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Everything posted by rmoss

  1. Any recommendations for best bathhouse or bars/clubs in Tokyo?
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  2. Damn, I wish this was my life 😂
  3. Newsom is the only answer. I've done some depraved things in my life, but could never stoop so low as to fuck DeSantis
  4. Hot story! In an open relationship myself, but there's something extra about the thrill of cheating that makes my cock throb even harder
  5. Would love to know more, will be there in a few months. Can't DM message yet cause new account 😕
  6. rmoss

    Pattaya at chrostmas

    I'll be there in January. Can't wait! Any tips from people who've been before?
  7. This is interesting, I'm in a similar situation with my husband. We both have sex frequently with each other, but are technically open and we've both done things solo with other people and really enjoyed it. For some reason though, when it comes to setting stuff up, we're both really hesitant to follow through with it without the other person. The best thing so far has been going to bathhouses together when we travel and we both go off and do our own thing for awhile.
  8. Absolutely. Love being in the dark room and getting the thrill of someone rubbing their finger across my hole before I lean over and feel them enter me. Shame my bf doesn't know how much a slut I am so I don't get opportunities to go and collect loads often
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