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Posts posted by Heir2012

  1. 3 hours ago, AlwaysOpen said:

    Isn't the old saying" saving the best for last?" As for the doctor being 2nd from last, I figure he has been in the breeding pool longer than the rest, and as a doctor likely has access to every ED pill ever thought of, every sex enhancing procedure out there, so he would be a long deep and perverted fucker.

    I'm liking your thought process. You really considered every angle. Every guy has something to give (some more than others).

    • Like 1
  2. I watched the videos from Eunuch Maker before they were taken down recently, and they were hot. The idea of a man removing his manhood, cutting off what we often use to identify ourselves and our masculinity, is hot. I'm not great with blood, but the videos were hot enough that I didn't notice. I wish they were still there to be seen, but Motherless took them down. Anyone know where else they are?

  3. I can consume my own, though there are days when I can't will myself to swallow. Though I love watching men drinking piss, and I often have to watch those videos to drink my own, it's still a struggle at times. I'm working on it. It would be hot to drink a guy's piss that is a dark yellow knowing it's disgusting. Doing so is difficult, though. 

    Working on it.

  4. I'm looking for a film I saw years ago but can't find now. It was a foreign film, though I'm not sure where it was from. I only ever saw a clip, so what I remember is from the brief description given.

    The basic synopsis was a young man who was either adopted or never met his father goes in search of him. He meets him and starts to notice an attraction forming between the two of them, the father having no idea this man is his son. After a few advances from the father, the son gives in, and the father fucks him. I think the father worked at a bar or restaurant. I remember after they fucked, the son went to the bathroom where he threw up, the realization of what he had just done hitting him.

    Anyone know this movie? I've googled every combination of words I can think of, but I've had no such luck. 

    • Piggy 1
  5. 2 hours ago, EricX said:

    I am vers, so any and all of them are possibilities. I am a visual person, though, so I would need to see pics of how the author sees the characters in his mind before I made a choice. 

    I've considered finding pictures as examples, but then I didn't want to give an image of any of the men that didn't live up to your expectations. Our minds make them the hottest versions possible, and I'd hate to ruin your masturbatory fantasies. 

    Maybe I'll find some and message them to you, just to give you the extra "help" since I'd hate for you to be missing out. 

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  6. 50 minutes ago, AlwaysOpen said:

    Well, as GingerDaddy pointed out, the Pastor wouldn't be of any use for another bottom. I think if I was lining them up, I'd put the young jock first- he probably lacks duration and technique and cums in 3 minutes when he fucks, but at his age he is ready to rut again in 10 minutes. Then a good cum flood from Peter, then Will, the Dr, and finally Dominic, tho the young jock and Peter the eternal spring of cum could jump in during fucker changes lol

    I'm surprised Dominic is last. Is Jay the Jock? And yes, Peter would flood you over and over again. 

  7. Part 16: What Peter is Made of

    "The student is a male."

    I almost heard Pastor Kline gasp from excitement. We both sat in silence, allowing the admission to wash over us. Fuck, Pastor Kline had been right. Peter was gay, or, at least, bisexual. Not only that, but he admitted to cumming what sounded like buckets of cum. Dominic would lose his mind when he found out.

    “I’m ashamed,” Peter said, tears starting to flow, his chest heaving. “I know it’s a sin. I know I’ve broken my marriage vows. Not only that, but I’ve slept with another man. I’m disgusting. I’m a horrible person. I feel horrible. That’s why I haven’t told my wife. I’m ashamed.”

    “The male student consented to the sex?” Pastor Kline asked.

    “What?” Peter asked. “Yes. He’s one of the players on the basketball team. It wasn’t supposed to happen. It was wrong. What should I do?”

    “Have you always struggled with these kinds of thoughts?” I asked him. “Thoughts concerning other men?”

    Peter thought for a moment and then slowly nodded. “Since I was a teenager. I tried to push it down, and I’ve been able to for the most part, but it’s always been there. Even with my wife, my mind always wandered somewhere else when we were… you know.”

    “Do you watch gay pornography?” Pastor Kline asked.

    “I have,” he said. “I always erase the browser history. My wife doesn’t know much about computers, so she doesn’t know what to look for.”

    “What kind of pornography have you watched?” Pastor Kline asked.

    Peter gave us an odd look. "I... I just said. Gay pornography."

    "What kind of gay pornography?"

    “What? Does that matter?”

    “I just want to understand the lengths your sinful nature has taken you,” Pastor Kline said. He looked at me and winked, smiling.

    “Um, well, I’ve watched videos about jocks. You know, men that look like the student. I’d never watch anything of someone underage. I’d never do that.”

    “That’s fine. What else?”

    Peter gave us an odd look before he continued. I noticed his hand reach down to his crotch where he adjusted himself. There was a bulge forming, showing that the conversation was getting him a bit excited.

    “I’ve watched videos of hairy men. Strong men.”

    “And do you like men that are hairy and strong?” I asked.

    Peter stared at me and slowly nodded.

    “You’ve thought about these men having sexual intercourse with you?”

    Peter nodded.

    “You’ve thought about entering these men or them entering you?”

    “I…” he started, something changing in his eyes. His hand moved back down to his crotch, his fingers lightly grazing over the bulge forming. “I top the jocks,” he said. “But I bottom for hairy men.”

    “Have you ever done this?” Pastor Kline asked. “We know you’ve slept with a student, as you said, topping him, but have you bottomed for a man?”

    “No,” he said.

    “Do you want to?”

    Peter looked from Pastor Kline to me and nodded. “But it’s wrong.”

    “When you slept with your student, how did you feel?”


    “No. How did you feel when you entered him?”

    “I felt… good. I felt strong. I felt like I wanted him.”

    “So, you took him.”


    “And how did you feel as you climaxed?”

    “Amazing,” Peter said. “At first.”

    “At first?” Pastor Kline asked. “Was it the guilt?”

    “No,” he said. “You see, it’s like with my wife, I guess. I ejaculate so much, so when I came, it filled up the condom and made a mess.”

    “He made you wear a condom?”

    “Of course,” Peter said. “I wasn’t going to bareback him.”

    Hearing Peter using these terms showed that he was breaking down. He was no longer speaking to his pastors. He was speaking to two men who were interested in the type of sex he’s having. His hand was now glued to his crotch, rubbing the increasing bulge.

    “Why not?” I asked.

    “Because,” he said. “You have to wear a condom.”

    “Have you ever watched porn where the top didn’t wear a condom?”

    “Well… yeah.”

    “And did you find yourself turned on by the idea?”

    Peter was silent for a moment, and I was afraid that we had lost him. “Yes,” he finally said.

    “It feels better without a condom, doesn’t it?” Pastor Kline said. “Think of how it felt with your wife. Didn’t it feel good having skin on skin?”


    “Imagine what that would have been like with your student. Your skin on his skin.”

    Peter’s hand was pulling on his bulge, no sign of hiding the raging boner in his pants.

    “Imagine what it would be like to ejaculate inside him, not in a condom. Imagine what it would be like to cum inside someone who wants every last drop of your semen. What would that be like?”

    “Incredible,” Peter said.

    “God wants us to feel fulfilled, Peter,” I told him. “It sounds as if your fulfillment may reside outside your marriage.”

    “But, isn’t that wrong?”

    “If it feels so good, how wrong can it be?” Pastor Kline asked. “Your wife doesn’t understand the blessing you are to her. Imagine finding someone who understands that. Imagine being able to fulfill that need. Imagine being able to unload inside your student. Imagine what it would be like if you were able to do what you’ve never been able to do. Imagine if you’re able to bottom for a man. Is that something that you want?”

    Peter slowly nodded.

    “And knowing how good it feels not wearing a condom, would you make another man wear a condom if he were to have sex with you?”

    “I mean…” he started. “What about diseases?”

    “What about them?” Pastor Kline asked.

    “I don’t want to catch anything.”

    “Why not? You said you don’t sleep with your wife anymore, so there’s no fear in passing it on to her. Imagine not having to worry about getting anything because you’ve already got it. Doesn’t that sound like freedom. Imagine being able to pass that freedom on to someone else. Wouldn’t you want to be free? Isn’t that what you’re looking for? Aren’t you trying to finally have what you’ve always wanted, a freedom to fuck whoever you want?”

    At the word “fuck” I could see Peter tense up, his hand on his crotch clutching hard over the fabric as his body shook. His eyes closed tight as he groaned, his free hand reaching out and grabbing the desk for support.

    I stood up and approached him, reaching down and taking his hand. He looked up at me with tears in his eyes.

    “Let me see,” I said.

    He looked from me down to his crotch were a wet spot was already starting to grow. “I’m sorry,” he said.

    “Don’t be,” I told him. “Unzip your pants and let me see.”

    He slowly undid his pants, undoing his belt and button and slowly unzipping until we could see his briefs underneath. They were saturated in cum. When he had said that he came more than normal, I could never have imagined it being to this extent.

    “Stand up,” I told him.

    As he did so, I knelt down, my hands taking his pants and pulling them to the floor. The entire front of his briefs were soaked through, his cum leaking out through the fabric. I took hold of his waistband and slowly pulled his briefs down, revealing a seven-inch cock covered in cum. As the briefs struggled down his legs, globs of cum fell onto the carpet and onto my hands.

    “Sorry,” Peter said. He moved his hand to clean me off, but I stopped him. Instead, I looked up into his eyes and brought the cum to my mouth, licking it up with my tongue. His eyes grew wide as his dick grew hard, sticking out toward my face. Preccum was dripping out, joining the cum already covering his dick.

    I took hold of his dick and pulled along his shaft, collecting the cum until I reached the head. There was a full puddle of cum in my palm which I reached back toward Pastor Kline. He pressed his mouth against my hand and sucked the cum into his mouth, licking my hand clean.

    “Holy fuck,” Peter groaned.

    “Not what you were expecting?” I asked.

    “No,” he said. “Are you two…”

    “Gay?” Pastor Kline finished, licking his lips. “We are.”

    “Does anyone know?”

    “Only my boyfriend,” I told Peter. “No one knows about him, though. He comes to the church. Dominic Moore.”

    I could see Peter’s eyes light up. “I’ve seen him,” he said. “He’s gorgeous.”

    “That he is,” Pastor Kline said. “He’s been fucking Pastor Ryder for months now. He started fucking me over a week ago.”

    “Bareback,” I added, watching as the conversation caused more precum to drip from Peter’s cock. It looked as if someone had left the faucet on, a constant stream leaking out. “Looks like you’re ready to go again.”

