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Everything posted by TonyRedux

  1. word up! agreed. good bottoms put serious work into it, and deserve laurels n kudos!
  2. interesting...what do u think would resemble the state of emotional readiness u feel u need to be loose, open n slutty? thanks btw in my experience, many but not "most" ask for the "why" explanation. i tell most of them "there's no good reason to tell u, since u cant change it and it's best to find someone who wants what u got" and most who ask for my reasons r fine with that. once in awhile i'll get a handsome guy who i feel is too skinny for me (5'10" 150lbs would be a classic stat) and if he seems eager enuff i have no qualms at all telling him "sorry dude, i'm into thicker guys...holler if u ever thicken up at least 20 lbs...fat or muscle or both, i dont care." sometimes the guy will respond back with insults or sarcasm, which for me is simply their last gasp of squealing defeat. rare is the internet-warrior who will enter a flame war with me, i eat souls in that mood. i agree that the further u have to travel, the greater ur investment in determining the bona fides of who ur traveling to. however i marvel that u can get people to read ur stories as a prelude to sex...frankly, most people wont read more than a short paragraph, if that. actually he's quite right n ur out of line. some indeed want a detailed message of such, and some want to argue about it. u can only speak for urself. this is why i do NOT plan sex more than 1-2 hours ahead, with extremely rare exceptions at my sole indulgence. i trust NO ONE to keep their word when it comes to pre-planned sex 6 hours or 2 days or 10 days away. the flake-out ratio is over 95%. worse, among the sub-population of guys who will offer extended elaborations about "oh i'm not like that, i HATE those people, i'm totally a man of my word!", the flake-out ratio is also well over 95%. also, when someone in that latter category flakes, they're more embarrassed AND defensive about it! NIGGGA PLEEZ!! i am a far more mellow n less bitter person since i started that "right now ONLY" rule 5+ years ago. should have done it sooner.
  3. well said.
  4. he's just lashing out. to be fair tho: i have topped many "top only" guys, and have made grim sport of "total tops" who presumed to dominate me bcuz they know i sometimes bottom...a few r even marked for a hard rapefuck FROM me at some point. on the other hand, our community is rife with both internalized homophobia AND sexism, so one can expect that many will try to act more masculine than they intrinsically are. in general this means that many tops (like myself) r really versa tops, many versa tops r really versatile, many versatiles r really vers-bottoms, many versa-bottoms r really bottoms...and that "all-bottom" bottoms quite often have never actually topped n dont know if they could, or they tried to top under circumstances they didnt know were not ideal..such as topping drunk. conversely, i've known a few "versabottoms" who make better tops than most "total tops"...and who top more often as well! i would include my boyish husband here. he's 4'11", 135 v-shaped pounds, was all-bottom when i met him, n with a shave n a haircut he looks like a buff 12-14yo. over our first few months together i noticed he has a huge collection of man-ass pix n vids, a total fetish for it, and had NEVER tried topping b4. so about 6 months into being with him, i watching him get worked up jerking to his ass-porn collection and then literally thru myself upon him, carried him to bed n put my ass in his face...all in less than 5 seconds, no time to get nervous. he took to it like a champ, n now he tops like a mini-me. at first he would fuck my ass every few weeks, and we'd tag guys, but as he got into the habit of sometimes topping guys on his own he pulled away from my ass. he hasn't fucked me in almost 2 years, and also admits to not enjoying seeing me bottom. it all works out fine, as my bottoming urge is rare then ever, but i remain proud of putting him in touch with his domineering sexual aggression. he himself has made many tops look silly at sex parties...but his need to see me as "all-top" is a mirror of the anxieties i was talking about. "thick" is being a wise marketer by exploiting that inner bigotry. A4A would be the site i see such sentiment expressed most often, n most stridently.
  5. u flatter me bro, i'm just horny n adaptable...
  6. good boilerplate post there.
