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About bearasseater

  • Birthday 07/07/1980

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  1. A Young male should be taught by the family of j.o. sessions - eating his own cum loads - others too - and using cum loads as lubing the hole -  condoms loads - free thinking and doing it !

  2. There's a spontaneity and a taboo element that I think is pretty hot. But I'm a bit concerned when reading through this that some people are more interested in the bed part and spreading their stuff around than they are the actual willing human they are having sex with. Do what you want, but I hope you change the sheets after, or at least use a lint roller.
  3. Hi mate. Thanks for the amazing pics of your self

  4. If you don't get fucked regularly, getting fucked isn't quite as pleasurable. So maybe someone was in a high sex drive period, was fucking and getting fucked all the time until they tested positive, and then felt guilt or fear so they stopped having sex for a while. Then, every once in a while they get really horny and want to fuck, but they find bottoming kind of painful, and topping kind of hot and forbidden, so topping a young guy has a zing to it. Plus, as evidenced by polls on this site, older bottoms don't get as much action as older tops, so it's easier to fill that role later in life, when you're more likely to be positive. Another option might be drugs or alcohol. Drink a lot or do other substances and you can't get hard enough to fuck, but will take dick happily as you forget the stigma and the pain. Then, you get clean later in life, and your sex preferences change, but the bug remains.
  5. I would say I'm hovering around a level 4 or 5. I default to bareback, but most of my sex partners are professional types that enjoy connected sex. If I'm at a sex party, I'm not thrilled about bottoming for a bunch of strangers. I seem to only bottom for guys I know and know they are at least a little choosy with their sex partners. Similar with bottoms. I would rather fuck someone I know, although I do top bareback in a cool sex positive scene if I think a guy is somewhat hot. I'm less worried about HIV than I am syphilis/gonorrhea/hepatitis
  6. Hey guys, another hot sex party was tonight, and as is often the case, wasn't able to get more than half hard all night. Have had intermittent issues in the past, usually late at night, and often when it's very hot. Does anyone have issues like this, and if you've solved them, what works? I find that daytime play is often great for my erections. I'm a massage therapist (legit) and I notice that when I massage someone for 90 minutes, I can fuck like a beast after. However, after getting ready for sex, showering, douching, driving to the location, mingling for the evening, I seem to be limp most the time. I do take 5 mg of Cialis, which helps make me rock hard during the day, but does little late at night. Some things I know affect me: * hot rooms, hot weather, hot showers, etc. Me sweating seems to be a bad thing. My balls usually hang really loose when I can't get hard * I am on blood pressure meds. I'm. 35 and have been on them several years. It seems like I do better taking the meds 12 hours or more before sex, and I don't know why. * Maybe I'm not getting enough sleep, and by midnight I'm running on fumes? * holding tension in my crotch and stomach? Maybe my testosterone isn't traveling through the body because I'm not relaxed/too nervous and excited? * diet? I eat salty foods, maybe I'm not getting enough nutrients? I have a lot of muscle, but could stand to lose 20 lbs of fat (6', 215 lbs)...I think I would still have these issues if I was my ideal weight. I take Cavalier Sexual herb supplements sometimes, and they do help me get hard late at night, but I get bad cold chills and feel like I'm getting a fever while taking them. Sex isn't as fun. Are there other pills that help that don't have bad side effects? I'm sure I'm not the only one, but I know some guys figure this out. Thanks in advance.
  7. Strange thing about it is, men are physically more apt to be tops early in life, when their cocks get rock hard and they can still cum multiple times in a day, and nearly universally enjoy getting fucked more as they get older, when they've lost inhibitions about acting straight and have prostates that have gotten large and tight. I'm total Vers, but I love love love older men that like getting fucked. I just don't like total passive bottoms
  8. I have found that it doesn't make a huge difference as a bottom. You get an inch of extra depth, and you can feel it wiggling around a bit. Pretty cool sensation. Big thing is that if you are tight, it can be painful for the top to get in. You don't want to pull the metal so it's tearing against their cock. Once it's in you're gold.
  9. I don't think it's going to stop until either someone knows about it instead of just the two of you, or until the chemistry naturally wears thin and you're tired of each other. It's easy to say that you hate cheaters and that you'll stop doing it. But the forbidden part is what makes it so hot, and thus you'll probably say that you are going to break it off to him, and then keep fucking him anyway, which will make you feel even worse about yourself. My solution is have fun, he's young and dumb, and he's going to have to learn how to handle himself in relationships if that's the type of stuff he likes. It doesn't sound like you're hurting your friend unless your friend has a good relationship with the girlfriend. The one question I have for you though: do you really like the brother? Or are you more attracted by how hot and forbidden the situation is? If it's the latter, you might need to look at that part of yourself, that you like fooling around and having forbidden sex. If it's the former, you have to accept that the brother might really be straight and will never like you the same way that you like him. I personally say to embrace the situation. If you really want to call it off, don't say it and then go back on your word. If you do choose to break up, go cold turkey from the house for a while, which unfortunately might hurt your relationship with your friend more than him finding out you guys are fucking if you don't tell him why you're not coming by. Whatever you do, do it with the best intentions for all involved. If you're not trying to be a dick and are looking out for everyone's feelings, they will see that.
  10. One of my ultimate fantasies is throwing a bareback sex party at a hotel. I'm picturing 20 guys, largely strangers, converge for hours of raw fucking and cum taking. Any advice on how to do this, worry-free that someone will knock on the door and break the party up? Anyone go to any successful parties, or better yet, throw one themselves? What do you think would be necessary for it to go off without a hitch?
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