    “Yeah,” he said. “I can cum about five times in a row. I only need about a minute or two between each.”

    “Fuck,” Pastor Kline said. “Sounds like a gift from God.”

    “Like I said,” Peter told us, “I can’t have kids of my own. I can’t pass that part of me on to someone else.”

    “There are always ways you can pass something on,” I told him. “Don’t worry about that.”

    “You won’t tell anyone will you?” Peter asked.

    “We won’t if you won’t,” Pastor Kline said. “We’re thinking of starting a support group in the church for men like us.”

    “A support group?”

    “A group supporting each other’s need for gay sex,” he clarified. “I’m sure we aren’t the only ones feeling unfulfilled. We’ve all got deep desires we want to see met.”

    “My desire,” I said, grabbing the base of Peter’s cock and watching as a thicker stream of precum leaked out, “is to see firsthand how much cum you shoot. I’ve never heard of hyperspermia, but I’d love to witness it myself.”

    “Are you sure?” he asked.

    I nodded. I opened my mouth and took his dick inside, reaching the back of my throat. I heard him groan as his hands grabbed onto my shoulders for support.

    “That’s incredible,” he stuttered out. “I’ve never had anyone suck me off before.”

    “Not even your student?” Pastor Kline asked.

    He shook his head. “I’ve only fucked his ass.”

    These words alone caused more precum to spill out into my throat. I started sucking him, moving along his shaft, amazed by the constant stream of precum. What any normal man would be able to produce during a normal orgasm was coming out of Peter’s dick within a minutes time as precum. His hips started to push toward me, his pubes pressing into my face. His pace started to quicken, his hands holding tighter onto my shoulders.

    “I’m going to cum again,” he moaned, his breathing quick.

    “Do it,” Pastor Kline said. “Unload down his throat. Shoot into his stomach.”

    I pulled back as I felt Peter’s dick swell, opening my mouth and resting his dick’s head on the tip of my tongue as he started shooting. Whatever I had expected, it had not been this. It felt as if he was pissing into my mouth, but instead of urine, he was filling me with cum. Shot after shot filled my mouth, some landing on my face, as he unloaded his second orgasm within the past few minutes. After nearly a minute of his cum shooting into my mouth, I felt his grip on my shoulders weaken.

    “Fuck,” he said, falling back into his chair.

    I stood up and looked into the mirror Pastor Kline had on his wall. My mouth was shut, filled to the brim with Peter’s cum, but there were still globs of cum clinging to my face, mixing into my beard. I felt as if I had taken the loads of six men into my mouth and over my face. I couldn’t believe all of this had come from one man. I turned back to Peter who was staring at me and smiled. I swallowed his cum and then ran my hand over my face, collecting what my mouth had missed.

    “That’s fucking insane,” I said, licking up the remaining cum. “I can’t imagine why your wife doesn’t like what you can do.”

    “She says it’s grotesque,” Peter said. “She says no man should be able to do something like that. It’s not natural.”

    “It’s better than natural,” I said. “It’s a gift. If more men could do that, I know we’d have more gay guys walking around than straight.”

    “I think it’s only fair,” Pastor Kline said, “for me to experience for myself this wonder given to us.”

    “Are you up for another round?” I asked Peter.

    Peter smiled. “Yeah. I’m good.”

    “That’s the right answer,” Pastor Kline said, kneeling down and taking Peter’s cock down his throat.”

    “How does this work?” Peter asked as Pastor Kline blew him. “You two and Mr. Moore?”

    “Dominic is a top,” I explained. “I’m versatile. I’ve been fucked by Dominic, but I’ve fucked Pastor Kline and two other men. Pastor Kline is what they call a cum pig. He only bottoms.”

    “What am I?” Peter asked, his eyes fluttering as Pastor Kline continued his assault at Peter’s dick.

    “I think you’re like me,” I said. “I think you fuck younger guys, giving them your copious amount of cum. And you get fucked by guys like Dominic.”

    “Do you think he’d fuck me?” Peter asked, his eyes now closed as Pastor Kline sucked him dry. “Would your boyfriend want to fuck me?”

    “He would,” I said. “But there are some other things attached to that.”

    “What kind of things?”

    “We’ll talk about that later,” I said.

    Peter nodded and then held Pastor Kline’s head against his crotch as he shot his third load. To Pastor Kline’s credit, not a single drop of Peter’s gushing cum leaked out of his mouth. By the time Peter’s orgasm had ended, Pastor Kline stood up and looked at me with a huge smile on his face.

    “I told you I had a good feeling about Peter.”

    “You were right,” I told him.

    “How am I supposed to leave the church like this?” Peter asked, looking down at his cum-soaked briefs and pants.

    “I’ve got you,” I said. I ran to my office and pulled out one of the extra pairs of underwear and pants that I kept on hand. “These should fit you,” I said. “They may be a bit snug.”

    “That’s fine,” Peter said, removing his soaked clothing.

    “We’ll be taking these, though,” Pastor Kline said, taking the briefs and pants. He held the briefs up to his face and licked what remained of the cum. “Never thought I’d say this, Peter, but I love how you taste.”

    “Thanks,” he said, buttoning the pants I gave him. “Maybe I can taste you sometime.”

    “We’re hoping you will,” I said. “Like I said, I’m sure Dominic would love to fuck your ass, but there are a few things we’d have to discuss first.”

    “Like what?” he asked.

    “How about this,” I said, taking out my phone. “Put your number in my phone, and I’ll message you about us getting together. After that, we’ll talk. How does that sound?”

    “Good to me,” Peter said. He entered his number and handed me my phone. As I took it, he leaned in and kissed me. He was a good kisser. I was jealous that his wife got to kiss him whenever she wanted. Then again, she didn’t take the gift that was his unlimited cum. “I never thought I’d kiss a pastor,” he said.

    “You’ve had two suck your dick,” I reminded him.

    “That’s true.” As he turned to leave, Pastor Kline stopped him.

    “Peter, who was the student you fucked?”

    Peter’s face grew red. “Lewis Berg.”

    “Lewis Berg?” I said, dumbfounded. “From our youth group?”

    Peter nodded.

    Pastor Kline and I exchanged looks.

    “Don’t tell him that I told you that,” Peter said.

    “We won’t,” I said.

    Peter left, leaving Pastor Kline and I to exchange glances.

    “Looks like we have another name for our support group,” Pastor Kline said.


    Hope you're finding Peter a great addition.

    Question, out of Dominic, Will, Dr. Wade, Jay, Pastor Kline, and Peter, who would you rather fuck or have fuck you? Why?

    • Like 17
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    • Piggy 9
  8. So, there are some things attached to this, so hear me out. Armie Hammer crossed lines, there is no denying. Consent is key, and he didn't always have it. That's why his career is over. However, I can't deny that I'd like to see his dick. Maybe it's wrong to say, but a part of me hopes that because his career is over, he'd have to resort to doing porn. Then again, do we want him around people? Like I said, it's complicated. I wouldn't want to fuck him. I'm just curious about his dick. 

  9. I've always had a thing for older men. I don't know if I like 70 and older, but it depends on the man. Some are more attractive than anyone in their 20s. It started in high school when I had a crush on one of my teachers. I used to dream of him cornering me in the classroom, locking the doors, and bending me over the desks. Secretly, I wanted him to be my first. I'd say another 5-10 other older men fit into this category throughout my teenage years and into college. I'm not sure why this specific attraction exists, but it does. There are several men on BZ that fall into the category of "older" who are incredibly hot and I'd be lucky to meet. If you've read my "From Pastor to Pozzed Hole" story, you see the attraction in Dominic. 

    • Like 4
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  10. Part 15: Welcome Peter

    A week had passed since Dominic and I had fucked Pastor Kline, and keeping to what Dominic had told him, Pastor Kline routinely came to my office for “private meetings” in which I unloaded in his ass as much poz cum as possible. Then, he’d drink my piss, collecting his own in a travel mug which he drank from throughout the day. At one point, the secretary almost walked in on us, but we were able to pull ourselves together in time. Sooner or later someone was bound to walk in on us.

    Pastor Kline came to Dominic’s apartment a few nights, offering his hole and mouth to us without hesitation. Though I didn’t mind the taste of piss, though it wasn't my first choice of kink, I sensed that Dominic was happy to have found someone who loved the taste as much as Pastor Kline. At one point, he laid down in the bathtub and we both pissed on him at the same time. Another night, Dominic unloaded an entire day’s worth of piss into Pastor Kline’s hole, large amounts squirting out around Dominic’s dick as Pastor Kline’s insides ran out of room.

    There was no doubt in my mind that Pastor Kline had found his true purpose. He was a cum loving, piss drinking, poz dick seeking pig.

    When I saw his lust, I thought of Jay. I hadn’t heard from him since he disappeared on me. I thought of texting him, calling him, but I stopped myself each time. While I understood what he did, I still found myself angry. If he had asked, would I have fucked him bare? Would I have given him what he wanted? I fucked Pastor Kline, giving him the toxic loads he craved. If Jay had been honest with me, would I have done the same for him? Would I have converted my own brother?

    With the amount of time that had passed, it was possible that he could have started converting or was about to. I called my other brother, asking if he had heard anything.

    “Not since he disappeared that morning,” he told me. “I think he ran off to find some pussy. The guy couldn’t go a few days without his dick inside something. He’s probably shacked up somewhere, going through a box of condoms like they’re free.”

    Something in the way he said this made me think he wished this is what he was doing instead. Were we all sexual deviants? Did we all think with our dicks?

    “I say call him,” Dominic said. “Invite him over. If he’s still negative, we can help fix his little issue together.”

    I wanted to tell Dominic that we weren’t doing that to Jay, but my dick got hard at the thought of having him beneath me again, our bodies close. I craved to have my brother with me again. Each time I stared at his number, I found myself unable to hit send. I just hoped he was alright. I just wanted to make sure that whatever happened to him was what he wanted.

    I had a check-up with Dr. Wade in which he ended up bent over his examination table, my dick pounding into his ass harder than last time. The moment Dominic told Dr. Wade about Jay, our collected horniness caused all our pants to drop.

    "How do you find the most interesting men?" Dr. Wade asked Dominic, his hands reaching back, grabbing my hips.

    "He's not the only one we've pulled into the mix," Dominic told him, detailing our fuck session with Pastor Kline.

    "I've got to start going to church again," Dr. Wade said, his dick unloading a thick cum load between his abs and the examination table.

    There was a knock on my door Friday morning, over more than a week having gone by since our first night fucking Pastor Kline. We hadn't been caught yet, and no one suspected anything as far as we knew. Pastor Kline’s head popped inside my office, a smile on his face.

