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Everything posted by AlB

  1. 4 (which ain’t half bad for a middle-aged married guy halfway through the week!). - my husband of course (after he’d loaded me up twice and before once) - my straight married neighbor - my not-so-straight-anymore married neighbor - my next-door neighbor’s - my married pool guy OINK! 😈🐷
  2. Before my husband I’d only ever felt a guy’s cum shooting in my ass once; it was a strange feeling at first but then it made me almost euphoric. My husband shoots like a cannon each and every time. He’s also hung like a champion stud stallion. He was inches up into my colon when he shot; he didn’t need to yell, “Here it comes,” because I felt it like rapid-fire stinging spray. Of course he lied to me and told me nobody had ever made him cum that hard! lol Later when we started playing with others the first guy he fucked jumped like he’d been shot when Kent started blasting inside him; he yelled, “Dude fuck you shoot to kill!” Yup always!
  3. I think that in these post-plague days when PrEP is the norm for those who aren’t chasers or poz that the receiver’s default is in the hole where he is (wasn’t that a Rodgers and Hammerstein tune from Sound of Music?). The option is always there to negotiate otherwise just as the option is there to tell a guy he can’t top you unless he wears a bunny suit. 🤣
  4. Had a guy ready to fuck at the gym; just a question of “your place or mine.” The guy says, “You can fuck me at mine so long as you promise not to talk to me afterward.” I said, “If I remember instructions over manners when I’ve just fucked you then your ass wasn’t worth fucking; usually I have trouble remembering my name when my balls are blasting!” He told me it’s awkward for him when a top gets too “friendly” after filling his hole. I told him not to worry because I don’t need any more friends; I just want to take his hole home in my dick for my husband to taste. And I did.
  5. I’m not a guy who loses interest after I cum (unless I have somewhere to be or something to do). I’m also married and vers so I probably don’t fit the usual mold of respondents here. - If it’s with my husband and he’s topping he loves to bang the cum out of me … at least once … and he’s pretty f’ing good at it. And the more I cum the more I want; I’m not that bottom who “loses interest” or “is uncomfortable” after he cums. No sir; I just want more and have been known to rape his cock when he’s done but I want one more. But there are times where one or the other of us just wants to fuck the brains out of the other; we call it a prison fuck and it can go any way. - if it’s with my husband and I’m topping we typically time it to cum as close to the same time as possible. I take a lot of recovery time and he doesn’t - If it’s a rando and I’m topping then I don’t care if he cums or not so long as he understands that his work isn’t done until I’m done with him. And when I’m done I’m done regardless of whether he has cum or not. - If it’s a rando and I’m bottoming then it’s either me taunting him and daring him to satisfy me or me only caring about him getting off. Nothing in between; usually.
  6. Sure; a guy hit on me at the gym or I hit on him and a whiff of his strong-but-not-rank sweat was a huge turn-on. If it panned-out and I could lick it and rub myself in it or he in mine all the better and better than poppers. When I first got into it with my now-husband and we fucked for about a day and a half we were finally going out to get some food. We showered and really cleaned each other; only way it didn’t continue the fuck-a-thon was too sore, too tired, too hungry at that point. No deodorant and no cologne or anything. A while later when we’re eating I can smell myself and it bothered me. When we left I leaned up against him and smelled his neck and could smell sex on him too. He laughed and said, “It’s intoxicating just like nature made us to react isn’t it?” I guess I’d never fucked or been fucked good enough to where after I showered I was still producing the pheromones at the level that there was no way they weren’t easily detectable for some time after. And yeah; best aroma on earth.
  7. When I’m being bred I’m full of worth to the top who needs to breed; when I’m breeding the bottom I’m breeding is the most valuable thing to me until my balls are drained and my need to breed is done. Could I get all meta and existential about it and say any hole is just a hole either when I’m the hole or I’m using one? Sure; and sometimes the moment takes me and/or the other guy there and it’s hot for that moment. But like every other high (or low in that case) life goes on. When we find ourselves in a situation where a guy we’re play with or usually when we’re contemplating playing with him and find he thinks that way or treats us that way then it’s a non-starter … for us. Every guy’s kink is his own right (short of actual harm to others) and we don’t judge; but we do make our choice about participating.
