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Everything posted by PaganzofLA

  1. Your first name (or a name you'll respond to): Cumdump, Cocksucker, Bitch Your cell number (for texts and voice calls): Text 213 41O 8141 A location (be at least as specific as a zip code): SILVERLAKE LOS ANGELES Times you're generally not available: ANYTIME Age: 56 Height: 6-2 Weight: 180 Ethnicity: White
  2. verse stud looking to be a 24/7 cumdump cock slave relocation in-side or outside of LA
  3. I'm applying to the y-combinator accelerator program and currently seeking a tech-savvy co-founder ready to explore the possibilities of a queer space internet.
  4. Anyone attending the AVATAR even tonight [wed 1/24] interested in meeting up please hmu 213.410.8141
  5. ..for the tasting, NOT the wasting. Available while supplies last see you know who for details LALALAND!
  6. Well, 3am for me is when it's about to get going. As a TOP I love giving it marathon style. That takes some warming up, so as a SUB bottom I can appreciate the no vacancy and the move out orders as is the same class of assumption that does anyone in for any reason. I'd say next time for the sake of variety plan for two side by side cum holes. If that was the plan... why NOT go with it. Again, as far as my TOP nature, I fantasize about being instructed whom to fuck (not of my own choosing). If I had a genre it would be the revenge fuck. also I TOP best after I've been put to the test as bondage pain pig sub hoe. But its been a while...
  7. this is the alt dick pic as i prefer it when i sub. symbolically it works, in that pleasure is for my TOP and NOT myself. If I do get hard while ur sub i expect to be punished...
  9. my 2¢ ...it's the question that is flawed. sexuality vs autonomy vs economy the REAL Question lies somewhere in that trifactor, for example: Q: how would the decriminalization of prostitution negatively impact, say, homelessness?
  10. all very thoughtful posistions. As there are many kinds of sluts (kitchen sluts, ignorant sluts, cheating sluts, lying sluts) I do tend to see sluttiness or slutdom as a fully recognizable spectrium of sexualy charged self-awairness, and proceeds in stages, starting with that first ("what a slut am I" ) onto denial, ("Oh, No I didn"t" )to guilt ("But I did and didnt care if anybody saw") onwards towards finally acceptance. ("Don"t Slut Shame on Me.") The cycle often will stall and repeat, sporaticlly without warning, throughout ones lifetime. Some may go to great lengths to conceal their past, though erybody knows they're even bigger sluts.
  11. is that the Tom of Finland house plaza serving as the location? Mmmmmm
  12. I’m guessing (though I do not yet know this work or it’s author), that it’s a much more ‘Old Testament’ kinda narrative. No popes.
  13. [think before following links] https://www.xvideos.com/video55971101/super_anal_orgasm This is why it's so fucking great to be a card carying mother-fucking cock-sucking faggot... OMFG
  14. Great recounting, and you’re a good writer. 2 years. Spectacular. Was there much of an age difference? bondage? what were some of your other punishments? Love to hear more…and inspired to share my own slave training adventures…
  15. Well, what can I say fellas it's a slippery slope... Personally, I for one would like to use this breathe to express my discontent that are our dicks, cunts, lips & love handles be legislated in the first place–––and sure maybe ALL of us here might well agree that goes without saying (???) but ALL those things that "go without saying" amass overtime, of course the pendulum is going to swing, but you can't get back what you never knew you had after its been legislated away. It's the false morality that is most detrimental to the real concerns over human rights abuses.
  16. truthfully, i'd rather meet a boastful muthur-fucker and be vastly disappointed than I would one quietly reposed and understated who breaks out a hack saw while I'm chained to his bed––and on that note these 'safety laws' have a way of making monsters of us all in the end, however i do believe the way out is also the way in and have long ago planned for this shit in my own ui development, not because i see away around it or that it holds any merit IMO ––I'm just looking at a different picture of how to go about doing the same things we do but with more immediacy and potential for meaningful experiences. And yes, I'll continue this thought on a different thread... I am a very good TOP when all the stars align, btw.
