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  1. He is going to sink like a stone into his darkest depraved desires that will engulf him totally
  2. Yess appeals to our dark sleazy side Well we wouldn't be here in Breeding Zone would be if we didn't
  3. Hi I came across BZ by pure chance and couldn't believe some of the stuff written on here But what really shocked me I couldn't stop reading it thinking about.it fantasing about it and the nastier the more twisted depraved it was the more I craved it Now every visit I make here I feel more and corrupted and drawn deeper and deeper into the depths
  4. This story is so nasty and raw.so why I am hard as steel.after reading it What does that say about me ?
  5. What is the most degrading arousing l Being spat on / spitting on someone or pissed on / pissing on someone Sorry if this topic has come up already
  6. Hi I can't believe I've found a site like this exists it opened a door that I've just gone through by registering here's to opening more doors
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