  7. viva la Internet. i have a ton of horror stories, slogged thru mountains of lies, enjoyed and reported threats and publicly humiliated several...but i still love the net. between MH, A4A n BBRT, i've had at least a thousand good partners. my skills at reading people's online "tells" have honed nicely, and my unpleasant experiences have dramatically reduced. i found my husband on A4A! i wish i were in a position to closely detail my adaptations and lessons learned, but this is an arms race i'm afraid. if i tell people how to detect bullshit, the bullshit artists use that to adapt, creating more insidious bullshit. all i can say is: trust ur instincts, not the chip on ur shoulder. i use to enjoy outdoor sex in parks quite a bit, but since seroconverting it's much harder to pull that off. the guy who will take my load after i tell him i'm HIV+ privately is the same guy who will avoid me in the presence of other cruisers bcuz he thinks he'll be associated with me. as for bars, i was never into them...fun to go to with friends, preposterous to go to for meeting sexual partners. expensive, depressing, loud, and requiring u to be "on" at all points, and very facile. do what works for u. when i go online hunting, i'm a fukn machine...blasting out come-ons and invites to the four winds. i jump on the first reliable confirmation-with-exact-address (mine or his), block no-call/no shows, block anyone who deletes my messages without reading them, and shamelessly juggle several guys at once until one of them gives a solid confirm. that's MY M.O. i know for a fact some guys have ditched me bcuz on their way here someone they thought was hotter hit them up on Grindr, or someone offered them drugs, or someone offered them a group. in my case, i'm a specialized fuck: i fuck extremely hard, and can go a long time if i think the bottom can handle it. while this means rejection from many instantly, and rejection from some during an encounter, it also means there's a steady stream of guys wanting a second or third chance...often creating new profiles to contact me from. apparently i have a bit of a legend attached to my name, having been the Savior Top at many group-scenes drowning in party drugs and noodle-dick. do i take a certain childish enjoyment in downgrading guys chasing after me when they've previously acted flaky? of course i do. just keep in mind that some good friendships n great fucks HAVE resulted from being forgiving. live n learn.
  8. o pshaw...! (holla!)
  9. ur welcome to the defense, but it's due more to the core epistemological issue than for ur benefit...Truth is my aim. the folk-wisdom that exposure to cold will make one sick is nearly universal, and given that it now a proven reality, the obvious conclusion is that such folk wisdom is the result of accumulated observation and subsequent adaptation. the dismissal of this folk wisdom rests on nothing more than rationalist and credentialist arrogance..."until 'Science ' proves it, it doesn't exist" is an asinine political reaction to the rise of religious fundamentalism in political life. as another example, i have extreme concerns about unfettered Genetically Modified Crops and products being placed on the open market without labeling. my concerns r in fact scientific, and mirror in many ways ur concerns about greedy pharma companies skewing drug-data for their own benefit. in some online forums, i'll have assholes swarm on me with talking points lifted directly from Chris Hitchens, calling me "Jesus freak luddite" and such (fyi at no point had i made any reference to "God" or "Natural Order"). blowhard arrogance that obscures Truth deserves little mercy, regardless of the setting or the social background of any given blowhard. i dont know if skylon intended to pursue that tactic further n become a full-on blowhard, which is why i invited him to google the matter further b4 responding. in HIS defense, u DO get just a bit over-reliant on anecdotes, but this isn't Debate Club and i don't like Discussion Enforcers who can't hide their own bias. of course, just about anyone can credibly call me a "blowhard" when we strongly disagree, as i can be quite strident.
  10. 1) that's a great point. 2) in fact one of these guys works for major film studios and is a seriously hot n passionate cub i cant wait to get my cock into again. extremely hot, sweet hairy cheex, magical head-suckling second spot. 3) truth: sometimes i'll do the same. on BBRT my basic search is for guys open to taking loads anally...on A4A my basic search is of guys who have "anything goes" in their profile, or less frequently "no answer"...on manhunt i would search for profiles that were either "poz", "ask me" or "no answer". the reality is that this greatly improved my success-rate and minimized the number of fights i would get into, as the stigma of being openly poz AND openly BB only can be explosive. i wont go out of my way to search for non-compatibles, but i will hair-trigger block profiles that exclude me, especially during those times when i expand my searches past the usual..."no white people", "DDF for same", "hard-fuckers, stay away!", "no Liberals/no Republicans", "no on under 10 inches", "no uncut", "no BB", "no fake tops, 100% top only!"...since i'm "white", POZ, fuck harder than most/all, am politically independent, 8+ inches long, uncut, BB-only, and still reserve the right to bottom...there's no need to bother with these people, and it saves me time and future hassles. for every single fuck i might harvest from such groups will come at the cost of a dozen fights or more. fuck that, fuck them.
