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Posts posted by Heir2012

  1. 17 hours ago, Hairypiglet said:

    My Phys.Ed. teacher in 8th was a gorgeous bull of a man, but also he cared about me.

    A couple years later he was promoted to VP and I'm certain he had a part in helping me get through some issues where I was being threatened and harassed for being gay.

    An emotional connection can definitely draw someone in.

    For me, I didn't have that with my teacher. He was a bit of an asshole at times. It was a purely physical thing. I remember once there was a time when our school did a swimming class at the YMCA, and even though I knew how to swim, I went. He was there and I saw him shirtless for the first and only time. His chest was covered in hair with a trail going down beneath his swim trunks. I wish I remembered more. 

  2. The next chapter I was going to post was continuing on as Will comes back to Dominic, but an idea hit me which I'm going to go with instead. I'm writing a side chapter for the next chapter in which we will go back to see the first time Dominic saw Will at the gym. It's from Dominic's perspective, giving a bit of insight into everything leading up to him pozzing Will's hole. I'm still writing it, so it'll be a few days before it's posted. Then, I'll post the chapter continuing the story. 

    I've also considered writing a prequel story about Dominic and how he was pozzed. Not sure if I'll do it, but it's a possibility. 

    I've still got plenty of new characters to bring to you first. Glad to know so many of you either want to fuck Will or be fucked by Dominic.

    • Like 7
  3. When I was a teenager, I had a teacher that I was obsessed with. He was beautiful. I think he was one of the men that started my DILF obsession. He wore tight pants which showed off a sizeable bulge and hugged his ass. I'd ask questions during tests just so he would walk over and stand at my desk, the desk's top at the perfect level to be eye-to-eye with his dick. I used to jerk off to his picture in the yearbook, plastering his face with cum. I've seen him since, but only a few times. I always wished something could have happened between us. He's married, but that doesn't stop my need to fuck him and have him fuck me back. 

    Anyone else have someone from their past that they wish something could have happened with, then or even now if your paths crossed again? Who is he? What did you wish could have happened? 

  4. 12 hours ago, negchaserlooking said:

    Super fucking hot, thanks. Remember fucking around with my brother on occasions but it was never like that.

    I don't have a brother, but I wish I did. Having another guy growing up alongside you, discovering porn and jerking off around the same time, possibly doing it together is a dream. I also like the idea of someone with a body that closely matches your own.

    • Like 3
  5. Part 10: Brotherly Love (aka the much discussed chapter)

    “Does anyone know?” I asked.

    “No,” Jay said. “Does anyone know that you’re… well, you know?”

    I shook my head.

    “So,” he said. “I guess you’re not the last virgin in the house after all. Right?”

    I shook my head.

    “You slept with another man?”

    I nodded.

    “What was it like?” he asked.

    I looked at him, noticing in his eyes a longing. He really wanted to know. “It’s incredible,” I said. “Better than I could have imagined.”

    “So, not into women anymore?”

    “I… uh… I don’t know,” I told him. “Maybe. I got thrown into everything so fast, I never really stopped to think about it.”

    “Well, I won’t tell anyone.”

    “Thanks,” I said. “Though, it would involve you telling them how you found out which doesn’t make you look too good either.”

    Jay nodded. “I’m sorry that I tricked you into sucking my dick.” His words hung in the air, neither of us able to wrap our minds around the truth. We were no longer just brothers. I didn’t know what we were now. “

    Can I tell you,” Jay started, “I’ve had plenty of blow jobs in my life, but nothing like that. I had trouble breathing after.”

    “Really?” For some reason, I felt proud. Jaw slept around a lot, so hearing that I was seemingly the best did make me feel good.

    “I’ve always wondered what it’s like,” Jay said, “but I’ve never tried.” He moved closer to me, the heat of his body pulsing against me. “Could you… would you try…” He looked up into my eyes, leaning forward and kissing me. For split second, I wanted to recoil, the idea of my brother’s lips on mind turning my stomach, but as the moment passed, I found myself draw into the kiss.

    “Fuck,” Jay said, breaking the kiss and catching his breath. He looked down at his dick and laughed. “You’ve got me dripping, brother.”

    “Me too,” I said.

    He leaned in again, but I reached out and stopped him. “I can’t,” I said.

    “Is it because I’m…”

    “No,” I said. “Well, partly. I’m not sure. It should be.”

    Jay smiled. “I know. It should be disgusting, but, I’ve got to tell you, it feels hot.”

    “Jay, there’s something you don’t know about me.”

    “I know that you’re gay,” he said. “What else is there?”

    I backed away and pulled off my shirt, revealing my chest and the tattoo on it. Jay’s eyes grew wide at the sight.

    “Does that mean what I think it means?”

    “I’m poz,” I told him.

    “How long?”

    “A few weeks,” I said. “Almost two months.”


    “The guy I told you about at dinner. The guy that started coming to church.”

    “Is he?”

    “He’s not religious. It’s a long story. He fucked me a few times and I converted. I got this tattoo from him. He’s a tattoo artist.”

    “Are you dating?”

    “I don’t know,” I told him. “Sort of.”

    “Does your church know?”

    “Fuck, no,” I said. “No one knows. Well, not no one. You know now.”

    “So, you don’t want to fuck me because you don’t want to poz me?”

    I nodded.

    Jay turned and went to his duffle bag, opening a zipper and pulling out a small square packet. Even though I had never seen one in person, I knew it was a condom. “Problem solved.”

    “Jay, no. It isn’t right.”

    “You’ve already sucked me off,” he said. “And with a condom, we’ll be careful. Please. I’ve always wondered what it’s like to get fucked. If it’s with you, at least I know it’s with someone who will be careful. Please.”

    I stared at the condom and then at Jay. How had we come to this point? How had I journeyed from a straight virgin pastor to a poz gay man contemplating sleeping with his brother? How far had I fallen? How much of a pig was I? There was only one way to tell. I took the condom and looked Jay in the eye. “If you make a noise, you’ll wake the whole house. You’ll have to be quiet.”

    “Okay,” he said.

    “Do you have lube?”

    “Some,” he said, returning to his bag. He handed me a packet the same size as the condom.

    “Get on the bed,” I told him. “On your back. Leg’s up toward your chest.”

    To say that Jay was eager would have been an understatement. He scrambled onto the bed and pulled his knees to his chest, revealing a hair hole. I opened the condom, turning it over.

    “Don’t you know how to put one on?” Jay asked.

    I pointed at my tattoo. “Clearly not.”

    “Here,” he said, taking the condom. He reached out and placed it on the head of my dick, a bit of precum dripping into the tip. “Ooops, wrong way around,” Jay flipped the condom and started to roll it on. It felt weird knowing my brother was touching my dick. Then again, I was about to shove it into his ass.

    “Alright,” Jay said, returning to his back, legs pulled up to his chest. “Fill me up.”

    I opened the packet of lube and squirted some on my dick, leaving some which I squirted into my hand. I climbed onto the bed and ran my hand along Jay’s asshole.

    “Fuck,” he moaned.

    “I’ve got to open you up first,” I told him, slipping one of my fingers inside. His body pulled away for a moment, but I brought him back, slipping another finger inside. “You’re tight,” I told him.

    “Fucking tight,” he said.

    “Three fingers now,” I said, moving in and out of my brother’s hole, my fingers opening him up. “Now four.”

    “Fuck,” Jay moaned, his hands shaking, almost loosing grip of his legs. “How do you do this?”

    “Practice,” I told him, moving my fingers faster. Once he was open, I removed my fingers and lined my dick up to his hole. I looked him in the eye as my dick head pressed into his hole. “Are you ready?”

    He nodded.

    I pushed forward, my dick sliding inside.

    Jay’s head flew back, his mouth open, ready to scream. I lunged forward, my hand covering his mouth. At the same time, my dick forced itself inside, causing his back to arch off the bed.

    “You’ve got to be quiet,” I whispered, holding my hand over his mouth until I knew he wasn’t going to scream.

    “Fuck,” Jay moaned, a tear in his eye. “You’re fucking huge.”

    “I told you I was.” I started pumping inside him, starting slow before speeding up. “How’s that feel?”

    “Incredible,” he said. A large smile filled his face. “Does it always feel like this?”

    “Don’t know,” I told him. “Dominic is the only one who has fucked me.”

    “How many times?”

    “I didn’t keep track.”

    “More than twenty?”

    “Way more than twenty.”

    “My brother, a little slut.”

    My pace was picking up. Our bodies were sweating as the temperature of the room reached dangerous levels. I watched as his body moved beneath me. His eyes were closed, his face contorting every time my dick disappeared fully into his hole. His dick was fully hard, precum dripping over his abs. His balls were pulled tight into his body. For a moment, I forgot that he was my brother. Instead, I saw a beautiful man giving himself over to me.

    “I’ve never felt like this,” he groaned. “What is that?”

    “Your prostate,” I told him.

    “I think I’m gunna cum,” he said. “I’m not even jerking off.”

    “Sometimes it feels better that way.” I could feel myself growing close.

    “Fuck, I’m cumming,” he moaned, eyes open, watching as cum shot out over his chest. “Holy shit.”

    “Taste it,” I told him, my breath growing short.

    “Really?” he asked.

    “I did,” I reminded him.

    He scooped some in his hand and reluctantly dropped it on his tongue. I could tell he didn’t like the taste. I scooped some up and tasted it again, my eyes meeting his.

    “Fuck,” he groaned.

    “I’m gonna cum,” I told him, my heart pounding.

    “Do it,” he said.

    I felt my stomach contort as my balls shot up into my body, muscles quaking as my cum shot into the condom. It fell odd feeling the cum pooling around my dick, especially as I tended to cum so much. I was afraid it would ooze out. I pulled out and removed the condom, almost half of it filled with cum.

    “So not only is your dick bigger,” Jay said, “but you cum bucket loads.”

    “Guess I’m just lucky,” I said.

    “What a waste for a pastor.”

    “A poz pastor,” I added. “Who just fucked his own brother.”

    “Imagine if Mom and Dad knew,” he said.

    “They can’t know.”

    “Obviously,” he said.

    I brought the condom up to my mouth and poured the contents back, swallowing my cum down.

    “I liked the fucking,” Jay said, “but I don’t understand what you like about tasting cum.”

    “Tastes good to me.” I crawled off the bed and stood back, admiring Jay. All I could think about was how Dominic would love to see us there, the smell of our sweaty bodies permeating the air. I grabbed my phone and brought it back to the bed.

    “What are you doing?” Jay asked.

    “Thought I’d send a picture to Dominic,” I said. “Is that alright?”

    “Fine by me,” he said.

    I took a picture of Jay and sent it, waiting for a response.

    “So, is your boyfriend big too?” he asked.

    “Ten inches,” I told him.

    “Not fucking fair,” he said.

    My phone buzzed.

    “Are you fucking serious?” Dominic shouted on the other end. “You fucked your brother?”

    “Sure did,” I said.

    “He let you poz him? Does he know?”

    “I wore a condom.”

    “Sorry to hear that.”

    “Listen, I’m not pozzing my brother.”

    “No, but you still fucked him.”

    “Yes, I did.”

    “You’re more twisted than I imagined,” Dominic said. “Any chance of bringing him home?”

    “I doubt it.”

    “Too bad.”

    “I’ve got to go.”

    “Have fun.”

    “Sounds like he liked what he saw,” Jay said.

    “More than you know?” I told him.

    “Want to go another round?” Jay asked. “I’ve got more condoms.”

    I smiled.

    We continued fucking. I kept wearing condoms, fearing that I would give my brother HIV. I understood now why Dominic refused to wear a condom. It felt unnatural. I missed feeling skin on skin, even if it was with my brother.

    On the third night, as I was fucking Jay, a knock on the door startled us.

    “Shit,” Jay whispered, pushing me off of him.

    I scrambled to collect myself, pulling covers over me and my tattoo. I looked down and saw the blanket tenting. I squashed my dick down, wincing at the pain.

    “Are you alright in there?” our mom called. “The door’s locked. We don’t allow locked doors in this house. You know that.”

    “I’m naked, Mom,” Jay shouted back, wiping lube from his ass. “Unless you want to barge in and see my dick.”

    “Language, Jay.”

    “What do you want, Mom?”

    “I was just seeing if you wanted some cookies.”

    “Mom, we’re grown men. We don’t want cookies.”

    “Sorry for asking,” she said, storming off.

    Jay and I exchanged glances, laughing at the near miss.

    “Still hard?” he asked.

    I pulled back the cover, revealing a slowly rising dick. “On my way up.”

    We quickly ran out of condoms, but Jay went out and bought more. As I slipped it on, there was something odd about it, something I couldn’t figure out.

    “What is it?” Jay asked. He was reaching down, shoving his own fingers into his ass. From all our fucking, his hole had opened up well. Still, he was really shoving his fingers deep inside.

    “Not sure,” I said. I slipped my dick inside him and started slowly pumping in and out. Again, something wasn’t right. I stopped.

    “Keep going,” Jay said.

    After a minute, I noticed that the unpleasant feeling of the condom was gone, replaced now by the feeling I was used to. I started to pull out, but Jay’s legs wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer until I was stretched out over him.

    “Feel good?” Jay asked.

    “Really good,” I told him. “I just hate the feeling of condoms.”

    “That’s why I got these new ones,” he said. “They feel like you’re wearing nothing at all.” His legs wrapped tighter. “Really fuck me. Fuck me hard.”

    “You’ve got it.” I started slamming hard into his ass, trying to hit his prostate while also making sure the bed wasn’t making too much noise. Though I knew I didn’t want to ever wear condoms again, I had to admit that the ones Jay bought were amazing. It felt as if I was fucking him bare.

    Jay jerked off his cock, but while he normally came first, he was slowing his strokes.

    “I’m gunna cum,” I told him, my sweat dripping off my body and onto his.

    “Do it,” he said, smiling.

    I made one final thrust, entering him as far as I could go, and then my heart dropped. The feeling I had felt over the past few days, the feeling of cum pooling around my dick, was missing. Instead, it felt as it had when I had fucked Dr. Wade. I looked down at Jay with wide eyes, mouth hung open, fearful.

    Jay only smiled, his legs pulling me tighter to his body. “My turn,” he said. He closed his eyes and jerked his cock one final time, his cum shooting out between us, hitting my chest and mixing into my chest hair, dripping down onto his body.

    As he gained his breath, I worked to pull myself from out of his legs’ hold. Pulling out my dick, I first saw the condom wrapped around the base of my shaft like a ring, and then the skin of my dick coated in blood and cum. The condom had broken.

    “Shit,” I said, looking at Jay’s ass. It was swollen with bits of blood and cum leaking out. “Oh, fuck. Shit. SHIT!”

