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Posts posted by Heir2012

  1. As already stated, guys need to figure out what "average" is. Porn tells us that average is 8 inches, which is wrong. Most stories on BZ only tell stories about huge dicks as being normal because it's what everyone wants to have or see. Sex education tells us that average is 6 inches, which most guys are told but don't believe. Medically, the average penis is 5.16 inches. Google it. For many guys, you may think your penis is small, but it isn't. Then again, it's all up to your perception. Your dick could be 7 inches, but, in your mind, you think it's small. You decide for you what is big or small. Your partner can also help with this as they look at your 6 inch dick and say "it's a monster!"

    I know this doesn't answer your question exactly, but there it is.

    Guys, go easy on yourselves and your dick size. You can't control it. Guys with huge dicks didn't earn their size by being good at fucking. It's just genetics. 

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  2. Part 21: Pastor Kline's Conversion

    I walked into my office several days after our four-way with a noticeable waddle, my ass still hurting from Peter’s vigorous fucking. After he filled me, Peter took a few minutes to recover and then fucked Pastor Kline. Dominic fucked me for a while, adding to the cum which was dripping out of my ass. After hours of sex, we were all sweaty, the apartment smelling strongly of testosterone.

    “I never knew it could feel like this,” Peter said.

    “What did it feel like with Lewis?” I asked.

    “Great,” Peter said, “but I was his first. He really didn’t have a handle on anything.”

    “Did he at least try blowing you?” Dominic asked.

    “Not really,” Peter said.

    “We’ll train him,” Dominic said. “Pastor Kline will give him lessons on technique.”

    “Happily,” Pastor Kline said.

    Peter and Pastor Kline left soon after, returning to their wives. It took some time for them to clean themselves up, showing no signs of just having had incredible sex.

    “If you ask me,” Dominic said, returning to the bed where I was waiting, cum dripping out of my ass, soaking the sheets which were already drenched from our sweaty bodies, “I think there’s something in the water at your church. You’ve got gay men popping out of the woodwork left and right.”

    “Maybe it’s you,” I told him, reaching out and rubbing my hand over his chest. “Maybe we just can’t resist someone as dominant as you.”

    “Maybe,” he said.

    I laughed.

    “What?” he asked.

    “Nothing,” I told him. “It’s just… I’m now just realizing how close your name is to dominant. You are the Dom in the relationship.”

    “And you are a ‘Ryder’ of dick,” he said, smiling. “We’re perfect for each other.”

    “I suppose we are,” I told him. “You know, when Peter was fucking me, I found myself wanting him real hard.”

    “Should I be jealous?”

    “No,” I told him. “I wish he could join us, actually.”

    “Sounds hot,” Dominic said. “Unlikely, but hot. He is married after all.”

    “True. What do you think they’ll do now? Peter and Pastor Kline? When they convert, what will happen? How will they hide it?”

    “Neither fucks their wife,” Dominic said. “They’ll have to decide later on what they’ll do with medication, but, for now, it’s all sex and poz cum.”

    “Are you on meds?” I asked him.

    “I was for a while,” Dominic said. “I stopped once I knew I wanted your ass.”

    “How sweet,” I said, grabbing his nipple and pinching hard. “I guess I’ll have to figure out medication at some point too.”

    “But not now,” Dominic said. “For now, all I want is for you to blow your load in my mouth. Got it?”

    I nodded.


    “Good morning, Pastor Ryder,” the church secretary said.

    “Good morning.” I passed Pastor Kline’s office and found the lights off. “Where’s Pastor Kline?” I asked.

    “Sick,” she said. “He called this morning saying he has the flu and won’t be in all week.”

    “Oh,” I said, stopping myself from smiling.

    “He just needs our prayer,” she said.

    “He sure does,” I said. As soon as I was in my office I called Pastor Kline’s number.

    “Hello?” a groaning voice said.

    “It’s Will,” I said, my voice low. “I just heard you’re sick.”

    “Sure am,” Pastor Kline said. “Do you think it could be… well, you know.”

    “Most likely,” I told him. “Look, I’ll be over in a day or two to check on you. I’ll call Dominic and make sure he knows. He’ll let you know everything you need to do to get through this.”

    “Thanks, Will,” he said. “I was starting to think it would never happen.”

    As soon as I ended the call I called Dominic.

    “Are you sure?” he asked.

    “Positive,” I said. “Well, I guess we don’t know that part yet, but you know what I mean.”

    “I’ll call Dr. Wade and make an appointment for him.”

    “You’ll have to give yourself another tally mark,” I said.

    “Seems so. Heard anything from Peter?”

    “Not yet,” I told him.

    “All we need to do now is get Peter to bring Lewis into our little gang. Then, we’ll move onto Pastor Kline’s son.”

    “Lewis won’t be much of a problem,” I said. “Pastor Kline’s son will be the challenge.”

    “We’ll make it happen.”

    Two days later I visited Pastor Kline.

    “The poor thing is so sick,” Mrs. Kline said. “I’ve barely been able to get anything done, trying to keep him going.”

    “If you want,” I told her, “I’ll stay here with him for a few hours if you want to go out and do some shopping.”

    “Would you do that?”

    “Of course,” I told her.

    Once she was gone, I went into their bedroom, finding Pastor Kline looking deathly ill. Shit, I thought. Had I looked like this?

    Pastor Kline’s eyes opened, a smile forming once he recognized me. “Will. How are you?”

    “I’m good,” I said. “You’ve looked better.”

    “Is my wife nearby?” he asked.

    “No. She just left to go shopping. I told her I would look after for you’re a while.”

    “Good,” he said. “Fuck. Did you feel this bad?”

    “Almost,” I told him. “In a few days, you’ll get super horny.”

    “I’m horny now,” he said, his hand moving beneath the covers and rubbing his crotch.

    “Do you want some help?” I asked.

    “If you don’t mind,” he said.

    I pulled down the covers and slipped down his underwear, revealing his growing cock. It was true that Pastor Kline’s dick was nothing special, but it was hot knowing I was holding the cock of a man of God. A man who had poz blood coursing through his veins, converting his body. As if my thought entered his mind, Pastor Kline’s cock started to stiffen in my hand. I ran my thumb over the head, smearing precum.

    “That feels amazing,” Pastor Kline moaned.

    I leaned forward and ran my tongue from the base of his cock all the way up to the tip, sending waves throughout his body. I held his balls in my hand, wrapping my fingers around his scrotum and pulling down.

    “I’m not going to let you cum yet,” I said. “We’ve got a while until your wife gets back.”

    “I’m all yours,” he said.

    I swallowed his dick, taking it all with ease. I had to pace myself, slowly moving my tongue along his shaft, applying just enough pressure to keep him hard but not enough to make him cum. After nearly an hour my jaw was getting sore.

    “Ready to cum?” I asked him.

    “Always,” he moaned, running his hand through my hair. He smiled.


    “Nothing,” he said. “I just never imagined I would ever see you sucking my dick.”

    “Well, a few months ago, I wouldn’t have thought I would be,” I told him, licking the head, a string of precum stretching out and landing in my beard. He moved his thumb along my face, wiping up the precum and inserting it in my mouth.

    “I’ve wanted you ever since you were hired,” Pastor Kline said.

    "Why?" I asked. "I know I'm sort of good looking-"

    "Try fucking hot," Pastor Kline said, straining to laugh. "You remind me of a man I went to college with years ago. Fuck, I wanted him. I almost tried to corner him one night, but I stopped myself. God, if I saw him again..."

    "You'd fuck his brains out?"

    "I'd get as much out of him as I could," Pastor Kline said. "Back when we hired you, I think I was hoping for another chance."

    "Well," I told him, "you got it."

    He ran his hand along my face, fingers moving over my beard. “I used to stay up late, wait for my wife to fall asleep, and think about you fucking me.”

    “Dreams come true,” I said.

    He smiled. “Sometimes, I’d fantasize about you and my son taking turns fucking me. Then you’d fuck him, taking both of us.”

    “You’ve really got something for your son, don’t you?”

    “He’s just so handsome,” Pastor Kline said. “I know he’s my son, but don’t you get it? You fucked your brother. Wasn’t that a special connection?”

    “It was,” I admitted, thinking back, crossing a line so few crossed. I still hadn't heard from Jay, and an anger still remained, but there was no denying the fact that what had happened between us had been incredible. “I just don’t want you to get your hopes up. I also don’t want you to risk your relationship. What if you make a move, and you’re wrong?”

    “I know,” he said. “We’re just gonna need to get Lewis on our side first. If anyone’s got a shot, it’s him.”

    “Peter’s working on that,” I said. I watched as Pastor Kline closed his eyes, low moans escaping his lips. “Keep your eyes closed,” I told him. I stood up and pulled down my pants and underwear, my cock already hard. I climbed up on the bed and situated myself between his legs, hoisting them up over my shoulders, revealing his hole. “I want you to imagine I’m your son. Say whatever it is you’d want to say to him. Got it?”

    Pastor Kline nodded.

    I spit in my hand and rubbed it along my dick and on his hole. I pressed my head against his opening and pushed inside, moving beyond the resistance and causing him to shudder and gasp.

    “Oh, Will,” he said.

    “No,” I told him, pushing harder, forcing more of myself inside. “Not Will.”

    “Ryan,” he moaned, his hands reaching up to his nipples which he started to twist.

