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Everything posted by rawcumbiguy

  1. my viral load is at 1,000 now and cd4 is up to 301
  2. that is the biggest problem with being poz is the meds are really expensive even with insurance they can run you a lot of money. i know if you have no insurance you can try and get ryan white care to pay for everything but most states have cut funding for it creating long waiting lists for care unless you become really sick. being poz is a big gamble
  3. i have no regrets about being poz my only regret is not getting treatment for it sooner. you do feel free once you are poz. i have dated neg guys before but it doesn't work out in the long run. if you are a poz couple then you know what each other are going through. meds are fun but they are better than dealing with damage done by the virus.
  4. the fuck flu i got when i first got hiv-1 was bad felt like shit for over a week but the one i got from becoming coinfected with hiv-2 was so bad i was in the hospital for almost two weeks and literally died twice on them in the hospital
  5. just fucked and dump a load each of two hot twins both 18 and total twinkie power btms
  6. he is one hot fucker
  7. having other guys fucking my partner was always a major turn on for me
  8. Tenofovir has been known for years to increase kidney damage. i have read this study in detail. it has always been recommended with most of the hiv meds that the doctors keep a check on kidney and liver functions to hopefully catch anything before it can become a major problem
  9. playing separate always caused jealousy in my relationships plus i thought if we both are playing with other guys all the time we might as well just be fuck buds instead of a couple
  10. i wouldn't do a totally open relationship i have been in a few and they never worked out. although the best relationship i had was occasionally playing with other guys as couple and that worked the best and brought use together as a couple
  11. if your current meds are working and you are happy with them I certainly would go changing it.
  12. I used to advocate the longer you can wait the better but seeing the new info come out that shows earlier the treatment the better response to meds and possible lower doses that can be used to control hiv I have changed my mind. The lower the dose that can be given can help limit the side effects which usually helps people take their meds regularly. I am not trying to change anyones mind since it is ultimately a personal choice that everyone should make when they comfortable the point im making is everyone should educate themselves and make an informed choice. I will be participating in a drug trail for the new medicine call Quad I am hoping this works since I have personally ran out of other options that would work for me.
  13. currently several countries have started trails of early treatment to see the risks and benefits of starting right after finding out. i am very curious to see the outcomes of these 10yr studies
  14. Germanfucker that is good point to make to weigh the positive and negative on the meds
  15. i think the point of starting needs to a personal choice between you and your doctor. i am well educated in medicine being a clinical pharmacist but no one in the medical field is perfect and we are learning and making new advances everyday.
  16. i personally delayed meds for to long and had total failure of several combos so at this point i don't any options left but to left nature run its course
  17. I just dumped two in a local skater. He was stoned with glazed eyes. He just dropped to his knees sucked me until I was hard and wet then he bent over told me to pound his ass hard. So I rammed it in with no mercy. He was screaming from pain but begging for more. I noticed he was bleeding and the blood just made me fuck him harder. When I was done cum and blood were dripping from his ass.
  18. hell yes i will swallow
  19. I just breed an 18 year old twink on his birthday. I gave him my dirty seed until his cunt couldn't hold anymore and he was dripping. He has been after me since he was 16 but I told him I would give him my gift the day he turned 18, so I lived up to my promise.
  20. im very much a giver and i have no problem with doing it
  21. hell no i wouldn't use one. i have had btms ask me to i will slip it on for them to see and when they aren't looking slip it off then fuck them until i breed their ass full of my cum. most haven't had a problem with me doing that several had said they were surprised how much better raw felt
  22. Just gave a load to this little Asian rent boy in Thailand. His ass was already loaded when I fucked him full of three loads of my cum. He never even asked about a condom or if I had anything. He knew his place as a cumdump.
  23. he is a hot fucker
  24. i never pull out no matter how much they beg me to. if i stick my hard cock raw in a tight hole im not stopping until its bred full of my cum. i have had guys have me use a condom and it broke just kept fucking until i filled them full and said i didn't notice it
  25. I was 11 when I took my first load in my virgin hole. That is what got me started on the bareback path and I have never used a condom since. I was 12 when I gave my first load.
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