    “How’s it going, Will?” he said.

    “Fine,” I told him, watching as he came inside and closed the door.

    “Thought you might need to use the restroom,” he said, kneeling down at my feet behind my desk.

    “As a matter of fact, I do,” I said, unzipping my pants, pulling my dick out.

    He leaned forward and slipped my dick inside his mouth, looking up to me and nodding. I started to piss.

    “Feeling any different yet?” I asked him.

    He shook his head.

    “Don’t worry,” I told him. “Not everyone is like me. It took only one night for Dominic to poz me, but it can take a few sessions before you convert.”

    “I’m not worried,” Pastor Kline said, finishing my piss. He stood up and kissed me, a bit of my piss still clinging to his tongue. “It’ll happen eventually.”

    “In the meantime, I guess we’ll have to keep fucking your ass full of poz cum.”

    “If you must, you must,” he said, smiling. "I love having you and Dominic deep inside me. I finally feel myself filled with something worthwhile."

    "We're always happy to help."

    "I know Dominic is bigger," Pastor Kline said, running his fingers along my shaft, "but, in my opinion, you've got the better dick."

    'That's just because it's attached to me," I said.

    "Doesn't matter the reason," he told me. “Look, I wanted to talk to you about one of our members.”

    “Which one?” I asked.

    “Peter Flanagan,” he said.

    Peter Flanagan was a married man with a wife who was involved with every group at the church. She was a busy body, her nose in everyone’s business. I worked with her several times as she ran events from Christmas pageants to summer cookouts. She was nice, but she was annoying. She was type of person you expected had parents who told her she was a princess, and she believed it. 

    “What about him?”

    “Well, I told you that I thought there were a few men in the church like us.” He raised an eyebrow, indicating what he meant.

    “You think Peter is gay?”

    “I’m almost positive,” Pastor Kline said.

    “How do you know?”

    “In all the years I’ve known him, there has always been something about Peter, as if there was a secret he was hiding. Whenever I’d talk to him about his wife, he’d talk about her as if it was a pain to him. That, and I’ve noticed him glancing at other men in the church.”

    “Not a lot to go off of.”

    “At last year’s men’s retreat, you remember, we went to that camp. When we were in the showers, I was obviously checking out all the other men, and I realized that I wasn’t the only one. I saw Peter watching some of the other men changing, and though I didn’t see his dick clearly, I could see his towel tenting.”

    "Sometimes that happens in the showers."

    "I think I saw him trying to take pictures in the locker room," Pastor Kline pushed.

    I shook my head. Peter was a handsome man. His dark brown hair and green eyes were gorgeous, his light stubble a real turn-on. He was fit, evident from our yearly church grounds cleaning when everyone would pitch in to tidy up. I’d seen him carry heavy bags of mulch, noticing his muscular arms. He wasn’t overly muscular, but you knew he kept himself regular at the gym. Just the idea caused by dick to jump, something Pastor Kline noticed.

    “Do you want me to blow you?”

    “I’m fine,” I told him. “Look, I’d like to believe that Peter is gay, but I don’t want us going after men here to only find out that we’re wrong. Imagine what would happen.”

    “There’s something else I haven’t told you,” Pastor Kline said. “He called me earlier today, saying he wanted to come in and speak with me.”

    “About what?”

    “He says he’s been struggling with some sin issue, something his wife doesn’t know about, and he wants to talk to another man about it. I asked him to elaborate, and he said it’s a sin of a sexual nature. I asked him if he slept with another woman, but he said he hadn’t. He sounded real nervous. I think he wants to talk about himself possibly being gay.”

    I understood Pastor Kline’s thought process, but I still wasn’t fully convinced. “It’s possible, but I’m still not sure.”

    “I told him I wanted him to come in tomorrow to speak to the both of us. I think, between you and me, we’ll be able to find out if he’s gay. And if so, we can see how far we can push him.”

    “You want to corrupt him?”

    “Mr. Moore corrupted you,” Pastor Kline said. “And don’t you think you’re better off?”

    I did feel as if my true self had been unleashed, a new freedom surging through my body. The idea of giving this to another man caused my dick to shoot up.

    “You sure you don’t want me to blow you?”

    “No,” I said, smiling. “I have a better place to shoot my load.”

    Pastor Kline smiled, standing and dropping his pants.

    I told Dominic about Peter Flanagan as he fucked another poz load in my ass.

    “You don’t think he’s gay?” Dominic asked, sweat covering his face.

    “I don’t know,” I said, my fingers twisting Dominic’s nipples. “Pastor Kline thinks he is, but I’m not convinced.”

    “Would he be a hot find?”

    “He would,” I said. “He’s fit, dark hair, handsome. While I don’t know if he’s gay, I know of several women within the church who would love to take him away from his wife.”

    “I do love corrupting married men.”

    “They’ve been married for a while. Nearly ten years. No kids.”

    Dominic’s assault on my ass slowed. “Hmm. That’s interesting. I wonder if there’s something wrong with his dick and balls?”

    “If there is, he doesn’t go around telling everyone,” I said. I turned his nipples hard, pulling his attention back to me. “Keep fucking.”

    Dominic smiled and unloaded in my ass.

    Pastor Kline and I waited in his office for Peter Flanagan. In Pastor Kline’s mug was my piss which he swirled around and sipped at. I was worried that Peter would smell the piss, but Pastor Kline showed no concern. Maybe it was a part of his plan to out the man.

    “We can’t force something out of him,” I reminded Pastor Kline. “If he is gay, that doesn’t mean he wants to fuck us. Even if he does, that doesn’t mean he wants to be pozzed.”

    “But if he does?”

    I smiled at the thought. “If he does, then, yes, I’ll happily fuck his brains out and knock him up.”

    “Dominic would want a crack at him too,” Pastor Kline said. Just at the thought, I saw Pastor Kline’s tiny dick starting to tent his pants. “I’d love to watch him get railed by the both of you.”

    “Easy, tiger,” I said.

    A knock on the door silenced us. It opened and Peter’s head popped in.

    “Hello,” he said, entering the office. He was wearing a dress shirt and tie. He was a teacher at the local high school, history being his subject. He also coached the basketball team. Seeing him slightly dressed up did cause my dick to jump. It wasn't any different than what he wore to church, but there was still something about seeing him in this state that was hot. He was a handsome man, even more so than I remembered. God, I did want him to be gay.

    “Peter, take a seat,” Pastor Kline said, sipping the piss in his mug.

    “Thanks,” he said.

    “So,” I said, leaning forward, “Pastor Kline tells me that there was something you wanted to talk about.”

    Awkwardness covered Peter. His eye contact was broken, shifting down to his feet. “Uh, yeah. It’s a bit of a delicate subject.”

    “That’s alright,” Pastor Kline said. “That’s why we’re here.”

    “It’s just, I’m embarrassed. This isn’t something I’ve been able to talk to anyone about. I’ve tried working on it alone, but I just can’t figure out how to overcome this.”

    “What is it?” I asked.

    “You said it was something of a sexual nature,” Pastor Kline said, his excitement at the prospect evident to me as he spoke.

    “I’m ashamed,” Peter said.

    “Have you spoken to your wife about this?”

    “No,” he said. “I couldn’t. She’d hate me. She’d leave me. We already have enough problems as it is. This would only ruin everything.”

    “You can trust us,” Pastor Kline said. “Whatever is said here won’t leave this office. We promise.”

    Peter nodded, glancing up at the two of us. “As you know, I work at the high school. I’ve been there for nearly seven years now. I’ve always been respectable. I’ve never done anything wrong. But, well, I’ve done something that could get me fired.”

    This was not what we had expected.

    “What’s happened?” I asked.

    “I’ve done something horrible,” he said. “You see, I slept with a student.”

    Both Pastor Kline and I leaned back in our chairs. This was definitely not what we had expected.

    “It’s not illegal,” Peter quickly said. “The student is eighteen. It was only once, but it happened.”

    “I see,” I said. “And is the student threatening to tell someone? Your wife, maybe?”

    Peter shook his head. “No.”

    “Is the student pregnant?” Pastor Kline asked.

    “No,” he said, an odd smile filling his face. “That’s not possible.”

    “Why?” I asked, my curiosity rising.

    “Well, for one, not that anyone other than my wife and my doctor know this, but I’m not able to father children.”

    “Oh,” I said. “I’m sorry.”

    “It’s a bit awkward to admit, but I have hyperspermia. It lowers my sperm count. My doctor says I’ve got little to none, meaning I can’t reproduce.”

    “I’ve never heard of hyperspermia,” Pastor Kline said. “What is that?”

    “It means I produce a larger than normal quantity of semen,” Peter said. “I’m able to have sex and ejaculate multiple times within a short period, but there’s little sperm made. My wife hates it. After we got married, when we first had sex, she looked at me like I was disgusting. I tried to explain to her what it was, but she was repulsed. Some guys would love the idea, but my wife hates it. We haven’t slept together for nearly three years.”

    "That must make it hard," Pastor Kline said. I understood the double meaning, waiting to see if Peter picked up on it. He seemingly didn't.

    “Is that why you slept with the student?” I asked.

    Peter nodded. “You see, the student can’t get pregnant because I don’t produce enough sperm. But, also, the student is male.”


    More from Peter coming soon.

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  11. Surprise Chapter!

    I hadn't intended to write this, but I sat down today and wrote from Jay's perspective, giving you a bit of a window into his twisted mind. It covers his two chapters and leaves off with a clearer picture of his "status" in life moving forward. Hope you enjoy.

    Part 14: Jay's Twisted MInd

    Since I was a teenager I knew I liked to fuck. Having religious parents meant conversations about sex revolved around one common theme: DON’T DO IT. I knew my brothers were sticking to this rule, but I had had no intention of doing so. At fifteen I lost my virginity, fucking a girl down the street while her parents were out of town. I even used the condoms I found in her dad’s bedside table drawer. The man had good taste in condoms. Fucked her three times that night. I never replaced the condoms, wondering if her dad would suspect someone had deflowered his precious angel.

    God, my brothers had no clue what they were missing. They were too happy with their right hands while I had the real thing. Over the years, I found more pussy to shove my dick inside, quickly experiencing as much depravity as I could. All I wanted was sex, whether one night stands, app hookups, or anonymous fucks. Sex was sex.