    “Be quiet,” Jay hissed. “You’re going to wake everyone up.”

    “Jay,” I said, standing up on his bed, pointing my dick out to him. “The condom broke. It broke, and I didn’t know, and I… I just… I just came inside you.”

    Jay reached a hand down to his ass and touched his hole, his fingers rubbing the blood and cum around the swollen lips. “Yeah,” he said. “Feels like you did.”

    “Jay, we’ve got to do something,” I told him. “We’ve got to get you to a hospital. We’ve got to get you help.”

    “Why?” he asked.

    I stood there stunned. “Jay, have you completely forgotten what this is?” I pointed at my tattoo. “I’m poz. That means my cum is toxic. You’re bleeding.”

    “Yeah,” he said, looking at his fingers. “I know.”

    “I don’t understand,” I said, unaware of his calm tone as my stress intensified. “That didn’t happen with the other condoms. Why did these break? Were they cheaper?”

    “Yeah,” Jay said. “I wasn’t going to pay a ton of money for condoms I was going to poke holes in.”

    I stared down at my brother, his words sinking into my brain. “What?”

    “I poked holes in the condom,” Jay said. “I used one of Mom’s needles.”

    “Why would you do that?”

    “So it would break,” he said.

    “Why would you want it to break?” I demanded, my voice growing louder.

    “Because you wouldn’t fuck me unless you wore one,” he said. “Remember the first night you fucked me, you didn’t know how to put the condom on. I put it on you wrong at first on purpose. I wanted to see if I got a rush from knowing a bit of your precum was on the outside when you fucked me. It was just a little risk, but it was amazing.”

    I backed away from the bed, my head spinning. “You wanted me to poz you?”

    “Not exactly,” Jay said. “Look, you know I sleep around. And, yes, I bring condoms with me, but I don’t always use them. I like taking risks with sex. Sometimes, I like fucking a woman, knowing I could be impregnating her. She always knows I’m bare, but still. I like risks. When you told me you were poz, I just couldn’t go without having you fuck me at least once without a condom. I knew you wouldn’t if I asked you, so I tricked you.”

    “Do you understand what you’ve done?”

    “Yeah, I’ve taken a risk,” he said. “I’m a grown adult who makes his own choices. I like doing risky things. I’m allowed to. Besides, did you know that your boyfriend was poz when he fucked you?”

    I shook my head.

    “And you’re still with him,” Jay said. “Sounds risky to me. Actually, a pastor fucking anyone out of wedlock is risky, let alone a gay man. Seems like you like to take risks too.”

    I sat down on the bed, the fear which had been coursing through my body lessening.

    “What happens if you get sick?” I asked him.

    Jay shrugged. “That’s a part of the risk. If I do, then I’ll have a part of you as a part of me forever. Seems like a cool thing for brothers. Anyway, do you feel any different now than before?”

    I waited, thinking hard. “No,” I told him. “Converting sucked. Worst flu ever. If anything, I feel freer. I definitely feel hornier.”

    “Good news for me,” Jay said. “I love feeling horny.”

    “I know you do,” I said, a slight smile appearing.

    “I know you’re going to be mad at me,” Jay said. “I’m sorry. I don’t regret doing it. I don’t regret you fucking me for the last few nights. The best sex I’ve ever had has been with you.”

    I turned at looked at Jay, an overwhelming feeling of anger and love flowing through me. He reached out and pulled me face into a kiss. We went to sleep without talking, and when I woke up the next morning, I crept out of the room and went for a run. When I got back, I found that Jay’s things were gone.

    “Hey, Mom,” I said, coming down stairs. “Where’s Jay.”

    “He had to leave early,” she said. “He wanted me to let you know that he’s glad you two were able to get closer these past few days. He hopes you can get together and do it again soon.”

    “Yeah,” I said. “Maybe.”


    Alright, just to settle the discussion, I'll let you know what was in the chapter before I made changes. Originally, Will Fucked Jay several times, but he always wore a condom. They parted ways with nothing really happening. I decided to change this for a few reasons. 1. This site is called "Breeding Zone" which comes with some expectations. 2. Having Jay being a risk taker with sex answers why he had Will suck his dick. 3. This provides a way for Jay to return in a later chapter (maybe). Anyway, with all that said, I can assure you that what you're getting here is FAR superior to what I had before. 

    Also, thanks to those who messaged me with ideas. I can't promise I'll use everything, but I appreciate seeing what you think/want to have happen. Some of you have some REALLY twisted minds. 

    I also appreciate the love. I'm taken back by your comments supporting the story. I almost never posted.

    Now, no arguing. Just keep jerking off. 

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  6. Mr. Miller approached Brian and leaned in close to his ear. “Partial,” he said.

    Brian gasped, his body falling to the floor, hands reaching down to the weight around his balls. He tried taking the weight off, but he was unsuccessful. He looked up at Mr. Miller and Wesley.

    “It hurts,” he said.

    “It’s meant to,” Mr. Miller said. “If I’m going to extend your balls to an ungodly length, it’s going to bring you pain. But, remember, that’s why I have you. You’ll learn to crave pain. It’ll be the only way you get off.

    Brian’s hands stopped with the weight and instead felt around the cock cage. “When is this coming off?”

    “It’s never coming off,” Mr. Miller said. “If it does, it’s only after your dick has shrunk down to at least one inch.”

    Brian looked up at Mr. Miller, his face growing red. He jumped up and started toward him, but the sudden movement caused the scrotum weight to hit against his legs, bringing him back down to his knees.

    “You can’t hurt me, slave,” Mr. Miller said. “The brainwashing won’t allow you to. It also won’t allow you to run. You’re stuck here, doing what I tell you to do, so, if I were you, I’d learn to find some enjoyment in tonight’s fucking. Odds are, even with your good looks, you wouldn’t have gotten dick like this even if you’d begged. Speaking of which, everything that Master Wesley tells you to do, you will do without hesitation. That includes begging for his huge dick to tear your ass open. Understand?”

    Mr. Miller could see Brian trying to resist, but his will was already breaking down. “Yes, Master.” He finally said.

    “Master Wesley,” Mr. Miller said, “He’s all yours.” Mr. Miller walked away, leaving his slave with Wesley.

    “I love having men under my control,” Wesley told Brian, removing his clothing. “Having them completely under a trance is good, but I miss seeing them squirm and cry and plead for me to pull my thick, log-sized dick out of their asses. Looks like I get to listen to your cries all night. Isn’t that right?”

    “Yes, Master Wesley,” Brian said.

    “Good, slave. Now, get into that sling.”

    Brian stood up, the weight hitting into his legs, causing him to shudder from the pain. He didn’t stop, though, unable to resist Wesley’s command. He climbed up into the sling, his balls hanging down over his ass, the skin already red.

    “If you thought your master tore you up,” Wesley said, revealing his 11-inch dick, “you haven’t felt anything yet.”

    Mr. Miller went around the room, whispering the secret trigger words which would bring some of the slaves out of their trance states, leaving them incapable of running away or crying out for help. Instead, all they could do was cry out in either pain or passion as the room was filled with the sound of men fucking.

    “Do you hear that?” Wesley asked, grabbing a bottle of lube and rubbing it along his dick. “All those cries, your voice is about to be the loudest of the bunch.”

    “Please,” Brian said, his hands grasping the chains of the sling. “I don’t want it to hurt.”

    Wesley laughed. “When I fuck, it always hurts.” He lined his dick up with Brian’s hole, moving his weighted balls to the side, and shoved half of his dick inside.

    “FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!” Brian cried, back arching, head thrown back, mouth open in a scream of pain as the largest dick he had ever seen ripped his ass open wide. Already a bit of blood was leaking out of his ass, running down along the sling and dripping down on to the floor as Wesley started pumping inside the slave.

    “Scream louder,” Wesley growled, forcing more of himself inside Brian who was no longer screaming, his body in shock. His eyes were wide, searching for someone to help him.

    “I’d close that mouth unless you want a poz dick down your throat,” Wesley said. “In fact, I need someone to fuck this slave’s throat.”

    A slave of another master stepped forward, his dick in which there was a PA dangling between his legs, proving him to be large.

    “This slave is going to fuck your throat,” Wesley told Brian, reaching out and grabbing his face, directing his eyes into his own. “You won’t bite. You won’t turn away. You’ll gag, but you won’t puke. When he cums, it’ll shoot down your throat and into your stomach. Understand?”

    “Yes, Master Wesley,” Brian whimpered, his head tilting back once it was released. His eyes saw the other slave’s pierced dick and he started to grow even more afraid. Wouldn’t that metal ring hurt his throat? Feeling the dick in his ass, the weight on his balls, and with the knowledge that poz cum had been and was about to be shot deep into his body, he already knew his body was hurting and would only hurt more. It was as if these men were trying to break him down and break him open.

    “Open up wide,” Wesley said, shoving his dick into Brian’s ass hard, causing the young man to gasp just enough for the other slave to shove his dick inside his mouth.

    Brian had never had this big of a dick in his mouth. He found it difficult to breathe. He wanted to push the guy away from him, but Wesley’s command made it impossible to do so. He could feel the PA pushing to the back of his throat, and he wanted to gag. Soon, the other slave started thrusting his dick inside Brian’s mouth, entering his throat, the piercing cutting his insides and bruising his throat. Spit fell from his mouth and into his eyes, mixing with his tears. He couldn’t breathe, but that didn’t matter. All he had to do was be there for these men to fuck him.

    “That’s right,” Wesley said, pounding Brian’s ass while watching his throat grow each time the other slave shoved his dick inside. “Nothing like a good spit roast.” He reached down and grabbed Brian’s balls by the weight and pulled it up, holding onto his balls as if they were a safety strap on which to hold onto for dear life.

    Brian’s body shuddered with the sudden pain, his testicles crying out from the pain. What will happen to them, he wondered? Would his balls be ruined? If he managed to escape, would he ever be able to walk normally? If he married a man and they wanted kids, would his balls even be able to make sperm?

    Mr. Miller’s voice filled his mind. “You don’t want any of that,” the voice said. “You only want to extend your balls as far as they can go. You don’t want to escape or get married. You only want to stay with your master. You only need him. You exist to pleasure him and the men around you. This is your purpose. This is why you are here.”

    And though Brian knew this voice wasn’t his own, and even though he didn’t believe what the voice said, he found himself relaxing and enjoying the feeling of having his ass and throat filled beyond their breaking points. Once again, his will was breaking.

    Wesley had seen this before. He knew when a slave was starting to come around and be broken, not because they were made to but because their minds were starting to turn. The slaves knew they were being put into a trance, but the brainwashing went even deeper, changing their thoughts, their beliefs, their deep desires. Soon, Brian would stay with his master without needing to be told to. He’d think it was his choice, but Wesley knew better.

    “Lucky, fuck,” Wesley said, looking at Mr. Miller. “The man is a fucking artist.” He squeezed Brian’s balls, feeling their fragile state in his hands. He wanted to see the slave’s balls reach to his knees. Fuck, he wanted to see them reach his ankles if possible. The young man’s body was attractive, but Wesley knew their slaves were their canvases. Mr. Miller didn’t like covering his slave’s bodies with tattoos or piercings, but he did like to see them as perfect specimens. Clearly, the young slave’s perfection resided in his balls hanging like a pendulum.

    Mr. Miller watched as Matt’s ass was opened wider by Wesley’s slave. Mr. Miller hadn’t brought Matt out of his trance as much as he had down with Brian. Instead, he brought him into a state of misconception. Matt believe himself now to be a gay slut, needing every dick he could get. His inhibitions were down, making him hornier than ever. While Mr. Miller liked this version of Matt, it never lasted for more than a few hours, which is why he didn’t use it often. It was the once trance he hadn’t yet perfected. Besides, Mr. Miller liked the way Matt looked when he was under Mr. Miller’s total control. It was as if he were a robot. Watching him fuck Brian’s ass without any sign of enjoying it turned Mr. Miller on. He was simply a fuck machine, unaware of what he was doing and the pleasure to be found in it.

    “Fuck yeah,” Matt moaned, jerking his dick which was leaking precum. The other slave’s hands were twisting Matt’s nipples, eliciting grunts of pain and pleasure. “Fuck me harder. Knock me up. Make my ass drip with cum.”

    It was music to Mr. Miller’s ears.

    “Enjoying yourself?” Simon asked, coming to Mr. Miller’s side.

    “I always am,” he said.

    “Not to put a damper on your enjoyment,” Simon said, watching as Wesley grabbed Brian’s balls and pulled them to their extent, “but how exactly are you planning on making this work?”

    “What do you mean?”

    “With your new slave. Are you going to keep him in a trance forever?”

    “I won’t need to,” Mr. Miller said. “His will is breaking, even when he’s under my trance. Soon, he’ll want to be the poz slave that he is, serving me because he wants to.”

    “Because he thinks he wants to.”

    “Same thing,” Mr. Miller said. “He’ll call his parents and say something to keep their distance. By that point, he’ll be poz. I’m sure that will anger them enough to cut some of their ties. Then, he’ll work while I work. I get his money. He gets my dick. I fuck him until he’s only a husk. Everyone is happy.”

    “How long until he’s poz?”

    Mr. Miller watched as Wesley slammed his dick into Brian’s bloody hole. “Not long.”

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  7. 18 minutes ago, BootmanLA said:

    My advice (completely unsolicited): Don't make those changes. This is YOUR story to tell, and while you obviously want people to like it, unless you really think someone else's idea is a better fit for the characters and universe you've created, you don't "owe" them a story that is exactly to their liking.

    In other words - your writing and your instincts have already gotten you praise and attracted some following; you must be doing something right already! Just because one or two voices loudly urge you to include X in your plot - something that doesn't fit with the story you already have written out - does not mean (a) their judgment is better than yours or (b) they represent anything more than their own opinions. There may be 500 times as many people who read your story and approve of the path you've taken as there are people shouting for you to write the story they're too lazy to write themselves.

    I appreciate that.

    For me, I like seeing people react, and when I went back, I realized that not only did I think readers wouldn't like it, but I didn't like it either. I'm not changing the entire thing. The parts that follow don't change. Most of this next section stays the same. If anything, I think it makes Jay as a character make more sense in connection to knowingly have Will suck his dick. After I post, I may give you an idea as to what I had originally, and I think everyone will agree that it was a good change. 

    Overall, my instincts tell me that the changes are good. We'll see. 

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  8. Thanks for all the love for this story. I do read every comment.

    I'm rewriting the next chapter because, after having read your comments, I knew it wasn't what you'd want to read. Like I said before, I have over 100 pages written, so I make changes where I can to make you happy and to make sure you keep cumming. I am posting faster than I'm writing, so I'll hit a wall at some point, but I'm trying to write. More characters to come, both new and old faces.

