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Everything posted by HardhatBB

  1. hey boy...nice ass there, i wanna breed you.

  2. YES...roughness ,matters, if he bleeds then youll convert. uncut tops are also much higher risk. use alot of lube, and piss aftersex, if u wanna be bareback breedin unknown ass
  3. HOT little ass there boy. Id like to meet you out in the reststop, take you back home after

  4. your not that far away ... ill give you a weeks load drive down to you> GROWL

  5. Thanks for the pic comments...i made that shirt > damn you gotta very suckable cock cum in my throat?

  6. clinchers drive me NUTS...i cum right away when u do that
  7. ill suck your shithole there dirtysouth, long as i get one of those big loads also
  8. the site is in its early stages i think, it is buggy...but i still am a proud member of the brotherhood... they do need to start selling those black bands with BBBH on em, something to show other barebackers who we are...a shirt, hat wristband..something
  9. proud brotherhood member for months now...i encourage other barebackers to join.
  10. Good to see you Brother...BBBH

  11. WOOF hey there Boi

    like cum up your tight little ass

  12. boots and a vest...its a start
  13. OINK we could have alot of fun, cover alot of ground too, lots of asses for us to share, me to eat

  14. hey pig...luv to pimp u out at the bathouse and find some tops to join in on ya ass

  15. hey son, id like to nutt your ass full of my cum

  16. dude u wanna bang women without risk, get a vascetomy
  17. ive run into plenty of safesx guys in the baths, i wouldnt say its all raw,,,,but definately alot going on. I never ask a btms status ( in a bathouse?) ? no way. although if a btm is worried and asks me, im always ready to talk...im neg, dont know...
  18. i prefer a btmpig with no attitude and not so self absorbed. I like to breed younger cubs /twinks now that im a older top but it realley all boils down to attraction and compatability in bed
  19. not sure if BB is the new "normal"...there are plenty of men in the gay world that preach rubbers and hate us Brothers for bieng open about how we choose to fuck. I tend to stick more with the BB community now. less talk, bs and judgement
  20. like these answers, just what a pigtop wants to hear
  21. WOOOF pigbare

    good to see you 'Brother

  22. i would like to change my name to HardhatBB cuz all my other S/N are that
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