    My parents didn’t like the fact that I left religion behind and decided to live my own life. Fuck them, I thought. I didn’t need their permission. I wasn’t like Will or Zack. I made my own choices and decided for myself where my dick spent each night. Sure, this created a bit of a break between me and my family, but that was their problem. I was living my life, one orgy at a time.

    It didn’t take long after I went out on my own to discover something about myself: I’m a twisted fucker. I was the type of guy parents worried their daughters would bring home. I liked rough sex, hearing a woman scream out as my fat dick filled her pussy, threatening to tear her in two. I liked it when they scratched my back, holding onto me for dear life. I owned practically ever sex toy made, including a few dildos. I could go for hours, especially once I stopped using condoms. I didn’t always pull out either. I guess I always assumed whatever woman I was fucking was on the pill or a had a plan in place should my swimmers prove powerful. For all I knew, I had kids I didn’t know about. Do I sound like an asshole? Maybe? Did I have a good time? Fuck yes.

    Needless to say, I had dreaded returning home for my dad’s farewell sermon. He and I never saw eye-to-eye. Plus, I didn’t want to see my brothers. Zack was the perfect son and Will was modelled after our dad, becoming a pastor just like he was. I was the fuck up, and they always made sure that I knew it. I had prepared myself for a hellish week. When I found out I had to room with Will, I knew I was being punished. Clearly my bedroom wasn't going to see any action over the next few days. Fuck, was I wrong.

    Maybe that’s why I had been so eager when I saw Will's car at the adult book store. I knew it was his car, and once the employee confirmed that Will had indeed come inside, I had been over the moon. Finally, I wasn’t the major disappointment. I was excited to throw him under the bus for a change.

    “And you’re sure this is him?” I had asked.

    “I’m sure,” the employee said, looking at the picture on my phone. “He was over in that section briefly.”

    I looked over to where the man was pointing, noticing the titles. “But that’s gay porn,” I said.

    “That’s what he was looking at,” the man told me.

    I tried to understand what I was being told. Will, the son who was following in our father’s holy footsteps, the brother I was sharing a room with, the youngest of the three of us, was secretly gay? I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. The employee had told me that he had gone back into one of the booths.

    This is my time to expose him, I thought, eagerly making my way to the booths. Only one was occupied. I thought of pounding on the door, scaring him, even recording a video to show our parents, but something stopped me. The voice in my head which told me to fuck harder, to fuck as much pussy as possible, to take risks, directed me a different way instead. I popped into the booth next to his and waited, my eyes finding the gloryhole immediately. The twisted fucker inside of me did the thinking as I pulled down my pants and pushed my dick through the hole, waiting to see what would happen.  

    It was only when I realized fully what I was doing, seeing my reflection in the blank television screen, that I felt a warm mouth engulf my dick, sending waves of pleasure throughout my body. I nearly cried out but stopped myself, not wanting to be exposed. Was I really doing this? Was I really letting my little brother suck my dick? Was I this twisted of a man, wanting to feel my brother’s mouth on my cock, his tongue lapping up my precum?

    Hell yeah, I thought.

    “I’m… gonna… cum…” I moaned, unable to stay quiet. My orgasm shook my body, legs growing weak as I experienced the best blowjob of my life. “Fuck, man,” I said, pulling my dick back through the hole, momentarily forgetting who was on the other side. “Thanks, dude. That felt fucking great.” As soon as I had regained control of myself, I realized I had to run before Will saw me. I darted out of the booth and out of the store, driving as quickly as I could. What the fuck did I just do? Had I seriously just had my own brother suck my dick and swallow my cum? And had it been the hottest experience of my life?

    I tried to keep cool throughout dinner, hoping I hadn’t given myself away. Will gave me harsh glances, but that was nothing new. It wasn’t until we got ready for bed and I made fun of his pajamas that everything fell apart.

    “I don’t need to tell you just how much the ladies just love a thick cock,” I told him, showing off. I wondered if Will recognized my dick, knowing it was the same one he had swallowed only hours before. “Oh, that’s right. You don’t know. You’re the last virgin in the house. Maybe on the planet. Well, let me tell you, they love it.”

    “I don’t care, Jay.”

    “They love it when I shove my thick dick into their tight pussies. I’m too much of a man for most of them. When it comes to their mouths, forget it. I break jaws.”

    “I said, that’s enough.”

    “Fine,” I said, getting hard off the attention. “Jealousy is an ugly thing.”

    “Why would I be jealous of a dick that’s smaller than mine?” Will asked.

    In that moment, I knew I had him. His armor was breaking. I was going to expose him, even if only for my own benefit. I kept pushing, making him mad, saying things I knew would not only get him upset but also horny. He played right into my hand. Even seeing that he had a bigger dick than my own didn't stop me from enjoying every second of our battle.

    “Why were you at the adult video store today?” I asked him.

    From that point, I had him. I knew I could blackmail him if I wanted to, but that wasn’t my goal. The deviant voice was turning my thoughts in a direction I had never considered before. Sure, I was able to get all the pussy I wanted, but, as I stood before my brother, both of us with our dicks hard, I found myself wanting only one thing: him.

    I thought it wouldn’t take much convincing to get him inside me. Yes, I wanted him inside me. Seeing his huge dick awoke inside me a hunger I assumed women felt when they saw my cock. I had never been afraid of trying new things, and this felt as if it would be the ultimate sexual experience. Little did I know how ultimate it was about to get.

    “Does that mean what I think it means?” I asked, looking at the tattoo on Will’s chest.

    “I’m poz,” he said.

    This was a turn I hadn’t expected. “How long?”

    “A few weeks. Almost two months.”

    Never had I imagined Will doing something so crazy, so risky, so… hot. I knew in that moment that I should have been afraid, wanting to call the whole thing off, but I found myself only wanting him more. I needed him inside me one way or another. I knew then that this was the next level of my journey. Seeing my brother, the picture of a sexual deviant, I knew who I had to become. One way or another, I was determined to get my way.


    “I’m gunna cum,” Will moaned, his sweat dripping onto my body.

    We'd fucked almost every night, several times each night. It was the hottest sex I'd ever had, proving the men in our family were good fuckers.

    “Do it,” I said, smiling, knowing what was about to happen. Since Will would only fuck me with a condom on, I had been forced to get creative. I had lulled him into a sense of security, willingly giving him my ass. All I had to do was wait for the right time. I hid the condoms I had left, condoms I only had if a bitch made me wear one and I was desperate, and traded them out for new and “improved” condoms I knew I’d prefer. All it took was a few jabs from a needle and I was set. I was so fucking horny knowing that my poz brother was fuckin me full of his toxic cum, and he didn’t even know it.

    I could feel his cum shooting into me, a new sensation of warmth spreading throughout my body.

    “Shit,” Will said, looking down at something I couldn’t see, his orgasm glow vanishing. “Oh, fuck. Shit. SHIT!”

    “Be quiet,” I hissed, already feeling the burn of his cum in the scratches I had made at the start of our fucking. It really was too easy. “You’re going to wake everyone up.”

    “Jay,” he said, standing up and showing me his dick. “The condom broke. It broke, and I didn’t know, and I… I just… I just came inside you.”

    I reached down and felt my hole, loving the feeling of being used. “Yeah. Feels like you did.”

    I continued to shove his escaping cum back inside my swollen lips as he freaked out over the blood and the cum and the condoms.

    “I wasn’t going to pay a ton of money for condoms I was going to poke holes in,” I said.

    He stared at me, his fear fading to confusion. “What?”

    “I poked holes in the condom,” I told him. “I used one of Mom’s needles.” I loved the look on his face.

    “Why would you do that?”

    “So it would break.”

    “Why would you want it to break?”

    Revealing to Will how fucked up of a person I was felt like one of the best orgasms I’d ever had. I had always known that I was twisted, but admitting to someone else, especially someone so close to me, got me hard. Even with the look of horror on his face, I found myself turned on knowing that his toxic cum was swimming inside me. I had never imagined myself going this extreme, but it had felt right. It felt like the natural progression of my journey.

    “What if you get sick?” he asked me.

    I shrugged. “That’s a part of the risk,” I said. “If I do, then I’ll have a part of you as a part of me forever. Seems like a cool thing for brothers.”

    We didn’t speak for the rest of the night. By the time I woke up, Will was already out of the room.

    “Mom, where’s Will?” I asked.

    “Went for a run,” she said.

    I went back to our room and packed up my things, knowing I needed to give him some space. I didn’t want to push him further and risk exposing us both. Clearly, in his mind, I had gone too far. For myself, I knew I had only just started out on a new path.

    “Leaving already?” my mom asked, though there was a hint in her voice that showed she was relieved.

    “Got to get back to work,” I told her. “Mom, let Will know that I’m glad we were able to get closer the past few days. I hope he and I can get together and do it again soon.”


    “Fuck,” I moaned, my hands holding my legs up as Alan slammed his dick inside my hole.

    When I got back home, I started looking up the best places to cruise for dick, specifically poz dick. For now, I was done with pussy. Maybe I’d return, but, for now, all I wanted was for someone to fill me up.

    I met Alan at a local park where men met at night to fuck in the woods. I’d fucked in public settings before, but this felt different. Our eyes met instantly, both of us watching as two men shoved their dicks inside a twink’s stretched hole. Alan nodded his head to a section of the park which was unused, and I followed after him.

    The second we were alone, I pulled my pants down and turned around, showing him my ass.

    “Eager, aren’t you,” he said. Alan looked to be about forty, his gray hair stretching down to his face in a well-kept beard. Though his hair showed his age, his body didn’t. He was thinner than me, but showed muscle. I instantly got hard. “Know what this means?” he asked, lifting up his shirt and revealing a biohazard tattoo on his stomach.

    I smiled. “Means I’m in for a good fuck,” I said, spreading my cheeks.

    Alan smiled. “Yes you are,” he said, shoving a finger inside my ass and tearing me open again.

    More than a week later, and we were still fucking just as hard as we had that night.

    “Fuck, you’re huge,” I told him. Clearly, having Alan fuck me every night wasn’t stretching me out as much as I would have expected.

    “The biggest you’ve had?” he asked, winking at me.

    “No,” I told him. “My brother’s dick is bigger.”

    He smiled at me. “Fuck, that’s hot.”

    I looked at the biohazard tattoo on his stomach and watched as it moved with each thrust, his sweat dripping down his body.

    “No. That’s fucking hot.”


    Sunday morning came, and I woke up sweating profusely, a horrible headache splitting my head. I felt sick, as if I had gotten the worst flu I had ever experienced. I smiled. I didn’t know if it had been Will or Alan, but I didn’t care. The risk had been fun. Now, I just had to ride this out and reap the rewards on the other side.


