly say that I’m in love with Dominic Moore and want him to be my husband… if he’ll still have me.”

    I felt some eyes turning toward me. The room was still silent, though I felt it wouldn’t be for long. I stood up, the eyes of the congregation either on me or Will. Never had I felt so afraid. I now understood a bit of the fear Will had been feeling.

    I looked at Will, ignoring everyone else in the room and nodded. “I love you,” I told him.

    The silence ended.

    It was a rush of chaos, the room erupting around us. Some people screamed out, others stormed out of the room or tried to rush at Will. I fought my way to the front, pushing people to the side, making my way to my fiancé. Never had I seen so much anger in one room, though, within the furious faces, I did see some smiling as they watched me fight my way to the man I loved.

    “I think you two should get out of here,” Pastor Kline told us, nodding to a side door.

    “Good idea,” Will said, grabbing my hand and pulling me through the crowd which was circling around us.

    I tried to block out the madness, but it was becoming overwhelming. I held Will’s hand tight, letting him guide me through the door, down a hall, and out a side exit to the parking lot. Even outside, I could hear the commotion inside.  

    “Well, that was fun,” Will said, walking in a tight circle. I could see his hands shaking, his face flushed red.

    "Are you alright?" I asked.

    "Yeah, I'm good," he said. “We should probably get out of here.”

    “My car is over there,” I told him. “It’s on the other side of the lot.”

    “Leave it,” he told me. “We’ll come back for it once there isn’t an angry mob ready to attack us.”

    “Sounds good,” I said, following him to his car.

    We sat in silence as he drove us away from the church and to my apartment. Something told me that I wouldn't be setting foot in that church again, and I was relieved. My mind was replaying Will’s speech and the insanity that had followed. Though I knew the reaction everyone would have once they heard about Will and me, I suppose I had expected to never see in person what the drama would actually look like.

    “I’m sorry.”

    Will looked over at me. “For what?”

    “For making you do that,” I said. “I don’t know why, but I guess I just thought—”

    “You didn’t make me do anything, Dom,” he said. “I chose to come out like that. For years I stood up there and spoke what everyone else wanted to hear. For the first time, I said what I wanted to say. I don’t regret it.”

    “You’re sure?”

    Will nodded. “And, it’s not like I can really take it all back now.”

    “But you’re sure?” I asked. “Not just about coming out. You’re sure about us? You’re sure about loving me and wanting this life?”

    “Of course,” he said. “Why? Are you now questioning it? Dom, if you backtrack on me, I swear to God—”

    “I’m not backtracking,” I told him. “It’s just, after everything you said at Wade’s, I’ve been worried that maybe I forced you into this.”

    “Dom, I want to get married to you.”

    “I mean forcing you into… all of this,” I said, trying to figure out how to explain the fear I now had inside. “You know I didn’t mean to poz you, right? I didn’t do it thinking you didn’t know.”

    “I know,” he said.

    “And me coming to your church, even though I did pursue you, I wasn’t trying to turn a straight man gay.”

    “You didn’t,” Will said. “You brought out the real me. That’s what you did. You brought out the Will Ryder that’s been hiding away, waiting for someone to really see him… and poz him.”

    I smiled, feeling a major weight lifting off my shoulders.

    “Is that why you didn’t call me back?” he asked.

    “Well, that, and I was angry with you.”

    “And now?”

    “I just ran out of the church with you,” I reminded him. “I love you.”

    “I love you,” he said back.

    We got to my apartment and raced upstairs, Will and I practically ripping each other’s clothes off the whole way.

    “You ready to fuck an out-of-the-closet gay man?” Will asked, pulling off his pants, revealing nothing but a jockstrap beneath: the jockstrap I had made him wear the first time we had fucked.

    “I’ve been waiting for what feels like forever,” I told him, picking up the tie he had dropped on the floor with his dress shirt. I wrapped it around his neck and pulled him toward me, guiding him back to the bedroom. “It’s been too long since I’ve fucked your ass.”

    “It’s all yours, Dom,” he said. “I’m all yours.”

    I picked him up and threw him on the bed, admiring Will who was looking up at me with a crazed hunger in his eyes. In him, I saw something I hadn’t seen before. It was almost like a fierce animal was inside him, waiting for me to unleash him. Somehow, I just knew this same intensity exited within me, and I knew Will had seen it before.

    “Arms over your head,” I told him, climbing onto the bed, mounting him. I took his tie and wrapped it around his wrists, binding them tight together. Once secure, I ran my hands down his arms, feeling his muscles. I stopped on his furry pits, my thumbs moving over his chest and rubbing his nipples.

    “Oh, fuck,” Will moaned, squirming beneath me.

    “That’s the idea,” I told him. I moved my hands to his chest and ran my fingers through his chest hair, making sure to stop on his tattoo. I pressed down, feeling his beating heart beneath. I remained on this spot, looking deep into Will’s eyes. “You are the man I want more than anything.”

    “You are the man I want more than anything,” he said back, never breaking eye contact.

    I moved down the bed, my hands running down his stomach, stopping on his groin where I massaged his hard cock. I admired the stains, the marks I had made and the marks he had added to the fabric. It was a combination of us both. I had worn it with pride as I fucked and converted men. Now, I was passing it on to Will, the man who would continue what I had started.

    I pressed my nose into the jockstrap and breathed deep, filling my lungs with the musk that Will and I shared. I looked up at him, admiring his body, admiring the perverted pig that had found his way to me. 

    “Are you ready?” I asked, my hands grabbing his legs and pulling them up over my shoulders.

    “I’m always ready for you,” he said.

    I leaned forward and pressed my cock against his ass, feeling it open up to me, welcoming me inside. Never had a hole felt like this. It was warm and hugged my cock, perfectly pulling me deeper inside. I watched Will’s face as he strained to take me, even after all this time. I could still fill him beyond his limits. I'd always be just big enough to cause resistance, to cause his body to ache. I'd create within him a pain he'd relish. I'd create within him a desire he'd always seek to quench. 

    I fucked his hole, my cock reaching for depths inside his body that no one, not even I, had reached. I created a rhythm, fucking his hole the way he liked it, the way that pressed into his prostate, the way that made his body flushed and caused him to shake with pleasure. I knew this man’s body. I knew what he liked, but I also knew there was so much more for us to discover.

    There was so much more he and I could do to each other, and I couldn't wait to explore.

    I leaned forward, my hands reaching up and wrapping around the tie binding his hands. My chest fell on his, our breathing labored as I kept myself deep inside his body while still fucking him.

    “Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. Oh fuck,” Will moaned, his body moving beneath me, his pelvis rubbing against my stomach, his cock slipping out the top and leaking precum over our bodies. “Don’t stop. Don’t stop.”

    “I won’t stop,” I told him, pressing my body into his, feeling him as if for the first time. “I’ll never stop.”

    I kissed him, both of us exploring the other, tasting the other, knowing the other in every way. Our bodies were slick with sweat and precum. Our breathing was quick, our moans and cries growing louder and louder as we rose to our shared climax.

    In this moment, as we opened ourselves to the other, as we gave ourselves over, I felt as if I was seeing God. I was experiencing a lusting love that I couldn't explain. 