  8. True story: I married the guy with the biggest dick I’d ever had inside me; a little over 9 VERY thick inches. And yeah I got my ruler before I let that monster in me! He told me the same that first night: he had a lot of experience with guys needing a lot of time to take it. He was right but when he got through my second hole and could finally fuck me the stars I’d seen before when he worked my prostate then each turned to supernovas while he pounded me into oblivion. No I didn’t marry him that night; but I’d have followed him off a cliff like Thelma after he’d driven me like Louise! (We didn’t have quite the origin story of those two but the way he fucked me was a history-making saga!) Last load I took? Woke up with my hole still slimy from him fucking my brains out last night; and he was sleeping on his side with that monster of his already awake. I backed into that reliable pre-cum dispenser, worked that monster into my sore hole, and by the time I had him half-way in he grabbed my hip and my shoulder and slammed it in me … over and over with the fury he has when he gets awakened. He takes a while and before he was done he’d shoved me face down and mounted me then finally had me on my back with my feet on his shoulders pounding me with his teeth gritted and shouting at me what a wanton cum-dump I am! I went for our morning beach run in a jock-strap and short running shorts I’d had on under my bike shorts we wear to cycle out there. I wish he’d taken a pic of my soaked shorts from his cum flowing out while we cycled no matter how skilled my muscles are to hold it in.
  9. Damn inviting hole you got there! I just posted that my husband and I have airline credits we have to use before the end of August; Sam Diego is another place we contemplated. Your hole is certainly a candidate to tip the scales your way! 🍆🍆🍆💦💦💦💦
  10. I can’t help with suggestions because we don’t know Vegas well; but my husband and I have airline credits we have to use before the end of August and Vegas is on the list of possibilities. Your hole just might be the “attraction” that tips the scale! 😈🐷 Keep us posted?
  11. My husband and I were in Atlanta for business five years ago; I think that Red Roof Inn is where we participated in a pump and dump party with a young slim guy. Could that have been you? I remember at the time wanting to bail because the cum-dump looked like we needed to ask for his ID! The only other detail I remember is that when we arrived there were six guys there already and my husband’s BWC was the biggest there! 💪🍆
  12. I had to do some work in Portland and a guy I hooked-up with told me about Rooster Rock. It’s tricky because of water levels and an abundance of non-naked people but I managed to get my rocks off there … many times. My husband and I live at home naked; a lot of that time is outside by the pool and on the lanai. Does that count as nature? 😁 We also vrbo and airbnb and always verify before we book if the property is private enough to go nude. Our favorites are in the mountains where we can hike nude or at the beach where we can get on the beach and in the water nude. Of course running into other guys often has its share of pleasant opportunities. 😈🐷
  13. Precisely. I love music as does my husband; it’s playing in and outside our house virtually all the time. We fuck a lot so I cannot deny a potential connection. Yet rarely is it the pounding club music referenced so if there’s a connection it’s not the analogy between the pumping beat and my pumping dick.
  14. You nailed my husband. I knew him for six months before we hooked-up; I had no idea what a dirty slut he was nor did I know how thoroughly uninhibited he was before that. I already knew he was a warm and interesting person; I also knew his body would rival any on a fitness magazine from seeing him clothed for six months. When he surprised me by propositioning me and then surprised me in ways I’d never contemplated I was completely his; heart and soul. Fortunately for me the love-strike that bowled me over went both ways; he said he’d expected a “reasonably competent fuck” and nothing more but got “so much more that it hit {him} like a lightning bolt.” It’s only ever happened once; but @Blkmuscbreeder and I twinned in that preference.
  15. I’ll turn 54 in a few days: my husband is fourteen years younger than I. He’s a very young 40 by appearance and action; most people peg him for about 30 when they guess. By appearance a guess of my age is generally “40 or MAYBE early forties.” More often than not that assessment includes their having seen my “racing stripe” scar from just below my neck to below my sternum from three heart surgeries (as a result of an accident not blocked arteries or valve replacement) four years ago; and sometimes even the knowledge that I have two toddler grandchildren. I take all that graciously while my husband rails against being thought of as “so young.” But what does 40 or 30 or 54 “look like?” It looks different on any of us. It looks great on the OP in this thread. That’s a still but it conveys vitality. I recently posted a pic here that my husband took on my 50th birthday; not because I want to convey younger but because it was just before I got the first of the scars. That I’m self-conscious about. I thought it was the aesthetic but reading this thread I realized that it was more because I don’t want to be thought of as “another middle-aged man who didn’t take care of himself and had to be repaired.” It’s human to have impressions based on views. I’ll take comfort that the frequency with which I’m complimented on my body or on my tennis ability and the frequency at which I’m hit-on when I’m not with my husband validates that it’s not because being with him pulls the compliment. Mostly I’ll take comfort in my increased focus on 1) my good health (and the health of my family; 2) my good fortune to have a man I love to share my life with 3) my good fortune to be retired very comfortably and to have the time to share with my husband and my family 4) my acute awareness that how I look or how others see me is irrelevant (except when we have the op to “play”) because life is finite and precious and spending it not doing anything and everything we can do is a waste.