    Wasn't sure how to get Jay back into the story this soon, so I thought this would work for the time being. Jay is considerably more twisted than Will, and his chapter shows that. I don't see Alan sticking around, but maybe someone else will catch Jay's eye in the future...

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  12. Part 13: Take of His Body

    I could feel my orgasm approaching, and from Dominic’s quickening pace, he was close too.

    “Are you ready to blow, baby?” Dominic asked, his hands on my hips, fingers digging into my skin. “Are you ready to give him your gift?”

    “I am,” I said, looking into Pastor Kline’s eyes and seeing the realization hit him. For a brief moment, he looked afraid. Then, he looked ravenous, like there was nothing he wanted more than to be on his back, a dick in his ass, ready to accept a toxic load of cum into his body.

    “We’ll come together,” Dominic whispered into my ear. “Make him ours.”

    “Yes, sir,” I said, my balls pulling up into my body, my body surging with a rush of warmth as my orgasm began. “I’m cumming. I’m cumming.”

    “Do it. Knock up his ass,” Dominic cried out. “Infect his body. Give him our toxic load. Damn his body.”

    “Fuck,” I groaned, eyes closing as my hole tightened around Dominic’s dick, my prostate pulsing from his rhythmic pounding. My dick pulsed inside Pastor Kline’s ass, shooting our several streams of cum.

    “I’m cumming too,” Dominic groaned, his arms reaching around me, holding me close, as he forced himself all the way in. I could feel his warm cum flooding my guts, some slipping out of my ass and running down my legs.

    I fell forward, pushing further into Pastor Kline whose dick started shooting out cum without effort, no hands required. Though his dick was small, he produced a good amount of cum. It was a bit watery, running down his sides and collecting on the bed. I reached a finger down and wiped some up, bringing it to my mouth. It wasn’t the best tasting cum, but it was alright. Clearly, he was the type of man meant to take cock and cum in the ass rather than dish it out. How quickly my mind had been turned toward the depraved. How quickly Dominic had infected both my body and my mind. 

    As we all basked in the afterglow, the realization of what had just happened hit me. I had just fucked Pastor Kline, the man I looked up to as a man of God, now a cum-loving pig begging for my poz cum. What else about this man did I not know? What else about the men at our church was I unaware of. Were there others like him, men wanting nothing more than to be fucked senseless or bend another man over and fuck his brains out? The idea of finding more like us brought a smile to my face, my dick pumping several more shots of cum into Pastor Kline’s ass.

    “Was it everything you thought it would be?” Dominic asked, his dick slipping out of my ass. He walked over to Pastor Kline, pushing his dick over his face.

    “It was more than I could have imagined,” Pastor Kline said, opening his mouth and taking Dominic’s dick. I watched as he cleaned off Dominic’s cum and the juices from my ass. I could feel myself already getting hard.

    “I think it’s my turn,” Dominic said, pulling his dick away from Pastor Kline. “Why don’t you feed the good pastor a taste of his own ass.”

    “Sounds good,” I said. My dick slipped out, growing harder. There was cum and streaks of blood on my dick.

    “Looks like you opened him well,” Dominic said, admiring my work. He knelt down and reached his hand to Pastor Kline’s ass, sticking a two fingers inside, causing Pastor Kline to flinch. “You’ll be getting a lot more than that in a second,” he said.

    “I feel so empty,” Pasor Kline said.

    “That’s the sign of a true cum pig,” Dominic told him. “You’ll find yourself needing a dick in you every second. All you’ll want is someone dumping a load of toxic cum in your ass. Lucky for you, you’ll have someone more than willing to do it just in the office down the hall.”

    Pastor Kline looked at me as I stood over him, my dick hanging down near his face.

    “Isn’t that what you want?” Dominic asked.

    “Absolutely,” Pastor Kline said, opening his mouth and taking my dick inside. He cleaned me off, tasting himself and the poz load I’d just injected.

    “Will scratched you up pretty good,” Dominic said. “I think I could do better.” He dug his nails into Pastor Kline’s inner lining, causing him to squirm.

    “It hurts,” he said, my dick falling from his mouth.

    “A real cum pig doesn’t notice the pain,” Dominic said. “You notice only the pleasure in the pain. You’ll crave it. You’ll want nothing more than for a man with a real cock to stretch your ass open, threatening to split you in two.”

    “It is what I want,” he groaned. “Split me in two.”

    “With pleasure,” Dominic said, standing and lining his dick up to Pastor Kline’s hole. “I’m not going to be slow. I’m not going to be gentle. This will hurt.” He pushed forward, burrowing his entire dick into Pastor Kline’s ass, his balls smacking against his taint.

    Pastor Kline’s back arched, his hands reaching out, finding my arm, which he held onto tightly. His eyes were closed tight, face red, as he waited for the pain to subside. It seemed to be lasting a long time as his grip on my hand remained tight.

    “I think I’ve found your second sphincter,” Dominic said. “It’s about time someone broke through. Now you’re really a bottom slut.”

    “Thank you, sir,” Pastor Kline moaned, his grip starting to loosen.

    “Will,” Dominic said, his pace quick as he slammed into Pastor Kline’s ass. “Climb on top of his chest and straddle him. I think he needs to learn how to eat an ass.”

    I climbed over Pastor Kline, a foot on either side of his chest, and lowered myself down until I was on my knees, my ass to his face. I was facing Dominic who was staring into my eyes, a hungry look arresting my attention.

    “Spread your cheeks,” he said, “and lower yourself down onto his face. I want him to eat my load out of your ass.”

    I grabbed onto my ass cheeks and pulled them apart, already feeling the cum inside starting to slip out of my hole. I looked back at Pastor Kline who was staring into my crack, his tongue darting out of his lips in anticipation. I lowered myself down until his nose and mouth were burrowed inside me.

    “Start eating,” Dominic said.

    I could feel Pastor Kline’s tongue darting against my hole, sending chills throughout my body. He was licking clean the cum that was dripping out, my sweat mixing with the juices.

    “Push some out for him,” Dominic said.

    “What if I fart a little?” I asked.

    “He’s a cum pig. It comes with the territory. Whatever you give him, he’ll be happy to take. Isn’t that right, pastor?”

    I heard a moan in response, the vibration of his voice tickling my ass. I strained as I tried to push out Dominic’s cum, feeling the warmth leaving my body. With ever push, there was a bit of gas released, but Pastor Kline seemed to like it. I kept pushing until every drop of cum was now in his mouth or covering his face.

    “Do you like the smell of a real man’s ass?” Dominic asked.

    Another moan suggested he did.

    “Push again,” Dominic said, winking at me.

    I pushed and more gas come out, Pastor Kline squirming under me. His hands reached up and grabbed my ass, and as I thought he was going to try to push me off, he took hold and pulled me further down on his face.

    “He likes it.” Dominic said. “We’ve got a true pig on our hands.”

    “I guess so,” I said.

    “When was the last time you pissed?” Dominic asked.

    “It’s been a while,” I said.

    “It’s unhealthy to hold urine in for long. How about we see what else Pastor Kline likes.”

    I lifted myself off Pastor Kline’s face and turned myself around, straddling his chest. There was cum and other liquids all over his face which his tongue was quickly trying to clean up.

    “Pastor,” Dominic started, “Will is going to give you another gift. There’s nothing a man likes more than feeding a pig his load. But giving a pig a stomach full of piss is also exciting.”

    Pastor Kline’s eyes fell to my dick and then looked up at me. He looked uncertain, but his mouth started to open as I leaned forward and rested the head on his tongue. I felt the warmth rising as my stream shot into his mouth, the golden liquid hitting the back of his throat. I could tell he was caught off guard, his hands grabbing my legs, but he didn’t close his mouth.

    “Swallow,” I said as I watched the piss collect in his mouth, threatening to pour out over his chin and chest.

    He swallowed the piss, his face contorting for a moment at the taste, but after a second, I found a change in his eyes. Where there had been dislike or concern, there was now enjoyment and desire. I didn’t need to remind him to swallow again as he was taking in my piss as quickly as he could. Once I was finished, he took my dick into his mouth and milked whatever remained inside.

    “I think he liked it,” I said, watching as Pastor Kline sucked my dick like a baby animal sucking from its mother’s teat.

    “Have you ever drank piss before?” Dominic asked.

    Pastor Kline shook his head.

    “But you will from now on, right?”

    Pastor Kline nodded.

    “When you’re at work,” Dominic said, “I don’t want you using the bathroom. Piss into a cup and drink it. When Will has to piss, he’ll come into your office and you’ll swallow everything he gives you. Understood?”

    Pastor Kline nodded, my dick slipping from his mouth. “Yes, sir. Every drop.”

    “Who knows,” Dominic said. “Maybe, we’ll get your son here, and you’ll drink his piss too. How does that sound?”

    “Delicious,” Pastor Kline said.

    “That’s a good cum and piss pig,” Dominic said, his pace quickening. “Are you ready for another load?”

    “Yes, sir.”

    “You’ve got it,” he said, slamming his dick into Pastor Kline’s ass, his body shuddering as he shot ropes of cum into his body. “You’ll be ours before long. Don’t you worry.”

    “Thank you, sir,” Pastor Kline said, looking up into my eyes. “I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

    We shot two more loads of cum each into Pastor Kline’s hole along with piss from Dominic and myself before we called it a night. Dominic gave Pastor Kline a butt plug which he shoved into his ass, turning it around, angering the cuts inside.

    “You’ll leave this in as long as you can,” Dominic told him. “You want the cum to take.”

    “Yes, sir.”

    “You’ll be taking loads from Will every day while you’re at work. As many as you can. Then, I want you here a few times a week, taking both of our loads until we’ve converted you. Understand?”

    Pastor Kline nodded.

    “This is your life now. You’ll think of nothing but cock, cum, and piss. Whatever man wants to use you, you’ll agree. Your soul purpose is to be a bottom pig. If I want to dump my load into you right before you go up and preach on Sunday, you had better be ready to hold my cum inside the entire time you’re up there.”

    “Absolutely, sir. I understand.”


    “I’ll walk you out,” I told Pastor Kline.

    We walked down the hall and got into the elevator.

    “I know this must be a bit awkward,” Pastor Kline said.

    “Not awkward,” it told him. “I’m just surprised. I never knew.”

    “That was kind of the point,” he said. “Though, there were many times when I was hitting on you that I was sure you’d start to get suspicious.”

    I knew the times he was talking about, but I didn’t say anything. “How will you explain all this to your wife?”