    “I’m cumming,” Will cried, his whole body shaking, every muscle working to ensure the largest orgasm he had ever had. His cum shot up between our bodies, coating us in his toxic jizz. I could feel his hole tightening around my cock, milking me.

    “Oh, fuck,” I moaned, my body shaking, my strength depleted as I erupted inside Will’s body. My cock kicked, shooting several ropes of burning cum deep within his guts. I collapsed on top of Will, unable to do anything but gasp for air and ride out the orgasm which was still filling my body with the greatest burning pleasure I had ever known.

    We remained locked in this pleasure, our bodies taking in the intensity only two men could create. I breathed deep, smelling our sweat and cum and sex. I closed my eyes and felt Will's warm skin against my own. I felt his muscles moving, his chest rising and falling as he started to reach his afterglow. 

    I managed to push myself up, looking down at Will who was staring up at me with a huge smile on his face.

    "What?" I asked.

    "Nothing," he told me. "I've just never been this happy."

    I leaned forward and kissed him. 


    I think there is one more chapter to go before I end this story (or provide a temporary end). There may be a few loose ends, but nothing major. 

    If there is something you still want to see, comment below. Let me know. I'm sure I'm forgetting stuff. 

    Until Part 50, keep cumming. 

    • Like 8
  2. Part 48: The Parting of the Ways

    (Will’s Perspective)

    “Keep going,” Peter cried, eyes tightly closed, sweat dripping down his face. His hands were gripping the sheets beneath him, knuckles white, veins popping out.

    “You sure?” I asked him, my heart racing, concerned about the apparent pain on his face.

    “Fucking yeah, I’m sure!” he said.

    My arm was deep inside Peter’s hole. At least, I thought it was deep inside, having only fisted a few times before. My arm was almost up to my elbow, Peter’s hole loose but still hugging my arm, almost pulling me in further.

    “He’ll tell you when to stop,” Dom said, his own arm deep inside Doctor Wade’s hole.

    “Don’t worry,” Wade said, reaching over and patting Peter’s stomach, “Peter and I have been training his hole for a few weeks now. This little piggy can take it.”

    “I doubt he can take as much as you can,” I told him, watching as Dom’s bicep entered Wade’s hole, stretching his ass more than I thought possible.

    “He’ll get there one day,” Wade said, looking at Peter. “Won’t you, piggy?”

    Peter snorted like a pig, smiling at me. “Come on, Will. Open this pig’s hole. Stretch my guts!”

    I moved my hand deeper inside his body, watching as his stomach bulged.”

    “That’s it,” Dom said, reaching over with his free hand and patting the skin where my hand was pressing through. “Look at that stomach move. Isn’t that a beautiful sight?”

    “Fuck, yeah it is!” Peter said, resting his own hands on his stomach, feeling my hand move within him. “Fuck, I love having your hand deep inside me.”

    I tried to push more inside, but Peter’s body jerked, his eyes growing wide as he gasped.

    “But, maybe, not any deeper inside right now.”

    “Don’t worry, babe,” Wade said to Peter, “Give me enough time, and I’ll have my arm so deep inside you, I’ll be able to hold your heart in my hand.”

    “That’s the most romantic thing anyone has ever said to me,” Peter said, trying to roll closer to Wade to kiss him. With my arm inside his ass, he couldn’t move far, leaving his kiss unfulfilled.

    “So, are you two a thing now?” I asked Peter and I slowly moved my hand out of his hole, giving him time to enjoy the stretch.

    “I suppose we are,” Wade said, his own hand moving along his muscled body, tracking where Dom’s hand was now moving inside him. “As much as a sex-crazed poz doctor and a gay, soon-to-be-divorced, student-fucking, cum-monster can be.”

    “So, you’re going with Wade as he travels?” Dom asked Peter.

    “Sure am,” Peter said, grimacing as my wrist pulled out of his hole, creating a suction noise as a prolapse appeared bright and red out of his cunt. “Fuck!”

    “That’s beautiful,” Dom said, reaching over and feeling the prolapse, pulling more of it out of Peter’s body. “Go on and fuck his prolapse, babe,” he told me.

    I slid my dick inside the warm rose that was Peter’s insides, relishing the silky feeling. “What are you going to do for work?”

    “He’ll be assisting me,” Wade said. “I had to… fake some information when I hired him, but no one is going to know.”

    “And I think I’ll start working as a sex worker,” Peter said, his hands trying to reach down to feel his prolapse. “I’m sure there have got to be men out there who want a toxic hyperspermia cock fucking them.”

    “Maybe some women, too,” Dom said.

    Peter rolled his eyes. “I mean, if I have to, I guess I can fuck an actual cunt again. As long as it isn’t my ex-wife’s.”

    “Plus, since you’re sterile, no risk of becoming a father,” I told him, my heart racing, an orgasm on its way as my cock sloshed inside Peter’s guts.

    “Just a poz daddy,” Peter said, winking at me. “You want me to make you a poz grandpa like Dom?”

    “I’m expecting it,” I told him.

    “We both are,” Dom said, winking. “With how much you cum, we’re expecting you to poz dozens of men everywhere you go.”

    “And I can’t wait,” Peter said, jerking his own cock, covering himself in poz precum. “Fuck. I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna cum!”

    “Fucking cum!” I growled, fucking his prolapse back inside his body, pumping my own poz cum, the cum that had transformed Peter’s body into a toxic whore, deep inside where my arm had been only minutes ago.

    “FUCK!” Peter cried, aiming his cock at Wade who opened his mouth, catching the ropes of cum as they shot across the bed.

    Wade was covered in toxic cum, his smiling face glazed.

    “How’s that taste?” Dom asked.

    “Tastes potent,” Wade said, collecting the cum and dripping it into his mouth. He looked at Peter and smiled. “Fuck, you’re incredible.

    “And don’t you forget it,” Peter said, finally able to lean over the bed and kiss Wade, sharing the cum.

    “Fuck!” Wade cried as Dom pulled his arm out of his body, his own prolapse appearing. It was looser than Peter’s and a darker red.

    “Want to have a go?” Dom asked Peter.

    “Fuck yeah!” Peter scrambled off the bed, his cock already getting hard again, ready to seed Wade’s guts.

    “We’re going to wash off,” Dom said, his arm around me as we left the bedroom.

    We’d been meeting up at Doctor Wade’s house as we didn’t want anyone to see Peter at my apartment or at Dom’s. The rumors about Peter had only grown since he seemingly disappeared. A minor investigation had started at the school he had worked at, a fear that he had been fucking minors creating a stir. We knew he hadn’t as Lewis had been 18 when they fucked. Still, everyone was panicked that Peter had committed some sort of crime. I had spoken to a police officer and members of the school board, trying my best to assure everyone that Peter could not have done any of the things he had been suspected of doing.

    “To your knowledge, did Mr. Flanagan have any improper contact or relationship with any of his students?”

    “No,” I told them. And I meant it. Lewis had wanted to be fucked, so, in my eyes, it hadn’t been improper. Of course, I knew the people I was talking to wouldn’t have seen it that way, but I didn’t care. I was speaking from what I knew to be true.

    I had seen Mrs. Flanagan a few times at church since Peter had left, and while she had at first been acting as if the world had ended, I noticed her attitude quickly changing. Soon, I found her almost happy. Was she happy that Peter had left? Had she, in fact, been miserable too? Maybe Peter leaving had been better for them both in the end.

