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Posts posted by Heir2012

  1. New story. I'll be releasing 2 parts. I might write more if enough men like it.

    Hope it isn't going too dark. Maybe you'll want it to go darker. Let me know. 


    Part 1

    Some may say that what I do is wrong. Some may say it’s unethical. Some may say it twists the laws of nature unnaturally. They’d be right. That doesn’t mean I’ll stop.

    I stood at the bar of Club Baridos, drinking a beer, watching as a hoard of college students danced. It was spring break, and every year there was an influx of uninhibited kids looking for a good time. Busses shuttled them here from all over the country, sometimes all over the globe. We had alcohol, drugs, sex. There wasn’t anything else they could want, meaning we attracted thousands at a time. This was good for me because I liked having a selection.

    I originally stopped at the club to pass along some “contraband” to the owner, a friend who often tipped me off to suggestible young men looking for a “daddy” to take control for a few hours. I wasn’t for hire. I just had an insatiable need to fuck. At this time in my life, money meant little. The contraband was just for fun. The only need I had was to have my bare cock buried deep in a man’s ass. I’d already fucked a student that morning, a young man from UCLA, a Junior studying business. I think his name was Keith. I didn’t ask what he studied or where he went. I also didn’t want to know his name. He told me all of this because he had gotten nervous once I got him back to my place. Clearly, he had been new to the whole “bottom” thing.

    He wasn’t new anymore. I broke him in like a pro. I also made sure he left with a parting gift. He had been a good fuck, even if his talents hadn’t developed yet. Still, there’s nothing like slamming your dick so far up into a man’s body that their eyes roll back, their heads contort backwards, every muscle and vein in their neck straining as they try to breathe. Their hands grasp at either the sheets or my arms which hold them down. For most, their dicks, which I make sure are left untouched, are rock hard and shooting cum along their stomachs. If I’ve done a very good job, they’re shooting up to their chins, sometimes shooting into their mouths which are open in silent screams of ecstasy.

    Even with that morning fuck, I was ready for more. I turned away from the crowd in the club and looked into a mirror mounted on the wall. I lifted the tight sleeve of my left arm and could see the faint markings of my biohazard tattoo. In dim lighting, it was almost unnoticeable. When I’m fucking a chaser, I don’t mind if it’s seen. Most of the time, that’s when the tattoo is at its darkest. For now, it was fairly faded, proving my dick had been doing its job well. One more fuck and it would be absent for nearly a year, their time now mine. These “innocent” lives used to give me more time, my tattoo fading for years at a time, their expected years left lasting only a fraction of what they used to now. Times had changed. My days were lessening, even when I passed them off to someone else momentarily. I never got the same amount of time for each guy. Every fuck was a gamble. Good thing I'm addicted to both fucking and gambling. 

    Sound fucked up? It is, but that’s the kind of man I am. All I had to do now was find the guy. Whose time would be running out, becoming my own?

    I scanned the room, watching the dancing students, and immediately spotted a young man who was standing at the outer edge of the dancefloor, his eyes focused on the movement at the center of the club. The lights gleamed in his eyes, the neon strobes revealing a bright smile. There was stubble across his face, just enough to allude to the fact that he could grow a full beard if he wanted. His black hair was cut short on the sides and styled on top. My mind instantly imagined what it would be like to have my hands running through his hair, grabbing tight, and forcing my dick down his throat.

    He wore a button-down shirt with the top three buttons undone, revealing what looked to be a defined chest covered in hair. I had nothing against men who shaved, but I preferred men to look natural, rugged. These college students were at their prime, their bodies proving them to be adults while their minds were still wired to act on impulses. They were the perfect choice for me, and this young man was my selection.

    I made my way through the crowd, my eyes focused on him. I caught the eyes of several lusting individuals. Standing at six foot four, I’m usually the tallest in the room. My wide, strong shoulders and muscular arms take up space and attract attention. I know my greatest asset is my body, so I keep myself in shape. Having once been in the military, I found I looked good with shorter hair, and it gave me a look of dominance. I was the picture of the perfect alpha, even turning other alphas around and fucking the dominance out of them. To put it plainly, I was the definition of sexy. I was the definition of a predator.

    I moved myself until I was standing next to the young man, my presence unnoticed by him so far. He was distracted by those dancing, his foot tapping along with the music.

    “Don’t you like to dance?” I asked, making sure my voice could be heard without having to yell.

    He turned to me, curious to why a stranger was making conversation with him, and then smiled once he saw who was trying to gain his attention.

    “Not really,” he said, his voice cracking for a moment. He looked embarrassed, something which I found adorable. I also knew he would be easy to convince.

    “I’m surprised your girlfriend isn’t dragging you out there against your will,” I said.

    “I don’t have a girlfriend,” he said.

    “Oh, sorry.”

    “Actually,” he said, looking me over, as if noticing me for the first time. “I’m gay.”

    “I see,” I said, having already known this. It was easy to tell, at least for me. I could always tell if a man was straight, gay, bi, or whatever. Even if he were straight, it would only add a few extra minutes of convincing to get him on his back, legs up, hole open, his dick ignored. Him being gay and seeing how he kept glancing up at me, his six foot frame the perfect height to admire my chiseled features, I knew it would take little convincing to get him where I wanted him.

    It was where he wanted to be too, he just didn’t know it yet.

    “I’m amazed none of the drunk twinks have thrown themselves at your feet just to suck your dick.”

    His eyes grew wide at the thought, a slight smile turning his mouth. “I’m not… uhm… I’m not very good with… all that.”

    “All what?” I asked. I knew how I looked to this young man. I looked concerned, caring, genuinely interested in what he was saying and why. Practice makes perfect.

    He opened his mouth to answer, but I could tell his shyness was getting the best of him. Even though he oozed sex appeal, clearly his confidence was lacking. This was perfect for me.

    “What?” I asked. “Sex?”

    A wide grin filled his face as his cheeks grew red. “Uh, yeah. Basically.”

    I scoffed. “Yeah right,” I told him. “I’m sure men are throwing themselves at you all the time.”

    “Not really,” he said.

    “Well, that can’t be true,” I said. “I mean, look at you.”

    With my words, he started to look himself over, as if my recognition of him was presenting himself to him for the first time.

    “I’d take my chance asking you out if I was younger,” I said. “You know, more your type.”

    His smile faded a bit. “What’s my type?”

    “Like I said, twinks. Those thin men, youthful, hairless. The type who look as if they haven’t hit puberty yet, but are actually legal.”

    As I painted him a picture, I saw his face turn in disgust. It was almost too easy.

    “I don’t like those type of guys,” he said, making sure he made his point.

    “Oh really? And what kind of men do you like?”

    “I like,” he said, looking me over, eyes taking in every inch of my body, “you.”

    “Really?” I said, grinning.

    “Like you,” he quickly corrected, embarrassed again. “Men like you. That’s what I meant. I like men like you.”

    “What? Old?”

    “No,” he said, a bit of his confidence returning. “Older. Older than me. Thirties. Forties. How old are you?”

    “Older than you,” I said, winking.

    Though I doubt he noticed, I watched as his tongue stuck out for a brief moment, wetting his lips. “I don’t like hairless guys or scrawny guys.”

    “So, someone with your body type?” I asked, reaching out a hand and opening the top of his shirt a bit, looking at his strong, hairy chest.

    “Yeah,” he said, eyes looking down at my hand, nearly touching him but painfully apart. “But stronger. Bigger. You know, like I said. Someone like you.”

    I moved my hand back to my side, noticing how his body leaned toward me, trying to get closer to reclaim the space I’d taken away. “Well, I don’t know if you’ll find many men like that here,” I said, looking through the club.