    “I don’t plan on explaining,” he said. “We never have sex anymore, so I won’t infect her. I go out to speak with church members all the time, so going out to get fucked won’t be all that hard. Honestly, I’m surprised I never tried it before.”

    “Now, Pastor Matthews…”

    “He’s as straight as they come,” Pastor Kline said. “And, from what I know, he’s not very big or good in bed.”

    “Good to know.”

    “As for other men in our church,” Pastor Kline said, “there are two or three married men who I’ve always believed are closeted. I think we have a chance with some of them.”

    “I’m not trying to poz the entire male population of our church,” I said.

    “I know,” he said as the elevator reached the bottom floor. “But imagine if we did. Image what our men’s retreats could be like then.”


    Hope it isn't getting too dirty for you. Don't worry. There won't be anything beyond piss.

    Another member of their party will soon be arriving. Jay's status will be known. Pastor Kline's journey begins. 

    Let me know if you blow a load. Post a picture if you want. Happy Sunday. 

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  13. Part 12: Will Meets the Third Member

     “You’re back,” Dominic exclaimed. He was standing in the doorway wearing nothing but a jock strap. It was good to see him. It was good to see so much of him.

    “One of these days, you’re going to open your door like that, and it’s going to be a scout selling cookies,” I told him.

    “Until then, get in here. I’ve got a surprise for you.”

    “I’ve got one for you,” I told him.

    “Is it about your brother?”

    I nodded.

    “What happened?”

    “I fucked him a few times,” I told him, noticing his hand reaching down and fondling his jock which was straining to hold his cock. “I tried to wear a condom so I didn’t poz him.”

    Dominic shivered, sticking out his tongue. “I hate even hearing the word ‘condom.’”

    “Well, he took one and poked holes in it so it would rip.”

    Dominic’s hand stopped moving, his dick shooting straight out at me, a bead of precum flying out and landing on the front of my pants. “He stealthed you?”

    “Not like you did,” I said, trying not to sound harsh, “but, yes.”


    “He said he likes risks, and he saw this as a hot risk to take.”

    “God,” Dominic said. “I need to meet this brother.”

    “M. E. E. T?” I asked. “Or M. E. A. T?”

    “Both, definitely both.”

    “I’d rather not talk about it right now,” I told him.

    “Are you feeling guilty?” he asked. “If he ends up poz, it’s because he wanted it. You said he knew it was you at the glory hole. He still had you suck his dick. When are you going to realize that everything that happened was because he wanted it to happen?”

    I knew Dominic was right. Still, I couldn’t understand the situation. I didn’t know what I would do if I got a call from Jay, telling me that I’d pozzed him. Would he even try to hide it?

    “I missed you,” he finally said, leaning in and kissing me. I had missed his lips. I had missed his voice. I could feel his erection pressed against my leg. I had missed his dick. “Now, about your surprise.”

    “If it’s piercing my dick,” I started, “I’m still not sure if I’m ready for that, especially tonight.”

    “It’s not that,” he assured me. “Something happened while you were gone.”

    “What do you mean?”

    “You told me to behave,” he said. “And I tried my best. I really did. It wasn’t entirely my idea, but, admittedly, I didn’t put up too much of a fight in the end.”

    “What are you talking about?”

    “I think I just need to show you,” he said, taking my hand. He led me back toward his bedroom where the door was closed. “Now, just remember what I said, and know that this was entirely his idea. He knew what he was getting into.”

    “He who?” I asked.

    Dominic opened the door, revealing a naked man on the bed, his arms and legs outstretched, tied to the four corners.

    “Pastor Kline?” I said, my voice catching in my throat.

    “Welcome back, Will,” he said, a huge grin on his face.

    I slammed the door shut, pulling Dominic away from his bedroom. “What the fuck, Dom?”

    “Let me explain.”

    “I told you not to go after him.”

    “I didn’t.”

    “He’s naked in your bed.”

    “He came after me.”

    “Do you really expect me to believe that?”

    “Yes,” he said. “I told you that I thought he was secretly gay. I’ve watched the way he talks to you. Not only that, but I watch the way he talks to half of the men at your church, and he practically salivates over them. I swear, the one time the three of us were talking, he started getting a boner.”

    “He’s married.”

    “He doesn’t lover her,” Dominic said. “He told me. He said he married her because he felt like he needed a wife. He’s been jerking off to gay porn for decades. That’s the only way he’s been able to fuck her and have any kids.”

    “How did he end up here?”

    “He stopped me after church on Sunday, saying he wanted to talk. I couldn’t say no. I’m still keeping up appearances. We met at his office and he asked me questions about myself. Am I married? Am I in a relationship? Was I sexually active? Then he asked about us.”

    “About us?”

    “He said he noticed that we were getting really close,” Dominic said. “I guess me coming over to your apartment after you started converting tipped him off.”

    “Are you sure you didn’t open your door wearing only this?” I asked, pointing at his jock.

    “He threw himself at me,” Dominic said. “Almost literally. He locked his office door and started circling around me. He said he knew I was gay and thought that you were too. I thought he was trying to blackmail you or something. When I tried to stop him, he said he was attracted to me and then rubbed his hand over my crotch.”

    “Pastor Kline did that?”

    “The man’s got a good grip,” he said. “He’s a good kisser, too.”

    “You kissed him?”

    “He’s naked in my bed, Will. Yeah, I kissed him. Well, he kissed me.”

    “In his office?”

    “His secretary almost caught us.”

    “I don’t believe this,” I said, taking a seat. The realization that I had just seen Pastor Kline naked hadn’t completely hit me yet. I had been in so much shock that I hadn’t noticed anything other than his face. As I imagined going back to open the door, peaking at the rest of his body, I found myself getting hard. I remembered when Pastor Kline had first interviewed me. He had said that I was attractive. There were also other times when I thought I could feel him staring at me. Originally, I thought he had been judging me, trying to see if I was good at my job. Now, I realized he had been checking me out.

    “Have you,” I started, trying to form my thoughts, “fucked him?”

    “Not yet,” Dominic said.

    “Really?” I asked. “Wait, does he know that you’re poz?”

    “He does,” Dominic said.

    “Is that why you haven’t fucked him?”

    “He wants to be pozzed,” Dominic said. “Just not by me.”

    There was moment of silence between us as I realized why I was finding Pastor Kline in Dominic’s bed on the day I arrived back home.

    “He’s been waiting for you to get back all day,” Dominic told me. “He says he wants you to poz him.”

    I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “You’re sure he knows what pozzing is?”

    “More than what you knew when I pozzed you.”

    “I can’t get my head around this,” I said. “I mean, he’s my boss. He’s Pastor Kline. The man looks a bit like my dad.”

    “You did just fuck your brother,” he reminded me.

    The idea of fucking Pastor Kline, while initially horrifying, was sounding hotter and hotter with each passing second. Not only would I be pozzing someone, it would be a married man. It would be the lead pastor of our church. Two pastors fucking.

    “Looks like your mind is made up,” Dominic said, pointing down at my crotch.

    My dick was bulging against my pants. He was right. I knew what I wanted. I stripped off my clothes and followed Dominic back to his bedroom.

    “Have we come to a decision?” Pastor Kline asked as the door opened and Dominic entered inside. Upon seeing me, naked and sporting a boner, a large smile spread across Pastor Kline’s face. “Looks like we have. I’ve never seen anything more beautiful.”

    “You’re sure you want this?” I asked, rubbing my dick, precum oozing out. “You see this tattoo on my chest. It’s the same one that Dominic has. It means we’re poz. We’re HIV positive. If I fuck you, you’ll be infected and you’ll be poz too. Is that what you want, Pastor Kline?”

    “Call me Mark,” he said. “And yes. It’s what I fucking want. I want you to fuck me and cum inside my hole, knocking me up with your poz babies.”

    My dick jerked at the sound. “We don’t wear condoms,” I said.

    “I don’t want anything between us, Will,” he said. “I want to feel your cock slide into me, tearing me open, making me bleed.”

    “My dick is eight inches,” I said. “Dominic is ten.”

    “That’s the size of a real man’s dick,” Pastor Kline said. “Eight inches. Ten inches. Whatever.”

    “How big is your dick?” Dominic asked.

    “Not even five inches,” he said. “It’s not worth fucking with. I don’t want to use it again. If I could lock it up and throw away the key, I would.”

    “That could be arranged,” Dominic said, winking at me.

    “You want me to be the one to poz you?” I asked, stepping closer to the bed.

    “Yes, sir,” Pastor Kline said. “I want your cum in my ass. I want your strain in my veins. I want you to claim me. Both of you. I’ll be your faggot pig whenever you want. I’ll take all your loads. I’ll do whatever you want me to do. Please, fuck me.”

    “We will,” Dominic said. “You won’t leave here without having several loads of poz cum in your ass.”

    “Exactly what I want to fucking hear,” Pastor Kline said.

    “Will,” Dominic said, “go to the fridge and get my special lube. I’ll undue his legs so we can fuck him properly.”

    I nodded, knowing exactly what he wanted. In the fridge I found a water bottle in which there were several loads of poz cum collected. I opened it and smelled the sweet scent of cum. It made my mouth water. As I returned, I found Pastor Kline’s ankles free, the ties that had him secure now holding his legs up, exposing his hairy hole. His body was covered in gray hair. Even though he was older, I could tell that he took care of himself. He wasn’t muscular, but I could tell that he had at one point been a very attractive man. To be honest, he still was.

    “You know, Mark,” Dominic started, “the last ass Will fucked belonged to his brother.”

    Pastor Kline’s eyes grew wide. He looked to me for confirmation.

    “I was his first gay fuck,” I said.

    “That’s fucking hot,” Pastor Kline said. “I need you to fuck me. I need your cum in my hole. I want to feel you shoot deep inside, filling my guts.”

    “You’ll get it,” Dominic said. “As Will fucks you, I’ll be fucking Will. As he cums, I’ll cum. All that I have given him will go from me and into him, and from him into you. Your corruption will be complete.”

    “Do it,” he said. “Claim me.”

    “We will,” I said, crawling onto the bed. I poured some of the cum from the water bottle onto his balls, watching as it dripped down to his hole. I stuck my fingers inside, forcing him open. “You want it rough?”

    “I want you to hurt me,” Pastor Kline said. “Make me bleed.”

    I had three fingers inside of him, twisting, scraping his insides. His body shook, balls jumping into his body. His dick tried to get hard, but as I watched it grow, I saw that it could only get semi-hard.

    “What a pathetic excuse for a dick,” I said, taking it with my other hand. “Can’t even get it hard.”

