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Everything posted by Euroverse

  1. Really good quality toys do help a lot for "training" . My standard is an 8inch but I've just started playing with the Bam dildo (cast from the porn actors cock) and it's 13inches long and 8inches circumference. I'm getting there! :-)
  2. The guy is an insecure, self loathing and pittying dick and is making this shit up because he can't handle rejection. His self esteem issues, implying you need to just let him fuck you because those are the "rules" is not your problem. You're deciding to not use condoms: not joining a secret club. There is no "brotherhood", no "agreed code of ethics and conduct" apart from don't let anyone make you feel like shit for rejecting them and don't have sex or do anything with someone you are not interested in. It's your life, not theirs. It doesn't say much about their life skills and personality if they can't handle rejection on the casual sex scene. Look out for yourself, because no one else will.
  3. I am versatile in that I love to top and take my fucking time...and I love to bottom and know that my ass can take whatever is thrown at it and love it. I don't look at bottoming as any way shape or form related to being sub. (as you can tell from my other rants in other threads lol) But...because, like you I have an alpha-male personality (not aggressive though) and am built and masculine, 9/10 times the guys I meet want me to top them. So I top more than I bottom in hook-ups. If it's a relationship, that still tends to be the case but I get to bottom a lot more than I would otherwise. To me being a bottom is anything but that. But the most important thing is you KNOW what you want, how you feel and can put it out there without confusion which is awesome. People should always know what they're gonna get...and what they want!
  4. I get it, and 2 guys recently asked me to gob in their mouth while I was topping them...but I really only get into swallowing it etc in a relationship. I don't know why...it's not that I find it a turn off or anything.
  5. That was really hot :-)
  6. Nope you're not alone at all. Any top who treated me like I am there to service him and worship his misaligned sense of God-hood would be missing teeth in minutes. (kidding fellas) The thing is, in all fairness...these tops posting above want that in a bottom and have every right to like what they like...and plenty of bottoms love it...for whatever reason. Even guys like me who are no ones little bitch...sometimes love just giving it up if that's how I feel right then. So long as its all clear in advance its all cool. But to assume any one person's or group's definition of a "good bottom" is somehow universally accepted is a fallacy and any younger guys new to bottoming need not think they have to subject themselves to the bullshit of someone else's inflated sense of self worth and be treated in any way other than the way they want to be treated. if they want the sub thing...awesome. If they don't...also awesome...tons of guys don't need you to be a bitch just to get off. Communication is key I reckon. Also...I reckon the difference in the actual sex act between a masculine bottom like me and a sub is probably negligible if you were to stand at the side and watch without hearing the verbal exchange. Most of it is what is going through our heads...like most sex stuff really.
  7. Tell you what also turns me off...the whole concept of "being of service" or "servicing a cock"....Jesus Christ I have a cock too...I don't "service" anyone. I will suck it a mouth and go nuts on it cos I love sucking cock! But I am not in your service. You know what, I might just be going neurotic from lack of coffee or whatever...but the concept of figuratively being someone's "boy" or coming around to "service" anything just grates on just about every fibre of my being a fucking man. (You can tell I've had a few want me to "be of service" lately can't ya? lol...the same guy/s refuse to blow me "because they like to be in control"...fuck me...it's a blow job not a slave trade ship and I wouldn't have made more it like I am here, had the implication from them not been so damn clear that some how, in some screwed up way...sucking cock means I'm being submissive. WTF How about it just means I'm gay and like to suck cock? :-) ....end of rant.
  8. This...and get it checked to make sure you don't have an anal fissure (split or tear), some of which are slight and will heal on their own...other more serious anal fissures can require specific care and treatment. Ignoring it is not a good idea as the severe split is direct route to the blood stream for bacteria.
  9. lol It is funny :-) I am verse and on any of the hook up sites I use, you try to show as much of your body as you can right? To give an honest impression. If my pic is one from the side showing my butt....I get messages only from older tops. If I put up one just of my cock I get total bottoms wanting to ride it! I compromised and stuck up one of my upper body at the beach (and send the cock and ass shots privately) and it seems to draw a happy medium. :-) That said....I fucking love your pic man. Nothing is more attractive than a beautiful hole.
  10. you gotta respect that!
