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Everything posted by GexTrick

  1. I dont have a neat preference, as many say both options have their perks. However by experience i can say sometimes being blindfolded encourages undecisive and not so confident top to have a go on me: I look pretty manly, I am very fit as a gym rat, and I noticed that make some guys at the bathouse think I'm either top or just out of their league. But when I take my towel off my crotch and use it as a blindfold, placing myself ass up and ready, it usually increases the chance I'll have a cock up my hole sooner rather than later.
  2. I'm very much willing to be a very nasty, desperate faggot for men to use, but I feel I still have to earn the title. I have to push my remaining limits further and embrace the life of a real faggot
  3. I'd say absolutely not. I personally always plan my sex trips with at least 2 months (and preferably 3 or 4) advance. Is there any event for such date?
  4. A bottom friend was to meet a regular top of his today, but couldn't and offered me as replacement. Had to go in a small park next to his workplace and let him breed me during his lunch break, no question asked, just obey and provide holes for his cock. I happily obliged and I'm on my way home now, his load deep in my ass ( my mouth cleaned his cock after he loaded my ass) I like the whole being given as a set of holes replacement thing.
  5. Although broadly speaking every single experience, both sexual and not, made me the guy, and by extension the cum slut, I am today I think one big leap was when I started to date a guy named Filippo in 2013 (I think): At the time I was 24, had just ended a relationship with a sweet but very insecure and jealous other guy. although I had experienced both raw and safe sex (and therefore already knew raw was waaaay better) I was still kinda vanilla and had a strong societal preconception that raw sex is wrong because of the risks and safe sex is right because its the responsible choice and bla bla bla. Filippo was way more open minded then me, and much more kinky (although with time I think I've surpassed him in depravity) and through both raw sex and talk sessions crushed most of my preconceptions and really sparked something in my brain. I did not become an enthusiastic bare pig immediately after, it still took some years to evolve to that point, but he definitely unlocked the mental freedom that would eventually make me embrace my inner bare slut nature rather than be ashamed or fight it and my actual attitude and philosophy toward sex.
  6. I am the kind of guy who one would very hardly suspect to be a slut into raw sex, cocks and loads in the hundreds, orgies and overall an above average level of perversion and debauchery. I still remember coworkers could hardly believe me to be gay at all when I told them. I live with three gay friends and despite living with me and knowing I am on the kinky side they don't have a clue actually how much, because I naturally dont look like hardcore sex is so often in my mind. It's not even "hiding" something, it comes natural to me to act like this And to be honest, I love that. The thought of people around me thinking I am a pretty ordinary guy, not even suspecting I not only think about being a hole for multiple men more often than not, used and filled with cum, but I already realized some of it and I am constantly trying to push my limit further and further down the rabbit hole makes me horny. Sometimes I may be chatting with the roommates like nothing but I have a plug inside my hole to keep it well trained. So, a couple days ago I was talking with a regular of mines and the topic surfaced. To my surprise, he told me he would find it hotter if at some point I'd become so unashamed and unapologetic of a slut that I dont even "hide" it and instead talk and behave as such (not in EVERY context of course. He knows it cant be done all the time and with everyone. He just meant with those close enough to me or when the situation allows it). Now, the discussion about what those contexts mean and are is way too complex and serious. Consider i oversimplified a lot the conversation with my regular. But I am asking you: what do you find hotter? a total and shameless slut that looks like and acts ordinary guy or a total and shameless slut that is glaringly and very openly a shameless slut? I described the thing from my point of view of a bottom, but I'm interested in what you think of it applied to tops and vers too
  7. Not yet, wouldnt mind at all honestly. Pretty open to approaches even if means travel within europe
  8. Short answer: raw just feels damn fuckin better. like... many leagues better A bit more in detail (in my experience at least, I'm not by any mean a medically qualified and I dont pretend to be): I think organic tissue is just more "compatible" interacting with other organic tissue. Raw penetration is just so smooth, makes me relaxed and high at once, makes my ass immediately produces rectal mucosa which is the best lube (not too dry, not too slippery) and just knowing that if the top cums it will go in my ass is a phenomenal psychological aphrodisiac before he even does so. I've often sincerely told myself no matter how smart and evolved we are in creating toys and tools for pleasure, nature just knows how to orchestrate the perfect set-up for sex. Plus, to me condoms dont just make receiving anal sex inferior, they often make it straight up unpleasant, that's why I tend to refuse a wrapped cock at the moment. The rubber surface pumps and seals air inside my ass, which has given me a bad feeling in the long run at times and triggers weird farts. The folds of a condom feel odd inside me. Rubbers have a distinct smell and they leave that smell and taste on a hole, while I want my ass to smell and taste like man and it's the smell and taste I want when I rim men. They somehow seem to dry me up within minutes, unless copious amount of artificial lube is applied (which is detrimental to the aforementioned smell and taste thing, plus artificial lubes are inferior to mucosa and cum as lube, too slippery means almost no pressure and friction of which a certain amount increases pleasure). And on top of that they are relatively expensive. To sum it up, it's just a completely different experience both mentally and physically and although I understand and totally can see the reasons why many people choose to use condoms (at least until they try to blame or judge me for my choice not to do so), it's bordeline undisputable that raw sex is the better experience.
