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Posts posted by Heir2012

  1. While the sluttier side will say "give up your hole to whatever man wants it," the real answer is that it's your fucking body. When you're done, you're done. You don't owe anyone anything, only yourself. If you're enjoying it, keep going. If you feel that you're done or a guy creeps you out, leave. 

    You decide. 

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  2. 10 hours ago, sleazyskank said:

    First time that happened to me, I was well poppered up, my host had fucked and bred me well, then began fisting my hole while sucking my cock. He hit a spot, and I just started to cum uncontrollably, soon followed by massive amounts of piss, simultaneously. This lasted at least five minutes, then after the waves of orgasm lasted another five. I lay there, completely wet, covered in my cum, piss, and sweat, panting hard, and enjoying the sensations. Never experienced that before, so I apologized profusely to my host for the mess. He said it was normal, and enjoyed giving it to me, and watching my reaction. When I finally got up, my body was pleasantly sore, my legs weak, and struggled to walk to the shower. When I left, I wished i could get another one!!

    The fact that this guy said what you experienced is "normal" makes me want to hunt him down and present my ass without question! Wow! 

    • Like 2
  3. I've never had this happen, but I think it's hot.

    If it happens and feels like you described, I say welcome the piss! I guess it sometimes comes down to you and the top's feelings toward piss. If you have no issue with piss or are turned on by it, and so is your partner, then it's perfect! It can heighten the energy between you.

    But, if you or the top don't like piss, I can see it ruining the moment. 

    If it was me, as the top or bottom, I'd find it incredibly hot! 

    • Like 3
  4. Possibly gay for pay.

    When he has two guys together, they'll do stuff, but they seem reluctant. 

    Then again, maybe they start off as real, maybe offering real checkups for those who can't afford healthcare. Then, they offer money to the men who they like, bringing them back. 

    I just can't find any of the "patients" in any other porn. I've looked. 

  5. I love watching gay doctor porn. 

    Now, let me clarify, I don't love the type that is clearly fake, meaning acted out. Think of the SNL skit they did with Adam Driver. It just doesn't work for me. 

    But, I do love watching the Jock Physical videos. 

    Does anyone know if these videos are real?

    I feel like the answer is "No," because there are some points where the doctor is supposedly gone while they guy jerks off, but a few times the guy is clearly looking at someone or the doctor just happens to return at the exact moment the guy cums. 

    Still, the guys talk about themselves and their medical history in a way that feels real. 

    I just don't know. Maybe they start real, telling the guys they're recording for learning purposes. If so, they could get sued, right? Then, maybe, they bring them back, letting them know it's porn related. 

    Do you know?

    Do you have videos like this you'd recommend? Please leave a link. 

    JP 2.jpg

    JP 3.jpg

    • Like 1
  6. The Poz stories brought me here first. It was the first time I saw stories and testimonials about men seeking out "the gift" to fulfill an aspect of their sexuality. I never knew it was possible. The stories got me off immediately because they were dark and twisted. They opened up inside me a nature I had kept closed off for most of my life. 

    I then started writing on BZ because I wanted to share ideas and fantasies of my own. 

    Overall, I keep coming back for the hot fuckers I've met on BZ. I love experiencing your lives with you. I love witnessing you all unleash yourselves, letting your true, manly nature's take over. 

    I dare you to find a group of hotter, more depraved men. 

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  7. Congrats! Sounds like a hot fuck! 

    Seems like you knew the faggot buried beneath the surface and worked to get it out. Now, you've claimed your prize! 

    Even though the bf is 2/10, would he or you get off having him watch you breed the bottom? 

  8. I don't shave my hole for the same reason I don't shave my crotch: I hate the fucking ITCH! tried it in high school and college and couldn't take it. Luckily, my hole isn't a jungle, but I've got some hair. 

    I also prefer to fuck a hairy hole. I love watching the bottom's hair cling to my cock like it's pulling me in. 

    • Like 1
    • Piggy 2
  9. 13 hours ago, JamesL100 said:

    I find it's insatiable btms who bulk msg everyone locally. You see about setting something up and they disappear. More like their hole will explode if not fucked and filled.

    Actually, I think you're right. 

    It also depends on the app. On Recon, like here, I'm versatile, and I get messages from tops and bottoms. But, the desperate fuckers are the tops needing to bust a load. They also want to chain me up, whip me, and make me their slave even though that isn't in my profile. 