    “But, you’re here,” he said.

    I looked down at him, watching as the lights gleamed in his lusting eyes. I smiled. “I am,” I said. I had him.


    My apartment wasn’t far, and the walk there was quick as I felt the anticipation of the young man growing, his pace moving us along.

    “What’s your name?” he asked me as we climbed the stairs to my apartment.

    “Hunter,” I said, smiling. If he only knew, he’d understand the irony in my name. “What’s yours?”

    “Austin,” he said.

    “Sexy name,” I told him, leading him down the hall.

    I opened the door and motioned him inside, watching as he crossed the point of no return. I had a nice apartment. It wasn’t too flashy, but it wasn’t a mess. I routinely had men over, so I had to make sure everything looked nice. He looked around, taking everything in.

    “Do you want a drink?” I asked him.

    “Whiskey,” he said, the word sounding almost foreign coming out of his mouth. I would have guessed that he’d only been twenty-one for a short period, and I had the feeling that he hadn’t been one to drink anything harder than beer while in high school. The excitement of being here along with the drink would send him into overdrive, delivering him into my hands easily.

    I made him his drink, making sure there was a considerable amount of whiskey, my own drink having less. I wanted a clear head.

    He drank his drink quickly, whatever nerves he was feeling quickly silenced.

    “Another?” I asked, sipping mine.

    “I’m fine,” he said, handing me the glass, eyes wide as the alcohol still burned through his system.

    I put our glasses down and reached out to him, grabbing his sides, pulling him closer to me. “You are fucking gorgeous,” I told him, looking down into his face, my eyes moving down to his chest. “I’m glad I got to you first before anyone else did. I probably wouldn’t have stood a chance otherwise.”

    His hands moved up along my chest, feeling my heartbeat beneath. He looked in my eyes and leaned forward, pushing his lips against mine. His mouth opened up for me without protest, his need for me to accept him breaking down whatever barriers he’d normally have in place. He desperately needed me to want him, unable to recognize that I had wanted him even before he’d seen me.

    I wrapped my arms around his body, pulling him against me, our chests pressed together, strained gasps for air adding extra force. His crotch pressed against mine, and I could feel his dick already fully hard and rubbing against my own erection. Our need to explore each other grew in intensity, his hands moving down my body and grabbing at my shirt.

    “Wait,” I said, breaking our kiss. I took his hand and led him down the hallway to my bedroom where I turned on the dim lights I knew would be able to hide the faded remnants of my tattoo. “That’s better.”

    He tried kissing me again, but I lifted a hand and rested a finger against his lips, giving him a wink. I unbuttoned my shirt, revealing my strong, muscled, hairy chest beneath, but I kept it on, my tattoo still a secret. His eyes drifted down my chest, following the thick trail of hair which continued down below my jeans. Once again, his tongue darted out, licking his lips.

    “Disappointed?” I asked.

    He looked into my eyes and shook his head. “No,” he said. “Actually, I’m worried you’ll be disappointed in me.”

    “That can’t be farther from the truth,” I said, stepping toward him and taking his shirt in hand, my fingers unbuttoning until his chest and abs were revealed. He too sported a trail of hair down to his pants, and I was sure with age it would thicken (would have thickened), rivaling even mine. I moved my hands beneath the shirt and over his shoulders, causing the shirt to slip off. His body was even hotter than I imagined. He clearly went to the gym, but he wasn’t overly muscular. I imagined in his future, once college was done, he’d probably add on a few pounds around his gut and become a bear-to-be. Again, this would not happen now, not once I was done with him.

    Instead, he was a cub, and I was ready for more.

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  2. I'd say just make sure you really know the guy choking you. Do you trust him? Is there an understanding of what's too much or when it's gone too far. Similar to fisting. Communicate so no one gets hurt. 

    Sure, this may take some of the heat out of a chance encounter with someone, but you'll be alive. I also agree that skin-on-skin is the way to go. Other things like belts and rope can get out of our control and do serious damage. 

    Or, if you want to be wild, do whatever the fuck you want. 

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  3. 4 hours ago, JimInWisc said:

    I am several chapters behind.  But man I wish this were compiled into a single BOOK I could download on my kindle!!!  Hot stuff!

    I've seen the notifications coming in and I thought, "Wow, someone new is reading through!" I've considered compiling it into a single volume. Who knows. Glad you're enjoying it. 

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  4. Part 25: A Three-way and a Secret (Jay's Perspective) 

    “You’re so big,” I moaned, my ass feeling as if it was being torn in two. Since I’d taken Will’s monster of a cock in my ass, I’d managed to find other men of equal size, though none of them had been able to open me up as much as Domonic was. Alan’s dick was fat and filled me, but Domonic filled me and threatened to move my organs around. I could feel every vein of his cock, his heartbeat felt against my hole as the throbbing continued in my ass. He was the type of man you’d see in porn, and here he was fucking my ass and fucking my brother’s hole every other second.

    I could feel Will’s heartbeat too as my finger explored his ass, pressing down on his prostate and causing his body to shiver. I watched as my brother’s body shook, sweat collecting beneath his chest hair, goosebumps rising along his skin. His dick was hard, sticking straight out and dripping pre-cum onto my arm. I scooped some up and ran it along my tongue, tasting his sweet seed. His mouth opened in awe as I played with his ass, giving him the same pleasure he had given me not so long ago.

    “Sit on my face,” I told Will, pulling my finger from his hole. “I want to eat you out.”

    “You know, brothers don’t normally say that kind of stuff to each other,” he said, giving me that classic Will smile which had a tendency to make people weak at the knees. I knew Will had never realized just how many girls in school liked him. I knew of a few guys who had wanted to fuck him, too. Will had always been too focused on religion to care. Now, he was finally exploring his sexual desires like I had been doing for years. I was just happy to be a part of his journey. Who knows, I thought, maybe one day he’ll be a bigger deviant than me.

    Will straddled my head, his hairy hole staring down at me. I breathed in, smelling his musk. I admired his hairy ass, the curling hairs, dark and covered in sweat. He lowered himself down, his hole pressing into my face. I stuck out my tongue and lapped him up, tasting my brother’s hot hole which I could feel throbbing.

    “Oh, fuck, Jay,” he moaned, pressing down further, opening even more to my intrusive tongue. All the skills I’d gained from eating pussy came into play here, eating his ass, devouring him. Will moaned, his hands reaching down to my chest where he squeezed my nipples, sending shocks throughout my body.

    “Fucking eat him out,” Domonic growled, his cock slamming into areas of my body I never knew existed. “You two are so fucking hot.”

    “You just have an incest fetish,” Will told him.

    “I’ve never fucked brothers before,” Domonic said. “With Pastor Kline, we may be fucking a father and son.”

    “Here’s hoping,” Will said, his ass squeezing my face.

    “What are the odds we can get your other brother to join in?” Domonic asked.

    “Zero,” Will told him.

    I pushed Will’s ass off my face. “I don’t know.” I told them, wiping sweat from my face, “I would have bet all my money on you dying a virgin, and here you are sitting on my face while your poz boyfriend fucks me.”

    “The day Zack fucks me is the day the world ends,” Will said, though I saw his cock jump at the thought.

    “Never say never,” Domonic laughed. “Who knows, maybe I’ll get all the men in your family before I’m done.”

    “That will never happen,” Will said.

    I thought of our dad and how strict he had been when we were growing up. He’d been a tough man, one who showed little emotion. He raised us knowing we were to always act proper, being examples to everyone else. I fucked that up fast. Will’s on his way. Our father would die if he knew what we were doing. Father and son relationships have always been difficult in our family. It’s been a multi-generational problem. I knew our father’s relationship with his own father had been bad, our dad even changing his last name to his mother’s maiden name after college just to rid himself of the fucker. Uncle Michael did the same. We never knew what happened. The men in our family aren’t exactly open. I laughed at the irony as Will’s hole opened slightly to my tongue.