    The new chapter will be up soon. I will warn you now that a condom does make an appearance, but you don't have to worry. Remember what site we're on. Keep reading. I think you'll be happy. 

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  9. I love the idea and love watching videos of guys sounding, but I've had issues with infections before, making me a bit afraid of trying. With my luck, I'd get an infection no matter how hard I try to make everything clean and safe. 

  10. In college, my roommate played on one of the sports teams, and he'd leave his gear in our room to smell up the place. I didn't find those smells to be a turn on as they burned the eyes rather than got me hard. It wasn't until he went away for a few days with some of his laundry in our room not done that I got the chance of smelling some of his used boxers. I spent every night with a pair over my nose, smelling the ass and licking the cum stains. I loved those days. I even cleaned myself up one of the nights after I came. He never knew that the underwear he was throwing into the washing machine later was full of my cum. He just thought it was his. 

  11. Part 9: Will discovers something BIG

    Arriving home brought about anxiety. For some reason, I believed my parents were going to be able to smell the gay on me, as if my breath would smell like the dick I’d been sucking. As I pulled into their driveway, I saw that my brothers had already arrived.

    I rang the bell, my mother greeting me.

    “You’re here!” she exclaimed.

    “Hi, Mom.”

    “How are you? You look good.”

    “I feel good,” I told her. There was no need to tell her that I was HIV positive and fucking a man almost twice a day. “Where is everyone?”

    “Your father is at church,” she said.


    “Now, Zack and Bridget are in his old room. Uncle Michael is in your old room. You and Jay will have to share.”

    “For a week?”

    “Just until Sunday. Uncle Michael leaves then.”

    “This is ridiculous.”

    “When you’re married, you can have a room all to yourself and your wife. Until then, you share with your brother.”

    “Fine,” I said. I went and got my bags, hiking them up to Jay’s old room. Posters of bands we hadn’t been allowed to listen to covered the walls. Though Zack and I had remained in our faith, Jay decided early on to live his own life by his own rules. He got flack about it from our parents, but he didn’t care. I guess I’m the black sheep now, I thought, dropping my bags on the floor.

    “I get the bed,” a voice said from behind. I turned and saw Jay standing in the doorway. While I shared a resemblance to our mother, Jay had our father’s features. He was a bit shorter than me, but his muscles were more pronounced. In many ways, he reminded me of Doctor Wade. Just the thought caused my dick to jump in my pants.

    “Why do you get the bed?” I asked.

    “Because it’s my bed,” he said.

    I already knew this was going to be a long week. I called Dominic every chance I got.

    “I feel so anxious here,” I told him. “I feel like I’m about to jump out a window.”

    “Do something to get your mind off of it,” he told me. “Jerk off a few times. That should help.”

    “The bathroom door doesn’t lock,” I told him. “And I’m sharing a room with Jay.”

    “Jay’s the one with the six inch dick, right? Shorter but ticker?”

    “Are you really going to talk about my brother’s dick right now?”

    “I’m trying to make you laugh. I know this is a stretch, but are there any adult video stores nearby?”


    “Adult video stores. You know, where you go to buy porn instead of looking it up on the internet. Go to one of those and jerk off.”

    “In what, their parking lot?”

    “They’ve got private rooms in the back,” he said. “Trust me. You’ll feel better after. Besides, sometimes there are gloryholes you can suck a dick through. Maybe sucking someone’s dick will help you calm down.”

    I hated to admit it, but the idea was growing on me, and not just because my dick was growing at the thought of sucking someone’s dick. I told my parents that I was going to drive around a bit, see some of my old stomping grounds, and that I would be back before dinner. I knew of one adult video store outside of town, far enough that if anyone saw me, they wouldn’t know who I was. When I got there, I went inside and looked around. There were aisles of porn DVDs and magazines. A sign in the back advertised private viewing booths.

    I went back and found one that was open, stepping inside and locking the door. There was a tiny tv and a slot for quarters, telling me I had to pay to watch. I guess that made sense, but Dominic hadn’t told me to bring quarters. Realizing I had wasted my time, I turned around and was about to leave when I saw the hole in the wall. I had seen enough porn to know a glory hole when I saw one. I knelt down and looked through, seeing a shadow pass the wall in the room next door. I moved my face closer, trying to see if it was a man or woman, when my answer was given to me. Immediately, a dick came popping through the hole, a bead of precum handing from the tip. Without hesitation, I grabbed the dick and licked the precum off the head, hearing a groan from the other side. Instantly the dick started to grow. It wasn’t huge. It was smaller than mine, but it looked beautiful as it pulsed in front of me, wishing for my mouth to return.

    I sucked the head and took the balls in my hands, massaging them, feeling their weight. They were hairy, a musky odor clinging to the skin. I breathed it in deep, relishing the smell. It wasn’t nearly as good as Dominic’s, but it was still incredible. I opened my mouth and took in as much of the dick as I could. Since sucking Dominic off, I had gotten better at holding off my gag reflex. Now, I could take a dick down my throat without a problem. I sucked slowly, allowing the intensity of the feeling to build. I could feel the heat radiating off the dick, more precum oozing out. It tasted so good. I started to move my mouth along the shaft, my hand replacing my mouth to keep the pressure going. After a few minutes, I could hear the man on the other side of the wall groan, his body pressing harder against the wall.

    “I’m… gonna… cum…” he moaned.

    As I opened my mouth, the voice of the man replayed in my head. That voice, it sounded familiar. I looked at the cock in my hand and did a quick calculation of its measurements. It was six inches. It was a thick cock, thicker than normal. The taste of the precum reminded me of the first time I had tasted my own. Can cum taste the same if it’s from the same family. As I realized who was standing on the opposite side of the wall, his cock throbbed and ropes of cum shot out, filling my mouth and covering my face.

    “Fuck, man,” the voice said, the spurts of cum subsiding, leaving me drenched. He pulled his dick back through the hole. “Thanks, dude. That felt fucking great.”

    I remained on my knees, listening as the door of the other room opened and closed. I wanted to look out and see his face, but there was no need. I knew it had been him. I sat in the chair in my booth, my face reflected in the television screen. Cum was dripping down my face, collected in my facial hair. Most of it was in my mouth. I tasted it, knowing it tasted like my own. Not knowing what to do, I swallowed Jay’s cum and sat in silence, wondering what I was going to do.

    “You’re sure it was him?” Dominic asked.

    “I’m positive,” I told him. After I left the adult video store, I called Dominic, telling him what had happened. “It was Jay. It was Jay’s dick. Oh my God. I just sucked my brother’s dick. I just swallowed my brother’s cum.”

    I waited for Dominic to say something.


    “I mean, it’s kinda hot,” he said.

    “Are you serious?”

    “I’m sorry, but it is. I grew up wanting to suck my brother’s dick. Then, when I realized I was bigger than him, I wanted him to suck my dick. I know you’re weirded out, but I can’t even begin to explain to you how turned on I am right now. Honestly, my dick is in my hand and I’m ready to blow.”

    “I have to share a room with him,” I said. “How am I supposed to look him in the eye after that?”

    “Look him in the eye, just don’t look directly at his dick.”

    “Be serious.”

    “Listen. You’re not going to get what you want from me. I’m jealous. I know a ton of guys who would love to suck their brother’s dick. And besides, didn’t you say he called you dude? That means he knew it was a guy on the other side. That means he likes guys sucking his dick. Maybe your brother is gay.”

    “And if he is,” I said, “he’ll see my tattoo and figure out that I’m poz.”

    “So what if he finds out?”

    “He’s not good at keeping secrets.”

    “He must be pretty good if you never knew he was getting his dick sucked by guys. I’m just saying don’t freak out. Up to the point that you discovered it was Jay, were you enjoying it?”

    I sighed. “Yes.”

    “Alright. Hold on to that. If I were you, I would be getting into his pants the second I could again. But, if that’s not an option, you’re just going to have to lay low. Don’t draw attention to yourself. Also, wear a t-shirt when you sleep so he doesn’t see your tattoo. Problem solved.”

    “I guess,” I said. When I returned home, everyone was back. We joined together for dinner, my mother placing Jay on the other side of the table from me. I tried to avoid eye contact with him, but I knew he saw me looking over a few times with a shameful glance.

    “How’s your church, Will?” my father asked.

    “Good,” I told him. “We’ve had several new members. I’ve actually become friends with one of them.”

    “A woman?” Zack asked.

    “A man,” I said.

    “Are you dating anyone?” my mother asked.

    “Not at the moment,” I told her.

    “You should really be trying to find someone,” my father told me. “People want to see their pastors married. You must be their example.”

    “If he doesn’t want to get married, he doesn’t have to get married,” Jay said. “I never want to get married.”

    “That’s because you're a dirty heathen,” Uncle Michael said.

    “That’s me,” Jay said, smiling. “Hell, table for one.”

    “If you don’t believe in God anymore, why are you here?” Zack asked. “Are you planning on making a spectacle of yourself?”

    “That’s an idea,” Jay said. “No. Regardless of what you think of me, I still love Dad even if I don’t love God. I’m here for him.”

    “How about we change the subject,” my mother said.

    Once dinner was over and a bit of television was watched, I went to Jay’s room and started getting ready for bed. I blew up an inflatable mattress and searched through my bags for clothes to sleep in.

    “What are those?” Jay asked.

    “Pajamas,” I said.

    “You’re a grown man,” he said. “Sleep in your underwear or sleep naked. That’s what I do. Besides, the central air is broken, and it’s almost eighty degrees in here. Maybe more.”

    “I’m fine,” I said. I went to the bathroom and changed, checking my white shirt to see if the tattoo was visible. It wasn’t. As I reentered Jay’s room, I found him standing by his bed completely naked. My eyes were drawn to his dick, the same dick which had been in my mouth only hours before.

    “See something you like?” he asked.

    I ignored him.

    “I don’t need to tell you just how much the ladies just love a thick cock. Oh, that’s right. You don’t know. You’re the last virgin in the house. Maybe on the planet. Well, let me tell you, they love it.”

    “I don’t care, Jay.”

    “They love it when I shove my tick dick into their tight pussies. I’m too much of a man for most of them. When it comes to their mouths, forget it. I break jaws.”

    “I said, that’s enough.”

    “Fine,” he said. “Jealousy is an ugly thing.”

    “Why would I be jealous of a dick that’s smaller than mine?” I said.

    There was silence.

    “First of all,” Jay said, “congrats on using the word ‘dick.’ Second, your dick is not bigger than mine.”

    “Yes, it is,” I said.



    “How big?”

    I turned to him. Jay was now standing next to my mattress, his dick waving above me, almost completely hard. For a moment, I wanted to reach out and touch it, to lick the head, to taste his precum.

    “You really want to know?”

    “I’m a little over six inches,” he said. “Over six inches around too. Seven even.”

    “Eight,” I told him.

    “No, I’m not eight around.”

    “No,” I said. “Eight inches. I’m eight inches.”

    Jay laughed. “No, you’re not.”

    “Yes, I am.”

    “Prove it.”


    “Prove it,” Jay said. He turned and went to his desk, opening a drawer where he dug inside before pulling out a measuring tape. What was with Dominic and Jay keeping measuring tape at the ready?

    “You kept Mom’s measuring tape in your room so you could measure yourself?” I asked.

    “So?” he said. He threw me the measuring tape. “Prove it.”

    I stared at him for several seconds before taking the measuring tape and pulling it beneath the covers.

    “No,” he said. “Out and proud. I want to see what you’re working with.”

    “Are you serious?”

    “If you’re going to tell me that you’re bigger than me, I want proof. I want to see it with my own eyes.”

    “I’m not hard.”

    “Then get hard,” he said. “You want me to pull up some porn on my phone? Is porn too extreme for you, Pastor Ryder?”

    My temper had reached its limit. I threw off my covers and stood up, standing in front of Jay. I pulled down my shorts and boxers, revealing my dick. For a brief moment, I saw a look of uncertainty on Jay’s face.

    “Jerk it,” he said.

    I reached down and started pulling at my cock. Seeing Jay standing in front of me naked helped the blood flow. Images of Dominic fucking me pushed me even further, my dick springing to life.

    “Fuck,” Jay said as I ran the measuring tape along my dick.

    “See. Eight inches. Actually, Eight and some change. I’m not as thick as you. Still only five inches. Congrats on girth. Are you happy now?” I threw the measuring tape at him and leaned down to pull up my boxers and shorts but stopped as Jay spoke.

    “Why were you at the adult video store today?”

    I froze. “What are you talking about?”

    “Your car. I saw it at the adult video store. Why?”

    “That wasn’t… I wasn’t… I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

    “I showed the guy at the counter a picture of you on my phone,” Jay said. “He said he saw you go back to one of the booths. He also said he saw you looking at the gay porn.”

    “I wasn’t looking at gay porn.”

    “But you were there?”

    I was silent.

    Jay stepped closer. “It was you, wasn’t it? In the other booth? You were the one that… that sucked my dick.”

    I couldn’t breathe. My heart was racing. He had known it was me. He had put his dick through the hole knowing it was me on the other side. He had wanted me to blow him. Why?

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  12. Part 8: Will gets a tattoo

    Dominic and I spent hours at his apartment watching porn. While I thought I had seen everything, it turned out that there was so much more to gay sex than I had ever known. We watched the video of me fucking Doctor Wade a few times, each time resulting in Dominic and I fucking our brains out. Though I bottomed most of the time, Dominic did take me back to his room where he laid down on his bed and lifted his legs, revealing his hairy hole.

    “Are you sure?” I asked.

    “I want to feel you unload in me,” he said. “From Doctor Wade’s comment, it sounds like you’re a real shooter.”

    We took a few hits of the poppers, Dominic giving me some lube he had stashed in his fridge.

    “It’s more poz cum,” he said.

    “Are you always collecting cum?” I asked.

    “Can’t let a good thing go to waste,” he told me. “There’s a group of guys I fuck with every once in a while who spend a whole night jerking off into a bowl. We split it up into bottles and take it home.”

    “And you have to be poz to go?”

    “That’s the requirement,” he said. “That, and you have to have a big dick.”

    “The next time you go,” I said, “can I come with you?”

    He smiled. “I wouldn’t want anyone else to come but you.”

    I lubed up and shoved my dick into his hole, watching as his eyes widened and his smile grew. “Fuck, is that what I feel like?”

    “That, plus two inches,” I said. I started pumping. I watched as Dominic fisted his dick, rubbing his thumb over his head, beads of precum oozing out. He collected the precum on his finger and held it out to me. I wrapped my lips around his fingers, tasting him. I had never tasted anything as good as him.

