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    pnp slam
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    Neg, On PrEP
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    Switched to the other side and in my slut era
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    Slm t ina

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  1. As someone who works very closely with GenAI and robotics, let me just tell you that the machines only get smarter from here, the capitalist now has managed to remove the only impediment ie labour from the market. Starting a new venture in the future will require accumulated capital, generational wealth i do not personally see "capitalism" and "AI" coexisting with each other. Is it easier for the rich to take a step down and meet us half way or the 99% to move up the capitalistic steps to the 1% ? Only Ayn Rand was smart enough to predict that incompetence and an ENVY of excellence will lead to dystopian social outcomes. Orwell thought we'd need total mind control, Huxley thought we'd need a permanently drugged populace, but Rand knew: all you need is resentment. And you can see that playing with the current presidency.
  2. +1 lights were Always off going down on women , just switched from the other side to ass and Holly shit I’m mesmerized
  3. your rose my tongue, right now

  4. hows the tina down under ? Might come for a vacay
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