    “Well, Jay,” Domonic said, thrusting his dick far into my hole, hitting my prostate, my dick jumping and leaking pre-cum, “if you get a desire for a paternal fucking, Pastor Kline, I hear, is a good substitute for your dad.”

    “I’ll keep that in mind,” I said.

    Will climbed off my face, moving back until his balls ran over my tongue and nose, stopping for a second on my closed eyes, one ball on each eye. “Pastor Kline’s a bottom,” Will said. “I think Jay may be the same.”

    “I’m up to fuck a horny old man,” I told them. “But for now, I need my brother’s cock in my mouth.”

    “Actually,” Will said, lifting off of me and looking me in the eye, “I have to piss first. Unless…”

    I smiled. “We must be in sync,” I told him. “Your boyfriend is about to fuck the piss right out of me.”

    “69 and swallow it all,” Domonic said. “Let’s see who has the fullest bladder.”

    Will moved down until his dick was directly over my mouth with my dick under his. He lowered his dicked down into my mouth, taking mine, sucking me in between his soft lips. I could have cum right there, having my brother’s lips tasting our family seed.

    “On your marks,” Domonic said, easing up on his fucking. “Get set. Go!”

    I unleashed in Will’s mouth as my mouth was flooded by his warm piss, nearly causing me to choke. I started swallowing as quickly as I could, feeling Will’s mouth latch down on my cock, gravity trying to pour my piss out. I felt as if I had been swallowing forever when mine ended, Will’s still flowing for another ten seconds.

    “Fuck,” I moaned, Will’s cock slipping out of my mouth, drops of piss splattering over my chin. “You’re a full boy.”

    “You too,” he said. “I don’t always drink piss like that. That’s more of Pastor Kline’s thing.”

    “Unless it’s mine,” Domonic said, winking. “Well, Will’s the winner. Time for Jay to suck a load out of him.”

    “Gladly,” I said, opening my mouth again and sucking Will’s dick inside. He pushed into my throat, my body fighting off my gag reflex. I wanted Will to fuck my throat hard, the kind of fucking you watch and think, “How the fuck did he do that without passing out?”

    “Ready?” Will asked.

    I grabbed his ass and pulled more of his cock into my throat.

    “I’ll take that as a yes,” he said. Will started fucking my throat, his balls pressing down over my eyes and nose, the smell of his hairy body an intoxicating rush to my senses. “Fuck, you might be better than Pastor Kline.”

    “That’s high praise,” Domonic said, grabbing my legs and spreading them out farther. “You know, if I close my eyes, I’d swear I’m fucking your brother’s ass.”

    “I’m not nearly as muscular as Jay,” Will said, shoving his dick hard into my throat. It almost felt as if there was some anger in the thrust. My cock jolted.

    “Looks like someone needs attention,” Domonic said, his hand reaching down and grabbing my dick, sending chills throughout my body. “Should we see who cums first?”

    “Sounds like a good challenge,” Will said, raising his hips up and looking down at me, his balls lifting from my eyes. “How about it?”

    “Let’s go,” I tried to say, my voice lost as my throat hugged Will’s cock.

    “That was a yes,” Will said. “I could feel it.”

    “I can feel it,” Domonic said, my cock harder in his jerking hand, my pre-cum dripping down his fist.

    Among the three of us the room filled with the moans of sweaty men, the bed creaking, our naked skin slapping against each other. It was the greatest sound I’d ever heard. Never had I been in a three-way this hot, not even with Alan. No women could compare. Few men where as hot as Will and Domonic. The fact that we were all poz made it the best fuck ever.

    “Fuck,” Will moaned, his breathing labored, “I’m getting close.”

    “So am I,” Domonic said, his thrusts harder.

    I tried to tell them that I was ready to burst, but Will’s fucking of my throat caused only spit to pour out of my mouth.

    “Fuck, I’m glad I met you,” Domonic said, leaning down and kissing Will, his grip on my cock tightening, his thumb running over the tip.

    “Fuck. Fuck. FUCK!” Will shouted, slamming his dick into my throat. His balls lifted from my face, legs hugging my head, cum shooting straight into my stomach.

    As Will’s cock jumped in my throat, my hips pumped wildly. My balls rose into my body, my cock shooting out thick ropes of cum, splattering Domonic and Will before dripping down onto my writhing body.

    “Fuck!” Domonic growled, his hand still pumping my cock as my hole tightened around his cock, pulling him further into my body. He did one final trust before he burrowed himself into my ass, shooting his poz cum into my body.

    I now had poz cum in my ass, down my throat, and across my stomach and chest, solidifying my new status as a poz slut.

    Will pulled his cock out of my throat, spit dripping down my chin and collecting in Will’s pubic hair. He looked down at me and smiled, his hand reaching down and smearing his cum and my spit over my mouth.

    “Fuck, I love you,” he said. He looked up at Domonic and waved him forward, kissing him deeply.

    “I love you, too,” I said, watching as these two powerful men made out, their sweaty bodies above me. Never could I have imagined something like this happening to me. As Will broke of his kiss, he looked down at me again and smiled. In that moment, I knew I had made the right choice lying to Will. None of this would have happened if he knew he was the one who pozzed me.


    Hope you enjoy the twist. There are a few plot points "seeded" here that I hope to pick up in the future. There won't be a post next week, but I'll pick up either the next week or the week after. 

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  5. I'm attracted to older men, but I'm not sure if this lends itself to dating or just fucking. You can have someone you like to fuck, but I don't think I'd date them. Beyond sex, what else is there to connect you to someone else? If you have that connection, then dating makes sense. Everyone is different. 

  6. Part 24: Jay Arrives

    “Will, I’m poz.”

    My brain shut down, these three words, while simple, were too difficult for me to process. “You’re what?”

    “I’m poz,” he said again.

    “You’re… but… I…”

    “I know we left everything off a bit… awkward,” he said, cutting me off, “but I don’t want us to break off communication again. It would kill me if we did.”

    “I don’t want that either,” I told him. “But, Jay…”

    “I’ll be in your area in a few days, and I want to stop by to talk. I also want to meet your guy.”

    “My guy,” I said, watching as Domonic walked back into the room, dick swinging low. Some cum from Peter's ass was still on the tip. “Yeah, I think he’d love to meet you.”

    “I’m ready to meet him, too,” he said. “My hole is ready, too.”

    “Right, yeah,” I said. “Your hole. Because you’re poz now, so you can.”

    “Who’s poz?” Domonic asked. “I’ve lost track of the guys we’ve fucked.”

    “I’ll talk to you later, Jay,” I said, watching as Domonic’s face lit up. “Bye.” I ended the call, my head swimming.

    “Jay’s poz?” Domonic exclaimed.


    “That’s incredible,” he said, a huge smile on his face. “Isn’t it?”

    “I… don’t know,” I said.

    “Will, I know you’re angry that he tricked you into fucking him with a broken condom,” Domonic said, “but it sounds like he really wanted this to happen.”

    “I can’t believe I pozzed him,” I said. I thought of the night we were last together, the fear I had felt once I saw the broken condom and saw Jay's smile. “Now he’s coming here. Shit, is he going to bring his boyfriend?”

    “He has a boyfriend?”

    I nodded. “They met in a park. Scratch that. They fucked in a park.”

    “Fuck, I need to meet your brother,” Dominic said.