  11. To me, what you just said there sums it up perfectly. It includes those who love the dominant or sub role or those for whom that doesn't come into it at all...the key is understanding and respecting what excites the other guy. I hadn't thought of that. You're probably right. Obviously there is a sliding scale of "versatile". Some prefer to top or bottom but will do the other in a pinch. But then there are guys like me, and you guys who have posted above, who can be 100% into being bottom or in another situation, 100% into topping and completely incorporating the whole "state of mind" of either role.
  12. Fear of what? Being fucked? getting HIV? Getting a stain on the bed spread?
  13. I've included here a post I just made in another thread and by no means do I mean to be giving the guy I quoted a hard time! Far from it...most of sex is the mental aspect of it, whether we acknowledge that or not...and different strokes for different folks. But from time to time I come across this automatic assumption that the bottom is automatically submissive. Not just in the physical part of fucking...but that they necessarily mentally get off on that role. There have to be more guys than me out there, who love to be fucked senseless but are still alpha male and to whom aggressively using your ass and pulling that guy in you etc....does not equal "submission" or being dominated etc.? It's a real turn off, in fact it's game over, once the whole "control you and make you my sub bitch etc" thing comes out of some tops mouths. Keep in mind, I am not a small or frail guy, I'm built more like a football player and in every day life, you could tell you'd get a smack in the chops if you walked up and spoke to me like that lol So I don't know why some guys just assume this power role play? So here's the context: Don't bet on it. There are plenty of us Alpha Males who love having the hell fucked out of our ass...but that's not the same as wanting to be dominated and made to feel like trash and the whole verbal thing. The top is not sacrosanct. I top as well. You're as lucky to be inside that ass as they are for having you in them. You'd/ I'd be jacking off alone if it weren't for the hole you're in For many of us, the whole power thing just being "assumed" is a real turn off and can lead to altercations. Now...giving yourself up can be part of the fun but you shouldn't just assume the whole, "spit on me, call be a bitch and throw me around" follows. I totally get where you're coming from and have had younger dudes bottoming for me, tell me in advance they love being dominated etc...That's cool. Its fucking hot. I wouldn't like it for myself (I'm a pretty aggressive bottom when I bottom and I am going to work my ass so that I nearly tear your cock off lol...but that's because I love being fucked...not because the guy fucking me is God and I am trash. That said: total respect for tops I've had recently you bothered to check! Maybe it's a respect thing? I'll even go sub in play for someone who tells me they like doing that and they bother to check with me and not just assume. That's totally different. When they just assume being fucked in the ass = submissive, bitch, someone's "boy" or whatever...I'm more likely to throw the top over my shoulder and throw him and his clothes out my door. MEN love to be fucked too and it's got nothing to do with us feeling like feminine submissives. Does any of this make sense? There have to be more guys that feel the same way? Again...in no way am I bagging the guys who love the whole power play thing from either angle. I get it and do it from time to time. Its more this general feeling that a bottom is automatically wanting to be the momentary embodiment of a bunch of daddy issues.
  14. Don't bet on it. There are plenty of us Alpha Males who love having the hell fucked out of our ass...but that's not the same as wanting to be dominated and made to feel like trash and the whole verbal thing. The top is not sacrosanct. I top as well. You're as lucky to be inside that ass as they are for having you in them. You'd be jacking off alone if it weren't for the hole you're in For many of us, the whole power thing just being "assumed" is a real turn off and can lead to altercations. Now...giving yourself up can be part of the fun but you shouldn't just assume the whole, "spit on me, call be a bitch and throw me around" follows. I totally get where you're coming from and have had younger dudes bottoming for me, tell me in advance they love being dominated etc...That's cool. Its fucking hot. I wouldn't like it for myself (I'm a pretty aggressive bottom when I bottom and I am going to work my ass so that I nearly tear your cock off lol...but that's because I love being fucked...not because the guy fucking me is God and I am trash.
  15. Yeah as Slowfuck just said...you buy an anon pre-paid Visa card from the post-office, 7/11 where ever. Go to the website and workout the cost of your order and just buy a pre-paid card closest to that amount. Also check which cards the site you use takes. Mine only took Visa which was weird, but at least I didn't buy the wrong card from the store. :-)
  16. Totally depends on who it is and how I feel about them. If I'm looking up and them and really want it in me, I will....if I don't get that from just looking and being with who ever it is...then I won't go that extra step. I'll always swallow jizz though....it's just rude not to.