    “Worthless piece of flesh,” Dominic agreed. “Not worth shooting cum.”

    “It won’t have to,” I said. “Right, Mark?”

    “Not unless you tell me to,” Pastor Kline said.

    “When was the last time you fucked someone?” Dominic asked.

    “It’s been years since I fucked my wife.”

    “When did you last jerk off?”

    “This morning,” he said. “But hardly anything came out.”

    “That’s because your body knows that you’re made to be fucked and nothing else.”

    “Only to be fucked by real men,” Pastor Kline added. “Men like you.”

    “Are you ready?” I asked him. “Are you ready for my dick?”

    “I’ve been ready since the day I first met you,” he said.

    I removed my fingers, spotting traces of blood on my skin. I held them out for Pastor Kline to see. “You’re open now,” I told him. “Everything we put inside you will infect you. There’ll be no stopping it.”

    “Do it,” he moaned. “Go deep.”

    I poured more of the cum on his hole and into my hand, lubing up my dick before I slammed it inside.

    “Fuck,” Pastor Kline shouted, his body shaking, trying to move away from my intruding dick. “Fuck, you’re huge. It hurts.”

    “Let it hurt,” I said, forcing more of my dick inside. I watched his eyes as I kept pushing further into his body until his balls were pressed against my pubes. “Feel all that. That’s all my dick filling you.”

    “God, I feel it. I feel you inside me. I’ve never left this full. I’ve never felt this good.”

    I started pulling out, watching as blood streaked across my skin. Once only my head remained inside, I forced myself back inside, causing his body to jump again.

    “Are you ready for me, Son?” Dominic asked, his hard dick bobbing around in search of a hole.

    “I’m ready, Daddy,” I said, reaching back and pulling my cheeks apart, revealing my hole. “Fuck my cum out of me and into his body.”

    “Fuck,” Dominic said, lubing up his dick and invading my hole.

    It had been too long since his cock was last inside me. As he filled me, I felt at home, never wanting a day to go by without him inside me. As he bottomed out, I found my dick growing harder in Pastor Kline’s hole. As Dominic picked up his pace, he was slamming me into Pastor Kline, my body moving between them, milking my dick and Dominic’s at the same time.

    “Fuck, I’ve never felt this right in my life,” Pastor Kline cried out.

    I reached forward and grabbed his nipples, twisting them and extracting a loud moan. “I want to hear you groan,” I said, my dick hitting into his prostate, causing a bead of his precum to pearl over his piss slit. “What does your wife think you’re doing?”

    “She thinks I’m meeting with a church member.”

    “She has no idea the kind of slut her husband is.”

    “No idea, sir.”

    “I hear you have a son,” Dominic said, his words causing his dick to grow. “Is that right?”

    “Yes,” Pastor Kline said.

    “How old?”

    “Nineteen,” he said. “He’s at college.”

    “And does he have a girlfriend?”


    “Is that because he’s a faggot like his dad?” I asked. “Does your son secretly want dick?”

    “I don’t know,” Pastor Kline said. “I’ve fantasized about him fucking me and filling me with his own cum.”

    “How big is his dick?”

    “Bigger than mine,” he said. “Almost as big as Will.”

    “A real man,” Dominic said. “A real man created from the puny dick of a faggot.”

    “He’s so big,” Pastor Kline moaned. “He makes me proud having such a big dick to fuck with.”

    “Would you let him fuck you?”


    “Would you bring him to us so that we can fuck him?” Dominic asked. “Would you give us your son?”

    Pastor Kline’s eyes looked from Dominic to me, a hunger growing in his eyes. “Yes. Yes I would bring him to you. I would bring him here so that you could convert him, poz him, infect his body with your cum. I’d bring him so that you could make his balls toxic and his dick a weapon.”

    “That’s what we like to hear,” Dominic said, kissing my neck. “We’ll see what can be done.”


    Hope you enjoyed the chapter and blew a few loads. Pastor Kline's journey is only beginning. 

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  14. Part 11: Dominic Wants Will (A prequel from Dominic's perspective)

    I slammed my dick hard into his ass, relishing the sound of his moans and gasps.

    “Fuck, dude,” the sweaty man beneath me cried, hands nearly white as they clung to his legs, revealing a bleeding asshole. “It’s like you’re shoving a baseball bat inside me.”

    “It’s the same as the first time I fucked you,” I said, slamming back inside. “That’s why you’re bleeding just as much now as then.”

    He laughed as he tried to breathe. I slammed again, going further this time. His shaking hands lost hold of his legs which fell onto my shoulders. His hands reached up and grabbed for my chest, fingers running through my chest hair. I looked down and caught sight of gleaming gold. I loved it when they still wore their wedding rings while being fucked by someone else. A thought crossed my mind, something a bit dirty. I grabbed his left hand and slipped his ring off, making sure he saw what I was doing even as stars flashed before his eyes.

    “You know what I think of this?” I asked him, showing him the ring. I reached behind me and stuck it between my ass cheeks, the ring lost in ass hair and sweat. “For safe keeping.”

    “Safe?” the man laughed again, his hands running down my body and stopping on the tattoo on my pelvis. “There’s nothing safe about you. You’ve ruined my marriage.”

    I looked down at the biohazard tattoo beneath his fingers and then over to my arm on which there were tally marks tattooed. A freshly done 49th tally had been done only just that morning. Jackson, the man I was fucking, had called me a week and a half before, letting me know that he had come down with the flu. He and I both knew it was more than that. Jackson was a married man from a few states over, routinely flying here for business. I had found him on an app where he listed himself as a hungry cheating hole needing a big dick and a big load.

    When we had met and I stripped of my clothes, he saw my tattoo and took a step back.

    “Guess you know what that means.” I said. “I don’t just got a big load. I’ve got a life changing load. If you want it, it’s all yours.”

    Jackson’s eyes lifted from the tattoo and met mine, a smile filling his face. “Fuck up my life, you dirty fucker.”

    Now, as I unloaded more of my toxic cum into his insides, I thought about what he was going to tell his wife the next time she wanted to fuck. Will he infect her? Will he leave? Did I care? Honestly, a bit. Yes, I enjoyed plowing his ass, ruining his hole, and dumping my poz seed into his bleeding body. He had jumped at the chance. Still, a part of me cared about what was going to happen to him. I wanted him to enjoy himself. He was now free. He could fuck whomever he wanted. I had given him a gift. He should thank me. I felt the ring still between my ass cheeks and wondered if he’d notice flying back home without it. I like souvenirs. That, or I could sell it and get some cash. Either way.

    Jackson left, with his ring, both smelling of my sweat. He walked funny, his insides still rearranged from my dick’s intrusion. I loved watching men walk away, trying to gain composure, their bodies adjusting to the raw fucking they had just endured. Sometimes, it felt amazing knowing that they couldn’t walk at all, their entire bodies shut down as they contemplated what I had just done to them. In more ways than one, I impacted their bodies.

    I told Jackson to call the next time he was in town. I wanted to give him his first tattoo, preferably a biohazard symbol on his ass or lower back. The man was a bottom slut. Once his wife left him, I knew he wouldn’t go around using his dick to fuck anyone. It was all about his hole now. I had that effect on men. I showed them how much of a bottom they truly were. I also showed them how deeply they craved cock. Once you’ve been fucked by me, there’s no going back to pussy. Give me any man, and I’m sure I can change him.

    Not that I sought out men to do this to. Why spend so much time chasing down someone just to see if I can get them into bed? If they wanted my big dick unloading my precious load in their asses, they’d come after me.


    “Start wearing condoms yet?” Doctor Wade asked.

    I sat naked on the examination table in my doctor’s office. This man wasn’t just my doctor. He was also a neg hole I had pozzed. He had sought me out, and I was only more than willing to make him a tally on my arm. He was a hot fuck, huge muscles, beautiful face. Plus, it was good to have a doctor on the same “team” as me.

    “Never,” I told him.

    “Good boy.”

    I smiled.

    “Looking for more marks?” he asked as if he could read my mind. He pointed down at my tattoos. “Which one am I again?”

    I pointed his tally out.

    “I see 49 is new. Who was the guy?”

     “A married guy,” I told him. “I fuck him when he’s on routine business trips.”

    “Did he know?”

    I smiled. “He practically jumped on my dick, he wanted it so bad.”

    Doctor Wade moaned, his hand reaching down to his own crotch were his dick was tenting his pants. “Fuck. How do you always find guys like this?”

    “I’m a bit of a magnet for hot guys,” I told him.

    “Not just hot guys,” he said. “You’ve got a talent for the [banned word]. If there’s a guy out there who could end up on a [banned word] site or fetish board, you somehow find him. I’m surprised you haven’t fucked your own dad.”

    “I wouldn’t touch that asshole,” I told him. I hated my dad. I had my reasons. My brother and I escaped that man as soon as we could have when we were eighteen. It wasn’t too long after that that my brother, Roco, and I were first introduced to gay sex. He and I never fucked since we were both tops. Sure, we spit roasted a few guys, but that was it. I’m not as [banned word] as he thinks, I thought, watching as Doctor Wade continued rubbing his dick. “When’s your next appointment?” I asked.

    Doctor Wade smiled, undoing his pants. “We’ve got time.”

    I hoped off the table. “Then get on.”


    I was pouring sweat, dropping the fifty pound weights. It had been a few hours since I started my work out. It was easy to lose track of time when you’re surrounded by sweaty men, their musk filling the air. Bottle that up, and you could make a killing.

    “Pushing hard?” Neil asked. Neil was the general manager of the gym. He was gay, but he only used condoms, meaning we had no chance of fucking. He was a handsome man who often had the female gym-goers tripping over themselves. They did the same with me, clearly unaware that they were barking up the wrong trees on every count.

    “Got to keep looking good,” I said.

    “Well, the work is paying off,” he said. He turned, waving his hand at someone across the gym. “Great job, Will. You killed it.”

    “Thanks, Neil,” a voice shouted back.

    I turned and spotted the man Neil had called to. He was young, late twenties if I had to guess. He had brown hair, stubble, and an athletic build without being overly muscled. His shirt was covered in sweat, his bare arms glistening under the gym lights. If you wanted to picture the perfect “boy next door,” he was it. I was probably double this man’s age, or close to it give or take five years, something which got me hard immediately. I liked younger guys, playing into my ability to be both the dominant and the daddy.

    “Who was that?” I asked.

    “That was…” Neil eyed me, a smirk turning his face. “Oh, no. Not happening.”