    But, yes, I think it depends on the app and the purpose. Sometimes it is a bottom needing a long line of men to fuck them. For a top, they can go only a few times depending on age and other factors, meaning they might not be as desperate or their desperation is more fleeting. 

  10. I understand the desire to fuck and go. That's why guys go to adult bookstores or glory holes or rest stops cruising. Sometimes it's all about getting off. 

    But, if I can, I want to talk. I want to run my hands all over his body, explore him, feel him, sense as much of him as I can. It enhances the connection. It helps me tap into his needs better as well as my own. It becomes a connection of the physical body and the soul. 

    • Upvote 2
  11. I do get annoyed sometimes when I don't get a response after a few hours, buy that's a me problem I'm working on. It's a flaw I'm aware of and want to fix. 

    But it's crazy to expect a response after a minute. I can't imagine after a few seconds. 

    Sounds like their balls are going to explode unless they get a hole immediately. 

  12. I don't know if it can legally be done today, but I did read of a family who had a daughter who was intellectually disabled. Fearing that she'd either be taken advantage of or even raped, they had a procedure done to sterilize her. They did it to protect her, but there were still people who said they did the wrong thing. 

    It's a difficult thing...

    Many people on the spectrum are capable of fully understanding what sex is and the certain ramifications of sexual choices (getting STIs, getting pregnant). Perhaps, a few understand but still need care and guidance from a guardian to protect them from untrustworthy individuals. Other disabled individuals simply can't comprehend what sex is and the ramifications having sex can have on them. 

    Luckily, there are those working within various medical fields who help those who can understand live their lives normally while they help others remain protected from harm. 

    Basically, don't take advantage of someone. It's simple. Only a truly horrible person would. 

    • Like 2
  13. BONUS

    Lastly, for now, I thought I'd share some of the plotlines I almost created but didn't. 

    Peter and Jay were almost a couple, but I liked how he interacted with Doctor Wade. I think Peter likes to play doctor. 

    I never intended on Peter or Lewis or Ryan joining the chaos. As I wrote, they sort of created themselves. Who was I to stop them from getting pozzed? 

    I never intended on Ben, Will's Dad, becoming a member of their brotherhood. It was only after @Sturm611asked if Ben was the man Pastor Kline had fallen in love with in college that his addition to the story was created. 

    Graham just sort of appeared. He was a last addition. What can I say? I love a dirty married man. 

    There was a plotline of Dom introducing Will to a group of pozzers who worked together to poz random men in a warehouse. They were the ones he mentions at the very beginning of the story, the ones who get together to cum into bowls or something. I decided not to go that direction in the end. I'm sure those men are in that warehouse waiting for my men to arrive. Maybe, one day, they will. 

    Peter was almost a father, but I decided I didn't want to go that direction. I'll split up a marriage, but I won't take a man from his kids. 

    Lewis almost knocked up a football player. 

    Ryan was going to poz his roommate, but I didn't feel like creating that extra offshoot. 

    Lastly, the one plotline that I almost went with. And when I say almost, I mean I almost went this direction within the last chapter as a major bombshell that would have created a shakeup at the wedding. Secretly, maybe, it is true. Maybe it isn't... Ben says that he fucked women while he was in high school. I was going to have one of these women become Dominic's mother, meaning Dominic is actually Ben's oldest son and Will's half-brother. I was going to have this knowledge known to Dominic, but he wasn't sure if he was going to tell Will. Maybe, just maybe, he does know this to be true......................................................

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  14. Part 51: What Could Have Been (and was almost) The End. The Permanent End. 

    (Will's Perspective)

    (Right as Will is fucking Dom after their wedding)

    “I’ll take it all,” Dom said, grabbing my arms and pulling me down on top of his body. He held me close, his cum smearing between us. He kissed me, hand resting on my cheek. My body still shook, cock still unloading inside his ass. “It’s alright, baby,” he whispered into my ear. “Ride it out. Enjoy it. Feel your toxic cum trying to claim my body.”

    It felt as if my body could sense that between Dom and I, I was now the toxic pozzer. My cock felt the need to convert men, to claim them, to make them into the biohazard bottoms they needed to become.

    The orgasm faded, my skin burning against Dom’s touch. He kissed me again.

    “I love you, Will.”

    I smiled at him, Dominic Moore, the man who claimed not only my body but also my soul. He was now my everything, and I was his. Forever, we’d be this way, connected in a way only the luckiest of men could understand.