    This got me thinking about how I was going to handle my own process of leaving. As Dom and I climbed into Wade’s shower, I admired the man who would soon become my husband. I watched his naked body as it moved, standing in awe at the fact that a man like him could ever love a man like me.

    “What’s wrong?” Dom asked, lathering his body.

    “Nothing,” I told him, taking the soap. “Here, let me get your back.”

    “And get my ass while you’re back there,” he said, pushing his plump butt back at me, brushing against my cock. “But don’t get any ideas.”

    I covered his body in the soap and then worked on myself, handing the soap to Dom so he could take care of my back.

    “So, what’s really wrong?” he asked, leaning close to me, whispering in my ear, his hot body pressing against me. I could feel his cock pushing against my ass, searching to burrow itself deep inside the hole which it knew to be its home.

    “I told you, nothing is wrong.”

    “And I’m telling you,” he said, shifting his hips forward, his cock slipping between my cheeks, trying to enter me, “that there’s something wrong that you’re not telling me.”

    I turned and looked at him, seeing that this conversation wasn’t at all playful. He knew something was wrong, and he wanted an answer. I looked down and saw his erect cock brushing against my own. Never would I have imagined standing in a shower naked with another man… at least, not outside the gym. It was crazy how much my life had changed in such a short period.

    “I’m just worried,” I told him.

    “I promise you,” Dom said, “you didn’t hurt Peter. He’s had plenty shoved up his ass, your arm isn’t going to kill him.”

    “Not that,” I told him. “I’m worried about… us.”

    “What do you mean?”

    I looked into Dom’s eyes, finding myself mesmerized by this incredible man. He was both strong and gentle; he was kind but also dominant. He had invaded my life and made me into the man I secretly always wanted to be. So, why was I struggling this much?

    “I can’t keep living like this.”

    “Like what?”

    “In secret,” I told him. “I can’t keep doing it.”

    “Then don’t,” he said, smiling. “Come out of the closet. Embrace who you are and what you want to be in your life. Fuck everyone who doesn’t agree with you or judges you.”

    “It isn’t that easy,” I told him.

    “Of course, it is.”

    “No, it isn’t,” I told him. “I’ll most likely lose my job, Dom.”

    “You don’t know that.”

    I gave him a look that clearly said, “Are you fucking kidding me?”

    “Fine,” he said. “They’ll fire you. So what? I can support us both for now. Then you’ll find something else you can do.”

    “With my degree in theology?”

    “Something that doesn’t need a degree, then,” Dom said, his voice no longer comforting but exhausted. “Or go back to school. Work at fucking Starbucks for all I fucking care. I just want to be with you, Will. And if living like you are right now isn’t working, and I think we both know it isn’t, then you need to do something.”

    “It isn’t as easy for me as it was for you,” I told him.

    “It wasn’t easy for me,” Dom said. “I didn’t grow up with a support system or a loving family.”

    “You think my family is going to be alright with this?”

    “You mean Zach and your mom or Jay, the man you pozzed, and your dad, the man you fucked and have most likely pozzed because your toxic cum seems to be very potent shit.”

    “You’re not listening to me,” I shouted, storming out of the shower, grabbing a towel. I furiously dried myself off, trying to calm myself down. “I’m scared because being with you means I’m leaving my life behind.”

    “Don’t forget that I’m a part of your life, too,” Dom said, following after me. His cock was no longer hard, any desire to fuck long gone. “Remember, I asked you to be my husband, and you said yes.”

    “I know I did,” I told him.

    “Is everything alright?”

    Wade and Peter entered into the hall, both covered in cum.

    “We’re fine,” I told them.

    “No, we’re not fine,” Dom said. He looked at me, the anger in his eyes slowly morphing into something I had never seen within him; fear and sadness. “Are you… are you saying that you don’t want to get married?”

    “No,” I told him. “That’s not what I’m saying.”

    “It sounds like you are.”

    “I’m not!” I shouted. “I’m just scared.”

    “Scared of what?”

    “Scared of not knowing what my life is going to be like once everyone knows who I really am.”

    There was silence in the hall.

    “Your life will have me standing next to you, holding your hand, helping you through whatever might come,” Dom said.

    I stared at him, my heart racing, thoughts pounding in my head. I knew he meant what he said, but I couldn’t shake the fear that was living inside my gut. I someone could reach deep inside me and remove it.

    “Fine,” he said. “If you’re that unsure, then I’ll make it easier for you.” Dom pushed past me and grabbed his clothes, pulling them on quickly as he headed for the door.

    “Dom, please, don’t go,” I called, running after him.

    “I’m not going to force you, Will,” he said. “I’m not going to force you to come out. I wouldn’t do that, but I’m not going to continue loving someone who is ashamed of and hiding the part of him that I love.”

    I watched as Dom left, unable to go after him, unable to believe that I had caused him to walk out the door. I stood frozen, trying to force myself not to break down. Wade ran after Dom, Peter staying behind. I felt dizzy, my balance off. I tried to take a step forward, but I fell.

    "Come on," Peter said, helping me up. He guided me back into the bedroom and sat me down.

    “What’s going on?” he asked.

    “I think Dom and I are over,” I said.

    “What? No way. You guys were just out here fisting us, looking lovingly into each other’s eyes. What the fuck happened in the shower?”

    “I told him… I told him that…”

    “What? That you don’t love him?”

    “No,” I said. “I do love him.”

    “Then what?”

    “I told him that I’m scared,” I shouted, Peter nearly falling off the bed in surprise. “I’m scared of what’s going to happen to me once I come out.”

    “Oh,” Peter said. “Well, believe it or not, I’m the perfect person to talk to about this particular issue.”


    “Have you seriously forgotten that I used to be married?” he said, grabbing his cock and shaking it, the PA that used to be his wedding ring moving on the end of his penis.

    “I just didn’t think that you had been scared,” I said. “You seemed to want it so badly.”

    “I did want it badly,” he told me. “I wanted to break out of that life because it wasn’t really my life. It was the Peter Flanagan I’d been made into. I wasn’t allowing the inner whore that I truly am out into the world. But even when I knew I needed to come out, I was still scared. For fuck sake, I’m practically hiding away here because everyone thinks I’ve been fucking students.”

    “You did fuck a student.”

    “I’m trying to help you here,” Peter said, smiling. “Yes, you are going to lose people. You are going to have some major shifts in your life. Yes, you will need to change jobs because there is no way anyone around here is going to want a gay pastor. Maybe move to California.”

    “There’s an idea,” I said.

    “It’s going to be scary. It was for me. But just like me, you’ve got a group around you that’s going to support you all the way… and then fuck your ass and suck your cock once you’re feeling better.”

    I laughed.

    “But you have something I didn’t have,” he said. “You have a man who loves you and wants to be your husband.”

    “You’ve got Wade.”

    “Yeah, now,” Peter said. “Though don’t you fucking dare say anything about us getting married. I’ll kick your ass.”

    I knew Peter was right, but I also knew that I couldn’t fully shake the fear that was still inside me.


    Part 48 became too long, so I'm splitting it in two. 

    I'm trying to keep sex within the story, but I am also bringing it to a close. So, expect sections with no sex and just characters. What can I say, I'm trying to pull the story together. I hope you enjoy regardless. 