    Having fucked Pastor Kline many times before, I knew what made his body lose control. I knew what would make him cum from just his ass. I knew what would make him feel what he had always wanted to feel: his son fucking him.

    “Is this what you want, Dad?” I whispered, shoving myself deep inside him, his back arching, hands shaking. “Am I making you feel good?”

    “Yes, Son.”

    “Do you like knowing that the dick that you made is inside you?”


    “Is it filling you?”

    “It’s so big.”

    “Do you want me to breed you?”

    “I need your cum.”

    “How badly?”

    “I need it so bad. I need it deep inside me, Son.”

    “Will you be my pig?”


    “Will you give me your ass whenever I need it?”

    “It’s always yours.”

    My breathing was shallow, my orgasm rising. I reached out and grabbed his arms, pulling them up and over his head, pinning him down. His eyes opened, looking straight into mine. “You’re mine,” I said, slamming my dick hard into his ass, unloading deep. My arms shook, unable to hold my weight. I collapsed on his chest, both our chests heaving as we tried to catch our breath. I felt something wet around my stomach and looked down, seeing a small pool of cum beneath Pastor Kline’s dick. I lifted myself off him and scooped up his cum on my finger and stuck it in my mouth, my eyes meeting his as I savored his first poz load.

    “Fuck,” he moaned, smiling big. “I’ve never felt so bad but been so happy.”

    I collected more of his cum and dropped it into his mouth, watching as he licked his lips. “Taste good?”

    “Amazing,” he said.

    I pulled my dick out, watching as my cum squirted out on the sheets. “While I love the smell of men and sex,” I told him, “we probably should clean you up before your wife gets home.”

    “You’re right,” he said. “Just give me a second. I want to bask in this for a moment more.”

    I changed his sheets and helped him into the bathroom where he shit out my cum, much to his disappointment. I helped him shower and blew him again. Once he was clean and unable to cum anymore, I returned him to his newly made bed.

    “Do you think it’ll ever happen?” he asked me.


    “Ryan,” he said. “I want more than anything for him to fuck me.”

    “Well,” I said. “Remember how much you hoped I’d fuck you one day? That happened. Hell, we’ve fucked so many times, I’ve lost count.”

    “That’s true,” he said.

    After a few minutes he fell asleep. Not long after his wife returned.

    “How is he?”

    “Tired,” I told her. “I know a doctor to call should he get worse. Just let me know.”

    “Thank you, Will.”

    “My pleasure,” I said, smiling.


    “How is he?” Dominic asked.

    “Feeling sick,” I told him. “I kept him company.”

    “And by that you mean…”

    “I fucked him while pretending to be his son,” I said. “Then I tasted his first poz load and then fed him the rest. I also blew him.”

    “If only I had had you when I converted,” Dominic said, kissing me.

    My phone vibrated, revealing a call. I looked at the ID and found Jay's name.


    "Will," Jay's voice said over the phone, an excitement within the single word. "I've got some great news..."


    As I said in my previous chapter post, we've reached the point of what I have written. I'm working on writing more, but life gets in the way. I'll be taking a short break so that I can get more written. I'm hoping this isn't a story that could go on forever, so I'm trying to figure out a good ending. What it will be, who knows. 

    If you have ideas or there's something you want to see, please let me know. No promises they'll happen, but I love seeing your thoughts. 

    Until our next Sermon, keep fucking. 

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  3. I've often wondered about the risks taking a fist so far that the guy's shoulder is touching your hole. How is the body able to take an entire arm like that? Wouldn't his hand start hitting things it shouldn't? Isn't it risky? I mean, it's hot, don't get me wrong. No judgment here. I'm just always amazed and left wondering what risks are involved when going THAT deep. 

  4. On 10/1/2022 at 1:39 PM, Muscledadbod said:

    I guess I am the only one who likes deodorant and cologne.

    But not overly done where you smell them from ten feet away.


    Certain colognes are amazing. If it smells too fake or like chemicals, I get a headache. If it's like sandlewood or something earthy, then I'm in love. If a man's BO burns my eyes and smells like onions, I'm gone. Let's find an inbetween. 

  5. Alright guys, here is part 2 of Peter's perspective. Again, there is a condom used here, but that's because Peter hasn't been turned into a poz pig yet. Give him time. He'll be coming around soon enough. So will Lewis.

    This is also the longest chapter I've written. I hope I've filled it with enough jerk-off material to satisfy. Enjoy. 


    Part 20: Peter takes Lewis (part 2)

    I thought my legs were going to crumble beneath me as I tasted him, this man who was opening himself to me in ways no other man had done before. I could taste his tears as I was sure he could taste mine. Images of all the men I had ever wanted to kiss but had been afraid to appeared in my mind, ending with Lewis’s perfect face.

    Lewis broke the kiss, staring at me. “I’m sorry,” he said.

    “Don’t be,” I told him, trying to catch my breath. “Don’t ever be sorry for doing that.”

    “No,” he said. “I’m sorry that I ran away. I just… I didn’t know what to do. I was so surprised.”

    “I understand.”

    “I mean, I’ve never…” he trailed off, looking down at his feet.

    I reached out and gently caressed his arms, squeezing his muscles lightly. “It’s alright,” I said. “I haven’t either.”


    I smiled. “I mean, I’ve wanted to since I was your age. Younger even. When I played basketball, I had a hell of a time hiding my boners in the showers. I’d see someone attractive, strong, hung,” I moved my right hand to his chin and lifted his gaze back to my eyes, “someone like you.”

    A small smile turned his lips. “I’ve never thought of another guy like that,” Lewis said.


    He shook his head.

    “Well,” I started, knowing I was rocking a boat I wanted to keep from sinking, “why didn’t you run off to the principal? Why didn’t you take a swing at me? I mean, if you didn’t feel this way—”

    “I didn’t say I didn’t feel this way,” he corrected. “It’s just, I’ve never thought of another guy like that.”

    “Oh,” I said, my head looking down at my feet.

    Lewis’s hand reached out and directed my eyes to his, a smile completing his gorgeous face. “Until now.”

    I stepped back and sat on the edge of my desk, Lewis joining me. We sat silently next to each other and I felt as if I was back in high school. Yes, I was literally in a high school, but I felt as if I was young again, trying to gain the courage to speak to my crush. In some way, I was, even though I’d already kissed him.

    “When you started saying all those things,” he said, “when you started saying all of that, I was scared. I knew what was happening. For a second, I wanted to run out and find someone to tell. I wanted to hit you as hard as I could. I mean, you told me to break up with my girlfriend, and now you’re hitting on me.”

    “I promise that’s not why I told you to do that,” I told him, though I was wondering if there wasn’t a small part of me that had done so.

    “I know,” he said. “After I left, I don’t know, something felt wrong. I felt as if I was running from something I should have been running toward. It was like every step felt cold. I thought about what you said. I thought about feeling your heart racing,” he reached out a hand and placed it on my chest. I could feel my heart quickening. “Feeling your heat, and smelling you, even through your shirt. Something in my head clicked. I don’t know what it was, but the second I came back and saw you again, I just knew what I had to do.”

    I smiled, wanting to burst into tears. Never had anyone spoken about me like that, not even my wife. At times, I felt as if was a chore to be around me. I knew my wife didn’t want my around much of the time. Now, here was a young man, someone who could have anyone he wanted, but he came back for me. I leaned toward him and kissed him again, resting my palm on his cheek.

    “I’m glad you came back,” I said.

    “Me too,” he told me. His smile faded.

    “What’s wrong?”

    “Well,” he said, looking around us. “There’s a lot wrong. You’re my teacher and my coach. You’re, I don’t know, forty something?”

    “I’m thirty-six,” I told him, feeling the blow.

    “You’re married,” he continued. “You’ve known me since I was a kid. Plus, we go to the same church. What do you think they’d say?”

    “They don’t like the idea of you fucking your girlfriend,” I told him. “I know what they’d say.”

    “Aren’t you worried?”

    “I’ve been keeping this a secret for a long time,” I said. “I’m not worried because I’m not planning on telling anyone. You shouldn’t tell anyone either.”

    “I won’t,” he said. “I mean, all we did was kiss.”

    “That’s true,” I said. I looked at him, noticing his eyes wandering over my body. Though I had observed him for a while, I was realizing that this was the first time Lewis had been looking at another man in a sexual light. I was his first. I was the one who could shape him. “Do you…” I started. “Do you want to… do something more than that?”

    He stared at me, a slight fear in his eyes, mixing with a hunger I knew all too well. He nodded slowly.

    “What do you want to do?” I asked.

    “Well,” he said, eyes looking me over. “Can I, I mean, if you want—”

    “Whatever you want to do,” I interrupted, “I can guarantee I want to do too.”

    “Can I see what you look like?” he asked. “I mean, naked?”

    Never had I imagined hearing those words, especially from another man. Yes, I had been naked in front of men before, having played sports, but now, having another man wanting to see me naked, caused a slight terror to fill me. What if he doesn’t like what I look like? What if I’m not what he likes? He doesn’t know what he likes, I reminded myself. He’s new to all of this. This is your chance to show him what he likes. “Alright,” I said, standing up from the desk. I went to my office door and closed it, locking it. I turned back to Lewis, noticing that he had been watching me as I walked away, his eyes focused on my ass. I smiled.