    “Is that a promise?” he asked.

    “What?” I asked Dominic.

    He looked at me funny, raising an eyebrow. “I asked, ‘Is that a promise?’ you being out here after the service.”

    We stood in the church’s lobby, people passing around us. The service was about to begin.

    “Is everything alright?” he asked.

    I stared at him, Dominic Moore, the stranger who, for some reason, felt like the man I should have known better than I knew myself. I studied his face, his eyes, knowing, somehow, that I had looked into those eyes before. Not just looked. I had stared into those eyes, intently, memorizing them. I felt as if I’d memorized more than just his eyes. I saw his arms, his tattoos, and, somehow, I knew there were more hidden beneath his clothing. I knew there was a special one right above his...

    “Are you okay?” he asked again.

    I couldn’t shake the feeling, the sudden pit in my stomach, the feeling as if I’d just had the ground crumble beneath me, sending me falling down into nothing. I could see images of him in my mind, of us together. I could see us, him and I, close together, in his bed, naked bodies twisted into an agonizing pleasure.

    “No,” I said, shaking the image out of my mind. Why was I thinking that? Why was this image in my mind, of this stranger and I having sex, of sinning together in such a… such a… passionate way?

    “Should I get someone?” He reached out, his hand gripping my arm.

    His touch was familiar. His hold on my arm, on my body, was as familiar to me as my own name: William Moore.

    No! William Ryder. My name is William Ryder. “I’m fine,” I assured him, trying to calm myself. Still, within his hold, feeling the strength within his hand, I could feel my body trembling. I wasn’t weak, but I was shaking from an anticipation I couldn’t understand. I wanted his other hand to grasp me. I wanted his arms to pull me into his body. I wanted him to strip me naked, to strip away every part of me, and fill me with himself.

    I breathed normally, feeling myself recovering from the high.

    “You’re sure you’re fine?” Dominic asked.

    “I am,” I told him. “Thank you.”

    “No problem,” he said, looking down at his hand which was still holding my arm. I felt a slight squeeze, his grip feeling my muscle. “No problem at all.”

    A moment passed between us, his eyes looking into mine. Suddenly, I felt the rush once more. I saw us together in his bed, in mine. I saw us making passionate love, of sharing our bodies with each other. I saw myself changing, of slipping into choices I knew would take me down a path I couldn’t return from. I saw myself with my brother, Jay. I saw myself with Pastor Kline. I saw Doctor Wade, a man I’d never seen before, examining my body, breaking to me the news that Dominic had claimed my body. I saw Peter Flanagan bringing not only himself but also his student Lewis Berg to us, almost offering him up as a sacrifice. Ryan Kline also appeared, a man named Graham by his side. I saw my father, the man who I respected more than anyone in this world, stripping himself naked, begging to become a sinner like myself.

    I saw it all, and then it was gone.

    “It’s good to meet you,” Dominic said, nodding to me as he turned to enter the sanctuary.

    “Wait,” I said, reaching out, grabbing his hand. Just as quickly as I had touched it, feeling a jolt within his skin, I let him go.

    “Yes?” he asked.

    I stared at him, feeling my heart racing in my chest. I raised a hand to my chest, feeling it pounding beneath. At the same time, I felt as if something was missing, as if some type of… symbol telling me who I really was was not there. It needed to be there. I wanted it to be there.

    “It’s customary for one of the pastors to personally welcome new members,” I told him.

    “Is it?” he asked.

    I nodded. “Normally, we make house visits, you know, to check in.”

    “House visits?” he said. “Like a doctor?”

    “Not exactly,” I said, feeling foolish. I was letting myself get carried away. I was letting this unholy desire, a desire I never had before, to take control. “You know, I shouldn’t have said that—”

    “Why don’t you come over for dinner sometime,” Dominic said.

    “Dinner?” I said. “Uh, yes. Dinner would be good.”

    “Good,” he said, looking me over. “I look forward to it.”

    I watched as Dominic walked away, feeling myself drawn to him, pulled forever into his gravity. “I look forward to it, too,” I said.


    Obviously, I didn't go this direction, creating a loop. In this ending, everything you read never actually happened. It was all in Will's mind within the few moments he first met Dominic. But, in that moment, Will sees it all. He sees what could happen if he goes down this road. So while he fell into Dom's arms the first time, this time, should he choose to make this choice, he's willingly allowing Dom to poz him. 

