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PozToxVersPig last won the day on October 4 2024

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About PozToxVersPig

  • Birthday 08/01/1979

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Denver, CO
  • Interests
    -100% fuck/get fucked bareback (gonna ignore the 2 condoms during wedding fucks)
    -pig/perv from the start - bathhouse/sex-party/public slut, load taker at vid-stores (4 hours once at the Gulch), endured slut-shaming in 2000s, fucking with poz dudes (long before prep, first 3 poz loads at 20), love piggier sex (LOVE ANON BREEDING, WS, FF, toys, public, restraints, ball stretching);
    -focused/dedicated CHASER from 2005 on - priority was poz dudes loads until I converted; love legit chasers who want to join the brotherhood
    -don't know my number and can't guess - it's a fucking lot
    -like extremes: if i bottom I want to be used like two fuckholes, if I top, I want slutty cum craving cumdumps
    -love party sex; as kinky/slutty sober - love long fueled nasty no limits fuck sessions
    -plenty of other nasty shit (we can talk)
    -very verbal, verbal poz fucking
    -love piercings and tats - more aggressive is better
    -getting much more in to recording video
  • HIV Status
    Poz, Not On Meds
  • Role
  • Background
    Raised in an upper-middle class Presbyterian house, knew I was gay at 5. These days, large-company professional who looks like a clean cut vanilla dude - but really am a lifelong pig, sometimes chempig, and proud poz fucker.

    I've been an open barebacker/poz lover/kink dude since the beginning even when I caught shade for it - I was definitely born this way.

    Lived in three continents, five states in the US. I'm smart, but like being used and treated like a cumdump and like doing the same to others.

    Poz over 10 years - off meds twice.
  • Porn Experience
    I get more shit about this than anything. Don't record a lot of vids. It's hard when you're taking anon dick. Committed to more. Post them on NKP and BarebackBastards.
  • Looking For
    Poz and poz toxic fuckers to breed my hole, anon or otherwise, party or otherwise, and exchange fluids.
    Hot nasty dirty scenes.
    Poz and neg bottoms who wanna take charged loads.
    ...read the other parts of the profile. I'm pretty open.

    Regularly FBs in the area always awesome.

More Info

  • BarebackRT Profile Name

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
    [think before following links] [think before following links] https://x.com/poztoxicverspig
  • Telegram User Name

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  1. My very first sexual experience was at the very early double-digit years with I'm guessing a ~35y/o man I thought I was just going to play video games with. I was fucked bareback with hand lotion. I didn't then and still don't have any ill feelings about it. The next time I had sex was when I was 16 with a black running back on the high school football team. Condoms never came up. Around the same time, I went to Barnes & Noble to try and covertly by gay magazines and in one of them was a folded poster (it's still in my childhood bedroom) that had this AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL guy and words along the lines of "He's fighting HIV/AIDS! You don't have to! Practice safe sex." If that was what a POZ guy looked like, I wanted to be POZ and if the way to NOT be POZ was to use a condom, then I wouldn't. This was the height of encouraging safer sex, pre-Prep. As then an exclusive bottom, it didn't take much convincing for tops not to use a condom as long as you said you were "safe" or "clean." During college I realized I also liked "seedier" gay shit - and those people fucked bareback. And as a Twink in his early 20s, it didn't take much convincing to get bred by those guys. 29 years (age 16 to now) and I've only used a condom twice and both were with straight dudes at weddings. I sought out guys that wanted only bareback sex, some were poz, some weren't. I didn't care. I wouldn't have it any other way because before converting, nothing made me feel hotter and more alive than getting a load in my hole and now being Poz, those poz loads make it feel amazing.
  2. ABSOLUTELY FUCKING LOVE BEING PISS FUCKED, and specifically at the start of getting bred because doing it after to me defeats the purpose of getting a (poz) load in your hole cuz it'll just wash it out. Much prefer it at the start and then getting all piss soaked during fucking if you have the facility/space to do it. (I have a giant bathtub.) I know some guys have challenges staying hard while trying to pee inside. There are a variety of plugs, grommets, piss funnels that can help with this. I also saw on Twitter some device I'd never seen before which I guess allows you to piss in yourself (and not just using a touch - it connected to the bottoms dick and it didn't really look like a plug but I lost the tweet....if anyone knows where to find this, let me know!) Worse case scenario if inside doesn't work I'll still take it on me.
  3. If gay men could opt in to "being raped" like you did for organ donation on your license, it would decriminalize a huge fetish area for gays.  Doesn't mean it would ever happen and certainly you probably wouldn't know when...but I mean....