    I first took off my shirt, revealing my hair chest, a nice coating of brown fur to show how much of a man I was. I wasn’t a muscle god, but I was strong. You could tell that I took care of myself and worked out regularly. I was proud of the way I looked. Seeing Lewis’s reaction boosted my spirits. He smiled and left the desk, eyes focused on my chest.

    “You can touch it,” I said, puffing my chest out.

    Slowly, Lewis reached out a hand and placed it on my chest, his fingers running through the hair and feeling my warm skin beneath.

    “Wow,” he said.

    “You like that?”

    He nodded. “I wish I had hair like this.”

    “You will,” I told him. He gave me a quizzical look. “I might have jerked off to pictures I found of you in Florida. I saw pictures of your dad.”

    “Yeah, he’s hairy like you.”

    “I’m sure you’ll start looking grizzly-like once you’re a bit older.” I imagined an older version of Lewis, and I could have cum just from the thought.

    “I hope so,” he said, his fingers digging further into my hair. “It feels amazing.” His hand ran down to my stomach, feeling the thin layer of fat that ran over my six-pack. He stopped as his palms met the top of my pants. He looked into my eyes, the fear now gone, showing only hunger. “Can I?” he asked.

    I nodded.

    Lewis lowered himself to the floor, resting on his knees, his face level with my crotch. He undid my belt and then unfastened the button. His hands shook slightly, an excitement causing him to shake. Slowly, he unzipped my pants and pulled them down, revealing my boxer-briefs. He reached out for my underwear but stopped.

    “What’s wrong?” I asked.

    “I just realized what we’re doing,” he said, looking up at me. “What we’re about to do.”

    “And?” I asked, fearful that he was changing his mind.

    “I’m just happy,” he said.

    I smiled and slipped my fingers beneath the band of my underwear and the jockstrap beneath, his own fingers joining me. Together, we lowered them down, revealing my pubic hair, my shaft, my head, and my balls, all of which held a musky smell from the compressing jockstrap. That, and I had created a significant amount of precum, some of which was matted in my bush.

    Lewis stared at my dick, taking in the length, the girth, and my large testicles. I knew he had seen naked men before, but I knew he had never been this close to another man’s cock and balls. For a split second, I saw his tongue lick his lips.

    “You can touch it,” I told him.

    Lewis careful reached up and took hold of my dick, his fingers gently touching the warm skin. He traced the veins, the tips of his fingers gently caressing the glands. I started to grow immediately, but Lewis didn’t remove his hold. Instead, he wrapped his hand around my shaft and squeezed, causing a stream of precum to leak out.

    “Are you cumming?” he asked, watching as it trailed down to the floor, a continual string of my juice.

    “No,” I told him. “I produce a lot of precum. A lot of cum, too.”


    “It’s called hyperspermia,” I said. “I make a ton more cum than most men.”

    “Your wife must love that.”

    “Not really,” I told him, feeling myself going limp at the thought of her. Lewis’ grip tightened again, and I started to get hard once more. “You can taste it, too,” I said.

    Lewis stared at the trail of precum, eyeing the clear liquid. He leaned forward and stuck out his tongue, the tip meeting the precum and breaking the trail. It stuck to his tongue and then dripped down his chin, narrowly missing his clothes.

    “It tastes good,” he said, licking his lips. “I’ve never tasted mine.”

    “I’m glad you like it,” I said. “I think you should take off your clothes too. I’d hate to get anything on them.”

    Lewis looked at me and nodded. He stood up and removed his shirt, revealing the body I had seen in pictures and briefly in the locker room. He was a strong young man, not a bit of hair on his chest. This made me feel strong, like the alpha. His nipples were erect, dark and the size of quarters. He tossed his shirt to the side and then undid his pants, pulling them and his boxers down to his ankles.

    I had never had a clear view of Lewis’s dick before. I’d seen glimpse in the shower, but not enough to know what he looked like. While he wasn’t as long as me, his dick was thick. Porn would relate his size to a beer can. The head was smaller than the shaft, but it was a gorgeous head. He too was leaking precum, but not nearly as much as I was.

    I stepped closer and reached out a hand, taking hold of his growing dick. It twitched in my hand, causing Lewis to shudder from the feeling. As I jerked him off, gaging his length, I saw his balls pulling up into his body. They weren’t the size of mine, but they hung low and were covered in hair. Once his dick was hard, I moved to his balls and held them in my palm, feeling the weight of them. Something about holding the “family jewels” of another man made me feel powerful. I knew his parents had hopes for him, wanting him to marry and pump out dozens of kids. Here I was holding that future in my hands, hoping to change the direction of his future forever.

    All of these thoughts filled me with a lust I’d only ever dreamed about. As I touched him, I realized that I was the only other person, other than himself or a doctor, who had touched this part of him since he became a man. I was feeling his most vulnerable parts, and I wanted to feel even more.

    I released his balls and held my hand to my nose, breathing in his scent. I could smell sweat, precum, and his own natural odor which was intoxicating.

    “On your knees,” I told him.

    Slowly, Lewis resumed his position on his knees, my hard cock sticking straight out at him.

    “Taste it,” I told him. He stuck out his tongue again, but I stopped him. “Not my precum,” I said. “Taste my dick.”

    His mouth opened, tongue extended, reaching out to my engorged dick. I knew he wouldn’t be able to take much of it into his mouth, but I didn’t care. I only wanted to feel his mouth on my skin. The head slipped inside, moving along his tongue, the tip of his teeth gently touching the shaft.

    “Easy does it,” I told him, my hand reaching around his head and resting near his neck. “Don’t hurt yourself.”

    His lips closed on my shaft, only a small part of my dick inside his mouth. I knew he had seen porn, most likely straight, so he had an idea of what to do. Slowly, he started to move his tongue and lap up the precum now dripping into his mouth and down his throat. I ventured a bit more of my dick into his mouth, pushing slightly. He didn’t back away and continued to attempt to suck his first dick. I watched as his Adam’s apple moved along with is slight thrusts.

    Looking down at the top of his head, his lips, the same lips I had kissed not long ago, now wrapped around my cock, I knew this was what I had always wanted. This was what I had been waiting for. Almost half of my dick was in his mouth now, a motion created as his spit covered me, tongue tasting every aspect of myself. Watching him eagerly take me, tasting my cum and my cock, I knew what I wanted to do. I knew I had to fuck him. Except…

    “What’s wrong?” Lewis asked, my dick leaving his mouth as I stepped away. “Was it bad?”

    “No,” I told him, noticing a bit of my precum dribbling down his chin. He looked so cute on the floor, concerned, wanting me to come back to him. “It’s just… I really want to fuck you.”

    “Alright,” he said, smiling.

    “I don’t have…” I started, looking at his gorgeous face, lighting up at the thought of me fucking him, entering him, opening him up. “I don’t have a condom.”

    “Oh,” he said. “And we need one?”

    I’d always wanted to fuck without a condom, especially as the amount of cum I make makes it difficult to keep one on. I wanted to fuck Lewis, to feel his skin on mine, to bridge that gap, but I also wanted to be safe. This was his first time, so I didn’t run the risk of a disease, but still… “I’m sorry,” I said.

    “Hold on,” Lewis said, jumping to his feet and running out of the office.

    I waited, staring down at my cock, admiring the wetness from his mouth. Even then I couldn’t believe what was happening. Lewis had not only kissed me, but he had also sucked my dick and tasted my precum. I was living the dream of so many men who had fantasized about one of their students, hoping they could take them and teach them things not found in the classroom.

    “Here,” Lewis said, entering the office and handing me a condom packet.

    “Where did you get this?”

    “Corey keeps a few in his locker,” Lewis told me. “He keeps them there just in case he can slip a girl in here after a game.”

    “Smart kid,” I said, opening the packet. “Are you sure you want this?”

    Lewis looked at me, our eyes connecting, the weight of his answer seen between us. “Yes,” he told me.

    “Good,” I said, taking out the condom. I hadn’t held one of these in a long time. Though I knew I needed one, I hated the way it felt. Still, if it allowed me to fuck Lewis, I’d wear practically anything. “Get up on my desk,” I told him. “Lay on your back.”

    As Lewis got into position, I slid the condom onto my dick, finding the size to be a bit snug. Still, I wasn’t going to complain.

    “Like this?” he asked, his back on the surface, facing me, his legs bent.

    “Almost,” I told him. “Lift your legs up. I’ve got to get a look at your hole.”

    He gripped his legs and pulled them up, revealing his ass and his tight hole. While hair wasn’t seen much on the rest of his body, there was a thick collection of it around his hole. I reached out a finger and touched it, feeling Lewis’s body recoil at the touch.

    “Sorry,” he said.

    “It’s fine,” I told him. I slid my finger into my mouth and got it wet, returning to his hole. “I’m going to do it again.”

    He nodded.

    I touched his hole and ran my wet finger around the rim, pushing slightly. I didn’t want to hurt him, but I couldn’t hold back the voice telling me to shove my finger inside before shoving my dick after it. With his hole wet, I pressed my finger again, slipping inside him.

    “Fuck,” Lewis gasped, body shaking, hands nearly dropping his legs.

    “It’s alright,” I told him, my other hand reaching out and resting my palm on his stomach. “I’m inside. My finger is inside.”

    “It feels big,” he said.