    “Well, it looks like you will,” I told him. “I can’t believe this.” I sat down on the bed, noticing that my cock was hard again, already dripping pre-cum. I’m so perverted, I thought. Admittedly, there was a part of me that wanted to see him again, and a part of that was sexual. Yes, I wanted to fuck him again, and now that he was poz, I didn’t have to worry about pozzing him… because I already did. “Fuck, this is a mess.”

    “Do you think he pozzed his boyfriend?” Domonic asked, his own cock growing. “Or, maybe, his boyfriend pozzed him and you didn’t.”

    “Is that possible?” I asked.

    “Could be,” he said. “You don’t know how long he’s known. It may not have been you who pozzed him. Maybe you only… pushed him where he’s always wanted to go.”

    “It is something he’d do,” I said. Jay even said that he took risks when it came to sex. That was the reason he tricked me in the first place.

    “And do you know what we should do?” he asked, leaning over me, pinning me down to the bed, his erection dripping pre-cum down into my pubic hair. “We should be doing what got you pozzed in the first place.”


    I felt sick leading up to Jay’s arrival. I was excited to see him, but everything involving his pozzing made me nervous. While pozzing Pastor Kline had been the goal, a goal we worked hard to score, pozzing Jay had not been. Even Peter was different with his fucking Lewis and Pastor Kline trying to get his son’s dick in his ass. Everything with Jay made things complicated.

    I looked down at my arm on which a newly tattooed tally mark looked up at me. While neither Domonic nor I checked to see who had truly gifted Pastor Kline, it didn’t matter as I had been the connection between Pastor Kline and the life he had always wanted. His conversion was my doing.

    “Be proud of this mark,” Domonic had said as soon as he finished the mark. “Be proud of the fucker you’re becoming.”

    While I liked the fact that Jay wanted to be closer to me, and while sex with him was incredible, I didn’t want my first pozzing to have been him instead of Pastor Kline. It still felt wrong.

    “Still nervous?” Domonic asked, coming up behind me and kissing me neck, sending chills throughout my body. Domonic had thought it would be fun to surprise Jay naked. While I liked where his mind was going, I had to convince him to meet Jay wearing clothing… at first.

    “Extremely,” I told him. “After this, I’ll need you to fuck my brains out.”

    “Happily,” he said. “Maybe Jay will join.”

    Before I could answer there was a knock at the door, and my stomach turned. I tried to step forward, but I was frozen.

    “I’ll get it,” Domonic said, kissing me again.

    Calm down, I repeated to myself, closing my eyes and trying to slow my pounding heart. I heard voices chatting, their increasing volume a countdown.

    “So, you haven’t been here before?” Domonic asked Jay, a suitcase behind them.

    “No one in the family has been here,” Jay said. “I’m the first.”

    “You’re the first in more ways than one,” Domonic joked.

    Jay smiled, catching my gaze. “Hey, Will.”

    “Hey, Jay,” I said, stretching out a hand.

    “Come on, Will,” Jay said, pushing my hand away and hugging me. “You’ve had your dick shoved up my ass. I think we can do better than shake hands.”

    My dick jumped slightly at the memory.

    “Feels like you remember,” Jay said with a smirk, his hand squeezing my ass. “I’ve missed you.”

    “You too,” I said.

    Jay looked me over and then scanned my apartment. “So, you two living together?”

    “Not yet,” Domonic said.

    I gave him a look which clearly said, “What the fuck?”

    “It’s not that easy,” I told Jay.

    “Why not?” Jay asked, finding a seat on the couch. “Alan and I have been fucking for only a few weeks, and we’ve been living together almost the entire time.”

    “Tell us about Alan,” Domonic said, urging me to join them in the living room.

    “He’s a great guy,” Jay said. “He’s hot. He’s fit. His cock is huge. He’s the type of guy any parent would be horrified to have their kid dating. And, before you ask, no, we aren’t anything serious. We love fucking, and we bring other guys in to fuck with us. We love fucking outdoors, especially if we could get caught. We’re just having fun. I don’t know if it’ll last.”

    “But you’re poz?” I asked, finding my voice. “You’re sure about that?”

    “Absolutely,” Jay said. “I was sick and then got tested.”

    “And what about Alan?” Domonic asked, covering all the questions he knew I needed to know. “Is he poz, too?”

    “Sure is,” Jay said, winking.

    “Because of you?” I asked. “Or, was he already poz when you first fucked?”

    Jay shook his head. “You’re still upset, aren’t you? Will, come on. I said I’m sorry. What I did with the condom was stupid, but I’m not sorry that I did it. I wanted nothing between us, especially a condom. Now you have this fear that you’re the man who pozzed me acting like a barrier between us. Well, there’s no need. We checked. Alan is my gifter, not you. It’s his strain.”

    “Are you sure?” Domonic asked.

    “I knew Will would ask,” Jay said. “We checked. My ass belongs to Alan.”

    “That’s great news,” Domonic said. “Right, Will?”

    I felt a weight lift off my shoulders as I stood up and jumped on top of Jay, bringing his lips against mine, kissing him deep. All the anxiety I had stored up over the weeks since I’d last seen Jay disappeared, replaced instead with a burning longing to have Jay’s naked body pressed against mine.

    “Fuck,” Jay said once I let him come up for air. “I’m glad I checked.”

    “Me too,” I said, a stupid smile stuck to my face.

    “Should we relocate this welcoming to somewhere more conducive to group fucking?” Domonic asked. “I’d like a crack at your brother as soon as possible.”

    “I’m game,” Jay said.

    “Then let’s go,” I said, climbing off him and pulling him back toward my bedroom where Domonic was already opening the door, ready to fuck us both.

    “Maybe we should invite everyone over,” Domonic said, pulling his shirt and pants off in record time.

    “How many men are you two fucking?” Jay asked, his clothes also nearly gone.

    “Several,” Domonic told him. “Working on converting a married man right now. We’re about to include his 18-year-old student.”

    “If he agrees,” I added.

    “Oh, he’ll agree,” Jay said, grabbing my pants and pulling them down along with my underwear, my cock springing up to meet his watering mouth. He stuck out his tongue and licked a drop of pre-cum off the tip, sending chills down my spine. “Fuck, I missed your taste.”

    “Watching two brothers fuck,” Domonic said, coming around behind me, massaging my shoulders. “There’s nothing hotter.”

    “Except having you join in,” Jay said, admiring Domonic’s body. “Will, I’ve been desperately waiting for you to fuck me again, but I’m hoping you won’t mind if your boyfriend fucks my ass first?”

    “Fine by me,” I told him. “I think I’ll find some use of your mouth.”

    “Fill him up on both ends?” Domonic asked. “Meet in the middle?”

    “We can try,” I told him.

    Jay jumped on the bed, his ass hanging out over while leaving enough room for me to be over his head. Jay’s body was just as amazing as I remembered it. As I climbed onto the bed, my hand ran along his muscles, feeling his warm skin.

    “I’ll go in first,” Domonic said, jerking his cock to life. “Will, I want you to fuck his throat after. I don’t want your dick in his mouth when I shove inside his ass. He’ll bite your cock off.”

    “Open him up first,” I told Domonic.

    Domonic inspected Jay’s hole and smiled. “He doesn’t need me to,” he said. “Looks like your brother has been working his hole open pretty well.”

    “I had to,” Jay said, looking up at me. “I knew I wanted Will’s dick again, and I needed to be ready for him. That, and he said that your cock is a monster.”

    “A monster ready to ravage,” Domonic said as he started eating Jay’s hole, sending my brother’s body into a quaking fit.

    I jerked off watching Domonic and Jay, seeing the two men who meant the most to me in the whole world finally together. A jolt shot up through my ass, causing me to jump. I looked down and found Jay’s hand on my ass, his middle finger pushing at my hole.