    He's choosing this life. And he does. 

    Even if you don't like this ending, please don't down vote it. I just thought I'd share it so you know the ending I originally had created in my mind from the start. 

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  15. Part 50: The End…

    (Will’s Perspective)

    “How do you feel?” Jay asked.

    I smiled at him. “I feel nervous.”

    “Good,” he said. “You should feel nervous on your wedding day.”

    We were in my apartment, both of us pulling on our suits.

    “Are we running late?” he asked.

    “If we are, it’s your fault,” I told him.

    “I can’t help it,” he said, grabbing his own ass and squeezing. “You know my hole is a monster that needs feeding.”

    It hadn’t taken long after Jay arrived for us both to strip down and stumble our way to my bedroom. Since we had seen each other last, we’d managed to repair most, if not all, the damage done between us. I was my brother’s gifter, and there was no changing that. My brother admitted that what he did had broken our trust, and he’d have to work to build that trust back up. I was giving him the chance. The first step was by him acting as my best man.

    “The best man’s job is to care for the groom,” Jay said as he slid down my body, his hands running over my naked skin. “That includes removing stress. And what better stress relief than incestuous sex between brothers?” He sucked my cock into his mouth and started working on his best man duty. After an hour, he’d managed to give me a leg-shaking blowjob, and I managed to fuck his ass so hard that he now walked with a slight unease.

    “I think you might have broken something back there,” Jay said, trying to turn and look at his ass. “Seriously, have you gotten bigger, or has my hole gotten smaller?”

    “There’s no way in hell your hole has gotten smaller,” I told him. “At this rate, it’ll look like the fucking Grand Canyon.”

    “If I’m lucky,” Jay said, winking. “How’s Dom feeling?”

    “Nervous,” I said. “Which is odd. Seeing him panicked is off-putting. He’s usually collected, well, you know, when that inner beast isn’t out to fuck.”

    “Oh, I know,” Jay said.

    “To be honest, I think it’s kinda cute seeing him nervous,” I said, smiling. “I get to see that vulnerable side of him that I don’t normally get to witness. Sometimes, I think he’s just a teddy bear underneath all the tattoos.”

    “A very sexy teddy bear,” Jay said, trying to tie his tie. “Oh, fuck. Are you sure I need to wear this?”

    I took the tie and helped him.

    “Have you heard from Mom or Zach?” Jay asked.

    I shook my head.

    The news of my coming out had spread faster than Peter’s bombshell, though there wasn’t any investigation connected to mine. Without much effort, I quit my job at the church. I managed to dodge most of the online hate thrown my way, though a few messages telling me to burn in hell and to jump off a bridge did manage to find their way onto my screen. How quickly voices change. Luckily, I hadn’t needed to hide the way Peter had. I still lived in my apartment, though I was moving out officially at the end of the month. Dom’s place was big enough for us, though he kept saying he wanted to get a bigger place so we could have larger orgies than before.

    “I’ve still got some fucked up friends you haven’t met yet,” he told me, smiling. “You still haven’t met Joey. Now there’s a sick fucker.”

    It hadn’t taken long for the news to reach my family. I had waited to hear from them, to receive calls in which my mother cried or Zach called me every slur he could think of. Instead, there was only silence. After a few days, I finally received a call from my dad.

    “When you make an exit, you really make an exit,” he said.

    “I did what I had to do,” I told him. “I couldn’t keep living like that, hiding in the secret.”

    “I understand,” he said, and I believed him. I often wondered what he’d do in connection to my mom. I tried not to think about it, but I kept waiting to hear that my dad had left her and was staying in a motel, his hole taking as much poz cum as he could take.

    “I’m doing my best to comfort them,” my dad said, talking about my mother and brother. “You know how I feel. I’m thrilled. I couldn’t be happier for you. But you knew this was going to be their reaction.”

    “I know,” I said. “Still hurts.”

    “Still hurts,” he said.

    “Are you going to be able to make it to the wedding?” I asked.

    I heard silence on the phone. “Not sure,” he finally said. “You know I want to be there.”

    “Does Mom know about it?”

    “No,” he said. “That’s the one piece of your coming out that hasn’t spread. I guess everyone in your church was too shocked by you being gay to take in the fact that you’re also getting married.”

    “I guess that’s a blessing,” I said.