    “It’ll get bigger,” I told him, looking at my dick. I worked my finger inside, moving in and out, opening him up. Each time my finger entered him all the way, I searched for his prostate, knowing it was somewhere. After a little search, his body shook and a deep groan filled the office. I had found it.

    After a little while, I slipped my finger out and then spit in my hand, rubbing it over two fingers. “Two,” I said, showing Lewis. I slid both fingers inside of him, his body still shuddering but not nearly as much as before.

    I watched as he closed his eyes, head tilted back, relishing the feeling of my fingers opening him. Little moans escaped his mouth, my one hand opening his hole while the other rubbed his stomach, feeling the muscles beneath. I removed the two fingers and tried a third, his ass opening larger, pulling me in. Without telling him, I added a fourth. He was loosening, his body accepting me, his moans of pleasure telling me to invade his body.

    I slipped my fingers out and stepped forward, the head of my dick pressed against his hole. “Are you ready?” I asked.

    Without opening his eyes, Lewis nodded, biting his lower lip.

    I pressed my dick against his hole, moving gently, trying to enter just as my fingers had so easily. With a bit of added force, the head of my dick popped inside.

    Lewis’s body shook, his ass pulling more of me inside him. His eyes opened wide in wonder as he looked at me, his mouth open.

    I smiled. “You’re not a virgin anymore,” I told him.

    Lewis smiled, tightening his grip on his legs. “You feel huge,” he said.

    “I am,” I told him. I angled myself and spit on my dick, some of it hitting his hole. I pushed in again, more of my dick entering, opening him. “Let me in, baby. Let me in.”

    Lewis moaned, his ass quivering, his muscles trying to pull me inside. I knew I was giving his body something it never new it wanted but always needed.

    I continued to push inside, allowing him to adjust, allowing him to feel my size fill him. I wanted him to know what a real man felt like. It didn’t take long before my pubes met his ass. “I’m all the way in,” I told him, his feet meeting my shoulders. I leaned over and kissed his ankles.

    Lewis opened his eyes and looked down. “Holy shit,” he said. “You’re inside me.”

    “All of me,” I told him. “Are you ready?”

    “Yes,” he said, the slight fear from before returning. “Fuck me. Fuck me, Mr. Flanagan.”

    I pulled out slowly, watching until only the head remained inside. It was a beautiful sight, seeing how his body welcomed me, how it was reaching out for me to return. I pushed back in, his legs shaking, his hands losing their grip.

    “Fuck,” he cried, hands reaching down to the desk and holding on tight.

    His legs rested on my shoulders, moving with me as I bottomed out again. “You feel so good,” I told him, pulling out and pushing in a third time. Then a fourth. A fifth. “You’re fucking beautiful.”

    “Fuck,” he moaned again, face contorted in an agony reserved for pleasure. “Don’t stop. Please, don’t stop.”

    “I won’t,” I told him, my pace quickening, a rhythm starting to form. “I won’t stop. I won’t let you go.” I reached out and took his erect dick and started to jerk him off, beads of precum dripping down his shaft.

    A smell permeated the air, the smell of sweaty bodies tied together, their sexual connection pouring out of their skin. I breathed deep, relishing the scent he and I created.

    I didn’t know how much time had passed, but I could feel my body shaking, the exertion taking its toll. Had we been fucking for hours or only minutes? It felt like forever, but I didn’t want it to stop.

    Lewis was moaning continuously, the sounds of his pleasure music to me as I changed him.

    “Mr. Flanagan,” he said between strained breaths, his chest heaving. “I’m gonna cum.”

    “Do it,” I told him, directing my thrusts, seeking out his prostate. “Cum for me. Cum for me, baby.” I tightened my grip on his dick as I felt it grow, his skin turning a darker red.

    “I’m gonna cum,” he moaned, eyes closed, back arching. “I’m gonna cum.”

    “Do it. Cum for me.”

    “I’m cumming,” he yelled, the muscles of his body seizing, his mouth opening in a silent scream. Thick ropes of cum shot out of his dick and flew through the air, the first hitting the wall two feet from the desk, the second hitting his face, the third entering his open mouth. The rest covered his body until he was spent, leaving my hand covered.

    His hole tightened around my dick, sending waves of pleasure through my body. I wanted to cum inside him, but doing so while wearing the condom felt wrong. I pulled out and took the condom off, the precum inside spattering on the floor. I grabbed my dick and started jerking off, my other hand grabbing one of his legs for support.

    “I’m cumming,” I shouted, head tilted back, eyes closed, feeling the biggest orgasm of my life taking over my body. I could feel every muscle awaken as I started shooting, each burst of cum feeling as if a weight was being removed. I felt as if I couldn’t breathe, as if this orgasm was taking from me my very life. And it felt worth it.

    Once the wave ended, I released my dick and grabbed Lewis’s other leg, using them to keep me from falling onto his body. I opened my eyes and saw the young man sprawled out on my desk. He was covered in cum. Not only was his cum covering his face, chest, and abdomen, but mine had been added, creating a thick pool of white all over his body. I knew I produced a considerable amount of cum, but I didn’t think I’d ever been able to cum this much. If he had been hairy, every strand would have been matted with our semen, mixing together, becoming one. I looked down and noticed some of my cum had splattered on his ass, trickles leaking down over his hole, trying to enter inside where cum belonged.

    I stared at Lewis, watching as he looked down at himself, his hands releasing the desk and running through our loads. He smiled, looking at me with a wondrous glow. Never had I seen anyone look so happy to be alive. In that moment, I finally felt free.

    We went to the showers and cleaned ourselves up. While we cleaned, we kissed, my hairy body pressing him against the tiled wall, my mouth sucking at his neck. I wanted to fuck him again, but I knew his parents would be wondering where he was. Once we were clean, we returned to my office and got dressed.

    “How do you feel?” I asked him, buckling my belt. “Any regrets?”

    “None,” he said. “I’m just glad it was with you.”

    I smiled and pulled him in for another kiss. I couldn’t wait to fuck him again.


    I have one more chapter written before I may have to take a small break from posting every Sunday. I'm figuring out where the story is going and how to pull everything together that I want to do. Everything you've read took a few months to write before I posted. I hope I can work faster on the next few parts.

    Also, are there any other characters you'd like to see stories told from their perspectives? Any charcter ideas you'd like to see? Let me know. 

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  6. Surprise Chapter!

    Since writing from Dominic and Jay's perspectives, I started thinking of writing from Peter's perspective, specifically what happened between him and Lewis. Every time I think about it, it changes, so I'm getting it out once and for all. Since I haven't written this before, there are no parts I can skip over because you've already read them like in Dominic and Jay's chapters. Because of that, I'm splitting Peter's perspective chapters into 2 parts. Part 1 now. Part 2 in a few days. I hope you find them enjoyable. Just be aware that Peter isn't fucking bare yet, so there will be condom use in part 2. Sorry. Just remember that the next time we see Peter and Lewis together after these two parts, there won't be any condoms allowed. I guarantee it. 


    Chapter 19: Peter wants Lewis (part 1)

    “Don’t forget about your test next Tuesday,” I called to my students as they scrambled to leave the classroom. I sat at my desk and watched as they left, finding my eyes focused on several of the male students. I shook my head, clearing my thoughts. You can’t do this, Peter, I thought. You know it’s wrong. It wasn’t an age thing. All these students were 18, just at the limit of legal, but it was still wrong. Firstly, I was married. My right hand played with the ring on my left hand, spinning it around my finger as I watched the last male student leave, admiring his ass in his tight jeans. Stop, Peter. You can’t do this. I shut my eyes and tried to clear my mind of the impure thoughts. I’m married to a woman. I’m a good Christian man. I’m a good teacher. Who am I kidding? I'm a total...

    “Mr. Flanagan?”

    My eyes flew open and found Lewis Berg standing in the doorway. Lewis was one of my students in third period history, but he was also on the basketball team which I coached. I also knew Lewis from church where I had known him since he was just a kid. At times, I forgot how old some of these students had become, growing up before my eyes, becoming men.

    “Lewis. What’s up?”

    “I just wanted to know if I could talk to you for a second?”

    “Sure.” I watched as he entered the room, taking a seat in one of the front desks. Lewis was of average height, close to my own. He was one of the shorter guys on the team, but he was fast. While some of the taller guys allowed their height to be their source of power, Lewis worked out his body to make up for the deficit. I’d seen him routinely use the school gym and even caught sight of him at the gym I attended from time to time. I would be lying if I said I hadn’t stolen extra seconds admiring his work on his body. He was strong, evident from his thick arms in his basketball jersey. Even then, I found myself admiring the man he had become, a man that I wanted to… “What’s up?”

    “Well,” he said, looking around himself, clearly embarrassed. “It’s about my girlfriend, Becca.”

    “What about her?” I asked. I knew Becca. Among the school, she was considered a bit of an entitled bitch. She seemed the type expecting everyone to treat her like a princess, which I refused to do. I also knew that Lewis was only the most recent guy she was dating, having gone through several in the past. How Lewis had matched up with her, I didn’t know. Then again, looking him over, I could see what she saw in him.

    “Well, this is embarrassing,” he said.

    “Lewis,” I said, looking him straight in the eye. “You can tell me. Think of me not as Mr. Flanagan the teacher or Coach Flanagan. Think of me as Peter Flanagan from church. Tell me what’s wrong.”