    “You’re a fucking natural,” Dominic said. “God, you dick feels amazing. I don’t think I even need to jerk off. I’ll come all on my own.”

    My pace quickened, shorter thrusts, rubbing his prostate in quick bursts. His body started shaking.

    “Fuck. Oh, fuck,” he said, his hand reaching out and grabbing my arms. “Oh, fuck me. Oh, God. I’m cumming. I’m cumming.” Ropes of cum shot out of his dick, hanging in the air before splattering down on his chest. I lost count of how many times he shot, but by the end, there was a pool of cum in his chest hair, leaking down his treasure trail, and collecting in his navel. The sight alone was enough to make me shoot.

    “Fuck, I’m cumming,” I moaned, my body shaking as the orgasm took hold of me. It felt even better than with Doctor Wade.

    “Are you still cumming?” Dominic asked, watching as my face continued to contort. “Fuck, Son. You are impressive.”

    “I learn from the best,” I said, catching my breath. “Shit.”


    “I need to piss.”

    “Go ahead.”

    I started to slip out of his hole when Dominic grabbed my arms, his legs moving down to my waste, pulling me back inside him. “What are you doing?”

    “I said, go ahead,” he repeated.

    “What, inside you?”

    He nodded.

    “I don’t… I don’t know if I can.”

    “You haven’t tried,” he said. “Go on. Fill me up.”

    With my dick still in his hole, I concentrated as hard as I could until I felt a stream of piss shoot out into his guts.

    “Fuck, yeah,” he moaned, his hands leaving my arms and resting on his stomach. He massaged the cum around, mixing with his hair. “I can feel it. It’s so warm.”

    I kept pissing until I had to strain to get anything else out. Carefully, I pulled out my dick, a tiny spurt of piss shooting back and running down my leg.

    Dominic sat up, his asshole clenched shut. His hands remained on his stomach. “Feels good,” he said.

    “I didn’t know you liked piss,” I told him.

    “Piss, yes. Shit, no. Even I have my limits. How about you?”

    “Not sure,” I told him. “I watched some videos while you were gone. It seemed kind of hot.”

    “Let’s see what you think, then. Come on.” He maneuvered off the bed, his hole still clutched tight to keep my piss inside. I followed him to the bathroom where he pulled back the shower curtain and motioned me inside. “Lay down,” he told me. I did as he said. “I’m going to push your piss out of my ass and back onto you. Got it?”

    I nodded.

    Dominic turned around and pulled his cheeks apart, his hole staring me straight down. After a moment, a stream of piss shot out of his hole, hitting my chest. It was warm, dribbling through my chest hair and down toward the drain. As the piss kept coming, I found myself leaning forward until it was only an inch from my chin. Before I knew it, my mouth was open and my piss was shooting out of Dominic’s ass and into my mouth.

    “Fuck,” Dominic said, looking back and watching as my mouth filled with piss.

    The taste was strong, but it found it didn’t repulse me as much as I thought it would. Once it became too much to hold, I let the piss fall out of my mouth and over my body. At this point, Dominic had emptied his ass, my cum dribbling out at the end.

    “How was that?”

    “Hot,” I told him. “Warm, I mean.”

    “And hot,” he added. “Did you like it?”

    “I kinda did,” I told him. I ran my hand over my chest, feeling the warm liquid over my skin. There was something intoxicating about doing something dirty, something I knew I would have recoiled at a few weeks before.

    “Now it’s my turn,” Dominic said, pointing his dick at my face. “I want you to take it in your mouth, and this time, try swallowing some.”

    “Is that safe?”

    “Perfectly,” he said. “It’s a good way to fill your stomach. Are you ready?”

    I nodded.

    A golden stream of piss shot out of his dick, splashing on my chin before entering my mouth. It was warm and the taste was even stronger than my own. Once I knew it was about to overflow, I swallowed. The taste was even more prevalent as it went down my throat. It wasn’t a flavor I liked, but knowing that it was coming from Dominic made the whole experience worth it. I continued to drink down his piss, swallowing four times before he was empty.

    “That’s a good pig,” he said, shaking his dick and splashing me with drops. He reached out and took my hand, pulling me up. He stepped inside the shower and held me close, his mouth meeting mine. We kissed for what felt like forever. We took a shower, Dominic sticking his dick in me and pumping out a load so that we were both even. As we went to bed, he asked me a question. “Did you give any more thought to getting a tattoo?”

    “I did,” I told him. “I want to do it.”


    “Yeah,” I said. “I want something that marks me as poz. I know I can’t let everyone know, but having something on me that shows who I am, what is in me, feels right. That way, when I’m not here with you, I can look at it and know that you’re still a part of me.”

    Dominic smiled and pulled me close, kissing me. “How about tomorrow? You come with me to work and we’ll do it then. I’ve got something I need to do tomorrow too. We’ll do it together.”

    “Absolutely,” I said.

    I’d never set foot in a tattoo parlor before, now, here I was, walking into the tattoo parlor owned by the man who pozzed me, ready to get a biohazard symbol on my body.

    Dominic took me back to a private room so no one would see us. He wanted this experience to be private, intimate. That was fine by me as I was starting to feel nervous. I watched as Dominic started to prepare the tattoo gun, my interest peeked as he went about his usual business.

    “Pretty cool, right,” he said.

    “A lot cooler than you watching me do my job,” I said.

    “I like watching you,” he told me. “It’s hot seeing you stand in front of everyone, commanding respect.”

    I never thought of my job as being hot. Knowing I had this secret while everyone around me saw Pastor Ryder instead was hot. Just thinking about I started to get a boner. Seeing Dominic handle the tools of his trade made my boner even more pronounced. It didn’t go unnoticed.

    “Looks like someone’s excited,” he said. “Now, where did you want the tattoo?”

    “I don’t know,” I told him. “You’re the expert.”

    “How visible do you want it?” he asked. “On your arm, anyone can see it. On your bicep, only a few people can see it. On your chest, you can only see it when your shirtless, obviously. Mine, you can only see if my shirt and pants are off. On your ass, you can only see it if your naked or wearing a jock. We could always tattoo it on your dick.”

    “No,” I told him. “Not on my dick.”

    “So, where?”

    “Well,” I said. “I want it somewhere I can see it.”

    “So, not on your back.”

    “I don’t want it on my arm. I wear short sleeves at church.”

    “Not that anyone there would know what it means.”

    “They can Google.”

    “How about where mine is?”

    “Too close to my dick,” I told him. “How about on my chest?”

    “People will see it when your shirtless.”

    “Not many people see me shirtless.”

    “How about at the gym?”

    “I like showering at home.”

    “You’re missing some good fucks at the gym,” Dominic said. “Guys in the know like to see the symbol.”

    “I want it on my chest, right over my heart. That way I can see it. That way, when you fuck me, you can see it too.”

    “Sounds good,” he said. “You’ll need to shave your chest.”

    “All of it?”

    “Just where the tattoo will go. I’ve got some razors in that drawer along with shaving cream. Go into the bathroom and come back when you’re done.”

    I went to the bathroom and started shaving. I’d never shaved my chest before. Once hair started growing while I was in high school, I felt like a real man. I knew it would grow back, but I hated shaving it off. The tattoo would be seen underneath in the end. As I shaved, I felt my heart pounding beneath. Was I really going through with this? Too late to think about going too far, I realized, knowing poz cum was currently brewing in my balls. This was a minor step toward identifying as a poz man.

    I returned to Dominic, finding him in the process of tattooing himself. “What are you doing?” I asked.

    “Adding my fiftieth line,” he said, showing me his arm. Where there had been only four tally marks, there were now five, ten sets complete. “This one’s for you.”

    Looking at all the lines, I thought of all the men he had fucked, all the men he had converted. Was I just another one, marked on his arm and soon forgotten? What happened to all those men? Doctor Wade I had met, but what about the other forty-eight?

    “I know what you’re thinking,” he said.

    “I’m not thinking anything,” I told him.

    “You’re worried that you’ll become just another mark. You’re worried that I go through men like they’re nothing to me. That isn’t true. Yes, some of them were just quick fucks. Others wanted to be poz. I don’t connect to people as well as you might think. With you, with you it’s different. The sex is hotter, sure, but you’re a good man. I want to be around you. I want you always close to me. If it was possible for you to be the one to poz me, I’d do it. I’d want a part of you in me forever. Do you understand?”

    I nodded. I climbed into the chair and sat back, watching as Dominic readied the tattoo gun. He placed the stencil on my chest and transferred the ink. I looked down at the symbol, watching it as it pulsed above the beating of my heart. I wanted this. I didn’t turn away the entire time. I watched as the ink was injected beneath the skin. I felt calm feeling Dominic’s hand on my chest. After a few hours, he was finished. I left the chair and looked in the mirror, seeing myself, but different. Now, a black biohazard symbol adorned my chest. In the center were the initials D.M.

    “So that you’ll never forget the man who claimed you first,” Dominic said.

    “How could I forget?” I asked.

    “You’ll need to take care of the tattoo. You’ll moisturize the spot, keeping it clean. Don’t worry. The hair will grow back.” His smile widened. “Fuck, you’re hot.” His hands ran down my body, reaching my pants. He unbuckled them and slipped them off, moving me back to the chair. I pulled off my boxers, watching as he pulled down his pants, his dick flopping out. “Ready to continue earning that mark?”

    “Yes, Sir.” I spread my legs, opening my hole.

    “We’ve got no poppers,” Dominic said. “You’ll feel all of this.” He spit in his hand and rubbed it on his dick. He spit again and rubbed it on my hole. “Looks like your hole is already getting bigger. Clearly, we’ve been fucking a lot.”

    “Not possible,” I said.

    “Let’s test that theory,” he said, shoving his dick in my ass.

    It still hurt, but the pain turned to pleasure immediately. His thrusts started slow and then intensified. His eyes were focused on my chest.

    “Your chest was a good choice,” he said. He leaned down and bit my nipple, causing me to rise off the chair. “You sure you don’t want to pierce your dick?”

    “I won’t say never,” I groaned, catching my breath. “But not today.”

    In no time, Dominic blew his load in my ass, my load shooting up and catching in his chest hair. He almost fell forward, stopping himself.

    “We can’t get cum on your tattoo. We don’t want it to get infected.”

    “I’m already infected,” I told him, smiling, nodding to the tattoo. “Remember?”

    “I’ll never forget,” he said. “Let’s get cleaned up and head home. We can fuck there.”

    “Sounds good to me,” I said.

    My chest hair grew back, the tattoo still visible underneath the hair. From a distance, it was hard to see, but that made being shirtless a bit easier should someone see me. Several weeks went by, Dominic and I continuing to fuck whenever we could. There came a Sunday after church where we fucked in my office, and we were almost caught by Pastor Kline.

    As we dressed, Dominic said, “Have you ever wondered about Pastor Kline?”

    “What about him?” I asked.

    “He’s a good looking man.”

    “I guess,” I said. “To be honest, I think he looks a bit like my dad.”

    “Still hot,” he said. “Actually, I think he might be in the closet.”

    I turned to Dominic, surprised. “What? Pastor Kline? No. He’s married.”

    “Wouldn’t be the first time a gay man had a beard,” he said. “I think he’s hiding something.”

    I shook my head. “Just because you were right about me, doesn’t mean you’re always right.”

    “I’ve got a good track record,” he said, showing me the tally marks on his arm. “Ten of these were married men with a secret. In the end, I gave them a secret too big to conceal. Actually, two of them are together now, spreading their seed in New York.”

    “Don’t try anything,” I told him, “especially while I’m gone.”

    I was traveling back home to see my parents. My father was retiring, and they wanted me there for his party. Dominic couldn’t come with me unless we wanted to raise suspicions.

    “I'll only be gone for a week,” I told him. “I’m leaving tomorrow. I’ll be there Sunday. I’ll be back two days later. It’ll be fine. Just stay out of trouble.”

    “Will do,” he said.


    As of now, we're about 48 pages into the story. I've got a total of 100 pages (and counting) written, but I'm not sure if I'll upload everything. We'll see what happens. I have no conclusion in mind, meaning almost everyone could be toxic by the end. 

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  13. Part 7: Will Meets Dr. Wade

    I spent my day doing something I had never done before. I sought out as much gay porn as I could find. Sure, I had seen straight porn before. At one point, I had fantasized about eating a woman’s pussy and even impregnating a woman. Now, all I wanted was to suck a dick and have Dominic impregnate me. My searching took me down the rabbit hole. I saw everything. There was a great deal that I knew I would never try, but there were other videos I found myself surprisingly turned on by. I watched as one man peed into another man’s mouth, and I found my cock rising to life. Never had I thought about putting my mouth anywhere near urine. Even when I got some on my hand when using the bathroom I freaked out. I saw men sticking metal rods into their dicks, something they called sounding. It looked like a UTI waiting to happen, but it also looked hot. All the while, I watched the tops and bottoms, wondering what it would be like to fuck someone like Dominic does. I still hadn’t fucked anyone with my dick. I’d jerked it off and had it sucked by Dom, but that was it. Would Dominic let me fuck him, I wondered. I’d never thought about my role before. For Dominic, I was a bottom, but would I always be a bottom with him? Would I be a bottom with everyone? Would there be other people other than Dominic? There was so much I still didn’t know.

    Once I had masturbated six times, my loads thinner with each jerk off, I stumbled out to the kitchen to get some more water. I wore nothing but the dirty jock strap which I had been using to collect the loads. It was soaked through and showed all manner of stains. I was excited to wear it to the gym for the first time, adding my sweat to the mix. I already knew Dominic’s essence was infused within the fabric. It would be my turn soon.

    There was a knock on the door. I checked the time and realized how late it was. Dominic didn’t have a key, and the spare he had used was in the kitchen where he left it all those days ago. He’d need to keep it until I had one made. Feeling a bit sexy as I stood in just a jock, I sauntered to the door, ready to greet the man who would be fucking my brains out.

    Instead, I found Pastor Kline. He stood holding a container of soup which he nearly dropped upon seeing me almost completely naked.

    “Will,” he gasped.

    “Mark,” I said, ducking back behind the door. “I’m so sorry. I thought… well… I wasn’t thinking. My brains in a bit of a haze. You know I wouldn’t open my door like this normally.”

    “Of course,” he said. He craned his neck, eyes looking for what was behind the door. “How are you feeling?”

    “Better,” I told him. “I should be good enough to be back this Sunday.”

    “Don’t rush yourself,” he said, his eyes still distracted. “We’d hate to have you falling over in the lobby as you greeted everyone.”

    “I feel so much better. I’ll most definitely be back.”

    “That’s great to hear,” he said. “This is for you. My wife thought you’d like some soup. It always does the trick for me.”