  9. yea, couldnt agree more! thanks a lot @tallslenderguy for the hyperqualified contibute
  10. I don't have a preference about the physical o psychological feeling, sex to me doesn't feel any better nor worse with a blindfold. however when I go to the local sauna/bathhouse i more often than not blindfold myself with the towel when I decide to stay in the cubicles with an open door and wait for tops to approach me. In my experience, it brings a couple strictly practical benefits: I am a gym rat, I have a pretty defined and muscular body, and this can be either confusing (some seem to think I am a top) or intimidating (some seem to think I'm out of their league). But being blindfolded makes some guys more audacious in approaching me, cause it makes visually clear I am submissive and willing to be at their mercy. Plus, it motivates me better to just accept any cock. Although I aim at turning into a no cock refused slut with time, I still am progressing to that gol, improving as a slut, and i still have some instinctive adverseness towards certain body types (very old or very overweight) and I realized this may transpire in my body language. But removing sight from the equation makes me approach every cock I am presented with the same thrill and appetite, which ignites a horniness that makes me forget about personal preferences.
  11. I've recently started to have this fantasy during my toys n poppers sessions: I get in contact with a much more experienced master and I commit to a days long training to push my limits. I move to his place for a limited time period under the strict rule of utter obedience. I am kept almost uninterruptedly under the effect of drugs and for the first one or two days I undergo a very hard toys training to loosen my hole properly, particularly (but not limited to) being tied for hours and rammed by an automatic fucking machine while he doesnt even pay attention to me or even spend time away. I am forced to cum until my dick doesnt even get hard anymore and verbally abused about how patethic I look. I am then whored to a great number of men, both in venues or at master's place or elsewhere, or given goals like to collect a certain number of loads within a limited timespan on my own. All of this over the following 3 or four days until the training is deemed over.
  12. Well seems like I've learned something new. Thanks
  13. I've read many good feedbacks bout Gran Canaria, some vague ones about Barcelona, practically nothing about Madrid If you suggest them I'mpretty sure they're great (you likely know much more than me on the topic) but unfortunatelly my finances prevent me from going everywhere I would want to and force me to focus my resources on few trips ( as said, this year I did my first one, I plan to do 2 or 3 within 2025) therefore I am simply orienting myself more towards the places I've been (Berlin) or I've heard the best about (London and Amsterdam). That's still a preliminary phase tho, I may change my plans on the way depending on many things. Spain is probably cheaper than northern Europe and UK, that's true, but I have a fascination for Berlin in particular I admit it. Never heard of Torremolinos. I'll get informed. Thanks for the tip about London tho, it is additional data and is quite valuable for when I'll have to make the choice.
  14. As a roman, I can't be surprised by that. Sad to see what was once the capital of a pretty kinky (for the times) empire being now quite disappointing as a gay sex trip destination. That's why I plan to do more sex trips in foreign countries in the next year's. Only had one so far, in Berlin, and it was a BLAST. Damn every single block of Berlin, even in the not so central areas, packs more cock and ass than the entire Rome metropolitan area, not to mention the clubs. sex is not always on my mind when I travel, I can enjoy sex-free trips in places where culture, food and beauty feed my mind and soul, but when I go somewhere with the intention to just be wild and reckless, i focus pretty much only on it (in my 3 days in berlin i did barely even sleep and eat to get naughty) Berlin is definitely on my list for 2025, but also are Amsterdam and London. Would really love to find like minded fellows to help me enjoy the trip even more (in Berlin, although I did many things, I still could've done better with more experience and/or assistance), but I can understand it's not easy to create such relationships online and from nowhere.