    He sighed, nodding. “Becca and I have been dating for a few months, and I really like her, but, she says she wants to break up with me.”

    “Why is that?”

    “That’s the problem,” he said. “She wants to have sex, and I told her I wouldn’t.”

    “I see,” I said. “Didn’t she know that you were waiting till marriage?” A part of me laughed at this, knowing full well that many men who say they’re waiting till marriage don’t. Hell, I didn’t wait till marriage. I couldn’t manage to keep my cock under control when I was this kid’s age. If it wasn’t in my hand, I was desperately trying to find something to shove it into. At that age, I’d managed to be content with pussy. But now…

    “She says if I really love her, that it shouldn’t matter,” he said.

    “I see. Well, Lewis, you already know what I’m going to say. I also know what your parents will say if you do what Becca wants.”

    “I know,” he said, hanging his head.

    “Not to mention what would happen if you got her pregnant.” I thought of my own wife and our troubles conceiving. I started imagining my seed, plentiful, growing inside of...

    “They’d kill me,” he said. “I just really like her.”

    “Lewis, the choice is yours,” I told him. “I think, in the end, you’ll do the right thing.”

    “Thanks, Mr. Flanagan.” Lewis said, standing up and reaching to shake my hand.

    I started to stand but felt my pants tenting, so I sat back down, stretching to shake his hand. Fuck, even his handshake was strong, causing my tenting to grow taller. “I’ll see you at practice.”

    “Sounds good,” he said.

    I don’t know when I started wearing the extra tight jockstrap to practices, but it was the only thing that managed to keep my raging boner under control. I kept it in my office near the gym, a small area the school allotted me. Before every practice I would go to my office, strip down, pull on the tight jockstrap, and put everything back on again. The fabric crushed my balls, but it kept my dick from running wild and exposing the fact that I… It was difficult not admiring the young men as they ran up and down the court, sweating, their muscles catching the light in the gym. I never looked at anyone underage, of course, but there was something about the young men who were about to leave high school and enter the tough world that caused my dick to swell.

    Throughout practice, I caught myself watching Lewis more than anyone else. He was a talented player, working hard to keep the team moving. He was a natural leader. He’d be a strong, capable man one day. Fuck, I thought, watching as he did a layup, his tufts of armpit hair sticking out, covered in sweat. I wanted Lewis so bad.

    After practice, the guys hit the showers and I had to resist the urge to watch them. I went to my office and sat at my desk, pulling my pants down and grabbing hold of my raging boner. I just need to cum, I thought, starting to jerk off. That’s all. My wife and I hadn’t fucked in forever, my hyperspermia seen as a gross genetic deformity in her eyes. I knew I was going to have a huge mess to clean up once I was done, but I had no choice. I had to rid myself of these thoughts, the thoughts a lack of sex had left me with. My balls were full, needing release, especially for a man like me. I was a man left with nothing to use other than my right hand for physical pleasures, though I desperately wanted to shove my dick as hard as I could deep inside of…

    “Mr. Flanagan?”

    Lewis opened my office door just as I started cumming, ropes of cum shooting out and hitting the top of my desk, dripping down over my shoes and my pants and underwear which were around my ankles. Thank God there was a front to my desk or Lewis would have seen a geyser erupting.

    “Lewis,” I said, still in the middle of my orgasm. I moved forward toward my desk, hiding the fact that I was naked from the waist down. I tried to control my face as waves of pleasure shook my body. Seeing his face, seeing his body clothed in nothing but a towel, caused my orgasm to go into overdrive. I felt as if I wanted to pass out from the pleasure.

    “I just wanted to say thanks for talking to me today,” he said. “You’re right. I know what I’ve got to tell Becca.”

    “Happy to help,” I said, stifling a moan.

    Lewis closed the door, unaware of having just caught me in an orgasm which had his name written all over it. I fell back into my chair, my dick hitting the bottom of my desk where my cum was dripping down all over my legs. I took time to catch my breath. Fuck, I thought. That was too close.

    My wife fell asleep before I did, allowing me the opportunity to slip out of bed. I went down to the basement/my office and booted up my computer. I went online and looked up pictures from the school’s website, finding every picture I could of Lewis from our recent games. Even they weren’t enough. I logged onto Facebook and found his profile. He and his family had gone to Florida over Christmas break, giving me dozens of photos of him on the beach. If the pictures of his dad were any indicator of what Lewis would eventually look like, I knew his smooth body would soon be growing a thick pelt of hair. Even his dad was turning me on, a bull of a man himself.

    I grabbed a pillow and folded it in half, shoving my dick inside, staring at the photos of Lewis as I pumped in and out. I thought of him running on the court, covered in sweat, skin glowing from the workout. I thought of him standing in my doorway, nothing but a towel around his waist, unaware that, at that moment, my cock was erupting cum in an orgasm that he had caused. I thought of him alone in the locker room showers, his naked body mine for the taking. I'd walk in, wrap my arms around his body, one hand on his dick while the other covered his mouth. I'd thrust my dick up inside him and...

    “Fuck,” I said, dropping the pillow and jerking my dick. “It’s all for you, Lewis. It’s all for you.” I closed my eyes as I started cumming, my muscles tight, balls pulling up into my body to unload what would be buckets of cum. For a second, I couldn’t breathe, my mouth open wide, my mind screaming his name. As I came down from my orgasm high, I looked at my computer screen and found it coated in cum, Lewis’s face smiling behind my dripping seed. “Well,” I said, wiping the sweat from my forehead, “I guess that computer is ruined.”

    Lewis was missing from practice which was unlike him. I asked one of the other players if they knew where he was.

    “Don’t think he’s coming,” he told me. “His girlfriend broke up with him. I think he’s devastated.” The guy smiled, clearly thinking of the available pussy now free to fuck.

    The guys finished practice and showered as I returned to my office. I felt bad for ruining Lewis’ relationship, but another realization made me feel even worse. If he wasn’t willing to fuck his girlfriend, there was no way he’d be willing to…

    “Mr. Flanagan,” a voice called from the closed door. It opened, revealing Lewis outside. His eyes looked a bit red from crying, but I could tell that he was trying to be tough.

    “Hey, Lewis,” I said, motioning him to step inside.

    “I’m sorry for missing practice,” he said, closing the door. “I just couldn’t make it today. You see—”

    “It’s alright, Lewis,” I told him. “I already know what happened.”

    “You know that I didn’t… well, you know.”

    I nodded.

    “I just feel terrible,” he told me. “I mean, I’m glad I told her no, but now I’m feeling like shit.” Lewis’ eyes got wide at the word. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to say that.”

    “It’s alright, Lewis,” I said, standing up and walking around to the other side of my desk, leaning back on the surface. “I get it. You will feel like shit. That’s how it is when it comes to relationships. You get your heart broken.”

    “Did that ever happen to you?”

    “Plenty of times,” I said, thinking back to the first guy I had wanted to kiss, to be with, to…

    “It’s just so unfair,” he said. “Everyone else gets to have sex, but I can’t."

    "Have you talked to your dad about it?" I asked, thinking back to the shirtless pictures I had seen of him the night before. I started to imagine being sandwiched between them, by the tight jockstrap pushed my dick down, causing me to wince. 

    "He said I did the right thing," Lewis told me. "But he also said that becase I'm upset about it, that I must be depraved, lusting after sinful things."

    "You're an eighteen-year-old man," I told him. "That's just what it's like at that age. Let me tell you something, it never goes away."


    I nodded. "Not to bring you down, but, as a man, you aren't thinking with this head," I said, pointing to my face, "as much as you are with this one," I said, pointing at my crotch. It had been a risky statement, but I saw a small smile turn Lewis's lips. 

    "They all think I’m some kind of freak.”


    "The guys on the team," he said. "Becca's been telling everyone that I'm a virgin and that I'm pathetic. Everyone is laughing at me."

    “No, they aren't.”

    “No one is going to want me,” Lewis said, his eyes growing red again as he fought back tears. “I’m going to die a virgin.”

    “No, you won’t,” I said, standing up and reaching out to him, pulling him into a hug. Our chests were pressed together and I could feel his heart racing as he tried to manage his breathing. He felt warm against me, warmer than anyone I’d ever been near. “You’ll find someone who loves you,” I told him, his emotions calming, his face pressed against my shoulder. I could smell his skin, his hair, the cologne he wore. He smelled manly, young and strong. “Someone who wants to be with you, who… wants every part of you. Someone who… needs to have you close to them, held tight, in their arms.” My arms tightened around him, his body growing closer to mine. His breathing slowed. “Someone who… wants to feel your body—”

    Lewis pushed away from me, his red eyes narrowed and looking me over. I took a step forward, but he stepped back.

    “Lewis, I—”

    He ran out of my office, leaving me alone and now petrified for my life. Fuck! What if he tells someone? I’ll lose my job. Tell them it was all a mistake. He's overly emotional. He misunderstood. He didn’t though. I wanted him. For years I’ve kept this part of me a secret, lying to everyone I know, to my wife most of all, and now, the first person I start to open up to, and this is what happens.

    I turned to my desk and slammed my fists down on top, yelling. My heart was racing as tears filled my eyes. My life was over.

