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Everything posted by HardhatBB

  1. Woof yur hot>>>high viral load 4 me?

  2. WOOF

    hot breeder bear.. lets team up n breed holes

    1. piggyhog


      fucking start with mine!

  3. gotta big load for me?

  4. Hey there.. toppig here into anonymous seeding... need a partner in crime?

  5. WOOF

    wish i was closer for a gangbang breeding

  6. HOT profile and Trucker chaser just like me..:)

    keep on trucking and fucking man.

  7. realley the only men that ask me about my status are the married BI men that cruise anon sex. -my favorite usually when asked i either say neg (last test years ago)... or i say nothing at all, stuff my meat back in my pants, and go
  8. there are a few first times. sex for the first time 1993 ...a dark age in our history.. We constantly had hammered into our heads (actually 1st sex ed was 4th grade) then a yearly week long class ( with our parents) THAT WAS A BLAST.....not to mention the booklets, posters, etc.. telling us ...reminding us...ordering us.. kids, with hormones raging hardon. to ABSTAIN. ....are you fucking kidding me? You people need your heads examined! .. So i never had the luxury of bieng naive...we kids thought the sun was gonna land on us...your cock's gonna ROT OFF....all this noise. sex was something to fear, they ruined the whole experience for alot of us then. So yeah of course i used rubbers and always hated em.. 1st time raw Its real plain and simple not realley a story to tell. I hada military BI married fuckbuddy, bear with a build of rugby player. I was fucking him and was thinking about what i told you brothers about earlier. And pulled out and tossed it ..no games no stealthing....i wasnt in that mood at all Nutted realley fast and loving it...thats when i determined that sex should be REAL. It took many years before tho to fully accept it 100% all the time though. and ive read these studies on us barebackers. they say porn is to blame for rawsex pigs like us, there was NO porno at all then. BB was not until TIM "BREED ME "for years in fact. I think anyways. what you guys think?
  9. something needs to be done with BBBH its been dead and buggy since the start, could use an overhaul. its realley good to see RawTop is doing something
  10. HA why would the bttms cock be an issue, or a concern to me? my meats going in his ASS>>
  11. and some of us that bareback (and are at peace with the risk) wonder why this is such a debated issue.? I guess it takes time for a man to just accept it already. and just give in to your instinct and just fuck stop thinking too much
  12. WOOF your hot Brother

    -save up those loads for hole

  13. its always a BONUS when i slide into a bttm and feel some guys load in there...pull back my cock and see seed dripping off my shat. after i breed it deep sometimes yes, i like to suck the cum outta his asshole...slurrrp mmmmmm
  14. Years back when i was in trqadeschool..I met a marine welder there (at the park..looking for trouble), i took him to my place and ended up shooting a huge load in his ass...JUST as he exploded...right into my eye.... What a difference in simultaneous stimulus...LOL burned like a BITCH..but hey, he got what he wanted dEEp inside his tight ass. Fucked him for the next 4 years too Great cumhole buddy
  15. i came to the conclusion "no more rubbers" officially about 12 years ago. i realised that because while hunting through my porn collection, i found a old box of rubbers from about 12 yrs ago. BTW 12 year old rubbers break REALLEY easy g>. .i consider myself lifelong barebacker here..my mind was always geared toward the sharing and transfer of semen and body fluids. and just having the mindset of wanting to be totally swapping cum, I remember in 1993 HS sex ED....Chicken fucking little man...sky is gonna fall!! IF YOU DO ANYTHING SEXUAL ..YOUR DEAD!!! AHHHHH! sex is HORRIBLE..BAD,,,IRRESPONSIBLE! ...i remember always having fear of intamacy sex ...cock,,cum ...nope cant do that either! YOULL DIE!! ...After a few years i just found sex to be mediocre at best. everything that we feel and sence as a man is bieng totally surpressed. BB porn didnt influence me...i just one day...tore it off and went in raw--never asked about it or anything. His ass sucked the cum from me!...i was totally blown away, wet..pulsing warm ass lining...clinging onto my cock...feeling the bottom quiever inside when u nudge em right woof.... not too long later im getttin calls from gay friends (he bragged about feeling me nut inside to em)...and suddenly guys from then on just "knew" i was a raw fuckker...used to get told that at the rest area-"i knew u were a raw fuckker"> Truckers were then onces who got me hooked...then started fuckking raw at the ABS GH.. as time went on...i just stopped using em...first off..most men never even ask me...and i never bring it up. I wonder if im the only barebacker that always seems to find other raw fuckkers wherever i go> we just seem to gravitate toward each other. The only men in anon cruising ever to be asking questions about status, etc.. Those hard to resist BI married men....go there thinking some gay mans gonna service em, then they get in my booth...im up the ass in a few mins,, i act quick so i can get in raw ..sometimes they dont know. I admit cumming inside em anyways, is hot...seeeing him get all nervous. dont worry go back home to the wifey leaking my load....as far as status goes...maybe i just got mental fatigue over that....and new BBers do always think every cold they get is the BUG growing inside em. Surprised that i didnt convert though..still. guess some of us r lucky. had my share of poz encounters also...got fucked by poz trucker years n years ago ( he didnt know he had it) and yes im certian that ive fucked more poz hvl then i ever knew of....i just accept the risk level. conversion is prob gonna happen to many of us BBers. i can accept that.
  16. i never tell em i just let it all go in em..hell figure it out quick..lol but ya, i dunno about other tops, but i always make sure i save at least a few days. i want the bttm to enjoy the hot seed
  17. WOOF HOT pics, boy..id like to be buried in you

  18. as in "timeshares for barebackers", norcalraw
  19. first time i went BB it wasnt planned, it just happend. it was the right thing to do..natural like it should be..and it seems like after that the thought of bareback fucking got stronger as time went on. And that was when men started to rip rubbers off my cock when i was cruising anon men, and id keep fucking. For the longest time i continued to pullout, cuz i thought it was safer> but i stopped pulling out years ago.
  20. WOOOF>

    luv a cumfilled pighole

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