    “Mind if I massage your prostate while your boyfriend eats my hole?” Jay asked. "Alan does it to me all the time. It feels great."

    “Go ahead,” I told him, leaning down and kissing him.

    Jay stuck his finger into his mouth and wet it, returning it to my hole. Slowly, he pushed it inside, moving around in search of my prostate.

    “Ready?” Domonic asked, squirting some collected cum from the fridge on his cock.

    “Shove it in me hard,” Jay growled, looking up at me. 

    “I fucking love this family,” Domonic said, smiling. He grabbed Jay’s legs and lined up his cock, nodding to me. In a swift thrust, he buried the entirety of his length inside Jay, causing my brother’s finger to disappear into my ass, hitting my prostate.

    My head was thrown back as his finger curled, pushing down, sending powerful waves of pleasure throughout my body. At the same time, Jay’s back lifted off the bed, his face contorted as Domonic’s dick stretched his hole to new widths and lengths.

    “Fuck,” Domonic cried, watching as we Ryder brothers rode the waves of pleasure shaking our bodies to their very core. “This is going to be fun.”


    I'm splitting this chapter in two because it was too long. I'll try to get another chapter up next week, and then I'll need to take a Sunday or two off. 

    For anyone upset that Will isn't the one who pozzed Jay, don't worry... 

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  7. I think I was around 12 or 13. I'd been masturbating for a while, but I'd never gotten past the intense feeling I felt whenever I jerked off. At first, I had dry orgasms, but as they started to build and I felt something cumming after, I stopped. I was nervous to see what was going to happen. One night, I was in the bathroom jerking off and felt the rising feeling. I decided I wanted to see where it would take me. Not knowing what would happen, I was facing out into the middle of the bathroom, meaning when I came, I shot out over the floor. I thought I'd accidentally peed myself, but when I looked closer, I found it looked different. I then searched online and found out it was cum and had my first wet orgasm. 

  8. It's a fantasy for many, but I agree that it isn't happening as much as many may say or think. I believe what makes it hot is the fact that it's [banned word]. Isn't that why we find most things hot, especially on BZ. I've never felt this way for anyone in my family, but I've watched videos of men who are thought to be in relationships under the banner of incest. They're hot, but it's mainly because of the [banned word] element. 

    Both individuals need to understand what they're doing and getting into. Understand what is happening. Make that choice. I do agree with the person who said that they shouldn't have a child if their relations could possibly end in a pregnancy. That isn't fair to the child. 

  9. Part 23: The Ultimate Gift (Dominic's Perspective) 

    December 2008

    I’ve always had mixed feelings when it comes to Christmas. Call me a Grinch-in-training or a Scrooge-yet-to-come all you like, but I have my reasons for feeling so mixed. My family life growing up wasn’t the best, so family time was unwanted most times. Money was tight, meaning we didn’t get a ton of gifts. Once I was off on my own, I found the holidays left me feeling lonely. That brought me to the only thing I like about the holidays: desperate men needing a hard fuck.

    I discovered quickly that married men who were tired of shopping for gifts for their kids or couldn’t stand to be around their wives for another second were willing holes, and my cock was only too happy to help them get into the spirit. They seemed to be able to get their frustrations out with each hard thrust I made into their asses, opening them up, pounding their prostates into oblivion; these men wanted some pain, and I was willing to give it to them. Don’t believe me? Check the tally marks on my arm.

    We’d meet at their places while their wives were taking their kids to see the in-laws, giving me plenty of time to desecrate their marital bed and possibly poz their married holes. I even met some of these men while they were shopping, ducking into changing rooms where I filled these married men’s holes with toxic cum. Their wives would be calling into them while I held their mouths closed so they didn’t scream out with each thrust. Once, I met a guy in his car and fucked him while his infant son was in the backseat. Men can be so twisted, especially during the holidays.

    Still, I tend to avoid shopping malls when the holidays come around. They tend to be too crowded, and I usually grow tired of hearing the same songs over and over again. I never play these songs in my tattoo shop as I never wanted my frustration to come out as I hold a needle to someone’s arm. That’s not the type of damaging injection I like to perform. Still, one year came around when I needed to go to the mall right before Christmas. I’d wanted it to be a quick in and out, but an unforeseen distraction kept me longer than I had intended.

    As I entered the mall, I saw a long line of families waiting to sit on Santa’s lap. Parents and children were everywhere. I tried my best to move around them, but my large frame made it difficult. As I tried to sneak by the set-up they made, I hit into one of the giant plastic candy canes and knocked it over, startling everyone, including Santa.

    “Sorry,” I said, helping one of the elves pick it up. I looked up to check on the scene and found Santa staring right at me, a sly smile seen beneath his white beard. I wouldn’t say he was the normal Santa. Yes, he had the white beard, but there was gray within it too, and it wasn’t terribly long. He didn’t look old, at least in his fifties, maybe sixties at a push. I was sure he was wearing fat padding from the way his suit looked. Overall, he was a good-looking Santa. Better than any Santa I’d ever seen.

    As I analyzed him, his eyes never left me. I backed away, apologizing to everyone around me, but he kept his gaze fixed. I saw in the crowd of watching eyes a few faces of men I’d fucked, and felt the sudden heat of knowing that I was being observed intently. My chest was pounding and my cock started to swell. Fuck, I needed to get away from these families before my dick became noticeable. It’d been a while seen I’d fucked someone, and my hardening dick was confirming this. Maybe one of the hungry daddies in the crowd wanted a second taste.

    I bought what I needed and started to head out of the mall, noticing that the crowd for Santa had disappeared. Finding one of my married men to fuck had escaped me. My dick was still semi-hard, my balls aching for release. I didn’t want to go one more night with jerking off as my only relief.

    With the exit in view, the sudden urge to piss hit me. Snow was coming down hard, and I started cursing myself for not getting myself new tires, knowing mine were dangerous. It would take forever to get home, even without the traffic I was sure would be backed up. I felt desperate, and I knew I wouldn’t make it home in time. I found my way down a long hallway to a section of the mall which looked as if it wasn’t often used. The women’s room was out of order, a large sign hanging on the door. The men’s door, while dirty, had no sign. I ran inside and stopped dead.


    Santa was standing in front of me, his red pants still on but his coat gone, revealing a hairy chest which showed muscles and a slight gut. His hair was salt-n-peppered with tattoos beneath. I stopped breathing for a second, my cock rising again almost instantly.

    “Hello,” he said, his smirk from earlier returning.

    “Hello,” I said, still slightly stunned. “I’m sorry. I was looking for the bathroom.”

    “You found one,” he said. “To bad it’s out of order.”

    “There’s no sign,” I said.

    “Must have fallen off,” he told me. “I’ve been using it to change.”

    “I see,” I said, my eyes looking over his body. As I took him in, I found myself realizing that I’d one day look much like this man. Our builds were similar, though I was slightly taller. He looked as if he was hairier. He was the type of man I’d imagine in porn, dominating a situation, using his years to show other men how it’s done. Even though I usually dominate during sex, I knew I’d find myself falling under this man’s orders easily.

    “Is there another bathroom?” I asked.

    “Only for employees,” he said.

    “Fuck,” I said, leaning forward a bit, my hand unknowingly moving down to my crotch where I felt as if I was about to burst. I could feel my cock inching down my pants’ leg, showing itself. Now, as I reached down, I was drawing attention to it.

    “Gotta piss?” he asked, his eyes taking me in, focusing down on my growing bulge.

    I nodded.

    “You can still go,” he said.

    I looked over at the urinal and found it covered by a garbage bag. “Doesn’t look like I can.”