  11. only if he avoids discussing anything else at all, especially barebacking. poz/aidsmeds is a snakepit site with shit-mods and certain members having mod-carte-blanche. not to mention, for some completely idiotic reason the AIDSMEDS portion of that site is step-childed, i get email "updates" on various HIV issues from them 1 or more months AFTER the news has appeared pretty much everywhere else, including POZ.com! retarded.
  12. r u referring to Complera? aka Truvada + Edurant (rilpivirine)? it's already on the market. i'm on Edurant, Truvada and Prezista/Norvir right now, n threw out my Complera script last October, as i'm really awaiting the Prezista/Cobicistat/Emtricitabine/"New Tenofovir" GS 7340 and take my little Edurant tablet along with that...will trim my pill count n be better on the kidneys. i went on Edurant last June 2011, switching out Isentress.
  13. holler at me on BBRT

  14. i was on Sustiva in the first half of 2004, and my husband has been on the Atripla combo since 2005 to present...from our experience and from what i've read, the first few weeks r the hardest. u might consider switching out the milk and taking it with water instead, as whole milk has a gram of fat per oz of liquid...eg 12oz of milk has 12 grams of fat. more fat u have, more efavirenz u absorb. between taking it on an empty stomach with water, and the passage of this initial phase, i suspect u'll be fine on Atripla longterm. perhaps u can also try taking it a bit earlier, and scheduling a work-out in the morning to get ur head right? let us know...
  15. in principle i agree with u, in practice i lean more towards hunglatindom...however i'll note that every once in awhile i have convinced some neg guy to take my load, always by simply elaborating my argument with links to credible sources and inviting them to study the issue and the conflicting opinions on their own time. once in awhile someone freaks out at me, whether or not i've actually written to them...but this only amuses me n enrages them further, ad infinitum. sometimes people r open-minded...i have even considered using condoms with some guys bcuz their asses were so nice n they begged me repeatedly. in truth THOSE meetings have yet to happen, as i'm happy to note that some of this latter category openly express the fear that THEY will ultimately surrender to my raw cock. i have always been honest with them: "if by chance u let me fuck u raw, i'm taking the shot...deep and hard."...often the response is "holy shit dude i just came all over my keyboard, but i just cant do it!"...some of them eventually convert, and if they weren't douchebags b4, they do get my nut. what this thread is ultimately about is "degrees of balkanization Online", and has been debated for years in non-sexual terms. "what happens to Society when people only read what they LIKE, associate with only people LIKE THEM, and filter out anything that displeases them?" ultimately it's gonna come down to each website-designer's preferences...notice how A4A doesn't banish people when u block them? more annoyingly, notice how A4A doesn't hide or even indicate the profiles who have blocked YOU unless u write them or click their profile n see that annoying tiny blurb "this member has blocked you"? notice how BBRT has a more Manhunt-style block, however, if u block someone in the middle of an exchange they still get to send you one last email post-block? these r all examples of web-designer choices that affect how much we can filter people. a couple of years ago Manhunt renewed my full membership for quite awhile as a reward for advising them about things like undetectable status and search features seen on other sites: they loved everything i told them and implemented none of it during their Big Upgrade. hence, i'm rarely there n would never pay them a cent now...but there's still a huge pool of fuckable guys there that arent anywhere else...except maybe Grindr, and i aint buying no fukn Iphone!
  16. i myself embrace both early treatment and Dr. Gallant as a leading authority i have seen grow in stature over the years, but ur refutation of RT's "cold feet" anecdote rests on a rationalist pretense SANS investigation. the link between cold feet and increased susceptibility to colds and influenza has been investigated and...*PROVEN*. http://dumbscientist.com/archives/cold-weather-can-make-you-sick ...feel free to google further, bcuz if u try to refute me in a half-assed manner i'm gonna flame ya good.
  17. i'll concur with u that most patients r far too trusting of their doctors. the truth is that becoming more informed and empowered myself has not only improved my own health, it has improved the medical skill of every doctor who treats me. i am better able to answer questions and discuss issues and approve and reject his ideas, and propose and advocate for my own. nonetheless, i remind u that life is for learning, and it makes liars and hypocrites of us many times over the course of a full life. u really don't know what u'd do until ur there.