    “What do you mean ‘what?’ You’ve got your scouting goggles on.”

    “I just asked who he is.”

    “And why do you want to know?”

    I tried to think of an excuse other than the truth he had already guessed. The only head working was the one pushing to escape my jockstrap. “So what if I think he’s hot?”

    “Every gay man in this gym has clocked him already,” Neil said, “and I’ve shot down every hope and dream.”

    “Why?” I asked. “You want him for yourself?”

    “Absolutely,” Neil said. “I’d have him fuck me against a cactus. That’s not the problem.”


    Neil shook his head. “Pastor.”

    “What?” I asked. “Pastor? As in, like, a church?”

    “As in wedged up high into God’s ass, there’s no room for anyone else.”

    I tried to catch a glimpse of the man as he walked out the front door. “What church?”

    “The Church of Never Gonna Happen,” Neil said. “Drop it.” He walked away, leaving me to stare.


    “Fuck,” Tom groaned as I unloaded in his ass.

    I fell forward, my chest pressed against his back, counting on his arms and legs to keep us from collapsing on the bed. It had been Tom’s idea to fuck doggy style since he liked it when I reached forward and grabbed his neck from behind. I kissed the back of his neck where my handprints were still red, his tattoo of a scorpion standing out even still. Tom was a usual gym fuck. We’d work out, go to either his place or mine, and spend a few hours fucking. His boyfriend didn’t mind. Tom pozzed him, continuing my line.

    In fact, sometimes we’d have a three-way in which we’d all be exhausted for hours after. Their neighbors always complained, especially when the walls shook, knocking pictures down.

    “Whatever you’re doing for your ass at the gym is really working,” I told him, slapping his right cheek and leaving another red handprint. I pulled out, a small trickle of cum leaking out.

    “Glad you noticed,” he said. Tom climbed off the bed, grabbing a buttplug he had brought with him, securing my cum inside his ass. He checked the time. “Got to get home. I think Robby will want to add to your load before we go out for drinks. You should join us.”

    “Maybe some other time,” I said. I watched as he got dressed, running my thumb over the tally which had marked his conversion. “Hey,” I started, trying to sound casual, “I was just wondering, I was working out the other day, and I started talking to someone—”

    “Stop right there,” Tom said. “Neil already told me about your obsession.”

    “What?” I asked. “What obsession?”

    “Dom, Pastor Ryder is off limits.”

    “Pastor Ryder?” I said. “Is that his name?”

    Tom stared at me, frozen. “Fuck.”

    “That’s what I’m hoping for,” I said, more to myself than Tom.


    I walked into the locker room, Pastor Ryder in my sights. Weeks had gone by since I first saw him, and every day since I kept my eyes open for any sign of what was my “forbidden fruit.” I watched as he went to his locker, hoping to see him strip. I had imagined what his body looked like. Still so young, so malleable, his body would be pristine. I’d seen him wearing gym shirts that showed off hairy pits and chest hair sneaking out of his collar. How hairy would he be? I’d also seen him lean down to pick up weights, his lower back revealing a dusting of hair trailing down. Hairy ass? I loved it when a guy’s hairy ass wraps around my dick.

    Also, being a tattoo artist, I wanted to see if he had any ink. More than anything, I wanted to see what he had swinging between his legs.

    He took out a bag from his locker and closed the door, turning to leave. He passed me without a look, the smell of his sweat hitting my nose, and I wanted to cum.

    “Nice try,” Tom said, appearing at my side. “He doesn’t shower here.”

    “So, no one knows what he’s got?”

    “An unsolved mystery,” Tom said, pulling off his own shorts, revealing his own erect member. He winked at me, walking toward the showers.

    I went home, exhausted, unable to get Pastor Ryder out of my head. I wanted him. I wanted him beneath me, under my power, his ass filled with my toxic cum. I wanted him begging for me to poz him. I wanted to dominate him in every sense. I wanted to fuck him so hard, he’d forget everyone except me. Then, maybe, I’d forget him. Every fuck I had had since I saw him ended with my imagination turning whoever I was inside into the man I couldn’t have.

    Maybe I was drawn to the [banned word]. Maybe I wanted what I knew I couldn’t have. Maybe I knew all I had was the chase. I took out my phone and looked up his name, finding the church he worked at. I found his picture in their directory and stared at his beautiful face, taken by his smile, by his eyes. I fished out my dick and started jerking off, eyes glued to this man I wanted desperately. In almost record time, I shot into the air, cum raining down, a glob hitting the screen, covering his face.

    “If only,” I said, admiring the sight before me.

    I brought the screen to my face and licked the cum off. I had to see him.


    I felt nervous walking toward the building. I hadn’t been in a church in years, for obvious reasons. I wanted to get his attention, but I didn’t know how to do it other than walking in wearing nothing but a smile. That wouldn’t work. Instead, I wore a black shirt that showed off my hairy arms and tattoos. My jeans were fitting, showing off my ass and bulge. I looked good, and in any other setting, I would have men following after me, ready to open their asses. Instead, I was walking into a church where I knew I would be getting looks of judgement. I didn’t care about them. I cared only about one person. I just had to find him.

    It was as if God was bringing us together. There he was, standing in the entrance. I had expected I would have had to search him out, but there he stood, shaking hands. God, he was beautiful. Just seeing him brought out my dominate side even more than before. I felt as if I was getting bigger, muscles swelling, height increasing. My testosterone surged. Animalistic desires spread through my body. I had to have him.

    I pushed past people, eyes focused on him. I reached out and grabbed his hand, pulling his body against mine, holding him close. He looked up into my eyes, a sexy smile turning his lips.

    “About time you made a move,” he said.

    “You haven’t seen anything yet,” I said, kissing him, my hand moving over his body, his groin bulging next to my own. I could smell him, his intoxicating scent. Everyone disappeared around us. We weren’t in the church. We were in my bedroom. He stepped away from me, his body naked, hairy, gleaming with sweat, his gorgeous cock sticking straight out at me. I had never seen anything more beautiful.

    “Hello,” Pastor Ryder said, hand outstretched.

    I snapped back to reality, standing in front of him, suddenly overly warm. I half expected to find us standing there naked, or, at the very least, myself naked and sporting a raging boner. Luckily, I was clothed, my tight jeans hiding the erection striving to burst out of my pants. I could feel precum starting to pool around my dick, sticking to my leg.

    “I’m Pastor Ryder,” he said, seemingly unaware of the pressure he was creating in my pants. “I don’t think I’ve seen you here before.”

    “First time,” I said, regaining my awareness. I took his hand and shook it, relishing the feeling of his warm skin. His smile grew. “I’ve driven past here for years. Decided to step inside for a change.”

    “I’m glad that you did.”

    I looked him over, noticing a sudden movement in his crotch. I smiled. Clearly, he wasn’t as off limits as everyone thought. I couldn’t be sure, but something in the way he looked at me seemed to reveal a spark. Was he aware of it too? We talked a bit more before I walked off, turning back once to catch his eye. He ran off after that, looking flustered.

    Perhaps he wasn’t aware, I realized. I’d encountered men before who suppressed their attraction to men, unable to admit to themselves their deepest desire. I was always able to uncover that desire, regardless of how “deep” it was. Something told me that Pastor Ryder was different. I didn’t think he even knew it about himself. Or, he was only just discovering it.

    Looks like we’re meeting at the perfect time, I thought.


    I had an erection all day Friday. I had emailed, asking for a meeting. He had accepted. I was both surprised and unsurprised. The thought of seeing him again was like the strongest dose of Viagra imaginable. I did my best to ignore it as I worked, hoping my clients didn’t notice the wet spot on my crotch. I arrived at his office wearing a shirt from my business, liking the way it fit around my chest and arms. I knocked on his door.

    “Pastor Ryder?” I said, sticking my head in.

    “Dominic Moore,” he said, standing up and taking my hand. “Good to see you again.”

    “You too,” I said. “Please, just call me Dom. Everyone does.” If that wasn’t a hint, I didn’t know what was.

    “Alright, Dom. Call me Will.”

    “Will do, Will,” I said, smiling what I was sure was a stupid grin. What a dumb joke. Why was I acting like such an idiot? I took a seat, noticing his eyes glued to my shirt, the design drawing his eyes to my chest. It was working.

    “I’ve heard of that place,” he said. “I’ve never gone. I think a neighbor of mine goes there.”

    “I own the place,” I told him.

    “You’re a tattoo artist?”

    “Nearly twenty years now,” I said, the number sounding weighty. “Which I’m guessing isn’t too far off from your age.”

    He smiled. “Twenty-nine.”

    “Still young,” I told him. He was perfect. Not too young, acting like a spoiled child, treating me like a sugar daddy, but not too old to threaten dominance. It was meant to be.

    He asked me about myself. I answered, casting the questions back on him. He was single, interested in my own status. Not the one you should be asking about, I thought. He seemed nervous. As the discussion started involving God, I did my best to distract him. I did too good of a job as he noticed my tattoos.

    “Are you a Scorpio?”

    I looked down at my arm. “I am, funny enough.”

    “That date though, isn’t that in May. May birthdays aren’t Scorpios.”

    “No,” I said, thinking back to that night, the night I had been pozzed, my brother next to me. I could still hear the panting breath and smell the sweat of our bodies. A man’s conversion is a special time. It’s meant to be taken seriously. I looked at Pastor Ryder, imagining what his night would be like should it be with me. “That date is for something else.”

    “Are those tally marks?”

    I looked over to my other arm. “They are.”

    “What are they for?”

    “That’s a bit complicated to explain,” I told him. “Maybe someday I’ll tell you.”

    “How many are there?”

    “Almost fifty,” I said, eyes focused on his quizzical examination of my body. I loved knowing that he was looking me over, taking in every part of myself. Clearly he was curious, just as I wanted him to be. “One away, actually.”

    “Maybe you’ll get fifty soon,” he said.

    I smiled, imaging myself taking him right there in his office, revealing to him the tattoos only those I turned were privileged to see. “Yeah, I think I will,” I said.

    One way or another, I decided as I sat in this man’s office, I was going to see this through. I wouldn’t stop until I entered his body, taking him as mine, and turning his whole life in another direction. He probably expected to get married, to have kids, to live a normal life. He deserved more than that. He deserved freedom, the type only I could give him. In that moment, I knew he was the one. He wasn’t just number 50. He was going to be more than that. I was going to be more to him than he could ever imagine. His life would never be the same after me. I’d make sure of it.


    Not a ton of sex, but I hope you found it enjoyable. The story from Will's perspective will continue in the next chapter.

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