    “Thanks,” I said, taking the soup.

    “Do you know what it was?” he asked.

    “Not yet,” I told him. “Could just be a bug.”

    “Could be,” he said.

    “Maybe food poisoning,” I added, seeing behind him Dominic coming down the hall. “Uh…”

    Pastor Kline turned, spotting Dominic.

    “Mr. Moore? This is a surprise.”

    “Yes,” Dominic said, his pace slowing. “It is.”

    “What are you doing here?”

    “Uh, well…”

    “He brought me some food the other day,” I lied. “You see, we were supposed to have a meeting on Tuesday, but because I didn’t feel well, I canceled. He felt bad for me and brought me food so I didn’t starve.”

    “Great minds think alike,” Pastor Kline said.

    “I told you, Dominic, that I could bring the containers to church with me Sunday,” I said, trying to act cool. “You didn’t have to come all this way.”

    “Well, I thought I’d just check in since I was in the neighborhood.”

    “Isn’t that nice,” Pastor Kline said. “Seeing someone who has only started to become a part of our family already making connections.”

    “Great connections,” Dominic said, passing me a quick wink.

    “Well, thank you, Pastor Kline,” I said, pulling the container of soup into my apartment. “I’ll see you Sunday.”

    “Sounds good, Will,” he said, leaving my door. He watched as Dominic continued forward.

    Dominic and I mimed a conversation until Pastor Kline was out of sight.

    “That could have been bad,” Dominic said.

    “I thought he was you,” I said.

    “We don’t look alike,” he said. “I mean, he’s good looking and all…”

    “I answered the door like this,” I said, stepping out to show him the lone jock strap.

    “Fuck,” he said, smiling. “How much did he see?”

    “Everything,” I told him. “I lied and said I just wasn’t thinking clearly.”

    “That explains why he was so stunned.”

    “I’ve got to be careful,” I told him.

    Dominic followed me inside. “I was able to get you an appointment Sunday,” he told me as I placed the soup in the fridge. “After church, of course.”

    “What appointment?”

    “To see if you’re poz,” he said.

    “But I have the fuck flu,” I reminded him.

    “Still, we need to make sure.”

    “Wait,” I said. “I just said I didn’t want anyone to find out. How am I supposed to go to a doctor without everyone finding out? Everyone around here knows the church. They’ll recognize me. Everyone will find out.”

    “I got you an appointment with my doctor,” he said.

    “On a Sunday?”

    “He owes me a favor,” Dominic told me.

    “What kind of favor?”

    “I pozzed him,” he said. “See, this one’s him.” He pointed out one of the tally marks on his arm.

    “You pozzed your doctor?”

    “I pozzed him before he was my doctor,” Dominic said. “We met online. He was a chaser and wanted to get pozzed. I offered my services. After he told me he was a doctor, I figured it was better to have not only a gay doctor as a friend but also one that understands all the kinks guys like us enjoy. He won’t tell anyone.”

    “If you’re sure,” I said. “Alright. After church.”

    Dominic and I fucked several times before Sunday, even sneaking one in before church. We arrived in different cars so no one would suspect us. As I stood in the lobby greeting everyone, I shook his hand just as I did with everyone. Everyone looked at me like the good man they all wanted their sons to become as they got older. Little did they know that the mouth that was greeting them had been sucking a dick only an hour before, poz cum running down my throat and into my stomach.

    We got to the doctor’s office to find only one vehicle in the parking lot. Their sign said they were closed, but Dominic said a door in the back had been left unlocked for us. He guided me inside and into an exam room in which a man was sitting.

    “Dom,” he said, standing and shaking hands. “How are you?”

    “I’m good,” he said. “The business is doing well.”

    “I hope so,” he said. “I’m hoping to get in soon for another tattoo. And who is this?”

    “Sorry. This is Will. Will, this is Doctor Wade.”

    Doctor Wade was shorter than Dominic and I, but his body was muscular, showing that he spent a good amount of time working out. His grip nearly crushed my hand. He was handsome, blonde hair which was styled perfectly. His eyes were a pure blue.

    “It’s good to meet you, Will,” he said. “And don’t worry, Dominic already told me all about you being worried that I’d tell people about you. Don’t worry. I’m the picture of discretion.”

    “Thanks,” I said.

    “We better get started,” he said. “I’m going to be taking some blood samples from you. If you could just strip down.”

    Dominic took a seat as I removed my clothes. Once I got down to the jock strap, Doctor Wade stretched out a hand, waving for me to hand over the jock.

    “This thing has seen some action,” he said. “Do you mind?”

    “No,” I said, not knowing what he meant.

    Doctor Wade lifted the jock to his nose and breathed deep. Seeing this man inhale my cum along with every other odor helped shoot my dick straight up.

    “There’s nothing better,” he said, placing the jock down on one of the open chairs. “Looks like Dom has found himself a hung bottom.” He went to the counter and opened a drawer, extracting a short measuring tape. He ran it along my dick. “Eight inches. You tear up holes too?”

    “No,” I said.

    “Not yet,” Dominic added.

    Doctor Wade sat on a stool and examined my dick, moving down to my balls. “Not just a big dick. You’ve got large testicles. Is your dad this big?”

    “I’m not sure,” I said. “I’ve never seen him naked.”

    “You’re a genetics jackpot,” he said. “Brothers?”

    “Two,” I said.

    “How about them?”

    “Jay’s dick is smaller,” I said. “His is thicker, though. Zack’s is the same size as me.”

    “This is a family I’d like to meet,” Doctor Wade said. “Hop on the table and I’ll start getting samples.”

    Dominic watched as Doctor Wade collected his samples. Once they were taken, Doctor Wade left us in the room while he started the tests.

    “How do you feel?” Dominic asked.

    “A little nervous,” I said. “I don’t know why. I already know I’m poz.”

    “This’ll be the proof,” Dominic said. His hand had started rubbing his dick through his pants.

    As I watched, my own dick started to harden, standing at attention once more. I started running my hand along my shaft, a bead of precum collecting at the top.

    “We’ll have your results in a few minutes,” Doctor Wade said as he entered the room. He looked at Dominic and me, a smile filling his face. “You know, it’s been a while since I’ve been fucked. Are there any takers?”

    “How about Will?” Dominic suggested.

    “Me?” I asked. “But, I haven’t fucked anyone before.”

    “Then I’ll be your happy first,” Doctor Wade said. He was already unbuttoning his shirt, revealing a ripped chest beneath. He was hairless, his muscles clearly seen. As he removed his pants, I took the time to notice the tattoos on his body. There was a tribal tattoo on his shoulder while a scorpion tattoo was on his right peck. With his pants removed, he slipped out of his underwear, revealing a six inch dick which looked to be the same thickness of a soda can. He’d easily tear someone open from just his girth. Above his dick were the words, “Demon Dick” in cursive. “Let’s switch places,” he said.

    I climbed off the table, Doctor Wade taking my place. In his hand he held a bottle of lube and a popper vial. He squirted some of the lube in his hand and reached down to his ass, slathering his hole. He gave me the lube as he started taking hits off the poppers. I squirted some lube on my dick and made sure I was covered.

    “Fuck,” Doctor Wade said, finishing his hits. “Want some?”

    “Sure,” I said, taking the poppers. I inhaled, feeling the world spin and my body heat up.

    “Shove that huge dick inside me,” Doctor Wade said, spreading his cheeks.

    I’d never seen an asshole before. It looked so small. I couldn’t imagine anything fitting in there. I turned back to Dominic who was watching with interest. He nodded to me, his eyes directed to Doctor Wade’s hole. I tried to remember how Dominic had fucked me. I lined my dick up with Doctor Wade’s hole and slowly started to push inside, feeling slight resistance.

    “You’ll have to push harder than that,” Dominic said.

    “You can’t break me,” Doctor Wade told me. “Shove your cock into my hole. Give me your strain.”

    I did as I was told and shoved hard, my dick disappearing inside.

    Doctor Wade cried out, his hands tightening their grip on his ass. “Fuck, you’re huge!”

    “Are you alright?” I asked him.

    “Fuck, yeah I am,” he growled. “Come on. Fuck the shit out of me.”

    I pushed the remainder of my dick inside until my pubes met his ass. A wave of pleasure and warmth washed over me, my dick never feeling anything like it. I’d thought my hand could do the job. Turns out I had been wrong. Nothing felt like this. I pulled out slow and then pushed back in, trying to remember how I had seen them doing it in porn. I was clumsy at first, Dominic and Doctor Wade giving me orders. Soon, I was fucking Doctor Wade’s ass without a problem.

    “Fuck, you’re tearing me open,” he groaned. “I can feel you in my chest.”

    “Fuck, really?” I asked, wiping beads of sweat from my forehead. I could feel myself getting close. I looked back at Dominic and found him holding up his phone, recording us.

    “What are you doing, Will?” Dominic asked?

    “I’m fucking Doctor Wade,” I said, keeping my rhythm up.

    “And is this your first time fucking someone with your dick?”

    “Yes,” I said.

    “And what kind of cum are you going to shoot?”

    “Poz cum.”

    “And who pozzed you?”

    “You did, Daddy.”

    “And who else did I poz?”

    “You pozzed Doctor Wade.”

    “And now you’re giving him another round of poz cum?”

    “Yes, Daddy.”

    “Are you going to shoot?” Doctor Wade called, his hand jerking off his own dick. “I’m ready to cum.”

    “Almost,” I said, my thrusts quicker.

    “Fucking shoot in my hole,” Doctor Wade said. “Knock me up with your babies. Give me your poz cum. Infect me again.”

    “I’m infecting you with my poz cum.”

    “Do it. Shoot in me. Fuck, I’m cumming. I’m cumming!”

    Doctor Wade’s hole tightened around my dick, pulling me further inside him as ropes of cum shot out of his dick, splattering his face, chest, and abs. From his spasms my body shot into overdrive.

    “I’m cumming,” I cried, closing my eyes as the most powerful orgasm shook my body. My cock wouldn’t stop shooting into his ass, my cum flowing out of me like a faucet. I held onto Doctor Wade’s legs for support, my body shaking.

    “Fuck, it just keeps coming,” Doctor Wade said, looking down at me as my body continued to squirt more of my cum inside him. “You should have been a sperm donor.”

    “He’ll be donating his sperm,” Dominic said with a wicked smile. “It’ll be a little different than that, though.”

    Once my orgasm had ended, my cock slipped out of Doctor Wade’s ass, a drop of cum hanging from the head. Looking down, I realized I was seeing my cock for the first time being used as it was meant to be used. Doctor Wade climbed down from the table and handed me some wipes to clean myself up. He didn’t clean himself up, though. Instead, he left the room with my cum dripping out of his ass and his cum dripping down his body.

    “What’ll you do with that?” I asked Dominic, pointing at his phone.

    “I’m going to keep it so we can watch later,” he said. “Don’t worry. It won’t go online.”

    As I finished cleaning myself, I realized that there was a part of me that didn’t care if it was put online. There was a part of me that wanted other men to see me fucking someone like Doctor Wade. I wanted people to know that I had a huge dick and could keep cumming for what felt like an eternity. I wanted people to know.

    “Well,” Doctor Wade said, reentering the room. “I’ve got the results right here.”

    “And?” Dominic and I asked.

    “Congratulations,” Doctor Wade told us. “You’re positive. You’ve officially joined the brotherhood.”

    I turned to Dominic who was sporting the biggest smile I had ever seen anyone wear. He grabbed me and pulled me into a hug, holding my naked body close.

    “I’m so proud,” he whispered, kissing my cheek. “Now, you’ll have a piece of me with you forever.”

    “I’m yours forever,” I whispered back, meaning it.

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    Brian’s face fell, the trance taking over. His body relaxed, breathing slowed. Cum was dripping out of his pussy, quickly caught in the thermos. Mr. Miller shoved the butt plug back inside and took the thermos, handing it to Matt.

    “Drink this,” he said. “When you’re done, undue the restraints and bring him upstairs. We’re going on a trip.”

    “Yes, Master.”

    Mr. Miller collected the gym clothes into the duffle bag and went upstairs, dressing himself. He took his phone and went through his contacts, finding the name The Director.

    “Hello,” a voice said over the phone.

    “We’re on our way,” Mr. Miller said. “Get everything ready. Make sure everyone is there.”

    “Yes, sir.”

    Mr. Miller packed the duffle bag into his car, removing two jockstraps and two shirts. “Put these on,” he told Matt and Brian as they entered out of the basement. “While I like the idea of traveling with two naked slaves in my car, it wouldn’t do for people to take notice of you.”

    Both Brian and Matt pulled on the shirts and jockstraps and climbed into the backseat of the car.

    Mr. Miller drove for an hour before he drove into an alley on the side of an old brick building. He pulled the car into a garage in which other cars were already parked.

    “Matt, get the duffle bag out of the trunk,” Mr. Miler said. “Slave, you will walk directly behind me and not say a word. Matt, you will follow last. Understood?”

    Both Brian and Matt said, “Yes, Master.”


    Mr. Miller had walked through the building many times before, knowing where he was headed. He had brought many slaves to this building over the years, several leaving with new masters by the next day. He glanced back at Brian and Matt and wondered if either wouldn’t be leaving with him by the time he left. He couldn’t imagine leaving without Brian seeing as there was so much more he needed to do before his new slave was broken in. Brian still hadn’t been tested yet to see if Mr. Miller’s strain had taken hold of his slave, though he knew it would after several days. Mr. Miller knew he wouldn’t keep Matt forever, though he didn’t know when he would assign him a new master. There was a man in Florida who wanted Matt, to add him to his growing number of slaves. The man even went as far as removing the genitals of his slaves, leaving their pussies as their only form of pleasure. Mr. Miller liked Matt’s cock, but it wouldn’t be up to him in the end. As of now, however, Mr. Miller didn’t know if he wanted to part with Matt yet.

    They entered a hall in which a man stood at the end, guarding a door. He was wearing leather shorts and a leather vest, his hairy chest and stomach sticking out. The lights in the hall gleamed off his gray hair and highlighted his bulge which was significant. Mr. Miller knew this man well. He had once been a respected business man, married with kids, but Mr. Miller had been paid by the man’s neighbor to hypnotize him, making him a leather slut. It had almost been too easy. The man had been closeted, making the brainwashing easy. His wife took the kids and ran off with someone she worked with. In the end, everything worked out for the best. The man remembered little from his life before becoming his neighbor’s leather slave. Memories often had a way of diminishing over time.

    “Hello, Sir,” the leather man said, bowing his head.

    “Is everyone here?” Mr. Miller asked.

    “Yes, Sir. They wait for you inside.”

