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Everything posted by BlueSaphir

  1. I can’t ever deep throat a big cock. My gag reflex is too much. I can only do 6 inch or less. But getting fucked by a big cock always feels amazing. It an emancipation of feeling subdued by a man needs.
  2. Damn you are obnoxious and stupid.
  3. I said it before, they are stupid. My fellow Americans are not bright as they think to be. LOL
  4. I have my tops who know how to suck and bite my nipples. They spend a lot of time even when they fuck me . I love the feeling of my nipples sore. I get me horny again.
  5. Welcome
  6. A terrible time to be in.
  7. You don’t speak for me either…
  8. Americans are stupid
  9. I’m the opposite. I am jealous of naturally smooth guys. But yes, I do agree. Tops with facial hair, hair every part of the body. I love to make out with a guy with facial beard. Especially that buzzed. I love the feeling of prickly hair touching my skin, my lips. 🥵
  10. I personally see the same physician from City of Hope ever 3 months. She made headlines years back too. [think before following links] https://www.aidsmap.com/news/aug-2022/california-man-appears-be-another-person-cured-hiv-after-stem-cell-transplant
  11. I wish you could try me out.
  12. It did nothing for me. I felt like I was hurting him. Even though his hardness says otherwise. Lol
  13. Do you like your cock bite hard? Or met someone who like their cock to be bite so hard? I met a guy who felt I wasn’t sucking good. He instructed me to bite down. His penis glands like to be bite down hard. Teeth to teeth. His entire shaft too. I felt his cock gotten hard and harder when I continue to bite his cock down.
  14. 2 loads from two guys yesterday.
  15. I like hairy men. But I don’t like hair on me. I like to be SMOOTH!
  16. Hit me up when your back in LA
  17. I don’t understand why some guys here want to vote for someone against their desire to have fun with other guys. Don’t let a party dictate our future to make our lifestyle illegal, be labeled as unnatural, not mentally well.
  18. I don’t know what are you taking about…
  19. I prefer the skin to skin contact. It just feel right to accept a guy load deep in me. It about accepting him. Bonding with him.
  20. Yes, it turns me on. I like that fact I am providing pleasure to the man that is lack of getting pleasure from his women.
  21. She as more intelligence than the orange skin man. I’m voting for HER regardless. I think it time for. A change of women in charge. We had many president who are man. I am tired of male mindset of past leadership.
  22. I haven’t met anyone with hyperspermia. I would like to experience someone with it. Especially have them cum all over my body, my mouth, or my hole.
  23. I love poppers. It helps me to relax with big cocks.
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