    1. PozTalkAuthor


      I would NEVER normalize rape. Yeah, many gay guys might have this fetish (spoiler: not me), but, first of all if you consent it's no longer rape; and second, it would become that some self-calling "alpha" men would find the possibility to have non-consensual sex with others, like a sort of human right. I literally see the hell daily when dealing with Internet safety - the incels having their delirium messages against women. And if those behaviour would get normalized, it might be the end of sex freedom! 

      Let's remember that "sex freedom" means having whatever fetish we want, without judgment. Not to be judged or lectured for sexual choices. But the main concept is the right to say yes, to say no, to CHOOSE who our partners are, to have a single partner or multiple or NONE. And the idea of having something signed "I would / wouldn't like to be raped" is not appropriate at all. NO ONE should be forced to have sex at all and, if asked to be owned/dominated with force, consent cancels the concept of rape itself.

  4. 100% VERBAL....and POZ TALK TOO! Unless you're somewhere you can't make noise (public, bathroom) there's no reason to be silent. 🙂
  5. Epic slam sesh with THREE poz dudes - I should buy a lotto ticket.  FUCK!  So hot.

  6. Shit!

    Super moon, a comet, a bunch of kids in the neighborhood acting like the incubus of plague, new role same company - the last two weeks have been a fucking lot.

    Bouncing back.  Hey guys!