    “I’m sorry, Will,” he said. “I really am.”

    “I know. I love you, Dad.”

    “Love you.”

    Jay was the only member of my family coming to the wedding. In the end, I knew this was better for everyone. We were having a small celebration, anyway. Only the men in our group were invited.

    “Let’s keep it intimate,” Dom said. “Just the men we’ve given HIV.”

    “We should put that on the invitations,” I told him, smiling. “I agree. Just them.”

    “And then we can have a massive orgy right after.”

    “Are you ever not thinking with your cock?”

    “Thinking with my cock is how we got together in the first place,” Dom said, pulling me close to him. “Don’t you forget it. The weapon between my legs is what brings us all together.”

    “For better or worse.”

    “In sickness,” he said, placing a hand over my tattoo.

    “And in health,” I said, placing my hand over his chest. While it hadn’t been long enough yet, the medication Dom was taking was working to make him undetectable. And while I knew it was a decision that he wanted to make for me, I also knew it frustrated him to no longer be a toxic top.

    “Just think of all the neg asses you can fuck now,” I told him. “No risk of converting them.”

    “Takes the fun out of it,” he said, smiling. "Plus, with all these tattoos, do you think they'd believe me to be undetectable?" 

    It was odd thinking that I’d soon be the only toxic one between us. While it wouldn’t change our dynamic fully, I could tell that there was a slight shift taking place. I was now the one with a loaded gun between his legs. Between the two of us, if any twisted man wanted to convert, it was my job to make it happen.

    “You fuck them first,” I said to Dom as we fantasized about the asses we’d fuck once we were married. “And I’ll fuck them second. That way your monster cock will tear them open, giving my toxic swimmers easy access.”

    “Fuck as a team,” he said.

    “For as long as we both shall live,” I said, kissing him.

    Just the idea of that, of starting a new life fully entwined still didn't feel real. 

    “There,” I said, finishing Jay’s tie. “You look good.”

    “And so do you,” he said. “Fuck.”


    “Some of your cum is leaking out of my ass,” he said.

    I rolled my eyes. We headed to the door and to my car. As we went, I handed Jay the car keys and he handed me a blindfold. A part of the wedding that I wasn’t thrilled about was an idea Dom had come up with.

    “I want where we’re having the wedding to be a surprise,” he said. “We’ll know, but you won’t.”


    “Because I know of the perfect place for it to be, and I want to surprise you.”

    I agreed, but I hadn’t been happy about it. I put the blindfold on and allowed Jay to drive me off to the secret location.

    “Can’t I take it off now?” I asked, climbing out of the car and reaching for Jay’s arm.

    “Dom has given me strict instructions to keep the blindfold on you until the last second.”

    “Which is what?”

    “The second I walk you down the aisle.”

    Whatever nerves I had been feeling were intensified as Jay directed me. It wasn’t just remaining in the dark that had me nervous. No, I was nervous for an entirely different reason. I’d never been this happy before in my life. Yes, the relationship with my family was strained, and I was out of a job, and I was now the new topic of gossip, but that didn’t matter. I was happy because I was marrying the man I loved. I was marrying the man who had changed my life in so many ways. I was choosing him above everything else, and that made me happy. If there was any part of me that was worried that Dom wasn’t the one, I knew those fears would have tortured my mind. Instead, I felt only confidence in my choice. I knew Dom was the man I loved.

    “We’re inside,” Jay whispered into my ear. “I can’t take the blindfold off yet. Just know that everyone is here. Everyone is smiling. And everyone is looking hot as fuck, including Dom.”

    I could imagine it. I could imagine Dom standing in his suit, looking clean-cut for the first time since we met. The idea of seeing him like this got me hard, and I had to focus hard on not getting hard during my wedding.

    “Ready?” Jay whispered.

    I nodded.

    I felt the blindfold being taken off, and I opened my eyes. For a moment, I couldn’t see anything, my eyes needing to adjust, but once they did, I found myself somewhere I hadn’t expected.

    We were standing in the church’s lobby. Peter and Wade were there along with Lewis. Pastor Kline stood with Ryan who was next to Graham. In the middle of the lobby stood Dom, wearing a black suit and tie, looking strong and sexy.

    “I don’t understand,” I said, looking around. “Why are we at the church?” I looked at Pastor Kline. “Are we getting married in the church?”