    • Like 7
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  3. There was a time a fully believed cheating to be wrong. Emotionally, it hurts. It causes damage. I've seen that happen. 

    While I still feel this to an extent, I've been the guy the man is cheating with, and I fucking love it. It makes me so hard, knowing I'm fulfilling him. 

    • Piggy 3
  4. Part 47: Graham Broken In

    (Will's Perspective)

    "I said yes."

    “Yeah, you did!” Peter shouted. He ran over and hugged me, kissing me. I could feel his hard cock against my own. Is he ever not horny, I wondered. “I’m so happy for you.”

    “Thanks,” I said.

    His hands ran down to my ass, squeezing. “I’m so happy for my daddy.”


    “I’m not going to stop,” Peter said, moving to Dom. “Does that make you my grandpa?”

    “Call me that, and I’ll make more than your ass bleed,” Dom warned.

    They all congratulated us.

    “So, is this just a wedding announcement, or are we going to fuck?” Doctor Wade asked, unbuttoning his shirt.

    “We’re gonna fuck,” Dom said, pulling his shirt off. “Boy,” he pointed at Lewis, “your ass belongs to me now and forever. It’s time I remind you.”

    “Yes, Sir,” Lewis said, stripping down. He looked at me and smiled. "I guess we're kinda like brothers."

    "I guess we are," I told him, admiring his overwhelming enthusiasm. 

    “All the rooms are unlocked,” Doctor Wade said. “No cameras are on in the building, so run around naked and fuck until you drop.” He walked over to Ryan, looking him over. “This man says you’re an impressive fucker,” he said, looking to Graham. “I haven’t had the pleasure of seeing this up close, and as your doctor, I do require personal exams.”

    “Whatever the doctor wants,” Ryan said, following behind Wade.

    “You, too,” Wade said to Pastor Kline. “Graham can’t be the only man to experience the Kline sandwich.”

    “It’s our specialty,” Pastor Kline said, following Wade and his son out of the room.

    “And what about you Graham?” I asked.

    “After hearing Ryan talk about Mr. Flanagan’s gifted cock,” Graham said, looking Peter over, “I’d like to see his cumming abilities up close.”

    “You’re not ready,” Peter teased, “but I’ll happily wow you.”

    Graham smiled. “But, knowing you’re the man with the potent, toxic cum,” he said, looking to me, “I want you to take a turn on my ass.”

    “I think the three of us can manage,” Peter said. “But let’s get a different room. This one is going to get out of hand.”

    I looked back and saw Dom holding Lewis, his cock already inside the young man’s hole. Lewis had his legs wrapped around Dom’s waist, Dom’s hands stretched out, holding him in the air. Dom’s muscles flexed, showing how strong he was. He was using Lewis like a fleshlight, merely an object to fuck, merely a hole to fill. Dom would consider him the model of the perfect faggot. 

    “That’s right,” Dom said, slamming his cock deep inside Lewis who cried out each time. “Take this fucking monster cock!”

    “Fuck me, Sir!” Lewis cried. “Tear my hole to pieces.”

    “It isn’t your hole anymore,” Dom told him. “This hole belongs to me. Peter may have found it first, but I’m the man who claimed it. Got that?”

    “Yes, Sir!” Lewis moaned.

    “That’s a good faggot.”

    I followed Graham and Peter out of the room, passing the one Doctor Wade, Ryan, and Pastor Kline had entered. Pastor Kline was lying on an exam table, already naked, his hole on display.

    “Doctor,” Pastor Kline said, “I think I’m ready for my injection now.”

    “You’ve got it,” Wade said, naked himself, showing his muscles. “But I’ll need a little help from my assistant.”

    “Whatever you need,” Ryan said, already stroking his cock to life, fresh toxic precum dripping down his hand. “Let’s see if I can’t help you inject my father’s hole with toxic jizz.”

    We entered an empty room, similar to the others. There was an exam table at the center, but I noticed that on the walls were pictures of pregnant women. I realized what this room was primarily used for, and I smiled.

    “You say I’m your daddy,” I said to Peter, walking to the exam table. “That’s not how I look at it.”

    “How do you look at it?” he asked, Graham watching us.

    “I impregnated you,” I told him. “You’re carrying my baby inside you.”

    “Am I?” Peter asked, his hand moving from his bulge to his stomach. “You knocked me up?”

    “Sure did,” I said. “And I think it’s time for your examination. Get on the table.”

    “Yes, sir,” Peter said. He stripped off his clothing, revealing his hard cock and the ring hanging at the tip.

    “That’s a nice PA,” Graham said.

    “Thanks,” Peter said. “It used to be my wedding ring.”

    “Fuck,” Graham said, his right hand reaching over to his left, feeling his own wedding ring. “I’d love mine in my cock.

    I pulled on the underside of the table, revealing stirrups. “Let’s check on that baby growing inside you.”

    Peter put his legs into the stirrups, giving us a good view of his cock, balls, and hole. “What do you think?” he asked.

    “Looks good to me,” Graham said, stepping forward, his hands running along Peter’s legs. They moved along his thighs, his right reaching down to his hole while his left moved to Peter’s hard cock. His wedding ring hit against the ring in Peter’s cock. “How’s that feel?”

    “Fucking great,” Peter said, pinching his nipples. His cock was already leaking precum, coating Graham’s hand.

    “Did you already cum?” Graham asked, slowing his pumping.

    “Just leaking pre,” Peter told him.

    “Fuck,” Graham said, admiring the amount. He released Peter’s cock and inspected his hand. He looked down at Peter, making eye contact, and licked his hand, his tongue stopping on his ring. “Fucking delicious.”

    Peter moaned, smiling. “Don’t stop. Jerk my cock. Fill my hole.”

    Graham turned and looked at me. “Are you ready to knock my ass up like you did his?”

    “More than ready,” I said, pulling my shirt off.

    Graham and I stripped down. I was completely naked, but Graham stood before us in lace panties. They were black and hugged his ass, making his ass look as if it was sculpted from marble. Ryan was right. This man’s ass was incredible.

    “You like?” Graham asked, noticing my leering.

    “What do you think?” I said, looking down at my hard cock.

    “Holy fuck,” Graham said, staring at my monster. While there was lust in his eyes, there was fear on his face.

    “8 inches,” I told him, grabbing my cock, squeezing so a bead of precum dripped out. I caught it on my finger and held it out to Graham. He leaned forward, my finger slipping inside his mouth. He moaned, my finger slipping out over his lips. “How’s that taste?”

    Graham smiled. “Tastes potent,” he said. “Tastes like everything I’ve ever wanted.”

    “You better be sure,” I told him. “As you just heard, this cock converts men into toxic whores.”

    “Sure does,” Peter said, reaching down and feeling his own hole. “Fuck, your strain runs through my body. You’ve made me into this horny, perverted slut!”

    “You’ve always been that man,” I told him. I looked at Graham, seeing that his fear was gone. “I just intensified what was already inside you.” I stepped closer to Graham, his cock hard, hitting against my own. “What about you?” I asked. “What kind of man are you?”

    “I’m a cheating faggot cumdump,” Graham said. “And I need you to infect me.”

    “Then let’s go,” I said. “Suck my cock.”