  17. Yeah I'm like that. Its not that I can't cum, its that I can make it last for about as long as I want....or a quick as i like. Its a mental thing for me and controlling it is good. What sucks is when the bottom, (especially if you're in relationship) makes you feel bad for taking a long time, when you were simply thinking you're giving him pleasure. It can fuck with your head when they make out like you're abnormal or there's something wrong with the way you fuck....when reality is, they're just garbage at bottoming, hence needing it over and done quicker. The other thing that gets in the way is when a guy feels the whole point to fucking is cumming. If you;re jacking off...sure just blow. But if you're having a great time fucking, the cumming is going to be great, but it's often the end of the session. in situations other than when you really just want a quickie, why would you want it over quicker??? Some guys don't have a clue, or like I said...they are not that great at bottoming...and in that case, yes...you do need to consider how it's feeling for them and move things along a little. As far as the overall time goes...including the foreplay, arse-eating, sucking, kissing etc way more than 30mins. Half the time I think time limits come from young guys watching too much porn and thinking the standard 20min scene is par for the course. Unless we are purposefully going for a quickie, if I feel the guy is rushing through it ...I'd rather just stop and not fucking bother. Who the hell wants a "fuck by numbers" session that is basically just an assimilation of every 20min porn scene he's watched?
  18. If you are bleeding, you are doing it wrong. Anal and rectal fissures are no joke. Forget STDs etc...if the tears become significant, the bacteria from the colon and later on, in the rectum (before you shit) will easily find its way into the tear. This is basically a direct route to your blood stream. You can get really fucking sick from this....really sick. If the tearing is something that goes on every time one fucks and one refuses to use lube to purposefully get this effect, the resultant tear can (and this does happen) become so extreme, surgery is needed to repair the tissue. You may need a colostomy bag while you recover. When it goes this far, your anal sex days are pretty much over. The site of the tear, even when healed is prone to re-tearing. I couldn't care less if it turn him on. If I was bleeding and he responded by going harder and faster...within several minutes, he'd be bleeding a hell of a lot more than I was. I love being fucked (and topping as well) and I'm not to potentially end my days of taking cock in my hole so some random top can get off on seeing me torn and bleeding.
  19. Bloody hell. I'm not reading all that. I don't even know you guiys...why would I want to read your private emails? ....dude word to the wise: everything seems interesting when you are high...doesn't mean it is. You could have posted the point to your thread in one paragraph. You need a hook up site. It aint that hard man
  20. Yeah this goes through my head too. Also random gay incest stuff.
  21. I order online as well and one thing to be careful of, seeing as you report increased side effects with the overseas sourced meds, is that one of the selling points of these generics, is that they are often double the dosage. My Levitra for example is 20mg/tab. The recommended starting dose is 10mg. Some of the Over Seas Viagra is 100mg/tab. Most use 50mg. So if you are getting increased side effects from your online ED meds, double check the strength of the tablets. Also...because blood pressure is effected by ED meds, people really shouldn't be going nuts with the poppers at the same time. Blood pressure can really plummet.
  22. I agree, some tops have no idea what it's like to bottom and what kind of feeling they can elicit with their cocks (good or bad) and regardless of cock size, these guys are just a waste of time. Personally speaking, in a one on one situation, if the bottom AND the top are both focusing on each other and using their hole and cock respectively to make the other guy feel incredible, (rather than just themselves), it's going to be a great fuck. Also...the tops who are focusing on the bottom (the breathing, the facial expressions and sounds...really reading the bottom) rather than just the feeling in the nerve-endings at the tip of their own dick are the guys who last longer than a ridiculous 15mins. I've been told in the past to maybe not take so long to cum because where my head is at, means I can go almost as long as I like before I choose to blow....or as quickly as I like as the circumstances dictate. :-)
  23. Shave in the direction of the hair growth. Use a hand mirror for the first couple times if you need to.
  24. I and totally verse...Love taking huge cock and love fucking man-cunt. I prefer smooth holes. It's just a personal preference...it also means I am more likely to spend more time rimming and tongue fucking that crinkled musky love-knot ;-)
  25. I love cialis and have just recently started using Levitra, it pretty good. feels like Cialis to me.
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