    “Mr. Flanagan…”

    My heart stopped. I turned slowly, finding Lewis in the doorway. “Lewis,” I said, trying to compose myself. He stepped inside. “Lewis, I’m sorry. I think that we… I mean, I think that…” He continued to walk toward me until he was standing in front of me, staring into my eyes. His were blue... a clear, vibrant blue. “Lewis, I—”

    Lewis grabbed the back of my head and pulled us together, locking us into a kiss which sent my mind racing.


    Part 2 coming soon.

    And FYI guys, I'm trying to be careful here as I'm trying to stress that there is nothing going on between an adult and someone underage. Every depiction of Lewis seen in a sexual manner is from after he turned 18 (memories, pictures, whatever). I just want to be clear. There is no sexualizing of minors in this piece or any other piece I've written or will write. 

    • Like 17
  7. On 10/9/2022 at 10:42 AM, ijoey said:

    I wake up and wait for my wife to go to church. So, I can grab my ipad, lay naked in my bed, find this the next chapter, beat my cock and cum like a rocket while dreaming of being the next parishoner getting the demon seed 

    I appreciate the fact that you are living out the scenarios I'm writing about. You're almost a character in the story. 

    • Like 1
  8. Part 18: Fucking Peter (part 2)

    I fell forward, my heart racing. What remained of Pastor Kline’s cum was slick between us. I could feel his own heart beating. He broke off his kissing with Peter and looked to me, reaching up a hand and pulling me into another kiss. For a brief moment, I didn’t see Pastor Kline before me. Instead, I saw my father, and as the image became clear, I found my dick shooting out several more jets of cum.

    “What was that?” Pastor Kline asked, looking down at where my dick was still inside his ass.

    “For a second, I saw my dad instead of you,” I told him. “Made me cum some more.”

    Pastor Kline smiled. “Fucking hot. Would love to see the man that created a bull like you.”

    “Just because I fucked my brother doesn’t mean our dad would want anything to do with this. Trust me, there is no chance.”

    “Shame,” he said. “I’d love to watch you fuck your dad.”

    “I’d love to see you fucked by your own son,” I told him.

    “You and me both.”

    “Maybe, one day, we’ll both get lucky.”

    “He’ll be home soon,” he said. “I’ll see what I can do.”

    “You better,” Dominic said.

    “He’s friends with Lewis,” Pastor Kline said, looking at Peter who was taking Dominic’s dick better than before. “I caught them jerking off a few years ago when Lewis stayed over one night. They tried to hide it, but I knew what they were doing.”

    “Seems your son isn’t as innocent as I’d assumed,” I said. “Though, a lot of young men jerk off together.”

    “Close bond.”

    “Maybe,” Pastor Kline said, “Peter can get Lewis to somehow invite him over somewhere. He wouldn’t come if he knew I’d be there.”

    “I’d love to fuck your son’s ass,” Peter groaned, his dick pointed up into the air, precum dribbling down onto his stomach. A large pool was now created, mixing into his treasure trail. “Imagine fucking a father and son.”

    “I don’t need to imagine,” Dominic said, winking.

    “Fuck,” Peter said. “Where have you been all my life?”

    “I think we’ve all been thinking that,” Pastor Kline said.

    “How much cum do you make?” Dominic asked, picking up his pace?

    “Around 12 mls,” Peter said. "I measured once."

    Dominic’s eyes grew wide. “That’s more than double what's normal.”

    “Tell me about it,” Peter said.

    “And your bitch wife doesn’t appreciate it,” Dominic said, shaking his head. “She doesn’t know the god she has, but we do.”

    I pulled myself out of Pastor Kline and went to Dominic’s dresser in which he kept several instruments and toys. I pulled out a butt plug and inserted it into Pastor Kline’s ass.

    “Pastor,” Dominic said, eyeing the older man. “I’ve got a water bottle in the fridge filled with piss and cum. I want you to drink it all. Understand?”

    Pastor Kline nodded and left.

    “Son,” Dominic said, eyeing me, “I want you to go into the kitchen and get a bottle with a large mouth. I want to catch Peter’s cum just to see how much this fucker shoots.”

    I followed Pastor Kline into the kitchen where he was already starting in on the bottle of piss and cum. I watched as he drank, the bits of cum clouding the yellow piss. I didn’t much care for the taste of cold piss, but Pastor Kline seemed to like it. Watching him drink down the concoction, I found myself unable to believe that this was the same man I’d been looking up to for years. Now, I was watching him drink another man’s piss and cum while my toxic cum infected his hole. I’d just listened to him fantasize about having his own son fuck him. Never would I have believed Pastor Kline to be this perverted. I looked up to him even more than before. I couldn’t wait for him to be poz.

    I found the bottle Dominic had wanted and returned to the bedroom, coming to Peter’s side. Even though he hadn’t cum yet, the amount of precum over his stomach made it look as if Peter had already shot at least twice.

    “Why don’t you try some,” Dominic said, winking at me.

    I leaned down and started licking the precum off his stomach, some of his hairs sticking into my teeth. With my face pressed against his skin, I could almost feel Dominic’s dick hitting below my lips, a thin layer of muscle and tissue being the only thing keeping us apart.

    “This feels incredible,” Peter moaned.

    “This is only the beginning,” Dominic said. “Soon, we’ll have your fuck toy, Lewis, here to infect. After him, we’ll seduce Pastor Kline’s son into joining our ranks. We’ll be running out of recruits.”

    “I have a few names I can send your way,” Peter said. “Or, at least, a few men in our men’s group I’d love to have an opportunity to fuck.”

    “I second that,” I said, my mouth full of his precum. There were several men in the church I knew I’d love to have ass up, taking our poz dicks. I imagined what it would be like, looking out over the congregation, knowing I had fucked every man staring back at me, the strain gifted to me by Dominic running through all our veins.

    “Have you tasted your cum, Peter?” Dominic asked.

    Peter shook his head.

    Dominic nodded to me. I moved up to Peter’s mouth and forced it open with my tongue, dumping his precum inside. We stayed locked in this kiss for what felt like forever, swapping the ridiculous amount of precum between us. It tasted sweet and salty, and from Peter’s groans, I could tell that he liked it.

    Peter tried to say something as we kissed, our interlocking lips making his words muffled.

    “What?” I asked, releasing him.

    “I’m gonna cum,” he said.

    I grabbed the bottle Dominic had told me to get and held it up to Peter’s dick with one hand while my other hand started jerking him off. Peter’s breathing caused his chest to rise up in quick spurts, each breath shallow as his orgasm neared.

    “I’m cumming,” he moaned. “I’m cumming.”

    I kept jerking his dick with one hand while holding the bottle with the other. I watched in amazement as he started shooting thick ropes of cum into the bottle. His dick was almost a faucet pouring out his seed, his balls unable to hold the cum anymore. I kept jerking him off, stopping once when I thought he was finished, but he shook his head.

    “I’m still going,” he said.

    “Sexy fucker,” Dominic said, his own breathing changing as his orgasm neared.

    By the time Peter was finished, a quarter of the bottle was filled with his cum. I removed it and closed the lid, holding it up to Dominic.

    “What the fuck, man?” Dominic said, taking the bottle and eyeing the cum. “This is like four guys worth of cum.”

    “And I can go again,” Peter said.

    Dominic looked at me and smiled. “I think we’ve found our star breeder.”

    Pastor Kline came back into the bedroom, the empty bottle of piss and cum in hand. “I finished,” he said.

    “Good boy,” Dominic said. “Now, drink Peter’s cum.”

    Pastor Kline took the bottle from Dominic and opened the lid, swirling the contents around. He lifted it to his mouth and started drinking the cum.

    "I can't believe what I'm watching," Peter said. "Pastor Kline is drinking my cum like a protein shake."

    "It is," Dominic said.

    Halfway through, Pastor Kline took the bottle down, revealing cum around his lips and beads dripping down his chin. He smiled. “Tastes great.”

    “You see, Peter,” Dominic said, his pace quickening, “We know how to treat a man with your gift. And here’s your reward. A hot load of toxic cum.” His body shuddered as he unloaded in Peter’s ass, fingers digging into his legs, holding on to keep himself from collapsing. Both Dominic and Peter moaned from the waves of pleasure, their voices filling the room, making my cock jump. Dominic looked at Peter and then at me, smiling. “Fuck, that felt good.”

    I retrieved another butt plug and inserted it as soon as Dominic pulled out his dick. There were traces of blood and cum around his hole, proving once again how hard a lover Dominic was.

    “I’ve never felt anything like this before,” Peter said, resting his hands on his stomach. “I can feel your cum inside me.”

    “Speaking of which,” Dominic said, motioning Pastor Kline to clean of his dick. “Peter, I want to watch you fuck Will full of your manly sized load. Are you up for that?”

    “Sure am,” Peter said. “Are you?”

    “I’ve been waiting for you to fuck me all night,” I told him. We switched places, my legs hoisted up in the air. It had been a while since I was fucked, and I missed it. While I liked fucking Pastor Kline, I needed to feel a cock in my ass. Seeing Peter’s hard dick bobbing up and down, I found my whole twitch. “Ready when you are.”

    Peter lined his dick up with my hole and slowly pushed inside. It was amazing how much I had changed. Where it had been painful and difficult the first time Dominic had fucked me, his dick opening me up, making me bleed, I was now taking Peter’s dick with no problem. There was still a bit of pain, but it felt good, making my cock harden.

    “I’ve never been this hard,” Peter said.