    “Sure you can,” he said. He stepped toward me, chest pushed out, nipples hard in the cool air. I could smell his sweat, his musk intoxicating. “You made quite the scene earlier.”

    “It’s hard to get through crowds,” I told him, my body stiff as he grew closer. “You know, men like us.”

    “Yes,” he said, smiling. “Men like us. Hard.” He kneeled down, his red pants on the dirty bathroom floor.

    “What are you doing?” I asked, stepping back.

    He reached out and grabbed my hips, pulling me towards him, his face level with my bulge. He looked up at me. “Should I stop?”

    I must have shaken my head “no” as he then smiled and grabbed for the button of my jeans and undid it, pulling the zipper down. My bulge stuck out, his thumbs running along the fabric, sending waves of pleasure throughout my body. He pressed his nose against my underwear, breathing deeply.

    “I think I smell dried pre-cum,” he said. “Is it recent?”

    “Yes,” I told him. “When I saw you earlier.”

    He smiled. “Now, how about some relief?” he slipped his fingers into my pants and underwear and pulled them down, my hard cock flopping out and standing straight out toward him. “There’s the prize.” He licked his lips. “Sure you can go hard?”

    “I’m ready to burst,” I said.

    He nodded and opened his mouth, directing my cock to rest on his tongue. He looked up at me and winked.

    My piss shot out in a powerful stream, so much rushing out that I thought he was going to choke. As his mouth filled up, he swallowed, never missing a drop. His eyes stared straight into mine as he swallowed me down, my cock inching further into his mouth until his lips swallowed around it.

    “Don’t stop,” I moaned once my piss ran dry.

    His hands moved to my ass, squeezing, pulling me closer. My dick slid into his throat, his mouth opening, taking me in until his nose was buried into my pubes. His mouth was warm, his tongue and throat massaging my cock while his one hand moved to my front and grabbed my balls.

    “You don’t know how much I’ve needed this,” I moaned.

    My cock slid out of his mouth, pre-cum sticking to his white beard. “It’s my job,” he said. “Santa gives gifts.” He stood up, his sweaty chest pressing against me. “Now, it’s time for you to give me your gift.”

    I stood still, my heart beating faster. My gift. I looked down and found that my biohazard tattoo was covered by my shirt, but it could have moved when he drank down my piss. Maybe, one of the married men I’d fucked in the past and converted told him? Why would they have done that? It made no sense. Maybe he wanted it. Maybe he was a chaser. I took a step back.

    “What?” he asked. “Don’t you want to fuck my ass? Don’t you want to shove your monster into my hole?”

    “Of course,” I told him.

    “Then do it,” he growled, pushing me up against the door. “Fuck me. Fuck me hard. You’ve already filled my mouth and stomach. Now I need you to fill my ass and guts. Come on. Make Santa happy.” He stepped back and took his pants, shoving them down to his ankles, revealing a bulge of his own kept tight in a dirty jockstrap. He turned around, showing his ass covered in gray hair. He reached back and pulled his cheeks, revealing a puckered hole.

    My cock jumped, a large drop of pre-cum dripping out. I reached out and ran a hand over his crack, my fingers pressing into his hole. “Fuck, you’re tight.”

    “I’m versatile,” he said. “I’m guessing you top.”

    “I ONLY top,” I told him.

    He looked back at me, a huge smile on his face. “Perfect,” he said. “I haven’t found any men worthy to top me for some time. I’ve been topping, but I’ve been looking for a man like you. Not some skinny twink or wannabe top. I need an alpha male to fuck my hole.” He reached back and grabbed my cock, pulling me closer to him. “I need your cock in my hole.”

    “I only bareback,” I told him. “I don’t play with condoms. Ever.”

    He smiled, opening his ass wider. “I like my gifts unwrapped.”

    I grabbed him by his hips and turned him toward the bathroom mirror, both of us catching each other’s eye in the reflection. “I fuck hard.”

    “Fuck yeah,” he said. “Make me bleed.”

    “With pleasure,” I said, grabbing my spit-covered cock and shoving it into his hole. As I felt a wave of pleasure ripple through my body, he tensed, my large size threatening to tear his hole in half.

    “Fuck,” he cried, leaning on the sink’s counter, hands reaching out to the mirror. “You’re bigger than I thought.”

    “I hear that a lot,” I said, bottoming out. His hole squeezed on my cock, milking me, causing my knees to buckle. I fell forward, pushing my cock even further inside his warm body.

    He groaned. His naked skin was warm, urging me to feel him more. I pulled off my shirt, both of us now nearly naked. I looked on the sink’s counter and saw his Santa hat. If I’m about to deliver a gift, I thought, I should look the part. I took the hat and put it on, smelling his sweat from a long day’s work. He was intoxicating. I leaned forward, my naked chest pressed against his back, the hair covering our bodies rubbing together.

    “Fuck,” he said, looking at me in the mirror. “I’ve been a naughty boy, sir.”

    “How naughty?” I asked, playing along.

    “Very,” he said. “I’ve fucked so many men.”

    “How about some of the fathers you saw today?”

    “A few,” he said.

    “Me too,” I told him.

    “You’d be amazed how many find the suit a turn-on.”

    I looked at myself in the mirror, watching as the hat moved with each thrust. There was something sexy about it. I felt as if I was taking something innocent and damning it, making it dirty. I loved doing that. I was good at it. “I don’t believe in coal,” I told him. “I have other ways of punishing you.”

    Our breathing was strained, sweat covering our bodies. I could see his face growing red. He was biting down on his arm to stop himself from yelling. I pulled my cock out until only the head remained. I could sense his body easing, but it wasn’t for long. I jammed myself back inside, hitting his prostate.

    “Fuck,” he moaned, one hand reaching back, grabbing my thigh and pulling me closer. “I’m cumming. Fuck. I’m cumming.”

    I could feel his body shudder as he unloaded in his jockstrap. The way his muscles moved and the fact that I hadn’t cum in what felt like forever, I found myself on the edge.

    “Unload your gift in me,” he yelled, his ass pushing back on me. “Do it. Give it all to me. Cum in my pig ass.”

    “You want it?”

    “Fuck yeah!”

    I grabbed his hips and started slamming myself into him, my breathing quick while my heart pounded. “You want this gift?”

    “I do!”

    “You want to be my twenty-fifth?”

    “Absolutely,” he cried, and I knew he didn’t know what I meant.

    “Fuck,” I said, my fingers digging into his skin. “I’m cumming.”

    “Do it! Cum in my dirty ass!”

    “FUCK!” I buried myself as far into his body as I could, erupting inside him, my gift leaving my worn body and spreading into his own. Weak, I fell forward again, resting on him, feeling his beating heart and labored breathing. Fuck, his body was amazing. I could feel his muscles moving beneath me.

    “From the huge load in my ass,” he said, looking at me in the mirror, “it’s been a while for you.”

    “I’ve needed this,” I told him, kissing the back of his neck. I pulled out and found traces of blood on my cock. “I think you needed it too.”

    “My hole always needs a strong man’s cock inside it,” he said. He straightened up and turned to me, our naked bodies facing each other for the first time. He looked me over, noticing my tattoos. His eyes traveled down and rested on my biohazard tattoo. He smiled. “When you said you were delivering a gift, you really meant it.”

    I waited for his reaction, waiting for him to attack me or something, but he didn’t. Instead, he stepped forward, grabbed my shoulders, and brought me up against him. He leaned closer and kissed me. I could still taste my piss on his tongue.

    “Happy with my gift?” I asked him.