    Graham knelt to the ground, slipping my leaking cock into his mouth. Fuck, he knew what he was doing. Having just met the man, I knew almost nothing about him. Had he fucked men before he met Ryan? Has he always been a bottom slut? Has he always wanted to be pozzed? We were about to find out.

    “That’s right,” I told him. “Fuck, your mouth is incredible.” As Graham sucked me off, I leaned over between Peter’s legs and started sucking his cock, filling my mouth with his copious amount of precum. What I collected I spat in my hand and used it to lube Peter’s hole.  

    “Fuck,” Peter moaned. “Open me up, daddy. Oh, I mean, sir.”

    Peter’s cock was drowning me in precum, and I could feel myself coating Graham’s mouth.

    “That’s good,” I told Graham, pulling my cock out of his mouth. I had some of Peter’s precum in my hand. “Turn around,” I told Graham.

    Graham turned around, showing me his incredible ass once again. It looked incredible in the lace panties. I used to watch porn where women dressed like this, taunting men with their big, juicy asses. Now, I had a man with just as much meat. He pulled the panties down, revealing his puckered hole. Even though Ryan had been fucking Graham for a few weeks, his hole still looked tight.

    “Beautiful hole,” I said, smearing Peter’s cum over Graham’s ass. As I did, I stuck my finger inside his hole, holding him still as he bucked. “If you’re going to take my cock, you’re gonna need to open up more.”

    “I know,” Graham said. “But I won’t be mad if you make me bleed a bit.”

    “Oh, you’ll bleed,” I told him.

    “And it feels great,” Peter said.

    I got four fingers inside Graham’s hole, his body adjusting. I loved feeling his ass, massaging the firm muscles. He clearly took great care of himself. I leaned forward, burrowing my mouth into his hole, tasting him.

    “Oh, fuck!” he moaned, reaching out and grabbing Peter’s legs. “That’s it. Keep going.”

    I pushed in further, feeling his ass cheeks against my own cheeks. He was truly cleaned out. There was hair around his hole, spreading out to his cheeks. When I was done, every hair was stuck to his skin, plastered by my spit and Peter’s precum.

    “Let’s get going,” I said, leaving Graham’s ass. “You fuck Peter, and I’ll fuck you.”

    “Another sandwich,” he said.

    “Well,” I said, grabbing his ass, “when you’ve got the meat…”

    “It’s time to stuff this meat,” Graham said. He moved between Peter’s legs, his cock slipping between his cheeks.

    “Oh, fuck yeah!” Peter moaned. “Keep going, fucker! Fill my ass!”

    "The patient needs a deeper examination," I told Graham. 

    “Fuck, you feel incredible!” Graham moaned, his hands running over Peter’s body. “You feel better than my wife’s pussy.”

    “Every man’s ass is better than any woman’s pussy,” Peter said.

    “I wouldn’t know,” I told them, aiming my cock at Graham’s hole, my hands grabbing his ass, pulling his cheeks apart. “I’ve only ever fucked strong, tight, male ass.”

    “And I can’t wait for you to feel mine,” Graham said, shoving his cock all the way into Peter’s ass. The panties strained around his cock and my intrusion in his hole. I loved the feeling of the lace on his body, so delicate, so strong. 

    “Fill my ass!” Peter shouted, his cock jumping, large streams of precum dripping down his shaft. Graham scooped up the precum, filling his palm, and licked it clean. “How’s that taste?”

    “Delicious,” Graham said, licking between his fingers. “It tastes like testosterone. Like masculinity.”

    “Damn right,” I whispered into Graham’s ear, slamming my hips into his ass, bottoming out, and causing him to cry out.

    “FUCK!” Graham cried, his cock slamming into Peter’s hole. His chest heaved, head tilted back, mouth open wide.

    Peter gasped, his cock shooting out ropes of cum, covering his entire chest and stomach, several shots covering Graham.

    “What the fuck!” Graham said as he came down from his momentary high, watching as Peter came. “Did you just—”

    “Cum?” Peter asked, gasping. “Yeah. Sure did.”

    “And he’ll be ready to cum again once you are,” I told Graham. "Milk him for all the cum you can. He never runs dry."

    "So far," Peter said, catching his breath. "But I'd like to test that theory."

    “So, what do you say?" I asked. "Are you ready to fuck more cum out of him?”

    Graham looked down at Peter’s cum-covered body and smiled. “I sure fucking am,” he said. Graham pulled off my cock and slammed into Peter, fucking himself as he fucked Peter. His ass felt incredible on my cock, milking me with his muscular ass.

    My hands ran up his back, feeling the muscles, admiring how they moved as Graham fucked his hardest. I was in love with Dom, but I could see why someone would fall in love with someone like Graham. It was easy to see how women fell for Graham and why Ryan had fallen for him. Once he was pozzed, he’d convert dozens, if not hundreds, of holes with ease. The same with Peter. Two married men who wanted something more, wanted to live their lives on the edge, using their cocks to convert. They wanted to live according to their temptations, just as I had. Look where it brought. I was a poz top, converting men into the pigs they've always wanted to be. It was my true calling. Dom had made me into this man. 

    No, Dom had brought out the man who was already inside me. 

    “Fuck,” Graham moaned. “You’re hitting my prostate.”

    “Mine too,” Peter said, his cock leaking again.

    “I’ve got to milk everything I can out of you,” I said, fucking his ass harder. I loved getting the chance to fuck a new ass. Graham’s, while not a virgin hole, felt incredible. “I’m jealous Ryan gets to play with you all the time.”

    “I’ve seen your man,” Graham said. “He looks even better than me.”

    “Dom is great,” Peter said, breathing hard, hand pumping his cock. “but you’re a god in your own right.”

    “I just can’t wait till I get a chance at him fucking the shit out of me.”

    “He’ll love filling you,” I told Graham. “Just like I am now!” I slammed deep inside his body, erupting my toxic cum into his guts.

    “Fuck, yeah!” Graham cried out, grabbing Peter’s legs. “Milk me!” Take my neg load!"

    "Take my toxic jizz!" I shouted, holding Graham's body close, feeling his muscles moving as his body ridded itself of his inferior cum. 

    “Oh, shit!” Peter cried, his cock erupting once again. His cum shot like a geyser, reaching high in the air, splattering on his body and all over the exam table. “Fill my hole. Breed me!”

    The three of us cried out as we came, filling holes with cum, neg and poz. Peter’s hole milked Graham’s cock as Graham’s cock milked mine.

    Our cries died down, the room smelling of sweat and cum. Graham fell forward, landing on Peter’s body, covering himself in Peter’s cum. I pulled myself out of Graham’s hole, watching as pink cum leaked out.

    “How does it look back there?” Graham asked.

    “Looks good,” I said, shoving a finger inside, rubbing the cum around his hairy hole. “How’s it look on your end?”

    Graham looked down at Peter who smiled. “Looks fucking great.” Graham leaned forward and kissed Peter, tasting the cum.

    "Looks like you've all had a good time."

    We turned and found Dom standing in the doorway, his cock still inside Lewis's hole. Cum ran down his legs, proving multiple loads had been given.

    "It's always great breaking in a new hole," I said, slapping Graham's ass. 

    "Welcome to the brotherhood," Dom said. 