    “Good. Before we leave, I plan on fucking you at least once. Do you understand?”

    “Yes, Sir. My pussy is all yours to fill.” He stepped aside, opening the door, allowing Mr. Miller and his slaves into a large room in which a warm light glowed. In the room there were several slings hanging from the ceiling along with ropes on which wrist restraints were attached. There were crosses on which leather straps were attached. Holes were built into the side of one wall, just large enough for a man to fit inside, his ass and legs hanging out, giving other men access to their holes. There were plastic bins around the room in which sex toys were piled along with gags, butt plugs, rubber suits, leather suits, cock cages, rods for sounding, and every other item a master could want to use on their slave. There was even a corner in which there was a station set up for piercings and tattoos.

    Mr. Miller had spent years constructing this getaway for masters and their slaves. A friend of his kept watch over the facility, known to everyone as The Director. To Mr. Miller, he was Simon Key, the first man he had ever converted. Now, Mr. Miller sent men on occasion to Simon to work as escorts, erasing their minds until all they could think about was cock and cum. Mr. Miller could see that several of Simon’s recent escorts were in attendance along with several other men filling the room. It was easy to tell the slaves from the masters. Masters wore whatever they wanted, whether suits, leather gear, sometimes redneck getups if that’s what they were into. All the slaves were required to attend naked, a requirement Mr. Miller appreciated.

    “Matt and Slave, remove your clothing.”

    “Yes, Master,” they both said, removing their shirts and jockstraps.

    There were six other Masters in the room, all of whom Mr. Miller knew well. He created their mind control programs, keeping them well stocked in whatever type of man they wanted. Mr. Miller noticed Wesley Anderson, a tall, muscular man who wore a suit and was flanked by five naked men. Mr. Miller knew Wesley’s type. He only ever went after married men. Wesley was also a lawyer, often representing the wives of the men he had taken control over, making sure the wives walked away with everything, making the men dependent on him. Once they were, he had them branded on their chests with his initials, thinking of them as cattle. Wesley was a dirty fucker, and Mr. Miller liked him. Perhaps he’ll take a liking to Matt, Mr. Miller thought. He could represent Matt’s wife when the time comes.

    “Welcome, gentlemen,” Simon Key said, entering the center of the room. “All of you know why we’re here. Each of you is experienced, having come to this gathering several times before. I’d like to extend our gratitude to Mr. Miller, our leader and supplier of content.”

    The six men applauded.

    “Happy to do my part,” Mr. Miller said.

    “And I believe,” Simon continued, “that each of us along with several other men were fortunate enough to watch the stream of your new accomplishment.” He motioned to Brian who remained unmoved to the attention. “Out of all your students, I think this one is by far our favorite.”

    “Thank you,” Mr. Miller said, looking back at Brian. “My slave has only just been broken in over the weekend. My other slave, Matt, and I spent the day torturing him today. I look forward to each of you contributing your toxic loads and that of your slaves as well.”

    “I’m ready when you are,” another Master said, reaching down and grabbing his crotch. The man was wearing a leather jockstrap which had thick pubes sticking out at all angles. “It’s been a while since I’ve fucked anything that young.”

    “You’ll get the chance,” Simon said.

    “I am training him for testicle torture,” Mr. Miller said. He came to Brian’s side and kneeled down, wrapping his fist around the young man’s scrotum and pulling down, showing his already low hanging balls. “I’ll be working on extending his balls and scrotum down to below his knees.”

    “Is that possible,” another Master asked.

    “We’ll find out,” Mr. Miller told him. “Though my other slave I will part with eventually,” he continued, motioning to Matt, “I plan on keeping this slave for myself.”

    “Keeping all the good pussy for yourself,” a third Master called.

    “If that were so, I wouldn’t have brought him here,” Mr. Miller told them.

    “I brought a scrotum weight if you want to use it,” Wesley said. “I’d love to fuck him with it on, watching his balls pulled down to the ground, hitting against the sling as I fuck his brains out.”

    “And with that,” Mr. Miller said, “I believe Wesley has just solidified himself as the first to fuck my slave.”

    The men around the room groaned in jealousy.

    “Instead of talking about fucking, why don’t we simply start,” Simon told them. “For some of you, I know you have newly toxic slaves, so we will be performing biohazard tattoos later in the evening. I’m also meant to tell you that George Truss, a Master from Ohio, will be streaming the castration of one of his slaves this weekend. If you wish to watch, let me know so I can send you the link. Anything else?”

    The men were silent.

    “Alright then, gents. Time to start fucking.”

    The men dispersed, the Masters checking out the bins full of toys and equipment before directing their slaves.

    Mr. Miller approached Wesley, Matt and Brian following behind.

    “It’s good to see you, Wesley,” Mr. Miller said, shaking the man’s large hand. Mr. Miller knew that the rest of Wesley’s body was equally as large, his dick nearly eleven inches long, by the far the biggest cock in the group. They had once brainwashed a man with a dick over a foot long, but his Master wanted him only for a bottom, so he had the man’s dick surgically modified, leaving him with a two inch penis. It was no surprise that the men Mr. Miller knew were depraved.

    “I’m happy to be here,” Wesley said, eyeing Brian. “I came hard watching you put this one under your trance. You make it an art form.”

    “I do my best,” Mr. Miller said. “Would you mind if I have one of your slaves fuck Matt.”

    “That’s right,” Wesley said. “A returning favorite. A married man if I remember correctly.”

    “That he is.”

    “Any news on that marriage?”

    “I’m projecting a divorce soon,” Mr. Miller told him. “I’ll make sure to pass your card along to her.”

    “And what about her husband?” Wesley asked, licking his lips. “When will you be passing him along to me?”

    “I haven’t tired of him just yet,” Mr. Miller said. “But, when I do, I’ll make sure you’re given notice.”

    “That’s all I ask,” Wesley said.

    One of Wesley’s slaves approached, holding the scrotum weight, handing it to his Master.

    “For allowing me to fuck your new meat first,” Wesley said, handing Mr. Miller the weight, “consider this a gift.”

    “Much appreciated,” Mr. Miller said. He had already bought several along with a leather extender, all of which he purchased using the money he got from selling some of Brian’s possessions. He also had access to Brian’s bank account, but he wouldn’t be taking money out of that right away. He didn’t want Brian’s parents to become too suspicious yet. I wonder what Brian’s dad is like, Mr. Miller thought, his dick jumping at the thought.

    Mr. Miller attached the weight around Brian’s scrotum, but, instead of letting it go gently, he let it drop, watching as it pulled down on his slave’s testicles, bouncing a bit and hitting against his legs.

    “You really think you can get his balls to below his knees?” Wesley asked.

    “I’m hoping he can get them so far down,” Mr. Miller said, “That he’ll be able to put them in his own mouth.”

    Wesley moaned. “God, I love it when you talk dirty.”

    Mr. Miller smiled. “Matt, go with one of Master Wesley’s slaves and get at least five loads into your ass before the hours up. Understand?”

    “Yes, Master,” Matt said.

    “Reggie,” Wesley said. “Take Matt and fuck his ass until his ass drips with toxic cum and blood.”

    “Yes, Master,” one of Wesley’s slaves said.

    Matt left with the slave, both heading toward one of the available slings.

    “Reggie has a big cock,” Wesley said. “He’ll tear him up good.”


    “I just finished representing his ex-wife. She got all the money from the business he owned. He has two sons, both quickly coming up to their 18th birthdays. I think I’ll be making a reunion happen soon. He loves drinking piss. I haven’t used a toilet to piss in weeks.”

    “Saving water.”

    “I’m doing good work for the planet,” Wesley joked. He looked beyond Mr. Miller and eyed Brian again. “Is it time for me to take a ride?”

    “He’s all yours,” Mr. Miller said.


    I'll be doing a side chapter soon about what else Mr. Miller gets up to in connection to a sperm bank. 

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  15. Part 6: Will Converts

    Two Sundays later I was meant to preach, but when my alarm went off, I found myself waking up to the worst feeling I had ever felt. I felt so sick, as if the worst flu of my life had taken hold. I rolled over and grabbed my phone, calling Pastor Kline.

    “Hey, Will. What’s up?”

    “I’m really not feeling well,” I told him. “I don’t think I’ll be able to be in for the service. I’m sorry.”

    “Don’t worry,” he said. “Just rest, and we’ll see you when you’re better.”

    “Thanks,” I said. I fell back to sleep for what felt like hours. My phone eventually woke me up, Dominic’s name on the screen.

    “Hey, Will,” he said.

    “Hi,” I groaned.

    “Is everything okay?”

    “I’m really sick,” I told him. “I’ve never felt this bad before.”

    “How long have you felt like this?”

    “Since this morning.”

    “Look, I’m on my way back. I’ll come over. Just text me your address and where you keep a spare key.”

    I did as he said and fell back to sleep.

    When I woke up next, I felt something pressing against my back, something warm and big.

    “You’re awake,” Dominic said, whispering into my ear.

    “You made it,” I said. “Wait. You should go. I don’t want you to get sick.”

    “I won’t,” he said.

    “What do you mean?”

    “I’ve already been sick.”

    “What? When?”

    “Twenty years ago,” he said.

    I didn’t understand. “Dom, you can get sick again.”

    “Not with this,” he said.

    “What are you talking about?”

    “You’ve got the fuck flu,” he said. “You can only get it once.”

    “What, like when you lose your virginity?”

    “No,” he told me. “Only when you’ve been pozzed.”

    I waited quietly, trying to understand him. “What are you talking about?”

    “When someone who is poz fucks someone who isn’t, that other person, hopefully, becomes poz too.”

    “But, what does poz mean?”

    “It means positive,” Dominic said. “Positive with HIV.”

    I was silent as the reality set it. “You mean, you’re HIV positive?”

    “Sure am,” he whispered into my ear, kissing my neck. “And now, so are you?”


    “That’s why I fucked you four times,” he said. “I needed to make sure that my strain infected you.”

    I felt my stomach turn, my skin growing cold. “You knew this would happen?”

    “I was hoping it would,” he said. “That’s why I opened the cut in your hole again. That’s why I dug my nails into your hole, making sure my cum could get to your blood.”

    “You did this on purpose?”

    “Of course, I did,” he said.

    “But why?”

    “To make you mine,” he said, holding me tight. “I’ve converted forty-nine men in my life.” He looked down at his arm, running a hand over the tally marks. “I remember each of them. But with you, you’re different.”

    “Why am I different?”

    “You’re the forbidden fruit,” he told me. “You’re the man of God, the incorruptible. From the moment I saw you at the gym, I knew I wanted you.”

    “At the gym? We met at my church.”

    “That’s where you saw me,” he said. “I saw you at the gym weeks before. From the moment I saw you, I knew I had to meet you. When one of the workers told me who you were, I knew I had to fuck you, to convert you. That’s all I’ve been able to think about for weeks now. Honestly, I wasn’t sure it was going to work. It wasn’t until last Sunday when we were talking after your sermon that I knew you wanted me. All I had to do was get you to my place.”

    “This was a trap?” I cried, my chest heaving as I tried to hold back tears. “You did all of this to infect me? Why would you do that?”

    “To be with you,” he said. “I didn’t just do it to stealth you. I did it because I want to be with you. I want you to be mine. I want my strain to be a part of your body forever. I want you to carry a part of me until you die. That’s why I did it. I wanted you. And I know, deep down, you want me.”

    “No,” I cried, trying to push him away. My arms were too weak.

    “You may not feel it now, but you’ll realize it soon.”

    “No. I’ve got to do something. I’ve got to go to the hospital.”

    “It’s too late,” he told me. “You’re already converting.”

    I closed my eyes tight and cried.

    “I know it’s scary now, but soon you’ll understand how much I want you. I’m not leaving. I’ll stay until you feel better. If you still feel the same, I’ll leave, and you’ll never see me again. But, if you change your mind, which I think you will, I promise to make you mine and show you a life you’ve never even imagined.”

    I didn’t answer him. I couldn’t. I was reeling. How could someone do something like this? I thought back to that night, going over everything he said. I remembered him saying that he wanted to make me his. I remember him saying that he wanted to convert me. I just didn’t understand what any of that meant. I did now, and I was scared.

    I fell asleep for several more hours. My mind was still filtering through everything I had just learned. I was now HIV positive. A lead pastor, a straight virgin, was now poz from having been fucked four times by a gay man. What had I done? Moments from the night played in my head, the way I sucked his dick, the way he inserted his fingers inside me. I could still feel his cock inside me. I could taste the cum. I could feel his warm body against mine, holding me close. It all felt amazing. It all felt like exactly what I wanted.

    Why can’t you have it, my mind asked? If Dominic can have it and he’s poz, why can’t you? You loved being with him. You loved having him inside you. You loved tasting him and smelling him. You never imagined sex with a woman being that good. Why run away from something that can feel so right? Maybe your life isn’t ending. Maybe it’s just beginning.

    I woke up, my eyes glancing over to my alarm clock where I could see it was early morning Tuesday. I’d missed Monday entirely. I turned over and searched the room, finding Dominic standing in the corner, his phone to his ear.

    “I won’t be in today,” he said. “I’ll be out for a few days. Reschedule my appointments if you have to. Thanks, Chris.” He turned back to me and caught my eye. “Hey,” he said. “How do you feel?”

    “Bad,” I told him. “But not as bad.”

    He nodded. “Still hate me?”

    I thought about this seriously. Yes, there was a part of me that was furious, but there was an even greater part of me that found the whole idea exciting. “No,” I said.

    He smiled. “Good.”

    “I feel warm,” I moaned, pushing at the covers.

    “Here,” he said, pulling them off me. As he did, my naked body was revealed. Both of us took notice of my hard cock. “You know,” he said, “Sometimes, while you’re converting is when you’re the most horny.”

    “Really?” I asked. My hand moved down to my cock and took hold. “You’re right,” I groaned.

    Dominic pulled his shirt off and removed his pants, revealing no underwear underneath.

    “You look ready to go,” I said.

    “Well, call me hopeful,” he said. “I was almost sure you weren’t going to kick me out. I wanted to be ready.”

    I smiled.

    “Hold on,” he said, running out of my bedroom. He came back in with a water bottle. “Remember this” he asked, shaking the contents. “These were some of your last negative loads,” he said. “I wanted to save them to use as lube for when we fucked again.”

    “How romantic,” I said.

    I was too weak to lift my legs, so Dominic did it for me, resting my legs over his shoulders. He opened the bottle and poured out my cum into his hand, rubbing it on my asshole and then rubbing it on his dick. What remained he poured on my cock.

    “Use your neg loads to shoot our your first poz load,” he said, rubbing his own dick.

    “Fuck yeah,” I said, jerking my cock.