  17. I think this is one of those topics less palatable for some and perhaps the gold standard for others–––and it will always remain that way. Mother/son, Mother/daughter, Father/daughter, brother/sister, brother/brother, uncle, cousin, etc. etc. one and on it goes––great franchise material. Although I was never 'penetrated' my dad and i had a thing for four years from 12 - 16. I may have fed on his cock as an infant I cannot say for certain but I had a lust for it... I once had a friend who revealed he was groomed and violated by alexander calder, the artist, until the age of ten––and he's a fucking mess. I, on the other hand feel my development might have actually been for the better had dad just let happen what we both wanted... but this I cannot say. As much as we (and I'm speaking collectively here as gay men in general) fetishize real father/real son sex is as much as it fucks some kid-up is as much as it makes for a stellar family bond. Ultimately, there are as many perspectives on the topic as there are father and sons. While I personally never had a inkling for men my junior, that is until just before I turned 50 (now boy oh boy give me some twink loving) i had a sweet little circle of 20 sum'thin fuck buds for a while (they ALL wanted it nasty rape me rape me rape me style so that's the only way I know how to fuck)–––during which time I had an unexpected epiphany while confronting my own thoughts of fatherhood and having sex with a future son that I will likely never have outside of roleplay. And honestly (because we should expect of ourselves nothingless) those feelings were really confusing and even more weird was the thought "what if one went into fatherhood never even considering father/son sex and then gets one like me?" So I came to this conclusion: If I were to raise a son, of course the most important thing in my life would be him, and his development ––which would mean he was nurtured in the most intellectually stimulating, creatively inspired, open, least restrictive and sex positive environment possible. And if my son were to express sexual interest in me as I did my dad, I do believe as a father it is my role to empower my son to have everything he needs. That being said, it would also me my role to make sure he knew exactly what that meant––and made dam well for shit sure that's what he wanted. And the philosophy of how opposed to what. Now I am more likely to have crazy mind bending sex with a future me that I magically make appear with ⌘D before I ever have a biological son. And to me that's oddly much more appealing in a devious sort of way as to what I could get up to with a clone of myself–––someone start the thread lol.
  18. wowsa wowsa wowsa are there some big tools on here! Here's lookin at ya!
  19. AirMax––thanks for pointing that out, and, yes, you are absolutely right, behavioral science demonstrates again and again that positive reinforcement is essential in the forward facing development of learned behavior. Something akin to the badges that users earn on message boards like this one, but represent something other than a token of some easily dismissed threshold. Instead your flags might represent a new privilege, responsibility or special position the user takes on––promoting both status and position according to levels of proficiencies in specific content areas of expertise. I can very much see this happening. Also, you may find it more than helpful to deconstruct the systems that has allowed non-accountability to dominate the experiences on the www as we know it today. I've spend quite a bit of brain energy doing just that, and would love to compare notes. Thanks!
  20. Attitude. Whatever comes NEXT will, for good or ill, shape attitudes. And as far as user satisfaction goes, ATTITUDES are pretty grim.. Reddit's going public and there's carnage. Twitter, the clown-car with its new executive clown-in chief. Zoom OMG––lets talk about Zoom for A HOT SEC–––AROUND 2016/17 I'M EXPOSED ZOOM FOR THE FIRST TIME ––and because I saw nothing but gay men for days, naturally i assume it was a queer site. NOT so. The opportunity zoom offers to the gay community is essential, yet as it so happens ZOOM is NOT made for queers, and what we do on it is a violation of the Zoom's service agreement. Sure the pandemic is over, and we're still on zoom––but it's principle. It's an "everybody does it" scenario when what we need is a home, a sanctioned safe space to be queer online. A space where standards are made-up of something real that reflect the values of a real community. Mark my words, Facebook will seem nothing more than a glorified tip calculator, that is, if i have anything to do with it, because the world needn't live in Zuckerberg's smelly catbox forever. But how does this fit into the context of gay.apps you wonder? Well, why the fuck NOT? Why does the vision for "what's most needed in our community" not fit into the picture of a larger whole? What I'm saying is that we can do it better. On principle, we can create a www experience that serves our needs in a way that makes the straight world envious. Instead of having little corners of virtual-real estate here and there across platforms like facebook, tictoc, twitter ect.––we own the whole block. Gay Social Media that everyone wants a part of––now that's a thing. Can it happen? Why couldn't it if done right–– meaning NOT exclusively catering to a 'rainbow flag pride' contingency––but through its connection to iconic and emblematic elements of style, culture and creativity. But more importantly the question that needs to ask, should it happen? And for this I say it has to because there is no one, quite literally, steering the ship. Sure you could argue there really never is, but from time to time voices emerge that change the direction of things, and in this day and age we need that voice. And that is my vision. [think before following links] https://markezra.design
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