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Everything posted by GermanFucker

  1. I can handle some flakiness and cockiness. After all it's a game - and if the reward is worthile, I'll play. Of course 18-year-old first-time barebackers can be flaky. Doesn't mean I'll go out of my way to acommodate their every whim. If someone wants me to travel 100 miles, I'm cautious. But if someone lives 500 yards from my place, I play along even if I get stood up. In the end I'll get to plant my load more often than not. Same with cockiness: My ego doesn't bruise easily. If I'm interested I let you get away with a lot, if not, we'll then I wasn't really interested in the first place. Four things make me want to hook up: - SAFER SEX: 100% bareback only here! - Obvious liars: I'll fuck a hot 48-year old no problem, but if you're 43 pretending to be 33, that's just sad. The whole city knows you're poz yet you still pretend to be neg? Why? I have no problem fucking poz guys but you seem to have a problem standing by what you are. You pretend to be in Germany but the pic shows Australian wall sockets? Seriously, dude? - Weird vibes: Way too needy, high as a kite, "off", obsessive fetishist.... Fucking should be fun for both and if we absolutely aren't on the same wave length, there are better options for both of us. - the Deer in the headlight syndrome: If a guy absolutely has no clue what he wants, no passion about anything.
  2. I've been to a lot of bareback parties, but most of them fell into the same category: The host - being afraid of legal shenanigans - stayed out of the HIV status question, saying we're all adults and everyone's responsible for himself. This sometimes even went so far as to allow condom fuckers in, even though the party was advertised as being bareback. I think bareback parties are the best and there's nothing better than fucking cumfilled holes and having the guys swap loads forth and back. But there are definitely hotter ways to organize the whole thing. WHICH KIND OF BAREBACK PARTY DO YOU PREFER? (with regard to HIV/AIDS) So that potential hosts will know how to make their guests happy! 1.) SEROSORTED. Either poz guys only or neg guys only. Creating a relaxed atmosphere for everyone invited, but restrictive and frustrating for those who can't join. 2.) DO AS YOU LIKE. Poz and neg (and unknown status) guys welcome, the rest is up to the guest. Discussion tolerated or encouraged. 3.) DON'T ASK DON'T TELL. Everyone's welcome, but no discussion of status - with host enforcing the rule. 4.) FULL DISCLOSURE (upfront). Everyone wears a wristband or gets marked with a felt tip pen. You see the the status of the other guy, whether you go for your own or a discordand status is up to you. 5.) ROULETTE PARTY. Status is disclosed AFTERWARDS: When all holes are filled, everyone meets and discloses his status. Adds the incentive to fuck with a lot of guys and the thrill of being told afterwards what kind of load you took / ass you fucked. 6.) OTHER. If you're are poz guy who likes to sneak into NEG ONLY parties or a neg boy who prefers POZ ONLY parties, or if you don't necessarily like bareback parties in general, but do if they have a specific purpose (e.g. a pozzing party / gangbang, or a porno shoot) or only go if they offer more than just "vanilla" bareback (e.g. chems, piss, SM), tell us why the first five choices don't get you hard and what you prefer instead.
  3. If one of you guys ever comes to Frankfurt, Germany: On the A5 Autobahn, there is a rest area from where you can enter the adjoining Forrest. Google Maps location: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=Steingrundschneise,+M%C3%B6rfelden&hl=en&ie=UTF8&sll=51.151786,10.415039&sspn=24.590839,37.265625&vpsrc=0&hnear=Steingrundschneise,+64546+M%C3%B6rfelden,+Gro%C3%9F-Gerau,+Hessen&t=h&z=16 Lots of action in the forrest, from vanilla close to the parking area to SM / piss / fetisch deeper into the forrest. Even in winter, there are always 20 guys or so cruising for sex, in summer more like 150 from sundown to long after midnight. Best of all: Most of the action is bareback. Bred countless holes there, cute young boys (legal, of course), too.
  4. I'm a total top and do enjoy scenes without reciprocation, like the last angry fuck I had at a bathhouse. I was in a somewhat foul mood when I ran into a fuckbuddy of mine. I just grabbed him, banged him senseless and left him with his ass full of cum. He enjoyed it and messaged me that I should tell him when I need to let off some steam again. What I DON'T enjoy is if a greedy bottom just lays there expecting to be used and I'm supposed to be top n. 7 out of 13 who fills his ass. I prefer some chemistry and interaction.
  5. I like it when it's somewhat dark, so that you can get an impression of the guy you're having sex with. I once went to a sauna that had a great steam room (i think it was in Munich): brighter towards the entrance, so that you can clearly see the other guys and then going from dimly lit to dark, with some nooks in the back that were really 100% dark. I find completely dark back rooms to be somewhat of a turn off, always full of the grabby old guys you wouldn't want to have sex with under normal circumstances. Good as a last resort and for total sluts who don't care whose load their taking. Can be very hot though when it's a private party with some kind of screening process. It's not about being picky. Just a nice normal group that fits (no 50 year age differences, somewhat similar mindset... etc.) Then you can just let yourself go and enjoy the bareback fucking.
  6. approx. 7 times a week, though not necessarily every day (not anal about showering, e.g. there are lazy sundays where I don't feel the need to shower). But if you are into sports, showering is a must. If I shower in the morning and work out at the gym in the evening, that's just the acceptable amount of manscent. Showering every other day smells just too pungent and funky during a real workout (which means sweating, not like the guys that go to the gym just to look around and maybe do some light excercise without ever breaking a sweat). Plus: There's nothing better than a hot shower after a hard workout.
  7. I'm a total top but IMHO there's more to a bottom than just his hole. I like my bottoms proportionate and somewhat aesthetically pleasing. That means that dick size doesn't matter as long as it's not irritating like freakishly small dicks for example. And having a nicely shaped 8 inch dick myself I've got no problems with big-dicked bottoms as well. Doesn't hurt my ego one bit: 8 inches is a more or less perfect size, 10 inches doesn't really get you more action.
  8. Don't take this thread too seriously, it's meant to be fun. Everybody knows the 1-10 scale, with 1 being a heinous troll and 10 a total god. There are guys that enjoy the chase and won't do anything below 8.5 . On the other hand the mark of the total slut is that they will do anything from 1 to 10, even if they're 9s themselves. Then there are normal normal guys that fuck around in their number range, lazy fuckers that usually date below their league because it's easy or picky ones who try to score above their league... and so on. So it does tell something about you and who you're compatible with. E.g.: I myself am a normal, somewhat hot (an 8 maybe?) guy, and will fuck guys from 5-10, from average nice guys to supermodels. So what are you and what do you look for?
  9. "Has anyone gotten it from just this?" Scientifically speaking: Many have gotten it from topping (think of all the heteros out there). But the circumstances need to be right, it depends on one or more factors: Your genes and susceptibility to HIV, your health in general (e.g. drugs having an effect on your immune system), viral load of the bottom (especially fresh infections are highly contagious), presence of other STDs, other unknows (like sudden spikes in the viral load of the bottom etc.). If the bottom has a low viral load, it's hard to get, with an undetectable viral load barebacking as a top is about as risky as using a condom (i.e. generally safe but there are rare exceptions / accidents). So it is a matter of time in the sense that over time and fucking an increasing number of strange asses, you increase your chances of one time getting the combination right, e.g. fucking a freshly infected bottom at a time when you yourself are more susceptible to infection.
  10. Thanks.. Being from Germany and living in the Frankfurt area, it was sort of an obvious choice, although I kinda fit the clichee as a tall hung top ;)

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