    He lined up his dick and pushed inside, my ass resisting the intrusion. I winced at the pain.

    “Here’s some poppers,” he said, holding out the vial. He pressed down on my nostril as I breathed in. Then he moved to the other one. Once I was high enough, he closed the vial and threw it to the side. He started pumping into me, his rhythm quick and sharp. “Are you ready for another dose of poz cum?”

    “Yes, Daddy,” I said, jerking my cock.

    “You want my dirty load?”


    “You want me to infect you again?”


    “Don’t shoot without warning me,” he said. “I want to collect it in the bottle he said. You understand?”

    I nodded.

    He kept fucking me, my ass tearing open again.

    “There’s a lot of blood on my dick,” he said, smearing it on his fingers. He slipped his fingers into my hole along with is cock, resulting in a cry of pain from me. “That feel good?”

    “Yes, Daddy.”

    He pulled out his fingers and reached them out to me. “Taste your hole.”

    I stuck out my tongue as he reached his fingers inside my mouth. I could taste my cum, my ass juices, and my blood. All together, it tasted amazing.

    “I’m going to cum, Daddy,” I moaned, my hand picking up its pace on my cock.

    Dominic grabbed the water bottle and did his best to hold the opening to my piss slit.

    “I’m cumming,” I cried. “I’m cumming.”

    “Do it. Shoot your first poz load.”

    I cried as my cock shot out ropes of cum into the bottle, hitting the back and pooling inside. After nearly twelve pulses from my cock, my orgasm subsided, leaving me panting for breath.

    “Fucking hot,” Dominic said, holding the bottle up to his eyes. “Now, I want you to drink it the moment I start coming. Do you understand?”

    “Yes, Daddy,” I said, taking the bottle and holding it close.

    Dominic continued to fuck my ass, his pace speeding up as his breathing became shallow. “Here it comes,” he said, his eyes locked on mine as I lifted the bottle to my mouth. “Are you ready? I’m cumming. I’m cumming.”

    I poured my poz load into my mouth, holding it over my tongue, savoring the flavor of what I would soon taste every time I came.

    Dominic’s body shook until his orgasm subsided. His chest was heaving. I watched the hairy beast of a man who had pozzed me with wonder. Never had I imagined wanting to be with anyone as much as I wanted to be with Dominic. He was everything a man should be. He was perfect. For a brief moment, I realized something that both scared me and filled me with the greatest happiness. I believed Dominic was the one person I could truly love.

    The fuck flu lasted several more days. Once I was feeling good enough to move around on my own, I insisted that Dominic return to work.

    “You’ve got bills to pay,” I told him.

    “I’ll be back tonight,” he said. “Have your jock on, ready to fuck.”

    “I will.”

    “Do you think you’ll feel better in time?” he asked.

    “To fuck?”

    “No,” he said, smiling. “For your job? Remember, you’re a man of God.”

    “Oh,” I said, admittedly forgetting all about the church. “I don’t know. Maybe.”

    “Could be hot,” he said. “I’d love seeing you up there preaching, knowing that I converted your ass but no one else knows.”

    “There’s no way anyone can know, right?”

    “You don’t have the biohazard symbol on your forehead,” he said. “Speaking of which, once we get you tested, do you want a biohazard tattoo?”

    “I never thought about getting a tattoo,” I told him. “Show me yours.”

    Dominic smiled. “You just want me to undo my pants and lift my shirt.”

    “I like seeing your body,” I told him.

    He undid his pants and lifted his shirt, revealing his tattoo. Admittedly, it did look hot. Knowing what it meant, knowing that it was proof of him being poz, being dangerous, it intensified his sexiness hundredfold. I reached out and pressed my hand against the tattoo, feeling his warm skin.

    “You’re getting me hard,” he said. “And you know I don’t have time to fuck.”

    “I’ll think about the tattoo,” I said. “If I say yes, will you do it?”

    “I wouldn’t have anyone else,” he said, kissing me. “What about a Prince Albert?”

    “You know I don’t know what that is.”

    “If I don’t tell you, it’ll be easier to get you to do it.”

    “Like when you converted me?”


    “What is it?”

    “It’s a piercing,” he said. “It’s a metal ring through the head of your dick.”

    Just the idea made me wince. “I don’t think so.”

    “Could be hot.”

    “Keep thinking that.”

    “Fine,” he said. “I’ll see you later.”

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  16. Part Five: Will's Round 2

    Once Dominic stopped shaking, he looked down at me as I continued cleaning the cum off my body. “Fuck, that’s hot,” he said. “Does Daddy’s Son like the taste of his own cum?”

    “I do, Daddy,” I said. “It tastes so good.”

    “In that case,” he said, “I’ve got something for you. Hold on.” Slowly, he pulled himself out of my ass and went to his desk. “First, I want to keep my cum inside you. You wouldn’t want to insult your Daddy by losing his cum, would you?”

    I shook my head, tilting my hips back, fearing his cum would pour out of my hole. He came back with a little device that looked like a weird triangle with a knob at the end.

    “This is a butt plug,” he said “It’ll keep everything where it needs to be. I’ll need to open your whole up again to get it in. This might hurt a bit. Your hole is tender from fucking.”

    As Dominic inserted his fingers, I felt a sharp pain. The cut must be opening again, I thought. It hurt worse this time, but seeing Dominic’s look of pride at sticking his fingers inside me made it all worth it.

    “Here it goes,” he said, shoving the butt plug into my ass. Feeling myself once again full brought about a sense of completion. It was as if I couldn’t live anymore without being filled. I waited as Dominic left the bedroom, returning a few moments later with a Tupperware container in one hand and a plastic water bottle in the other. In both there was something white, the container being solid while the plastic water bottle sloshed around. “Seeing as you like cum so much,” he said, opening the container, “I’ve got a treat for you.”

    “What is it, Daddy?” I asked.

    “Frozen cum,” he said. “I’ve been collecting cum from condoms I’ve found and I’ve frozen it in this container. What do you say, do you want to suck on it while I fuck you again?”

    “Are you ready to again?” I asked him. I looked down at his dick and saw it standing at the ready. I could also see cum still sticking to the head along with traces of blood. This worried me at first, but Dominic had warned me that bleeding sometimes happened. “Is it going to hurt again?”

    “I’ll use this,” he said, shaking the water bottle. “It’s some of my cum. I’ll use it as lube. Are you ready for round two?”

    While a part of me couldn’t imagine going again so soon, I saw my dick growing, ready for another round. “Fuck me again, Daddy,” I told him.

    “You’ve got it,” he said. He reached into the container and pulled out a large glob that looked like ice except for the white-yellow color. He lifted it up to his mouth and ran his tongue along the outside. “Cum tastes so fucking good. Here, this is for you.”

    I took the cum, struggling to hold it as it was both cold and slippery. A drop fell onto my chest, mixing into my chest hair.

    “Eat up quick,” Dominic said. “If you don’t, it’ll melt.”

    I brought the cum to my mouth and did as Dominic had done, running my tongue along the outside. Other than it being cold, it tasted just like my cum. I licked again and again, savoring the flavor. How had I gone twenty-nine years without knowing this taste? How had I jerked off so many times before without realizing the delicious miracle I’d been shooting into socks or down the drain?

    As I licked the cum, Dominic grabbed my legs and pulled them toward the ceiling. “Tilt your hips up again, Son. I’m going to take the butt plug out, but I don’t want any of my cum to slip out. That’s right. There you go. Let me see. Your hole’s staying open all by itself. That’s a good boy. Soon we’ll have your hole nice and open all the time, no lube needed. Alright, I’m going to pour some of my cum from the bottle into your hole, Son. Hold still while I work it inside of you. This may sting again. I’ll try to be careful.”

    I watched as he brought the bottle up to my raised ass and started pouring the cum into me.

    “That’s it. That’s going in nicely. I’m going to push some in, Son.” He worked his fingers inside of me, my hole stinging even more than before.

    “It hurts, Daddy,” I whined.

    “Take another hit,” he said.

    “But the cum.”

    “Put it on your chest and take a few hits,” he said.

    I did as I was told. After a few hits, the pain had lessened. Taking the cum, I found some of it had melted on my chest, joining the glob from before.

    “You don’t want to waste that cum,” he said. “Rub it into your chest hair. It’ll soak into your skin and make you strong.”

    “Alright, Daddy.” As I licked the cum with one hand holding the cold glob, I messaged the melted cum into my chest hair, slicking it around until I was covered. With my hand covered in cum, I reached down and rubbed it into my pubic hair. With the cum that melted on my face, I rubbed it into my stubble, making sure all my hair except for the hair on my head and in my armpits was covered in cum.

    “That’s hot, Son,” he said, lowering my legs. The water bottle was nearly empty. What remained he poured onto his cock which he started to rub until he was completely covered. “I’m not going to ease myself in this time, Son. I’m going to fuck hard from the start. Are you ready?”

    I nodded, not wanting to remove the cum from my mouth.

    “Round two,” he said, grabbing my ankles and shoving his dick inside.

    I cried out, stars appearing before my eyes. I nearly dropped the frozen cum as he slammed into me. As my cry died down, I could hear the sloshing of his dick as it pumped into my ass, his cum moving within my hole.

    “Fuck,” he groaned. “Your hole is just as good as the first time. Maybe even better.”

    “Fuck me hard, Daddy.”

    “I will, Son. You’ll be full of my cum before the night’s over. Don’t worry. I won’t let you leave without your stomach being full of cum.”

    “Fill me, Daddy.”

    “I will, Son.” Dominic was slamming into me, resting my legs over his shoulders. He leaned forward, hovering over me, looking into my eyes. “Get a big glob of cum in your mouth and kiss me,” he said.

    I licked until I had a suitable amount and then placed it on my chest again, Dominic leaning in and kissing me. The cum mixed between our tongues, filling our mouths. His chest was pressing into the frozen cum, our combined body heat melting the cum over my body. By the time he was done, the cum had melted on my body, leaving me drenched. He ran his hand over my chest, stopping over my heart which was pounding.

    “This is forever,” he said. “Right here. Is that what you want? Do you want this forever?”

    “Yes, Daddy,” I moaned, the smell of cum filling my mind. It’s all I could smell. It’s all I could taste. It’s all I could feel other than Dominic’s huge cock which was intensifying its thrusts.

    “Are you ready for load two?”

    “Give it to me, Daddy. Cum inside me again.”

    “What are you?”

    “I’m yours, Daddy.”

    “No,” he said, looking deep into my eyes. “You’re my cumwhore. You’re my pig. You’re my deviant fuckhole that needs Daddy’s cum. Tell me. Tell me what you are.”

    “I’m your cumwhore. I’m your pig. I’m your deviant fuckhole that needs your cum.”

    “That’s right, Son. Here it comes.” He pushed inside one more time and then held me close, his cock pumping his cum into my ass. This time, my cock didn’t shoot any cum. This time, it was all about Daddy.

    As he came down from his high, he looked down at my cock and saw it still rock hard. Pulling himself out, Dominic pushed the butt plug back inside and lowered me down, sliding off the bed himself. He pulled the jock’s pouch down under my balls and held my cock at the base, angling it toward his mouth. He looked at me in the eye as he took the entirety of my cock down his throat.

    “Fuck,” I cried, my body shaking as he blew me. He ran his hand along my shaft as his mouth played with my head, licking my slit.

    “That’s right, baby. Give me your load. Give me your last clean load”

    My body tensed as my balls rose into my body, my cock pumping into his mouth. I came even more than before, more than I had ever in my life. As my last spurt ended, Dominic rose from my cock and grabbed the water bottle from before and brought it to his mouth, dribbling my cum inside.

    “We’ll save that for another time,” he said. “So, what did you think?”

    “That was… incredible,” I said, still trying to catch my breath.

    “Was it everything you wanted?”


    “Yes, what?”

    “Yes, Daddy,” I said. I sat up and moved my legs off the bed, Dominic’s hand reaching out and stopping me.

    “Where do you think you’re going?”

    “I was going to clean myself and go home,” I said.

    “You aren’t cleaning yourself,” Dominic said. “And you aren’t going home. Not tonight. I want you to sleep here with me.”


    He nodded. “I want to give you two more loads before you leave tomorrow morning. I’ll let you rest tonight, but tomorrow morning, I’m opening you up again.”

    I smiled, happy that he wanted me to stay. I crawled back on the bed and laid back. I watched as Dominic took the water bottle with my cum inside back out of the room, returning later wearing a new jock strap. He climbed into bed next to me, slipping the jockstrap I had on off and wiping it across my chest, collecting the remaining cum. Once the fabric was soaked through, he slipped it back on me. He moved me to my side and pressed himself against my back, wrapping his arm around me. I felt so warm. There was nowhere else I wanted to be.

    Dominic fucked me twice the next morning. By the time I left, we had both cum two more times. Both of my loads he collected and added to the water bottle from the night before. I asked him what he was going to do with it, and he told me that I’d find out eventually. I left with the butt plug in my ass while I was also wearing the jockstrap from the night before under my clothes, my boxers staying with Dominic.

    “You can get them the next time you’re here,” he said.

    “When will that be?” I asked.

    “I’ll be out of town later this week for a convention,” he told me. “There’s a tattoo convention that I’ve been dying to go to for years. I’ll be back sometime late next week.”

    “I’ll see you then,” I told him.

    “Yes you will,” he said. “Keep the plug in for a while.”


    “Just trust me,” he said.

    As the elevator stopped, the doors opened and I found a man standing inside. Upon seeing me, his eyes got wide and a huge smile filled his face.

    “I don’t fucking believe it,” he said. “He actually did it.”

    “Did what?” I asked. “Who are you?”

    “Dominic told me he was inviting a pastor over to his apartment. I’m guessing you’re him.”

    “Uh, yeah. I am.”

    The man’s smile grew. “He fucked you.”

    “What? How do you know that?”

    “Honey, I know the walk of shame when I see it.”

    The elevator doors closed, and we waited as it descended.

    “So,” he said, “how was it?”

    I blushed. “It was good.”

    “Just good?”

    “It was incredible,” I told him. “Not that I have anything to compare it to.”

    “Shut the fuck up,” he said. “You’re not telling me that was your first time getting fucked by a guy, are you?”

    “It was my first time, period,” I told him. “Why am I telling you this?”

    The doors opened and I left him standing stunned. I went to my car and climbed in, finding my ass hurting from being fucked. I checked my phone, having forgotten to check it last night. There was a voicemail from Pastor Kline.

    “Hey, Will. It’s Mark. I just wanted to ask if you spoke any more with Dominic Moore? I saw you still talking with him when I left, and I just wanted to know if you were able to get any further with him? Give me a call when you can.”