    This was an unexpected chapter, but I assumed you'd want a scene at the doctor's office. We'll move into the final chapters next, tying up whatever ends that exist. 

    I'll try to leave some things open just in case I want to come back to this story, but I'll try to give you something like a conclusion. 

    I'm still considering spin-offs. Not sure if I want multiple or one that contains whatever stories I might want to tell. Who knows. For now, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Till next time. 

    • Like 10
    • Piggy 1
  5. I get the idea of wanting to get fucked by a ton of men, sometimes without seeing their faces, but I like being romantic. I want to kiss you, look deep into your eyes as you fuck me. Hold me. I want that connection. 

    • Piggy 1
  6. Here's mine. 

    Growing up, I was obsessed with wanting a HUGE cock. I really believed only men with 9 inch cocks were happy. It took several years before I found myself not only satisfied with my cock but proud of it. It isn't gonna rip you to pieces, but I think it'll fill you just the same. 


    • Like 5
    • Upvote 1
    • Piggy 2
  7. 18 hours ago, WillingRawVerse said:

    As a 47 yo Bi man, I consider myself a DILF as I have a child. So yes, I'm  a DILF.

    However, I'm not a Daddy. A Daddy is an attitude. Yes it helps being older to get that Dad/Son feeling going. I have a Daddy, but he's not a DILF.


    So you're saying a DILF is a man with kids but a Daddy is a "type" of man. Okay. I guess a DILF is a dad who still looks hot, has a possible quality about him that is masculine, protective, and maybe dominant. Much of this stems from being a father and learning these qualities to take care of his children. 

    A Daddy can be any man who exemplifies certain qualities, no kids needed. 

    Interesting. I wonder if DILF and Daddy have overlapping qualities? 

  8. 2 minutes ago, WillingRawVerse said:

    Started to watch over 18 [banned word] porn like incest, real stepmom/stepson, shit like that.

    Looking for some suggestions and will check them all out.

    Motherless has a ton to look at. They've got some gay incest though not a ton. More straight than anything. 

    They've got one of a mother who gave her son up for adoption and then met him once he was over 18. They started fucking. It's twisted, but I think you might like it. 

    Heavy-R is a mixed bag. 

    ThisVid has some. 

  9. 1 hour ago, anonCUMtainer said:

    Can we all please agree on one thing??  DILF = COMPLIMENT

    If you are referred to as a DILF - it means they want to fuck you.

    I am sure someone could turn DILF into an insult - but in the context of the OP inquiry it sounds like a compliment.

    Ageism is relative. If the person calling you a DILF is generally younger and you are generally older - it's definitely a compliment (regardless of the age difference).

    True. That is a good point.

    I think there was a bit of a negative hint in my original post, but there shouldn't be. I love DILFs. They are my preferred sexual partners. I was just surprised when this guy called me a DILF. I guess I just don't look at myself as a DILF. 

    The qualities @Iker80mentioned I do think relate to DILFs, and while I'll admit that I do have some of them, I just didn't realize someone would already consider me in the same category as the men I lust after. I guess I always knew I'd eventually end up as a DILF, I guess I hadn't expected to reach this point at 33. (Maybe I'm having a youth crisis)

    It is a HUGE compliment. I just need to step up and embrace that I'm a pre-DILF. 

  10. Mature man, 40-70 years old, though I'll still take a man older than 70. 

    I love a dadbod. I don't mind a mature, fit man, but a natural man, slight belly (or not so slight) is hotter to me than a six pack. 

    I like the salt and pepper look, so I prefer dark hair, but I'm not picky in the end because bald men are FUCKING SEXY! 

    A hairy body! I love a hairy man. Hairy pits. Hairy chest. Hairy stomach (belly). Hairy ass. Hairy crotch. Hairy thighs. 

    I don't care about cock size. Sure, a big cock can be nice, but average is perfect for a long-term relationship. A micropenis is... not ideal, but it's still suckable. 

    I'd like a versatile guy. I like to fuck and be fucked. He fucks me. I fuck him. As we are getting fucked by the other we're getting ready for the next round, meaning we can go again and again and again. 

    I love a pair of beautiful eyes. Don't care the color. Kind eyes capture my heart, and I like to look into a man's eyes as we make love. 

    I like a beard, again with the hair. Plus, a beard looks great covered in cum. 

    And I'm a sucker for an accent. 

    • Like 1
  11. 16 minutes ago, ktopper said:

    I think I am past the DILF stage. Is there such a thing as a GILF, a grandpa I'd like to fuck?

    That was going to be my follow-up question. When do men become GILFs? What defines a GILF? 

    If there's a distinction between daddy and DILF, then there must be a difference between a GILF and a grandpa. 

  12. 54 minutes ago, Sfmike64 said:

    Wait. And don't kick them out. If you're not ready for it just say so. I'm 59 and covered in thick gray hair. Lots of guys love calling me Daddy and I love it now. At the beginning, not so much. But I realized that I'm not getting any younger. 

    Daddy is a state of mind, not necessarily an age. 🙂 And ultimately it's all just play.

    That's right, Daddy. 

  13. Part 46: Who's Your Daddy?

    (Will's Perspective) 

    “I just want to fuck everything,” Lewis told us. “Actually, I just want anyone to fuck me.”

    We were all at Doctor Wade’s office. Peter came with Doctor Wade. I picked up Lewis and then Dom. It was a Saturday, meaning we were alone. It had been several weeks since we got the call from Peter, telling us that Lewis had started converting. While we all knew that had been the goal, I guess we hadn’t fully prepared to jump into action once his body accepted his new poz status.

    “His parents can’t find out,” I told Dom.

    “Wade is on his way to help,” Dom told me.

    “How is that going to make sense to them?”

    “Peter told me that he’s going to say that you told him about Wade.”

    “Does that make sense?”

    “It’s gonna have to,” he told me.

    In all the chaos, Dom and I had forgotten about his question to me. At least, it seemed as if Dom had forgotten.  

    “Will,” he said, gasping for a final breath as he climaxed, “will you marry me?”

    It hadn’t registered at first. In that moment, nothing felt real. He had just told me that he was going back on his medication. At one point in his life, he had been determined to ride his HIV status all the way to full blown AIDS. I suppose I had always known this. I’d read enough about chasers and gifters to know the deal. I’d seen thousands of poz videos where the men cried out, “Give me all your fucking AIDS!” It took the desire for the strain to a new level.

    While I had never sought out to be poz, everyone around me had. They wanted this. They lusted after the freedom it provided. They wanted the rush knowing their cum was toxic and deadly. Yes, it gave me a rush too. I loved unloading in Pastor Kline, Peter, Lewis, and Ryan, knowing my cum could transform their bodies. I loved fucking my father, knowing just as he had given me life, I was giving him, in the eyes of many, death. My dick was a weapon, and I loved using it.

    It wasn’t until Dom told me that he was going to avoid, or at least postpone, this ultimate fate that it fully set in the life I was living. And while it did scare me for a moment, I couldn’t deny the pleasure I also found within this knowledge. Dom had done his duty. The tally marks on his arms proved this. Now, it was my turn to take up the responsibility. It’s what I wanted… wasn’t it?

