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  • Gender
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    In My Place
  • Interests
    Leaning towards being a knee-high socks-wearing mindless bottom bimbo. Yes, I watch hypnos and trainers.
  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Neg
  • Role
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    Just living life to satisfy the urges that consume me.
  • Looking For
    Total tops who don’t need to eat a dick to get hard.

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  1. So, the first “ruggedly handsome” cowboy was White? You never gave the details of that like you did with the Black guys.
  2. Sounds delicious!
  3. Love that perfect helmet!
  4. It’s gorgeous!
  5. I’m SO on my knees for that!!!
  6. I don’t think it was meant only as “watching out for the White man” so much as just simply being aware of the particular obstacles we encounter when navigating through society. But, as with a Black guy taking a knee during the so-called “national anthem” prior to a sporting event, White people came along and turned it into something completely watered-down and not-at-all having anything to do with what it was originally intended for when Blacks did it. I can’t speak for the White guys who rant and rage against “wokeness”, but my interpretation of that is they’re ranting against so-called political correctness, as usual.
  7. MMM! Living the dream!
  8. I REALLY hope you don’t try and turn this into a thing, because you just parroted what I said in response to someone else who tried to speak for me and implied I misspelled the word in question to begin with.
  9. No, I meant it just as I explained it. And spelled it correctly, too. Anyone even remotely familiar with baseball terminology would get it also.
  10. The bath is pretty much the main place where I’ll be in a situation that finds me with a cock between my lips. I’m really enjoying being on my knees - sitting on my legs with crossed ankles, specifically - and bobbing away in front of an attentive audience.
  11. “Whiffed” as in “missed” and “way way way off”, to quote Cosmo Kramer.
  12. My personal experience has been the polar opposite from what you described.
  13. It’d be great to encounter a top who has no interest whatsoever in my dong while he’s fucking me, and couldn’t give 3 shits whether I cum or not.
  14. HELL YEAH! The lucky bottom should ALWAYS thank the gracious top for choosing him to share his delicious cum load with. To be ungrateful for that is totally disrespectful.
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