    “We’ll see,” he said. He took his hat and pressed it against his nose, breathing in our scent. “I think you need one of your own.” He slipped his hat on and then slipped his jockstrap off. I could see his fresh cum collected in the pouch, soaking in the fabric. “Take this,” he said, giving me the dirty jock.

    I took it, eyeing the cum. “Thanks.” I tilted the pouch, pouring the cum into my mouth. He tasted great. There was a heavy odor clinging to the fabric. It was intoxicating.

    “I’m Nick,” he said.

    “Saint Nick?” I asked, raising a brow.

    “You know there isn’t anything saintly about me,” he said, pulling his pants off completely. “That was fun. We should do it again.”

    “Definitely,” I said. I gave him my number, slipping his jockstrap into the bag in which my purchase waited. “I better be going. Bad weather coming.”

    “Be safe out there,” he said. “But not that kind of safe.”

    “Never,” I told him.


    Four Weeks Later:

    I sat in my tattoo shop, watching as the snow was falling. I was readying myself for my next client when I heard a familiar voice.

    “How’s my favorite Santa?”

    I looked up and saw Nick standing in front of me, smiling. I almost didn’t recognize him in jeans and a coat that wasn’t red. He was still sexy, even more so than before. There was something in the way he was carrying himself that showed true confidence. 

    “What are you doing here?” I asked, giving him a hug, his hand reaching down and grabbing my ass.

    “The holiday rush is over,” he said.

    "So, no more Santa?"

    "Unless you want him back," he told me.

    "I think I'm excited to see regular Nick here," I told him. I leaned in close and whispered, "I'm wearing the jock you gave me."

    "Fucking how," he said. “ Since Christmas is done, I’m freer now.”

    “Ready for another round?” I asked him.

    “Absolutely,” he said. “First, however, I need a new tattoo from you.”

    “What of?” I asked.

    He looked at me and smiled. “I think you know.”

    I smiled back. It looked like I was getting my twenty-fifth tattoo and he one that proved I was the best gift giver he'd ever met. 


    This was a bit longer than I expected. Hope you liked it. I thought something fitting the holiday would be a nice change of pace. This gives you a glimpse into who Domonic was as he grew in his dominant nature. I have no plans to bring NIck into the current narrative, but I might. I don't want to overcrowd the story.


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  10. Thanks for the welcome back. I'll be posting a new chapter Sunday, Christmas day. It'll be Christmas themed, and will be from Dominic's perspective, taking place around 2008. You'll meet the man who was Dominic's 25th tally mark. 

    Yes, Lewis is coming soon. I promise. 

    I'm curious, for Jay, who would you rather be his gifter? Will or Alan? I'm torn. I'd love the feedback. 


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  11. I must have been around 7 when my first crush on a guy happened. My school was elementary/middle/high school combined. There was a senior on the basketball team who I thought was gorgeous. I loved going to the games just to see him. At night, I'd fantasize about him and his naked body. I'd rub my dick, but I was so young I didn't know what masturbation was or being gay. All I knew was that I wanted to be near him. No clue what happened to him. 

  12. Part 22: Plans in Motion

    “FUCK!” Peter cried, his face red. Tears were in his eyes as he slowly lowered himself down onto Dominic and myself, our dicks held close together, our combined girths threatening to tear his hole open. Peter had been coming over to my apartment almost every day for two weeks, telling his wife that he was coming to help with a committee. What she didn’t know was that the committee’s focus was fucking, pozzing, and finding other men to join. Peter wanted to experience everything he could with gay sex. Though he still had trouble swallowing piss, he loved it when Dominic and I bathed him in our streams. He loved exploring everything sex made possible. As soon as he heard about double penetration, his eyes lit up.

    “You sure you can take us both?” I asked one night after Dominic had unloaded in his ass, using my cum as lube.

    “I don’t know until I try,” Peter said. He reached back and shoved several of his fingers into his hole. "It feels like it can."

    "I'd love to get a fist up there," Dominic said, smiling.

    "He's not ready for that," I said. It was something even Dominic and I hadn't tried.

    "I just want to try everything I can," Peter explained.

    “I like the way this man thinks,” Dominic said, pulling Peter in for a kiss.

    “I can’t wait till I convert,” Peter said.

    Since we’d been fucking Peter so much, we were sure he would be converting soon, though it had taken Pastor Kline a while until he converted. Pastor Kline hadn’t joined us in our daily fucking since he was sick, his body still trying to recover. His wife had been concerned, even suggested that he should have been taken to the hospital, but we all knew what would be revealed if she did. Instead, I assured her that he’d be back to his old self in no time; he’d be better, even.

    “I’ll be better once I have you in my ass and Dominic in my mouth,” Pastor Kline whispered to me once his wife was out of earshot. “And Peter cumming buckets all over my body.”

    We had taken him to see Dr. Wade once he was feeling well enough to walk. I lied to Pastor Kline’s wife and said I was doing her a favor by taking him to the doctor for a checkup. What she didn’t know was that Dominic and I watched as Dr. Wade invaded Pastor Kline’s new poz hole and filled him till cum was dripping down his legs. Then, Dominic fucked Pastor Kline as I had another go with Doctor Wade, filling his hole with my cum. Pastor Kline was now a wild animal, always horny, ready to fuck whatever he could. However, his wife was keeping an eye on him till she thought he was better. We were sure he would be ready to rejoin the land of the fucking soon. Hopefully by the time we managed to snag Lewis.

    Peter was still trying to figure out how to best get Lewis alone. After that, we had the issue of convincing the young man that he’d want us to poz him. While everyone was positive that he’d give in with no problem, I found myself worried. What if he changed his mind? What if he decided to expose us all? There was a lot riding on Lewis and his hole.

    Still, we all wanted him. After Peter told us everything that had happened the night he took Lewis’s virginity, we all found ourselves only thinking of the young man and the possibilities his body held.

    “You’re almost there,” Dominic said, helping Peter as he slowly inched his way down our cocks. “Fuck, look at you open up.”

    I watched in amazement as I saw Peter’s ass take two huge dicks. Sure, I’d seen it done in porn, but until your dick is one of the ones threatening to tear a man’s hole open, it’s almost impossible to imagine.

    “Fuck,” Peter cried, glancing down to get a view of the impossible. He tried to hold his dick and balls back to see our cocks invading his body, but the pain was too much and he instead focused on not passing out.

    “How’s it feel?” I asked, running my hand along his legs, loving the feeling of his hairy body. Since we started fucking Peter daily, I found myself drawn to him almost as much as I was drawn to Dominic. Maybe it was the “[banned word]” of it all. Dominic had been, in my eyes when I first met him, dangerous. He was the thing I wanted but knew I shouldn’t have. With Peter, he was a married man who slept with one of his students. Everything about this man was a turn-on. If Dominic hadn’t come along when he did, I was starting to wonder if Peter could have been the one to take my virginity, seeing as he was so good at it. He was a hot man, and seeing him impale himself on two cocks had my heart racing.

    Sure, there were other men at the church I’d fuck in a heartbeat, but I don’t expect it to happen. Before Dominic, I never imagined that I’d fuck another man and be fucked in return. I never thought I’d fuck the pastor who had been guiding me the last three years. I never would have imagined fucking at the doctor’s office. I never would have imagined fucking my own brother. My entire life had changed since I met Dominic. Maybe nothing would have happened with Peter.

    Doesn’t matter, I thought, watching as Peter fucked himself on our dicks, sweat covering his body, his hairy chest heaving from the effort. Hearing his groans mix with the moaning of Dominic brought me to the edge. The life I would have had couldn’t have come close to this. I loved being poz, and I couldn’t wait for Peter to feel the same.