    I dialed his number and waited.

    “Hello, this is Pastor Kline,” he said.

    “Hi, Mark. It’s Will.”

    “Will, how are you?”

    “I’m good,” I told him. “I just heard your message. Sorry, I was busy last night.”

    “That’s fine,” he said. “So, did you go any further with Mr. Moore?”

    “We did,” I told him, grinding my ass on my seat, feeling the butt plug pressing against my prostate. “I think it’s the start of a great friendship.”

    Almost two weeks passed with little happening. I left the butt plug in like Dominic said, taking it out only when I finally had to shit. When I pulled it out over the toilet, I was shocked by the amount of cum that came rushing out. I was also surprised by the color. It was a deep pink. I moved my hand back and touched my hole, cringing at the soreness. Looking at my fingers, I could see the pink cum and bits of blood. I tried to calm myself. Dominic said this happens. Just keep cool. Everything is fine. I cleaned myself and threw my clothes in my hamper, keeping the jockstrap hanging in the bathroom. Dominic wanted me to let the cum from the night before to dry on it. He also wanted me to jerk off twice a day until I saw him again, making sure each load ended up in the jockstrap. I was more than willing to take these orders.

    At work, I couldn’t think of anything but Dominic. All I wanted was to feel him inside of me. Every night I jerked off thinking about him. Each morning I jerked of wishing he was next to me. On Wednesday as I was in my office, I found myself rubbing my cock through my pants. Slowly, I unbuttoned my pants and unzipped, reaching inside and pulling out my cock. I started pumping, getting hard immediately. I didn’t have the jockstrap with me, but I needed to cum. I blew my load on my shirt, leaning back in my seat until I could regain my breath. I opened my drawer to retrieve my spare shirt but realized I hadn’t replaced it from the last time. I sat in my office with my cum drying on my shirt. What was I supposed to do? I closed up shop and snuck through the church, racing to my car before anyone could see me.

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  17. Part 4: Dominic takes Will

    “Take of your pants.” He said.

    I backed away and unbuttoned my jeans, kicking off my shoes. With my pants to the side, I ran my fingers along the waistband of my boxers, hesitating for a moment. I watched as Dominic removed his pants, revealing a jockstrap underneath. We stood almost naked taking each other in. I slipped of my boxers, revealing my cock and balls. Dominic smiled.

    “How big are you?” he asked.

    “I’m six foot,” I said.

    “No,” he said. “How big is your dick?”

    “I don’t know.”

    Dominic turned and moved to his desk, opening a drawer and taking out a tape measurer. “Get hard,” he said, walking to me.

    I reached down and started jerking my cock, though seeing Dominic in his jockstrap was doing enough on its own. With him standing so close to me, I could feel his warmth. It was intoxicating. “There,” I said, pushing out my pelvis for him to see. He kneeled down, holding the measuring tape out along my shaft.

    “Eight inches,” he said. “Big boy.”

    “Is that good?”

    He smiled up at me. “That’s perfect. Just think, this cock was almost wasted on an ungrateful woman. Good thing I got to you first. Still, it also means that I’m still king.” He removed his jockstrap, revealing a semi-erect cock that took my breath away. “Ten inches and thick.”

    “I don’t think I can take that,” I told him. Feeling once again worried about my choice.

    “Don’t worry,” he said, kissing me again. “We’ll go slow… at first. Here, wear this.” He handed me his jockstrap.

    I looked inside and found some stains. I assumed they were cum and piss stains. Normally, I would recoil, but now, taking it from Dominic, I wanted nothing more than to wear it. As I lifted a leg, he reached out and stopped me.

    “Smell it first,” he said.

    Slowly, I raised it to my nose and breathed in, my head spinning from the smell of sweat, piss, and cum. I wanted more. I breathed in deeper, pressing the fabric to my face. My tongue slipped out and ran along the fabric, tasting him.

    “What do you think?” he asked.

    All I could do was moan.

    “Put it on.”

    I hated that I wasn’t going to smell or taste him, but he wanted me to do what he said. I slipped it on, finding the pouch a bit larger than needed. He really was a big guy. Now with his jockstrap off, I could see the tattoo his towel had been hiding. It was a biohazard symbol, the type you see near fallout shelters. It meant to stay away. For me, I wanted to get closer.

    “Kneel down,” Dominic said.

    I did as I was told. He stepped closer, his cock in my face, hard as a rock.

    “Taste it,” he said.

    I opened my mouth and took in his mushroom head. I’d never tasted someone else. Not like this. Already my jaw was straining to take him in. On my tongue I could taste his precum. It was sweet.

    “That’s it, baby,” he said, running his hand through my hair, holding on to the back of my head. “Take in a bit more.”

    He pushed his cock further into my mouth, invading my throat. I started gagging.

    “Don’t worry,” Dominic said. “You’ll learn to fight that. You’ll have to. How’s it taste?”

    His cock fell out of my mouth, saliva dripping down my chin. “It tastes amazing.”

    He slipped his cock back into my mouth, his hand guiding me further down. I gagged again. There was no way I could take him all. I wanted to, but I knew my limits. I bobbed on his cock, trying to keep my teeth away. I knew little about blowjobs, but I knew you weren’t supposed to use your teeth. I looked up and saw Dominic’s head tilted back.

    “Is it alright?” I asked him.

    He looked down at me, a wide grin on his face. “You’re a natural,” he said. “We’ll have my whole cock down your throat in no time.”


    “Practice,” he said.

    My cock was throbbing against Dominic’s jockstrap. I reached down and started rubbing, moaning with pleasure.

    “A born cocksucker,” Dominic said, watching as I pleasured myself, trying to shove more of his cock into my throat. I was halfway. “Time for something new. Get on the bed.”

    I stood up and followed him to the bed, crawling to the middle. He went to his desk again and pulled out a tube and small vial. “These will make everything easier,” he said, turning to the bed and climbing up next to me. “Spread your legs. Let me see your hole.”

    I did as I was told. Several men had seen me naked at the gym when I went in to shower. That experience wasn’t new. Having someone else see my butthole was a new experience. I had yet to have a prostate exam, and other than the fooling around I had done days before, it had been an area unexplored. Dominic looked down and then at me. “You’ll need to open wide for me,” he said. “Pull your knees up to your chest. Show me.”

    I pulled my knees up to my chest, stretching in ways I’d never done before.

    “Beautiful,” he said, reaching down and running his hand over my hole. I flinched. “Sensitive,” he said. “Let me see what I can do.” He slipped off the bed and leaned down, bringing his face to my hole. “You’ll enjoy this.”

    My body seized and I gasped. I looked down and saw only the top of his head as his mouth was open around my hole. I could feel his tongue licking. Is this sanitary, I wondered? Do I care? I’d never felt anything like it. My body shuddered, his tongue probing even deeper. I could feel him enter me. I looked down again and saw his eyes watching me. The same ferocity was in his eyes. He was eating me, devouring me. After minutes of this passion, he moved back and took a deep breath in through his nose. “You smell good,” he said, licking his lips. “You taste even better.”


    He smiled. “It’s time to open you up,” he said. “Here, open his bottle. Close your one nostril and breathe in deep. Try to hold as long as you can.”

    “What is it?” I asked him.

    “It’s called a popper.”

    “Is it a drug?” I asked him. “I don’t do drugs.”

    “Don’t worry,” he said. “It’s an aid. It’ll help you open up.”

    I nodded and unscrewed the lid. I held it to my nose, held one nostril closed, and breathed in deep. I almost dropped the bottle as my head continued to spin. I felt light, a warmth rushing through me. At the same moment, I felt something push against my hole, forcing itself inside. I looked down and saw Dominic’s hand out of sight. His eyes met mine.

    “One finger in,” he said, starting to move in and out. He took the bottle and squirted something on his hand. “Take another hit, and we’ll try for two.”

    I did as I was told.

    “Good boy. How about three?”

    I was in another world. I took two more hits.


    Another two hits.

    He smiles at me. “That’s five, baby.” His hand pumped in and out of me, my hole open. “Looks like you cut yourself,” he says. “What happened there?”

    “My finger,” I told him. “It… slipped.”

    “Sure it did,” he said. “It might open up a bit. That’s not abnormal. Trust me. Sometimes there’s blood.”


    “Don’t worry,” he says. “Don’t you trust me?”

    My breath caught. “Of course.”

    “I think you’re ready,” he said.

    “Wait,” I said, arresting his attention. “Do you… I mean… do you have a condom?”

    His face falls. “I don’t use condoms,” he says.

    “But, don’t you have to?”

    “If you’re afraid of knocking a woman up, sure,” he said. “But between men, never. There’s nothing like feeling skin against skin. That’s where the true connection exists, feeling your partner’s body, their most sensitive points and places. That’s what it’s about.”

    “I’m just, I’m not sure,” I told him, my legs dropping from my chest.

    “I don’t fuck with condoms,” he told me. “I can’t stay hard with one on. Real men don’t use condoms. If you don’t agree, you can leave. That’s up to you.”

    I saw him leave the bed, standing at full height, his cock curving up, fully hard. Never had I seen anything as beautiful as the man in front of me. I wanted him. I wanted him more than anything. I thought of my dream and how much I had wanted it to be real. Now it was. Why would I lose this chance willingly? I grabbed my legs and pulled my knees back to my chest.

    He smiled. “Alright then,” he said. “Time to take your virginity.”

    Dominic crawled onto the bed and returned his hand to my hole, massaging it. “I’ll go slow at first,” he said, “but once I’m in, I won’t be able to stop. Understand?”

    I nodded.

    “Then here we go.” He lined up his cock to my hole. “Take another hit,” he said, nodding to the vial. As I breathed deep, I felt what must have been his entire hand pressing against my hole. “Almost in,” he said, smirking.

    There was a searing pain, my body willing me to move away from this unexpected intruder.

    “Don’t back away,” he said as if he could read my mind. “There,” he said. “The heads in.”

    “Just the head?” I asked.

    He laughed. “Let’s keep going.”

    The pain increased as he pushed more in.

    “Keep breathing,” he told me.

    My hands were shaking, losing the hold of my legs. Dominic grabbed my ankles and held them steady, spreading my cheeks even more. His eyes closed as he continued to surge forward.

    “Fuck,” he groaned. “You feel so tight. It’s been years since I had a virgin ass to myself. Tell me, baby. Tell me your ass is mine.”

    “My ass is yours,” I whimpered, still trying to push through the pain. I felt like I was being torn in half. My heart was pounding. How much more of this man existed that was still outside of me?

    “Almost there,” he said, biting his bottom lip. “Just a bit more.”

    For a brief moment, I thought I was going to die. A ten-inch cock was entering my body. How was anyone able to handle anything so big? I thought of my own cock, knowing it was only two inches shorter. Would someone feel this way if I fucked them, I wondered?

    A new sensation met me as I felt hair press against my ass. I looked down and saw Dominic’s pelvis pressed against me, his pubic hair mixing with the hairs on my balls.

    “You did it,” he said, smiling. “All ten inches. You’re not a virgin anymore.”

    I’m no longer a virgin, I thought. There’s no going back now.

    “I’m going to wait and let your ass grow accustomed to my size,” Dominic said.

    “Alright,” I said.

    “Daddy,” he said.


    “Call me Daddy,” Dominic said. “Say it. Call me Daddy, Son.”

    “Daddy,” I repeated, the word hanging in the air.

    Dominic smiled. “What do you want your Daddy to do, Son?”

    “I want you to fuck me,” I said.

    He raised a brow.

    “I want you to fuck me, Daddy,” I corrected.

    He slid out of my ass and then slowly pushed himself back in, causing me to wince. “Who does your ass belong to?”

    “You, Daddy.”

    He pulled out again, pushing back in, this time with more force. “Who does your body belong to?”

    “You, Daddy.”

    Out and in. “Who does your soul belong to?”

    “You, Daddy.”

    “And who will you listen to and do whatever he tells you to do?”

    “You, Daddy.”

    “Who’s your master?”

    “You, Daddy.”

    “Who do you want to convert you?”

    “You, Daddy.”

    “That’s fucking right,” he growled, his pace quickening.

    I could feel his cock all the way up in my chest, reaching for my heart. With every thrust, he hit a spot in my body that I’d never felt before, sending waves of pleasure throughout my body.

    “You feel that, Son? That’s your prostate I’m hitting. Only the biggest dicks can make you feel that way, obliterating the spot that makes men quake.”

    My hand was down to my crotch, reaching beneath the jockstrap, grabbing my cock and balls. I was the hardest I’d ever been. Precum was oozing out of my piss slit, collecting in my pubic hair in puddles.

    “Let me see that cock,” Dominic said.

    I pushed the jock’s pouch down beneath my balls, my cock springing to life. A drop of precum flew through the air and stuck to his treasure trail. Without missing a beat, he left go of my ankle and collected the precum on his finger, bringing it to his mouth. He moaned. “You taste so sweet,” he said. “So pure. So clean. Let’s see if we can change that.”

    His pace quickened, the bed shaking beneath us. He started grunting as I moaned, my body unable to contain the waves of ecstasy flowing over me. I took hold of my cock again and started pumping, stopping as Dominic’s hand grabbed my wrist.

    “Don’t jerk off,” he said. “I want to see you cum hands free.”

    “Can I do that?” I asked.

    “Only when a big cock is inside you,” he said. “You’ll see.” He pounded harder. His breathing started to quicken. “I’ve got a huge load for you,” he said. “I can feel it boiling in my balls. Tell me where you want it, Son? You don’t want me to waste it on your stomach, do you?”

    “No, Daddy,” I said.

    “You only want it in your ass, right?”

    “Yes, Daddy.”

    “Tell me that’s where you want it.”

    “I want your cum in my ass, Daddy.”

    “You want me to convert you?”

    “Yes, Daddy.”

    “You want me to knock you up?”

    “Yes, Daddy.”

    “You want me to make you mine forever?”

    “Yes, Daddy. Make me yours forever. Cum in my ass.”

    “You’ve got it,” he growled, pushing as far into my ass as he could, his head thrown back as he cried out. “Fuck. I’m cumming. I’m cumming in your ass, Son. Can you feel it?”

    “Yes, Daddy. I can feel it.” I could feel his cock throbbing, a warmth spreading inside of me. At that very second, my own cock came to life, shooting ropes of cum into the air, splattering down on my face, chest, and stomach. Taken over by the pleasure, I scooped up my cum and started shoveling it into my mouth, relishing the taste of my first hands free cum.

    “I’m still cumming,” Dominic cried, looking down at his cock. His body was shaking with each pulse. “Fuck. It’s like it won’t stop.”

    “Don’t stop, Daddy,” I said, still bringing my cum to my mouth.

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