  15. So true, didn't hope to feel again like the early times indeed. Thanks for the advice Yeah, Everest are among the best I've tried so far, I want to try Everest premium ultra which is supposedly 90% pure amyl. Never tried real gold if memory doesn't fail me, will keep an eye open. Didn't know about storing poppers upside down. Why so?
  16. I've been into poppers for 3 years now, which makes me consider myself a relative newbie at it (at least compared to guys whom has been sniffing for many many years). I still remember my first bottle (Everest premium) cause it gave me a hit so strong at first I actually got a bit scared by the strong dizziness and the bumps of my heartbeat drumming in my head, but i was soon hooked. Throughout time I tried many brands, not using them every day but let say on average a bottle a month concentrating the use in 4 or 5 bathhouse/sex club or home bating sessions. The problem is, expectedly, my body built up a tolerance with time and although the sensation is still overall nice it's nowhere near the intensity it was in my early uses. I was wondering: can this tolerance be at least reduced after a some time without use? And if so, what would be, on average, a reasonable time of non use to achieve it? Do someone know tricks to cheat my tolerance, such as constantly switching formulas (amyl, butyl, propyl and mixed formulas)?
  17. I think being always ready 24/7 is unrealistic, but I've been successfully clean 90% of time for four days and I've been both surprised and proud of myself. Here's all the strategies I can give, none of those I think are a 100% guaranteed success (a very slim chance of accidents will always be part of the game) but they works pretty good for me and hope they help: First thing and a good advice in general is to eat as healthy as one can and do some kind of regular physical activity. This not only benefits one's overall health but also makes ones bowel work best, making cleaning operations easier. When I know I will be taking dicks, especially if I expect to take many, and sometimes when I think there's even just a possibility of it happening my prep starts by eating something light and energetic five hours before estimated time of action(ETA) and then not drinking coffee nor eating anything solid till action is over. Douching and cleaning itself starts 4 to 3 hours before ETA with plain warm water enemas(WWE), five to eight times till water comes out clean. Then I start to alternate fingering my hole and more WWE. When again water comes out clean, I start using medium size soft firmness toys and some lube, starting every slow and cautious (last thing I want is to make some damage) and gradually building up pace till after about 30 minutes I can simulate a fast, hard fuck. Each time the toys come out dirty, back to WWE till clean and then back to fingering/toys. I then put a plug in my ass and spend some 30 more minutes performing other actions with it in me, even just moving around and climbing stairs, and fill my backpack with what I'll be needing through the afternoon/night. Then again back to bathroom for a check if everything is clean. When it's time to go the place I will be taking dicks at, I put the plug back in and kept it there till the very last moment: this makes my ass not just clean but relaxed and soft. In the backpack I always have at least one non-plug toy, poppers and three half liter sports drinks bottles with a doser plug, one of those that don't let the water leak out unless squeezing the bottle (I use Powerade bottles as I recycle them from my gym routine). The first bottle is filled with a sports drink and is meant to keep me hydrated. The second is filled with warm water and the last one is filled with chamomile infused warm water. When I arrive I always do a last minute check if possible (and I tend to make it possible at cost of arriving a bit early). This last minute check includes unplugging, fingering, some toys and finally a chamomile infused enema. Chamomile soothes my insides a lot and prevents possible burning from extremely rough/hard dicking (although it is more of a precaution. I am pretty elastic and it's hard to make me quit when I'm in slut mode) I dont prelude cause I want my ass to taste like man and not like lube and because at this point I'm more than well lubed naturally. I undergo this routine whenever I go baths/clubs (on average once a month) or i meet regulars (twice a month).
  18. hello fellow slutties, 34 years old bottom bare slut from Italy coming to Berlin in may (one among may 17-19, may 24-26 or may 31-june 2 weekends) to experience some of the city's sleaziness and leave full and gapey. First time I manage to do such a trip specifically for this, and I'd like to get all the advice/help you may want give me to make worth remembering; so please, feel free to drop anything or pm me, I'm open to anything from tips to full on propositions and I'm more than willing to thank you properly if possible. Will probably stay at axel since I see it's a very popular choice (I can guess why) and I sure plan to hit Lab's 2-4-1 friday fuck night. Any other spot or venue I should know about? I also createrd a X/Twitter account for the occasion, you can hit me there too: @sooninbarelin. thanks in advance and stay sleazy!
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