    Could I even do what Dom did? Was it possible? Not with my job, I thought. Not living like I was, hiding in the shadows. So many of us were. Peter had escaped, but we’d seen the aftermath. It wasn’t pretty. Still, I found myself jealous of him. Many nights I’d lie awake and think about how I’d blow up my life. I imagined announcing my status as a gay, poz man in church, watching as everyone exploded in shock and awe. Maybe I’d run down to Dom, kissing him. The worst idea I had was to record Dom and I fucking just so I could “accidentally” show it during a service. This idea I scrapped quickly. Still, something inside me knew I couldn’t live in the shadows any longer.

    Lewis needed to keep it a secret until he was in a better place, less dependent on his family. Perhaps in college he’d manage. He needed to distance himself from Peter so that no investigation started, possibly pulling us into the madness. Ryan was the same, though Pastor Kline would help him as much as possible. Would Mrs. Kline figure out that not only her son was gay but also her husband? I think In Pastor Kline’s wildest dreams he wanted to run off with Ryan, finding another man to fuck them both.

    But what about me? What was I going to do, especially now that Dom had asked me to marry him?

    We had held our breaths in the hours that followed Peter’s phone call. What would happen with Lewis? Would his parents take him to the hospital? Would Wade be able to persuade them otherwise? Was everything about to come crashing down around us?

    Dom and I drove to Wade’s apartment and waited with Peter. He answered the door naked, his cock hard and leaking. It was somewhat funny watching Peter pace the room. He looked like a man waiting to see if his wife had given birth to a healthy baby. In a way, this is exactly what was happening. Peter had been the one to take Lewis’s virginity. He had been the one to pull Lewis into this life, into the desire to be poz. In many ways, Lewis was giving birth to a new phase in his life, and Peter was responsible for it. Maybe, once he’s away from his parents, Lewis will join Peter and Wade, acting as a thruple.

    Hours later, Wade called us.

    “He’s definitely converting,” Wade told us. “I’ve given him some medicine to help him through, though I told his parents I’d check in on him again tomorrow.”

    “And they’re believing you?” I asked.

    “I told them I’m a friend of yours,” Wade said. “I told them I make house calls, and I think they bought it. Just hearing your name had them trusting me immediately.”

    That kind of made me sick in my stomach, the idea that Lewis’s parents trusted me, and believed I was a good man, when, in reality, I was one of the men making sure their son was going to be infected by HIV. I also hated that this idea also made me hard.

    “Luckily, he doesn’t look too bad,” Wade said. “The kid will feel like shit for a few days, but it’s looking a lot like the flu. He’s lucky.”

    “We all are,” I said. “That could have exposed all of us.”

    “New rule,” Dom said, “no fucking anyone under the age of twenty-one. Not right now. It’s too risky.”

    “I make no promises,” Peter said. “I can’t contain this cobra.” He grabbed his bulge and squeezed. “What can I say. Something about those young men just get me going.”

    “Thanks for the help, Wade,” Dom said.

    “No problem. I managed to suck Lewis off when his parents weren’t looking. The kid has got some delicious cum. I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s visit.”

    A few days later Lewis was feeling better, but another call came through, this time from Pastor Kline.

    “I just got a call from Ryan,” he told us. “He’s really sick. I think he’s converting.”

    “Anything you want us to do?” we asked.

    “No, we’ll be fine,” he said. “I’ve rented a room near the college. My wife wanted to come, but I told her I’d manage. His roommate thinks he has the flu, so I said I’d watch over Ryan at the motel so his roommate doesn’t get sick.”

    “Let us know if you need anything.”

    “We’ll be fine,” Pastor Kline said. “I’m just happy to be the one there to care for him. He is my little boy.”

    Pastor Kline kept us updated. Ryan’s conversion was rougher than Lewis’s, but he managed. From what Pastor Kline told us, it didn’t take long for him to ride his son’s poz cock multiple times, milking him of the family batter. We knew Pastor Kline wouldn’t want to leave Ryan, finally having the sexual relationship with his son that he had always wanted.

    Within a short time, two new members of our brotherhood joined, toxic loads building up in their youthful bodies. If their youth didn’t give them sexual energy, this new sexual drive in their bodies would, almost driving them crazy.

    “I keep getting hard in the locker room,” Lewis told us. “I just want to jump on all their cocks and start riding.” His sex drive was through the roof, an issue we managed to control by regular visits to my office at the church. His parents thought he was volunteering, and he was… sort of. He was volunteering his ass to Dom and me, and we made sure to fill him up to the point of him bursting.

    “I can’t wait till I get to college,” he told us after a long session of fucking. We were all on the floor, naked, covered in sweat and cum. Pastor Kline had joined us, making sure to drink down all the piss he could manage.

    “You were born to be a slut whore,” Dom said, slapping his ass which had a trail of cum leaking out. “You’ll convert half the campus.”

    “If I’m lucky,” Lewis said, sticking his fingers into his sticky hole and scooping out a glob of our cum. He licked his fingers. “I’m going to miss having you guys around to fuck me, though.”

    “You’ll find other tops,” I said. “Trust me. You never know who wants to secretly fuck your ass.”

    “From what Ryan has told me,” Pastor Kline started, “he’s already found someone near his college to fuck.”

    “Another student?”

    “A married man,” Pastor Kline told us. “Four kids. A controlling wife. He’s a lawyer, I think.”

    “A married lawyer,” Dom said. “I like the way your son thinks. Maybe we’ll give him a weekend visit.”

    “He’ll be coming up to visit next weekend,” Pastor Kline said. “He’s excited to see everyone.”

    Now, here we were, in Doctor Wade’s office, all of us collected together for the first time since we fucked at Peter’s house. So much time had passed, and so many men had converted. Lewis was getting tests done along with Ryan. We’d wanted to test and see who their actual gifters were, something we hadn’t done for Pastor Kline or Peter. We didn’t care, but Ryan and Lewis wanted to know. They had managed to get samples collected beforehand, but they wanted us all together for the announcement.

    “Everyone here?” a voice called from the hall. Pastor Kline and Ryan entered, another man following behind them. He was a tall man, muscular, with an intensity I’d only ever seen in Dom. Though Dom was still bigger, this other man could easily hold his own ground.

    “We brought a guest,” Ryan said, motioning to the man. “This is Graham.”

    Graham nodded to us, smiling. “Hello,” he said, his voice low. “I hope I’m not crashing anything.”

    “That depends,” Peter said. “Are you here to fuck?”

    We all laughed at Peter’s brazen question.

    “I’m ready when you are,” he said. “I’m all cleaned out and ready to go.”

    “You’re a bottom?” Doctor Wade asked.

    “Sure am,” he said, wrapping an arm around Ryan, pulling him into his arms. “I’m a cumdump whore for this man right here.”

    “That’s so fucking hot,” Peter said.

    “But he will fuck you if you ask politely,” Pastor Kline said. “He’s got a great, uncut cock. I can see how he’s fathered four kids.”

    “They made me the middle of a Kline sandwich,” Graham said, reaching out and grabbing Pastor Kline’s ass. “Never thought I’d fuck a pastor’s ass.

    “Tell me about it,” Dom said, grabbing mine.

    Ryan told us about how he and Graham had met, Ryan getting an internship at the office where Graham worked.