  16. Put 23’s head and double 2’s foreskin on 19 and probably double the size and you’ve got the club my husband uses on me every day; nobody and nothing has ever been as good as he is. I love that soft or hard, clothed or naked, men (and women) look at him and their breath catches. I can honestly say he has the perfect dick; and maybe now I’m writing this it’s obvious I should have it cast just in case anything ever happens and I don’t have him at least I’ll have that dick!
  17. The Toronto chamber of commerce could boost its tourist revenue by multiples of it used your post as its ad!
  18. Speaking as someone who genetically came out on top and speaking as the husband of a man with a monster dick I can confirm with certainty that it takes LOADS of practice to learn how to handle a huge dick; in either hole.
  19. No condemnation of anyone’s choices; but I’ll confess that I was cheated-on in what was supposed to be a committed monogamous relationship and it totally and completely devastated me. The suckiest part of it was that I wouldn’t have objected to a non-monogamous relationship or an uncommitted one; he was the one who romanced me into it. It was so bad that I couldn’t be in any kind of relationship other than casual fucking for almost ten years. I was that damaged. The odd effect of it was to keep me for six months from making a move on the man who is now my husband. When we first met he was very flirty; but he was so interesting to me (and hot as fuck) that I didn’t want to risk putting a match to the dude he lit in me. We went on seeing each other in regular activity where he worked in a restaurant for over six months and my feelings grew as well as my desire. When he finally direct propositioned me it was because it was his last day at the restaurant. I told him yes and told him it was because I liked him too much and couldn’t risk a relationship. He said, “Works for me because I really want to fuck your brains out and we probably won’t see each other again. I can’t have relationships because every one ended-up in me being cheated on.” We opened our relationship to mutual play three years ago; but we’re still 100% committed to each other and even though it’s “in the rules” for us to play separately if we want we rarely do and always tell each other.
  20. My first was a fellow soldier when I was in the army. It was very late, in the showers, and so hot because it was so dangerous. His dick was uncut and big; both his dick and his foreskin which hung off his hard dick by about a half inch. I asked him, “Anything I should know about the foreskin?” He said, “Yeah; do anything you want with it.” I did; every last thing I could think of and loved every bit of him. When I met my husband it was a long time until we hooked-up; but we’d used the restroom together and I saw that he had a huge uncut dick like the army guy did. When he finally asked me to hook-up I got instantly rock hard knowing I’d have that to enjoy. I can enjoy any hot man’s dick (and hole and rest of him); but uncut dick is it if I have the choice.
  21. My husband is not a quick-cummer and neither am I; I am accustomed now to that being the standard and enjoy the pleasure of the continued stimulation. If we play with a guy who’s a quicker cummer sometimes it’s hot if he just can’t hold back because one or both of us over-stimulate him. But my preference is for the dick and the guy attached to be able to go the distance. UNLESS … he doesn’t know how to fuck. Face it; there are more guys who couldn’t find your prostate if you gave them a map than skilled fuckers. And there are some who can find it but don’t know what to do with it. Sure at the end I want my button slammed hard and fast to catapult me over the edge; but a guy who starts out jabbing and just continues well him I’d like to cum fast!
  22. My husband is younger so I must answer yes. But in the spirit and context of the question I’ll attest to the appeal of younger men’s loads; voluminous, quickly recharged, and readily replenished. There’s also the aspect that a young man’s dick is no challenge to get hard; usually you find it that way so no work there! 😈
  23. Until I read these I thought I was a first-class slut; now I am faced with the fact that I’m a novice at best. I doubt I’m far into the second hundred and that’s combining fucks and getting fucked. I asked my husband (who was a sex worker when he was younger) and he laughed. “One thousand is the bar? Pretty low standard!” He laughed it off.
  24. Amazing; the volume and the counts by high-volume participants. That’s commitment!
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