  7. DOUCHING / HOLE PREP! I'd like to be able to always always be flawless, whenever, wherever. Regardless of whatever else is going on, it's exhausting. Even if you have the requisite time to prepare sometimes, the effort in doing so is a huge vibe killer for me. #TRUTH
  8. UGH! I don't understand attending an event of this nature if it's not your jam or your opposed to it fundamentally. I still have PTSD from a Cumunion I dunno 8 years ago, and I was hanging with a group of guys that weekend, we arrived on time (it was at Steamworks Seattle), and we were on the cusp of the dark area and started fucking. Some male-Karen comes around the corner with his friend and starts telling us how we should be using protection (I remember him reaching in to the wall-container of condoms) and telling us we were being irresponsible. I was so taken aback and thought they were joking. Nope, they legit were not joking. I've had two other very strange and out of place encounters like that over the decades.....boo.
  9. LOL , turns you in to a nasty fucking slut - where did you start? 🙂 Thought nasty fucking slut was baseline lol hugs 🙂
  10. There's plenty to be said on the "more bottoms than tops" thread here (enter the fucking rabbit hole), and the many EXCUSES we find NOT to fuck each other, but I encountered two different situations recently that both had me in my thoughts. ALL THINGS EQUAL in terms of our sexual wants and preferences, what we were looking for, etc. two things were called out by the other person "in case it makes a difference" (which it does not): One dude is missing limbs (legs). Had I just gotten there I don't think I would have even remarked on it (maybe after cumming would have asked what happened if he was willing to share). He has two prosthetic legs. He is sexy as fuck, nice, dominant, etc. One person lives in subsidized housing. Again, I don't know that I would have thought about it or known it was subsidized housing had I just got there and hooked up. I imagine the revelation of these things prior to hooking up had to do with past rejection or some asshole arriving in the situation and the running screaming like a bitch. When I asked both said something along the lines of "...I tell people because I am insecure." WOOF! None of those things are in a profile field on a site. And to me, though very different things, neither matters at all. So I guess my question is - all things equal, what could disqualify a person from being fuckable/worth a hookup? GODDAMN if FICO scores and physical differences start showing up on profiles, I'm jumping ship. If they have those felt paintings all over their walls? If they are a furry? If they have a Care Bear comforter on their bed? What's next. AGH!
  11. This is the metal version of the rubber ones I linked to above. I have toys/plugs bigger than this. I've managed getting it in about 5 times over the years. Bought it off Fort Troff.
  12. Getting piss-filled is equivalent to winning the gay lotto for me - like having a spontaneous awesome group sex session happen without planning. I'm clear to dudes that I like WS, but in a few decades of being gay on in the scene, getting pissed *IN* has only happened a few times. Attempted a few times more. Pissed on - substantially more times. If you want your hole pissed in, I'd echo some of what has already been said: it's a challenge - even if you ignore pee-shyness (which is 100% real and not anything that should be seen as a negative), the pressure a hole around a dick makes it harder to unload; it's easier if you're a looser bottom so if you can get yourself worked prior to the sesh, more probably decide before or after - if they are fucking you, do you want to be pissed in before or after they fuck you? Or during? It's different because before it's definitely a WS scene and messy, after it could just be that they finished and are leaving you to deal with being a cumdump - then lead things that direction understand their level - like above, understand if they are WS "tolerant" or a WS "lover" - filling you with piss and fucking it out of you is definitely "lover" side, pissing on you after they fuck you is more on the "tolerant" side There are a lot of toys that can help though! Anal grommets - mine is metal and impossible but here's some similar: [think before following links] https://www.boyzshop.com/products/gape-grommets-3-piece-hollow-silicone-anal-dilator-set#:~:text=Give Your Ass A Good Gaping. These three This can make you more of a urinal where they can piss in you just standing over you versus being inside hollow buttplugs with or without funnels: same idea to above and I'm sure you've seen these in videos Personally, anything beyond pissing on me is something for play with guys that equally love WS because they see it more than just an ask of a needy bottom 🙂 Chef's kiss to getting fucked in a piss-soaked jock and/or getting piss-fucked.
  13. Uh - what do the "none of the above" people do? Sounds sad.
  14. This actually isn't quite true. Prior to the internet, gays were flagging with hankies in left/right back pocket/arm to signal not just top/bottom but also interest in certain sexual activities (fisting = red, watersports = yellow, etc.; left side = top, right side = bottom). I know this comment is quite old, but when I saw it - it made me think did the hankie code even have a notion of versatile? I don't think so. Did it? And if two tops bumped in to each other, did they negotiate or switch the side of the hankie or just assume they weren't compatible and move on? Again, wasn't alive at that time but I don't know there was a lot of talking where these hookups took place.
  15. When I read these words (without seeing who they were from) they felt like what I would say. I used the exact words "unicorn" when someone in my life declared themselves a "domtop" - I said, "be careful, that's a dangerous designation...and it might pigeonhole you" and "how do you know?" and "but does that mean you wouldn't fuck another top?" The other thing during this really lengthy discussion of proportionality that occurs to me is - the collective "we" hopes for people to be more flexible...the resounding commentary from this thread seems to be "I wish we could all be more flexible." But we're not actually giving that vibe. So - let me say this - the best tops seem to know exactly what they are doing, how to do it, the rhythm with which to do it, and have the confidence to do it. The best bottoms I know seem to instinctually open to a top and move collectively with them. I wish I knew what the tops knew and could play with them without expectation, and I wish from the best bottoms I knew how they just opened themselves up. I'm pretty good at fucking but I don't do either as best as those who do it in my opinion. So, if we say you need to be "X" in order for us to hook up, then we might as well just be stuck exactly who we are. Tops will be tops, bottoms will be bottoms, and for whatever reason those so sure of their position will be confortable. I don't know where this stuff comes from, but I do think that: bottoms likely would like to top; a sizeable number of tops wonder what it's like to be a bottom. But we're not giving that space.
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