    “Not exactly,” Pastor Kline said. “Just the lobby.”

    “The lobby?”

    “This is where we first met,” Dom said, stepping forward.

    Jay walked me toward Dom.

    “Yes, I’d seen you at the gym,” Dom continued, “but our first real meeting is right where I’m standing.” He reached out and took my hands, Jay stepping to the side. “This is where I first met William Ryder, the pastor who captivated me, the man who stuck with me, and the love who promises to never leave me.”

    I smiled, feeling tears welling up in my eyes.

    “If anyone sees us in here,” I said, looking at Pastor Kline, “they’ll burn the place down with us inside.”

    “No one is coming here today but us,” he said. “You two are safe.”

    “Do you like it?” Dom asked.

    I smiled up at him, nodding. “I’m so thankful for that day you walked through those doors.”

    “Me too,” he said.

    “Don’t start saying any vows just yet.”

    I turned, seeing my father walk out of the sanctuary and over to us.

    “What are you doing here?” I asked.

    “Can’t a father be here for his son’s wedding?”

    I stepped forward and hugged him, tears running down my face. I held him tight, feeling the weight of rejection melting away.

    “I’m sorry for letting you think that I wasn’t coming,” my father said. “It was Dom’s idea.”


    “Because,” Dom said, “your father is the one who is going to marry us.”

    I looked at my father and saw a smile light up his face.

    “Are you ready?” he asked.

    “Yes,” I said, leaving him and returning to my soon-to-be husband. “Now, where to begin…”


    We all made our way to Dom’s apartment once the small ceremony was over. While we didn’t have a reception planned, we did have a night of sex in mind. We hadn’t even been through the door for more than a second before everyone was naked and fucking.

    Graham took a liking to Jay immediately, and we found them wrestling on the floor, Jay’s legs wrapped tightly around Graham’s waist, locking him into an intense missionary-style fucking. Wade told Lewis that, as his doctor, it was his job to do routine check-ups on his patients. While Lewis wasn’t often topping, we found him wearing a large smile as he fucked Wade’s ass.

    “Fuck my hole!” Wade growled on all fours. Lewis ran his hands over Wade’s muscular back, relishing the feeling of the imposing man. “Fucking fill me with your potent, young cum!”

    Pastor Kline whispered something into Peter’s ear, and we watched as Peter’s eyes grew large and his face grew red.

    “God bless pastors,” Peter said as Pastor Kline pulled him down the hall and into the guest bedroom.

    “Looks like everyone is having a good time,” my dad said, coming to our side.

    “And who are you going with?” I asked.

    “I think I’ll be taking Mark’s son for a spin,” he said, nodding to Ryan who was waiting across the room, already jerking his cock. “I’ve loved fucking the father, I think it’s only fair to get fucked by the son.”

    “Sounds like a good plan,” I said.

    “By the way,” my dad said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a piece of paper. “I’ve got a little gift for you.”

    “What is it?” I asked, opening the paper. “Are you serious?”

    “What?” Dom asked, taking the paper and reading. “You crazy fucker!”

    “Welcome me to the family,” my dad said, pulling us into a hug.

    “When?” I asked. “No one told me that you converted.”

    “That’s because I barely noticed myself,” he said. “I had felt a bit off for a few days, but nothing bad. I didn’t even think about testing at first, but I then read that some men convert without really getting sick.”

    “It happens,” Dom said.

    “I contacted Doctor Wade over there and he did the testing himself. I swore him to secrecy.”

    “That’s great,” I said.

    “But that’s not all,” he said, looking at Dom. “While I might be your new father-in-law, you are my poz father.”

    “Me?” Dom said, truly shocked.

    “That’s right,” he said. “Looks like you knocked up two Ryder men with that monster cock of yours.”

    “That means my dad is your official last pozzing,” I said to Dom.

    “And here I’m supposed to be the one giving you two a gift,” my dad said, a wicked grin on his face. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a college kid waiting to fuck my poz ass full of poz cum.”

    We watched as my dad ran to Ryan, the two kissing immediately.

    “How about that,” Dom said, leading me back to our bedroom. “Looks like you and your dad are poz brothers.”

    “And I’m my brother’s poz dad,” I said. “Man, we really fucked up my family dynamic.”

    “No,” Dom said, pulling me into his body. “Our family dynamic.”

    “Ours,” I said, smiling.