    “The plug should be hitting your prostate,” Dominic said, reaching down and pressing it into Peter’s ass. Peter shook, eyes rolling back. “Only a plug and a dick can hit that spot.”

    “And I need you to hit mine,” I told Peter. “Fill me up with all that cum.”

    “Yes, sir,” Peter said, slipping his dick all the way in before starting a slow, steady rhythm.

    “Are you still thirsty?” Dominic asked Pastor Kline who was cleaning his beard, none of Peter’s cum remaining on his face.

    “Always, sir,” Pastor Kline said.


    Pastor Kline went down on his knees, his mouth open as Dominic positioned his cock overhead. A jet of piss shot out, hitting Pastor Kline’s lip at first, spraying him in the face. He quickly recovered and wrapped his lips around Dominic’s cock, his throat moving as he swallowed.

    “Does piss taste good?” Peter asked, watching as Pastor Kline continued drinking. “I never thought of drinking piss.”

    “It’s not for everyone,” Dominic said. “But for my men, I expect them to try it at least once. Will drinks it occasionally. Pastor Kline here is a real piss pig. He can’t get enough. Isn’t that right?”

    Pastor Kline nodded, his mouth still filling up with piss.

    “Just think,” Dominic said, “Your stomach is full of my piss, my cum, and Peter’s cum. Everything a growing slut needs.”

    “That’s fucking hot,” Peter said, slamming himself into my ass as he continued watching Pastor Kline’s depravity.

    “I can’t imagine being able to bounce back so quickly,” I said, watching Peter’s dick sliding in and out of my ass. “I don’t think I’d ever stop fucking.”

    “It wasn’t easy growing up,” Peter said. “All I wanted to do all the time was jerk off. I did it with a friend once, and he made fun of me because he came only twice and I came five times.”

    “No one understands a gift when they see one,” Dominic said. “If I were you, I’d look that asshole up and fuck him hard just to prove how impressive you really are.”

    “Maybe I will,” Peter said.

    “Or, better yet,” Dominic continued, “Why don’t you imagine you’re fucking him right now. Pretend Will is the guy. Fuck him hard, making him regret ever making fun of you.”

    Peter looked at me, his face unsure.

    “Go for it,” I told him, pulling my legs back further, exposing more of my hole. “Make me pay for it.”

    Peter smiled, then his brow furrowed, whatever hostility he had been holding up for years rising to the surface. I could feel his pace quicken, his thrusts no longer gentle but forceful, as if he was using his dick to hurt me. It felt incredible, his dick almost swelling even larger than before. He was hitting my prostate now, sending waves of pleasure throughout my sweating body. I felt as if I couldn’t breathe.

    “How’s he doing, Son?” Dominic asked.

    “Incredible,” I moaned.

    “Give it to him,” Dominic said, standing behind Peter, his hands on his shoulders. He looked me in the eye, the same devious smile from my dream all those weeks ago returning. “Make him pay for it.”

    Peter slammed into my ass, his balls hitting me hard. I could feel his pubic hair rubbing against my skin, rubbing, creating irritation. Clearly he was getting out his anger.

    “Think of how your wife doesn’t like you fucking her,” Dominic said, kissing Peter’s neck. “How hard to you want fuck that bitch now?”

    “Harder than she could imagine,” Peter growled. His fingers dug into my skin, sweat dripping down his body. His chest was heaving, Dominic’s hands finding his nipples. “Fuck!” Peter yelled, Dominic’s fingers twisting. “Fuck, I’m cumming!”

    “Fill his ass” Dominic said, smiling at me.

    “Fill me up,” I cried, my body shaking from Peter’s thrusts.

    Peter’s face contorted, mouth open in a silent scream as he shook, ramming his dick as far into my ass as possible.

    It felt as if someone was shooting a watergun in my hole. The cum wouldn’t stop pouring out of Peter’s cock. His orgasm lasted nearly a minute. Once it subsided, Peter looked at me, a single tear running down his face as he smiled. “I feel alive,” he said, falling forward onto me. He kissed me, his sweat dripping down on me. I looked at Peter as he smiled and found myself smiling bigger than ever before. Seeing him so happy, seeing him feeing fulfilled, flooded my body with an intense warmth. Without realizing it, I started cumming, shooting between our bodies.

    “Handsfree,” Peter said, laughing.

    “Yeah,” I said, unable to look away from him. For a single moment I found myself looking at Peter differently. The same intensity I felt with Dominic filled me as I looked at Peter. I wanted him to never leave. All I wanted was for him, Dominic, and myself to stay here forever.


    Alright men, I have one more chapter written before I have to get to work and write some more. That means there may be a sunday where we can't cum together for our normal sexual service. However, I am working on a different story that I think might be a one-off. If you thought Dominic was twisted, wait till you meet this guy. 

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  9. I see why you think he's a bottom, and I'd think the same. Still, not everyone likes a smooth bottom. I don't. It could just be the way he likes grooming. I wouldn't do what he's doing, but what body hair he has is up to him. If I were you, I'd keep an eye on him since you never know if he's trying to give signals. Till then, don't run up behind him in the shower and shove your dick inside his ass. That's how you get arrested. 

    • Haha 1
  10. Part 17: Fucking Peter (part 1)

    Dominic couldn’t believe what happened with Peter.

    “What is happening to the men at your church?” he asked. “There’s more sex going on there than at a bathhouse.”

    “I’ve never seen anyone cum that much,” I told him. “It was like one of your cum-filled water bottles.”

    “And he came three times in a row?”

    I nodded.

    “I’ve heard of hyperspermia, but I’ve never seen a guy with it. Videos online show guys cumming a ton, but I’ve always figured they filled their bladders with milk or something.”

    "Do guys do that?"

    "Imagine the infections."

    “This was all real,” I said. “He says he can cum five times in a row.”

    “Imagine how many guys he can convert in one night,” Dominic said.

    “I know that’s what you’re thinking,” I told him, “but remember, he wants a guy to fuck him, but not necessarily a poz guy.”

    “You said he seemed upset by the fact that he’s sterile. What better way to pass on your DNA than to do it by pozzing other guys?”

    “I know how that sounds to you, but I don’t think it’ll sound like that for him.”

    “Maybe not,” he said. “Still, I want to see him cum. Imagine how much cum I could collect.”

    “You’d need one of those giant water bottles. That, or you’d need to hover him over a bucket and milk him like a cow.”

    “We could get a milking pump,” Dominic said.

    “I’m not being serious.”

    “I’ve never met a poz man as vanilla as you,” he said. “I can’t believe he fucked a student.”

    “Not only that, but he’s a student from the church.”

    I saw Dominic’s eyes grow wide. “I could cum just hearing that.”

    “If you’re not pozzing Peter, then you’re definitely not pozzing Lewis.”

    “It’s been forever since I’ve fucked an eighteen-year-old.”

    “No,” I said. I knew that wouldn’t stop Dominic from trying. I had told him not to fuck Pastor Kline, and while Pastor Kline had made the first move, he still ended up in Dominic’s bed. I had a feeling that I’d be seeing Lewis Berg naked, feet above his head, asshole exposed and ready to be bred.

    On Sunday, Pastor Kline preached with a load of cum from Dominic and myself in his ass, a butt plug holding it inside him. During the service, I saw Peter standing with his wife, his eyes finding me and Dominic. He smiled and, when no one would see him, grabbed his own crotch and hugged his dick beneath. I smiled back. I lost track of Dominic and went searching for him, finding him down a hall talking to someone I couldn’t see. As I got closer, I stopped, seeing who it was that he was talking to.

    “Hey, Lewis,” I said, coming to Dominic’s side.

    Lewis Berg smiled. “Hey, Pastor Ryder. How are you?”

    “I’m good,” I said. I looked at Dominic and gave him a look that said, “What the fuck are you doing.”

    “I was just meeting your friend,” Lewis said.

    “We were talking about basketball,” Dominic said. “I played when I was younger. Loved it.”

    “Basketball is great,” I said.

    “We should get a game thrown together,” Lewis said. “A few guys from the church. That could be fun.”

    “It would be fun,” Dominic said. “I’d love to get to know more of the men here.”

    “That would be fun,” I said. “Maybe sometime.”

    “It would have to be before I leave for college,” Lewis said.

    “Time is of the essence,” Dominic said, looking at me with a wide grin.

    “We’ll see,” I said. “Have a great Sunday, Lewis.”

    After Lewis left, I hit Dominic across the arm.

    “What the fuck?” he said. “I was just being friendly.”

    “No, you wanted to bend him over and fuck him.”

    “I can do both,” he said.

    My phone vibrated, showing a text from Peter.

    “I’m ready to meet up whenever you are. -Peter”

    I showed Dominic the message.

    “Sounds like we’ve got a hungry ass looking for cum.”

    “We can invite him over, but we can’t stealth him.”

    “Understood,” Dominic said.

    We messaged Peter to come over to Dominic’s apartment Monday evening, the excuse being him meeting up with some men from the church to watch a game. The game part was a lie, but he was technically meeting up with men from the church. There was just no way for Peter’s wife to know that he was expecting to be fucked in the ass and loaded up with cum.

    Pastor Kline showed up early so that he could talk over with us what we were thinking to say to Peter.

    “We aren’t going to lie to him,” I told Pastor Kline. “We’ll tell him that we’re poz, but that we don’t fuck with condoms.”