    “Fuck,” I groaned, grabbing hold of both Peter and Dominic. “I’m cumming!” I threw my head back, an intense wave coursing through my body. My skin felt as if it were freezing and on fire at the same time, every nerve firing as my cock shot load after load of poz cum into Peter’s hole. My heart was pounding, Peter’s hand reaching down to stabilize himself, his palm landing right over my biohazard tattoo, my heart beating underneath. Fuck, I couldn’t wait until he converted.

    “I can feel it,” Peter said, forcing himself down until our dicks disappeared completely inside him. “I can feel you filling me.”

    I could feel my cum dripping down my dick and over my balls. Next to my shaft, I could feel Dominic’s cock swelling, his rhythm increasing along with his breathing.

    “One load of poz cum down,” Dominic growled, his one hand grabbing Peter’s leg while the other reached up and grabbed Peter’s cock. “Ready for another?”

    “Fuck yeah,” Peter moaned as Dominic started jerking his cock. “Infect my ass. Make me blow my neg load.”

    “Hopefully your last,” Dominic said.

    “Fuck,” Peter moaned, his breathing quick.

    “You got it,” Dominic said, thrusting harder, my own cock, growing harder, joining the motion.

    “Fuck, I’m gonna cum!” Peter cried, hand clawing at my chest and leaving a mark across my skin. “I’m… I’m…” Peter’s mouth was open in a silent scream, eyes wide open, as thick ropes of cum shot out of his cock and bathed us in his limitless cum. I still couldn’t believe he could produce so much. His entire chest was covered, matting into his hair before falling down onto Dominic and I and matting into our own.

    The sound of sloshing cum over slicked skin filled the room as Dominic let out a deep growl. “Here it is, boy,” he cried, thrusting himself as deep into Peter’s ass as possible, his body shaking from the exertion. Next to my balls, I could feel his shoot up into his body, his cock pumping furiously.

    Even my own cock started shooting again, remnants of my orgasm resurfacing and bringing another round of cum shooting out.

    For a moment, all three of us were connected in a shared orgasm, our bodies firing off as one. The poz seed from Dominic which existed within himself and within me filled Peter’s body.

    We collapsed on the bed, exhausted, unable to move for what felt like hours.

    “Anyone ready for a round two?” Peter asked, his cock already at attention, another round of cum ready to go.

    Dominic looked at me and laughed. “Fuck, you two are the hottest fucking men I’ve ever seen.”

    “You’re just saying that,” I told him, smiling back.

    He looked at me, his smile softening. I’d seen Dominic make a lot of faces. I’ve seen his aggressive, dominant face, the one from my dream and the night he pozzed me. I’ve seen his lust when I blow him or he pours out an entire bladder full of piss over my body. I’ve seen his pride as he watches me fuck Pastor Kline, Doctor Wade, or Peter. I’ve seen so many faces. Now, I’m seeing something else. He wasn’t simply glowing in the after-fuck-heat. He looked genuinely happy. “I’m not,” he said. “I’m not just saying that.”


    “Our plan’s in motion,” Peter told us once we fucked one more time, this time giving Peter’s hole a break and fitting only one dick in at a time. Any of the cum which poured out Dominic collected for Peter and fed it to him, though there was still cum leaking out from deep inside his guts. His hole was red and bleeding slightly, but we could tell that he wanted more toxic cum. “I’m planning on seeing Lewis in private in a few days. I’ll talk to him then.”

    “What are you going to say?” I asked, reminding them both of the different ways this could turn on us, exposing us all.

    “I thought I’d tell him that I wanted to fuck again,” Peter told us. “I’ll tell him that I found someone else who’s interested in him.”

    "Won't that scare him?"

    "He's dying to fuck again," Peter told us. "He wanted to meet at my office again, but I told him to wait. You remember what it was like being young and ready to fuck anything in sight."

    "I feel that way even now," Dominic said, grabbing his cock which was already starting to get hard again.

    "I'm telling him it's someone from church."

    "Not me!" I said, worried about what Peter was going to tell Lewis.

    “Me,” Dominic indicated. Clearly, both Peter and Dominic had been discussing this plan without me. “Peter will bring Lewis to my apartment. That way, if everything starts to go to hell, Lewis won’t know anything about you,” he told me.

    “So, what do I do?”

    “You wait until Lewis agrees,” Peter said.

    “And only if he agrees,” I told them both, seeing the hunger in their eyes. “I’m not pozzing him if he doesn’t want it.”

    From the looks on Dominic and Peter’s faces, they weren’t happy with this.

    “Promise me,” I demanded.

    “I promise,” Dominic said.

    “Me too,” Peter told me. “Though, I really hope he says yes because I’m dying to get into his ass again.”

    “You won’t be fucking him much if you’re not poz,” Dominic reminded him.

    “More reason for you two to keep fucking my hole up with dirty cum,” Peter said. He reached back a hand and shoved a finger into his ass. He pulled it out and showed us cum tinted pink.

    “I think you’re on your way,” Dominic said.

    Peter slipped the finger into his mouth and sucked the cum down, licking his lips. “Tastes better than any pussy I’ve ever had.”

    “I wouldn’t know,” I said, leaning in and kissing him, tasting the cum on his lips and tongue. “All I’ve ever tasted is cock, cum, ass, and piss.”

    “That’s all a strong man needs,” Dominic said, smiling. “We just need to make sure that Pastor Kline is back on his feet by then. He’d hate to miss out on the fun.”

    “Good point,” I said.

    “That would be an odd number,” I told them.

    “True,” Dominic said. “I’m sure we’ll be able to find someone to join us. Doctor Wade or someone else.”

    A sudden noise pulled our attention to my dresser where my phone was charging. I checked the number but found it was unlisted.

    “Hello?” I asked, watching as Peter dressed and Dominic followed him out.

    “Will?” the voice on the other end said.

    “Jay?” I checked the number again. “Jay, is that you?”

    “Fuck, yeah it is,” Jay said.

    “What number is this? Whose phone are you using?”

    “My boyfriend’s,” Jay said.

    “Your what?”

    “My boyfriend’s,” Jay said again. “I guess he’s my boyfriend. Fuck buddy. Whatever. Doesn’t matter.”

    “Are you saying,” I asked, trying to understand what I was being told, “that you’re gay?”

    “Don’t know,” he said. “Bi? Pan? No fucking clue. All I know is that lately I’ve been getting fucked by dicks as much as I can, and I fucking love it.”

    Hearing what Jay was telling me was getting me hard again, even having just fucked twice and cum three times. There was something about Jay that could get me hard no matter what.

    “What’s his name?”

    “Alan,” Jay said.

    “Where’d you meet him?”

    “In a park,” he said. “He fucked me behind some bushes. That’s not why I called, Will.”

    “Why did you call?” I asked, thinking back to the last time I had seen him, feeling the panic filling my chest.

    “I’ve got news.”

    “Yeah, I know,” I told him. “You just said you have a boyfriend.”

    “Not just that,” he said. “I didn’t want to call until I knew for sure.”

    “What about?” I asked.

    “Are you really that fucking dumb?” Jay asked, laughing. “Will, I’m poz.”


    Hey guys,

    The gangs back. I'll be trying to post every Sunday, but there may be a Sunday missed here and there. I've had a few of you message me with ideas, and I'm excited to see what I can do with some of them. The group is going to get even larger. Lewis will be coming up soon, if not next. Happy jerking. 

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  13. If I were you, I'd let him know. Married men are the hottest. They try to keep the secret. If you're attracted to him and he's a good fuck, he can just come to you for a blowjob or a fuck instead of going elsewhere. Plus, it cuts down on him maybe catching something from all the other guys. I don't know your status, I didn't check. Still, if he's there and willing. 

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