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  1. Thx for the like. I did see at least two guys in leather at FuckBoxxx 🙂
  2. Too bad nobody replies. I don't know anything about the Leather Pride. If you want fuck action, you can go to FuckBoxxx at Dirty Dicks, Saturday 25th of October 16-20h. But it is not Leather themed. Did you checkout the website about the Leather Pride? [think before following links] https://www.leatherpride.nl/events/ The Web and Cuckoo's Nest are two places to check out too. I was last year in The Web and I didn't know there was a Leather Pride night. It was full of men in Leather! Hopefully someone else can contribute here with better suggestions.
  3. For a start, go for Meat Market at Club Church (Amsterdam, Kerkstraat 52). It's held Saturday 2nd of October 2024. Read it on the Clubchurch.nl website. It's a great party! And if that's you in your profile picture, I am sure you will be taken a lot!
  4. You went to Fuckboxxx? Please tell us about your experiences.
  5. Nice ass! For sure I would fuck you if your stick out your ass like this at MeatMarket. I never visited Fuckboxxx. I think it's less popular than MeatMarket. Dirty Dicks isn't as big as Club Church anyway. It is really a different kind of party. You are allowed to switch, bottom - top. Doesn't matter. However, you might get more loads at Fuckboxx than at MeatMarket. Not sure about that. Hopefully someone else could tell more about Fuckboxxx.
  6. Meat Market at Club Church (Kerkstraat 52, (located near the leidsestraat and opposite to Bronx sex shop) Saturday 2nd of December is great for bottoms to be fucked by a lot of tops. I think Motel One Amsterdam at Waterlooplein is good, it is near/in the center of Amsterdam. I fucked once a nice cute bottom guy and some other time a nice girl at the other hotel location, Motel One Amsterdam Rai. Easy access and okay room. You need to reserve your room early by the way! Mercure Hotel Amsterdam West (Oude Haagseweg 20), I don't know about that one. But it is located next to Nieuwe Meer, including a big outdoor cruising location (Park de Oeverlanden). Keep an eye on the official signs that show specifically what area sex is allowed. But I don't know if you are up to cruising. And I don't know how many guys are cruising in the cold December month. But maybe you can pick up guys there and invite them to your warm hotel room. Maybe.
  7. I think you will have fun at Meat Market today!
  8. Great! You will have a fun time September the 2nd at Club Church. And I don't think you need to worry. Just signal no with your head and use your hand to block a dick. If needed, just say no too. One bottom I've seen doing this and he didn't suck any dick, he only got fucked a lot. No problems.
  9. No one replied. And I have never been to Fuckboxxx so I can't tell. What is your experience Maxirmoff? I do know the place a little because for one time only Fickstutenmarkt / Horse Fair was held at Dirty Dicks. That day it was too hot (temperature), unfortunately.
  10. Welcome in Amsterdam HungVersCumdump! Just go to the MeatMarket at ClubChurch. It is every first Saturday of the month (except in August unfortunately). So, Saturday 2nd of September 2024 is your lucky day! Here you can read more about Meat Market: After reading the 93 replies you will know what kind of party it is. And with an ass like yours, for sure I will fuck you hard. And lots of guys will fuck you bare. Have fun!
  11. I hope we could meet sometime if you are into BDSM. Going to club church in September. 

  12. Hard to say. I like smooth, others don't. Why don't you try both? First time hairy, and next time smooth. You will find out by personal experience 😄 I guess wearing a chastity cage is the way to go. I never have seen a bottom that couldn't walk after the event. I wouldn't worry about that. 50% of the times I go to sex parties I get a personal invite to stay in touch or to extend the party in a hotel room or other place. If you have a place near, you could invite a few tops. You could also visit a dark room. There are several in Amsterdam. I can't tell you which one. Hopefully someone else could join this thread and give some suggestions. Being fit in general helps a lot. Get strong legs and back too. Watch out with the alcohol. Do drink water to stay hydrated. And as a training, get fucked on a regular basis, long sessions of course. You are right about that. The number of Monkeypox infections are increasing fast. Soon there will be a vaccine campaign to prevent further outbreaks. But it will take time to be effective. Besides, the virus is sometimes asymptomatic. Really unfortunate! Source: [think before following links] https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4142074 I hope it will be over at the end of the year. Hard to tell if it really will be. Hepatitis C, no fun either. Yes, there is more risk at sex parties like Fickstutenmarkt (and Meat Market) to get hepatitis C. Especially if someone don't use condoms, use chems, is poz. As there is no vaccin, no matter if you go next year or this year, there is risk. Source: [think before following links] https://nomorec.nl/en/ Go or don't go? Most likely I don't because of the current Monkeypox trouble. If you are okay with 3 to 4 weeks of quarantine if you get infected, you should go. Maybe you just need to allow yourself this experience 😄 No enjoyment without risk right? In my opinion, taking 0% risk is a having boring life. Still, if you don't go this month/year, there will be lots of amazing sex opportunities in the future anyway. More patience improves risk management. You decided for yourself...... If I ever meet you at a sex party, for sure I would fuck you long and hard.
  13. If I remember correctly, before April 2020 the Meat Market parties were more crowded. I guess Covid is the reason, unfortunately. I have no experience with CumUnion. Hope you will have fun! 😀
  14. And how was your experience of the Meat Market?
  15. I have been to at least 5 MM's. Never has anyone complained about me using condoms. I don't think it is disrespectful nor selfish haha. If it really were, the organizers of Meat Market are disrespectful to (a select few) red hooded guys by having setting up the rules like that. But, everyone is entitled to his opinion.
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