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Everything posted by Thoron

  1. I'm the type who cleans out well enough to last a good 24 hours and to me it's amazing to go back for an addition session and my hole drops a big glob of slime from just pushing my thick dildo against my entrance.
  2. Only reason I can think of is that due to the sugars in it it might start to cause gut biome problems if used constantly. Straight up oil can't host bacteria or feed it. But sugars and proteins definately can.
  3. If its of any interest or care, maleprime has expired and needs to be renewed 😛 Though it may be out of date, but my understanding is that as long as the server is hosted in a state where the content isn't illegal there's generally jack didly squat another state can do about it.
  4. The further the question, why is ISP address being used? Cant towers and GPS be used? The current method works for PCs, but mobile device users are being punished. I'm in Ouray Colorado but AT&T/ConsumerCellular is pushing it through an IP that's claiming I'm in Salt Lake City Utah which I have never stepped foot in or driven through. There needs to be a better way to determine location if you care that much about the site and thr user base.
  5. For whatever reason I'm in Colorado on cell network, AT&T/Consumer Cellular and I'm getting directed to MalePrime saying that in Utah. I haven't had issue with this for close to 9 or 10 months and this is cropping up again. Did someone muck with the site adminsettings or something?
  6. My cunt can open up to 8.5in circumference girth pretty easy these days without any warmup. I can self fist after getting it worked over with my MareMaker100 sometimes but not always, it's mostly related to it my back if feeling it. Eventually I want my hole to be able to yield and open up to a fist without any warmup.
  7. The Maremaker's oblong shape lets it get in even if your pelvic width has been reached with a more traditional round shape. But I think it's that same oblong shape that puts pressure down and stretches in a way that a hole might not be used to. Plus, with how it has a gentler flare after the stem makes it harder to keep inside.
  8. Bottom here in Montrose Colorado looking for tops and fists. Love getting stretched out.
  9. Got fisted for the first time about a month ago, I know I need more. Toys are nice but it's so much more intense and better when its someone else actually doing it.
  10. I'll have to get a smaller plug and try that. I love my MareMaker100 and it's getting pretty easy to get in. However I can only keep it in for a few minutes normally, and my best is half an hourish. Lube doesnt seem to be an issue, but the muscles definately start complaining. I wish there were more dildos that were thicker without length, that would be perfect to strap in and work around the house and sleep because I can take 8.5 to 9 in circumference without and real warmup these days.
  11. I've been playing with decently large toys for a little over a year now and I love it. I would do it every morning and evening. The only thing I feel I haven't figured out is a good clean out routine as it can take me anywhere from an hour and half to two hours to prepare. Any advice to help speed this along such diet, the amount of water, etc that might help expedite this? Or is it just the nature of the beast?
  12. I've been an avid toy user for the last couple of years though its slowed down in the last couple of months. I'm trying to figure out how to take my hole to the next level. I can easily take 75 and 85 dildos without any warmup but I keep hitting a barrier with my Maremaker100, I can get it in after some warmup with my smaller toys but it's a struggle to keep it in. My hole keeps trying to push it out and it gets too intense after a few minutes. I wanna keep it in for a few hours or even over night but the best I've done so far is half an hour. Any advice to relax my inner muscles so I can keep it in for longer?
  13. There are better apps like Scruff, yet nobody thinks to use it. Grindr Xtra undoes restrictions on conversations and makes the ads go away, which makes the app functional, but unlimited is overpriced at $40 a month with no cheaper yearly option. Scruff, the subscription is at $120(?) for a yearly subscription (can't recall the monthly rate) but the app is still functional when not subscribed, just more limited in how many conversations you can access at a time and how far back the chat logs will go plus ads. All the functions that are free on Scruff, though more limited are completely behind a paywall on Grindr.
  14. I'm currently at the MareMaker100. I'm currently trying to get to where it's my warmup toy and not what I'm warming up to.
  15. That's my 100 size toys actually
  16. I've been playing with some decent sized toys for the last year to year and a half. My hole can take a 65 size dildo with without lube if I go slow, and a 75 size dildo without any warm up with lube. I can take an 85 and 100 with warmup but that's my current limit. I want my hole to start really turning into a slit with some nice lips. At what size does this start to develope and is there anything I should augment my routines with?
  17. How am I supposed to do that? My home wifi is fine. Its AT&T/Consumer Cellar on my phone. Its connecting to local towers so geolocating with google knows I'm in Ouray, Montrose, etc. yet somehow the ISP will end up saying Texas or Illinois at random. I don't think this block was done with much thought going into cell networks.
  18. Is there a way to fix this so that it's not tracking ISP only? If I'm coming here on my phone the stupid site thinks I'm in Texas when I'm in Colorado. It should tracking IP address, not ISP.
  19. I know that I can give a pinned location that links into google maps or whatever map app you use which GPS based. But I've never had a random person just track me to my location by distance alone.
  20. Out of curiosity are there any recommended ways to get ones bussy lips to be swollen long term?
  21. Not me but it is a goal to have my hole be like this eventually. [think before following links] https://twitter.com/ffinalffantasy/status/1727722790642470925?s=20 Here is my own personal progress though
  22. Anyone out on the west slopes of Colorado? Bottom looking to experiment with fisting.
  23. Love that, been working my way up. Currently stretching to 10in diameter. It gives me a sense of pride when my smaller toys can just slide in without warmup.
  24. I've been curious about this too as I would like to start keeping my big plugs and dildos in for extended periods. I've dorked with using 10ft scarves going over my shoulders to hold things in place but it's not comfortable for the back and bending around moves the dildos as well. Plus I'd like it to be discreet if I wanna go out with it.
  25. As the title says, how big of a toy can you take go without warmup? Cleanout doesn't count. My current easy limit is 7.5in circumference. Eventually I want to take a 10in without any foreplay.
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