  18. 1) u have grossly mischosen ur words here bro..."worse than the disease they're supposed to treat"?! reality check: HIV remains one of the deadliest viruses in human history, with a fatality ratio well over 95%...pretty much 100% fatality in the absence of a CCR-5 mutation. without treatment, few indeed will make it to 20 years of infection, and almost none will make it to 40 (let alone) 60 years of being infected. i'll take living with controlled side effects over dying the very miserable death of AIDS, and over living with uncontrolled side effects. 2) well, here it's appropriate to remind u that i went from 2004 to 2008 trying ur approach...my quality of life then was substantially worse than my quality of life now, with more rashes, more diarrhea, more nausea, higher cholesterol, more moodiness, etc. when i went for major ENT surgery recently, i had several doctors ask me if i've considered taking steps to lower the number of meds i'm on. i'd simply ask them "well, my drug list is in front of u, so pick just one u think i can do without..?" every time they tried, they had to admit their error when learning more of my documented medical history. in truth i always told myself i would commit suicide if i ever sero-converted...now? nah, fuck that. i always told myself i would take as little as possible if i went for treatment. having tried that approach for 4 unhappy years...NAH, fuck that. much happier now. whenever i find a workable solution that would allow me to control a side effect without medication, i'm happy to try. i consistently have people marvel at the huge handful of pills i take at lunch and especially dinner, and frankly it can be tricky doing so...sometimes they want to spill right out of my hand! nonetheless, i'm happier and healthier than perhaps at any previous time in my life. with all my present issues, that's pretty remarkable. u cant effectively judge anyone else's road without walking a mile in their shoes, or whatever.
  19. i take more than 2 dozen pills a day, many for side effects of other pills. zofran, immodium, marinol, pepcid, claritin, lescol, ubiquinol and arimidex r all for dealing with the effects of other drugs...
  20. from my earliest memories of seeing pornos as a tween, moneyshots always seemed absurd. deep inside only. cumming in air can never sustain comparison with cumming in ass....hell fukn no.
  21. get to NYC n lets show off some reality...
  22. u havent seen it.
  23. i'm all about the fuck itself, so we're talking about athletically maxing-out the power of my cock, muscles and sensation-greed as the foundation. some guys who want more abuse from my hands or from implements may be accommodated case-by-case, but everyone taking my fuck should expect to get anally reamed and churned out by my big fat dick to an extraordinary degree.
  24. the one thing i've learned to avoid is taking on the Recruitment role...i enjoy groups, but i hate corralling them. if someone else wants to do the side work of corralling a 3rd or 4th, cool...every once in a blue i forget how much work it is, n then 40-50 emails and 2-4 blockings later, success and the vow to never play Recruiter again...until i ferget again.
  25. well, that's what i was trying to clarify...i wasnt sure if RawTop meant devilworshippers, religious fundies, or both...i could certainly see either "side" fetishizing the creation of an Andromeda Strain of Super AIDS for various reasons. like i've written for years, the widespread attempt to pathologize the natural and basic human preference for unencumbered raw sex would eventually lead to some misguided psyches embracing the very idea of pathology as a fetish along with the natural raw sex. i have argued with some who try to call me a hypocrite for fucking so hard yet for condemning bugchasing, gift-giving and stealthing...i make no pretense of cognitive dissonance as regards my own propensity to violent sex, which i both consider AND configure to be a maximization of the intensity of Life and Experience, versus the erotic embrace of a deadly virus currently finding prey and food in our human species...in the words of some, in an effort to maximize Death, Destruction and the loss of Life and Experience. while i suppose one might somehow "square the circle" and find a way to fetishize the virus itself without actually wanting to kill millions or billions of people, i can't pretend i've yet seen anyone really enunciate such a particular fetish very clearly. it MAY be in their heads for all i know, but i'd more expect an outright dissonance instead...eg "i know my fetish is internally confused, i dont care. the virus, giving n getting it, n (for some) breeding deadlier versions of it is hot, but i don't actually want to kill Humanity!" and then there's that minority that would in fact like to do so. anyway, since my own expression of these sentiments is made more difficult by RT's site-settings, i had to wonder who exactly provoked the original code-tweaking...besides what i just described, one could infer that people of a traditional religious bent would also be a problem on this site (for various n very obvious reasons), or even someone like myself who uses provocative language.
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