    “I noticed Graham straight away,” Ryan said. “I got hard immediately, but I tried not to be obvious.”

    “He didn’t do a good job,” Graham told us. “I saw him checking me out, so I worked to give him something to look at.”

    “You’ve never seen an ass like his in gray dress pants,” Ryan said.

    “Finally, I cornered him in the copier room,” Graham said. “It was like something straight out of a porno.”

    “I fucked his ass right there,” Ryan said. “I pressed his face down on the copier as I flooded his ass.”

    “I’ve got the scan hidden in my desk,” Graham said. “You can see my eyes rolling back in my head.”

    They told us about fucking in Graham’s office while he was on a Zoom call, how they fucked in his bed, almost getting caught by his wife.

    “It just makes the sex hotter,” Graham said. “I love riding Ryan’s cock on my wife’s side of the bed.”

    “He also likes to wear her thongs when I do,” Ryan said. “Hugs his ass just right.”

    “What kind of lawyer are you?” I asked.

    “I work a lot with divorce cases,” he said.

    “We’ll be talking later,” Peter said. “I’ll fuck you while we figure out how to best drop my ex-wife.”

    “Sounds good,” Graham said. “I heard about you. I’m excited to see just how much cum I can milk out of those balls of yours.”

    “Calm down, everyone,” Doctor Wade said, returning to us, papers in hand. “I’ve got the results.”

    “Tell us,” Peter said. “Tell us who their daddies are.”

    “Well, not just them,” Doctor Wade said. “I tested you, too.”

    “Me?” Peter asked.

    “Thought I might as well,” Wade said. “Some of the samples I collected after you converted I sent away weeks ago. I just saved the information.”


    “Well,” Wade started, “Looks like Dom can add another tally to his arm if he wants.”


    “Lewis,” Wade said.

    Lewis looked at Dom and smiled.

    “Told you I was going to make your ass mine,” Dom said. “You rode my cock like your life depended on it.”

    “And I want another go,” Lewis told him.

    “And what about Peter and Ryan?”

    “Well,” Wade started again, “looks like Peter and Ryan are brothers with Jay.”

    The room was silent, everyone turning to look at me.

    “Congrats, Will,” Doctor Wade said. “It’s triplets.”

    “Me?” I asked, looking at them all. I couldn’t believe it. First, I found out I was the one to poz Jay, and I’d only started to get over that shock. While he and I were on speaking terms, we were still working to smooth out the issues that remained between us. But now, I was also the gifter to both Peter and Ryan. I looked at them, seeing two strong, sexy men. Men who I fucked. Men who I bred. Men who I infected with my toxic cum.

    My cock became hard.

    “Maybe I should give my hole to him first,” Graham said, eyeing me. “Sounds like his cock gets the job done.”

    “Congrats, babe,” Dom said, kissing me. His hand rested on my chest, right over my heart and my tattoo.

    “Thanks for the charge, daddy,” Peter said, winking at me.

    “Don’t call me that,” I told him, laughing. “You’re older than I am.”

    “Just think,” Peter said, grabbing his crotch, massaging his bulge, “all the asses I infect from now on are all because of you.”

    “Not just me,” I told him. “Because of Dom.”

    “That’s true,” Pastor Kline said. “We wouldn’t be here without Dom.”

    Everyone cheered for him, Dom’s face growing red from embarrassment. “Thank you. Thank you. I work hard at fucking lives up.” He looked at me, his smile fading slightly. “With that said, I’d like to announce that I will be officially hanging up my gifter title.”

    “What do you mean?” Ryan asked. “You’re not gonna fuck anymore?”

    “Fuck no,” Dom said. “Of course, I’m gonna keep fucking. You can’t stop me. I mean, come on, have you seen Will’s ass.”

    They laughed.

    “No,” Dom said, “what I mean is that I’ve started on medication that will, after some time, make me undetectable.”

    “Why?” Lewis asked.

    “Because I’ve been gifting long enough,” he said. “And while I love it, there’s someone I love more.” Dom kissed me, holding me close. “I want to be here for a long time, and if medication allows that, and allows me to keep fucking all of you, then it’s what I want.”

    “Which means,” Doctor Wade said, looking at Lewis, “that you will be the last ass Dom converts.”

    “Wow,” Lewis said. He looked at Dom, smiling. “Thank you, sir. I’m honored.”

    “You better be,” Dom said. “I’m expecting you to convert dozens of men with that ass of yours.”

    “Oh, I will,” Lewis said. “No one will be able to stop me.”

    “But my legacy lives on,” Dom said, looking at us all. “It isn’t just what’s here.” He ran his hand along the tally mark tattoo. “It’s everyone here. You’re all a bunch of fucked up fuckers who can’t stop fucking, and those are the kind of men I want carrying my strain forever.”

    “We won’t let you down,” Peter said. He looked from Dom to me. “Either one of you.”

    “And with that said,” Dom continued, “there is another announcement to be made.”

    “Another announcement?” Pastor Kline asked.

    “Did your dad convert?” Peter asked me.

    “Not yet,” I told him. “Jay has been riding our dad’s cock almost every day, so it’s only a matter of time.”

    “Jay and your dad,” Pastor Kline said, massaging his own bulge. “Now, that’s a sight to see.”

    “It’s about us,” Dom said, still holding me close. “I asked Will to marry me.”

    Everyone was silent, their eyes growing wide.

    “You proposed?” Peter asked.

    “I thought you told me you weren’t the marrying type,” Doctor Wade said, smiling.

    “I wasn’t,” Dom said. “The only thing I lived for was fucking and converting men. That’s all I ever wanted to do. That’s all I ever thought about. I was a walking biohazard sign, ready to infect, ready to convert neg holes into toxic cumdumps. But then, I met Will, and things changed. I fucked him because he’s hot, because he’s a pastor and I loved the idea of corrupting him.”

    “Which you did,” I said.

    “Which I did,” Dom continued. “And I really thought that would be the end of it. A poz gay man fucks and converts a straight pastor. Sounds like bad porn, but I did it. And I kept doing it. I kept coming back to Will, again and again. And he kept coming back to me.”

    I watched as Dom spoke. I remembered the dangerous animal I had seen in him when he fucked me, converting me. While that part of him still existed, I now saw something different in him. Just like the night he proposed, I saw someone capable of delicate, passionate love, a love he wanted to give to me. And only me.

    “That voice that’s been in my head,” Dom continued, “that voice that tells us to fuck, to hunt down men to convert, it brought me to Will. After him, the voice started to change. At first, it tried to pull me away from him, but, after time, the voice fell silent. Instead, I heard a new voice. Will’s voice. Before I knew it, Will was a part of my life. Before I knew it, Will became my life. I couldn’t imagine my life without him. I love him, and he loves me. He was no longer the pastor I corrupted. He was the man who entered my life and made me want to continue living as long as possible.”

    I saw tears in Dom’s eyes, and I realized that I had never seen Dom cry before. He’d seen me, though most of that was because his cock threatened to tear me open every time he fucked me. This was different. Dom wasn’t the mythical man, the poz top fucking and converting every man he met. No. Dom was different now. Somehow, he was stronger now than ever before.

    “But what did you say?” Peter asked, looking at me.

    I smiled. “I said yes.”


    A bit sappy, but I couldn't help it. 

    More to cum. 

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