    We kissed, hands holding each other tight, feeling every inch of each other’s bodies. I could feel his cock rubbing against my thigh as mine rubbed against his leg. His hands ran through my chest hair while mine tried to memorize every inch of his back.

    I realized in that moment that I was feeling the body of my husband. I was kissing the lips of the man who I had fallen in love with and would spend the rest of my life loving. Everything was heightened. It was as if my senses were heightened. I could feel every breath he took. I could hear his heart racing in his strong chest. The heat of his body burned against my skin. This man had truly awakened within me a passion and power I never knew existed.

    I stepped back from Dom and grabbed the bottle of lube he kept next to the bed, but before I could squirt some out in my hand, he took it.

    “Not this time,” he said, squirting it into his own. He moved his hand back around to his own ass, applying it into his own hole. “Tonight, I want you to fuck me.”

    “Are you sure?”

    He smiled. “Consider it a wedding gift.”

    I jumped forward and kissed him again, my hand reaching back and helping apply the lube into his tight hole. I broke the kiss and pushed him back onto the bed, relishing the image of my husband naked and waiting for me to fuck him.

    “Go easy,” Dom said, pulling his legs back to his chest, revealing his hairy hole. “You know I rarely bottom, so I’ll be tight.”

    “This will be a gift,” I said, taking the lube and slathering my cock.

    “I know you’re excited,” he said, “but go slow. You don’t want to break your husband the first night.”

    “Why not?” I asked, crawling onto the bed, moving between his legs, my cock brushing against his open ass. “Remember, you broke me on our first date.”

    “Is that what that was?”

    I nodded.

    “And here I thought I had just been having the local pastor over for dinner.”

    “Well,” I said, lining my cock up to his hole, pushing the head into his tight pucker, “when you fuck a pastor, even if only after a dinner, it’s considered a date.”

    "I thought it was considered a sin?"

    "That too."

    “Now you tell me,” he said, reaching toward me and pulling me in for a deep kiss. I leaned forward, my cock slipping into his hole. “FUCK!”

    “Sorry,” I said, pulling out of the kiss and waiting. “To be fair, you pulled me into you.”

    “Literally,” he growled, his face red. “Fuck, I have so much appreciation for what you go through each time I fuck you.”

    “And just think,” I said pushing more of myself inside his body while also grabbing his hard cock. “I took this monster on my first try.”

    “You sure did,” Dom said, eyes tightly shut as more of my cock entered his ass. “Thinking back, seeing you taking my cock, giving me your virginity, willingly taking my poz cum…”

    I gave him a look.

    “What I thought was willingly because I thought you knew,” he corrected, “I think, if I’m being honest with myself, that was the moment I fell in love with you.”


    Dom nodded. “I think so. I didn’t know it then, but I think I do now.”

    I leaned forward, kissing him again, the last bit of my cock sliding inside him. “I think that’s when I fell in love with you, too.”

    Dom smiled up at me. “Alright, Mr. Ryder, fuck my ass.”

    I shook my head. “No. I’m going to make love to my husband. And it isn’t Mr. Ryder. It’s Will Moore.”

    I felt Dom’s hole squeeze my cock, milking me already. He nodded, smiling. “Let’s make love, Will Moore.”

    “You’ve got it, Dom Moore.” I pulled my cock slowly out of his body, relishing the tight squeeze on my shaft, feeling every part of Dom’s hole. I watched as his face contorted, knowing he was trying to act tough even though I knew I was stretching his hole too far.

    “Do you think I’ll be topping more in the future?” I asked him, picking up my pace. Down the hall I could hear moans and cries of pleasure, the men of our brotherhood relishing the bond that poz cum brought us.

    “How about only on our anniversary,” Dom said, breathing through the pain.

    I kept fucking him slowly, feeling his hole accept my cock. Within his warmth I could feel his heartbeat, his body pulling me inside each time. I looked down at him, admiring his strong, hairy body, his muscular arms, his handsome face; this was the man I planned on seeing next to me for the rest of my life. Every morning I’d wake to him in the same bed. I’d share my life with him. I’d continue to fuck with him. His DNA was forever within me, making me the man I was today.

    If my past self from a year ago could have seen me now, dick deep inside another man, poz blood running through my veins, a biohazard sign proudly announcing my status as a toxic gay fucker, I think I would have passed out from the shock. Now, I couldn’t imagine my life any other way. All I wanted was to continue sharing my body with the man beneath me, taking my cock, looking up into my eyes with a love unlike anything I’d ever known.