    “You fucked your brother with a condom,” Pastor Kline said.

    “But that’s because he’s my brother,” I said. “And look what happened there.”

    “I’m not poz yet, so I can have him fuck me,” Pastor Kline said.

    “But he wants to get fucked,” Dominic reminded him. “You don’t fuck with that tiny dick of yours.”

    “I still want his huge load in my ass.”

    By the time Peter arrived, we knew how we were going to speak to him, approaching the subject as delicately as we could. Being in a room with this many men, all wanting to fuck, was a new experience. We now had enough men to fuck in pairs, meaning everyone would be happy. If Peter agreed to get fucked, Dominic and I would be spent after fucking him and Pastor Kline.

    “I hear you’ve noticed me,” Dominic said to Peter, guiding him into the living room. His hand reached down and grabbed Peter’s ass. “I’m surprised you didn’t jump out at me instantly.”

    “You were too distracted by Pastor Ryder,” Peter said, looking back at me. “Too bad you didn’t get to me first.”

    “Too bad,” Dominic said.

    We sat down, Peter glancing around at us. “Why does this feel like a prayer meeting instead of a fuck session?”

    “There’s something we need to tell you first,” I started. “Before anything else happens.”

    “But something will happen, right?” Peter said.

    “That’s up to you,” Dominic said.

    “What do you mean?”

    “Remember when we talked about not wanting to wear condoms,” I began. “We said how there’s freedom in not wearing a condom, to feeling skin on skin.”


    “Remember the freedom of not worrying about diseases. Once you have it, you don’t worry. You’re free.”

    “I remember,” he said. “I haven’t been able to forget. I went home and started looking up bareback gay porn all weekend. I’ve been reading a ton of stories. I almost got a boner when I saw you at church yesterday.”

    “There’s something you need to know about us,” I said. “Specifically Dominic and me.”

    “Me soon, I hope,” Pastor Kline said.

    “What is it?” Peter asked.

    “Do you know what being poz is?” Dominic asked.

    “Poz?” Peter said. “Like, being HIV+?”


    “What about it?”

    We exchanged glances. “Dominic and I are poz,” I said.

    We waited to see a change in Peter’s expression, to watch him run out the door, but he stayed in his chair.

    “Did you hear what I just said?” I asked.

    “Yeah,” Peter said. “You’re poz.”

    “And Pastor Kline is a chaser,” Dominic said. “We’ve been fucking him full with our toxic cum for almost two weeks. He wants to be poz.”

    Peter looked at Pastor Kline. “You want to be poz?”

    “I do,” Pastor Kline said. “I think it’s hot as fuck.”

    Peter nodded. “So do I,” he said.

    We sat silently, staring at Peter as his words set in.

    “You what?” I asked.

    “I want you to poz me,” Peter said.

    “You do?” Dominic asked.

    “Absolutely,” he said. “That’s all I’ve been watching this weekend. Pozzing videos. Stealthing videos. I’ve been reading stories about men getting pozzed in porn stores and bathhouses. It’s hot. After you told me about finding freedom in getting a disease, I started to think that maybe you were poz. All I could think about was you pozzing me. I almost wanted you to do it without telling me.”

    “You wanted us to stealth you?”

    “Kind of.”

    “I stealthed Will,” Dominic said.

    “Really?” Peter said. “That’s hot.”

    “Alright,” I said. “That’s not what I thought you were going to say.”

    “You thought I’d run out?”

    We nodded.

    “Fuck no,” he said. “I want you to fill me up and poz me. Imagine, with how much I can cum, how much toxic juice I’ll be able to spread.”

    “That’s what I’m fucking talking about,” Dominic said, clapping his hands together, a huge smile on his face. “Fuck, you’re hot.”

    “Let’s get to it,” Peter said, standing up. “Where do we go? It’s time for my virgin ass to get torn open.”

    We went back to Dominic’s room and stripped down, seeing Peter fully naked for the first time. He was a fairly hairy man, much like myself, with a defined body. I could understand why Lewis Berg had easily accepted Peter’s advances. If I was a student, I’d want to have him fuck me too. Hell, I wanted him to fuck me regardless.

    “Those are hot tattoos,” Peter said, looking at Dominic and my biohazard tattoos. He placed his hand on my chest, feeling the tattoo over my heart. Then he ran his hand along Dominic’s tattoo, continuing down to his dick which he grabbed. “You’ve got a monster on you.”

    “Ten inches, baby.” Dominic said.

    “Fuck. I’ve only ever stuck a finger in my hole before. Will it hurt?”

    “Count on it,” Dominic said, winking. “I’ll be taking your ass first. I hear you like men like me.”

    “Fuck, yeah, I do. Take my hole.”

    “I will,” Dominic said. “I’ll be adding you to my tally count.” He ran his hand along the tally marks on his arm. “Fifty so far. I’m expecting you and Pastor Kline to make up fifty-one and fifty-two.”

    “What if Will pozzes me?” Peter asked.

    “It was my toxic seed that made Will who he is. Whatever men he converts I convert through him.”

    Peter climbed onto the bed along with Pastor Kline who was already on his back, his legs held back, revealing his hole. Having been fucked so much over the last few weeks, Pastor Kline’s hole was slightly red and puffy. He’d be converting soon. I lined my dick up with Pastor Kline’s hole and shoved myself inside, my eyes meeting Peter’s who was watching me with interest. He watched as I started pounding into Pastor Kline’s hole, my dick lined with streaks of blood already.

    “Are you ready for Dominic’s cock?” I asked Peter.

    “I am,” Peter said, grabbing his legs.

    “You ready to accept his toxic seed?”

    “I want it,” Peter moaned.

    I watched as his dick started to leak a copious amount of cum over his stomach. I imagined how much poz cum he would be able to make once he was converted. He’d be able to infect dozens of men if he wanted within such a short period of time.

    “Get ready for the night that’ll change your life,” Dominic said, pressing his dick’s head against Peter’s hole.

    “Do it,” Peter said, his grip on his legs tightening.

    “You want to bleed?”

    Peter nodded.

    “That a boy,” Dominic said. He spit a wad on his dick and shoved the tip of his cock inside Peter’s hole.

    “FUCK!” Peter screamed, his hands nearly losing their grip as his legs shook.

    I watched as Peter’s hole resisted Dominic’s forceful entry.

    “Let me in, baby,” Dominic called over Peter’s cries. “Push your hole out. Give me your ass.”

    Peter’s face was red, tears in his eyes. He nodded and, through his shaking, pushed his ass out toward Dominic’s dick.

    “That’s it,” Dominic said, his hands reaching out and holding Peter’s feet. “Keep going.”

    “I feel like I’m going to shit,” Peter groaned.

    “You do, and I’ll make you clean it up,” Dominic said, smiling.

    I kept fucking Pastor Kline as I watched Dominic’s dick enter further into Peter’s hole. Already I could see the damage being done to Peter. There was no doubt he would bleed.

    “You want this poz cock?” Dominic asked.

    Peter nodded, his lips held tight shut to stop himself from screaming as Dominic continued to force himself inside. He was halfway in, the hair around Peter’s hole clinging to the intruder.

    “That looks fucking hot,” I told Dominic.

    “I love feeling a virgin hole open,” Dominic said. “How many virgin holes have you had Peter? How many holes have you taken?”

    “Lewis’s hole,” Peter groaned, his chest heaving as Dominic forced more of himself into Peter’s waiting body. “My wife’s. Two girls in high school.”

    “So much for no sex before marriage,” Dominic said, smiling. “And sex outside of marriage.”

    “I’m fucking horny all the time,” Peter said. “I’m always wanting to fuck something.”

    “That’s good,” Dominic said. “We’ll be using that to our advantage. Once you’re poz, you’ll be fucking as many men as possible, knocking them up. With all the cum you make, you’ll be able to get through an entire group in no time. I can’t wait to take you to a bathhouse.”

    I could feel my orgasm approaching, Pastor Kline’s hole gripping my dick, begging for my cum. I watched as his eyes rolled back into his head, a long groan escaping his mouth.

    “I’m gonna cum,” he moaned, his hands gripping his legs. His dick, which was hardly hard, leaked out cum which ran down his stomach and onto the bed.

    I leaned forward and scooped up Pastor Kline’s cum. “Peter, eat this,” I said, holding my hand out over his face. Peter opened his mouth and I tilted my hand, dripping Pastor Kline’s cum into his mouth. Pastor Kline watched as his seed dripped over Peter’s tongue.

    “That’s fucking hot,” Pastor Kline said. He released one of his legs and reached over to Peter’s face, pulling it in his direction.

    Dominic and I continued to fuck them both as they started kissing, swapping Pastor Kline’s cum. By the time they separated, both had cum running down their cheeks, smiles lighting up their faces. This pushed me over the edge.

    “I’m cumming,” I shouted, grabbing Pastor Kline’s legs and slamming myself into his ass. I did my best to burry myself deep as I started shooting. My body shook with each burst, the sight of Peter and Pastor Kline making out as Dominic plowed Peter’s ass sending me into another world.


    More from Peter in the next part too.

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  11. On my best day, I can jerk off 8 times. As of late, I've been edging for hours, and it's a better orgasm, even if there are less. Granted, you can't edge as easily as running to the bathroom and blowing a load. 

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