    “Fuck, baby,” he said, his breathing labored. “You’re hitting my prostate. Fuck. Oh, fuck, Will! Fuck! I can’t… I can’t… Oh, fuck!” Dom grabbed his cock and pointed it up at my chest, shooting thick ropes of his toxic cum all over my hairy body.

    “Fuck,” I gasped, mouth open, catching some of the cum on my tongue, tasting my husband’s delicious load. “Fuck, babe, you taste good.”

    “You look good,” he panted, still riding his orgasmic high. He reached out, running a hand over my chest, smearing the cum into my hair. His hand stopped over my tattoo, his fingers pressing into the skin, tracing the design he had, in more ways than one, injected within my body.

    “The best thing I ever did,” he said, looking deep into my eyes.

    That’s all I needed.

    “FUCK!” I threw my head back, body shaking as I pumped a thick load into Dom’s ass, cock jumping inside him, desperately trying to empty my balls of all my cum. “Fucking take it all!” I cried.

    “I’ll take it all,” Dom said, grabbing my arms and pulling me down on top of his body. He held me close, his cum smearing between us. He kissed me, hand resting on my cheek. My body still shook, cock still unloading inside his ass. “It’s alright, baby,” he whispered into my ear. “Ride it out. Enjoy it. Feel your toxic cum trying to claim my body.”

    It felt as if my body could sense that between Dom and I, I was now the toxic pozzer. My cock felt the need to convert men, to claim them, to make them into the biohazard bottoms they needed to become.

    The orgasm faded, my skin burning against Dom’s touch. He kissed me again.

    “I love you, Will.”

    I smiled at him, Dominic Moore, the man who claimed not only my body but also my soul. He was now my everything, and I was his. Forever, we’d be this way, connected in a way only the luckiest of men could understand.

    “I love you, Dom.”

    I did.

    I always will.

    THE END… for now…


    And with that, I bring this storyline to a close.

    As I said, I might return to Will and Dom in the future, but, for now, I send them off into a happy life of poz fucking. 

    Thanks to all the men who have read this story, who have messaged me, who inspired some of the characters in this story, who have joined these characters in their sexual adventures, finding freedom in each other and the lust only found between men. I never imagined this story would go on for almost two years, but I've loved bringing these characters to life. It's all thanks to you.

    Sometimes I wonder how many loads have been blown to this story, and it makes me hard, knowing that even though I'm not there, I've still managed to get you off. Thanks for making me a part of that, all you dirty fuckers.

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  16. I've got a list.

    Teacher, but only when I was a student. Fuck, I wanted one to give me detention and then give me his dick! 

    Priest/Pastor/Preacher, mainly because it would be a sin for them. I'd like knowing I was a fuck that ruined his morals and cost him something, mainly his faith.

    Trucker, because it's a fuck at the rest stop or in his truck and the bye forever. It itches the stranger desire.

    Doctor/Nurse, because they know the human body, and I can test their skills. And yes, those scrubs leave little to the imagination. A hairy-chest man practically overflows out of the V-neck. 

    Any job requiring a suit. I fucking love a man in a suit. 

    A police officer, but that's just to get access to the handcuffs.

    Lumberjack... I think this one speaks for itself. He's good with wood. 

  17. I'm finishing Part 50 right now, so it will be posted Saturday night/Sunday morning. 

    This will be (for now) the final chapter of the main Will and Dom plot. I am planning on writing a spin-off, but I'll wait on that for a little bit. I'm still figuring out what it will look like in the end. Most likely it will be the many adventures of Wade and Peter, but I'm not sure yet. If it is, it'll be less plot heavy and more poz smut. 

    Originally, WAY back when I had only just started writing this story, I had come up with an idea for what I thought would be the actual end of the story. Since I'm not going that direction, I still want to share it with you as a bonus section after Part 50. So, after Part 50, there will be a short addition that will be what I had originally conceived as the story's ending. There are many reasons why I eventually decided against this ending, mainly because I want the option of returning to Will and Dom should I want to. 

    Until this weekend, happy fucking. 

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  18. I'm hard and leaking before I log on. I'm just in a constant state of arousal. Seriously, constant cum stains on my underwear. But, once I log on and see you dirty fuckers, I feel my balls twitch, my cock plump up even more, and I'm ready to go! 

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